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Acute diarrhoeal diseases (ADD)

Definition: passing of loose, liquid or watery stools, with a sudden onset that lasts for 3-7 days; may
last up to 10-14 days


1. Virus – Polio, Hepatitis A

2. Bacteria – Cholera, Typhoid
3. Protozoa – Amoebiasis
4. Worm infestation – hookworm, round worm


Humans – all ages

0-2 years most affected especially 6-11 months


Seasonal variation – increased cases in rainy and summer season

Reservoir of infection – human being
Route of transmission – faeco-oral route
Signs of dehydration:

Feature Mild Severe

Appearance Thirsty Drowsy
Pulse rate Normal Fast, feeble
BP Normal Low ;Systolic BP <80
Skin elasticity Normal Delayed
Tongue Moist Dry
Urine output Normal Decreased

Management of ADD:

1. Oral rehydration therapy

a. Home based fluids – sugar salt solution, rice kanji, water, tender coconut, buttermilk
b. ORS – oral rehydration salt solution
2. Intravenous fluid therapy – admission in hospital
3. Maintenance therapy – maintain hydration
4. Antibiotics – chemotherapy
5. Maternal and child care
a. Nutritional status
b. EBF – exclusive breast feeding
c. Immunization
d. Hand hygiene
6. Prevention
a. Food hygiene practises
b. Safe drinking water
c. Sanitation
d. Immunization
e. Personal hygiene
f. nutrition

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