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Assignment Title: Entrepreneurship Project - Business Model

Presentation and Analysis

Assignment Description:

In this entrepreneurship project, you will develop a comprehensive business model

presentation that not only outlines your business idea but als o provides a thorough
analysis of its viability and potential for success. You are required to address the
following components in your presentation:

Business Idea and Problem Statement: Begin your presentation by introducing your
business idea and clearly articulating the problem or need that your idea addresses in the

Customer Segments: Conduct market research and identify the specific customer
segments your business will target. Explain why these segments are your primary focus .

Value Propositions: Describe the unique value your product or service offers to
customers in a way that differentiates you from competitors.

Channels: Outline the distribution and communication channels you will use to reach
your target customers.

Customer Relationships: Detail how you plan to build and maintain relationships with
your customers. Include strategies for customer acquisition and retention .

Revenue Streams: Provide a breakdown of your revenue model, including pricing

strategies and revenue projections for the first few years.

Key Resources: Identify the key resources your business will require to operate
successfully, such as technology, human resources, and partnerships .

Key Activities: Describe the critical activities that your business must perform to deliver
your value proposition and operate efficiently.

Key Partners: Identify any key partners or collaborations that are essential for your
business's success.

Cost Structure: Present a detailed cost structure, including both fixed and variable costs,
to give a clear picture of your financial commitments.
As a bonus, it would be advantageous to incorporate the Business Processes that are
integral to your Business Model. In addition to

Market Research and Analysis: Include findings from your market research and
competitor analysis to support your business model decisions.

Prototype or MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Describe a prototype or MVP of your

product or service to demonstrate its feasibility.

Financial Projections: Create financial projections, including income statements,

balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to showcase the financial viability of your

Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges associated with your business
model and propose strategies for mitigating these risks.

Scaling Strategy: Discuss your plans for scaling the business as it grows and gains

Marketing and Promotion: Present your marketing and promotional strategies,

including digital marketing and branding efforts.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Explain how your business will address
sustainability and social responsibility concerns.

Submission Guidelines:

Your presentation should be well-structured, clear, and concise.

Include visual aids, such as charts, graphs, and images, where applicable .
Prepare for a Q&A session after your presentation.
Grading Criteria:

Your project will be assessed based on the depth of analysis, clarity of presentation,
feasibility of the business model, and the incorporation of the suggested components.

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