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MPCNet: GNSS Multipath Error Compensation

Network via Multi-task learning

Sangjae Cho Hong-Woo Seok Seung-Hyun Kong˚
CCS Graduate School of Mobility CCS Graduate School of Mobility CCS Graduate School of Mobility
Daejeon, South Korea Daejeon, South Korea Daejeon, South Korea
2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) | 979-8-3503-4691-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IV55152.2023.10186566

Abstract—In a multipath channel environment, classifying non- signal propagation channel environment. LOS multipath signal
line-of-sight (NLOS) Global Navigation Satellite (GNSS) satellites means first signal that arrive to the receiver directly and other
and compensating multipath ranging error (MRE) is the most signals that are received after being reflected by propagation.
important task for improving GNSS positioning accuracy in
urban areas. Recently, Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), pseudorange, Conventional GNSS receivers that receive LOS multipath
and other measurements have been used to classify NLOS signal can easily classify direct signals from the signal through
satellites, but these measurements have limited representation the auto-correlation function (ACF). Also, even if the receiver
of NLOS channel characteristics. In this paper, we propose a cannot classify direct signals, LOS multipath signal only
Multipath error Compensation Network (MPCNet) that uses causes several meters of positioning errors, so they are not
an Autocorrelation function (ACF) output and 3D Geographic
Information System (GIS) as inputs to classify NLOS satellites decisive for the positioning performance in urban areas [6].
and compensate for MRE. MPCNet is composed of two heads for However, NLOS multipath signal, which consists only of
each task and a shared network that learns relevant information signals reflected and diffracted from obstacles, cause sig-
about the multipath channel environment from the ACF output. nificant positioning errors of several tens of meters due to
The performance evaluation of MPCNet was performed in a distorted propagation time. NLOS channel environments are
real urban environment, and the NLOS classification accuracy
was compared with that of conventional deep learning-based commonly found in dense urban areas with many high-rise
NLOS classifiers, and the positioning performance of conven- buildings. Additionally, multipath ranging error (MRE) from
tional positioning methods was also compared. MPCNet showed the distorted propagation time can vary greatly depending on
an NLOS classification performance of about 97% and an the receiving environment (e.g. arrangement of surrounding
improvement in positioning accuracy of about 57% compared buildings, relative position of satellites and receivers), making
to conventional positioning methods, demonstrating that it is a
robust and accurate MRE compensation technique in multipath it difficult for receivers to correct for the errors. Therefore, a
environment. way for a GNSS receiver to estimate and compensate for MRE
Index Terms—GNSS, multipath, NLOS, deep learning is the most reliable way to improve positioning performance
in urban areas.
I. I NTRODUCTION Two ways have been attempted to mitigate MRE. The first
Modern people living in urban environments are actively is to classify satellites with a large MRE, such as NLOS
using location services through services such as personal cars, satellites, and exclude their measurements from the receiver’s
emergency vehicles, Intelligence Transportation System (ITS), position calculation process [7], [8]. [7] used a Support Vector
and autonomous vehicles [1]. In these location services, the Machine (SVM) based on the signal-to-ratio (SNR), elevation
Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is an important angle, and pseudorange measurement to classify NLOS satel-
element and the most basic system [2]. Recently, several lites, while [8] used a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) [9]
countries that service GNSS on their own have been increasing based on time-series satellite measurements for classification.
the number of GNSS satellites as the main goal of improving These NLOS classifications have shown accuracy of over 90%,
GNSS positioning performance [3]. However, even with the and have led to an improvement of over 50% in positioning
increase in the number of satellites, in urban areas, there is performance when only the remaining satellites after NLOS
a very poor performance with positioning errors of several removal are used for positioning. This approach is a definite
tens of meters [4]. The most representative cause of poor way to avoid MRE in multipath channels, but there is a serious
positioning performance is the multipath channel environment problem in dense urban areas where the minimum number of
caused by high building exteriors or surfaces of objects in satellites required for receiver positioning cannot be secured.
urban areas [5]. Mainly, MRE that occurs in dense urban areas is a problem
Multipath signal is divided into two types such as Non- caused by a mostly sealed environment, so even if the number
line of sight (NLOS) and LOS depending on the wireless of navigation satellites increases, it can only be resolved
through MRE estimation and compensation. Most research on
˚ Corresponding author (e-mail: MRE mitigation in signal processing processes are complex in

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terms of environment setup, and have high computational cost area after transmitted from the satellite is converted into sptq.
due to increased correlators and repeated operations, and there sptq can be found as.
are limitations in that they do not consider satellite navigation
performance. [10] uses grid-shaped sample signals obtained
sptq “ yptq ˚ hptq ` nptq, (2)
after signal processing and ray tracing simulation to calculate
MRE and improve navigation performance, and shows high where hptq represents the multi-path channel expressed as the
computational complexity due to grid-shaped search. channel impulse response in the time domain, nptq is a com-
In this paper, we propose MPCNet, which is based on plex additive white Gaussian noise process with a two-sided
a deep learning network that shows robust performance in power spectral density of N0 {2. 1 ˚1 represents a convolution
non-linearity, similar to [8]. MPCNet takes in 3D spatial operation. The receiver’s ACF performs a correlation operation
information of buildings, and the most primitive output of between the received signal sk ptq and the replica code signal
the receiver, the ACF output, to estimate MRE. Finally, in cR ptq generated by the receiver during the coherent correlation
the positioning process, the estimated MRE is compensated period Tcorr . The normalized in-phase ACF output Rk´I pτ q
for each satellite. Below is a summary of the advantages of is defined as follows.
ż Tcorr
‚ MPCNet is significantly less complex in terms of calcu- 1
Rk´I pτ q “ sk ptqc˚R pt ´ τ qdt, (3)
lation of MRE and does not require repetitive iterations, Tcorr 0
as it is only composed of simple matrix multiplication where Rk´I pτ q is based on the collected signal during
operations, compared to [11]–[13]. rkTp , kTp ` Tcorr s. p¨q˚ is the complex conjugate func-
‚ It learns relevant information for multipath channel en- tion. Futhermore, the quadrature-phase auto-correlation out-
vironments through a shared network for NLOS classi- put Rk´I pτ q and Rk´Q pτ q are transformed into Rk pτ q
fication and MRE estimation, and performs both tasks (i.e.,Rk pτ q “ ∥ Rk´I pτ q∥ ` ∥ Rk´Q pτ q∥) through a non-
simultaneously. coherent integration process. We stack Rk pτ q in the following
‚ Unlike GNSS augmentation systems such as Differential way in order to input S-ACF outputs R1:Ncorr pτ q into the
GPS(DGPS) that require real-time differential correction, NLOS signal classifier.
it only uses offline GIS information, so the receiver’s
online status and additional hardware are not necessary. R1:Ncorr pτ q “ concat pR1 pτ q, R2 pτ q . . . RNcorr pτ qq , (4)
The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section II, where Ncorr refers to the continuous time and takes integer
we describe the overall structure of MPCNet and the input multiples of 1 ms as its unit. R1:Ncorr pτ q is a stacked ACF
and output data of MPCNet. In Section III, we discuss the outputs with a size of rNcorr ˆ Tcorr s, and is the input for
performance evaluation of MPCNet. Section IV draws the MPCNet.
conclusion on this paper. Fig. 1a and 1b are examples of S-ACF outputs for LOS
and NLOS signals generated based on (3) and (4) for a
II. M ULTIPATH ERROR C OMPENSATION N ETWORK duration of 10ms (i.e., Ncorr “ 10). In Fig. 1, only ´1.5Tc
A. Successive-ACF outputs to 2.5Tc are shown based on the chip delay indicated by
the peak of the initial ACF output R1 pτ q. The S-ACF for
In this section, we derive the mathematical expression for the LOS signal shows peaks with values of approximately
the main input of MPCNet, Successive-ACF (S-ACF) output. 0.5 or higher as a function of continuous time, whereas the
In this paper, we limit ourselves to GPS L1 C/A signals as NLOS signal shows very small values compared to LOS and
a representative example among various GNSS signals. Since the envelope’s thickness is relatively wider because the ACF
the navigation data Dptq of GPS L1 C/A is constant as 1 or output is overlapped by multiple paths.
-1 within the bit interval pl ´ 1qTb ď t ă lTb , we substitute
Dptq with the constant value of 1 in this paper. As introduced B. Uses of 3D GIS
in [14], the Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signal yptq In this paper, we use GIS information from [15] on the
generated by the PRN sequence is defined as follows. surrounding signal collection environment to estimate MRE.
The GIS we used only contains information on the location
Ncode and height of buildings in the urban area. We extract the ele-
ÿ ÿ´1
yptq “ D crn ´ kNcode srupt ´ nTc ´ kTp q vation boundary through the GIS and the receiver’s reference
k“´8 n“0 position. Then, we annotate the NLOS of the satellite through
´ upt ´ pn ` 1qTc ´ kTp qs, (1) the boundary and the azimuth and elevation of the satellite,
as shown in Fig. 2. Note that satellites with an elevation
where Tc is the chip interval of the C/A code, which is lower than the 15-degree cutoff elevation are considered NLOS
0.98µsec. crns is the pn ` 1qth code value of the binary PRN regardless of the boundary.
sequence with a code length of Ncode p“ 1023q, and uptq is the In a multipath channel environment, it is almost impossible
unit step function. yptq has a period of Tp (i.e., Tp “ Ncode Tc ). to extract accurate surrounding spatial information using Sin-
The yptq that passes through the multipath channel in the urban gle Point Positioning (SPP), so only the average and standard

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expressed as follows.
psr “ ρsr ` c pδtr ´ δts q ` Tr
` Irs ` dr,j ` dsj ` M Prs ` εsr , (5)
ρsr geometric distance
c speed of light
δtr receiver clock bias
δts satellite clock bias
Tr tropospheric delay
(a) LOS channel environment Irs ionospheric delay
dr,j receiver hardware bias
dsj satellite code hardware bias
M Prs multipath error
εsr random pseudorange noise
δtr and δts are sources of common error in all receivers,
while non-common errors, consisting of Irs , Tr , and M Prs are
dependent on the environment of the receiver. M Prs differs
with the environmental conditions, however, in the case of Irs
and Tr , it relies on spatial correlation related to the geometric
distance between receivers, and so the amount of correlated
error sources are comparable [16]. That is when receivers
are located close, the spatial correlation is strengthened as
(b) NLOS channel environment
the baseline decreases, and if the observation and position
Fig. 1. example of R1:Ncorr pτ q. of the reference station are provided, the correlated errors
between receivers can be calculated. If the horizontal baseline
between receivers is lower than 20km, it is possible to consider
that there is a high correlation [17]. Therefore, the correlated
errors that occur in two receivers can be calculated through
the base receiver already known for the precise coordinate. In
the pseudorange, the sum of common error sources is defined
as PRC δpsr and can be expressed as follows.

δpsr “ psr ´ ρsr ` cδts (6)

“ ´pcδtr ` Tr ` Irs ` dr,j
` dsj ` M Prs ` εsr q. (7)
δpsr , as defined by the Radio Technical Commission for
Maritime Services (RTCM), is a system that should remove
δtr , δts and minimize M Prs [18]. In this study, only δts and
dsj were considered and M Prs assumed that nearly zero in
Fig. 2. An example of NLOS annotation.
open sky. Also, only GPS L1 is used so that δtr and δts can
not be removed separately. Therefore, we did not remove dr,j
when calculating δpsr , as it is included in δtr in the receiver’s
deviation of the heights of buildings within 50m of the initial
positioning algorithm. The position of the receiver and δpsr
position rlatinit , loninit s calculated from SPP are extracted to
can be used to understand the MRE M Pus caused by the
use rough surrounding spatial information.
positioning environment, and it can be represented as follows
with δpsr generated by receiver u and reference station b as
C. MRE calculation using Pseudo Range Correction and reference.
Reference Location M Pus “ psu ´ ρsu ` cp∆δtb,u ´ δts q ` δpsb ` εsu , (8)
In this paper, the MRE target value for MPCNet is calcu- where ∆δtb,u is differenced receiver clock bias. As b is located
lated based on Pseudo Range Correction (PRC) and reference in the open sky environment, within a short baseline, M Pbs can
position. The observation equation for pseudorange psr , for be considered to have less impact than spatial decorrelation,
each satellite s at receiver r, used in this study can be so M Pus can be used as a reference value.

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D. MPCNet Structure and u-blox F9P [21]. All the numerical experiments were
The proposed MPCNet is performed after SPP is carried out, performed on a PC with 64GB of physical memory and an
as shown in Fig. 3. It takes as input R1:Ncorr pτ q, the elevation I9-11900K CPU with 3.5GHz. Furthermore, the training of
angle of the satellite, and the mean and standard deviation of MPCNet was performed on Nvidia’s RTX 3070.
the building height around the receiver extracted from GIS.
B. Performance Results
The MPCNet outputs the NLOS status of the received signal
and the multipath error compensation value. Here, the Doppler To avoid the imbalance problem in the training data, the
frequency is used to generate R1:Ncorr pτ q, and the initial ratio of NLOS and LOS satellite numbers within the samples
position of the receiver [latinit , loninit ] obtained in SPP is was made similar. About 50,000 samples were used for
used to extract the mean and standard deviation of the building training, and the evaluation data accounts for 10% of the entire
height around the receiver from GIS information as explained dataset.
in the subsection II-B.
MPCNet uses a shared network to extract common features TABLE I
from R1:Ncorr pτ q for NLOS Classification and MRE estima-
tion, and uses the output of the network as input for each task-
specific head. The shared network is lighter ResNet than the Classifier SVM-based [7] RNN-based [8]
(single task) (multi-task)
one presented in [19]. MPCNet has two task-specific heads, Accuracy(%) 75% 90% 95% 97%
one for NLOS Classification and one for MRE estimation.
The NLOS Classification head takes the output of the shared
Table I represents the NLOS classification accuracy for
network as input and is trained through Binary Cross Entropy
MPCNet, the classifier presented in [7], [8], and single task
(BCE) Loss, comparing its output p̂sN LOS to the NLOS pres-
MPCNet without MRE estimation. As shown in Table I,
ence (i.e., 0 or 1) of the satellite, p̂˚s
N LOS . The MRE Estimation
SVM-based [7] has the lowest accuracy because it uses SVM
head takes the output of the shared network, the elevation angle
with relatively lower performance when using processed GPS
of the satellite, and the average and standard deviation of the
measurements. Next, RNN-based [8] uses input from GPS
height of surrounding buildings, concatenated into a vector, as
measurements over time to learn the time-series features, thus
input and is trained through Mean Square Error(MSE) Loss,
showing better performance than SVM-based. However, MPC-
comparing its output M z P sr to the M Prs calculated through the
Net uses the S-ACF output which is the most primitive receiver
reference location and PRC. Therefore, MPCNet improves the
output without processing, making it possible to learn complex
generalization performance of the NLOS Classification and
features of NLOS signal, resulting in an accuracy that is 5-7%
MRE estimation tasks by sharing relevant information from
better than RNN-based. Here, MPCNet shows better accuracy
S-ACF output through a shared network.
when performing MRE estimation simultaneously than when
performing a single task alone. This means that MPCNet’s
shared network is more useful at extracting information about
the multipath channel environment from S-ACF output than
a single task network. Therefore, MPCNet is the best NLOS
classifier among those compared in terms of accuracy.
Fig. 5 shows the horizontal positioning error of the urban
area positioning results from M y P r by MPCNet, compared
to the conventional SPP and DGPS results. To assist with
visual understanding, we also added circular error probability
50 (CEP50) to Fig. 5. There are all results from data collected
in different environments, as described in Subsection III-A,
and it can be seen that multipath errors that occur differently
Fig. 3. Proposed MPC Network structure. depending on the environment have a significant impact on po-
sitioning accuracy. Overall, MPCNet’s results show relatively
III. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION small errors around the Ground truth point. Other positioning
results show biased results compared to MPCNet. Note that
A. Experiment environment DGPS, which uses differential correction, shows results similar
The training and performance evaluation of MPCNet is to SPP. The fact that MPCNet’s results are not biased by the
based on GPS signals collected from real-world environments. environment and is relatively smaller than other positioning
We performed signal collection in four city regions, consid- method in Fig. 5b, 5c, means that it is very effective in
ering the positioning situation in general multipath channel mitigating multipath errors in environments where they occur
environments, as shown in Fig. 4. The signal collection was greatly. We discuss the numerical error results in Table II.
performed by collecting 5-minute GNSS signal samples using Table II shows the root mean square of horizontal (H),
NLS Stereo SDR [20] with a sampling frequency of 16MHz vertical (V) and 3D direction positioning errors for SPP,

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(a) between tall apartments, average height “ 51 m (b) between very tall apartments, average height “ 95 m

(c) intersection in urban area, average height “ 36 m (d) in dense urban area, average height “ 77m
Fig. 4. GPS signal collection environment.


In this paper, we have proposed MPCNet for improving GPS
SPP [m] DGPS[m] MPCNet[m] positioning performance in a multipath channel environment.
H V 3D H V 3D H V 3D
1 39.28 106.57 113.58 42.25 122.78 128.94 10.61 26.91 28.93 MPCNet is a network that performs multi-task of NLOS
2 117.89 110.87 161.83 113.20 121.33 165.94 42.47 44.75 61.70
3 43.98 43.07 61.56 43.82 43.96 62.07 25.26 44.36 51.05 classification and MRE estimation using only S-ACF output
4 19.96 27.06 33.63 21.35 34.77 40.80 11.03 22.94 25.45 and building height information from GIS. More specifically,
MPCNet is composed of a shared network based on ResNet
and two task-specific heads. To prove the superiority of MPC-
Net, we compared NLOS classification and positioning results
based on actual collected data. We have proven that the NLOS
classifier of MPCNet, which performs multi-task, is superior
DGPS and MPCNet for case 1-4 as shown in Fig. 5. Gen- to the previously proposed single task network-based NLOS
erally, positioning systems used in transportation field handle classifier. Additionally, by comparing the positioning errors
horizontal positioning more than 3D spatial positioning, so in urban environments with SPP and DGPS, we have proven
we represented the smallest value of horizontal positioning the excellent multipath error compensation performance of
error in Table II with bold. As previously described, even MPCNet.
though DGPS uses correction information, it still shows simi-
lar positioning errors to SPP due to the lack of elimination ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
of multipath errors. Overall, as seen in Fig. 5, MPCNet This work was supported by the National Research Foun-
showed the smallest error. Especially in case 2 of Fig. 5b dation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea govern-
where SPP and DGPS show serious errors of about 110m ment(MSIT) (No. 2021R1A2C3008370).
and 160m in horizontal and 3D space, MPCNet shows about
73% smaller error. On average, MPCNet shows about 57% R EFERENCES
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