B0020 Poetry Writing, English 1661703139586

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Le-k Hq Fl\ ?oq"n

Dc*rL^ e31,, Fe-.^r. Rn cl cx .-,.-:i I t to be Sre-e, .

Tnc^pp-qd in c,- cc..5e_

Frot \ eQ clcr.c \<- .
t.rVrera li CS\tsn\ n C5 gLr i \ce:
An<\ t\-re ctoud= e_.\

[\o lr q;nt, no kr ope-,

trlots e-v qn cr\ *i n 5 = pc^r tc
Oe {he. us\n d pli e >
Hnd Fe<^r3 clrsp €rs.., ttrre- =O\.

LV-c^ine.d { o+tre- Sro..> nd,

A tiFF\e- dsvq_ qri €S
$ce-crrn'rn\ oC G li$e-
OF hrar o\,*:n r-^si \ \ "

fu=t *he=e a+e-e-\ ber=,

He-r' hopp'rne-3b Ii es :
tr Jo\, \ litlle_ \;C<a
Tktcrt's re-\ qx i e^n d c_ni I \ -

b.-:t er\re rn ro=k tQ-k LYrQ-r Q,

Rnd 5hQ- rnogk- *'orvi ve'
She. wr,-r=k r id the-9e e-\rro\nS
Rnd rip $reee. h:6irs
F.,r cL=, .5., * k-rro..^>,
Eve-r-5on e- rnutk C-kroo=Q- tl-re-r c C,Lof\ \i..lea
f5u\'- tho.lr- drg-c-.'-", *krclh 1, Ge_,
J-+ \\v€b go Cc^c.

T1'r rct=1ai n \ c_xrr<\ hc-\ qk_tn\

Sfre- *r \ e= +c e5c_c^pe_
Tlre- h>re\-q_k\ e-d. lrqncJS
Tho-t Log'.c\13 cxrq,1; n ql. hrqr n gq=k

Thi= it e,n e- ni Crlr+n/-rcxr-.e

-J r --.-'-/

3he ttrr-r 3F Gr.-., qp-€-

Qr Shel t\ ++c-\ o-n ek-rniF\
-Ln +hi= rneSS\ v€- rsce_c-l<-

Shg- rs=ts .en^ern t>er

t.^Jh\q{*a- *kr<-re's clc..rlan e-S=, tl-.e-r<'S I ;qat r t-
Eve'rj ccri n\>o u.s c<>rrreS clEter {\re nc.,.i n
Tt.ri: ibn't- tkre_ e.nd oL +he_ f\cr*ee

UJ\ tsk) rn rnirtcl-,

5ne. k-e.eps \rp the_ Fia,ht
+l-\r.e).js +he- clsr-r lo*r^\q=s
trsee {o- Qqc-e-

B+ tc.=ts, +he 9ts<-a-\ t=crra .^>it"6Q-rr- dor--sn

trnd $rr e- blc^-z-e- e,Q \ ;a,rn t bti ncl- hre-c 6i q1.\nt
$ne *riu rn p\'\s at- t"^it 7 yrer k c>.l \ ..o=.F c,r-r k
Rev e c*\ i n<5 +V\e- c-r.: t-3 cxn d u)o..>.. db, |,6>r- ghq- 61.: t- u12 ff\e- B'$*

T\-re- Prarl..r -rc be- Ene.9.

nc\\t.\, t Yre- sprqc^c\=

Fi \^e-r c^Si nq:.S
Qnd be=<:*^s {o ft\.

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