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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Evolving embodied intelligence | prof. dr.

Koen Hendriks|
Lmar Hazrat - 2821477 | 27/09/2023

In today’s class we got a lecture from prof. dr. Koen Hendriks who is a full professor at the VU in
Amsterdam where he is specialized in social AI . In this lecture he told us about social AI and how it
can be used in the world. The following things have been lectured:

•Different forms of AI: Computer vision, planning & search, Knowledge Representation, Machine
Learning, natural language processing and robotics. These have been or going to be discussed in the
previous/next guest lectures.
•Social AI is about making machines interact with humas as smoothly as possible.
•Social interaction has two branches: Engagement and Co-regulation. Each branch has it own sub-
branches. Under engagement there are: attention, interest and affection. Under co-regulation there
are: coordination, agency and competence.
•Social robots can be deployed as: companions, coaches and assistants. They also can be effectively
used to collect visitors data.
•Robot has to be designed that it gives a personal style (e.g. warmer speech, bigger gestures etc.),
this is important to give a safe feeling to someone who interacts with a robot for the first time.
•A thing that I read on the screen was “AI does not model the mind/brain.” this tricked me a bit,
because I thought that it (social) AI was fully based and formed on the humas are build.

Briefly, the message of this lecture is: “the more engaging a robot is, the better.”

This lecture did not have much information, it was only explaining examples and not really explaining
the subject and the information. I did not know what to write for myself to understand as new
information. I went through the slide many times and I did not follow what it was about.

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