Templete Scenario Uprak 2021

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Title : Prambanan Temple

Genre text : Description
Prambanan Temple is the largest and most beautiful Hindu temple ever built on the
island of Java which is located at an altitude of 154 m above sea level and has become one of
the tourist destinations in Yogjakarta. The temple was built by Bondowoso as a promise to
marry Rorojonggrang. However, the construction of this temple was not completed due to
Rorojonggrang's ruse. Finally, Bondowoso cursed Rorojonggrang as a complement to the

Opening: Showing slides content of opening with the identity of participant
Tell what picture
you show in this
Introduction Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.
In this section I will Hello, good morning. My name is Nurfitri Yana Romadhoni from class 12
show the video science 2 my number is twenty three.
about prambanan
What picture you Prambanan
show in this part?
Prambanan Temple is the largest and most beautiful Hindu
temple ever built on the island of Java. In addition, Candi Prambanan is
a world heritage site protected by UNESCO. This temple was built
during the Hindu kingdom in Indonesia in the 10th century. However,
according to legend, it was a temple built by Bondowoso as a promise
to marry Rorojonggrang. However, the construction of this temple was
not completed due to Rorojonggrang's ruse. Finally, Bondowoso cursed
Rorojonggrang as a complement to the temple. As a very beautiful
temple, the Prambanan temple building complex is located at an
altitude of 154 m above sea level and has become one of the tourist
destinations in Jogjakarta. Located in Prambanan village, Bokoharjo
District. The distance is about 27 km from Jogjakarta. The location is
only about 100 m from the Yogya-Solo highway so it must be easy to

What picture you The height of the Prambanan temple is about 47 meters. It is 5
show in this part? meters high from Borobudur. The Prambanan Temple complex which is
rectangular in shape consists of 3 main parts, namely the outer court,
the middle court, and the Njeron court (back court). Theouter
courtyard is surrounded by a square stone fence with an area of 390
m2, but now the stone fence is no longer there. After the outer court
there is a central courtyard which is rectangular with an area of 222
m2. In the middle court there are 4 terraces. The first terrace, the
lowest terrace has 68 small temples. On the second terrace there are
60 temples, on the third terrace there are 52 temples and the last on
the top terrace or the fourth terrace there are 44 temples. In the back
court there are 2 temples that line from north to south and 3 temples
in the west facing east. In the back court there is also a temple that
represents the three gods in Hinduism, namely the Vishnu Temple in
the north, the Brahmana Temple in the south, and in the middle there
is the Shiva Temple.

Conclusion From the descriptive text of prambanan, I can conclude that

Prambanan Temple is the largest and most beautiful Hindu temple ever
What picture you
show in this part? built on the island of Java. Located in Prambanan village, Bokoharjo
District. The distance is about 27 km from Yogjakarta. The location is
only about 100 m from the Yogya-Solo highway so it must be easy to
reach. Prambanan is one of the favorite destinations for tourists from
abroad. Prambanan has a height of about 47 meters. The Prambanan
Temple complex, which is rectangular in shape, consists of 3 main
parts, namely the outer court, the middle court, and the Njeron court
(back court).

Closing : the
picture of … will
be performed

The process of making video:

I put several pictures and videos which I took using my own camera and also from You tube. I
mixed both to make it interesting. I got good experience in designing like a You tube content.


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