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Date 2023-10-15

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Background :-
Results from the annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) demonstrate that among young adults with
recent depression, the use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) increased. Younger adults with depression (i.e., those aged
18-25 years and 26-34 years) are more likely to use LSD compared with their older counterparts, which is notable because
this age group is also increasingly likely to have depression over time and because young adults increasingly perceive LSD
as easy to obtain. The increase was particularly high among young adults and those earning less than $75,000 a year .
Problem statement :-
According to previous study, young individuals not only believe it is simple to obtain LSD but also fail to consider its
negative effects, which include hypertension, tachycardia, raised body temperature, bodily tremors, delusions, panic
attacks, terror, and paranoia ("or a bad trip") .
In the form of "flashbacks" and new hallucinations (if they acquire the hallucinogen-persisting perception condition), side
effects may also last after a drug leaves the body. Due to ambiguous dosage instructions, illegal LSD use puts users at a
higher risk for undesirable effects, which can depend on dose quantity .
Objectives :-
Understanding the causes of LSD use and the relationship between non-medical LSD use and depression should be the
focus of future study. Public health initiatives to encourage responsible and scientifically supported use of psychedelics are
essential as the assessment of LSD as a viable psychiatric treatment proceeds .
Methodology :-
1) From 2008 to 2019, researchers examined 478,500 adult respondents' responses to the NSDUH, a cross-sectional, in-
person survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration .
2) LSD use in the previous month and year as well as depression in the previous year were asked about in the survey .
Statistical analysis was done by the investigators between December 2022 and June 2023 .
Hypothesis and Results :-
a drop in the danger associated with regular LSD use, indicating that people with depression may be attempting LSD
without anticipating negative effects. Given that LSD usage is on the rise in both the general population and among those
who suffer from depression, public health education about safe LSD use is necessary to reduce risks in situations where
medical supervision is not available .

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