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Intensive Reading

Listening for Detail

The essence of the phenomenon Examples of texts we read for detail Listening Strategies
and tasks for listening exercises

Levi Strauss How to improve imtensive listening

Intensive Listening /for detail refers to the type of Comprehension Questions
listening in which we can’t afford to ignore anything 1. Who was Levi Strauss by nationality? Learning (Student’s) strategies:
2. What did he plan to do in San Francisco? Listen for the main point
because we don’t know exactly what information of the
3. What is the origin of the word “denim”? (paying attention to the beginning and end of the listening passage)
listening passage will be necessary to complete the task. 4. What was Levi’s initial business plan like? Listen for the Cause of Action
5. Who encouraged Levi Strauss to change his plans about (what the person is going to do step by step)
We resort to listening for detail when we need to selling denim as material to make tents and covers to Listen for Facts and attitudes
understand practically everything –advantages of the job, its wagons? (pay attention to the events happening during the narration and
6. Did the first pair of Levi’s “jeans” fit the needs of the attitudes the speakers have to each other)
drawbacks,perspectives and paychecks – for example. miners? Listen for the Intonation Cues
7. What were the miners’ requirements to Levi’s denim (the pitch of the speaker’s voice tells the listener the meaning of the
However, even here, it may not be necessary to understand pants? How did Levi try to meet these requirements? sentence (e.g.whether it’s a statement, a question or a rhetoric
8. Why did the Levis become so popular? Why are they still question)
every word. Anyway, some information will still appear popular? Listen for the Tone and attitude
non-essential. (pay attention whether the speaker uses an angry tone,
Who started New York? comfortable tone or sneering one)
While listening for detail the listener just needs to be able Comprehension Questions Listen for Signal Words
1. Who were the first settlers in America after the (pay attention to such link words as To get started….; Apart
to separate the essential information from the non- Spaniards? from… ; Meanwhile…To wrap up….)
essential. 2. Did they have a monopoly on New World? What were Listen for Accented English
some other countries who pioneered in New World? (pay attention to the accents of the speakers for deriving additional
3. What country was even more powerful than England in info about their origin)
the 1600-s? Why was it more influential than England?
4. Can we say that the 1600-s “all roads lead to Teaching (Teacher’s) Strategies:
5. Where did the Dutch settle the New Netherlands on the Providing students with teaching materials that present learning
territory of America? Did they have rights to do it? What interest for them
were their claims about?
6. Who was Henry Hudson? How is he connected with the
Dutch? What kind of stamp did he put on the American
7. Did Henry Hudson enjoy to live on the land he
8. What was the name of the first Dutch company which
started doing trade between Europe and America? How
did they call the first Dutch village on the American
land? Where was it established?

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