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Naskah Drama Keong Mas

1. Raden Inu Kertapati :

2. Dewi Candra Kirana :
3. Dewi Galuh Ajeng :
4. Raja :
5. Penyihir :
6. Nenek Tua :
7. Kakek Tua :
8. Narator :

Once upon a time, In the palace of the Kingdom of Daha lived a king with his
two daughters. One day, the King called his two daughters, because they were
going to have a guest from the Kingdom of Karuhipan named Raden Inu

King: "My daughters come here!" (Calling his two daughters)

Galuh: (Walking up to the father) "What's wrong, father?"
Kirana: (Walking behind Galuh Ajeng) "Did your father call me too?"
King: "Yes my daughter, there is a very important notice... Tomorrow Raden Inu
Kertapati from the Kingdom of Kahuripan will come the day after tomorrow."
Kirana: "Then, what does it have to do with us your father?
"King: "You have made an agreement with the father of Raden Inu Kertapati, that
you will marry one of your daughters to Raden Inu."
Galuh : ( Sparkling with pleasure) "Which one of us will be married to Raden Inu,
King: "We have decided that Candra Kirana will marry Raden Inu Kertapati. and this
decision is inviolable!"
Galuh: (Bowing his head) "Sorry father, Galuh wants to go to the back... Excuse me..
(Walking away while bowing your head)
Kirana: (Seeing Galuh's departure, then seeing the King) "Thank you, father... Kirana
is very happy..
King: "You're both my sons... Let's prepare everything." (While stroking Kirana's

While the goddess was jealous of kirana who was lucky and fortunate to marry
inu kertapati, evil intentions to harm kirana also occurred in her mind. He also
came to a hut owned by a witch.
Galuh: "Excuse me, Is anyone inside?" (Looking around)
Witch: "What do you need Cute girl?" (walking using a cane)
Galuh: "I need your help! Please help me!"
Witch: "What do you want me to do?"
Galuh: "I want you to bewitch Candra Kirana into something disgusting! What is
clear is that I want Kirana to suffer!"
Witch: "Well, I will bewitch Candra Kirana so that she cannot get engaged and
marry Raden Inu!"
Galuh: (Smiling happily) "Thank you for your help, it's a pleasure to cooperate with
a wizard like you! This is money in return." (Giving envelopes filled with money)
Witch: (Received the money) "Now I will prepare a curse for him..."
Galuh: "I'm waiting to hear from you, witch!!" ( left the witch's hut and returned to
the Palace)
The next day, Candra Kirana went to the market to buy necessities to
welcome the arrival of Raden Inu Kertapati tomorrow. After returning from
Kirana market, you pass a river. In the river kirana is confronted by an ugly old
woman. The old woman is a magic grandmother who was ordered by Galuh to
bewitch Kirana.

Witch: "Hwahahahaha!! Candra Kirana! How are you, huh? It seems that you are
very happy today? Hwahahaha..."
Kirana: (surprised) "Who are you?"
Witch: "Shut up! I'm here to bewitch you into a conch!!
Kirana: "Why do you want to bewitch me? What did I do wrong?"
Witch: "It was your brother who told me to bewitch you."
Kirana: "Galuh? No way, you must be lying!"
Witch: "It's ! Don't talk so much ! Just accept your fate! hahahaha." (chanting
a spell to bewitch Kirana into a Conch)
Kirana: "No!" ( Turned into a golden snail)
Witch: "Hwahahaha!!! You will only be human during the day, but when it is
nightfall, you will return to being a conch!! This curse will end when you meet
Raden Inu!! Hwahahaha!" (Throwing gold snails into the river)

Candra Kirana has been cursed into a golden snail and thrown into the
river until stranded in Dadapan Village. One day a grandmother was fishing with
a net, and a golden snail was caught in her net. The Golden Snail was then taken
home and placed in a crock.

Grandma: "Oh, what a pretty conch!! I'll take it home!" Upon arriving at the
cottage, the grandmother placed the conch in a safe place. Then he rested for a
while on the chair.
Grandma: "Until this time I haven't got any fish. I have to find another fish, if I
don't get fish, what do I want to eat?" ( Go out to fish)

The grandmother went back to fish in the river. Later, Kirana returned to
her human form.

Kirana: "huh, why am I here? Oh yea, there was a grandmother who took me.
It's a pity for that grandma, just to eat she has to find fish first. I'll make some food
for her."
Until late at night the grandmother did not get a single fish. Then the
grandmother decided to just go home, when she got home she was very
surprised, because at the table there was already a very delicious dish. The
grandmother wondered to herself, who sent this dish. Similarly, the next day the
grandmother went through a similar incident, the next morning she wanted to
peek at what happened when she went fishing. The grandmother then
pretended to go to the river to fish as usual, and then went to the back of the
house to peek at her. After a while, the grandmother was very surprised. Because
the golden snail in the crock turned into a beautiful girl. The girl then cooks and
prepares the dish at the table. Feeling curious, then the grandmother plucked up
the courage to reprimand the beautiful princess.
Grandma: "Who are you this beautiful princess, and where did you come from?"
Kirana: ( Turned in surprise) "I....I... I'm Candra Kirana. I am the princess of the
kingdom of Daha who was bewitched into a golden snail by my brother's
messenger magic grandmother because she was jealous of me"
Grandma: ( Feel compassion) " pity you so much, son... i doesn't know what kind of
sister ,your sister is, so she has the heart to curse you! But the name is human when
you are jealous,... whatever he does! Yes, I have... while you may stay here, son..."
Kirana: "Thank you, Grandma..."
Sementara itu pangeran Inu Kertapati tak mau diam saja ketika tahu candra
kirana menghilang. Iapun mencarinya dengan cara menyamar menjadi rakyat
biasa. Nenek sihirpun akhirnya tahu dan mengubah dirinya menjadi gagak untuk
mencelakakan Raden Inu Kertapati. Raden Inu Kertapati Kaget sekali melihat
burung gagak yang bisa berbicara dan mengetahui tujuannya. Ia menganggap
burung gagak itu sakti dan menurutinya padahal raden Inu diberikan arah yang

Raden Inu : (Terkejut) “siapa kau ?”

Burung Gagak : “ Tenang anak muda, aku akan menunjukkan arah ke Desa
Dadapan, di sana kamu akan bertemu dengan Candra Kirana.”
Raden Inu : “ Darimana kau tahu tujuan perjalananku? Siapa kau sebenarnya?”
Burung Gagak : “ Kau tidak perlu tahu siapa aku, ikuti saja petunjuk yang
Raden Inu : “ Baiklah, terima kasih atas pertolonganmu.”

Setelah berjalan cukup jauh mengikuti petunjuk arah dari burung gagak,
Raden Inu tidak juga menemukan Desa Dadapan. Diperjalanan Raden Inu
bertemu dengan seorang kakek yang sedang kelaparan, diberinya kakek itu
makan. Ternyata kakek itu adalah orang sakti yang baik Ia menolong Raden Inu
dari burung gagak itu.

Kakek : “Tolonglah nak, sudah beberapa hari kakek tidak makan.”

Raden Inu : “Oh, ini kek, ada sedikit makanan.” (memberi sepotong roti)
Kakek : “Terima kasih anak muda. Janganlah kau mengikuti petunjuk yang
diberikan burung gagak tadi, dia sebenarnya adalah jelmaan nenek sihir, dia
memberikan arah yang salah padamu.”
Raden Inu : “Lalu apa yang harus kulakukan kek?”
Kakek : “Berjalanlah mengikuti aliran sungai ini, di ujung sana kamu akan
menemukan Desa Dadapan.”
Raden Inu : “Terima kasih kek, saya akan melanjutkan perjalanan ini.”
Kakek : “Berhati-hatilah dalam perjalananmu,anak muda.”
Raden Inu : “Baiklah kek.”

Setelah berjalan berhari-hari sampailah Raden Inu di desa Dadapan Ia

menghampiri sebuah gubuk yang dilihatnya untuk meminta seteguk air karena
perbekalannya sudah habis. Di gubuk itu ia sangat terkejut, karena dia bertemu
dengan Candra Kirana. Akhirnya sihir dari nenek sihir pun hilang karena
perjumpaan itu.

Raden Inu : “Ah,…di sana ada pondok! Mungkin aku bisa numpang istirahat di
sana untuk sementara waktu dan setidaknya aku mendapat seteguk air. Aku
merasa lelah sekali setelah berjalan sejauh ini.”( Menghampiri pondok itu) “
Kirana : “Iya, sebentar…” ( membuka pintu)
Raden Inu : (Terkejut) “ Bukankah kamu….Candra Kirana?”
Kirana : “Raden Inu? Kenapa bisa ada di sini?”
Raden Inu : “Ceritanya panjang, sudah berhari-hari aku mencarimu. Sekarang
ayo kita pulang, ayahmu sudah menunggumu.”
Kirana : “Terimakasih banyak, karena kamu sudah menyelamatkanku.”
Dari dalam rumah terdengar suara nenek memanggil Kirana.
Nenek : “Siapa, Kirana?”(Berjalan mendekati Kirana)
Kirana : “Oh, Nenek…kenalkan ini adalah Raden Inu yang Kirana ceritakan
waktu itu. Dia menjemput Kirana untuk pulang. Tapi, Kirana tidak tega
meninggalkan Nenek sendirian.”
Nenek : “Tidak apa-apa, Kirana. Pulanglah, pasti kamu merindukan
Raden Inu : “Begini saja, Nenek ikut kami ke Istana dan hidup bersama kami.”

Akhirnya Raden Inu memboyong Candra Kirana beserta nenek yang baik
hati tersebut ke istana, dan Candra Kirana menceritakan perbuatan Dewi Galuh
pada Sang Raja. Raja minta maaf kepada Candra Kirana dan sebaliknya. Dewi
Galuh lalu mendapat hukuman yang setimpal. Karena Dewi Galuh merasa takut,
maka dia melarikan diri ke hutan. Pernikahan Candra kirana dan Raden Inu
Kertapati pun berlangsung, dan pesta tersebut sangat meriah. Akhirnya mereka
hidup bahagia.

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