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Country Subject Descriptor Units Scale Country/Series-specific Notes 2021

2022 2023 2024 2025 Estimates Start After

Albania Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See notes
for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 2.043 6.726 5.024 3.365 2.999
Albania Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Although quarterly trade
data from Bank of Albania is available in BPM6, monthly goods export and import
data from INSTAT is provided in BPM5. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive
volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary
or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Albanian lek
Data last updated: 03/2023 23.749 7.203 -0.442 0.284 2.743 2021
Albania Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Although quarterly trade data from Bank of
Albania is available in BPM6, monthly goods export and import data from INSTAT is
provided in BPM5. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Other Formula
used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General
trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance,
freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Albanian lek Data last updated: 03/2023
18.269 1.949 -2.494 -0.643 0.735 2021
Albania Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Although quarterly trade
data from Bank of Albania is available in BPM6, monthly goods export and import
data from INSTAT is provided in BPM5. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive
volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary
or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Albanian lek
Data last updated: 03/2023 44.541 13.680 -0.395 0.246 2.492 2021
Albania Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Although quarterly trade data from Bank of
Albania is available in BPM6, monthly goods export and import data from INSTAT is
provided in BPM5. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Other Formula
used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General
trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance,
freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Albanian lek Data last updated: 03/2023
30.154 5.002 -6.145 0.432 3.055 2021
Albania Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Albanian lek Data last updated: 03/2023 11.400
11.100 11.000 11.000 11.000 2021
Albania Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office.
INSTAT Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Albanian lek Data last
updated: 03/2023 2.873 2.866 2.858 2.850 2.840 2021
Albania General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 31.552
31.390 30.328 29.971 30.173 2022
Albania General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 64.138 61.083 62.076
61.845 60.227 2022
Albania General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 73.878 67.581 68.550
66.749 64.895 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change
See notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index).1.998 14.012
6.004 3.034 2.749 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2010
Methodology used to derive volumes: Projections based on WEO assumptions for prices
of main traded commodities and export deflators of main trading partners.
Adjustments made based on analysis of demand-side decomposition of real GDP growth,
informed by high frequency economic indicators. Formula used to derive volumes:
Fisher Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In
transit; Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Bosnian convertible marka Data last updated: 02/2023 20.154 16.365
9.781 5.086 3.249 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Volume of Imports of goods Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2010
Methodology used to derive volumes: Projections based on WEO assumptions for prices
of main traded commodities and export deflators of main trading partners.
Adjustments made based on analysis of demand-side decomposition of real GDP growth,
informed by high frequency economic indicators. Formula used to derive volumes:
Fisher Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In
transit; Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Bosnian convertible marka Data last updated: 02/2023 20.193 16.285
9.764 5.192 2.887 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2010
Methodology used to derive volumes: Projections based on WEO assumptions for prices
of main traded commodities and export deflators of main trading partners.
Adjustments made based on analysis of demand-side decomposition of real GDP growth,
informed by high frequency economic indicators. Formula used to derive volumes:
Fisher Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In
transit; Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Bosnian convertible marka Data last updated: 02/2023 24.189 5.369
3.742 7.008 3.992 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Volume of exports of goods Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2010
Methodology used to derive volumes: Projections based on WEO assumptions for prices
of main traded commodities and export deflators of main trading partners.
Adjustments made based on analysis of demand-side decomposition of real GDP growth,
informed by high frequency economic indicators. Formula used to derive volumes:
Fisher Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In
transit; Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Bosnian convertible marka Data last updated: 02/2023 17.408 6.452
1.993 6.677 3.671 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force
Source: National Statistics Office. Figures are derived from the labor force
survey using population data from the UN. Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type:
National definition Primary domestic currency: Bosnian convertible marka Data last
updated: 02/2023 17.400 17.300 17.200 17.165 17.125 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina Population Persons Millions Source: United Nations
Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: No census has been taken since the 1990-s (pre-
war); data estimated by national authority. Primary domestic currency: Bosnian
convertible marka Data last updated: 02/2023 3.481 3.473 3.464 3.455 3.445 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina General government total expenditure Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency).
39.779 37.755 39.075 39.056 39.159 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina General government net debt Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net debt (National currency). 21.171 18.194
16.713 15.357 14.162 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina General government gross debt Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government gross debt (National currency). 34.399 29.556
27.614 27.340 26.873 2021
Bulgaria Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See notes
for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 2.842 13.019 7.533 2.247
2.057 2022
Bulgaria Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Methodology used by authorities Formula used to
derive volumes: formula used by authorities Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005 Trade
System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bulgarian lev
Data last updated: 03/2023 9.292 9.424 3.416 4.579 6.014 2022
Bulgaria Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Methodology used by authorities Formula used to derive volumes:
formula used by authorities Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005 Trade System: General
trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bulgarian lev Data last
updated: 03/2023 9.859 10.179 1.836 3.349 2.755 2022
Bulgaria Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Methodology used by authorities Formula used to
derive volumes: formula used by authorities Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005 Trade
System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bulgarian lev
Data last updated: 03/2023 7.811 6.920 2.602 3.394 3.572 2022
Bulgaria Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Methodology used by authorities Formula used to derive volumes:
formula used by authorities Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005 Trade System: General
trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bulgarian lev Data last
updated: 03/2023 7.497 7.611 2.602 3.394 3.572 2022
Bulgaria Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Bulgarian lev Data last updated: 03/2023 5.346 4.320
4.600 4.400 4.200 2022
Bulgaria Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Bulgarian lev Data last
updated: 03/2023 6.839 6.798 6.757 6.717 6.676 2021
Bulgaria General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 38.597
38.242 40.037 38.250 37.375 2021
Bulgaria General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 12.976 11.183 13.237
15.391 17.468 2021
Bulgaria General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 22.756 21.844 21.084
22.903 24.703 2021
Kosovo Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See notes
for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 3.306 11.674 5.503 2.643
2.152 2021
Kosovo Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2016 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Assumes constant prices Formula used to derive volumes:
Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In
transit; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 02/2023
31.428 3.879 4.025 3.180 2.814 2021
Kosovo Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2016 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Assumes constant prices Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 02/2023 28.884 0.649 5.567
3.824 3.245 2021
Kosovo Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2016 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Assumes constant prices Formula used to derive volumes:
Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In
transit; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 02/2023
76.655 13.467 2.039 3.012 4.244 2021
Kosovo Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2016 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Assumes constant prices Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 02/2023 51.607 7.168 6.167
6.991 6.653 2021
Kosovo Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Euro Data
last updated: 02/2023 20.750 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2021
Kosovo Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 02/2023
1.769 1.770 1.771 1.772 1.772 2021
Kosovo General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 29.035
28.400 30.960 29.668 29.493 2021
Kosovo General government net debt Percent of GDP

Kosovo General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 21.581 19.319 20.269
21.884 22.704 2021
Montenegro Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See notes
for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 2.399 13.050 9.737 4.964
2.871 2022
Montenegro Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2009
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs
data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2008
Trade System: Special trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last
updated: 03/2023 10.700 25.444 -1.022 2.982 3.300 2022
Montenegro Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2009 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2008 Trade System: Special
trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 03/2023
7.520 21.558 0.718 2.938 3.572 2022
Montenegro Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2009
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs
data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2008
Trade System: Special trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last
updated: 03/2023 82.217 31.956 -2.649 0.581 1.581 2022
Montenegro Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2009 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2008 Trade System: Special
trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 03/2023
17.326 31.156 -11.614 -1.701 0.756 2022
Montenegro Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force

Montenegro Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office.

MONSTAT Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated:
03/2023 0.622 0.622 0.622 0.623 0.623 2021
Montenegro General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 44.829
42.670 43.171 43.478 43.711 2022
Montenegro General government net debt Percent of GDP

Montenegro General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 86.636 71.231 67.822
67.608 68.993 2022
North Macedonia Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 3.231 14.205 9.200
3.500 2.300 2022
North Macedonia Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted:
No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Macedonian
denar Data last updated: 03/2023 11.884 16.297 3.894 6.650 5.794 2022
North Macedonia Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source:
Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive
volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade
System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Macedonian denar
Data last updated: 03/2023 12.603 19.562 0.258 5.503 5.571 2022
North Macedonia Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted:
No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Macedonian
denar Data last updated: 03/2023 11.703 13.400 3.695 6.714 7.188 2022
North Macedonia Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source:
Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive
volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade
System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Macedonian denar
Data last updated: 03/2023 11.754 17.001 2.501 5.999 6.892 2022
North Macedonia Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source:
National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Employment type: National
definition Primary domestic currency: Macedonian denar Data last updated: 03/2023
15.700 14.500 14.500 14.500 14.300 2022
North Macedonia Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2022 Primary domestic currency: Macedonian denar Data
last updated: 03/2023 2.069 2.069 2.069 2.069 2.069 2022
North Macedonia General government total expenditure Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency).
35.714 34.864 35.405 34.437 34.410 2021
North Macedonia General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government net debt (National currency). 52.537 50.855
50.908 49.762 50.004 2021
North Macedonia General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government gross debt (National currency). 53.411 51.799
51.901 50.797 51.095 2021
Romania Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See notes
for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 5.046 13.800 10.477
5.798 4.206 2022
Romania Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Using Eurostat data for historical data on
volumes Oil coverage: Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Romanian leu Data last updated: 03/2023 15.298 9.659 4.803
4.683 4.351 2022
Romania Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Using Eurostat data for historical data on volumes Oil coverage:
Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Romanian
leu Data last updated: 03/2023 13.656 7.759 4.452 4.473 4.134 2022
Romania Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Using Eurostat data for historical data on
volumes Oil coverage: Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Romanian leu Data last updated: 03/2023 12.972 8.447 4.251
4.563 4.902 2022
Romania Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Using Eurostat data for historical data on volumes Oil coverage:
Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Romanian
leu Data last updated: 03/2023 11.476 4.956 3.054 4.114 4.430 2022
Romania Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office. Formally, Eurostat. Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type:
Harmonized ILO definition. Definition of employment was changed to reflect
methodological changes from January 2021 onwards. Primary domestic currency:
Romanian leu Data last updated: 03/2023 5.608 5.625 5.600 5.400 5.300 2021
Romania Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office.
We use data from Haver Analytics. The previously reported series from Eurostat is
not available anymore. The current series is reported by the Romanian National
Institute of Statistics (INSSE). The new series uses a new method, which better
accounts for migration on a national basis. As a result, the historical data series
on population was adjusted. Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency:
Romanian leu Data last updated: 03/2023 19.202 19.042 18.829 18.670
18.508 2021
Romania General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 37.195
36.751 36.331 35.828 35.703 2022
Romania General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 42.035 40.107 39.954
41.170 42.289 2022
Romania General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 51.106 48.728 48.276
49.312 50.282 2022
Serbia Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See notes
for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 4.085 11.982 12.195
5.329 3.541 2021
Serbia Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office. Serbian Statistical Office Latest actual
data: 2021 Base year: 2009 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit
value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher, Laspeyres
and Paasche formulas are used. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1989 Trade System: General
trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Other;. Besides transit, excluded are
also the temporary commodity transactions (fairs, test samples, etc.). Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Serbian dinar Data last updated: 03/2023 14.142
19.638 4.047 4.933 5.556 2021
Serbia Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office. Serbian Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year:
2009 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from
customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher, Laspeyres and Paasche
formulas are used. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1989 Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Other;. Besides transit, excluded are also the
temporary commodity transactions (fairs, test samples, etc.). Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary
domestic currency: Serbian dinar Data last updated: 03/202314.095 5.500 3.651
4.832 5.556 2021
Serbia Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office. Serbian Statistical Office Latest actual
data: 2021 Base year: 2009 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit
value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher, Laspeyres
and Paasche formulas are used. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1989 Trade System: General
trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Other;. Besides transit, excluded are
also the temporary commodity transactions (fairs, test samples, etc.). Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Serbian dinar Data last updated: 03/2023 13.881
21.079 4.225 5.406 6.138 2021
Serbia Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office. Serbian Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year:
2009 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from
customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher, Laspeyres and Paasche
formulas are used. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1989 Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Other;. Besides transit, excluded are also the
temporary commodity transactions (fairs, test samples, etc.). Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary
domestic currency: Serbian dinar Data last updated: 03/202314.689 4.200 5.662
6.410 7.147 2021
Serbia Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office. Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Latest actual data:
2021 Notes: The Labor Force Survey is conducted every quarter since Q1 2014.
Employment type: Harmonized ILO definition. The methodology is harmonized with ILO
and Eurostat. Primary domestic currency: Serbian dinar Data last updated: 03/2023
11.008 9.396 9.214 9.134 9.015 2021
Serbia Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Latest actual data: 2021 Primary
domestic currency: Serbian dinar Data last updated: 03/20236.872 6.844 6.817 6.789
6.762 2021
Serbia General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 46.561
43.526 42.649 42.493 42.861 2021
Serbia General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 51.055 47.189 43.937
41.332 38.973 2021
Serbia General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 56.257 53.539 50.200
46.098 44.061 2021
Türkiye Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change See notes
for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index). 19.596 72.309 50.580
35.169 24.878 2022
Türkiye Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank. Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye Latest actual
data: 2022 Notes: Oil trade includes other energy trade such as fuel and natural
gas. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value
indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher. Trade volumes
are the ratio of the value index to the Fisher unit value index (chain-weighted).
The value indices are obtained as the ratio of current values to the arithmetic
average of the base year values. Foreign trade indices have been calculated by
Eurostat and U.N. concepts and methods. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003. Unit value
indices are chain-weighted, but volume indices are not. Trade System: Special
trade. Relaxed definition. Foreign trade statistics include goods which enter/leave
the statistical territory of Türkiye from/to other countries and are placed under
the customs normal export and import procedures and under customs inward and
outward processing procedures. Excluded items in trade: In transit; Low valued;
Other;. Excluded items include goods valued under $100, transit trade, temporary
export/import trade, repair and maintenance of goods, operational leasing, shuttle
trade, border trade, some transactions with declaration that are not goods (cash,
valuable paper, stamps, monetary gold, etc.). Other exclusions include border and
coastal trade. Customs warehouses, free zones, and duty-free shops in Türkiye are
considered beyond the customs frontier. Note that while Turkstat and the Central
Bank of Türkiye make estimates on shuttle trade for BOP data, these are not
included in the foreign trade statistics disseminated by Turkstat. Oil coverage:
Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Other;. All items
covered. Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Turkish lira Data last updated:
03/2023 3.812 11.850 12.660 8.880 7.519 2022
Türkiye Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank. Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Oil
trade includes other energy trade such as fuel and natural gas. Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs
data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher. Trade volumes are the ratio of the
value index to the Fisher unit value index (chain-weighted). The value indices are
obtained as the ratio of current values to the arithmetic average of the base year
values. Foreign trade indices have been calculated by Eurostat and U.N. concepts
and methods. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003. Unit value indices are chain-weighted,
but volume indices are not. Trade System: Special trade. Relaxed definition.
Foreign trade statistics include goods which enter/leave the statistical territory
of Türkiye from/to other countries and are placed under the customs normal export
and import procedures and under customs inward and outward processing procedures.
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Low valued; Other;. Excluded items include
goods valued under $100, transit trade, temporary export/import trade, repair and
maintenance of goods, operational leasing, shuttle trade, border trade, some
transactions with declaration that are not goods (cash, valuable paper, stamps,
monetary gold, etc.). Other exclusions include border and coastal trade. Customs
warehouses, free zones, and duty-free shops in Türkiye are considered beyond the
customs frontier. Note that while Turkstat and the Central Bank of Türkiye make
estimates on shuttle trade for BOP data, these are not included in the foreign
trade statistics disseminated by Turkstat. Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Other;. All items covered. Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Turkish lira Data last updated: 03/2023 2.383 7.900
10.251 7.557 6.550 2022
Türkiye Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank. Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye Latest actual
data: 2022 Notes: Oil trade includes other energy trade such as fuel and natural
gas. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value
indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher. Trade volumes
are the ratio of the value index to the Fisher unit value index (chain-weighted).
The value indices are obtained as the ratio of current values to the arithmetic
average of the base year values. Foreign trade indices have been calculated by
Eurostat and U.N. concepts and methods. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003. Unit value
indices are chain-weighted, but volume indices are not. Trade System: Special
trade. Relaxed definition. Foreign trade statistics include goods which enter/leave
the statistical territory of Türkiye from/to other countries and are placed under
the customs normal export and import procedures and under customs inward and
outward processing procedures. Excluded items in trade: In transit; Low valued;
Other;. Excluded items include goods valued under $100, transit trade, temporary
export/import trade, repair and maintenance of goods, operational leasing, shuttle
trade, border trade, some transactions with declaration that are not goods (cash,
valuable paper, stamps, monetary gold, etc.). Other exclusions include border and
coastal trade. Customs warehouses, free zones, and duty-free shops in Türkiye are
considered beyond the customs frontier. Note that while Turkstat and the Central
Bank of Türkiye make estimates on shuttle trade for BOP data, these are not
included in the foreign trade statistics disseminated by Turkstat. Oil coverage:
Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Other;. All items
covered. Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Turkish lira Data last updated:
03/2023 32.408 21.014 4.000 8.200 7.500 2022
Türkiye Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank. Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Oil
trade includes other energy trade such as fuel and natural gas. Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs
data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher. Trade volumes are the ratio of the
value index to the Fisher unit value index (chain-weighted). The value indices are
obtained as the ratio of current values to the arithmetic average of the base year
values. Foreign trade indices have been calculated by Eurostat and U.N. concepts
and methods. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003. Unit value indices are chain-weighted,
but volume indices are not. Trade System: Special trade. Relaxed definition.
Foreign trade statistics include goods which enter/leave the statistical territory
of Türkiye from/to other countries and are placed under the customs normal export
and import procedures and under customs inward and outward processing procedures.
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Low valued; Other;. Excluded items include
goods valued under $100, transit trade, temporary export/import trade, repair and
maintenance of goods, operational leasing, shuttle trade, border trade, some
transactions with declaration that are not goods (cash, valuable paper, stamps,
monetary gold, etc.). Other exclusions include border and coastal trade. Customs
warehouses, free zones, and duty-free shops in Türkiye are considered beyond the
customs frontier. Note that while Turkstat and the Central Bank of Türkiye make
estimates on shuttle trade for BOP data, these are not included in the foreign
trade statistics disseminated by Turkstat. Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Other;. All items covered. Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Turkish lira Data last updated: 03/2023 21.317
5.055 3.699 8.104 6.800 2022
Türkiye Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office. Data from Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) Latest actual
data: 2022 Employment type: National definition Primary domestic currency: Turkish
lira Data last updated: 03/2023 11.960 10.466 11.028 10.536
10.530 2022
Türkiye Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office.
Data from Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) Latest actual data: 2022 Primary
domestic currency: Turkish lira Data last updated: 03/2023 84.680 85.280
86.268 87.237 88.190 2022
Türkiye General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 31.206
28.042 34.125 33.607 33.629 2022
Türkiye General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 33.697 24.263 27.455
29.625 30.113 2022
Türkiye General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 41.803 31.178 35.009
36.665 37.663 2022

International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2023

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