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Development of the

PID Controller
Stuart Bennett

tion control devices -the fantail mecha-

I n 1939, the Taylor Instrument Compa-
nies introduced a completely redes-
igned version of its “Fulscope” pneumatic
carried out extensive investigations in an
attempt to devise ways of choosing opti-
mum control settings for the PID control-
nism for keeping a windmill pointing into
the wind and the lift tenter for regulating
controller: this new instrument provided, ler. The outcome of this work was two the gap between grinding stones - were
in addition to proportional and reset con- papers by J.G. Ziegler and N.B. Nichols increasingly being used. James Watt
trol actions, an action which the Taylor published in 1942 and 1943 [I], [2]. In modified the lift tenter to form the flyball
Instrument Companies called “pre-act.” these papers Ziegler and Nichols showed govemor which, when connected to a
In the same year the Foxboro Instrument how optimum controller parameters could throttle valve (another Watt invention),
Company added “Hyper-reset’’ to the pro- be chosen based first on open-loop tests provided speed control for the steam en-
portional and reset control actions pro- on the plant; and second on closed-loop gine (see [4]-[6]).
vided by their “Stabilog” pneumatic tests on the plant. During the nineteenth century, the
controller. Pre-act and Hyper-reset ac- In the immediate post-war period other Watt engine govemor was widely adopted
tions each provided a control action pro- instrument companies introduced three- and there were thousands of patents for
portional to the derivative of the error term controllers, and the analog two- and new and modified forms of engine gover-
signal. Reset (also referred to as “float- three-term controllers became the primary nors, few of which saw actual use [7].
ing”) provides a control action propor- control mechanisms for a wide range of During this century there also was an enor-
tional to the integral of the error signal and industries. The Ziegler and Nichols meth- mous range of inventions for temperature,
hence both controllers offered PID con- ods for tuning the controllers have contin- pressure, and flow control devices. The
trol. ued to be used, although following work overwhelming majority of such inven-
Of the two instruments, only the Ful- by G.H. Cohen and G.A. Coon of the tions were for “direct controllers;” that is,
scope provided for full field adjustment of Taylor Instrument Companies during the for devices in which the measuring ele-
the controller parameters; the Stabilog had 1950s, altemative choices of parameters ment was directly connected to the control
to be set to one of four fixed settings of the have been become accepted for certain actuator and hence the force available to
derivative-plus-integral term in the fac- types of plants [3]. operate the actuator was dependent of the
tory, the proportional band (gain) of the force that the measuring device could de-
controller could be adjusted in the field. Early Process Control Devices velop. By the end of the 19th century,
Field adjustment did, however, pose a Feedback devices that could control regulators of this type were in widespread
problem since there was no established use.2
liquid levels and flows were known to the
method of choosing the appropriate set- Hellenic Greeks; accounts of isolated at- During the latter years of the nine-
tings for each of the three terms of the tempts to provide speed regulation are teenth century and the early part of the
controller. Recognizing this as a weak- found in late medieval literature. In the twentieth, complex changes took place in
ness, the Taylor Instrument Companies mid-seventeenth century, Comelius Dreb- the organization of industry in the United
bel experimented with a feedback system States [9], [IO]. These changes led to an
Extended version of a paper presented at for the control of temperature in a fur- increased demand for devices for record-
the European Control Conference ‘93, nace.’ Conceivably, all these devices ing information relevant to production
June 28 - July I , 1993, Groningen. The could have been applied to the control of processes -from simple records of when
Netherlands. The author is with the De- manufacturing processes; however, it was a machine was tumed on and off; to re-
partment of Automatic Control and Sys- not until the eighteenth century that seri- cords of temperatures, pressures and flows
tems Engineering, University of Sheffield, ous attempts were made to translate ingen- for food processing plants, chemical
P.O. Box 600, Mappin Street, Sheffield S I ious ideas into effective industrial control works and steel works; and to records of
4DU, U.K. This work was supported by devices. By the end of that century, posi- steam pressure and carbon dioxide per-
the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship
program, the Unviversity ojSheffield, and ‘For an account of these early attempts at Reference [8] gives the only full account of
by the Hagley Foundation. feedback control see [4]. direct acting controllers.

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centages in power stations. The desire for the system to such an extent that limit
accurate recording devices directed atten- cycling could easily occur. The flapper-
tion to the problem of connecting a mecha- nozzle amplifier introduced by the Fox-
nism for moving a pen across paper to a boro Company in 1919 had a proportional
measuring instrument without loading the band of approximately 1%.
instrument to such an extent that the meas- In addition to these two types of
ured value was distorted. The pressure controllers based on using a measuring
operated recorders of William H. Bristol, system that provided a mechanical move-
which were based on using a modified ment, the potentiometric (null balancing)
form of the Bourdon tube, set the standard recorder also could be used to activate a
for mechanically operated device^;^ the controller. The null balancing method
Callendar recorder of the Cambridge Sci- avoided any loading effects on the delicate
entific Instrument Company set the stand- galvanometer required for making
ard for potentiometric devices, although thermocouple or resistance thermometer
this was largely a laboratory instrument temperature measurements. At the tum of
and potentiometric recorders were not the century the Cambridge Scientific
widely used in industry until the introduc- Instrument Company manufactured and
tion of the Leeds recorder by the Leeds & sold some Callendar potentiometric re-
Northrup Company in 1912. corders for industrial use; however, this
Following the end of the first world recorder was essentially a laboratory in-
war, there was rapid growth in the United Fig. 1.A typical contact-operated electr-i- strument and after about 1912 was largely
States in the use of industrial instruments cal controller of the middle 1920s, r-epro- superseded for industrial use by the Leeds
and the story of the development of the ducedfiom [44]. and Northrup Company’s potentiometric
practical PID pneumatic controller is recorder. The intemal mechanism used in
closely related to this rapid growth. Based the Leeds recorder to achieve null balance
on a U.S. Govemment survey published in spiral wound tube 0 to rotate, thus moving provided a form of proportional action. At
1935, I estimate that between 1925 and arm P , and hence the pointers M and N. approximately one-minute intervals the
1935, more than 75 000 automatic control- Placed either side of the pointers and at- galvanometer needle was clamped, me-
lers were sold in the United States, and tached to them are high and low contacts chanical sensing fingers detected the ex-
figures show that in 1935,32% of the total B and C. A center contact L marks the set tent of the deflection of the needle from
sales of the American instrument point and when either B or C touches L an the desired null position, and a motor con-
manufacturers were automatic controllers electrical circuit is made resulting in a nected to the wiper arm of the bridge
[16]. The majority of these controllers relay closing. Electrical controllers of this balancing circuit was run for a period of
were simple on-off devices but there was type were simple and robust: however, time proportional to the deflection from
a growing realization that for many appli- they could not provide high precision the null position. The position of the wiper
cations accurate control could not be since it was difficult to arrange for the arm is thus proportional to the measured
achieved by simple on-off action. contacts to have a small dead space. The quantity. In the recorder, the pen traced the
The controllers sold by the instrument dead space could be adjusted by changing movement of the wiper arm. It was a sim-
manufacturers from about 1910 on can be the gap between M and N , and hence B and ple matter to operate a second motor con-
divided into two major categories: electri- C. Claims were made that a dead space nected to an extemal control valve. Fig. 2
cal and pneumatic. The electrical control- equal to 1% of full scale could be achieved shows a bank of Leeds & Northmp con-
lers used relays which were used to switch but in reality it was difficult to achieve trollers being used for the control of tem-
on and off motors used to open and close even 5%, and 10% to 15% was normally perature in hardening furnaces (about
valves or to position rheostats. A sche- the best that could be achieved. 1920).
matic diagram illustrating the principles of Pneumatic controllers were based on The Leeds & Northrup Company
the devices is given in Fig. 1. The meas- either the use of mechanical deflection to called their controllers “proportional step”
ured physical quantity (temperature, pres- operate directly a pilot valve, which then controllers; however, since the position of
sure, flow were the most widely required controlled the operation of a diaphragm the control valve was determined by the
measurements) is converted into a valve, or on the use of a flapper-nozzle sum of a series of integrations of the motor
mechanical deflection of a pointer. For amplifier to operate the pilot valve. Con- speed with respect to time it was a “float-
e x a m p l e , b y u s i n g an e x p a n s i o n trollers based on direct operation of the ing” or “integral” controller. It would have
thermometer, the pressure changes gener- pilot valve were simple to build, but anain- given a zero steady-state error, but for
ated by a change of temperature cause the ing precise control was difficult: the force stable operation the motor speed had to be
required to operate the pilot valve both low, and hence it responded slowly to load
See [ 111 and [ 121. The latter device incorpo- loaded the transducer significantly and or set point changes. Morris E. Leeds, the
rated a helically wound Bourdon tube devised by also varied nonlinearly with the valve founder of the Leeds & Northrup Compa-
Edgar H. Bristol. movement. The introduction of the flap- ny, obtained a patent in 1920 for an auto-
4For a general history of the development of
p e r - n o z z l e a m p l i f i e r b e t w e e n the matic controller whose rate of change of
these types of recorders see [13]. Specifically for
the Leeds recorder see [ 141and 1151. transducer and the pilot valve removed the corrective action was specified as being a
5For a detailed account of the developments loading problem but its high gain and non- function of the rate of change of error, or
see [ 171. See also [ 181 and [ 191. linear behavior increased the sensitivity of of the error, or of a combination of the two.

December 1993 59

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tween 5% and 7% of the full scale meas-
urement. This was achieved by modifying
the flapper-nozzle arrangement such that
the flapper and nozzle approached each
other at a small angle and thus closed off
the air at a more gradual rate. This control-
ler is illustrated in Fig. 4. The flapper
mechanism is hidden behind the pen arm
(the device illustrated is a combined re-
corder-controller) and the pilot valve (16)
is separated from the flapper arm.

Fig. 2. A bank of Leeds & Northrup Company controllers installed in the hardening room
of the Continental Motors Co.,Muskegon, MI. The illustration isfi-om [41].

application broader than just proportional controllers the flapper-nozzle mechanism

[20]. The combined action when apropor- was used as an on-off relay. The gain of
tional function is used gives PI control the flapper-nozzle was such that a change
action. The difficulty was how to build a in the measured quantity equal to 1% of
controller which would combine the two full scale of the measurement would cause
elements. It was not until the late 1920s 100% change in the back pressure. The
that such controllers, based on the use of early controllers had a very simple con-
two motors with gears and mechanical struction as shown in Fig. 3. The cam
linkage to combine the outputs, were pro- mechanism which can be seen in the cen-
duced. These controllers were referred to ter of the picture was used to adjust the set
as definite correction mechanisms, that is, point.
sampled data systems, and as such their
behavior was difficult to analyze and pre- Fig. 4. A Foxboro Companypheumatic re-
dict. corder-controller of about 1929, repro-
duced from 142,p . 141.
Pneumatic Controller
In practice, because of the problems
The successful line of pneumatic con-
caused by the high gain of the controllers
trollers was based on the flapper-nozzle
many of the instrument manufacturers
amplifier. Movement of the flapper arm
towards or away from the nozzle causes a recommended using bypass control
change of back pressure in the pneumatic schemes. In such schemes the controlled
circuit and this change in pressure results medium, for example, steam used for heat-
in a movement of the diaphragm bellows. ing, is split into two parts, one controlled
This movement can be applied to a pilot by the automatic device and the other, the
valve which, in tum, controls the opening bypass, controlled by a manually set
and closing of the main control valve. The valve. Large changes in loads or in set-
basic flapper-nozzle mechanism was in- points are accommodated by adjusting by
hand the bypass valve.
vented by Edgar H’ Bristol Of the Foxboro F i g , 3 , A simple Fo,rboro Company pneu-
Company during the winter of 1913.1914. In the late 1920s, the Taylor Instrument
matic controller. The controller was intro- Companies claimed that by careful design
A patent application was filed in 1914 and
duced in about 1922. Reproducedfi-om of the pilot valve (at this time they did not
granted in 1922 [21]. Initially, Bristol de- [ 4 2 , p . 16,fig. 23221.
signed the pneumatic circuit to work un- offer controllers which used the flapper-
der vacuum but ingress of dirt and dust nozzle amplifier) they could achieve pro-
into the narrow tubes led the Foxboro Throughout the 1920s all the compa- portional action in excess of 5% of full
Company to switch to pressurized opera- nies manufacturing pneumatic controllers scale. The Foxboro Company seemed to
tion (hence, the pressure range 0 to 15 psi attempted to increase the range of linear be concerned that the growing interest in
for pneumatic controllers). The basic flap- operation of all the components in the “throttling” control, that is, proportional
per-nozzle mechanism is highly non- system. In 1927 Foxboro introduced a control, during the late 1920s might
linear, in the early versions of the Foxboro controller with a proportional band of be- threaten its market for the flapper-nozzle

60 IEEE Control Systems

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threaten its market for the flapper-nozzle was incorporated in the Foxboro Model 10 separate loop around pilot valve and main
based controllers. In one of its bulletins Stabilog controller announced in Septem- control valve.
issued in 1929, the company argued that ber 1931. Initially the Stabilog did not sell
“close limits of control must be sacrificed, in large numbers: the users needed educat- Derivative Action
if throttling action is desired when the ing. The Foxboro Company relaunched it During the 1920s there was much
process is out of balance.” The company in 1934 and produced a brochure which discussion of the need for a controller to
also was working on finding ways of explained in detail how it operated and the act so as to anticipate an increase in the
modifying its controllers to increase the benefits to be gained from its use. The error and there were a variety of proposals
proportional band. On August 14, 1928, principles of its operation were explained to make the controllers respond to a rate
two patents for pneumatic process control- using the diagram shown in Fig. 5. This of change in the measured variable. Most
lers were filed by Foxboro employees, one diagram clearly shows the feedback con- schemes, however, did not provide deriva-
by Clesson E. Mason and the other by nection from the “differential pressure tive control action since the actuating
W.W. Frymoyer [22], [23]. Both devices motor” to the nozzle of the flapper valve. mechanism introduced an integral term.
used diaphragm units interconnected by A key element in the success of this con- The so-called anticipating control resulted
capillary tubes to modify the back pres- troller was the use of the recently devel- in the controlled variable being made pro-
sure signal in the flapper-nozzle unit. Fry- oped “Hydron” welded steel bellows for portional to the error. This did give a faster
moyer’s device was the simpler of the two: the differential pressure motor. These bel- response since it replaced controllers in
the relationship between the output pres- lows were able to withstand repeated flex- which the controlled variable was propor-
sure P of the flapper-nozzle system and tional to the integral of the error. True
the input position X of the flapper is derivative control action resulted from
r------’ work being carried out by the Taylor In-
p = Kx/( 1 + T D ) strument Companies on the control of part
of the rayon making process. Mechanical
where p and x represent small changes in working of the cellulose “crumb” results
P and X , K and Tare constants, and D is in both the generation of heat and a change
the operator dldt. For the mechanism pro- in the cellulose from solid lumps to a fluffy
posed by Mason the relationship is consistency. The process requires that the
temperature be maintained constant. Cel-
p = K.u( I + aTD)/(1 + T D ) lulose in its fluffy form is a good insulator
and this resulted in increasing the effective
wherea is aconstant. Ifa<l, thenMason’s t i m e c o n s t a n t of the t e m p e r a t u r e
device is a phase lag network and as such transducer. With P + I control the system
has the effect of reducing the gain at fre- oscillated. When given this problem,
quencies greater than 1/T. A system based Ralph Clarridge of the Taylor Instrument
on Mason’s invention was built and in- Companies remembered that when he
stalled in an oil refinery; it is claimed that experimented with introducing a restric-
Fig. 5. A schematic diagram illustrating tion in the feedback line of the proportion-
it gave good control; however, the dia-
the principle ofthe Stabilog controller, re- al response controller, he observed a large
phragm units kept fracturing due to re-
produced from 1431. “kick” in the response when the setpoint
peated flexing and the system had to be
removed. was suddenly changed. The controller was
During this period Mason also was ing. “anticipating” the change in the error sig-
working on the problem of producing a Rival companies were quick to see the nal. He decided to try this restriction on
control valve in which the flow was pro- benefits of the new control method: the the cellulose plant controller; the system
portional to the diaphragm pressure. His Taylor Instrument Companies brought out was tested on March 20, 1935, and found
work led to the Foxboro V-port (Stabilflo) its so called “Dubl-Response” unit which to work. The Taylor engineers named the
valve. In September 1930, Mason filed offered P + I control in 1933 and the effect “ p r e - a ~ t . ”Until
~ the fully rede-
another patent application for a pneumatic Tagliabue Company responded in 1934 signed Fulscope controller was introduced
control mechanism [24].6 The basic idea with its “Damplifier” controller. The Tay- in 1939, the Taylor Instrument Companies
of this invention is that there is feedback installed pre-act as a special order when
lor Instrument Companies challenge was
from the outlet of the pilot valve, that is their engineers thought it appropriate to do
the most significant as the “Dubl-Re-
the actuating signal for the control valve so.
sponse” unit incorporated a feedback link
to the flapper nozzle. The feedback signal The Foxboro Company response to
from the position of the main control
is modified by a pneumatic network such pre-act, which they called “hyper-reset,”
valve, hence including all of the controller
that the overall effect is to make the was developed during 1937-1938 and was
components within the feedback loop.
manipulated variable proportional to error the work of George A. Philbrick. During
By 1936, pneumatic controllers were this period he also developed an electronic
and the integral of error. This mechanism
available with a range of different feed- simulator. This was a hard-wired analog
6Leeda & Northrup argued that [24] infringed
back linkages: feedback around flapper-
on Leeds Patent ( I 332 182) of 1920 (see [ 2 5 ] ) , nozzle and pilot valve; feedback just ’J.G. Ziegler gives an account of the invention
but I have not been able to establish if they pursued around the pilot valve; and feedback of the “pre-act” in an unpublished memoir; an
any infringement action around flapper-nozzle together with a account is also to be found in [26].

December 1993 61

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contain up to four time lags and the con- mimic the behavior of the human operator. see also [33]). How did such work relate
troller could be configured as P, PI, or The complex mechanical arrangements to the design of automatic temperature
PID.* used to generate the functions were diffi- controllers? There was, in 1922. no com-
cult to analyze, and hence it was not clear mon language of control systems; engi-
Development of a Theoretical what was the exact control action. 11 neers did not draw block diagrams
Understanding During the 1920s and early 1930s, showing feedback.
Writing in 1933, A. Ivanoff com- many engineers attempting to automate The first drawing together of important
mented “the science of the automatic the control of process plants realized that ideas from several sources came in 1934
regulation of temperature is at present in on-off control could not always provide with Harold Hazen’s paper on ser-
the anomalous position of having erected the stability and accuracy necessary for vomechanisms. In this paper, he drew on
a vast practical edifice on negligible theo- good control. They followed a path of literature from many disciplines and in-
retical foundations” [27]. While Ivanoff‘s development which led first to trying to cluded an examination of the control ac-
statement is true, we should not be led into make the control signal proportional to the tions used in industrial instruments [34].
thinking that the “practical edifice” had no error signal, and then introducing floating By this time, however, many engineers
foundation: it was constructed on what we or integral action to compensate for working in the instrument companies and
would call “intelligent control;” that is, on steady-state errors. The movement to pro- in the process industries had discovered
heuristic control based on observation of portional control revealed the difficulties for themselves the benefits that feedback
the human operator. Inventors such as caused by nonlinear components and the could bring. They also were trying to build
Morris E. Leeds and Elmer Sperry (and initial response was to try to modify all the up a body of theoretical knowledge that
many others) had an intuitive understand- components in the control chain to remove would help with future design problems.
ing that on-off and proportional control or reduce nonlinearities including friction, John J. Grebe and his colleagues at the
actions would not provide, in general, ade- dead space, and hysteresis effects. This Dow Chemical Company in the United
quate control: they observed the actions approach was similar to that adopted by States and A. Ivanoff in the U.K. led the
that human operators took and in particu- engineers attempting to develop stable os- way with papers published in 1933 and
lar saw that the human operator both an- cillators for transmitting and receiving 1934 [35], [36]. The major work, how-
ticipated the buildup and reduction of equipment and by engineers developing ever, began in 1936 with the push, led by
error, and also compensated for a persist- repeater amplifiers for the telephone net- Ed S. Smith, to form an Industrial Instru-
ent error. In his address to the Newcomen work. ments and Regulators Committee of
Society of America in 1958, I. Melville Gradually they realized that the effects ASME (see [37]; also [38]). Prior to this
Stein, who joined the Leeds & Northrup of nonlinearities could be diminished by initiative, most information relating to in-
Company in 1918, claimed that, in 1912, the use of negative feedback. Independent dustrial instruments and their use ap-
Morris Leeds opposed coupling the Leeds of the work of H.S. Black on the negative peared in the joumal Instruments, which
& N o r t h p recorder to on-off controllers feedback amplifier, Clesson Mason real- began publication in 1928 and whose edi-
as he did not think that it would give ized that by putting feedback around a tor, Major E. Behar was an enthusiastic
satisfactory control. He argued that a con- high gain amplifying device - the flap- and tireless proponent of the use of auto-
troller needs to take into account all the per-nozzle unit - the overall gain was matic control. Full recognition of the im-
factors that a good operator does [29]. 10 reduced and a linear stable amplifier could portance of instruments in science and
be achieved. There is no formal written industry came in 1942 when the American
Similarly, Sperry built into his autopi-
report by Mason that expresses the bene- Association for the Advancement of Sci-
lots for ships and aircraft functions which
fits of his invention in the clear terms that ence chose the subject of instrumentation
Black used; however, he was undoubtedly for one of its Gibson Island conferences,
‘The simulator is in the National Museum of
American History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- seeking a means of both producing a linear Attendence at these conferences was by
ington, D.C., and a photograph of the simulator is amplifying device and of modifying its invitation only, and no proceedings were
in [ 5 ] . behavior. published - everything was supposedly
9I think a close and detailed examination of the In 1922, Nicolas Minorsky presented a said “off the record.”12
work of the 1920s will show that Ivanoff was only very clear analysis of the control actions
partially correct and that there was some sound
necessary to provide effective control of a Rapid Growth of Industrial
theory underlying many control devices. What
was lacking was a common language with which system whose exact dynamics were un- Instruments in U.S.
to communicate this theory; Chris C. Bissell of the known. He analyzed the actions taken by I have discussed elsewhere my views
Open University, U.K., argues convincingly about a good helmsman steering a ship and
about the reasons for the rapid growth in
the significance of the development of a language translated these actions into the appropri-
the use of industrial instruments in the
for the expression of feedback concepts and ideas, ate mathematical formulations. He
and I look forward to publication of his work in
United States and why similar growth did
showed that the control action needed to not occur in Europe [40]. In brief, manag-
this area. As Kevin M. Passino argues, it is impor- be made up of the sum of three terms
tant to use both intelligent and conventional con- ers of American industry wanted instru-
related to the error, integral of error, and
trol as appropriate [28]. ments and controllers and were so
“In [30] there is a reference to a paper written derivative of error. Minorsky’s work was
by Leeds in 1909 that outlined a solution to the on the steering of ships and was published
‘*Behar was aware of the significance of the
problem of hunting in control systems. Unfortu- in the Journal of Naval Architects ([32]; choice of instrumentation for a Gibson Island
nately, I have not been able to find a copy of the conference and he published a photograph of the
paper and hence cannot ascertain if Leeds was “For a detailed account of Spew’s work see participants (taken by J.G. Ziegler) together with
advocating such views as early as 1909. 1311. a list of names. See [39].

62 IEEE Control Systems

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convinced of their value that they were the field played an important research and [ l l ] William H. Bristol, “A new recording pres-
willing to accept their limitations and to development role. The companies were sure gauge,” Trans. ASME, vol. 11, pp. 225-234,
buy new models as the instrument manu- selling not just instruments, but solutions 1890.
facturers learned how to overcome the to problems. Field engineers worked [12] William H. Bristol, “A new recording air
problems. The early developments were closely with customers and became aware pyrometer,” Trans. ASME, v01.22, pp. 143-151,
the fruits of the engineer-inventor and it is of, and expert in, a wide range of measure- 1900.
interesting to note the important role ment and control problems. They commu- [ 131 P.H. Sydenham, Measuring Iustruments:
played by one family -the Bristols. Wil- nicated information about problems, often Tools ofKnowledge and Control. Stevenage: Peter
liam H. together with his father and one of with suggestions for solutions or details of Peregrinus, 1979
his brothers, Franklin B., formed the Bris- improvisations they had made, to the head
[14] W.P. Vogel, Precision, People and Progress.
to1 Manufacturing Company in 1889. The office of the company. They also carried Philadelphia: Leeds & Northrup Company, 1949.
company was renamed the Bristol Com- out field trials of ideas produced by engi-
pany in 1892. In the late 1890s, two neers working in the research depart- [IS] A.J. Williams, “Bits of recorder history,”
Trans. ASME, J . of Dynamic Systems, Measure-
younger brothers, Benet B. and Edgar H., ments. The effectiveness of this approach
ment and Control, vol. 95, pp. 6-16, 1973.
joined the company. In 1906, the William is clearly demonstrated by the speed with
H. Bristol Electric Pyrometer Company which the pneumatic PID controller was [ 161 George Perazich, Herbert Schimmel, and
was formed to manufacture and market developed. In the majority of the compa- Benjamin Rosenherg, “Industrial instruments and
the base metal thermocouple which Wil- nies the development of controllers took changing technology,” Works Progress Adminis-
tration, National Res. Proj. on Reemployment Op-
liam Bristol invented. A disagreement second place to the development of new
portunities and Recent Changes in Industrial
over policy led Edgar and Benet to leave measuring instruments until the 1930s.
Techniques, Rep. M-1, Oct. 1938. Reprinted in
in 1908 to form their own company, the Once they tumed their full attention to Research and Technology, I. Bemard Cohen, Ed.
Industrial Instrument Company. This controllers, the development was rapid. New York: Amo, 1980.
company used the name Foxboro as a Within a period of five years the major
[ 171 Stuart Bennett, “The development of process
trade mark from 1912 and, in 1914, companies were offering PI control and,
control instruments 1900-1940,” Trans. New-
changed its name to the Foxboro Com- within ten years, field adjustable PID con- comen Society, vol. 63, pp. 133-164, 1991-1992.
pany. trollers.
The Leeds & Northrup Company and [ 181 J.T. Stock, “Pneumatic process controllers:
References The early history of some basic components,”
the Brown Instrument Company were in-
[ l ] J.G. Ziegler and N.B. Nichols, “Optimum Trans. Newcomen Soc., vol. 56, pp. 169-77,1984-
itially dependent on the inventive capacity
settings for automatic controllers,” Trans. ASME, 1985.
of their founders, Morris E. Leeds and
Edwin Brown, as were many of the 600 vol. 64, pp. 759-768, 1942. [ 191 J.T. Stock, “Pneumatic Process Controllers:
instrument manufacturing companies in The ancestry of the proportional-integral-deriva-
[2] J.G. Ziegler and N.B. Nichols, “Process lags
tive controller,” Trans. Newcomen Soc., vol. 59,
operation in the mid- 1930s. Gradually, the in automatic control circuits,” Trans. ASME, vol.
pp. 15-29, 1987-1988.
nature of the major companies changed as 65, pp. 433-444, 1943.
they adopted a more systematic approach [20] U.S. Patent 1 332 182, Feb. 24, 1920
[3] G.H. Cohen and G.A. Coon, “Theoretical con-
to research and development; for exam- sideration of retarded control,” Trans. ASME, 75 [21] E.H. Bristol, “Control System,” U.S. Patent
ple, the Leeds & Northrup Company pp. 827-834, 1953. 1405 181, 1922.
formed an Experimental Committee in
[4] Otto Mayr, The Origins of Feedback Control. [22] W.W. Frymoyer, “Control Mechanism,” U S .
19 1 1, the Taylor Instrument Companies Patent 1799 131, 1931 (filed Aug. 14. 1928).
Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1970.
operated a research department from the
early 192Os, and the Brown Company en- [5] Stuart Bennett, A Histor31 of Control Engineer- [23] C.E. Mason, “Control Mechanism,”U.S. Pat-
gaged in routine analysis of its competi- ing 1800-1930. Stevenage: Peter Peregrinus,
ent 1 950 989, 1934 (filed Aug. 14 1928).
tors’ products and carried out systematic 1979. [24] C.E. Mason, “Control Mechanism,”U.S. Pat-
research on improvement of its own prod- ent 1 897 135, 1933 (filed Sept. 15, 1930).
[6] J.F. Coales, “Historical and scientific hack-
ucts throughout the 1920s. The Foxboro ground of automation,” Engineering, vol. 182, pp. [25] Memorandum Reports 157 and 158, Leeds &
Company was, perhaps, the last of the 363-370, 1956. Northrup Papers, Hagley Museum & Library, Ac.
major companies to form a separate re- No. 11 IO, Reel #3.
search department. It relied on Edgar Bris- [7] Otto Mayr, Feedback Mechanisms in the His-
torical Collections of the National Museum of [26] “History of the Pre-Act response,” Taylor
to1 and Clesson E. Mason until the latter Technology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 16-20, 1951.
History and Technology (Smithsonian Studies in
part of the 1930s.
the History and Technology 12). Washington, DC: [27] A. Ivanoff, “Theoretical foundations of the
In comparison with the large research Smithsonian Inst. Press, 1971. automatic regulation of temperature,” J . Inst.
laboratory of the General Electric Compa- Fuel, vol. 7 , pp. 117-130, disc. 130-138, 1934.
[XI A.R.J. Ramsey, “The thermostat or heat gov-
ny and the Bell Laboratories of AT&T, the
emor,” Trans. Newcomen Soc., vol. 25, pp. 53-72, [28] K.M. Passino, “Bridging the gap between
research departments of the instrument 1945-1947. conventional and intelligent control,” IEEE Con-
manufacturing companies were small.
[9] Alfred D. Chandler, The Visible Hand: The trol Syst., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 12-18, 1993.
However, simple comparisons of size can
be misleading. The instrument companies Managerial Reidution in American Business. [29] I.M. Stein, Measuring Instruments: A Meas-
were research led and spent a large pro- MA: Belknap, 1977. ure offrogress. Newcomen SOC.North America,
portion Of their hmover On research and 1958.
[ 101 JoAnne Yates, Control through Communica-
development. Their organization was tion: The Rise of System in American Manage- [30] Experimental Committee Minutes of the
such that sales and support engineers in ment. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1989. Leeds & Northrup Company, Dec. 4, 1916

64 IEEE Control Systems

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[29] LM. Stein, Measuring Instruments: A Meas-
ure of Progress. Newcomen Soc. North America,
[30] Experimental Committee Minutes of the
Leeds & Northrup Company, Dec. 4, 1916
(Hagley Museum & Library, Leeds & Northrup
papers, Ac. No. 1 1 IO, Reel #5).
[3 11 T.P. Hughes, Hughes, Elmer Sperry: Inventor
and Engineer: Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
Univ. Press, 1971, pp. 232-233.
[32] N. Minorsky, “Directional stability of auto-
matically steered bodies,” J . Amel: SOC.Naval
Eng., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 280-309, 1922.
[33] Stuart Bennett, “Nicolas Minorsky and the
automatic steering of ships,” IEEE Control Sysr.,
vol. 4, pp. 10-15, 1984.
[34] H.L. Hazen, “Theory of Servomechanisms,”
J . Franklinlnst., vol. 218, pp. 283-331, 1934.
[35] J.J. Grebe, R.H. Boundy, and R.W. Cermak,
“The control of chemical processes,” Trans.Amel:
Inst. Chem. Eng., vol. 29, pp. 211-255, 1933.
[36] A. Ivanoff, “Theoretical foundations of the
automatic regulation of temperature,” J . Inst.
Fuel, vol. 7. pp. 117-130, 1934.
[37] Stuart Bennett, “The emergence of a disci-
pline: automatic control 1940-1960,”Autonfutica,
vol. 12,pp. 115-118, 1976.
[38] Stuart Bennett, A History of Control
Engineering 1930-1955. Stevenage: Peter Pere-
grinus, 1993.
[39] Instruments, vol. 16, pp. 337, 1943.
[40] Stuart Bennett, “The industrial instrument -
Master of industry, servant of management: Auto-
matic control in the process industries, 1900-
1940,” Technol. Culture, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 69-81,
[41] Leeds & Northrup Catalog, no. 89, p. 24,
[42] Foxboro Company Bulletin, no. 112-2, 1929.
[43] Foxboro Company Bulletin, 1935.
[44] C.J. Tagliahue Company Catalog 900, 1928. New Package The Classical Control package can now be
purchased separately and may be upgraded to include Modem
Control at any time. Our Complete Program CC includes both
Stuart Bennett teaches computer control and Classical Control and Modern Control in one package.
real-time software design at the Department of
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at
the University of Sheffield. He has written exten-
sively on the history of control engineering and is
the author of two books on the subject, one cover-
ing the period from 1800-1930, and the second
covering the period from 1930 to 1955 (both pub-
lished by Peter Peregrinus).During 1988-1989,he
was a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at the National T E C H N O L O G Y
Museum of American History, Smithsonian Insti-
tution, Washington, DC, where he worked on the €NCORPORATED
history of process control.
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