PH Community Platform

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State of Public Health

The Public Health Community Platform, Electronic Case

Reporting, and the Digital Bridge
Mary Ann Cooney, MPH, MSN, RN; Michael F. Iademarco, MD, MPH; Monica Huang, MPH;
William R. MacKenzie, MD; Arthur J. Davidson, MD, MSPH

At the intersection of new technology advancements, ever-changing health policy, and fiscal constraints, public health
agencies seek to leverage modern technical innovations and benefit from a more comprehensive and cooperative approach
to transforming public health, health care, and other data into action. State health agencies recognized a way to advance
population health was to integrate public health with clinical health data through electronic infectious disease case reporting.
The Public Health Community Platform (PHCP) concept of bidirectional data flow and knowledge management became the
foundation to build a cloud-based system connecting electronic health records to public health data for a select initial set of
notifiable conditions. With challenges faced and lessons learned, significant progress was made and the PHCP grew into
the Digital Bridge, a national governance model for systems change, bringing together software vendors, public health, and
health care. As the model and technology advance together, opportunities to advance future connectivity solutions for both
health care and public health will emerge.

KEY WORDS: data exchange, Digital Bridge, electronic case reporting, electronic health record, knowledge
management, public health data, technology

A s technology advances and electronic data

proliferate, public health departments are
challenged to leverage the data opportuni-
ties. Public health agencies face costly and technically
demanding problems that require developing com-
public health agencies seek to leverage modern techni-
cal innovations and benefit from a more comprehen-
sive and cooperative approach to transforming public
health, health care, and other data into action.
While public health information systems remain
plex solutions to address multiple monitoring and re- fragmented and in siloes, public health is concomi-
porting needs.1 Many agencies have scars from failed tantly being called to integrate with clinical health
or unsuccessful informatics investments. New, more by leveraging electronic health record (EHR) data.2,3
strategic approaches are needed, and in fact, promot- This engagement would result in a broader learn-
ing newer technologies for disease surveillance has ing health system that uses data to inform quality
been a focus of Centers for Disease Control and Pre- improvement.4 The Office of the Assistant Secretary
vention (CDC) for more than 10 years. At the inter- for Health’s Public Health 3.0 program outlines
section of technology, policy, and fiscal constraints, a direction for public health where informatics
promotes significant enhancements to modern pub-
Author Affiliations: Center for Population Health Strategies, Association of lic health practice for collaborative, cross-sector
State and Territorial Health Officials, Arlington, Virginia (Ms Cooney); US environmental-, policy-, and systems-level actions to
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Public Health Service, address social determinants of health.
Rockville, Maryland (Drs Iademarco and MacKenzie); National Association of
County & City Health Officials, Washington, District of Columbia (Ms Huang); Digital Bridge is a partnership led by the Robert
and Denver Public Health, Denver, Colorado (Dr Davidson). Woods Johnson Foundation (RWJF) that brings
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. together high-level leadership in health care, the soft-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations ware industry for EHR systems, and public health.
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of It is focused on a demonstration phase to connect
this article on the journal’s Web site (
the EHR to public health for a select initial set of
Correspondence: Mary Ann Cooney, MPH, MSN, RN, Center for Population
Health Strategies, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, 2231 notifiable conditions. The overall vision and Digital
Crystal Dr, Ste 450, Arlington, VA 22202 ( Bridge partnership are an outgrowth of the Public
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Health Community Platform (PHCP), a project that
DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000775 simultaneously represented innovative technology

March/April 2018 • Volume 24, Number 2 185

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
186 Cooney, et al • 24(2), 185–189 The Public Health Community Platform, Electronic Case Reporting, and the Digital Bridge

solutions and the required governance framework organizations, formed the PHCP Steering Committee
to build community support.5 The PHCP was led to advise ASTHO and guide development of PHCP
by the Association of State and Territorial Health (see Supplemental Digital Content Appendix A,
Officials (ASTHO) and funded through a cooperative available at
agreement with CDC. This article briefly documents The PHCP Steering Committee worked with and
the process of creating PHCP, along with the progress advised ASTHO on identifying needed solutions to
made and the successes and lessons learned during real-world public health problems.11 The committee
the first 3 years of the PHCP project. This description then developed a vision, mission, and strategic map
is a critical input for Digital Bridge success. The (see Supplemental Digital Content Appendix B, avail-
work has and will continue to inform future work on able at to lead
public health community governance and technology continued PHCP development focused on the cen-
development. tral challenge of building PHCP into a community-
driven, valued, and sustainable entity. The committee
Process and Progress produced background materials covering technology,
governance, and communications and proposed and
Modern health information technology evolution and vetted individual public health use cases that could
adoption have rapidly accelerated because of the EHR benefit from shared PHCP services. After more de-
Incentive Programs (“Meaningful Use”) authorized tailed conversations, the committee developed a de-
by the HITECH Act (Title XIII of the American Re- tailed requirements and implementation roadmap for
covery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub L 111-5). defining and describing use cases, proposed function-
By 2015, 84% of US hospitals had an EHR system, a alities, and their relation to sustainable service deliv-
9-fold increase since 2008.6 This created an unprece- ery. Importantly, PHCP emerged as a shared service
dented opportunity for public health agencies needing entity that aimed to address the technology challenges
to adjust priorities to invest in information systems that the spectrum of public health agencies faced.
capable of receiving and processing data from thou- The PHCP Steering Committee identified a need to
sands of health care facilities using dozens of different create a strategy to transition to a more community-
certified EHR systems. driven governance model. Stakeholders formed an in-
Public health moved forward by adopting cloud- terim executive committee (IEC) (see Supplemental
based shared services and infrastructure. Prior tech- Digital Content Appendix C, available at http://links.
nology successes formed a foundation for exploring, with members elected by the
what a community-owned and governed PHCP might PHCP Steering Committee and cochairs appointed by
offer. The Association of Public Health Laboratories ASTHO and the National Association of County &
(APHL) expanded its use of “route-not-read” hubs, City Health Officials. Governed by a formal charter,
which were originally designed to route electronic IEC became the main decision-making body oversee-
laboratory reports between public health laborato- ing subcommittees focused on specific PHCP use cases
ries into the APHL Informatics Messaging Service (eg, electronic case reporting [eCR]) or crosscutting
(AIMS).7 The AIMS platform, built on Amazon Web topics (eg, legal and policy issues, technology, and
Services, handles tens of thousands of transactions a sustainability).12 IEC was modeled on the functions
month for various public health business needs.8 In and role of a nonprofit board, with the goal of cre-
cooperation with CDC’s National Syndromic Surveil- ating a nonprofit PHCP-hosted entity. An IEC evalu-
lance Program, ASTHO manages the BioSense plat- ation conducted in June 2016 highlighted key PHCP
form, another Amazon Web Services–based system successes, including public health community engage-
that provides 68 state and local public health agencies ment, acceptance of shared services, and centralized,
with a national syndromic surveillance solution.9 cloud-based infrastructure.13
Building on existing collaborative models to form With strong encouragement from CDC, IEC chose
a stakeholder community, ASTHO initiated a PHCP eCR as the first use case for PHCP. IEC provided crit-
governance approach. Since 2008, one important ical community input and an informatics perspective
model of public health enterprise-wide collabora- for the initial eCR technical framework. IEC formed
tion has been the Joint Public Health Informatics a PHCP eCR workgroup to help map out how health
Taskforce (JPHIT), a coalition of 9 professional as- care providers report disease cases today and what
sociations that represents governmental public health would be needed to enhance public health surveillance
agencies to build trust and broad consensus on na- as mandated by state and local laws.
tional informatics and health IT policy issues.10 Mem- The current disease case reporting process is labor-
ber representatives and staff from the JPHIT organi- intensive and largely paper-based, resulting in un-
zations, plus other special advisors and non-JPHIT derreporting, errors, and delayed and incomplete

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
March/April 2018 • Volume 24, Number 2 187

information. The PHCP eCR use case discussed using with maintaining the status quo of manual reporting.
shared services to receive, evaluate, and route reports Analysis results also showed that a centralized eCR
of patient encounters from EHRs to public health solution represented a better investment than a local-
agencies (Figure). IEC selected eCR as the primary use ized eCR solution, which would provide $310 000 of
case in part because of the Centers for Medicare & net benefits over 15 years compared with the status
Medicaid Services’ proposed inclusion of eCR from quo.
an EHR as a measure for Meaningful Use stage 3
criteria.14 Successes
Public health agencies recognized the opportunity
to improve upon the current case reporting process ASTHO partnered with APHL to develop and host
with a more unified approach that established a com- the necessary components for eCR on APHL’s AIMS
mon set of needs across jurisdictions. Just as imple- platform. APHL built AIMS to leverage a suite of
menting electronic laboratory reporting has improved shared services for security and access control and
the timeliness, completeness, and accuracy of the re- is capable of securely transporting protected health
portable disease information that public health agen- information and hosting third party applications. A
cies receive, eCR is expected to provide agencies with key component of the eCR process was integrat-
additional useful patient and clinical data.15 With ing the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiolo-
eCR, these underreported, paper-based cases would gists’ Reportable Condition Knowledge Management
be reported, improving public health efficiency for System (RCKMS) to serve as the decision support
evaluation and follow-up. tool that would determine whether EHR recorded
Potential benefits of eCR were explored in an events (eg, selected diagnoses or laboratory test orders
ASTHO-sponsored economic analysis of PHCP’s pro- and results) were reportable in specific public health
posed centralized approach for routing and decision jurisdictions.16 ASTHO and APHL partnered to pilot
support.15 The analysis was limited to a study of ef- test the eCR information flow with several EHR ven-
ficiency gained at public health agencies by using the dors (Cerner and Epic), clinical providers and inter-
centralized PHCP eCR services as compared to cur- mediaries (North Shore University Health System and
rent paper-based practices or whether individual ju- Michigan Health Information Network Shared Ser-
risdictions developed their own localized eCR solu- vices), and state and local public health agencies (in
tion. According to the analysis, centralizing the eCR Illinois, Michigan, Utah, Virginia, Washington State,
components would provide $2.5 million in increased Houston, and southern Nevada).
efficiency per jurisdiction over 15 years compared The defined eCR pilot scope included:

FIGURE PHCP eCR Diagram Model, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, 2016
Abbreviations: CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; eCR, electronic case reporting; PHCP, Public Health Community Platform.

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
188 Cooney, et al • 24(2), 185–189 The Public Health Community Platform, Electronic Case Reporting, and the Digital Bridge

1. Integrating reportable condition trigger codes generated from EHRs. More detailed business re-
into EHR systems. quirements from health care providers will inform
2. Having EHR systems generate standardized elec- that work.
tronic initial case reports (eICRs).17
3. Transferring eICRs to AIMS. Processes improved
4. Evaluating and routing eICRs from AIMS to the
appropriate state or local public health agencies. The PHCP pilot members made an underlying as-
sumption that public health agencies will direct health
The PHCP team tested the eCR information flow care reporters to use a shared “intermediary” eCR
at several pilot sites: a public health agency, a clini- application as a unifying entity. State and local juris-
cal provider, and an EHR vendor. Recruiting health dictions will need to assess and determine whether a
care providers and eCR technology vendors to partic- PHCP-like solution is the appropriate and approved
ipate during the available time frame proved challeng- method for health care providers when using eCR in
ing. Early adopters cited competing priorities, varied their jurisdiction. In addition, variations in how juris-
vendor development schedules, and no direct finan- dictions implement RCKMS will have implications for
cial incentives for either the public health departments how EHR vendors and health care providers engage
or the health care providers as engagement barriers. and streamline their messaging. For example, how will
ASTHO recruited 2 pilot sites that included all 3 ac- out-of-state cases be handed, especially for states not
tors, along with 2 public health sites with participat- participating in a common platform? Automatic for-
ing health information exchanges, and 5 stand-alone warding to other public health jurisdictions connected
state or local public health agency sites. to the PHCP will require a more enterprise-wide per-
All pilot sites succeeded in connecting with AIMS, spective where governance drives operations to estab-
but progress in testing other steps of the eCR pro- lish pathways to address varying participation across
cess was delayed awaiting publication of eICR stan- jurisdictions.18
dards (eg, HL7 eICR standard for trial use, published
in June 2016), the reportable condition trigger codes, Workforce and culture
and the implementation guide. Despite these impedi-
ments, PHCP was successful in building trust within Implementing eCR through a PHCP will require
pilot sites to enable in-kind participation. cultural changes in public health business practices
Finally, PHCP was featured in the Public Health and for health care providers. The staff from the pilot
Informatics Conference Interoperability Showcase on sites reported that they experienced new opportu-
August 22-23, 2016, where the team demonstrated nities and challenges during the PHCP eCR pilots
the shared services it had developed and deployed to beyond those required to build the technological
accept, transform, route, and deliver structured case elements. Although the PHCP team expected the
reports. Continued work on the processes is needed to platform to improve staff efficiency through reduced
integrate initial case reports with a standardized elec- time at data collection, it found that eCRs may
tronic format, called structured data capture, which require public health staff to have greater data ana-
would allow public health agencies to ask for more lytic and infrastructure skills in managing complex
detailed condition- and jurisdiction-specific data ele- systems. Staff will need to be trained on interfacing
ments from clinical providers. with a PHCP-like service (eg, setting jurisdictional
reporting rules in RCKMS) or the multiple activities
Lessons Learned related to effective bidirectional communication. The
PHCP team anticipates that with greater reliance
Technology flows on standardized, shared services, the pool of eCR
qualified public health practitioners should increase.
Although the initial eCR was the starting point for this This should lead to greater potential for shared meth-
ASTHO-facilitated effort, the efficiencies and benefits ods, innovations, and interoperability. State reporting
of PHCP’s eCR will not be fully realized until EHRs regulations may need to be revisited or changed to
and public health agencies establish comprehensive, recognize inherent differences between real-time elec-
bidirectional information. ASTHO made significant tronic reporting methods and paper-based reporting
headway in incrementally addressing large informat- methods (eg, timeliness and frequency of reports).
ics challenges through its PHCP development pro-
cess, but the PHCP pilot efforts identified many unan- Sustainability
swered eCR implementation questions. For example,
to create a production-ready eCR solution, vendors PHCP’s vision for sustainability was predicated on its
and health care providers will need to clarify wherein ability to become an independent, self-governing
the workflow case reports will be automatically “utility” capable of charging fees for service,
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
March/April 2018 • Volume 24, Number 2 189

managing funds, and demonstrating accountabil- population health. As Digital Bridge continues to ma-
ity for risk management through legally binding ture and establish itself as an incubator of ideas, and
agreements, such as business associate and data use as this technology grows and strong partnerships be-
agreements. Discussions with the PHCP legal commit- tween health care and public health are established
tee and pilot sites found that responsible parties and adding new use cases, such as chronic disease man-
their roles needed to be more clearly identified and agement and neonatal health management, greater in-
defined to move forward with the legal agreements tegration of health care and public health will become
required for states to use PHCP to receive protected the norm.
health information.19 To become an independent
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Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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