WiderWorld 2ed 2 U8VocabularyCheck GroupA

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Name: ____________________

Class: ____________________
Vocabulary Check 8 | A
8.1 Jobs and work
1 Read the words and complete the gaps with the jobs below. There is one extra job.
architect builder chef firefighter hairdresser IT specialist pilot
0 cooker white hat restaurant chef
1 uniform danger help people ___________
2 strong houses work outside ___________
3 internet computer technology ___________
4 airport uniform travel ___________
5 chatty creative new styles ___________
2 Complete the words in the sentences.
0 Iragina works in a café. She’s a waitress.
1 Magaly is very good at Maths and wants to organise people’s money. She’s going to be
an a___________.
2 Liz wears a uniform and keeps people safe. She’s a p___________ o___________.
3 Pablo works in a hospital and helps people. He’s a n___________.
4 Mr. Yeo helps to design and build machines. He’s an e___________.
5 Darren’s got great communication skills and likes travelling. He should be a t___________
3 Choose the correct option.
0 Marcus started a new job in a café last week. He’s not earning good money yet, but he’s
happy at work / working alone.
1 Azucena never works at the weekend / for a company -- she only works from Monday to Friday.
2 Lawyers and managers usually work outdoors / in an office.
3 Duong cares a lot about his city. He works as the / a politician and helps the local people.
4 Greta doesn’t like working with lots of people. She prefers to work in a team / alone.
5 Sometimes the train is late. Then Cecilia doesn’t get to work in / on time, and her manager
is not happy.
Total: ___/15

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