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Nama : Zakiyah Nurjannah

NIM : 045225836

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Tugas 1 Reading II

A. Main idea of each paragraph.

1. Paragraph 2 : More people now exist than ever before, and the population keeps growing.

2. Paragraph 6 : People clear trees from hills and forests, it makes the soil exposed and the
erosion happen.

3. Paragraph 10 : Other experts believe the earth can provide enough food for all.

4. Paragraph 13 : Better education for women in developing countries can help do both.

5. Paragraph 15 : Population and hunger are global problems.


1. Population and hunger problems. Population growth that is faster than food production so
that it cannot keep up with the hunger problem. In addition, the felling of trees that make the
soil lose humus elements and kill the plants themselves and cause erosion so that food needs
are not met due to crop failure.

2. In paragraph 12 it says, "Bring food supplies up and birth rates down". In paragraph 13 it
says, "Better education for women in developing countries can help do both. Women do
much of the farm work in these countries. Education will help them get the most out of
agricultural assistance. They can also take advantage of family planning information", and
paragraph 14 "Scientists can aid the war against hunger by developing crops that resist
disease and by improving irrigation methods. People everywhere must learn how to grow
food without harming the environment."

3. The people itself. The one who can 'produce' the babies and The one who destroying the
environment. They should stop, so the other can start to maintain the birth rates and the crop.
4. As a result of logging itself that makes the soil lose humus elements and make crop
failure / harvest less good. Overgrazing leads to the loss of a lot of diversity and the plants
become dry. while erosion makes the loss of soil fertility. It all the same makes the soil
produce less quality crops / can not even be planted anymore.

5. With the number of people who have higher education makes that person a lot to learn
more than he knows (add insight) so he wants to improve and pour his thoughts that have
been studied in order to improve the environment / better life. That way education encourages
a person to become something more advanced and developed for everyone.

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