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European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518

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Production, Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics

Managing a closed-loop supply chain with process innovation for

Marc Reimann a,b, Yu Xiong b, Yu Zhou c,∗
Department of Production and Operations Management, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Remanufacturing is an opportunity to deliver all-round sustainability benefits when products are de-
Received 10 August 2017 signed accordingly. In this paper, we focus on the link between remanufacturing and the opportunity to
Accepted 15 January 2019
lower the variable remanufacturing cost via process innovation. Specifically, we analyse how the opportu-
Available online 18 January 2019
nity is utilized in a supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer. Only the manufacturer may
Keywords: undertake process innovation, while remanufacturing as such could be done by either the manufacturer
Supply chain management or the retailer. We find that although the traditional manufacturing process accepts incremental improve-
Closed-loop supply chain ment, remanufacturing in general requires stepwise innovation; thus, the optimal strategy of managing
Remanufacturing process innovation in a forward supply chain does not directly apply to manage process innovation for
Process innovation remanufacturing in a closed-loop supply chain. Our analytical results also show that a decentralised sup-
Environmental performance ply chain could be more likely to take up remanufacturing than an integrated supply chain, especially
when the process innovation cost is sufficiently high. Consequently, inefficiency resulting from decentral-
isation of decision-making in the closed-loop supply chain may cause not only underinvestment but also
overinvestment in process innovation for remanufacturing. Finally, through an extensive numerical anal-
ysis, we find that this overinvestment always reduces the environmental impact in terms of the overall
production quantity, even if the decision-making process does not explicitly consider any environmental
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license. (

1. Introduction e.g., Ford purchased several automotive salvage yards and parts re-
cycling companies to levy the potential economic benefit associ-
Remanufacturing presents a golden opportunity to deliver a ated with end-of-use vehicle processing. But, because of its inexpe-
sustainable future. It reduces the disposal of end-of-use products rience in the specialised sector, Ford had to abandon the business
and consumes less natural resources and energy than manufac- and redirect resources to auto making (Karakayali, l. Emir-Farinas,
turing all-new products (Agrawal, Ferguson, & Souza, 2016; Atasu, & Akcali, 2007).
Guide, & Van Wassenhove, 2008; Giuntini & Gaudette, 2003). How- The pioneers who greatly succeed in the remanufacturing sector
ever, the full social, environmental and economic benefits of re- usually make huge investments in new product design to lower the
manufacturing cannot be realised unless design for remanufactur- remanufacturing cost (Genc & De Giovanni, 2018; Zhu et al., 2014).
ing becomes an integral part of the product development process Fuji Xerox shows that the cost saving from photocopier remanufac-
(Seitz & Peattie, 2004). It is also widely agreed that economic con- turing is significantly increased because of one intentioned design
siderations must be at the forefront of design for remanufacturing for disassembly (Kerr & Ryan, 2001); Bosch has developed an inex-
because there is little sense in improving remanufacturability if it pensive chip for its power tools and household appliances to facil-
will render the product not cost effective (Linton, 2008). itate the assessment of the quality of components harvested from
Some manufacturers who are very good at manufacturing can- collected used products (Robotis, Boyaci, & Verter, 2012; Toffel,
not operate the remanufacturing business in a profitable manner; 2004). In fact, many other design concepts are appropriate to
lower the remanufacturing cost, see Hatcher, Ijomah, and Windmill
(2011) for a review. These approaches have various aspects in com-

Corresponding author.
mon: they require a substantial upfront R&D investment; they can
E-mail address: (Y. Zhou). lower the unit production cost of remanufactured products, but do
0377-2217/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. (
M. Reimann, Y. Xiong and Y. Zhou / European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518 511

not necessarily change the unit production cost of new products manufacturer invests nothing in PIR because of the cannibali-
significantly; and to what extent the remanufacturing cost can be sation concern. But, our analysis demonstrates an overinvestment
lowered depends on the R&D level. In this paper, we refer to these problem resulting from decentralisation of decision-making: the
approaches as Process Innovation for Remanufacturing (PIR). manufacturer invests over the global optimal level in PIR under
Our primary objective in this paper is to develop a general un- certain conditions. The economic intuition behind this finding
derstanding of the operational strategy to manage PIR in a closed- is interpreted as follows. In a decentralised setting, even if the
loop supply chain; we are particularly interested in the following manufacturer invests nothing in PIR, the retailer may engage in
question: remanufacturing; and then the manufacturer could be better off
by investing in PIR to induce the retailer to remanufacture as
• Why do some manufacturers make huge investments in PIR, while
many units as possible (note that, the remanufactured product
many others invest zero?
quantity is bound by the new product quantity) and charging the
To investigate this issue, we at first consider an integrated sup- retailer a higher new product wholesale price.
ply chain model to derive the global optimal solution for PIR. In- Note that in practice we also observe a lot of cases in which
terestingly, we find that the optimal PIR strategy is usually an all- remanufacturing is operated by a third-party remanufacturer, but
or-nothing strategy; in other words, the supply chain should invest these cases are uninteresting from a PIR perspective. Competing
aggressively to realise the maximum unit cost saving from reman- with an independent remanufacturer, as demonstrated by the liter-
ufacturing, or totally give up remanufacturing. The driving force ature, e.g., Ferguson and Toktay (2006), Majumder and Groenevelt
behind this result lies in that the optimal production quantity of (2001), and Örsdemir, Kemahlıoğlu-Ziya, and Parlaktürk (2014), the
remanufactured products is zero unless the cost saving from re- manufacturer has no incentive to lower the remanufacturing cost,
manufacturing is high enough. If the investment on PIR cannot and hence invests zero for PIR.
guarantee a minimum cost reduction necessary to take up reman- The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. The
ufacturing at all, then it is optimal for the supply chain to produce next section reviews the relevant literature. Section 3 presents
new products only. Contrary to that, it is worth noting that with the model. Section 4 characterises the optimal PIR strategies.
opportunities to lower the variable manufacturing cost, the supply Section 5 conducts a comparison between model variants to high-
chain does not require a threshold to trigger the new product pro- light the economic and environmental consequences of decen-
duction, and then a small incremental improvement is acceptable, tralised decision-making. Section 6 concludes the paper. All math-
i.e., the supply chain always invests in process innovation for man- ematical proofs are provided in the online Appendix A.
ufacturing. Therefore, we obtain an important implication: tradi-
tional innovation strategies in the literature may not be applicable 2. Relevant literature
to manage PIR in the closed-loop supply chain.
Closed-loop supply chains routinely involve more decision- This study builds on and contributes to two research streams:
makers than forward supply chains (Guide & Van Wassenhove, (1) the literature on closed-loop supply chain management, and (2)
2009). When the benefits of innovation are shared by others in the literature on innovation and new product development man-
the supply chain, the innovator has no incentive to invest at agement. The first stream typically ignores the possibility of PIR
the global optimal level. The underinvestment problem has been to lower the variable remanufacturing cost by defaulting the cost
well documented in the literature as the consequence of decen- to be exogenous, and the second stream mainly focuses on innova-
tralised decision-making in the forward supply chain (Amaldoss & tion relating to demand enhancement or cost reduction of the new
Rapoport, 2005; Ge, Hu, & Xia, 2014; Terwiesch & Xu, 2008). Yet, product. To the best of our knowledge, this paper makes the first
as we have mentioned above, the closed-loop supply chain con- attempt to bridge these two streams and investigates the optimal
text for PIR decisions is very different. Thus, we are interested in PIR strategy in a decentralised closed-loop supply chain. In what
answering the following question: follows, we provide an overview of the relevant literature and clar-
ify our contributions.
• What are the consequences of decentralised decision-making on
Managing closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing has
the manufacturer’s PIR strategy?
been an active area of research in recent years; we refer the reader
In many cases, it is the manufacturer who physically engages to Govindan, Soleimani, and Kannan (2015), Souza (2013), and
in remanufacturing and one of our model variants will capture Diallo, Venkatadri, Khatab, and Bhakthavatchalam (2017) for a thor-
that situation; e.g., as a world class manufacturer of heavy ma- ough discussion. This research stream usually assumes that reman-
chinery, Caterpillar runs several remanufacturing programs by it- ufacturing is a low-cost alternative of all-new manufacturing, and
self (Zhou, Xiong, Li, Xiong, & Beck, 2013). However, some man- uses the cost saving from remanufacturing to characterize the op-
ufacturers are incapable to remanufacture in a profitable manner, timal remanufacturing strategy; see, e.g., De Giovanni and Zaccour
or they are reluctant to remanufacture because of concerns about (2014), Ferrer and Swaminathan (2006), and Han, Wu, Yang, and
cannibalisation of the new product sales; consequently, the reman- Shang (2017). However, the variable remanufacturing cost in these
ufacturing opportunity is captured by someone else. Thus, we con- existing studies is assumed to be exogenous. Our contribution to
sider a second model variant in which the downstream player, i.e., this stream is straightforward; that is, our model takes PIR into
the retailer, may operate the remanufacturing business. Retailer- consideration by allowing the manufacturer to invest in process in-
remanufacturing is not uncommon in practice, especially in the novation to lower the variable remanufacturing cost. Our analysis
industry of heavy machinery. Not all western manufacturers are characterizes the relationship between the optimal PIR level and
capable to establish remanufacturing factories in China, like what the optimal remanufacturing strategy. For the closed-loop supply
Caterpillar did. Consequently, some local retailers such as SEVALO chain, if the optimal PIR level is zero, then the optimal strategy
Construction Machinery Group have collected the used products is not to remanufacture; otherwise, the optimal strategy is to re-
and operated the remanufacturing business, see Yi, Huang, Guo, manufacture as many units as possible. This result differs from the
and Shi (2016) for details. standard structure under the exogenous remanufacturing cost as-
In a closed-loop supply chain with manufacturer- sumption, where as a third option, partial remanufacturing might
remanufacturing, we confirm the existence of the underinvest- be optimal.
ment issue. As for a closed-loop supply chain with retailer- A growing amount of studies pay attention to innovation and
remanufacturing, conventional wisdom might suggest the new product development in a forward supply chain; see, e.g.,
512 M. Reimann, Y. Xiong and Y. Zhou / European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518

Arya, Löffler, Mittendorf, and Pfeiffer (2015), Kim and Netessine As a benchmark case, an integrated supply chain model (Model
(2013), and Du, Xu, Chen, and Tsai (2016). As these papers do I) is first analysed, where all decisions are centrally coordinated.
not consider remanufacturing, it is unclear whether the optimal This will provide us with the supply chain optimal decisions.
innovation strategies derived in these papers can be apply to Next, our focus will be on the managerial implications of de-
the closed-loop setting. Thus, we expand this research stream to centralised decision-making; particularly, we would like to exam-
closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing. More importantly, ine the structural influence of who (the manufacturer or the re-
our work makes a substantial contribution by demonstrating that tailer) undertakes the remanufacturing task on the optimal PIR
the optimal strategy of managing process innovation for manufac- level. Thus, in the second variant, we consider a decentralised
turing in forward supply chains does no directly apply in that the supply chain model with the manufacturer remanufacturing used
remanufacturing context is fundamentally different; specifically, products (Model DM). The timeline of decision-making is as fol-
the traditional manufacturing process accepts small incremental lows: the manufacturer moves first by deciding on the optimal
improvements, but remanufacturing in general requires stepwise process innovation level and the wholesale prices of the new and
innovation that can significantly lower the variable remanufactur- remanufactured products; and then the retailer decides the quan-
ing cost. tities.
A few papers consider the decisions on remanufacturing and in- In the third variant, we consider a decentralised supply chain
novation together. Debo, Toktay, and Van Wassenhove (2005) is, to with the retailer remanufacturing used products (Model DR). The
the best of our knowledge, the first to analyse product technology timeline of decision-making is as follows: the manufacturer firstly
selection in the remanufacturing context. Their model characterises decides the optimal innovation level and the wholesale price of the
whether to produce a remanufacturable product. Özdemir, Denizel, new product, and then the retailer decides the quantities of the
and Guide (2012) examine the manufacturer’s remanufacturing de- new and remanufactured products.
cisions in a legislative disposal fee environment. Wu (2012) consid- In the following analysis, subscript i ∈ {I, M, R} refers to the in-
ers the competition between a manufacturer and a remanufacturer tegrated supply chain, the manufacturer, and the retailer, respec-
and investigates the manufacturer’s strategic dilemma when de- tively; superscript j ∈ {I, DM, DR} denotes the integrated supply
termining the degree of disassemblability. Similarly, Subramanian, chain model, as well as the decentralised supply chain models with
Ferguson, and Toktay (2013) extend the classic component com- the manufacturer remanufacturing and the retailer remanufactur-
monality decision to consider remanufacturing operated by either ing, respectively. Table 1 summarises the notations.
the manufacturer or the remanufacturer. The investment in com-
ponent commonality can be viewed as an investment in lowering 3.2. Cost structure and supply of remanufacturable cores
the remanufacturing cost. Their analysis identifies the conditions in
which the commonality decision may be reversed due to reman- The literature on remanufacturing typically assumes that re-
ufacturing. Atasu and Souza (2013) and Li, Reimann, and Zhang manufacturing of one used product does not cost more than man-
(2018) study the impact of remanufacturing on product design, ufacturing of one new product, e.g., Ovchinnikov, Blass, and Raz
specifically new product quality. They find that remanufacturing (2014), Savaskan, Bhattacharya, and Van Wassenhove (2004), and
induces the monopolist to provider higher quality new products. Hong, Govindan, Xu, and Du (2017). We follow this assumption; in
These most relevant papers investigate PIR in a monopoly set- addition, we consider the manufacturer’s opportunities to reduce
ting or under a competition between the manufacturer and third- the variable remanufacturing cost, and hence in this study
party remanufacturers. Our work contributes to that literature by
cr = cn − r θ , (1)
putting the PIR issue into a real supply chain context and revealing
the consequences of decentralised decision-making on the manu- where 0 ≤ r ≤ cn , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1. The parameter r measures the max-
facturer’s PIR strategy. Interestingly, we find that the manufacturer imum amount of cost reduction that can be attained via process
might invest over the global optimal level in PIR in the decen- innovation. It is restricted by the current level of science and tech-
tralised closed-loop supply chain with retailer-remanufacturing. nology, i.e., the variable remanufacturing cost cannot be less than
cn − r regardless of how much the manufacturer invests. Eq. (1) im-
plies that remanufacturing has no cost advantage in the absence of
3. The model
investments on process innovation, i.e., cr = cn when θ = 0. Note
that this assumption is not critical and relaxing it, i.e., cr is lower
In this study, we consider a closed-loop supply chain consisting
than cn , does not qualitatively change our main results.
of two firms: a manufacturer and a retailer. The manufacturer who
The manufacturer’s upfront investment is a function of the pro-
produces new products has opportunities to lower the variable cost
cess innovation level and modelled as kθ 2 . The investment is con-
of remanufacturing via process innovation, such as design for dis-
vex with respect to θ , which is often attributed to diminishing re-
assembly. The retailer orders new products from the manufacturer
turns from R&D expenditures (Gilbert & Cvsa, 2003; Pun, 2014; Wu
and sells them to final customers. Remanufacturing of end-of-use
& Zhou, 2017).
products is performed by either the manufacturer or the retailer,
Without loss of generality, the retailer’s variable selling cost is
but not both, one explanation for which could be the high fixed
assumed to be constant and normalized to 0.
cost of setting up the collection and remanufacturing operations.
Remanufacturing is possible only if new products have been
To avoid the distraction of initial and terminal time-period ef-
used and become cores for remanufacturing. We assume that
fect, following the literature on remanufacturing, e.g., Ovchinnikov
the product can be remanufactured at most once (Ferrer &
(2011), Subramanian et al. (2013), and Wu and Zhou (2016), we fo-
Swaminathan, 2010; Jin, Nie, Yang, & Zhou, 2017; Li, Li, & Cai,
cus our analysis on a steady state, which implies that players use
2012). Thus, the remanufactured product quantity in the current
the identical strategies in every period after a ramp-up in the first
period is constrained by the new product quantity in the previous
period, which is equal to the new product quantity in the current
period; i.e., we have the constraint qr ≤ qn in a steady-state period.
3.1. Model variants and notation We recognise that in practice not all used products can be col-
lected and remanufactured (i.e., in practice qr ≤ φ qn with φ < 1).
We consider three different variants within the closed-loop Yet, in assuming φ = 1 we again follow the literature, e.g., Agrawal
supply chain, see Fig. 1 for illustration. et al. (2016), Zhou et al. (2013), and Saha, Sarmah, and Moon
M. Reimann, Y. Xiong and Y. Zhou / European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518 513

Model I Model DM Model DR

Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Retailer Retailer Retailer

Consumers Consumers Consumers

The flow of
The flow of The flow of
new products used products
Fig. 1. Three variants within the closed-loop supply chain.

Table 1

Symbol Definition

cn ∈ ( 0, 1 ) Variable cost of the new product
cr ∈ ( 0, cn ] Variable cost of the remanufactured product
r ∈ ( 0, cn ) Maximal unit cost saving from remanufacturing via process innovation
k ∈ ( 0, +∞ ) Investment cost parameter of process innovation in a steady-state period
δ ∈ (0, 1] Consumer value discount for the remanufactured product
Decision and auxiliary variables
θ ∈ [0, 1] Level of process innovation
pn / pr ∈ [0, 1] Market clearing price of the new/remanufactured product
wn /wr ∈ [0, 1] Wholesale price of the new/remanufactured product
qn /qr ∈ [0, 1] Quantity of the new/remanufactured product
ij ∈ [0, +∞) Player i’s profit, i ∈ {I, M, R}, j ∈ {I, DM, DR}

(2016). This assumption significantly simplifies the analysis and Summarizing, our model builds on previous literature by using
does not change any of the qualitative insights. the following inverse demand functions
pn = 1 − qn − δ qr , (2)

pr = δ (1 − qn − qr ). (3)
3.3. Inverse demand functions
3.4. Optimization models for decision making
Remanufacturing cannibalises sales of the new product. How-
As mentioned above, in Model I all decisions are centrally co-
ever, empirical evidence and experimental results show that con-
ordinated, yielding the supply chain optimal decisions. The associ-
sumers usually value the remanufactured product less than the
ated optimisation problem is
new one (Agrawal, Atasu, & v. Ittersum, 2015; Guide & Li, 2010;
Wu & Zhou, 2016). In this paper, we follow the extant litera- max II = ( pn − cn )qn + ( pr − (cn − rθ ) )qr − kθ 2 , (4)
θ ,qn ,qr
ture, e.g. Ferguson and Toktay (2006), Örsdemir et al. (2014), and
Wang, Cai, Tsay, and Vakharia (2017), and assume that consumers’ subject to 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, qn ≥ qr ≥ 0.
willingness-to-pay for the new product is heterogeneous and uni- Conversely, in Model DM, where the manufacturer remanufac-
formly distributed in the interval [0, 1] with the density of 1, and tures the used products the manufacturer’s optimisation problem
each consumer’s willingness-to-pay for the remanufactured prod- is
uct is a fraction δ of that for the new one. Each consumer buys at
M = (wn − cn )qn + (wr − (cn − r θ ) )qr − kθ ,
max DM 2

most one unit of the new/remanufactured product. Furthermore, θ ,w n ,w r

both new and remanufactured products can be used for one pe- subject to 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1. (5)
riod (that is, one period is defined as the product life duration). The retailer’s optimisation problem is
Hence in every period all consumers have to make their purchase
decisions, thereby keeping the total market size constant. max DM
R = ( pn − wn )qn + ( pr − wr )qr , subject to qn ≥ qr ≥ 0.
qn ,qr
The consumer heterogeneity assumption, together with the uni-
form distribution, give rise to the linear inverse demand functions (6)
which facilitate analytical tractability of the model. As mentioned Finally, in Model DR the manufacturer’s optimisation problem
above, the consumer’s purchasing decision assumption controls the is
market size and thereby also reflects the steady-state nature of our
M = (wn − cn )qn − kθ , subject to 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1.
max DR 2
model. θ ,w n
514 M. Reimann, Y. Xiong and Y. Zhou / European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518

The retailer’s optimisation problem is (2) Otherwise, the optimal PIR strategy is an all-or-nothing strategy:
cn +r )2
(i) θ I∗ = 0, if k ≥ (1+Xδ(−2
max  DR
R = ( pn − wn )qn + ( pr − (cn − rθ ) )qr , subject to qn ≥ qr ≥ 0. (8) 1+3δ )
− (1−c
; (ii) θ I∗ = 1, otherwise.
qn ,qr

4. The analysis It is demonstrated that in the integrated supply chain, the op-
timal PIR level is decreasing in the investment cost parameter k;
Our analysis is based on the solutions of these models through specifically, if k is sufficiently high, the optimal strategy is to invest
backward induction. Thus, we first obtain the optimal quantities qn nothing. Although this result seems to be in line with intuition, it
and qr as a function of θ and the wholesale price(s). Then, we de- significantly differs from the optimal strategy of managing process
rive the optimal PIR level as well as the optimal wholesale price(s). innovation for manufacturing in a traditional supply chain.
To start out, let us first consider the effect of PIR on the optimal As shown in Appendix B, with opportunities to lower the vari-
quantity responses. The following lemma highlights a very general able manufacturing cost, the traditional supply chain always in-
result for Models I and DM. vests in process innovation regardless of the value of the invest-
Lemma 1. In the integrated supply chain or the decentralised sup- ment cost parameter; i.e., the optimal process innovation level
ply chain with manufacturer-remanufacturing, the optimal PIR strat- might be sufficiently low, but it is always greater than 0. In this
egy and the optimal quantity responses are linked in the following case, we say the traditional manufacturing process accepts incre-
way: mental improvement.
In contrast, a small incremental improvement in the remanufac-
(1) If it is optimal not to carry out PIR, i.e., θ ∗ = 0, then it is optimal
turing cost efficiency is valueless to the closed-loop supply chain;
not to remanufacture, i.e., qr ∗ = 0;
i.e., the optimal PIR level is either sufficiently high or 0. In this
(2) If it is optimal to carry out PIR, i.e., θ ∗ > 0, then it is optimal to
case, we say the remanufacturing process requires stepwise inno-
remanufacture as many units as possible, i.e., qr ∗ = qn .
vation that can significantly lower the variable remanufacturing
This all-or-nothing result differs from the standard structure cost. This is because, unlike in the case of process innovation for
under exogenous remanufacturing costs, where as a third option, manufacturing, there is a minimum remanufacturing cost reduc-
partial remanufacturing is possible. The economic intuition behind tion necessary to induce the closed-loop supply chain to take up
our differing result lies in the fact that in our model the variable remanufacturing at all; if the variable cost reduction is below a
remanufacturing cost is endogenous. Without investment, i.e., θ = threshold, the closed-loop supply chain will never remanufacture,
0, there is no cost saving from remanufacturing, and given con- and then any investment would be wasted. Consequently, the inte-
sumers’ reduced willingness-to-pay for the remanufactured prod- grated supply chain does not invest in PIR, and produces the new
uct, intuitively, there should be no remanufacturing in the inte- product only.
grated model.1 Observe that the strategy for Model DM is structurally identical
In the decentralised supply chain model with manufacturer- to the strategy for Model I. The intuition behind the strategy is also
remanufacturing, the intuition is similar. Any positive investment similar.
in process innovation θ > 0 yields a cost saving from remanu- Proposition 2. The optimal PIR strategy in a decentralised sup-
facturing. Now assume that the manufacturer chooses wholesale ply chain with retailer-remanufacturing depends on the relationship
prices for the new and remanufactured products that induce the between cn and δ in the following way:
retailer not to order all available remanufactured products. Be-
cause cost savings will not be fully realised when not all used (1) When cn < δ /2, the optimal PIR strategy is given by one of three
products are remanufactured, we can say that a portion of invest- possible structures:
ment is wasted. Consequently, the manufacturer could improve its (1.1) if (1 − δ )(1 + 3δ ) − (1 + δ − 2cn )2 ≤ 0, it is never optimal for
economic performance by cutting down on the investment. This the manufacturer not to invest and the PIR strategy follows a
r (1+δ −2cn ) r 2 +r (1+δ −2cn )
in turn reduces cost savings from remanufacturing, leading to a two-fold structure: (i) θ DR∗ = 8k(1+3δ )−r 2
, if k ≥ 8(1+3δ )
smaller optimal order quantity of the remanufactured product and (ii) θ DR∗ = 1, otherwise;
more unrealised cost savings. Therefore, a strategy with non-zero
(1.2) otherwise, and if r > (1−δ )(1+31+
δ )−(δ +2cn −3cn 2 )
δ −2c , the optimal
investment in which not all used products are remanufactured is n

always a suboptimal strategy compared to the strategy without in- PIR strategy follows a tri-fold structure: (i) θ DR∗ = 0,
r 2 (1−δ ) r (1+δ −2cn )
vestment. if k ≥ 8( (1−δ )(1+3δ )−(δ +2c −3c 2 )) ; (ii) θ DR∗ = 8k(1+3δ )−r 2
, if
n n
We can now turn to our main results concerning the optimal r 2 +r (1+δ −2cn )
≤ k < 8( (1−δ )(1+3r δ()1−−(δδ +2
8(1+3δ ) 2 )) ; (iii) θ DR ∗ = 1,
process innovation level. Propositions 1 and 2 provide the struc- c n −3cn
tural insights into PIR for models I, DM, and DR, respectively.
(1.3) otherwise, the optimal PIR strategy is an all-or-nothing strat-
Proposition 1. The optimal PIR strategy in an integrated sup- 2
ply chain or a decentralised supply chain with manufacturer- egy: (i) θ DR∗ = 0, if k ≥ (1+8δ(−2 cn +r )
1+3δ )
− 1−δ
8 ; (ii) θ
DR∗ = 1, oth-

remanufacturing is given by one of two possible structures (X = 4 for erwise.

Model I and X = 8 for Model DM): (2) When δ /2 ≤ cn < δ /(2 − δ ), the optimal PIR strategy is struc-
  turally identical to above:
√ 1− 1− 4δ3(δ1−1 −δ )
1+ 1− 4δ3(δ1−1
−δ )
(1) If δ > 1+8 17 (≈0.64 ), < c n < , and r > (2.1) if 4(δ − cn )(1 − δ )(1 + 3δ ) − δ 2 (1 + δ − 2cn )2 ≤ 0, it is never
2 2
(1−δ )(δ +2cn −3cn 2 ) optimal for the manufacturer not to invest and the PIR strat-
, the optimal PIR strategy follows a tri-fold struc- δ −2cn )
1+δ −2cn egy follows a two-fold structure: (i) θ DR∗ = 8rk((1+ 1+3δ )−r 2
, if k ≥
r 2 (1−cn )2 r (1+δ −2cn )
ture: (i) θ = 0, if k ≥ X (1−δ )(δ +2c −3c 2 ) ; (ii) θ = Xk(1+3δ )−r2 , if
I∗ I∗
r 2 +r (1+δ −2cn )
n n
8(1+3δ )
; (ii) θ DR∗ = 1, otherwise;
r 2 +r (1+δ −2cn ) r 2 (1−cn )2
≤ k < ; (iii) θ I∗ = 1, otherwise. 2
(2.2) otherwise, and if r > (1+δ2−2cn )(4(δ −c n )(1−δ )(1+3δ )−δ (1+δ −2cn ) )
X (1+3δ ) X (1−δ )(δ +2cn −3cn 2 ) ,
δ (1+δ −2cn ) −4(1−cn )(δ −cn )(1−δ )(1+3δ )
the optimal PIR strategy follows a tri-fold structure:
For our setting with cr = cn , it is clear that zero investment cannot lead to re- r 2 cn (1−δ )(δ −cn )
θ DR∗ = 0,
(i) if k≥ ;
manufacturing in the integrated model since there are no cost benefits and reman- 2(4(δ −cn )(1−δ )(1+3δ )−δ 2 (1+δ −2cn )2 )
r (1+δ −2cn ) r 2 +r (1+δ −2cn )
ufactured products can only be sold at a lower price. We note however that our (ii) θ DR∗ = 8k(1+3δ )−r 2
, if 8(1+3δ )
result holds even for cr < cn , unless cr is too low. When cr gets too low, the asso-
r 2 cn (1−δ )(δ −cn )
ciated initial cost advantage of remanufacturing over new production gives rise to ; (iii) θ DR∗ = 1, otherwise;
remanufacturing even there is no (additional) process investment, i.e. θ = 0. 2(4(δ −cn )(1−δ )(1+3δ )−δ 2 (1+δ −2cn )2 )
M. Reimann, Y. Xiong and Y. Zhou / European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518 515

(2.3) otherwise, the optimal PIR strategy is an all-or-nothing Table 2

cn +r )2 The scale of over- and underinvestment issues.
strategy: (i) θ DR∗ = 0, if k ≥ (1+8δ(−2
1+3δ )
− cn (1−2δδ)(2δ −cn ) ; (ii)
Model I Model DM Model DR
θ DR∗ = 1, otherwise.
(3) When cn ≥ δ /(2 − δ ), the optimal PIR strategy in Model DR is θ∗ = 0 3367 3815 3592
0 < θ∗ < 1 99 110 318
identical to the strategy in Model DM.
θ∗ = 1 989 530 545
θ DM∗/DR∗ < θ I∗ N/A 558 561
Note that in Model DR the strategy is structurally very different θ DM∗/DR∗ > θ I∗ N/A 0 218
from the strategies in Models I and DM, when cn < δ /(2 − δ ). First,
when cn < δ /2 the retailer will remanufacture even if the manu-
facturer does not invest in PIR. Second, when δ is high (precisely,
when δ ≥ 2/3 and cn < δ /2) the manufacturer will always invest Interestingly, for the decentralised supply chain with retailer-
in PIR regardless of the values of the investment cost parameter k remanufacturing, both over- and underinvestment may occur, de-
and the magnitude of the possible reduction r, see the case (A) of pending on the specific parameter constellation. Due to the vari-
Proposition 2 (1). ous possible cases, it is difficult to provide a closed-form solution
The intuition behind this result hinges on the interrelation of describing all possible outcomes. The following proposition charac-
the demand-side and the supply-side link between the new and terises the general insights into the overinvestment issue.
remanufactured products. Specifically, the wholesale price of the Proposition 3. Compared with the first-best PIR level in the in-
new product will be always higher than their variable manufac- tegrated supply chain,
turing cost, while the variable remanufacturing cost is less than or
equal to the variable manufacturing cost. Thus, the retailer has an
(1) in the decentralised supply chain with manufacturer-
incentive to offer the remanufactured product even when θ = 0. In
remanufacturing there is never overinvestment, and the man-
addition, to generate more used products available for remanufac-
ufacturer underinvests in PIR under certain conditions (detailed in
turing, the retailer then also has an incentive to order more new
the proof);
products. When cn is small relative to δ , the price-sensitivity of de-
(2) in the decentralised supply chain with retailer-remanufacturing
mand for the new product – driven by the (low) cannibalisation ef-
the manufacturer may overinvest, specifically, (i) overinvest-
fect between the new and remanufactured products – is small, and
ment can only occur when θ I∗ = 0, (ii) √ when (1 − δ )(1 + 3δ ) −
the manufacturer will strategically price the new product higher to
(1 + δ − 2cn )2 ≤ 0 and r ≤ (1 − cn ) 1 + 3δ − (1 + δ − 2cn ),
share the remanufacturing benefit.
overinvestment always occurs regardless of the value of k.
On the other hand, the manufacturer will not invest in PIR and
at the same time set a wholesale price for the new product that
induces the retailer not to remanufacture. Thus, anticipating that This result is intriguing because it implies that the manufac-
the retailer may remanufacture anyways, it may be even better for turer would incentivise the retailer to remanufacture, when the
the manufacturer to attempt to obtain a larger share of the reman- first-best strategy in an integrated supply chain is not to do so.
ufacturing benefit. By investing in remanufacturing cost reduction, Moreover, it basically highlights that the manufacturer may be
the manufacturer can try to induce the retailer to remanufacture able to share any cost of PIR with the retailer through the whole-
all available used products. When demand for the remanufactured sale price of the new product. The manufacturer anticipates that
product is high, the supply constraint on the availability of used the retailer, to maximise its own profit, remanufactures even if
products reduces the pressure on the wholesale price for the new the manufacturer makes no investment; additionally, the supply
product. Consequently, the increased wholesale price of the new of the remanufactured products is constrained by the availability
product more than covers the investment in PIR. of used products resulting from earlier new product sales. Based
on these two observations, the manufacturer capitalises on the re-
sulting reduced price-sensitivity of demand for the new product
5. Comparison and discussion
and amortises the investment through an increase in the whole-
sale price. Therefore, inefficiency resulting from the decentralisa-
In this section, we firstly compare the optimal PIR levels in the
tion of decision-making may lie in the manufacturer’s incentive
integrated supply chain model and the decentralised supply chain
to overinvest in PIR in the closed-loop supply chain with retailer-
model to highlight inefficiencies resulting from the decentralisa-
tion of decision-making. Next, we are also interested in how the
We also perform a numerical analysis to show the scale of over-
optimal PIR level and the profits are shaped by key modelling pa-
and underinvestment issues. The parameter values we have chosen
rameters. Finally, we discuss the environmental implications of PIR.
cover a broad range of possible outcomes. The domain of parame-
Note that, due to the complexity in mathematics, some results can-
ters cn , r, and δ is [0, 1]. We consider values {0.1, 0.2, . . . , 0.8, 0.9},
not be ascertained analytically, but could only be verified numeri-
subject to r ≤ cn . Finally, the domain of value k is [0, ∞ ). Af-
ter some initial sensitivity tests, we chose to vary k between
{0.0 01, 0.0 06, . . . , 0.046, 0.051} to ensure that not only trivial ex-
5.1. Comparison of optimal PIR levels treme scenarios (in which θ = 0 or θ = 1) exist. Overall, these pa-
rameter settings give rise to 4455 scenarios.
The underinvestment issue as inefficiency resulting from the Table 2 reveals that on an aggregate level the underinvestment
decentralisation of decision-making has been widely studied in the issue is much more pronounced than the overinvestment issue in
literature on traditional supply chain models, see, e.g., Bhaskaran both decentralised models. Underinvestment occurs in around 13%
and Krishnan (2009), Huang, Shen, and Xu (2016), and Pun and of the scenarios, while overinvestment occurs in around 5% of the
Ghamat (2016). In line with intuition, in the decentralised sup- cases in Model DR. Moreover, in the underinvestment scenarios the
ply chain with manufacturer-remanufacturing, the benefit of the average investment is θ I∗ = 0.95 in Model I, while in both decen-
manufacturer’s investment in PIR will be partly shared by the re- tralised models we observe θ DM∗/DR∗ = 0.11. On the other hand, in
tailer through the wholesale prices of the new and remanufactured the overinvestment scenarios the average investment by the manu-
products. Such a free-riding problem leads the manufacturer to un- facturer is θ DR∗ = 0.32 in Model DR, while, as shown in Proposition
derinvest, relative to the first-best solution. 4, then there is no investment in Model I.
516 M. Reimann, Y. Xiong and Y. Zhou / European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518

Table 4
Environmental impacts under different CLSC structures.
EI −E j
The probability of EI > E j (%) EI
· 100%(%)

j = DM When θ j∗ < θ I∗ 51.79 2.80

When θ j∗ = θ I∗ 13.60 6.80
j = DR When θ j∗ < θ I∗ 69.16 16.92
When θ j∗ = θ I∗ 23.88 10.40
When θ j∗ > θ I∗ 100 54.62

and δ is large enough, as mentioned before, the retailer will re-

manufacture even if there is no PIR. Anticipating that, the manu-
facturer will strategically make an investment and price the new
product higher to share the remanufacturing benefit. However, the
higher new product wholesale price will lead to a lower produc-
Fig. 2. Sensitivity of θ ∗ w.r.t. δ (cn = 0.3, r = 0.3, k = 0.036).
tion quantity of the new product and undermine the remanufac-
turing benefit. Consequently, both the manufacturer and the re-
Table 3
tailer may be worse off.
The results of sensitivity analysis.

Sensitivity of I /M /R w.r.t.

5.3. Environmental impacts
Model I Model DM Model DR

cn −/na/na ±/−/± ±/−/± Let us finally consider the impacts of PIR on the environment.
r +/na/na ±/±/± ±/±/± Following the literature, e.g., Galbreth, Boyacı, and Verter (2013),
δ +/na/na ±/±/± ±/±/± Yan, Xiong, Xiong, and Guo (2015), and Xiong, Zhao, and Zhou
k −/na/na ±/±/± ±/±/±
(2016), we use the overall production quantity E = qn + γ qr as a
proxy for the environmental effect, where γ ≤ 1 reflects the po-
tentially lower negative impact on the environment due to collect-
5.2. Sensitivity with respect to key parameters ing and reusing end-of-use products. Note that, PIR could be of
help for the environment because cost savings are usually linked
The impact of key modelling parameters on the optimal PIR with the reduction of carbon emissions and resource consumption
level and the profits are also revealed by the numerical analysis. (Porter & Linde, 1995). Therefore, in this paper, we assume that
We observe mostly the expected result that θ ∗ is non-increasing the cost reduction induced by θ has a one-to-one relationship with
in cn and k, and non-decreasing in r. For δ the result hinges on the the reduction of environmental impacts, i.e., investing θ in reman-
remanufacturing decision. With δ increasing, the optimal PIR level ufacturing cost reduction, reduces the environmental impact of the
may switch from no remanufacturing (and consequently θ ∗ = 0) remanufactured product by θ as well, yielding γ = 1 − θ . Table 4
to full remanufacturing with θ ∗ > 0. Once that happens, a further summarises the aggregate results. The two columns provide the
increase in δ may reduce the optimal solution, reflecting the in- following information: the first column counts the number of sce-
creased willingness-to-pay and therefore the lower price pressure narios in which the weighted production quantity is smaller un-
on the remanufactured product. Fig. 2 exemplifies this result for der decentralisation. For example, from Table 2 we know that there
Models I and DR. it also shows both the under- and overinvest- are 218 scenarios where there is overinvestment in Model DR. The
ment issues arising in Model DR. associated entry in the last row of Table 4 tells us that in all of
Looking at the sensitivity of the profits, as summarised in those 218 scenarios (i.e., 100%) the weighted production quantity is
Table 3, we observe that in Model I the expected trends arise. smaller in Model DR than in Model I. The second column examines
However, in both decentralised models the only clear-cut tendency the average change in the weighted production quantity overall. So,
remaining is the manufacturer’s profit falling in cn . All other rela- in the first line in Table 4, the value of 2.80% refers to the average
tionships can point in either direction. These results highlight the reduction in the weighted production quantity when θ j∗ < θ I∗ .
complexity of the decision situation in the decentralised supply Because of the well-known effect of double marginalisation, a
chain in general. Let us just briefly discuss two specific aspects. decentralised supply chain always charges a higher price and sells
First, in Model DR the retailer’s profit may be increasing in the in- a smaller quantity than an integrated supply chain. However, from
vestment cost parameter of PIR, k. When k is small enough, the Table 4 we observe that in a closed-loop supply chain, the decen-
manufacturer’s optimal strategy is to invest in PIR and increase tralised decision-making does not always lead to a smaller quan-
the wholesale price of the new product anticipating that all avail- tity, e.g., in Model DM when θ j∗ < θ I∗ , there is only 51.79% of
able used products will be remanufactured; otherwise, the manu- scenarios in which the weighted production quantity is reduced.
facturer’s optimal strategy is to make no investment and price the This result seems counterintuitive at first, yet it highlights an im-
new product lower. Consequently, if k is large enough, although portant structural insight. The mix between new and remanu-
the unit remanufacturing cost is higher, the retailer can obtain a factured products offered may be different; specifically, the de-
greater profit due to a lower new product wholesale price. centralised supply chain may offer more new products and less
Second, in Model DR the retailer’s profit may be decreasing in remanufactured products (due to the underinvestment issue). Thus,
the consumer value discount for the remanufactured product, δ . in those scenarios decentralisation forms another loss-loss situa-
If δ is small enough, the manufacturer makes no investment in tion. Not only do profits decline, but the environmental impact is
PIR and the retailer remanufactures nothing; otherwise, the man- also worsened.
ufacturer always invests in PIR and the retailer remanufactures all Second, observe that whenever the manufacturer overinvests
available used products. This result in fact implies that the reman- in Model DR, overall environmental impact is always reduced,
ufacturing opportunity may form a lose-lose situation to the man- i.e., when θ j∗ > θ I∗ , in 100% of scenarios the weighted production
ufacturer and the retailer, which has been demonstrated in Xiong, quantity is reduced; in addition, the average reduction is signifi-
Zhou, Li, Chan, and Xiong (2013). The intuition is that, if cn is low cantly higher, i.e., 54.62% in this case, while it is at most 16.92% in
M. Reimann, Y. Xiong and Y. Zhou / European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 510–518 517

other cases. Thus, the overinvestment issue, while inefficient from rial consumption even without explicit consideration of the en-
an economic perspective, benefits the environmental aspect quite vironmental aspects in the decision-making process. Therefore,
drastically. the government should give priority to retailer-remanufacturing
when making policies to develop the remanufacturing sector.
6. Conclusions
Summarising, our results have shown the potential benefits of
PIR, but also the caveats to avoid under decentralised decision-
Managing closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing is a
making and potentially conflicting economic and environmental
hot research topic because of its sustainable profile. In order to ex-
key performance indicators. Future research will have to consider
plore its full environmental and economic benefits, this study in-
the relationship between remanufacturing and product innovation
vestigates PIR in a decentralised supply chain. In our model, re-
to aid understanding the long-term implications of remanufactur-
manufacturing can be conducted by either the manufacturer or the
ing on new product introductions. A prime example of an asso-
retailer, and the manufacturer has opportunities to lower the vari-
ciated open research question concerns the planned obsolescence
able remanufacturing cost via process innovation.
debate, where the environmental benefits of prolonged usage peri-
Our key findings generate the following implications for differ-
ods seem to be in conflict with the environmental benefits of new
ent stakeholders.
product introductions featuring a lower per-unit footprint.
(1) Implications for the manufacturer. In general, traditional pro-
cess innovation for manufacturing accepts small incremental Acknowledgement
improvements in that cost savings in the manufacturing pro-
cess, no matter how small they are, can improve the profit mar- This research work was supported by National Natural Science
gin; consequently the manufacturer should seize every single Foundation of China (Grant 71601025).
opportunity to lower the new production cost. Conversely, step-
wise innovation is required to significantly lower the variable Supplementary material
remanufacturing cost and make remanufacturing viable at all.
That is to say, not all cost-reduction opportunities in the re- Supplementary material associated with this article can be
manufacturing process are valuable. The manufacturer should found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2019.01.028.
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