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Nonlocal Scattering Matrix Description of Anisotropic Polar Heterostructures

Christopher R. Gubbin and Simone De Liberato∗

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

Polar dielectrics are a promising platform for mid-infrared nanophotonics, allowing for nanoscale
electromagnetic energy confinement in oscillations of the crystal lattice. We recently demonstrated
that in nanoscopic polar systems a local description of the optical response fails, leading to erroneous
predictions of modal frequencies and electromagnetic field enhancements. In this Paper we extend
our previous work providing a scattering matrix theory of the nonlocal optical response of planar,
anisotropic, layered polar dielectric heterostructures. The formalism we employ allows for the calcu-
arXiv:2008.07305v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 17 Aug 2020

lation of both reflection and transmission coefficients, and of the guided mode spectrum. We apply
our theory to complex AlN/GaN superlattices, demonstrating the strong nonlocal tuneability of the
optical response arising from hybridisation between photon and phonon modes. The numerical code
underlying these calculations is provided in an online repository to serve as a tool for the design of
phonon-based mid-infrared optoelectronic devices.

I. INTRODUCTION quantised and have been shown to lead to additional

features in the optical response, frequency shifts, and
a decrease in the field confinement [22, 23]. These
Polar dielectric crystals support localised optical effects are analogous to those seen in plasmonic systems
modes termed surface phonon polaritons which have [24–26], even though the negative dispersion of opti-
recently emerged as a promising platform for mid- cal phonons can lead to a rather different phenomenology.
infrared nanoscale capture and control of light [1]. These
modes allow for deep sub-wavelength control of light Polar nonlocality is particularly important due to the
by hybridising it with the optic phonon modes of a ease of fabrication of dielectric superlattices comprised of
polar lattice [2]. The resulting modes are morphology many planar nanoscopic polar layers [20]. In the frame-
dependant, making them highly tuneable [3–8] with work of a local dielectric theory of the optical response
potential applications in nonlinear optics [9–11], design these structures are typically described with a transfer
of infrared thermal emitters [12–14] and design of matrix formalism, considering up- and down-propagating
nanophotonic circuitry [15–18]. photonic modes in each layer [27–33]. In this model longi-
As polar nanophotonics matures, greater interest is tudinal and transverse phonons exist at fixed frequencies,
being placed on the use of of multi-material systems, ex- and are solely considered through the transverse dielec-
ploiting the mature technologies available for fabrication tric tensor of the lattice. When nonlocal effects are taken
of semiconductor heterostructures. Recent works have into account, spatial dispersion means finite-wavevector
demonstrated strong changes in the response of 4H-SiC longitudinal and transverse phonon modes in each layer
nanoresonators coated in nanoscopic layers of AlN or must also be considered, necessitating application of ad-
Al2 O3 [19]. Crystal hybrid nanostructures in which ditional boundary conditions at each interface [34, 35].
the entire active region is a superlattice comprised of We recently developed a general nonlocal theory of polar
alternating nanoscopic layers were also highlighted as a dielectrics [22], which was able to replicate the experi-
highly tuneable platform for mid-infrared nanophotonics mental results obtained in the study of crystal hybrids
[20]. [20]. Such a theory explained the unexpected observed
In systems containing truly nanoscopic features local features as consequences of the nonlocal nature of the
theories have been shown to provide an inaccurate de- optical response. Its isotropic nature made nevertheless
scription of the optical response [20–23]. This is because impossible to describe the features in the experimental
a local model takes lattice phonons to be dispersionless, data due to the anisotropic nature of the crystal struc-
existing at fixed frequency for all wavevectors. These ture.
infinite-mass phonons don’t propagate, allowing for a This Paper develops our theory of nonlocality in polar
δ-like distribution of screening charges at the crystal planar heterostructures, extending it to account for uni-
surface. In reality optical phonons are dispersive: their axial and biaxial crystal anisotropy, important for accu-
frequency changes as a function of wavevector. When rate description of the optical properties of technologi-
considering this spatial dispersion screening charges cally relevant systems. The theory is then exploited to
induced at the crystal surface radiate finite-wavevector investigate the nonlocal phenomenology and optical tune-
longitudinal and transverse optic phonons in each layer. ability of various superlattices.
In true nanoscopic layers these phonon modes are The rest of this work is structured as follows: in Section
IIA we develop the theory for anisotropic media, showing
the need to expand both the photon and phonon mode
space compared to previous studies of isotropic nonlocal-
∗ Corresponding author: ity [22, 23]. As in nonlocal systems the transfer matrix

formalism is unstable [32, 33], we employ a scattering ma- z

trix approach [36] to calculate the optical response of het-
erostructures containing arbitrary numbers of layers as ET
discussed in in Section IIB. The result is a flexible theory
able to calculate the response of complex structures to p=N+1
plane-wave illumination, in addition to finding the spec- p=N
trum of guided surface phonon polariton modes below
the light line. In Section III we numerically investigate p=N−1
the mid-infrared optical response of GaN/AlN superlat-
tices, showing the emergence of nonlocal branches due to
coupling to longitudinal phonon modes in the structure. p=4
Furthermore, we consider more complex heterostructures p=3
comprised of multiple layer thicknesses which allow fine z2
tuning of the polariton spectrum, something our ap- p=2
proach is able to consider with ease. Conclusions and z1
perspectives are drawn in Section IV x
Finally, our code is provided in an online repository in or-
der to facilitate the exploration of optical nonlocal effects
in planar polar heterostructures [37].

FIG. 1: Sketch of the system under study. This consists
A. Homogeneous dielectrics of a planar stack of layers numbered from p = 1 to N on a
deep substrate labelled p = N + 1. The growth axis of the
The optical response of a planar heterostructure is heterostructure is along z and the p = 1 layer begins at z = 0.
The heterostructure is illuminated from below in the xz plane
found by relating the amplitude of an external illumi-
and is homogeneous along y.
nation to those of fields reflected and transmitted by the
heterostructure. This entails applying electromagnetic
and mechanical boundary conditions at each interface in Nonlocality is accounted for in our model through ef-
the planar system to uniquely determine the mode am- fective stress tensor τ̄ , defined in relation to the lattice
plitudes in each of the structure’s layers. strain
We consider a coordinate system where the xy plane is  
1 ∂Xk ∂Xl
aligned with the heterostructure interfaces and z is par- sk,l = + , (2)
allel to the growth-axis. We let z = 0 at the interface 2 ∂rl ∂rk
between the first layer of the heterostructure and the in- where rl={1,2,3} is the spatial coordinate {x, y, z} and Xl
cident medium. Layers of the heterostructure are num- is a component of the relative ionic displacement in the
bered p = 1 to p = N , while the incident medium and crystal. The tensor τ̄ is given by
substrate are numbered p = 0 and p = N + 1 respectively
as illustrated in Fig. 1. The thickness of each layer p is τi,j = ci,j,k,l sk,l , (3)
dp . Without loss of generality we consider fields prop- where ci,j,k,l is the fourth-rank elasticity tensor of the
agating in the xz plane. The wavevector in layer p is lattice. The non-zero components of ci,j,k,l are derived
thus considering the point group of the lattice [38], and are
given in Appendix A for cubic and hexagonal lattices.
kp = k0 (ζ, 0, qp ) , (1) The key ingredient in a nonlocal model is spatial dis-
persion, or how the longitudinal and transverse phonon
where k0 is the free-space wavevector, the dimensionless frequencies of the crystal lattice vary as functions of the
in-plane wavevector ζ is conserved between layers and excitation wavevector. Although the exact phonon dis-
the dimensionless out-of-plane wavevector is qp . persion can be a priori calculated with ab inito simula-
Polar heterostructures are normally fabricated by epi- tions or measured by inelastic scattering, its functional
taxy, so one of the crystal axis aligns with the growth (z) form is often too complex for practical use. In order to
direction. We can thus restrict ourselves to media whose provide a semi-analytic and practical theory, we relied
properties are diagonal in the lab-frame, thus allowing us instead on a quadratic approximation which we demon-
to treat crystal structures with both uniaxial and biaxial strated can provide accurate results even for nanometer-
anisotropy. Under these conditions in the local case crys- sized structures [22]. In our model phonon dispersions
tals whose symmetry axis align with the cartesian frame, are thus of the form
support two possibly degenerate photonic modes: the or-
dinary and extraordinary rays [32]. ωi2 = ωi,0
+ (β i · k) , (4)

where ωi,0 is the zero-wavevector frequency of phonon where µ̄ is the permeability tensor, we assumed e−iωt
band i and β i is a polarisation dependent vector of non- time dependance, and P is the macroscopic polarisation.
local velocities [22]. Note that in an anisotropic lattice Note that we use bold symbols for vectors and barred
i is a composite index, encompassing both polarisation ones for matrices. The electric and polarisation fields
state and phonon branch. relate to the relative ionic displacement X through con-
The effect of nonlocality can be understood considering stitutive relation
the dispersion of the ordinary ray, polarised along the 
y-direction by Eq. 1. Locally this obeys the standard P = ᾱX + 0 ¯∞ − Ī E, (9)
dispersion relation
where ¯∞ is the high-frequency permittivity tensor, ᾱ
qp2 = L,y
p (k0 ) − ζ
(5) is the effective charge density of the lattice and Ī is the
identity matrix. Finally we consider how the electric field
where L,y
p is the y component of the layer’s local di- couples to the polar lattice, described in the continuum
electric function. This equation yields a single up- and limit by matrix equation
down-propagating out-of-plane wavevector qp for each
frequency ω = ck0 , which correspond to propagative or  2
evanescent excitations depending on the sign of L,y and ω̄T − ω (ω + iγ̄) X + ∇ · τ̄ = E, (10)
p ρ
magnitude of ζ. Accounting for nonlocality the phonon
frequencies entering the dielectric function are wavevec- where X is the relative ionic displacement, ω̄T describes
tor dependent through Eq. 4, yielding a dispersion rela- the TO phonon frequencies along the different axis,
tion of the form γ̄ their damping rates, and ρ is the effective mass
density. The quantity τ̄ is the effective stress tensor
qp2 = NL,y
p (k0 , qp , ζ) − ζ 2 , (6) for optical phonons, which can be derived for arbitrary
lattice symmetry, considering non-zero components of
where NL,y
p is now the y component of the wavevector- the lattice stress tensor as explained in Appendix A
dependent nonlocal dielectric function. For each fre- [39], where explicit forms are also provided for the most
quency there are now two unique up- and down- technologically relevant cubic and hexagonal cases.
propagating solutions which can be interpreted as an
ordinary photon and ordinary TO phonon. The same Although such explicit forms are provided for com-
is true for the extraordinary ray, whose electric field is pleteness, and can be straightforwardly (albeit cumber-
polarised in the xy plane. The crystal also supports a somely) implemented if needed, we can notice that for the
single longitudinal phonon mode. This means each layer planar systems object of this work the isotropic version of
supports 5 distinct up- and down-propagating modes, a the stress tensor can be safely used also for anisotropic
priori all non-degenerate for an anisotropic crystal, and crystals. The in-plane wavevector k0 ζ is in fact deter-
a generic wave propagating through the superlattice will mined by the photonic field and conserved across all lay-
thus be determined by 10 independent modal amplitudes. ers of the stack. Its magnitude is thus negligible com-
To find the out-of-plane wavevectors and amplitudes pared to the lattice wavevector, meaning that only the
of the 5 modes in the homogeneous lattice we utilise the unconstrained wavevector component in the z−direction
equations of motion of the lattice coupled to the elec- k0 q will affect the nonlocal response. There are no non-
tromagnetic fields [21]. The electric and magnetic fields local effects in the plane and the only relevant velocities
(E & H) obey Ampere’s law and the Maxwell-Faraday are those parallel to the growth direction. The isotropic
equation form for cijkl , parametrised by the longitudinal (βL ) and
transverse (βT ) velocities in the z−direction thus pro-
∇ × H = −iω [0 E + P] , (7)
vides quantitatively correct results, while also leading to
∇ × E = iωµ0 µ̄H, (8) a much simpler algebra [40]

βL2 ∂x Xx + βL2 − 2βT2 2 2

  
(∂y Xy + ∂z Xz ) βT (∂y Xx +∂x Xy ) βT (∂z Xx + ∂x Xz )
τ̄ =  βT (∂x Xy + ∂y Xx ) βL2 ∂y Xy + βL2 − 2βT2
(∂x Xx + ∂z Xz ) 2
βT (∂z Xy +∂y Xz ) .
2 2 2 2 2
βT (∂x Xz + ∂z Xx ) βT (∂y Xz + ∂z Xy ) βL ∂z Xz + βL − 2βT (∂x Xx + ∂y Xy )

The ionic equation of motion in Eq. 10 and the nonlocal Eq. 1 with Xx = Xz = 0, leading to
stress tensor in Eq. 11 yield phonon dispersions in the  
form of Eq. 4. For example for the ordinary phonon obeys 0
2 2
∇ · τ̄ = −βT k 1  Xy . (12)

The ordinary phonon dispersion is then deduced from a)

inspection of Eq. 10 T̄11

ωT,y 2
= ωT,y,0 2 2
− βT k , (13) u(0) T̄12 u(N+1)
Port 1 Port 2
meaning that in Eq. 4 for this polarisation T̄21
d(0) d(N+1)
 
1 T̄22
β i = βT  0  . (14)
Inputs Outputs
The system in Eqs. 7-10 can be written in the form of a
12 × 12 matrix equation u(0) u(N+1)
Port 1 S̄21 S̄12 Port 2
M̄F = 0, (15) d(0) d(N+1)
where the coefficient vector is F = [E, H, P, X] and the S̄22
matrix M̄ can be written in block form as

c0 Ī ψ̄ cĪ 0̄
 FIG. 2: A comparison of transfer matrix and scattering ma-
trix algorithms. Inputs (items to be multiplied by the matrix)
 −ψ̄ cµ0 µ̄ 0̄ 0̄ 
M̄ = 
 0 (¯∞ − 1) 0̄ −Ī ᾱ
, are indicated by green arrows while outputs are indicated by
red arrows. a. Shows a transfer matrix algorithm. The four

µ̄ 2
ρ 0̄ 0̄ ω (ω + iγ̄) − ω̄T − η̄ transfer matrix blocks T̄ij comprise matrix T̄ in Eq. 26. The
(16) algorithm linearly calculates incoming and outgoing fields at
where c is the speed of light, Ī is a 3×3 identity matrix, we Port 2 from the amplitudes of both incoming and outgoing
defined η̄ = ∇ · τ̄ , and the curl operator in Fourier space fields at Port 1. b. Shows a scattering matrix algorithm. The
can be written with the parameters defined in Eq. 1 four scattering matrix blocks S̄ij comprise matrix S̄ in Eq. 28.
The algorithm linearly calculates outgoing fields at both ports
from the incoming fields at both ports.
 
0 −q 0
ψ̄ =  q 0 −ζ  . (17)
0 ζ 0
where Ῡ is a 10 × 10 matrix whose non-zero elements
The explicit form of the non-zero components of η̄ can are given in Appendix C. Solving Eq. 20 yields the out-
be found in Appendix B. of-plane wavevector in the nonlocal dielectric and the
The 12 × 12 system in Eq. 15 would generally have 12 reduced coefficient vector F0 , from which the full field
unique solutions. As described in Section IIA though, we vector F can be reconstructed utilising the relations also
restrict ourselves to the relevant physical case of diagonal provided in Appendix C.
material tensors (ᾱ, ¯∞ , γ̄, ω̄T ), leading to only 5 distinct The eigenvalue problem in Eq. 20 yields 10 solutions
solutions. This means Eq. 15 contains redundancies. To of which 5 are up-propagating and 5 down-propagating.
proceed we eliminate Ez , H, P yielding a 5 × 5 equation These are sorted according to mode type and polarisa-
set as detailed in Appendix C. The resulting equation is tion state as described in Appendix D, yielding vector
quadratic in q and can be written [u,
h d] where the vector ofi up-propagating modes is u =
q Ā + q B̄ + C̄ F0 = 0,

(18) uTE TM TE TM
ph , uph , uT , uT , uL and that for down-propagating
h i
modes is d = dTE , dTM TE TM
, d , d , dL , where TM and
where the reduced coefficient vector is F0 = [Ex , Ey , X] ph ph T T

and Ā, B̄, C̄ are 5 × 5 matrices given in full in Appendix TE superscripts describe the mode polarization and the
C. To arrive at a linear algebraic equation for q, suitable the ph, T, and L subscripts stand for photon, TO, and
for implementation in a numerical eigensolver, we use LO phonon respectively.
auxiliary vector qF0 to write
  0    0 
B̄ Ā F C̄ 0 F B. Planar Heterostructures
q + = 0. (19)
Ī 0 qF0 0 −Ī qF0

Here the lower block of the matrix equation enforces the We previously considered the eigenmodes of a homo-
functional relation between the eigenvalue q and F0 on geneous nonlocal dielectric. In order to calculate the
the top and qF0 on the bottom row of the solution vector. optical response of a multilayer stack it is necessary to
T understand how these modes propagate through the het-
Now we define Ψ = [F0 , qF0 ] to arrive at the linear
eigenequation erostructure, particularly across interfaces between piece-
wise homogeneous layers. At interfaces between nonlocal
qΨ = −ῩΨ, (20) layers it is necessary to apply additional boundary con-

ωL,k ωL,⊥ ωT,k ωT,⊥ γk γ⊥ ∞,k ∞,⊥ βL βT

−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
SiC 967.7cm 972.7cm 783.6cm 796.6cm 2cm 2cm 6.78 6.56 15.4 × 10 ms 3
9.2 × 103 ms− 1
AlN 891.0cm−1 912.0cm−1 610.0cm−1 669.0cm−1 6cm−1 6cm−1 9.28 7.73 5.1 × 103 ms−1 3.0 × 103 ms−1
GaN 732.5cm−1 742.1cm−1 537.0cm−1 560.0cm−1 4cm−1 4cm−1 5.47 5.42 6.5 × 103 ms−1 2.9 × 103 ms−1

TABLE I: The parameters used in the simulations. Local parameters for SiC (4H polytype) are taken from [41]. Nonlocal
parameters are approximated from the low-wavevector phonon dispersion [42]. Local paramaters for AlN are taken from [43].
Nonlocal parameters are taken from a previous study [22]. Additionally the loss is increased in the AlN to better replicate
damping through the superlattice layers, as found to be necessary in a prior work [22]. For GaN local parameters are taken
from [44] while nonlocal parameters are estimated from the phonon dispersions [45].

(p)u (p)d
ditions, compared to the local case, to fully describe all where q̄z (q̄z ) is the vector of up-propagating (down-
field components. It has been previously demonstrated propagating) out-of-plane wavevectors in layer p. Taken
in Refs. 22, 23 by consideration of the continuity of en- together we define a new matrix t̃(p) = t̄(p) φ̄(p) and can
ergy flux across nonlocal interfaces that the appropriate write
additional boundary conditions are continuity of the rel-  (p+1) +    (p) +  
ative ionic displacement X and of the normal component u zp  (p) u zp−1 
= t̃ + . (25)
of τ̄ (Eq. 11) d(p+1) zp+ d(p) zp−1
 
βT (∂z Xx + ∂x Xz ) A transfer matrix algorithm entails repeated applications
τ̄ ·ẑ =  βT (∂z Xy +∂y Xz )  , (21) of this equation through the stack, yielding the output
2 2 2
βL ∂z Xz + βL − 2βT (∂x Xx + ∂y Xy ) fields
whose xy (z) components are an effective shear (normal)
 (N +1)   (0) 
u (N ) u
stress. There are two algorithmic approaches typically = T̄ , (26)
d(N +1) d(0)
employed to calculate propagating fields through a
multilayer stack, the transfer matrix approach and where
scattering matrix approach. These are schematised and
compared in Fig. 2. In the following we discuss both
T̄(N ) = t̃(p) . (27)
methods and explain why a scattering matrix approach 0<p≤N
is required for the nonlocal systems under consideration.
An illustration of this procedure can be found in Fig. 2a,
with the input fields in layer 0 yield outputs in layer
N + 1. Unfortunately transfer matrix algorithms are
1. Transfer Matrices numerically unstable in the limit of thick absorbing
layers as the propagation matrix Eq. 24, describing how
We can relate the fields in two adjacent piecewise ho- fields at one side of a layer relate to those on the other
mogeneous layers p and p + 1, whose intermediate inter- diverges due to the imaginary part of the modal wavevec-
face is located at z = zp , through tor [36]. In nonlocal phononics optical wavelengths are
 (p+1) +    (p) −   typically of order 10µm, while phonon wavelengths
u zp  (p) u zp  are sub-nanometer. This means phonon out-of-plane
= t̄ , (22)
d(p+1) zp+ d(p) zp− wavevectors are extremely large, causing divergence
even in films as thin as 10nm. The instability arises
where the interface matrix t̄(p) , defined in Appendix from the application of Eq. 24 which results in dramatic
E, encodes the full set of boundary conditions to be exponential growth of the fields and can be overcome by
applied in the nonlocal case, that is the continuity of recasting the problem into a scattering matrix formalism.
Hk , Ek , Ẋ, τ̄⊥ . We can write the propagation matrix for
a single layer, which links mode amplitudes at the interior
of each of its interfaces as
 (p) −    (p) +  
u zp  (p) u zp−1  2. Scattering Matrices
= φ̄ + , (23)
d(p) zp− d(p) zp−1
In a scattering matrix approach we seek the stack ma-
where the propagation matrix in the homogeneous layer trix S̄(N ) which relates the incoming and outgoing fields
is given by from the heterostructure
eiq̄z dp 0̄
 (N +1) 
φ̄ = , (24) u (N )
(p)d = S̄ . (28)
0̄ eiq̄z dp d(0) d(N +1)

The known quantities u(0) describing the up-propagating [47] to find

modes in the lowest (0th) layer and d(N +1) describing the h i−1
down-propagating modes in the highest (N + 1) layer are T̄(p) (p) (p−1) (p) (p−1)
u,u = t̃u,u Ī − R̄u,d r̃d,u T̄u,u , (33)
on the right-hand side, while the scattered fields, prop-
agating away from the heterostructure, are on the left-
(p) (p) (p) (p−1) (p) (p−1) (p)
R̄u,d = r̃u,d + t̃u,u R̄u,d Ī − r̃d,u R̄u,d t̃d,d , (34)
hand side. This is illustrated in Fig. 2b. It is useful to
recast S̄(N ) in block form
h i−1
(p) (p−1) (p−1) (p) (p−1) (p)
R̄d,u = R̄d,u + T̄d,d r̃d,u Ī − R̄u,d r̃d,u T̄(p−1)
u,u ,
(N ) (N )
# (35)
u(N +1) u(0)
T̄u,u R̄u,d i−1
= , (29)
(p) (p−1) (p) (p−1) (p)
d(0) (N ) (N )
R̄d,u T̄d,d d(N +1) T̄d,d = T̄d,d Ī − r̃d,u R̄u,d t̃d,d , (36)

where the recursion is initialised by

where the notation using R, T and the subscripts take  
the natural meaning of reflection and transmission ma- (−1) Ī 0
trices, for example the transmission matrix that yields S̄ = . (37)
0 Ī
the up-propagating waves in layer p + 1 is T̄u,u . As in
a transfer matrix approach we define an interface ma- This calculation, carried out at each interface, results in
trix, s̄(p) , linking the fields on each side of the interface a recursive algorithm for S̄N .
between piecewise homogeneous layers
u(p+1) zp+ u(p) zp− 
= s̄
d(p) zp− d(p+1) zp+ A. Planar Reflectance
" #
(p) (p)
u(p) zp− 
t̄u,u r̄u,d
= (p) (p) , (30) The formalism presented can in principle be applied
r̄d,u t̄d,d d(p+1) zp+
to any spatially nonlocal anisotropic material system, in-
cluding metallic ones in the limit βT → 0, where the
where as for the full stack matrix S̄N we recast in block matrices are appropriate truncated to exclude transverse
form. The layer scattering matrix s̃(p) is related to the matter modes [25]. In the remainder of this Paper we
interface one s̄(p) by focus on polar dielectrics in the mid-infrared spectral re-
gion, specifically we analyse heterostructures comprised
of GaN, AlN and 4H-SiC, a material system with uniax-
Ī 0
s̃(p) = s̄(p) eiq̄z dp
0 , (31)
ial anisotropy where crystal hybrids have been previously
0 e−iq̄z dp 0 Ī demonstrated [20] and where a treatment of optical non-
locality, albeit using an approximate isotropic theory, has
been shown to be necessary to determine the optical re-
in which, due to the change in sign of the wavevector ex- sponse [22]. To describe an experimental system, grown
ponent compared to Eq. 24, the instability of the transfer by molecular beam epitaxy, the z−axis of the coordinate
matrix approach is removed. Furthermore by linear al- system is aligned with the crystal axis. The transverse
gebra the interface scattering matrix s̄(p) can be related phonon frequency matrix is therefore of the form
to the blocks of the interface transfer matrix t̄(p) by
 
ωT,⊥ 0 0
(p) (p) (p)−1 (p) (p) (p)−1
# ω̄T =  0 ωT,⊥ 0  , (38)
(p) t̄1,1 − t̄1,2 t̄2,2 t̄2,1 t̄1,2 t̄2,2 0 0 ωT,k
s̄ = (p)−1 (p) (p)−1 . (32)
−t̄2,2 t̄2,1 t̄2,2
and analogously for the other material parameters,
where k denotes the quantity along the crystal axis and
This approach is more convoluted and less efficient than ⊥ those perpendicular to it. All simulations utilise the
a transfer matrix method, because in a transfer matrix parameters given in Table I.
method the stack matrix T̄ can be computed directly Note that it was previously demonstrated how, in order
from matrix multiplication of the individual layer ma- to fit experimental data, it is necessary to adjust the
trices t̃, while the stack matrix S̄ must be constructed nominal thickness of the nonlocal layers [22]. This
iteratively. As each new layer is considered equations of reflects the shortcomings of the continuum model in
form Eq. 30 are written for the two adjacent layers, com- Eq. 10, which does not account for the change in the
bined to eliminate common mode coefficients, and finally local environment of ions near the edge of each layer,
rearranged into the form Eq. 29 [36, 46]. Such a proce- whose motion is constricted by the presence of the
dure is neatly summarised by the Redheffer star product, adjacent material. This leads to an effective shortening
which describes the multiplication of scattering matrices of each layer length of an amount of the order of the

a) 1.0 b) 1.0

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7

0.6 GaN 0.6


0.5 0.5

GaN 1nm
0.4 0.4
AlN dAlN
0.3 GaN 1nm 0.3
20 Repetitions 1.1nm
40 Repetitions AlN dAlN 1.2nm
0.2 0 0.2
60 Repetitions x 1.3nm
80 Repetitions 1.4nm
0.1 100 Repetitions 0.1 1.5nm

0.0 0.0
750 800 850 900 950 1000 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Wavenumber (cm−1 ) Wavenumber (cm−1 )
c) 1.0 d) 1.0

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 n=3

0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3
20 Repetitions 1.1nm
0.2 40 Repetitions 0.2 1.2nm
60 Repetitions 1.3nm
80 Repetitions 1.4nm
0.1 100 Repetitions 0.1 1.5nm

0.0 0.0
750 800 850 900 950 1000 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Wavenumber (cm ) Wavenumber (cm−1 )

FIG. 3: The reflectance, calculated at an incident angle of 65◦ , for an AlN/GaN superlattice on a deep 4H-SiC substrate. a.
(c.) Shows the result for GaN layer thickness 1.3nm for multiple sublattice repetitions in the local (nonlocal) case. b. (d.)
Shows the result for 50 sublattice repetitions over a range of AlN/ GaN layer thicknesses in the local (nonlocal) case.

lattice parameter when compared to the nominal layer incident angle of impinging light is fixed at 65◦ . The
thickness. Having previously demonstrated the effect can dominant feature in the reflectance is the large hump
be easily accounted for by adjusting the layer thickness from 800 − 970cm−1 which is due to the 4H-SiC sub-
through comparison with experimental data, and in strate’s Reststrahlen region [32], the dip near 970cm−1
order to avoid introduction of additional parameters, we arises from the 4H-SiC axial LO phonon mode [48]. In the
do not consider such an effect in this Paper. This means local case there is a strong dip in the reflectance around
that the parameters used will lead to an underestimate 890cm−1 , corresponding to the Berreman mode, near the
of nonlocal shifts, particularly in very thin layers. zone-centre LO phonon frequency in the AlN [7, 27]. As
the number of repetitions of the AlN/GaN sublattice
We begin by studying the reflectance from an grows the depth of this dip increases as photons spend
AlN/GaN superlattice grown on a deep 4H-SiC sub- more time in the absorbing AlN layers, propagating down
strate under plane-wave illumination. The superlattice, to, and returning from the 4H-SiC substrate. In the non-
schematised in the inset of Fig. 3a, is characterised by local case (Fig. 3c) this dip red-shifts slightly because the
AlN layer thickness dAlN , GaN thickness of 1nm, and nonlocal calculation considers the LO phonon supported
repetition number RN . In Fig. 3a (c) we plot the TM by the thin AlN film to have finite wavevector. As this
polarised reflectance for AlN thickness dAlN = 1.3nm wavevector is real the LO phonon modes in the AlN film
over a range of RN in the local (nonlocal) case. The

are quantised, with frequencies a)
v 50
(AlN) 2
u !
(AlN) 2 nπβL 920
ωn = ωL,k
t − , (39)
dAlN 40

Wavenumber (cm−1 )
where ωL,k is the AlN zone-centre phonon frequency

−Im [R]
880 30
along the z-direction and n is an integer describing how
many antinodes the quantised phonon mode contains 25
across the layer [22]. Note that as the wavevector in 20
the in-plane direction, defined by that of the impinging
840 15
photonic radiation, is small we have assumed the LO
mode frequency only depends on out-of-plane phonon 10
velocity βL . In the nonlocal case two further dips 820
are observed in the reflectance around 760cm−1 and
850cm−1 . These correspond to the n = 2 and n = 3 LO 850 900 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150 1,200

modes of the AlN films. In-plane Wavevector (cm−1 )

It is informative to consider the effect of changing the
AlN thickness dAlN for fixed repetition number. The b)
results using RN = 50 are shown for the local case in 50
Fig. 3b for thicknesses in the range 1.1 − 1.5nm. Increas- 45
ing the layer thickness results in a very small decrease in
the reflectance near the AlN zone-centre LO phonon fre- 40

Wavenumber (cm−1 )
quency, due to the increased optical path length through 900
the AlN. In the nonlocal case in Fig. 3d the effect is

−Im [R]
more visible. As predicted by Eq. 39 an increase in AlN 880
thickness dAlN results in a strong red-shift of all discrete 25
phonon frequencies away from the zone-centre frequency 860
with decreasing film thickness. Following Eq. 39 it is
clear that higher order modes disperse faster, this is 840 15

apparent from the motion of the n = 2, n = 3 modes in 10

Fig. 4d. Angstrom scale changes of the layer thickness 820
result in a visible change in the heterostructure ab-
sorption spectrum, demonstrating high tuneability and 850 900 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150 1,200
sensitivity to the best of our knoweledge until now only In-plane Wavevector (cm ) −1
achieved in similar systems using confined modes [19, 49].
FIG. 4: Reflectance maps for an AlN/GaN superlattice on a
deep 4H-SiC substrate. The lattice is parameterised by layer
thickness dAlN = 1nm and contains 50 repetitions. Results are
B. Surface Phonon Polaritons shown using a. a local dielectric theory, b. the full nonlocal
one. In these plots the zone-centre AlN LO phonon frequency
In addition to calculating the plane wave reflectance is shown by the white dashed horizontal line, the bare 4H-SiC
of planar polar dielectric heterostructures our model al- surface phonon polariton dispersion by the red solid line, and
lows for calculation of the reflectance coefficient outside the light line is cyan solid.
the light-line in the bounding medium. In this region
poles in the reflectance correspond to guided modes of
the structure [50], which in polar dielectric systems are in nanoresonators [4], plasmonic nano-rods [52], grating
surface phonon polariton (SPhP). Although these modes modes [53], bulk zone-folded optical phonons [21], and
are optically inaccessible due to the wavevector mismatch the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) mode of a thin polar film
they can be coupled utilising, for example, a prism [48] [7]. In the latter case strong coupling occurs around
or by fabricating a grating [12]. the film’s zone-centre LO phonon frequency, at which
Compared to plasmonic modes in metals SPhPs have its dielectric function goes to zero. These modes have
very narrow linewidths [51]. This has made them an been proposed as a promising candidate for mid-infrared
interesting platform for the study of strong coupling field confinement and nonlinear optics due to the strong
physics, wherein SPhPs are coupled to different light and out-of-plane field enhancement afforded by the Maxwell
matter resonances in order to exploit the unique features boundary conditions on the out-of-plane displacement
of the resulting hybrid excitations. Resonances exploited field [54]. In the following we show that the quantisation
in these studies include localised phonon polariton modes of LO phonon modes through Eq. 39 leads to the emer-

gence of multiple hybrid ENZ modes around the quan- a)
tised LO phonon frequencies, and that these modes are 0.9
highly sensitive to the heterostructure layer thicknesses. z
We calculate the reflectance for the AlN/GaN superlat- 0.8

tice on a deep 4H-SiC substrate shown in the inset of 0.7


Fig. 3 for dAlN = 1nm and RN = 50. The local result GaN d2

is shown in Fig. 4a. In the absence of the superlattice 0.6

AlN d2
the 4H-SiC substrate supports a surface phonon polari- 0.5
ton mode, whose dispersion is shown by the red solid line.
The presence of the superlattice causes this to split into 0.4 GaN

two strongly coupled polariton branches, separated by AlN d2

the AlN LO phonon frequency (illustrated by the dashed GaN d1
white line). At large in-plane wavevector the lower po- 0.2 AlN d1
d1 = 1nm, d2 = 0.7nm 0
lariton is predominantly an ENZ mode, as its frequency x
0.1 d1 = d2 = 1nm
approaches the asymptotic LO phonon. d1 = d2 = 0.7nm
In the nonlocal case shown in Fig 4b the main polariton 0.0
750 800 850 900 950 1,000
branches are almost unshifted. This can be understood
Wavenumber (cm−1 )
from Fig. 3d, where we see that for the chosen thick- 55
ness the film is insufficiently thin for the first LO mode b)
ω1 (Eq. 39) to have shifted appreciably from the zone-
center longitudinal mode. Still, the nonlocal nature of 920
the system leads to an additional anti-crossing around 40
ω2 ≈ 865cm−1 . The surface phonon polariton is thus
Wavenumber (cm−1 )
strongly coupled to two quantised LO modes in the film. 35
The wavevector dependance of the AlN dielectric func-

−Im [R]
880 30
tion has led to the emergence of a second ENZ mode,
demonstrating an additional route to frequency tuneable
ENZ physics [54]. 20
This result means the heterostructure absorption is ex- 15
tremely sensitive to small changes in the resonant layer
thickness and opens up interesting possibilities to achieve 10
broadband absorption. We then consider a more complex 5
superlattice, schematised in the inset of Fig. 5a, whose
sublattice is still composed of AlN/GaN but contains two 850 900 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150 1,200
distinct thicknesses d1 , d2 In-plane Wavevector (cm−1 )
c) 55
sublattice = AlN d1 /GaN d1 /AlN d2 /GaN d2 , 940

from which the superlattice can be constructed as 45

Wavenumber (cm−1 )

Y 900
superlattice = sublattice. 35

−Im [R]
p=1 30

We calculate the reflectance at 65 for a superlattice pa- 25
rameterised by RN = 50, d1 = d2 = 1nm and another 860
by RN = 50, d1 = d2 = 0.7nm. Results are shown by
dashed lines in Fig. 5a. All structures exhibit a dip cor- 840

responding to the Berreman mode on the blue side of 10

ω ≈ ωL,k The 1nm superlattice also exhibits strong re- 820
flectance dips at ω ≈ 855cm−1 , ω ≈ 800cm−1 , these cor-
respond to the n = 2, 3 quantised LO phonons in the AlN 850 900 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150 1,200
films. The 0.7nm superlattice exhibits a reflectance dip In-plane Wavevector (cm ) −1

at ω ≈ 825cm−1 which corresponds to its n = 2 quantised

LO mode. Reflectance from the composite heterostruc- FIG. 5: a. Reflectance at 65◦ for AlN/GaN superlattices
ture with RN = 50, d1 = 1nm, d2 = 0.7nm is shown by defined by RN = 50 for different values of the GaN and AlN
the red solid line in Fig. 5a, it exhibits reflectance dips layers d1 and d2 . Other plots show the imaginary component
at all the localised phonon frequencies of each sublattice. of the reflectance for the composite structure in the b. local
Now we calculate the guided modes of the composite and c. nonlocal cases. In these plots the zone-centre AlN LO
phonon frequency is shown by the white dashed horizontal
line, the bare 4H-SiC surface phonon polariton dispersion by
the solid red line, and the light line is cyan solid.

heterostructure. Results in the local case are shown in between the phonon and photon wavelengths.
Fig. 5b. These are very similar to the results in Fig. 4a, We applied our model to the study of a variety of
with a marginal closing of the anti-crossing. In the lo- GaN/AlN systems, experimentally accessible het-
cal case the only thing that matters is the sum thickness erostructures often used in polar nanophotonics [20],
of the AlN/ GaN heterostructure, which determines the calculating both plane-wave reflectance and guided mode
coupling between the surface phonon polariton and the dispersion relations. In doing so we demonstrated how
Berreman mode of the film. In the nonlocal case Fig. 5b nonlocality can be exploited to dramatically improve the
the result is more complex. There is a slight red shift sensitivity of the optical response of the heterostructure,
in the asymptotic lower polariton frequency, reflecting with small changes to the layer structure resulting in the
the shift of ω1 from ωL,k . Two additional anti-crossings appearance of new modes due to coupling to quantised
are visible around the n = 2 frequencies of each sublat- LO phonons in the layers.
tice: the heterostructure now supports three hybrid ENZ A solid understanding of this tuneability will become
modes. Such a simulation provides a further demonstra- increasingly important as surface phonon polaritonics
tion of the extreme sensitivity of the heterostructure op- moves further toward the exploitation of nanoresonators
tical response to nanometer-sized features. for the realization mid-infrared optoelectronic devices.
Simulating these systems using ab-initio approaches will
be of extreme difficulty, as typical polar nanoresonators
IV. CONCLUSIONS are 100nms across, while the layers of a crystal hybrid
are typically of nanometer scale. We are confident
In this work we have extended theories of optical our semi-analytical approach, together with the un-
nonlocality in polar systems to account for the optical derlying numerical code [37] will provide a useful tool
response of the bi- and uni-axial media typically utilised for the growing community interested in the science
in surface phonon polaritonics. Compared to the and technology of phonon polaritons and mid-infrared
isotropic case previously considered [22, 23] this results nanophotonics.
in an expansion of the mode space in the dielectric,
necessitating the consideration of 5 unique modes. We V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
demonstrated that in order to calculate the optical
response of a nonlocal multilayer heterostructure it is S.D.L. is supported by a Royal Society Research fellow-
necessary to follow a scattering matrix approach to ship. The authors acknowledge support from the Royal
avoid numerical instabilities arising from the mismatch Society Grant No. RGF\EA\181001.

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Appendix A: The Effective Stress Tensor Finally through Eq. 3 the components of the effective
stress tensor can be derived
In Eq. 10 we introduce the effective stress tensor τ̄ ,
τ1,1 = ρ βL2 s1,1 + βL2 − 2βT
whose exact form is dependent of the symmetry of the (s2,2 + s3,3 ) , (A9)
lattice. The components of τ̄ can be derived considering τ2,2 = ρ βL2 s2,2 + βL2 − 2βT
(s1,1 + s3,3 ) , (A10)
the related fourth-rank elasticity tensor ci,j,k,l as in Eq. 2
τ3,3 = ρ βL2 s3,3 + βL2 − 2βT
and 3, associated with the crystal free energy (s1,1 + s2,2 ) , (A11)
ρ 2
τ1,2 = τ2,1 = βC s1,2 , (A12)
1 2
F = ci,j,k,l si,j sk,l . (A1) ρ 2
2 τ1,3 = τ3,1 = βC s1,3 , (A13)
ρ 2
τ2,3 = τ3,2 = βC s2,3 . (A14)
The elasticity tensor ci,j,k,l has 34 = 81 components, 2
however in order to ensure invariance of the Lagrangian,
as seen through the free energy, ci,j,k,l must satisfy

ci,j,k,l = cj,i,k,l = ck,l,j,i , (A2) b. Hexagonal Symmetry

meaning that only 21 of these components are unique. The crystals considered in the main text (4H-SiC, AlN
The number of components of ci,j,k,l necessary to and GaN) all have hexagonal symmetry, with point group
describe a crystal depends on the lattice symmetry. 6mm. For these materials there are five unique compo-
Here we give results for two common classes of materials nents in the tensor ci,j,k,l , given by
used in polar optics, namely cubic and hexagonal crystal
structures. A full discussion of the symmetries of the λ1 = c1,1,1,1 = c2,2,2,2 , (A15)
elasticity tensor can be found in Ref. [38] and the unique
components for a variety of symmetries can be found in λ2 = c3,3,3,3 , (A16)
Ref. [55]. λ3 = c1,1,2,2 = c2,2,1,1 , (A17)
λ4 = c1,1,3,3 = c2,2,3,3 = . . . , (A18)
λ5 = c1,3,1,3 = c2,3,2,3 = . . . , (A19)

a. Cubic Symmetry
where the dots indicate other permutations of indices
through Eq. A2. The component c1,2,1,2 is also non-zero
In the cubic case the crystal is symmetric under inver- but relates to the above coefficients through
sion with respect to the three cartesian axis, so transfor-
mations like ri → −ri (i = 1, 2, 3) must leave the free en- 1
ergy invariant. This means components with unmatched c1,2,1,2 = (λ1 − λ3 ) . (A21)
indices like λ1,1,1,2 vanish. Furthermore all coordinate 2
axis are fourfold symmetry axis, leaving three different
non-zero components Taking the growth axis along the z-direction (component
3) we can define
λ1 = c1,1,1,1 = c2,2,2,2 = c3,3,3,3 , (A3)
λ2 = c1,1,2,2 = c1,1,3,3 = c2,2,3,3 = . . . , (A4) λ1 = ρβL,⊥ , (A22)
λ3 = c1,2,1,2 = c2,1,1,2 = c1,3,1,3 = . . . , (A5) λ2 = ρβL,k , (A23)
2 2

λ3 = ρ βL,⊥ − 2βT,⊥ , (A24)
where the dots indicate other permutations of indices
2 2
λ4 = ρ βL,k − 2βT,k , (A25)
through Eq. A2. These components relate to the veloci-
ties given in the main body of the paper through ρ 2
λ5 = βC , (A26)
λ1 = ρβL2 , (A6)
and see that the new parameters correspond to the emer-
βL2 2

λ2 = ρ − 2βT , (A7) gence of different velocities for transverse and longitudi-
ρ 2 nal phonons propagating parallel and perpendicular to
λ 3 = βC . (A8)
2 the growth axis.

The components of the stress tensor are finally given by to eliminate Hy , Ez , Pz as

 0 ∞,z qEx + αz ζXz
τ1,1 = ρ βL,⊥ 2
s1,1 + βL,⊥ 2
− 2βT,⊥

s2,2 Hy = −c , (C4)
ζ 2 − ∞,z µy
 ζqEx + αz µy Xz /0
Ez = , (C5)
2 2
+ βL,k − 2βT,k s3,3 , (A27) ζ 2 − ∞,z µy
0 (∞,z − 1) ζqEx + αz ζ 2 − µy Xz
2 2 2 Pz = . (C6)

τ2,2 = ρ βL,⊥ s2,2 + βL,⊥ − 2βT,⊥ s1,1 ζ 2 − ∞,z µy

Now utilising the 4th and 6th row of M̄F = 0 the re-
2 2
+ βL,k − 2βT,k s3,3 , (A28)
maining in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic fields can be
2 2 2
 i written as
τ3,3 = ρ βL,k s3,3 + βL,⊥ − 2βT,⊥ (s1,1 + s2,2 ) , q
(A29) Hx = − Ey , (C7)
cµ0 µx
τ1,2 = τ2,1 = 2ρβT,⊥ s1,2 , (A30) ζ
Hz = Ey . (C8)
ρ 2 cµ0 µy
τ1,3 = τ3,1 = βC s1,3 , (A31)
ρ 2 Finally utilising rows 1 and 2 we can find the remaining
τ2,3 = τ3,2 = βC s2,3 . (A32) components of the polarisation field as
0 ζ 2 + ∞,z q 2 − ∞,z µy Ex + αz qζXz

Px = − , (C9)
ζ 2 − ∞,z µy
Appendix B: The Nonlocal Matrix  2

P y = 0 + − 1 Ey . (C10)
We calculate the nonlocal contribution to the lattice µx µz
equation of motion Eq. 16 by finding the matrix η̄ which The remaining equations, rows 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 of
satisfies M̄F = 0 can be written explicitly as

η̄X = ∇ · τ̄. (B1) 0 (∞,x − 1) Ex − Px + αx Xx = 0, (C11)

0 (∞,y − 1) Ey − Py + αy Xy = 0, (C12)
Under the limitations discussed in the main text, namely "
that the y-component of the wavevector is zero and that αx iγx ωT,x
Ex + 1 + − 2 Xx
all fields are homogeneous along y, the non-zero compo- ρω 2 ω ω
nents of η̄ are given by 1
− [η1,1 Xx + η1,2 Xy + η1,3 Xz ] = 0, (C13)
ω2 2
2 2 βC 2
" #
η1,1 = − 2 βL ζ + q , (B2) αy iγy 2
c 2 Ey + 1 + − 2 Xy
ρω 2 ω ω
ω2 2
2 2 βC
η1,3 = η3,1 = − 2 βL − 2βT + qζ, (B3) 1
c 2 − [η2,1 Xx + η2,2 Xy + η2,3 Xz ] = 0, (C14)
ω2 β 2 ω2
= − 2 C ζ 2 + q2 ,

η2,2 (B4)
" #
c 2 α33 iγz ωT,z
Ez + 1 + − 2
ω2 β2 ρω 2 ω ω

η3,3 = − 2 βL2 q 2 + C ζ 2 . (B5)
c 2 1
− [η3,1 Xx + η3,2 Xy + η3,3 Xz ] = 0, (C15)
where we divided rows 10, 11 and 12 by ω 2 for consis-
Appendix C: Truncation of the Equations of Motion
tency. Finally we can substitute the eliminated field com-
ponents. Using Eq.C9 into Eq. C11
To reduce the full electro-mechanical equations of mo-
tion in Eq. 15 to a manageable system of equations we ∞,z qz2
eliminate the redundant field components. This proceeds 0 ∞,x + 2 Ex
ζ − ∞,z µy
as follows. Initially utilising the 3rd, 5th, and 9th rows
αz qz ζXz
of M̄F = 0 we can write + α x Xx + 2 = 0, (C16)
ζ − ∞,z µy
c0 Ez + ζHy + Pz = 0, (C1) Eq.C10 into Eq. C12
− qEx + ζEz + cµ0 µy Hy = 0, (C2)
qz2 ζ2
0 (∞,z − 1) Ez − Pz + αz Xz = 0. (C3) 0 ∞,y − − Ey + αy Xy = 0, (C17)
µx µz

and Eq. C5 into Eq. C15 After the equation of motion is transformed through
Eq. 19 we are left with a new 10 × 10 matrix Ῡ, whose
αz ζqz Ex components are calculable from Ā, B̄, C̄. The non-zero
ρω 2 ζ 2 − ∞,z µy components of Ῡ are given by
" #
2 2 2
iγz ωT,z µy ∞,z ωL,z − ωT,z
+ 1+ − 2 + Xz Υ1,6 = Υ2,7 = Υ3,8 = Υ4,9 = Υ5,10 = 1, (C36)
ω ω ω 2 ζ 2 − ∞,z µy
1 Υ6,1 = ∞,x µy − , (C37)
− [η3,1 Xx + η3,2 Xy + η3,3 Xz ] = 0, ∞,z
where we utilised the definition of the lattice effective Υ6,3 = µy − , (C38)
0 ∞,z
charge density [23]
αz2 = 0 ∞,z ρ ωL,z
2 2 Υ7,2 = µx ∞,y − , (C39)

− ωT,z . (C18)
Now we have the quadratic equation of motion Eq. 18. αy µx
Υ7,4 = , (C40)
We can easily calculate the non-zero elements of the three 0
matrices entering this equation. For the matrix Ā we find 2αx c2
0 ∞,z Υ8,1 = − 2 2 , (C41)
A1,1 = 2 , (C19) ω ρβC
ζ − ∞,z µy
2c2 βL2 2 2
0 2
Υ8,3 = 2 2 ωT,x − ω (ω + iγx ) − 2 ζ ω , (C42)
A2,2 = − , (C20) ω βC c
β2 2αy c2
A3,3 = C2 , (C21) Υ9,2 = − 2 , (C43)
2c ω 2 ρβC
2c2 β2
β2 Υ9,4 = 2 2 ωT,y 2
− ω (ω + iγy ) − C2 ζ 2 ω 2 , (C44)
A4,4 = C2 , (C22)
2c ω βC 2c
β2 c2 2
A5,5 = 2L . (C23) Υ10,5 = 2 2 ωT,z 2
− ω (ω + iγz ) − C2 ζ 2 ω 2
c ω βL 2c
For B̄ we find 2 2
c2 µy ∞,z ωL,z − ωT,z
αz ζ − 2 , (C45)
B1,5 = , (C24) ω 2 βL ζ 2 − ∞,z µy
ζ 2 − ∞,z µy ζαz
 Υ6,10 =− , (C46)
1 2 2 βC 0 ∞,z
B3,5 = B5,3 = 2 βL − 2βT + ζ, (C25)
c 2
2ζ βC 2 2
αz ζ Υ8,10 =− 2 + βL − 2βT , (C47)
B5,1 = 2 2 . (C26) βC 2
ω ρ ζ − ∞,z µy ζαz
Υ10,6 =− 2 2 2 , (C48)
For C̄ we find ω ρβL (ζ − ∞,z µy )
C1,1 = 0 ∞,x , (C27) ζ βC 2 2
Υ10,8 =− 2 + βL − 2βT . (C49)
βL 2
C1,3 = αx , (C28)
C2,2 = 0 ∞,y − , (C29)
µz Appendix D: Sorting of the Eigenmodes
C2,4 = αy , (C30)
αx In order to have a robust algorithm it is necessary to
C3,1 = 2 , (C31) correctly identify each mode in the nonlocal layers of the
ω ρ
2 heterostructure. In lossless media this is a simple task,
iγx ωT,x β2 modes can be sorted by the sign of the real component
C3,3 = 1 + − 2 + 2L ζ 2 , (C32)
ω ω c of their out-of-plane wavevector as
C4,2 = 2 , (C33)
ω ρ Re [q] > 0 → Down-propagating, (D1)
iγy ωT,y β2 Re [q] < 0 → Up-propagating. (D2)
C4,4 = 1 + − 2 + C2 ζ 2 , (C34)
ω ω 2c
2 In lossy media q is complex. To avoid unstable growth
iγz ωT,z β2 of solutions we order as
C5,5 = 1 + − 2 + C2 ζ 2
ω ω 2c
2 2 Im [q] > 0 → Down-propagating,
µy ∞,z L,z ωT,z
ω − (D3)
+ . (C35)
ω 2 2
ζ − ∞,z µy Im [q] < 0 → Up-propagating. (D4)

As discussed in the main text in the anisotropic material of the 3 components of the effective stress
systems under consideration there are two TO-phonon  
modes and two photon modes corresponding to TM τ1,3
and TE polarisation states with out-of-plane wavevec- τ̄ · ẑ =  τ2,3  . (E2)
P P τ3,3
tors qT , qph respectively in which P labels the polari-
sation state. There is also a single LO phonon mode
with out-of-plane wavevector qL . The LO mode is sepa- The rows of matrix W̄(p) are these field components for
rated by polarisation. The transverse modes are mixed the 5 up- and 5 down-propagating modes in the layer, of
phonon-photon excitations [22]. As the phonon disper- the form
sion is very slow in reality one will always be matter like
and the other light like. We sort by wavevector using [Ex , Ey , Hx , Hy , Xx , Xy , Xz , τ1,3 , τ2,3 , τ3,3 ] , (E3)
|qT |  |qph |. Transverse modes are further ordered by
polarisation state utilising calculated for each mode in the vector [u, d] discussed in
Appendix D.
|Ex |2
C= , (D5)
|Ex |2 + |Ey |2
Appendix F: Code
which is approximately unity for TM modes, when Ey =
0, and zero for TE modes, with Ex = 0. Scalar mode
amplitudes in a given layer are written in form [u, d] The code is provided in a well documented online
where the repository [37]. The calculations follow the equations
h vector of up-propagating i mode amplitudes
presented in the manuscript. For each unique material
is u = uTE ph , uTM
ph , uTE
T , uTM
T , u L and that for down- in the provided heterostructure the guided mode out-
h i
propagating modes is d = dTE , d TM TE TM
, d , d , d of-plane wavevectors q and mode amplitudes [u, d] are
ph ph T T L .
calculated through eigenequation Eq. 20. The interface
matrix W̄p , discussed in Appendix E, is then constructed,
using the relations in Appendix C to calculate the neces-
Appendix E: Boundary conditions
sary field components.
To calculate the response of a multilayer heterostructure
The matrix t̄(p) utilised in Eq. 22 depends on the fields the scattering matrix algorithm presented in Section 2B
in layers p and p+1. It relates to the single layer interface of the main text is followed. At each interface z = zp
matrices W̄(p) through the matrix t̃p is constructed through Eq. E1, in conjunc-
h i−1 tion with the eigenvalues q this allows for calculation of
t̄(p) = W̄(p+1) W̄(p) . (E1) the matrix s̃p through Eq. 31. The Redheffer star prod-
uct recursion Eqs. 33-36 are then used to find the ex-
As discussed in the main body of the Paper we apply ternal scattering coefficients. This process is repeated
Maxwell boundary conditions, namely continuity of the until the total heterostructure scattering matrix S̄N has
(N )
electromagnetic fields parallel to the interface Ek , Hk , been calculated, whose block R̄ud (Eq. 29) yields the
continuity of the full relative ionic displacement X and heterostructure reflectance.

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