Mngt. 9

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Chapter 9: Social Responsibility

“Ang pagsasabi ng tapt, “Open and frank communication

Pagsasama ng maluwang.” ensure harmonious relationship.”

A. Value Formation and Social Responsibility

- Concern with the profit and not the public
- It is important that firms have a good public image

B. These are Tough Time

- President Aquino has articulated three (3) broad social goals:
1. Alleviation of mass poverty
2. Generation of employment
3. Equitable distribution of the fruits of development

C. Revolution of Values
In more formalistic terms, these values are:
1. Moral integrity 4. Productivity and efficiency
2. Equity of social justice 5. Freedom and solidarity
3. Democracy and participation 6. Public accountability

D. Social Audit

E. Ongoing Efforts , Not Enough


Social responsibility may be an entirely different matter and is usually, of staff level, which means it has no
clout at all. But why is business now taking more time for social responsibility?
1. The government is not really effective in regulating or reconciling private and public interest.
2. Corporation have top-calibrate brains, skills and experiences in dealing with the public and, therefore,
may be able to contribute such management expertise to the resolution of social problems.
3. The private sector has been a great source of many of the policy-makers and chief executives of
government ministries and state corporations and projects.
4. What are emerging in the next generation is a more sceptical, articulate and informed citizen and
consumer population.

Some Possible Application

As loose exercise, let us discuss two of our negative traits, Hiya and Tsismis

Making the Social revolution Work:

1. At the very top, board directors and CEOs should lobby for the government to create the Cabinet
Coordinating Committee for Human Resource Development.
2. Stringiest population control by concentrating on new parents and high school students.
3. Consider Volunteerism.
4. More challenging would be for some firms to allow one or two of their top executive.

5. Volunteer to set up apprenticeship systems in suitable sectors with select schools.
6. Convert the public relationships (PR) department or office into a department of consumerism.
7. In annual reports, it would be useful to put up a citizen’s sector or social accounting portions.
8. A more deliberate company policy aside from 1% to 5% of available jobs every year for the Companies
definition of the poorest-of-the- poor.
9. Another practical thing that could be done is for the company to ta take a specific geographic area within
its location or vicinity and enter in to a contact with the local government for the rehabilitation
10. The organization of community people’s power could be optimized through voluntarism, consistent
participatory decision making by the government, repeated trips to the provinces to hold dialogues and
consultations with the government ministries and executives of state corporations.
11. No-frills, back-to-basics product development that really respond to recurring needs of people should be
matched with no-frill, creative advertising and public relations.
12. We don’t have four seasons and thus, a winter.
13. It would also be very useful for top corporate and marketing planners in the private sector to contribute
their technologies to government macro-planners in economic and social development.
14. Consider education and teaching.
15. Qualified middle-and top management could be tapped to serve as college and university instructors.
16. Putting up a practice based Institution of Management could also be considered.
17. There must be a purposeful, deliberate and stubborn insistence on superior education and training with
the intent of becoming the best in the ASEAN region.

The Manager as Teacher

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