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Gender Risk
2. Gender Risk Assessment Tool

Copyright © 2020 Inter-American Investment Corporation (IDB Invest).

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License) (­
code) and can be reproduced with attribution to the IDB Invest and for any
non-commercial purposes. No derivative works allowed.

The technical content of the Gender Risk Assess- This publication is not a compliance document. It should be taken only as a
source of information, guidance and analysis, to be applied and implement­
ment Tool (GRAT) was developed by Michelle M. ed by each user in its discretion in accordance with its own policies and
applicable laws, which may or may not require all or any of the described
Shayer, Lead Environmental and Social Officer in practices to apply to its own activities.

the Social, Environmental and Governance Divi- The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this publication
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors or any mem­
sion (SEG), under the leadership of Luiz Gabriel Todt bers of the Board of Executive Directors of the Inter-American Investment
Azevedo, SEG Division Chief and Rachel Robboy, Corporation, or the governments they represent.

Chief Risk Officer at IDB Invest. Certain parts of this pub­lication may link to external Internet sites, and
other external Internet sites may link to this publication. IDB Invest is not
responsible for the content of any external references. Nothing herein
shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of
the respective privileges and immunities of IDB Invest, all of which are
specifically reserved
2. Gender Risk Assessment Tool

IDB Invest’s Sustainability
Framework requires that
and Management that discuss
of Risks and
positive andImpacts
project impacts are done in

an inclusive way. For various
reasons, men and women
may have different access
and Engagement Development projects may have both positive and negative
and control over data, impacts. In assessing those impacts we must consider several
factors, including gender diversity. Certain elements affect peo-
material assets, benefits

ple of different genders and gender identities differently for
and job opportunities. To a variety of reasons (such as socioeconomic roles and control
over assets).
Workingthat perspectives of
The Gender Risk Assessment Tool (GRAT) was developed
both genders and different with the purpose of understanding and mapping the ways in
groups are heard and taken which different genders are affected by a project or a com-

pany. The analysis includes the client’s workforce and the sur-
into consideration in project/ rounding community.
company management it In using this tool the client will gain more clarity regarding
is important
Health and that certain the risks and opportunities that a project can present for dif-
ferent genders, as well as the necessary steps to manage them
precautions be taken. accordingly. Answering all the questions is a task for a mul-
tidisciplinary team, and not knowing certain information can

also serve as an indicator for the need of a deeper evaluation.1

Equipped to carry out this analysis, the Social, Environmen-

tal and Corporate Governance Division (SEG), together with
Resettlement the Advisory Services and Blended Finance Team (NFP) from
IDB Invest, are able to offer technical assistance and solutions
tailored to each client’s reality.

In this document, references to the “project” refer to projects or clients, depending
on whether the operation is a project finance or corporate loan.
and Management
of Risks and
1. Identification and Management
of Risks and Impacts Gender Risk Assessment Tool 11

Non-discrimination on the basis of IDB Invest often

Development projects
maya cumulative
have both incorporate
the questionsin its
is aassessment
task for a the
gender is required by law in all coun- positiveevaluation
impact and negative of aimpacts.
project combined
In assess- plinary team,
impacts that mayandbenotcaused
by thecertain
tries of Latin America and the Caribbean.2 ing those
with otherimpacts
we must
in theconsider
area ofsev-in- information can also serve as an indica-
This chapter explores the However, since the application and en- eral factors,
fluence. Some including
factors, such
genderas mass
mi- tor for the need of a deeper evaluation.1
As we will see in more detail in each
project’s or company’s forcement of these rules is neither uni- Certain factors
gration of workersaffect
and men
of thistodocument,
carry outunderstanding
this analysis,
form nor consistent, it is useful to gain a and
of worker’s
boys and housing
girls differently
in small towns
for a (that
context. The legal deeper understanding of how the law is ety of not
might reasons
have (such
adequateas socioeconomic
structure and
the reality
Social, and
complexities andof Corporate
the region
not only helpsDivision
a company (SEG),
framework is important enforced in each city, state or other sub- roles and to
capacity control
absorb over
assets).firms at the
with the
need for Advisory
risk management
Services and
national unit in order to assess gaps with same time) may aggravate the impact
to reveal the fragilities or international best practices.
The Gender Risk Assessment Tool
of sexual violence against women or
it also leads
Team to(NFP)
IDB Invest,
in com-
(GRAT) was developed with the purpose offer technical
munity relationsassistance
programs andand/or
strengths already present Environmental and Social Impact As-
LGBTQI+ individuals in the community,
of understanding and mapping the ways tailored
force management.
to each client’s reality.
for example.
in the region so the client sessments normally contribute important in which different genders, including the
data for understanding local realities. They client
The workforce
value chainand of anearby
project community
or a com-
can better compare and provide information as to the way in which residents,
pany is a fundamental
are affectedpart by aofproject.
IDB Invest’s
contracts them with IDB a project or company interacts with certain risk analysis. According to the IDB Invest
In using this tool, the client will gain
characteristics of the surrounding commu- Sustainability Framework, when the cli-
Invest requirements. nity. However, indexes such as domestic
more clarity regarding the risks and op-
ent can exercise reasonable control over
portunities for men and women affected
violence or sexual exploitation databases its subcontractors or suppliers, it should
by a project, and thus, can take steps to
are not usually required in the baseline
manage them accordingly. Answering all
component of these documents. On oth-
er occasions, the existing database does
not provide disaggregated data that can
clarify the way in which impacts affect dif-
ferent genders or specific groups of peo-
ple. As a result, supplemental information is
often required. This can be accomplished
by collecting and interpreting secondary
data or even developing primary data (in
some cases by forging partnerships with
government agencies or civil society or-

Besides signing several international treaties, every one of the Bank’s member countries in the region has ratified
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women or CEDAW (1979), the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication
of Violence against Women (1994), the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and
Development (1994), the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women (1995), UN General
Assembly’s Resolution on measures for the prevention of crime and the criminal justice in order to eliminate
violence against women (1998), Adopted Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (1999), the Sustainable Development Goals (2015), and Yogyakarta Principles on
the Application of International Human Rights Law in Relations to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (2006
updated 2017).
1. Identification and Management
of Risks and Impacts Gender Risk Assessment Tool 13

Were women engaged in the

process of assessing the use of
natural resources?

Are there impacts, caused by

Identification and Is there available data on SEA Does the Client have
the project, that can affect or (Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) organizational competency
Management of Risks harm women/girls more than and Gender Based Violence to manage gender risks and
and Impacts men? What kind of analysis was (GBV) for the DAA/IAA (Direct/ impacts? How is this evaluation
done to reach this conclusion? Indirect Affected) areas? reflected/incorporated on the
Does national legislation ESMS? Which department(s)
guarantee non-discrimination? manages it? How are the results
The context of the region Is there available data on IPV reported to senior management?
where the project is located is (Intimate Partner Violence) in What kind of indicators are
riskier to women/girls (because the region where the company/ available for measuring gender
Are there differences, in local of social conflicts, high level of project is located? risks and impacts?
law, in how women and men are violence, etc.)?
treated that are pertinent to the
and Engagement
2. Consultation and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 17

Invitations and dynamics increase attendance by women, for exam- ecosystem services or natural resource
ple. Choosing an accessible venue may usage, it is especially important to obtain
In mapping the people affected by a
make it possible for people with physical the community women’s opinion, since in
IDB Invest’s Sustainability project, the formal and informal leaders
disabilities to participate, for example. many cases they are the principal users
of the region should be identified. Women
Framework requires that often cannot formally assume leadership The dynamics of the meetings should
of those resources.

consultation with affected roles; therefore, diversity is an important be adapted so that both women and men It is quite common in Latin America and
factor to be included when recognizing can express themselves in an balanced way. the Caribbean the existence of govern-
communities, in which representatives of the community, or Cultural barriers sometimes lead to a pre- mental and civil society organizations that
positive and negative when deciding on groups and entities ponderance of male participation. Women, deal with gender based violence protec-
to be consulted. Extending invitations to young people, LGBTQI+ individuals or the tion and prevention, including domestic
project impacts are groups of mothers, young professionals, elderly may feel intimidated or discouraged violence, sexual violence, sexual and la-
discussed, is done in an students, members of informal commu- from expressing their concerns. Opinions bor exploitation. To include such entities
nity associations, members of LGBTQI+ expressed by these groups can be in the mapping of stakeholders and in the
inclusive way. For various organizations, people with disabilities, downplayed, not taken into consideration engagement plan enables the client to
reasons men and women and representatives of the elderly, for ex- or even ridiculed. To prevent this from become familiar with the incidences and
ample, is key in ensuring a more diverse happening, focus groups or dedicated cases existing prior to the arrival of the
may have different access participation. The language and format meetings with fewer participants could be project/company. It also helps with the de-
and control over data, of the information distributed need to organized so that everyone has a chance velopment of robust indicators and sound
be consistent with local customs and the to freely speak. monitoring of prevention plans. More in-
material assets, benefits and invitee’s formal educational level. Send- formation on this issue can be found in
When it is anticipated that a company
job opportunities. It is ing written invitations might not be the
or project could have negative impacts on
Section 4 of the GRAT.
most efficient way to reach all local audi-
important that measures ences. Alternatives might include sound Photo: Fiorella Pino Luna

are taken to ensure that trucks, illustrated brochures, local radio, Consulting
invitations translated into local dialects primarily with
perspectives and points and door-to-door conversation. men provides
only half the
of views of both genders The time and place of meetings need story.

and different groups are to be planned in a way that enables both

women and men to attend. In some re-
heard and taken into gions, it is harder for women to leave the
consideration in project/ house in the evening because of safety
concerns, restrictions imposed by part-
company management. ners or relatives or childcare respon-
sibilities. Scheduling alternative hours
and allowing children to be taken to the
meetings by providing childcare will help
2. Consultation and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 19

The dynamic of the

consultation meeting took into
consideration the need to
facilitation/mediation to secure
If any sensitivities were
that women and diversity groups Entities that deal with GBV,
perceived (like the fear/
felt comfortable in sharing their IPV and protection of children
intimidation of talking in the
Consultation and presence of male leaders), there
views? and adolescents are engaged
Engagement were dedicated meetings with
in a regular basis? Does the
company have partnerships or
women or diversity groups?
Did the engagement plan joint initiatives with them?
The leadership mapping
consider groups with informal
for the community took into
female leadership?
consideration women groups/ The time and location of the
Health entities that deal with
informal roles as leaders? meetings allowed for women
sexually transmitted diseases are
and diversity groups to easily
Specific meetings with engaged on a regular basis? Does
participate (accessible, safe,
women or diversity groups the company have partnerships
Were the invitations children care available, etc.)?
were conducted? or joint initiatives with them?
addressed to women as well as
to men? The invitations were
assessible to women (taking
into consideration cultural and
educational characteristics of the
2. Consultation and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 21

Conditions Invitations and dynamics
In mapping the populations affected by
The dynamics of the meetings should
be adapted so that both women and
the opinions of women in the community
since in many cases they are the principal
men can express themselves in the users of these services and resources.
IDB Invest’s Sustainability a project, the formal and informal leaders same way. Cultural barriers sometimes
of the region should be identified. Women The presence of governmental and
lead to a preponderance of male
Framework requires that often cannot formally assume leadership civil society organizations that deal with
participation. Women, young people,
gender-based violence protection and
consultations that discuss roles; therefore different genders should LGBTQI individuals or the elderly may
be included as representatives of the prevention, including domestic violence,
feel intimidated or discouraged from
positive and negative community when gathering information sexual violence, sexual and other kinds
expressing their concerns. Opinions
of exploitation, is quite common in Latin
project impacts are done in about groups and entities to consult. expressed by these groups are sometimes
Extending invitations to groups of mothers, America and the Caribbean. Including
ridiculed or downplayed, hence not taken
an inclusive way. For various groups of young professionals, students, all such entities in the mapping of
into consideration. To prevent this from
stakeholders and the engagement plan
reasons, men and women members of community associations, happening, focus groups or meetings with
members of LBGTQI organizations and enables the client to become familiar with
fewer participants could be organized so
may have different access representatives of the elderly are ways the incidences and cases existing prior to
that everyone has a chance to speak.
arrival of the project, as well as to monitor
and control over data, to ensure diverse participation. The
language and format of the information When it is perceived that a company or events throughout implementation. More
material assets, benefits distributed need to be consistent with project could have negative impacts on information on this issue can be found in
ecosystem services or natural resource Section 8 of the GRAT.
and job opportunities. To local customs and invitee educational
levels. Often, sending written invitations usage, it is especially important to obtain
ensure that perspectives of is not the most efficient way to reach local
both genders and different audiences. Alternatives might include
sound trucks, illustrated brochures, local
groups are heard and taken radio, translations into local dialects and Foto: Fiorella Pino Luna

into consideration in project/ door-to-door discussions. Consulting

primarily with
company management it The time and place of meetings needs men provides
to be well thought out in order to enable only half
is important that certain both women and men to attend. In some the story.

precautions be taken. regions, it is harder for women to leave the

house in the evening because of safety
concerns, restrictions imposed by partners
or relatives or childcare responsibilities.
Scheduling alternative hours and allowing
children to be taken to the meetings by
providing childcare will help increase
attendance by women.
2. Consultation
Working Conditions
and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 23

Working conditions Occupational Health and Safety over. It is also important to develop infor-
mative campaigns about potential risks
The workplace must be In cases where workers are provided Occupational health and safety analy-
and hazards, as well as additional care
with housing, it is important that sepa- ses can determine the existence of labor
adapted to enable both needed during pregnancy to the entire
rate facilities for men and women are ar- risks, leading to the need of differentiated
men and women to be ranged. Lodging facilities must be safe protective measures for women and men.
and well-lit and have locks on the doors. Personal protective equipment, for exam- Life and fire prevention and safety
hired, do their jobs and The same applies for worksite restrooms ple, must be made to accommodate the plans need to be designed to include fe-
have the opportunity for and locker rooms. It is common for wom- physical differences among its users (in- male workers whose mobility is reduced
en to feel safer and more comfortable if cluding the ones caused by pregnancy). or impaired by pregnancy, as well as for
secure and fair professional they have their own facilities, especially in Protective gloves that are too big, for other workers who have mobility difficul-
development. For this to remote or isolated locations. instance, may cause accidents instead ties or other physical limitations.
of preventing them. The same is true for
happen, certain precautions If transportation is provided from the This consideration is especially im-
boots, uniforms, safety glasses and vests
job site to the lodging facilities, it is vital to portant when a female employee suf-
need to be taken in terms of (see “Most common problems with ill-fit-
analyze whether female workers are at risk fers from gestational diabetes. Regular
ting PPE and recommendations at the end
infrastructure and personnel due to a reduced number of women during breaks for healthy meals shouls also be
of the word).
certain shifts, or for being isolated during considered.
management. the commute. Meeting points must be In certain cases, heavy metal, pesticide,
Due to menstruation women re-
well lit, accessible and safe. solvent, radiation, chemical agent, vibra-
quire convenient and constant
tion or noise exposure analysis needs to be
If there are security personnel that access to re-strooms. Adjust-
performed in order to assess the risk and
might interact with employees or that ments in break lengths and
its impact on a fetus and the expectant
may perform inspections, it is vital that the proximity to workplace
female worker, primarily in the early stag-
female security agents to be present sanitation facilities are as-
es of pregnancy. Changes in the worker’s
during all shifts while female workers pects observed during a
immune system, respiratory capacity and
are on duty. gender-focused health and
muscular strength must be considered
safety analysis.
in the analysis of occupational risks and
hazards with primary attention to activi-
ties that are physically demanding, require “Organizations that lack a female
long periods of standing or sitting, repet- perspective — whether in safety
itive motions, lifting, carrying of heavy roles, leadership roles and even on
weights or demanding postures. the front lines — can be less safe.
If employees are not attuned to
It is common to recommend a preg- women’s occupational hazard
nant worker to be temporarily reassigned risks because the majority doesn’t
encounter such risks, the hazards
to avoid exposure to hazards during the will remain.” 3
gestation, returning to regular activities
only after the breastfeeding period is

American Society of Safety Professionals, Women and Safety in the Modern Workplace
Study 2019
3. Working Conditions Gender Risk Assessment Tool 25

on the observance of rights assured to

Most common problems with ill-fitting PPE, and recommendations
OSHA* RECOMMENDS: women and vulnerable groups. In many
Latin American and the Caribbean re-
PPE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS Purchasing PPE in a wide range gions, networks of organized crime that
of sizes, including those designed engage in human trafficking, including
Woman’s hands are smaller - shoter, narrower for women. women and girls, are common.
Work gloves that are too big
fingers and a smaller palm circumference. Reports show that many factors con-
Avoiding PPE marketed as
tribute to human trafficking, including: (a)
“unisex”, “universal” or one-size-
A woman’s face is generally smaller than a the high global demand for domestic ser-
man’s. If woman is using protective eyewear vants, agricultural laborers, sex workers
Safety goggles that are often
that is sized for a man, the gaps they leave and factory labor; (b) lingering “machis-
too large Maintaining a directory of PPE
at her temples may allow flying debris from a mo” that tends to lead to discrimination
machine to enter her eyes. manufacturers, and suppliers and
against women and girls; (c) existence of
the sizes they offer.
established trafficking networks with so-
Lack of maternity PPE for phisticated recruitment methods; (d) pub-
Less likely to wear any PPE or wear ill fitting PPE. Allowing female and male
expectant mothers lic corruption, especially complicity be-
employees, to test PPE before they
tween law enforcement and border agents
Gear that is too long or too It can create tripping hazards or expose more of have to use it and replacing it if it
with traffickers; and (e) limited economic
bulky the body to hazards. doesn’t fit.
opportunities for women in Latin America
and the Caribbean.5
Provide ratings and reviews of
Typical woman’s foot is both shorter and narrower
Safety boots that are too wide PPE and work gear. In addition to ensuring that the con-
than a typical man’s foot, so a smaller boot may be
and big tracting of its workforce is done according
the right length but not the right width.
to appropriate standards, the company/
project must monitor the conduct of its
A woman wearing a hard hat designed for a man  orced Labor and
F subcontractors and its value chain.
may risk having her vision obscured by a hard Modern Slavery
Hard hats that are too big hat that falls in her eyes. Many manufacturers Since the great majority of women
recommend that women wear hard hats with a chin Ensuring that the contracting of workers and girls who are trafficked are des-
strap in order to improve fit. is done according to the International La- tined for sexual exploitation,6 it is vi-
bor Organization (ILO) Conventions4 and tal to be attentive to the possibility
the International Finance Corporation that workers (the company’s own and
An improperly sized safety harness can hinder Performance Standards, which IDB Invest those employed by third-parties) may
Slip and fall protection a woman’s movements and affect the abillity to
has adopted, are essential conditions in be helping to perpetuate this crime by
work safely.
all financed operations. This question- using the sexual services of vulnerable
naire contributes to the analysis, focused individuals or victims of trafficking.
Source: Adapted from Industrial Accident Prevention Association Study 4
In 1998 the ILO adopted the Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work which commits Member States to
protect and promote principles and rights related to the four core labor standards, regardless of having ratified the relevant
Conventions. These Principles and Rights refer to non-child labor, no forced labor, non- discrimination and freedom of association
and collective bargaining.” IFC’s Guidance Notes to the Performance Standards.
Congressional Research Service (2016), Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
*Occupational Safety and Health Administration
3. Working Conditions Gender Risk Assessment Tool 27

Occupational Health Are there options to reasonably Does the company secure
accommodate pregnant and transportation to community-based
and Safety breastfeeding women to avoid employees or to lodging facilities?
hazards? The conditions of the buses are
An assessment was done to
appropriate to guarantee security
evaluate the adequacy of the PPE
to men and women?
for the female workforce (such
Single sex changing and shower
as size, uniform adjustable to
facilities are available on site? And
pregnancy, etc.)?
single sex restrooms? If not, the Forced Labor
gender-neutral toilets guarantee
privacy and comfort for all users? What are the measures in place
Has an ergonomic assessment
been conducted to ensure that to guarantee that all workers are
equipment is appropriate and hired according to international
Working safe for female workers?
Are there women working in labor standards and applicable
Conditions the security personnel team ILO conventions?
(especially if worker’s body
searches are conducted)?
Does the health and safety
Are there separate lodging risk assessment consider work Those measures are applied to
facilities for men and women? environment safety for pregnant contractors and subcontractors?
Has the emergency plan taken
women (exposure to radiation, How the company enforces and
into consideration the needs of
high level noises prolonged monitors its labor requirements
impaired people or pregnant
The lodging facilities are safe exposure to high temperatures, and procedures?
women with difficulties to
(enough lighting, locks in rooms, heavy equipment vibration, etc.)? quickly move?
2. Consultation
Working Conditions
and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 29

Nondiscrimination and share its commitment to non-discrimina- of the location where the project is being al harassment and assault, publicizing the
Equal Opportunity tion and require that the same principles executed. Adopting procedures that allow content and constantly training the work-
are incorporated in their management adequate maternity and paternity leave, force - including content for managers and
It is fundamental to allow for equal
systems. When such suppliers and sub- as well as ensuring accommodations for supervisors on how to respond when ob-
opportunities in a company. Employment
contractors are significant components nursing mothers when they return to work, serving instances of sexual harassment and
decisions should not be made based on
of the value chain of a project financed help retain female employees. on bystander intervention.
personal characteristics unrelated to in-
by IDB Invest, the company must guaran-
herent job requirements but on equal op- This content, which is often part of a
tee their performance in adhering to the
portunity and fair treatment principles. code of conduct, should be conveyed to
principles of proper working conditions  exual Harassment and
Nondiscrimination should be pursued in the entire workforce and subcontractors.
and nondiscrimination by managing and Grievance Mechanisms
respect to any aspects of the employ- Clear procedures as to how allegations
monitoring it appropriately.
ment relationship, such as recruitment Unfortunately, sexual harassment is of harassment (and any other gender vi-
and hiring, compensation (including In addition to the explicit commitment still common in Latin America and the olence that occurs in the workplace) are
wages and benefits), working condi- to nondiscrimination, it is essential for Caribbean. IDB Invest requires its clients to be handled and investigated should
tions, terms of employment, access to a company to determine whether the to take firm measures to prevent and be formalized and publicized.
training, job assignment, promotion, ter- practices it follows might be excluding address harassment, intimidating and/or
The procedure must clearly define
mination of employment, retirement and certain groups of people, whether be- exploitation.
the measures that might be imposed,
disciplinary practices. cause of conditions of infrastructure and
Some factors contribute to increas- such as oral or written reprimands, sus-
accessibility or because of the absence
To ensure that nondiscrimination pre- ing the risk of sexual assault and harass- pensions without pay, changes in job
of rules that encourage widespread
vails, it is vital to explicitly formalize a pol- ment for women employees: working in assignments, dismissals, etc. Continual
headhunting, recruitment, hiring or ca-
icy that is adopted by senior management isolated spaces (such as janitors, domes- informative campaigns are an efficient
reer development.
and disseminated widely to all audienc- tic care workers, hotel workers and ag- way to remind people of the compa-
es, as well as reiterated in codes of con- In various regions of Latin America and ricultural workers); undocumented jobs ny’s commitment and to raise employee
duct, training and onboarding activities. the Caribbean, it is common that formal or working while holding a temporary awareness.
Furthermore, procedures and processes educational level or technical skills ex- work visa (the most common in agricul-
Grievance mechanisms are essential
need to be implemented and monitored clude women from being considered in ture, food processing, garment factories,
components of proper workforce man-
to guarantee that the elements of the pol- recruitment processes. A company can domestic work and janitorial services);
agement. A channel should be made
icy are applied in day-to-day activities. invest in procedures to classify and train working in occupations (or shifts) where
available so that workers (as well as
individuals to assist them in overcoming they are a small minority; or working in
Nondiscrimination does not apply sub-contractors) can express concerns,
those barriers and influence its subcon- an environment where there are signifi-
only to gender differences but includes a report problems, violations of rules,
tractors to do the same. cant power disparities between workers
broad spectrum of diversity, such as racial, hazardous or improper behavior or ask
(particularly given women’s lower likeli-
nationality, ethnic, social or indigenous or- The way in which job openings are questions.
hood of being in senior positions).7
igin, religion or belief, disability, age and announced, as well as the places where
sexual orientation. they are publicized, can increase female The company must have a documented
participation. For this reason, it is im- commitment to zero tolerance for sexu-
When having influence over suppliers
portant to be familiar with the realities
and contractors, the company should

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR)
2. Consultation
Working Conditions
and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 31

The mechanism may feature several grievance mechanism should be shared

channels, to better adapt to the nature with senior management periodically, in-
of the company and its workforce char- fluencing changes and improvements in
When a worker suffers from Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), the company can
acteristics. Possible features include a the company’s management, and allow-
also be impacted. The worker may present less productivity and more propensity
dedicated telephone line, physical sug- ing for a more transparent performance.
to accidents. Absenteeism and turnover rates might increase, and some aggressors
gestion/complaint boxes with paper and
Allegations of improper conduct of can look for confrontation in the partner’s workplace - risking the security and wel-
pens nearby, an email address and a
sexual harassment need to be evaluated fare of the workforce. Companies can act against IPV by developing:
smartphone app. The channels must al-
by a balanced committee with a diverse
low for anonymity, be free of charge and
group of members, as well as represen-
accessible to all workers, even to those
tatives of different divisions inside the
who do not have access to computers at
company (human resources, legal, oper-
work or who have a lower level of formal
ations, etc).
education and/or difficulty expressing
them-selves in writing. A special procedure that guides the
investigation of such charges is funda-
It is important that the complaint
mental. It is recommended that inde-
mechanism be continually and wide-
pendent companies specialized in those
ly publicized. Under no circumstances
cases are retained and conduct the in-
should a company discourage contribu-
vestigations autonomously. It is also im- Clear anti violence Climate surveys Evaluation of building Assistance programs
tions or suggest reprisals for those who
portant to provide specific training to policies and addressing worker’s security procedures (psychological,
use these channels.
the workers that manage different griev- constant awareness welfare. and assessment of social, legal).
A procedural flow, written registration ance channels (or those who compile campaigns. risk factors.
and resolution of complaints are import- the complaints received) so that their
ant elements of a sound grievance mech- personal opinion doesn’t prejudice the
anism. Clear procedures should indicate registration of a sexual harassment/im-
a) the team responsible for receiving the proper conduct complaint, nor is it taint-
content of the different grievance chan- ed by the reputation of the complainant
nels (emails, phone calls, etc) b) proce- (or the accused).
dures to register them, and c) instruc-
Gathering details and obtaining de-
tions to channel each type of complaint/
tailed inf ormation should be encouraged,
question to specific teams-such as envi-
helping the investigation.
ron ment, health and safety, operations,
engineering, human resources, etc. d) Both the mechanism and the investiga-
An analysis, together Trainings for Grievance
response deadlines and how to provide tion must ensure privacy for accuser and
with the IPV managers and Mechanism for
feed back to the complainer, among oth- aggressor, and the analysis of the incident impacted worker, as supervisors on how employees.
er aspects. should result in action plans that improve to liaise with public to address potential
the client’s management system. authorities. IPV affected workers.
An analysis of the contents of the
3. Working Conditions Gender Risk Assessment Tool 33

Are these policies applicable

to subcontractors/suppliers?
How are they monitored?

How does this policy address

gender nondiscrimination? Is there written policy on sexual
harassment and gender-based
violence? Are there training programs to
How does the company disseminate the content of the
assess contractor’s/supplier’s policies/codes of conduct?
compliance with the
Does the client have lactation
Non-Discrimination nondiscrimination policy?
rooms at the office and on site of
and Equal the project? Are they advertised Indicate the number of
Opportunity Is there a gender equity/
to the workers? Are they used? complaints of sexual harassment
and GBV received in the last 12
diversity policy? months.
Does the company have a non
discrimination policy? Does the company have a
Are there procedures regarding grievance mechanism suitable
for receiving sexual harassment What are the most common
hiring, dress code, salary and
Is the policy applied on a and GBV complaints (e.g. as penalties for employees who
benefits, promotion, discipline
project level? Is it valid for psychological support/contact commit sexual harassment or
and termination, layoffs or
contractors? with authorities, etc.? GBV?
retirement benefits that treat
men and women differently?
2. Consultation and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 35

Health and Invitations and dynamics The dynamics of the meetings should
be adapted so that both women and
the opinions of women in the community
since in many cases they are the principal

In mapping the populations affected by men can express themselves in the users of these services and resources.
IDB Invest’s Sustainability a project, the formal and informal leaders same way. Cultural barriers sometimes
of the region should be identified. Women The presence of governmental and
lead to a preponderance of male
Framework requires that often cannot formally assume leadership civil society organizations that deal with
participation. Women, young people,
gender-based violence protection and
consultations that discuss roles; therefore different genders should LGBTQI individuals or the elderly may
be included as representatives of the prevention, including domestic violence,
feel intimidated or discouraged from
positive and negative community when gathering information sexual violence, sexual and other kinds
expressing their concerns. Opinions
of exploitation, is quite common in Latin
project impacts are done in about groups and entities to consult. expressed by these groups are sometimes
Extending invitations to groups of mothers, America and the Caribbean. Including
ridiculed or downplayed, hence not taken
an inclusive way. For various groups of young professionals, students, all such entities in the mapping of
into consideration. To prevent this from
stakeholders and the engagement plan
reasons, men and women members of community associations, happening, focus groups or meetings with
members of LBGTQI organizations and enables the client to become familiar with
fewer participants could be organized so
may have different access representatives of the elderly are ways the incidences and cases existing prior to
that everyone has a chance to speak.
arrival of the project, as well as to monitor
and control over data, to ensure diverse participation. The
language and format of the information When it is perceived that a company or events throughout implementation. More
material assets, benefits distributed need to be consistent with project could have negative impacts on information on this issue can be found in
ecosystem services or natural resource Section 8 of the GRAT.
and job opportunities. To local customs and invitee educational
levels. Often, sending written invitations usage, it is especially important to obtain
ensure that perspectives of is not the most efficient way to reach local
both genders and different audiences. Alternatives might include
sound trucks, illustrated brochures, local
groups are heard and taken radio, translations into local dialects and Foto: Fiorella Pino Luna

into consideration in project/ door-to-door discussions. Consulting

primarily with
company management it The time and place of meetings needs men provides
to be well thought out in order to enable only half
is important that certain both women and men to attend. In some the story.

precautions be taken. regions, it is harder for women to leave the

house in the evening because of safety
concerns, restrictions imposed by partners
or relatives or childcare responsibilities.
Scheduling alternative hours and allowing
children to be taken to the meetings by
providing childcare will help increase
attendance by women.
2. ConsultationHealth
Community and Engagement
and Safety Gender Risk Assessment Tool 37

As pointed out in Section 1 of this vulnerable populations, religious entities be ready to receive them. A compa- pendent companies with appropriate
document, understanding the region and neighborhood associations. ny should increase the number of local expertise be retained to provide ad-
where the project and/or company is workers hired—investing in training and ditional oversight, promoting lodging
Diverse information provided by differ-
located is key to identifying potential skillbuilding when necessary. If bring- safety and assuring the proper applica-
ent stakeholders allow the company to
positive and negative impacts. ing a significant contingent of migrant tion of the code of conduct.
comprehensively understand the region,
workers is inevitable, the company must
In infrastructure or agricultural projects, identifying the presence or absence of Providing suitable facilities for hous-
seek to increase the numbers of female
for example, an influx of labor common- public policies directed at women, ado- ing sites, as well as a variety of recre-
hires and the choice of a lodging site
ly occurs during construction or harvest lescents or vulnerable people, map sites ational activities, sportive practices, ac-
must avoid areas near schools where
time. The presence of workers might bring of sexual exploitation or prostitution, and cess to television and to the Internet,
adolescents and young people congre-
various benefits and risks to the communi- become familiar with the existing pro- allow workers to use their free time in a
gate, places frequented by sex workers
ty. Focusing on gender, the migration and tection network of entities that serve or healthy way and limit their presence in
(especially those potentially engaged
housing of male workforce with purchas- house survivors, as well as the organiza- the community. The company’s social
in sexual exploitation), bars and facilities
ing power has the potential to increase tions that should be contacted in cases of experts team must constantly check on
known to attract drug users.
cases of sexual violence or harassment, gender based violence. the employees, assist them in connect-
as well as lead to an increase in sexual ex- Lodging facilities substituting work- ing to family and friends, listen to their
This mapping exercise is important to
ploitation of vulnerable persons. ers camps should have controlled ac- concerns and suggestions on how to im-
understand the additional impact that
cess in order to prevent individuals who prove the facilities, and reinforce the re-
To better understand (or develop) the might be caused by the project and to
are not members of the workforce from spectful interaction with the community.
region’s baseline, it is recommended to anticipate mitigating actions, as well as
visiting. Interactions with the neighbor-
conduct a diversified and comprehen- to strengthen the engagement and con- The company also needs to develop
ing communities must be monitored, as
sive consultation with diverse stakehold- stant dialogue that can support the suc- additional measures: Draft clearly writ-
well as the behavior within the housing
ers, such as: public health agencies that cessful application of such measures. ten codes of conduct that demonstrate
facility. It is recommended that inde-
serve the community (e.g. compiling
The value chain and subcontractors
aggregated data on adolescent preg- Photo: Fiorella Pino Luna

must be included in the analysis of the

nancies or sexually transmitted diseas-
impacts of the compa­ ny/project, and
es), police stations and precincts (e.g.
that the integration of those actors with
units specialized in the prevention of
the entities consult­ed is vital.
violence against women are still rare in
many countries), prosecutors and local In terms of labor influx, the magnitude
judges, civil society organizations that of the impact depends on the scale of the
house and protect sexual and domes- workforce and the capacity of the host-
tic violence survivors, government and ing community. The lower the capacity of
non-governmental entities that serve the community to manage and absorb the
and protect children and adolescents, workforce, the greater the vulnerability.
organizations representing women, or-
The first recommendation is always
ganizations that represent LGBTQI+
to reduce the presence of outside work-
groups, schools, public units that serve
ers in fragile communities that may not
2. ConsultationHealth
Community and Engagement
and Safety Gender Risk Assessment Tool 39

zero tolerance for violent behavior and community member to contact the For example, in most settings, long-haul regular visits by physicians and the
harassment against members of the company in a quick, efficient, and safe- truckers have significantly higher rates of provision of examinations and care
community (such codes must be dis- ly manner, with no financial cost. Ex- STDs than the host communities. Clients by the company to prevent disease
tributed to all workers and widely pub- ternal complaints must be registered, should carefully consider specific educa- from spreading and overloading lo-
lished); promote campaigns to convey investigated and properly addressed, tion and training programs for transpor- cal public health facilities. In addi-
information and raise awareness on the and the solution should be shared with tation contractors. In the tourism industry, tion, the company should implement
harm caused by sexual violence and the complainer and reported back to particularly in community contexts where campaigns on disease prevention and
exploitation of vulnerable individuals; senior management. there is a higher prevalence of STDs, the awareness of health issues targeting
and offer transportation services be- client may be able to prevent the further the work force.
tween the work site and lodging facil- transmission of communicable diseases,
ities – avoiding overloading the public after the construction phase, following
Community Exposure to Disease
transportation system and limiting in- best practices on the prevention of trav-
teractions with local riders. The arrival of outside workers as direct el and tourism sexual exploitation that af-
hires or subcontractors in a determined fects particularly women and children.8
A mechanism for filing grievances
region may lead to exposure to or an in-
should be available so the community It is advisable to maintain a robust oc-
crease in the number of certain diseases. Training and awareness
can express concerns, ask questions, cupational health program that includes campaigns are fundamental
Special attention should be paid to the
allege improper behavior by workers to prevent sexual violence
impact of infectious diseases, including
or report on any topic that might be and harassment.
those that are sexually transmitted.
important to them. This mechanism,
in addition to being equipped as de-
scribed in Section 3, should be wide-
ly publicized in the region to allow any

IFC Guidance Note 4 - Community
Health and Safety
4. Community Health and Safety Gender Risk Assessment Tool 41

The ESIA mapped vulnerable Number of sexual harassment Does the company monitor
areas for sexual exploitation and GBV complaints reported in those numbers to establish
of women and minors near the the last 12 months. trends, and assess its
project? The project workers, or contribution?
contractor’s, can increase this
risk? The grievance mechanism
has special procedures to deal Are there campaigns and
with sexual harassment or GBV actions to raise awareness and
How the company/project complaints (like psychological prevent sexual transmitted
is dealing to prevent those support/contact with authorities, diseases (available to workers
impacts/risks? etc.)? and contractors)?

Community Health
and Safety Is there a code of conduct that Community Exposure The workers and contractors
clearly states the company’s have adequate medical
Is there available data on SEA zero tolerance towards sexual
to Disease assistance in the region to
(Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) exploitation of minors and GBV? receive treatment for sexual
A baseline for health
and Gender Based Violence in transmitted diseases?
assessment in the affected
the project/company area of
community was performed in
influence (from local health Are there workforce trainings
the ESIA? Numbers of sexual
entities or the police)? and awareness campaigns for
transmitted diseases and youth
GBV and prohibition of sexual
pregnancy are known in the
exploitation of minors?
The public entities that deal project’s area?
with children and adolescents
protection in the project region
were included in the stakeholder
mapping and in the engagement
2. Consultation and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 43

Invitations and dynamics The dynamics of the meetings should the opinions of women in the community
be adapted so that both women and since in many cases they are the principal
In mapping the populations affected by men can express themselves in the users of these services and resources.
IDB Invest’s Sustainability a project, the formal and informal leaders same way. Cultural barriers sometimes
of the region should be identified. Women The presence of governmental and
lead to a preponderance of male
Framework requires that often cannot formally assume leadership civil society organizations that deal with
participation. Women, young people,
gender-based violence protection and
consultations that discuss roles; therefore different genders should LGBTQI individuals or the elderly may
be included as representatives of the prevention, including domestic violence,
feel intimidated or discouraged from
positive and negative community when gathering information sexual violence, sexual and other kinds
expressing their concerns. Opinions
of exploitation, is quite common in Latin
project impacts are done in about groups and entities to consult. expressed by these groups are sometimes
Extending invitations to groups of mothers, America and the Caribbean. Including
ridiculed or downplayed, hence not taken
an inclusive way. For various groups of young professionals, students, all such entities in the mapping of
into consideration. To prevent this from
stakeholders and the engagement plan
reasons, men and women members of community associations, happening, focus groups or meetings with
members of LBGTQI organizations and enables the client to become familiar with
fewer participants could be organized so
may have different access representatives of the elderly are ways the incidences and cases existing prior to
that everyone has a chance to speak.
arrival of the project, as well as to monitor
and control over data, to ensure diverse participation. The
language and format of the information When it is perceived that a company or events throughout implementation. More
material assets, benefits distributed need to be consistent with project could have negative impacts on information on this issue can be found in
ecosystem services or natural resource Section 8 of the GRAT.
and job opportunities. To local customs and invitee educational
levels. Often, sending written invitations usage, it is especially important to obtain
ensure that perspectives of is not the most efficient way to reach local
both genders and different audiences. Alternatives might include
sound trucks, illustrated brochures, local
groups are heard and taken radio, translations into local dialects and Foto: Fiorella Pino Luna

into consideration in project/ door-to-door discussions. Consulting

primarily with
company management it The time and place of meetings needs men provides
to be well thought out in order to enable only half
is important that certain both women and men to attend. In some the story.

precautions be taken. regions, it is harder for women to leave the

house in the evening because of safety
concerns, restrictions imposed by partners
or relatives or childcare responsibilities.
Scheduling alternative hours and allowing
children to be taken to the meetings by
providing childcare will help increase
attendance by women.
2. Consultation and Engagement
Resettlement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 45

Resettlement programs may have The recommendations presented in It is recommended that expost moni-
negative impacts, but if properly con- Section 2 should be incorporated in toring of the resettlement program con-
ducted, they can also allow for im- order to ensure equal participation in tinue to observe the commitment to
proved living conditions. Guidance on discussions and decisions related to diversity. Furthermore, the dedicated re-
overall requirements related to proper resettlement. The financial compensa- settlement grievance mechanism should
management of a resettlement plan tion from a) indemnifications associat- capture and address concerns raised by
can be found in several documents ed with expropriation of land or assets, both women and men in an equal manner.
produced by development finance b) assistance with moving expenses
institutions 9. This section discusses and livelihood restoration should be
recommendations on how to address equally accessible to both men and
gender differences during a resettle- women. In many cultures and regions,
ment process: a) consultations should it is customary for financial discussions
ensure active participation by diverse to involve only men, since they will be
and balanced groups with attention the sole recipients of funds. To pro-
Training and
given to having affected population mote a more inclusive and balanced awareness
representatives in the decision making process, the company should strive to campaigns are
meetings. A sound census that con- inform and sensitize men and women fundamental to
tains granular information and dis on the importance of gender equality. prevent sexual
violence and
aggregated data on the impacted Whenever possible, the resettlement
families is an important first step; b) program should provide the formal Photo: Fiorella Pino Luna

guarantee that different perceptions deed (property title) to both men and
are taken into consideration when se- women that used to live in the affected
lecting the relocation area, type of house.
compensation to be paid and the new
house features. Those are factors that
differ greatly depending on the audi-
ence consulted. It is not uncommon
that women value more the proximity
to public health clinics, schools and
daycare centers, or that they consider
safety factors such as proper illumi-
nation, protected access to public
transportation and barriers between
the homes and roads that carry heavy
traffic, for example.

Photo: Fiorella Pino Luna

IFC Guidance Notes on Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement, for example.
5. Resettlement Gender Risk Assessment Tool 47

Gender Plan Implementation of the plan should

be part of (or aligned with) the compa-
A gender-focused plan is a compi-
ny’s environmental and social manage-
lation of the analysis and actions pre-
ment system and therefore be managed
sented in this guide. It includes the
considering the planning, execution,
evaluation of risks and impacts that
evaluation and adjustment stages, pro-
were discussed in detail in the preced-
moting continuous improvement.
ing sections, as well as actions struc-
tured to prevent and mitigate the neg- The results of the Gender Plan should
ative impacts identified. be reported to senior management and
The concerns/preferences Responsibility for the management
used to guide future decision-making
and planning.
raised by women were taken into of a gender plan benefits from the par-
consideration in the definition of ticipation of more than one team with-
in the company, since it involves differ-
the host community (access to
ent topics - ranging from health and
Resettlement school, nurseries, health clinics, safety to community relations, encom-
etc.)? passing human resources, legal affairs,
Were all social and ethnic planning, supplier management, and
groups from all project affected
communities represented in The documents of ownership However, it is necessary that a coor-
dinating unit be established to develop
the consultations (including or occupancy and compensation
and monitor planned programs and ac-
women)? Does the company arrangements were issued in the tivities, thereby ensuring integration
have disaggregated data for names of both spouses? and consistency in the results.
attendance of consultation

Other resettlement assistances

were equally available to men
and women?
Gender Risk Assessment Tool 49

Will this project be creating

jobs? If so, can women fill these
can the company or a local
partner train them?

What is the proportion of

women and men in administrative
positions, middle management
and leadership levels? What
is the proportion of women in
Bidding criteria:
Include the
Ask the
Have a in house
knowledgeable Leveraging Financial positions on the field or in non-
development of a
Gender Plan as a
supplier to supervise
lodging and transport
and sufficient
team to liaise with
Opportunities traditional roles?
requirement, demand facilities and services and monitor the
knowledgeable and - preferably hiring subcontractors/ IDB Invest has a specialized
sufficient team to external independent suppliers department that can offer Does the company create sex-
implement gender oversight teams
actions advisory (technical assistance) disaggregated data on the labor
on leveraging economic force and the supply chain by
empowerment of women and position and sectors/department?
other under-represented groups Can the company provide
(Indigenous and Traditional information on HR policies,
People, Afro-descendants, People company practices and company
with disabilities, LGBTQI+). facilities?

KPIs – Impose Contractors and core Offer awareness and Does the company source What skills are needed for
penalties for suppliers should trainings on gender from women-owned businesses? the most highly paid positions
noncompliance with be considered risk topics
the Gender Plan “accountable Are they willing to help informal and/or technical fields? How
partners” providers formalize? do people train in these skills
(informal networks, training
institutes, etc.)?
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women
DAA/IAA Direct/Indirect Affected Areas

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

“IDB Invest believes that the more we protect people from
ESMS Environmental and Social Management System
all gender identities in the projects we finance, the more
we can promote equality through value added activities. A GBV Gender Based Violence
gender risks analysis is therefore an instrumental tool for
businesses to deploy. GRAT Gender Risk Assessment Tool

By assessing differentiated impacts on all gender identities, HR Human Resources

this Gender Risk Assessment Tool can support projects and Private sector arm of the IDB Group (Interamerican
companies to avoid and mitigate such impacts. IDB Invest’s IDB Invest
Development Bank)
Social, Environmental and Corporate Governance Division
continues investing in knowledge and capacity-building for IFC International Finance Corporation
clients to implement gender risks analyses in their operations, ILO International Labor Organization
support which is available here:”
IPV Intimate Partner Violence

Rachel Robboy Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex

Chief Risk Officer and others

Non-Financial Products and Advisory Services

Division at IDB Invest
OSHA Occupational Health and Safety Administration

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

SEA Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Environmental, Social and Governance Division
at IDB Invest
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease

UN United Nations

UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

2. Consultation and Engagement Gender Risk Assessment Tool

Invitations and dynamics

In mapping the populations affected by
IDB Invest’s Sustainability a project, the formal and informal leaders
of the region should be identified. Women
Framework requires that often cannot formally assume leadership
consultations that discuss roles; therefore different genders should
be included as representatives of the
positive and negative community when gathering information
project impacts are done in about groups and entities to consult.
Extending invitations to groups of mothers,
an inclusive way. For various groups of young professionals, students,
reasons, men and women members of community associations,
members of LBGTQI organizations and
may have different access representatives of the elderly are ways
and control over data, to ensure diverse participation. The
language and format of the information
material assets, benefits distributed need to be consistent with
and job opportunities. To local customs and invitee educational
levels. Often, sending written invitations
ensure that perspectives of ContactisUs not the most efficient way to reach local
1350 New York Avenue, Alternatives might include
both genders and different audiences.
NW Washington, DC, 20577
sound trucks, illustrated brochures, local
groups are heard and taken radio, translations into local dialects and
+1 (202) 623-1000
into consideration in project/ door-to-door discussions.

company management it The time and place of meetings needs

to be well thought out in order to enable
is important that certain both women and men to attend. In some
precautions be taken. regions, it is harder for women to leave the
house in the evening because of safety
concerns, restrictions imposed by partners
or relatives or childcare responsibilities.
Scheduling alternative hours and allowing
children to be taken to the meetings by
providing childcare will help increase
attendance by women.

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