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A simple method to create hydrophobic mortar using bacteria

grown in liquid cultures
Citation for published version (WHAT):
Qu , Z. , Guo , S. , Zheng , Y. , Giakoumatos , EC , Yu , Q. , & Voets , IK (2021). A simple method to create
hydrophobic mortar using bacteria grown in liquid cultures. , [123744]. Construction and Building Materials297 ,

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Construction and Building Materials 297 (2021) 123744

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A simple method to create hydrophobic mortar using bacteria grown in

liquid cultures
a,1 a,1 a
Zhengyao Qu Ilja , Shuaiqi Guo b,c,d,ÿ,1 , Yifeng Zheng , Emma C. Giakoumatos b,c,d , Qingliang Yu ,

K. Voets b,c,d,ÿ
aDepartment of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Laboratory of Self-Organizing Soft Matter, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands

article info abstract

Article history: The ingress of water-soluble aggressive species is a major cause to the reduced service life of concrete
Received 11 January 2021 structures. Bulk modification by adding hydrophobic agents in the cementitious materials is commonly
Received in revised form 14 May 2021 applied to reduce water penetration into the concrete matrix. However, conventional hydrophobic mod ifications
Accepted 23 May 2021
of concrete are associated with several unresolved major drawbacks such as high cost and tox icity. Here, we
investigate the impact of safe and easy-to-culture bacteria on the hydrophobic properties
of concrete. We demonstrate that hydrophobic concrete can be conveniently created by using the liquid
culture of bacteria without the need of growing biofilms as suggested by previous research, even with a
Hydrophobic materials
Water resistance strain that does not present innate hydrophobicity. These key findings greatly improve the feasibility for
Concrete the large-scale application of water resistance cementitious materials. Scanning electron microscopy and
Hydrophobic bacterium X-ray diffraction analyses indicated higher levels of micro-calcite formations with the increased addition
Hydrophilic bacterium of bacteria. These micro-calcite structures account for the dramatic increase in surface roughness which
leads to elevated hydrophobic properties of the hybrid concrete. This phenomenon is reminiscent of the
‘‘lotus-leaf effect”, with ultrahydrophobicity arising from the nano- and microscopic topologies of sur faces.
Bacteria-modified cement presents distinct heat-flow profiles during hydration consistent with
the increased calcite formation. Taken together, this research gives unprecedented mechanistic insight
into the design of microbial-modified concrete with hydrophobic properties particularly useful in floating
and offshore structures. Given the large repertoire of bacteria still to be used, our work sets the stage for
the future design of microbial-based hydrophobic concrete that can be tailored with additional functions
such as self-healing and odor removal.
2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

1. Introduction corrosion of the steel reinforcement of the concrete structures or

the degradation of the cement matrix [6,7]. When applied in brine
The durability of concrete is a major concern to design and environments, such as in coastal areas and salt lakes, the penetra tion of
application of concrete structures in harsh environments [1–3]. chloride could cause severe corrosion to steel bars in rein forced concrete
The durability of concrete is normally defined as resist weathering structures, resulting in a significant decrease in
action, chemical attack, and abrasion while maintaining its desired mechanical strength and a sharp decline in service life [8]. To mit igate
engineering properties [4,5]. Generally, concrete is a hydrophilic these deterioration processes, concrete can be made water repellant by
material and water can be easily penetrated due to the capillary endowing it with hydrophobic properties [9–12]. With
forces when exposed to water [6]. The absorption of water and sol uble the advances of hydrophobicity and super-hydrophobicity tech nologies,
aggressive ions pose a substantial safety risk as it may lead to the design of concrete with highly hydrophobic proper ties offers a promising
route to improve its durability [12–15].
Conventionally, concrete is hydrophobized by surface or admix ture
ÿ Corresponding authors at: Microbial Science Institute, Yale University, 840 treatments. Muhammad et al. [16] demonstrated that coating
West Campus Drive, West Haven, CT 06516, USA. the surface with nanomaterials is an effective method to render
E-mail address: (I Feet).
cementitious materials water repellent. Indeed, the National
These authors contributed equally to this work.
0950-0618/ 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 244 indi kinds of culture medium (Luria/Miller LB-Medium and LBPlus from Sigma
cated surface treatments can reduce up to 75% of water absorption in Aldrich) are used to investigate the influence of the culture medium on the
concrete [17]. Epoxy coatings are especially effective in reducing the hydrophobic performance of the bacteria.
water penetration of concrete [18]. It is also shown that silox ane
copolymers and hydrophobic silane admixtures can signifi cantly enhance 2.2. Preparation and testing methods
the water repellency of concrete [17,19]. Despite these progressions,
several key issues are yet to be resolved [16]. 2.2.1. Preparation of the biofilm hybrid mortars
Most of the hydrophobic chemicals used in this way require rather high Bacillus subtilis is a well-studied Gram-positive bacterium com monly
temperatures for adequate dispersion, which increases the energy found in soil and the gastrointestinal tract of humans [32,33]. B. subtilis
consumption and complicates the manufacturing proce dures [6,16]. cells are intrinsically hydrophobic due to the hydrophobin-like proteins
Silane-based chemicals can easily be mixed at an ambient temperature, displayed on their surfaces [33,34]. In a recent study by Grumbein et al, it
however, these are significantly more expensive than other coating is demonstrated that biofilms of B. subtilis grown on different media exhibit
materials and are thus less appealing for large-scale applications [19]. In hydrophilic (LB agar) and hydrophobic (LBPlus agar) behaviors,
addition, epoxy and silane are highly toxic raw materials that are harmful respectively [22].
to human health [20]. Finally, hydrophobic coatings can be damaged by Remarkably, both hydrophilic and hydrophobic biofilms of B. sub tilis can
weathering and abrasion over time, which compromises their effectiveness be used as an admixture to create concrete with water repellent
and warrants regular maintenance [21]. Bulk modification holds promise properties, suggesting that the innate hydrophobicity of the bacterium is
for long term preservation of the hydrophobic properties of concrete, but not required for creating hydrophobic concrete.
only if it is fairly inexpensive [6,22]. We therefore reason that a wide range of other inexpensive, and easy-to-
culture bacteria might be suitable as admixtures to create hydrophobic
Recent advances in biotechnology highlight the potential of uti lizing concrete.
biological and living materials to accomplish functions hith erto achieved The process for the preparation of microbe-modified mortar is shown
by synthetic materials [23–26]. An inspiring example in the concrete field in Fig. 1. Firstly, bacteria from a frozen glycerol stock are inoculated in 15
is the development of a self-healing concrete through the addition of mL of liquid Luria/Miller LB-Medium or LBPlus - Medium to prepare the
alkaline-resistant spore-forming bacteria [27–30]. Microcracks which bacterial cultures. Then, the cultures are stored in a shaking incubator
develop on concrete surfaces expose the dormant bacteria within the (250 rpm) overnight for growth. At last, the cultures are plated on the agar
concrete to water and oxygen, reviving them to produce limestone and plates for the generation of biofilm for 24 h. In control experiments, LB
‘‘heal” the cracks through biomineralization processes [31]. Bacteria can medium (without bacteria) is added to mortar and the wetting behavior of
also be utilized to engineer hydrophobic concrete. Grumbein et al [22] the sam ples is not changed. All mortar specimens are prepared in a
discovered that addition of biofilms of a Gram-positive bacterium, Bacillus labora tory mixer. The mortar is prepared with a ratio of water: cement:
sub tilis, significantly altered the wetting behavior of hybrid mortar making sand = 0.5: 1: 3.
it hydrophobic instead of hydrophilic. The underlying mechanisms and the
influence of bacterial agents on the cement hydration are yet to be
investigated. Moreover, for large-scale engi neering applications it is 2.2.2. Preparation of the bacteria hybrid mortars
important to find an alternative strategy that is as promising yet less labor- Given the numerous culturing and harvesting steps involved in growing
intensive than growing and har vesting biofilms of bacteria. biofilms, the production of biofilm-hybrid concrete is time-consuming and
labor-intensive [22,35,36]. To simplify the procedure to prepare bio-based
hydrophobic concrete, bacterial suspensions are cultured and applied as
In this research, liquid cultures of bacteria are applied to pro duce an admixture instead. This new approach reduces the preparation time
hydrophobic concrete in a concentration-dependent method. by at least one day as this is the time it takes to grow and collect the
This greatly facilitates the application of bacteria as a supplement to biofilms (Fig. 1).
hydrophobize cements, because several labour-intensive and time- Furthermore, the cost and waste are reduced by omitting the addi tional
consuming procedures, which are necessary to cultivate and harvest materials such as agar and petri dishes required for growing biofilms.
bacterial biofilms, can be avoided. In addition, we show that hydrophilic
bacteria can also endow concrete with hydropho bic properties, which The preparation route to prepare hybrid mortar from bacterial
greatly expands the repertoire of bacteria that can be used for creating suspensions is shown in Fig. 1. Two liters of LB medium are used as the
water-resistant concrete. Our research demonstrates that the hydrophobic growth medium to expand the production of cultured bacte ria. The
properties originated from a significant increase in the roughness of the centrifugation speed is set at 10,000 g (g = 9.81 m/s2 ) and the duration
morphology of the concrete at nano-to-micro-meter length scales. These is set at 10 min. After centrifugation, cell pellet is resuspended in lower
microstructure alterations result from the structure changes of ettringite volumes of water to achieve bacterial sus pensions (as shown in Fig. 1).
likely due to biomineralization. Moreover, the addition of the bacteria has This resuspended cell pellet is subse quently added to mortar at a
an impact on the hydration and phase formation of the cement. All in all, content of 1%, 2%, 5% and 10% by weight of pellet to cement, respectively.
this research provides insights into the mechanism for the preparation of The water used to prepare the bacteria suspensions has been included
microbe-modified hydrophobic into the total water consumption of the mortar preparation.

2.2.3. Characterization of the hybrid mortar samples
Static water contact angle measurements are performed on a
2. Experimental DataPhysics SCA20 (DataPhysics Germany) at ambient tempera ture.
Water with the volume of 5 ll is pipetted onto the outer sur face or the
2.1. Materials inner surfaces of the mortar sample with curing age of 7 days. In control
experiments where LB or LBplus medium (without bacteria and biofilm) is
Cement used for the research is CEM I 52.5 R from ENCI. The mixed with the hybrid mortars, no perceiv able change is found to the
aggregates used to prepare the mortar samples are CEN standard sand. wetting performance of the samples.
The bacteria used in this study for the hydrophobic modifica tion are B. The phase composition of hydration products with curing age of 7 days is
subtilis 3610 and E. coli (BL21 (DE3)) from ATCC. Two investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) on a D2
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Fig. 1. The process for the preparation of bio mortars.

Fig. 4. The water absorption of the bio mortars to which either B. Subtilis or E. Coli is
Fig. 2. Water contact angles of the biofilm modified mortar.
added at a 5% bacteria to cement ratio.

equipment from Bruker and the samples are ground and sieved,
and particles with diameter smaller than 40 lm are collected for
the test. The influence of the bacteria on the cement hydration
kinetics is assessed by calorimetry employing a TAM Air isothermal
calorimeter. The tests are carried out for 80 h at a constant temper
ature of 20 ÿ. The results are normalized by the mass of solid pow
ders. To analyze the microstructures of concrete, mortar samples
with curing age of 7 days sputter-coated with gold are analyzed
by scanning electron microscopy. The capillary water absorption
of the mortars is determined according to an adapted protocol of
EN 480–5 [37]. The experiments started by storing the samples
vertically in a chamber with a RH of about 65 ± 5% at room temper
ature (20 ± 1 C) after curing the samples for 7 days. The samples
are exposed to water with an immersion depth of about 3 mm
for a duration of 9 days and the mass of the samples was periodi
cally measured during the experiment. The fresh mortar is cast into
molds with dimensions of 40 mm 40 mm 160 mm. The prisms
are demolded 24 h after casting and cured at 100% RH at about
21 C. After curing for 1 and 7 days, the compressive strengths of
the specimens are tested according to EN 196–1 [38]. Three spec
imens for the compressive strength are tested at each age to com
Fig. 3. Water contact angles of the bacteria modified mortar. pute the average strength and standard deviation. The pore size
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Fig. 5. The microstructure and wetting property of the reference and bacteria-modified (5%wt) mortars determined by SEM and static water contact angle measurements. (a, c, e) Top surface and
(b, d, f) cross-section showing the inner layer of (a, b) the reference sample, (c, d) the B. subtilis hybrid mortar, and (e, f) the E. coli hybrid mortar.

distribution is measured using mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP, are cultured to prepare the hydrophobic mortars at a fixed biofilm to
Autopore IV, Micromeretics), with a maximum applied mer cury cement weight percentage of 5%. These are E. coli biofilms cul
pressure of 228 MPa, contact angle of 130, and equilibration time of tured with LB and LBplus, and B. subtilis biofilms cultured with LB
20 s. The setting time of pastes is evaluated by using the Vicat and LBplus. For the B. subtilis biofilms grown with different culture
apparatus based on EN 196–3: 2005 [39]. media, the modified mortars present similar water contact angles,
which are 61 and 66 for LB and LBplus, respectively. Interestingly,
3. Results and discussion the mortar with the E. Coli biofilm also presents enhanced
hydrophobicity displaying a water contact angle of 64 and 63, which
is essentially identical to the B. subtilis biofilm- containing samples.
3.1. The influence of the biofilms to the hydrophobicity of the mortar
This result indicated that, in order to prepare hydropho bic concrete,
the innate hydrophobicity of the bacteria is not a requirement as the
The influence of the biofilms on the hydrophobic performance of
cells of E. Coli are hydrophilic [32]. Thus,
the mortar is shown in Fig. 2. Four different kinds of biofilms

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elucidation of the mechanism underlying the creation of bacteria carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for metabolic processes such
based hybrid concrete with hydrophobic properties warrants fur ther as respiration, their Ca2+-associated membranes can be ideal nucle
research. ation sites for calcite (CaCO3) deposition. These nanoscale calcites
and the micron-scale cell-like particles roughen the concrete sur face
3.2. The influence of bacterial liquid cultures on the water resistance of on multiple length scales. We propose that it is this multi scale
the mortar roughness that contributes to the increased hydrophobicity
of concrete top surfaces. Intriguingly, clear differences in
The effect of bacterial dose on the hydrophobicity of the hybrid microstructures were also found on the internal cross-section
mortars was investigated as shown in Fig. 3. The cell concentra tions (Fig. 5b, d, f). Both the inner sections of concrete modified by B.
are characterized by optical density values at 600 nm subtilis (Fig. 5d) and E. coli (Fig. 5f) contained many spike-like
(OD600nm). The OD600nm values remain stable at ~4 for both types ettringite structures, which were much less abundant in the refer ence
of bacteria after culturing overnight, which indicates that suspen sions mortars (Fig. 5b). It has been reported that the shape of ettrin gite in
have reached the growth limit. To further increase the bacte rial concrete can be influenced by biomaterials such as bacteria
concentration, the bacteria are pelleted from the liquid or biofilms [42–44]. It should be noted that these short spike-like
suspension by centrifugation. Then the cell pellets are dispersed structures may increase the roughness of the mortars, thereby
in water to prepare the bacteria-modified mortars with bacteria increasing the hydrophobicity of the internal cross-section in a
to cement ratios of 1 wt%, 2%, 5% and 10%. The hydrophobicity manner resembling the ‘‘lotus-leaf effect” [45,46].
increases with increasing dosage. The 5% B. subtilis and E. coli mod
ified concrete display a contact angle of 96 and 89, respectively, 3.3. Impact of bacteria modification on the deposition of calcite
which shows a higher water contact angle values compared to
the samples directly made with 5% biofilms. A further increase in To determine whether the admixing of bacteria results in the
the dosage to 10%, slightly raises the contact angles to 103 (B. sub elevation of calcite, X-ray diffraction XRD measurements are per
tilis) and 95 (E. coli) which in turn indicates 5% is an optimum formed on mortar modified with different levels of E. coli- and B.
amount to prepared hydrophobic concrete taking both the subtilis, as well as on a reference sample (Fig. 6). The characteristic
hydrophobic performance and costs into account. Remarkably, Bragg reflections of calcite (CaCO3), quartz, calcium hydroxide (Ca
even higher contact angles can be achieved on the interface created (OH)2) induced portlandite, C2S and C3S are clearly visible in all
upon cross-sectioning the samples with 5% bacteria addition, samples. The quartz peaks (labeled with Q in Fig. 5)) can be attrib
which were as high as 150 for B. subtilis and 138.5 for E. coli. Both uted to the standard sand. Additionally, as the concentration of
of these samples demonstrated superhydrophobicity as water bacteria is increased, the calcite peak becomes more pronounced,
drops rapidly rolled off the surface of slightly tilted mortar speci mens while the portlandite peak diminishes. The XRD patterns thus cor
(Video S1). Concomitantly, the increased hydrophobicity of roborate the SEM findings, providing further evidence that the bac
the 5 wt% specimens with either B. subtilis or E. coli resulted in teria involving in the calcium carbonate precipitation and
an enhanced resistance against water absorption, which is reduced consumption of calcium hydroxide. Interestingly, the C2S and C3S
by approximately 60% as shown in Fig. 4. In sum, these results Bragg reflections are considerably larger in the bacteria-modified
demonstrate that the amount of bacteria added impacts the mortars than in the reference, which suggests a slower hardening.
hydrophobicity of the concrete, while the hydrophobicity of the
bacteria is unimportant. Furthermore, these findings strengthen
3.4. Impact of bacterial suspensions on the setting time, hydration of
the hypothesis that neither hydrophobic bacteria nor biofilms are
cement and mechanical property
required to create bio-based hydrophobic concrete. Without these
rigorous prerequisites, the design and application of microbe modified
To evaluate whether the hardening process of ordinary Portland
hydrophobic concrete is considerably simplified. This
cement (OPC) is affected by the addition of bacterial suspensions,
finding opens up many exciting opportunities, since a broad vari ety
cement hydration is investigated using calorimetry. Hererin, the
of microorganisms may be applied, which could help gain other
useful functions to concrete, such as removal of odor or self healing.

To gain mechanistic insight into the wetting properties dis played

by the bacteria-modified concrete samples, scanning elec tron
microscopy (SEM) is used to analyze their morphology at
nano-meter and micro-meter length scales as shown in Fig. 5. Sig
nificant differences in morphology are caused by the addition of B.
subtilis (Fig. 5c, d) or E. coli (Fig. 5e, f) both on the surface (Fig. 5a, c,
e) and internal cross-section (Fig. 5b, d, f) compared to concrete
specimens without added bacteria (Fig. 5a, b). Cubic crystals are
clearly visible on the outer surface of the B. subtilis modified con crete
(Fig. 5c). These crystals are under 1 mm in length rendering
the concrete surfaces rough. In view of the well-characterized
capabilities of B. subtilis to precipitate calcium carbonate, these
crystals are likely calcite (the most stable polymorph of CaCO3)
formed during the biomineralization process. Indeed, Willem
et al. [40] suggested biomineralization products could enhance
the water and gas penetration resistance of the bacteria containing
concrete. By contrast, no crystals nor other similar products were
found in E. coli-based samples. Instead, some cell-like structures
were observed (Fig. 5e). Anbu et al. [41] suggested that the net neg
ative charge on the bacterial membrane can act as scavengers for Fig. 6. X-ray diffraction patterns of the reference mortars and bacteria-modified
divalent cations, such as Ca2+ and Mg2+. Since bacteria sequester samples with 5% or 10% addition of liquid-cultured E. coli and B. subtilis.

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Fig. 7. Hydration kinetics of the reference and 5% bacteria mixed cement paste at 20 C: a) Heat flow, b) Released heat. C) setting time of the cement paste, D) compressive strength of the paste
samples, pore structure of the cement paste (7d) e) and f).

exothermic heat flow is monitored over time as shown in Fig. 7 (a) nounced peak, reflecting the hydration kinetics at ~3 days. The
and (b). cumulative heat agrees well with the evolution of the cement
In line with previous studies, the first calorimetric heat peak hydration as shown in Fig. 7b. In the first 70 h, the bacteria
appears in a few minutes after the start of the measurement, which containing samples present a much lower cumulative heat than the
is due to the heat release upon contact with water and dissolution reference. This is attributed to the retardation effect of bacteria on
of cement particles [47]. A single second peak is observed at round cement hydration [47,49]. Furthermore, B. subtilis retards the
10 h over the course of the hydration process of reference which is reaction more than E. coli. The peak in heat flow (Fig. 7a) and
due to the massive formation of reaction products [48]. Interest upward inflection in the released heat (Fig. 7b) are shifted upward
ingly, two second peaks are observed for each of the bacteria by approximately 6 h. This is likely due to differences in their
modified pastes: a minimal peak at 4 h and a second, more pro biomineralization capabilities. Tentatively, we propose that

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biomineralization-inducing encapsulate themselves in a shell of calcite.

This temporarily limits the available amount of Ca2+ in the cement pore
solution, as it is scavenged by the bacteria due to complexation with
the bacterial membrane and delays the hydration process. Fig. 7c
presents the initial and final setting time of reference and bacteria
contained pastes. In line with the influ ence to the cement hydration,
both bacteria increase the setting times. The early age (1d & 7d)
compressive strength is shown in Fig. 7d. Due to the retardation effect,
the bacteria results in a slower development of early-age strength of
mortar samples. At 1d, the compressive strength of bacteria
contained mortars is only about 65% of the reference. However, its
should be noted that at 7d, the compressive strength of the bacteria
contained mortars increases to 90% of the reference. This can be
attributed to the pore structure refinement by the bacteria as the bio
mineralized prod ucts can fill in the voids among cement matrix [50].
As shown in Fig. 7e and f, the bacterial contained pastes show more
distribution in the finer range of 10–40 nm and less pores in the range
around 1000 nm.

3.5. The influence of the bacterial membrane on the hydrophobicity of

the mortars

Our findings indicate that the hydrophobic performance of the

microbe-modified mortars originated from the impact of bacteria on the
biomineralization and morphology in the mortars. Yet, other factors may
also play a role of importance. It is conceivable that the innate
hydrophobicity of the phospholipid-based cell membrane of the bacteria
is influential. To investigate this possi bility, bacterial membranes were
collected from lysed cells to be used as admixture to prepare bacterial-
Interestingly, water contact angle measurements (Fig. 8) revealed
that the addition of 5% either B. subtilis or E. coli cell mem branes by
weight of cement significantly increased the wetting resistance of the
bacterial-membrane-modified mortar specimens compared to the
reference. This can be attributed to the hydropho bic nature of the
phospholipids, which are the main constituents of bacterial membranes.
The mortar with B. subtilis membranes pre sented a higher water
contact angle (91.4) than that of its E. coli counterparts (82.6). This is
likely due to the innate hydrophobicity of Bs1A, which is a hydrophobin-
like protein in the cell membrane of B. subtilis [28]. Intriguingly, the
addition of the bacterial mem branes does not generate spike-like
structures (Fig. 7b, c) seen in the specimens with living bacteria. A
comparison with the SEM micrographs of pristine mortars with neither
bacterial suspensions nor membranes (Fig. 4a and b), indicates that
lifeless cell mem branes do not significantly change the microstructures
of the cement matrix. This explains the lower hydrophobicity of the
bacterial-membrane-modified mortars compared to the bacterial
suspension-modified mortars. In sum, the addition of bacterial cell
membranes does render concrete more water-resistant, but these
samples do not exhibit the multiscale roughness observed in mor tars
with living bacteria. The latter modification is thus preferred, as it
generates more hydrophobic mortar through a simpler preparation.

3.6. Application of bacteria as a coating on concrete surface

Fig. 8. Morphology of the bacterial-membrane-containing mortars determined by SEM. a) Cell
In an attempt to further simplify the hydrophobization of con crete lysate of B. subtilis. b) Mortars with B. subtilis membranes. c) Mortars with E. coli membranes.
with bacteria, we further explored whether it is important to mix bacteria
with bulk concrete, or whether instead, hydropho bic mortar can be
achieved by simply coating the bacteria on the concrete surface. B.
subtilis and E. coli-coated mortar samples with 0.5 g cell pellet are pre-hydration (immediately after casting) and post-hydration (after three
prepared at two distinct time points, namely days of hydration). Remarkably, all samples,
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Fig. 9. Morphology and water contact angles of the mortars with bacterial coatings: a) Coating on pre-hydration mortar with B. subtilis b) Coating on pre-hydration mortar with E. coli, c) Coating on post-
hydration mortar with B. subtilis, d) Coating onpost-hydration mortar with E. coli.

irrespective of whether hydrophobic or hydrophilic bacteria are used, the durability of concrete. To fully comprehend the impact of
exhibit hydrophobic properties with contact angles larger than 90 microorganisms on cementitious materials, future work should also
(Fig. 9). This facile coating route presents appealing appli cation examine other physical and mechanical properties of microbe-
potential as the coating has little influence on the bulk prop erties modified concrete, such as shrinkage, self-healing and chloride
of the mortar, whilst water penetration is delayed by the bacterial permeability.
Declaration of Competing Interest

4. Conclusion and outlook The authors declare that they have no known competing finan
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
In conclusion, we herein present an effective and dramatically influence the work reported in this paper.
simplified strategy to design biohybrid concrete with hydrophobic
properties by replacing admixed bacterial biofilms with bacteria Acknowledgements
collected from liquid cultures. Both B. subtilis and E. coli are effec
tive, whether admixed in bulk or applied as coating. Hydrophobic The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support by
mortars with contact angles in excess of 90 are achieved. Impor STW-foundation, the EPSRC-NSFC Joint Research Project (No.
tantly, the choice of bacteria to prepare hydrophobic concrete does 51461135005), the European Union (ERC-2014-StG Contract No.
not appear to be restricted to the range of inherently hydrophobic 635928), the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO ECHO Grant No.
bacteria. The concentration of bacteria is a critical determinant of 712.016.002), and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and
the wetting properties of the hydrophobized concrete. With higher Science (Gravity Program 024.001.035) for funding this research.
bacterial concentrations, the mortars present better water resis Mrs. ACA Delsing in the lab of Building Physics and Services at
tance and higher contact angles. Eindhoven University of Technology is acknowledged for providing
Interestingly, the mechanism underlying the hydrophobization by experimental support on the SEM analysis. Furthermore, the authors
living microbes is multi-faceted. The hydrophobicity of the bac terial wish to express their gratitude to the following sponsors of the
membrane contributes as well as alterations in the microstructure of Building Materials research group at TU Eindhoven: Rijkswaterstaat
concrete at nano-to-micron length scales. The latter are likely Major Projects and Maintenance; Granite Import Benelux; Kijlstra
induced by biomineralization and other metabolic processes, which concrete mortar; Struyk Verwo; Attero; Enci; Rijkswaterstaat Zee en
appear to induce calcite precipitation during the hydration of the Delta-District Noord; Van Gansewinkel Minerals; BTE; V.d. Bosch
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the lotus leaf effect, which in turn enhances Gypsum; Hess AAC Systems; Kronos; Joma; CRH Europe
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