Ict Year 10

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1. Create the worksheet below from scratch and answer the questions below.
1 TOWN / DAY Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
2 Mombasa 30 29.5 31 28.5 32
3 Kisumu 31 33 30 30 32
4 Nakuru
5 Nairobi 24 23.5 22 23 24.5
8 TOWN / DAY Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
9 Mombasa
10 Kisumu
11 Nakuru
12 Nairobi

(i). Use a formula to calculate the temperature for Nakuru, given that the temperature for Nakuru is ¾ that
of Mombasa.
(ii). Create two blank rows below Row 1.
(iii). Type “Temp. in degrees Celsius” in Cell A2 and “Temp. in degrees Fahrenheit” in Cell A9.
(iv). Calculate the temperature in F using the conversion factor given as F = (C+19)*9/5.
(v). Insert a blank row before Nakuru and enter the row heading Kericho in both temperature versions.
(vi). Calculate the temperature for Kericho in both versions given that it is 4/5 that of Kisumu.
(vii). Type “Average Temp. (C)” in Cell G3 and “Average Temp. (F)” in Cell G11 respectively. Calculate
the average temperatures for all the towns.
(viii). Format all cells containing the temp. values to zero decimal places with no commas.
(ix). Format all cells containing Average Temp. to Arial Black, Italics, size 12.
(x). Centre the Titles across columns A and G.
(xi). Put a double border round the whole table and a single line border inside the table. Shade the column
for Average temperature gray.

(xii). Use the Average values (C) in column G to create a 3-D Exploded Pie Chart to show distribution of
temperature for the towns.
The title should be “Average Temp. (C)”. Use the text in column A as the legend. In the data labels,
select Show Value.
(xiii). Move the chart created above to Sheet3. Do not insert it as an object.
(xiv). Move the left top corner of the chart in Sheet3 to cell A7. Resize the chart to fit into the range A7:H20.
(xv). Save the worksheet as with your name.

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1. Create the worksheet shown above.

2. Set the Text alignment, Columns width and high appropriately.
3. Use AutoFill to put the Series Numbers into cells A5:A7.
4. Format cells C3:G7, C8:E11, C13:E13 to include dollar sign with two decimal places.
5. Find the Average Sales and Maximum Sales for each City.
6. Find the Total Sales for each Month.
7. Calculate the Profit for each month , where profit = Total Sales – Cost
8. Calculate the 10% Bonus, which is 10% of the Profit.
9. Find the Total Sales for each Month; only for sales greater than 30,000.
10. Find the No of Sales for each Month; only for sales greater than 30,000.
11. Create the following Charts:

(Total for paper is 60 marks)

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