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On Applicability of Multilayer Coated Tool in Dry

Machining of Aerospace Grade Stainless Steel
a a a
A. Mohanty , S. Gangopadhyay & A. Thakur
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha,
Accepted author version posted online: 25 Jul 2015.

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Machining of Aerospace Grade Stainless Steel, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2015.1070413

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On applicability of multilayer coated tool in dry machining of aerospace grade
stainless steel

A. Mohanty1, S. Gangopadhyay1, A. Thakur1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela,
Odisha, India

Corresponding author E-mail:


The present research work has been undertaken with a view to investigate the influence
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of CVD multilayer coated (TiN/TiCN/Al2O3/ZrCN) and cutting speed on various

machining characteristics such as chip morphology, tool wear, cutting temperature and

machined surface roughness during dry turning of 17-4 PH stainless steel. In order to

understand the effectiveness of CVD multilayer coated tool a comparison has been

carried out with that of uncoated carbide insert. The surface roughness and cutting

temperature obtained during machining with CVD multilayer coated tool was higher than

that of uncoated carbide insert at all cutting velocity. However, the results clearly

indicated that CVD multilayer coated tool played a significant role in restricting various

modes of tool failure and reducing chip deformation compared to its uncoated

counterpart. Adhesion and abrasion were found to be dominating wear mechanism with

flank wear, plastic deformation and catastrophic failure being major tool wear modes.

KEYWORDS: Machinability, 17-4 PH stainless steel, CVD multilayer coating, Tool

wear, Chip morphology


17-4 PH stainless steel is a martensitic precipitation hardenable (PH) stainless steel with a

microstructure which is dominantly austenitic at high annealing temperature but

transforms to lath martensitic structure when brought down to room temperature with a

high cooling rate. This grade of PH stainless steel contains around 17 % of chromium and

4% of nickel as its major constituent elements along with small content of copper as its

precipitates in its structure [1]. The perfect combination of properties such as high tensile

and fatigue strength, good toughness, high hardness, better weldability and formability
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along with excellent resistance to corrosion up to a temperature of 316 °C [2] makes them

attractive choice for aerospace applications. 17-4 PH SS has a good potential to replace

titanium alloys in certain applications for saving material cost. It is used to manufacture

heavy load components such as fasteners, valves, gears, aircraft fittings, coupling,

chemical processing components, hydraulic actuators, rocket & missile components, jet

engines, parts of nuclear reactor, pump shafts, wear rings, valve stems and braces, the

shafts and blades of steam turbine [2-3].

Cutting tools often need to have dual properties. The surface of tool needs to have enough

surface hardness, low coefficient of friction, high wear resistance and chemical inertness,

whereas the core of tool should possess good strength, hot hardness, toughness and high

thermal conductivity. Cutting tool must have collaborative properties both at surface and

core, but it is difficult to have required functionality in one single component. Hence, the

coatings are deposited on surface of tool to achieve desired properties. 17-4 PH stainless

steel can be termed under hard-to-cut material due to its high ductility and low thermal

conductivity. Work hardening, control of chip, chip breakage, built-up edge (BUE)

formation, abrasive wear and edge chipping of cutting tool are some of the issues which

impair the machinability of 17-4 PH martensitic stainless steel. The anti-friction property,

hardness, chemical inertness and thermal stability of coated tools often makes them best

choice for machining such category of hard-to-cut materials. Various coatings such as

TiN, TiC, TiAlN, TiCN and Al2O3 have been deposited over cutting tools with different

techniques to improve the machinability aspects of other hard-to-cut materials such as

hardened steels and nickel-based super alloys [4-6].

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In order to understand different characteristics of machining of martensitic grades

of stainless steel, few research attempts have been made. Ti[C, N] mixed alumina inserts

exhibited better resistance to both flank and crater wear than that of SiC whisker

reinforced alumina inserts while machining martensitic SS of grade AISI 410. Poor wear

resistance of SiC whisker reinforced alumina inserts can be attributed to higher solubility

of silicon towards iron at high temperature [7]. In another study, same researchers [8]

demonstrated improvement in tool life with the addition of zirconia into Ti[C, N] mixed

alumina when compared to the other two tools i.e. Ti[C, N] mixed alumina and SiC

whisker reinforced alumina inserts. Chipping/fracture of principal cutting edge and nose

wear were prominent modes of tool failure during dry and wet machining of martensitic

stainless steel. Separate grades of coated carbide tools such as CVD multilayer (Ti(C,

N)/TiC/Al2O3) and PVD single layer (TiN) coated insert were used during machining of

martensitic stainless steel in order to investigate effect of both substrate and coating

materials. CVD multilayer coated tool outperformed than PVD single layer coated tool

owing to its sharp cutting edge, reduced hardness caused by high cutting temperature,

pitting corrosion of the TiN coating [9]. Flank wear, crater wear and notch wear were

major modes of tool failure during machining of various grades of martensitic stainless

steel with different coated tools as observed by various researchers [9-11]. Taguchi

methodology was used for design of experiment during turning of 17-4 PH stainless steel.

Back propagation neural (BPN) network has been used to predict average flank wear.

Genetic algorithm (GA) was later used to determine optimal cutting parameters to

achieve maximum material removal rate (MMRR) with predicted value of average flank
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wear as constraints [12].

Machining of martensitic stainless steel under lower feed rate resulted in better surface

finish which got coarser with increase in the feed rate. The improvement of machined

surface finish with increase in cutting speed was found to be nominal [10]. Better surface

finish was produced at cutting speed (Vc) of 225 m/min with feed rate (f) of 0.125

mm/rev and depth of cut (DOC) of 0.50 mm during dry turning of AISI 440C martensitic

SS with CBN tool [13]. From the experimental results analysed through response surface

methodology (RSM), machined surface roughness of 17-4 PH stainless steel was found to

respond more quickly to changes in the parameters than other grades of steel (ST T1/13W

and ST 12TE). Cutting speed and feed were found to be most significant parameters. Best

surface quality was achieved at high cutting speed of 200 m/min and medium feed rate of

145 mm/min for machining of 17-4 PH stainless steel. At lower cutting speed of 75

m/min, deterioration in surface finish was noted when feed was elevated from 100-200

mm/min [14].

From the review of past literature, it is evident that although some research work has

been undertaken on machining of few grades of martensitic stainless steel, in depth study

on different machinability characteristics of 17-4 PH stainless steel during turning has

hardly been reported so far. With 17-4 PH stainless steel being used in several strategic

fields, it is essential to carry out a systematic study on various aspects of machinability

and also to evaluate the role of coated tool. Therefore, in the current research work, the

influence of CVD multilayer (TiN/TiCN/Al2O3/ZrCN) coating and cutting speed was

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investigated on various machinability aspects of 17-4 PH stainless steel during dry

turning operation. In order to achieve best utilization of various hard coatings, a coated

tool with multilayer configuration has been preferred. A top layer of ZrCN coating

provides toughness along with anti-friction property, while Al2O3 coating was chosen for

its low thermal conductivity and hot hardness. TiN and TiCN possess excellent hardness

in combination with good anti-friction properties. Machining was carried out under three

variable cutting speeds (100, 140 and 190 m/min) along with machining duration (t) and

its effect on machinability characteristics with particular emphasis on mechanism of tool

wear, chip characteristics (morphology and chip thickness), surface roughness and cutting

tool temperature was evaluated. Constant depth of cut of 0.5 mm and feed rate of 0.2

mm/rev were maintained throughout the study.


A round bar of 17-4 PH stainless steel with a dimension of 80 mm diameter and 600 mm

length having the chemical composition as indicated in Table 1 was used for the purpose

of experimentation.

A heavy duty lathe (Make: Hindustan Machine Tools (HMT) Ltd., Bangalore, India;

Model: NH26) was used for turning of 17-4 PH stainless steel. Dry turning operation was

performed with three variable cutting speeds (100, 140 and 190 m/min) utilising a

constant feed rate (f) of 0.2 mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.5 mm. The study considered

two types of cutting tools i.e. uncoated cemented carbide insert with ISO P30 grade

(Make: Widia, India) and CVD multilayer coated tool (Make: Widia, India) having
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coating composition of TiN/TiCN/Al2O3/ZrCN for the comparative evaluation of various

aspects of machinability of 17-4 PH stainless steel. Designation of both the uncoated and

coated inserts was SCMT 120408 and that of tool holder was SSBCR2020K12.

Each of the experimental runs was carried out for a machining duration of 60 s. Cutting

temperature was measured with the help of K-type thermocouple located at the bottom of

the tool holder approximately at a distance of 3 mm from shim as can be seen in Fig. 1.

The chips formed during machining were collected for further analysis. Tool wear of

each insert under different machining condition was also measured with a stereo zoom

optical microscope (Make: Radical Instruments). Average flank wear was considered as a

measure of tool wear. Machined surface roughness was determined with surface

profilometer (Make:Taylor Hobson, Model: Surtronic 3+). Chip thickness was measured

using a pointed anvil micrometer. For better statistical accuracy, surface roughness and

chip thickness were measured at five different locations. The mean of all the values was

considered for plotting the graph.

In order to identify various phases of uncoated and CVD multilayer coated tool X-ray

diffraction (XRD) (XPert PW3040/00; PANalytical) was carried out. Also Scanning

electron microscopy (SEM, Make: JEOL JSM-6490) in combination with energy

dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) by X-ray was utilized to characterize both the cutting

tools before and after machining.


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The current study investigated effect of cutting speed, CVD multilayer coating and

machining duration on various aspects of machinability of 17-4 PH stainless steel such as

tool wear, chip characteristics (chip morphology and chip thickness), machined surface

roughness and cutting tool temperature. This has been discussed as follows:


Characterization of uncoated and CVD multi-layer coated tool were carried out using

SEM and EDS. Fig. 2 depicts SEM micrographs of surface morphology of both types of

cutting tool along with EDS spectra. Presence of alloying elements such as Ti, Nb, Ta is

indicative of ISO P grade uncoated cemented carbide tool (Fig. 2a). The top layer of

coated tool being ZrCN, the EDS spectra also correspond to the same as indicated in Fig.


The cutting tools were further characterized with XRD to confirm different phases

present in the cutting tools. The XRD spectra (Fig. 3a) revealed presence of tungsten

carbide (WC), Co, NbC, TiC and TaC phases as main constituents of ISO P grade

uncoated cemented carbide. It is also quite evident from the XRD spectra (Fig. 3b) of

CVD multilayer coated tool that it consists of TiN, Al2O3, TiCN and ZrCN coated layers

along with the constituents of substrates.

Further the EDS dot mapping of the cross-section of the CVD multilayer coated tool

ascertained the true composition of the tool as shown in Fig. 4. The top layer consists of

ZrCN coating followed by thin layer of Al2O3, TiCN and TiN respectively. The bottom
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most layer is of WC-based substrate upon which coating deposition has been carried out.


In the present study, different modes of tool wear during machining of 17-4 PH stainless

steel have been investigated. Fig. 5 depicts the condition of flank surface for both

uncoated and CVD multi-layer coated carbide inserts showing the extent of flank wear

when machining 17-4 PH stainless steel at a constant feed rate of 0.2 mm/rev and for

varying cutting speeds. A variation in the cutting speed may prompt a modification in the

strain hardening of chip, rise in temperature at cutting zone accompanied with increase in

the tool wear rate [15]. Flank wear is usually characterised by abrasive grooves and

parallel ridges on flank face of tool and caused due to frictional rubbing between flank

and machined surface. Fig. 5 shows presence of parallel ridges on flank surface of both

uncoated and CVD coated tool, evidence of abrasion wear during machining. As

observed from Fig. 5, abrasive marks are present on flank surface of both uncoated and

coated tools. These abrasive marks are due to the presence of hard particles primarily

consisting of chromium carbide (martensitic structure) present in 17-4 PH stainless steel.

During machining, these abrasive particles are either dragged along the direction of chip

flow or freshly generated cutting surface, subsequently abrading the surface in contact.

Abrasive marks were more prominent at flank surface of uncoated carbide tool as

compared to its coated counterpart owing to resistance to abrasion offered by different

layers of hard coatings. The abrasive marks on flank of uncoated tool intensified with

both increase in machining duration and rise of cutting speed, as observed from Fig. 5.

Uncoated tool developed slight DOC notch wear when machining 17-4 PH SS at 100
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m/min cutting speed and after machining duration of 240 s. Capability of the coated tool

to restrict the formation of notch can be explained by superior edge strength of CVD

multilayer coated tool due to its higher edge radius [16, 17]. For uncoated carbide inserts,

significant damage of nose was noted at cutting speeds of 140 and 190 m/min. Severe

nose wear for uncoated tool can be clearly depicted in Fig. 6. The uncoated tool can be

observed to undergo catastrophic failure followed by nose chipping only after 60 s of

machining duration at high cutting speed i.e. 190 m/min, whereas tool failure occurred

after 180 s of machining with a cutting speed of 140 m/min. Occurrence of nose wear can

be attributed to high heat generation at the cutting region because of high thermal and

mechanical fatigue, leading to softening of uncoated tool resulting in premature failure.

Excellent resistance of coated tool (Fig. 5) for nose wear can be explained to higher

chemical inertness and thermal stability including hot hardness of Al2O3 coating of CVD

multilayer coated carbide insert [18-23]. Fig. 7 shows SEM images of rake surface along

with different modes of crater wear for uncoated and coated carbide inserts. Uncoated

tool suffered from deep crater, DOC notch wear and severe nose chipping. However, the

cutting edge of multilayer coated tool was intact due to ability of to maintain sufficient

edge strength, although some material adhesion and coating delamination could be


Fig. 8 shows the variation of flank wear with progression of machining for variable

cutting speeds during machining of 17-4 PH stainless steel with uncoated and CVD

multilayer coated carbide inserts. It can be deduced from the figure that rate of flank wear

increased with elevation of cutting speed for both types of cutting tools. The generation
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of high cutting temperature at chip-tool interface at higher cutting velocities lead to

softening of the tool and consequently wearing at faster rate than machining at the lower

cutting velocity. Influence of increase in cutting speed on growth of flank wear was more

prominent for the uncoated tool.

Fig. 9 demonstrates progression of nose wear with machining under different cutting

speeds for both uncoated and coated tools. Similar observation with respect to the effect

of cutting speed on flank wear has been noted for nose wear, too. However, nose wear

was found to be more severe than that of the flank wear for both types of tool.

Fig. 10 illustrates SEM images along with EDS spectra of the rake surface of uncoated

and CVD multilayer coated tool at high cutting speed of 190 m/min. Presence of

significant amount of Fe, a major constituent of 17-4 PH stainless steel, as observed from

EDS spectra shown in Fig. 10, clearly signifies material transfer to the rake surface of

both uncoated and coated tools. Although EDS spectrum of the rake surface of coated

tool shows presence of some amount of workpiece material, the coating layer still

remained intact during machining as evidenced by the presence coating materials such as

Zr and Al. Hence, it clearly establishes the superiority of CVD multilayer coating in

restricting different modes of tool wear during machining of 17-4 PH stainless steel.


Macro morphology of chips after machining 17-4 PH stainless steel using uncoated and

CVD multilayer coated tool with progression of machining and for variable cutting
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speeds has been shown in Fig. 11.

The type or form of the chip in the current study has been classified according to ISO

3685-1977 (E). The chips obtained under present machining condition for both types of

tool are continuous and mostly snarled type with few being spiral and tubular type. The

long continuous type of chips is typically obtained during machining of ductile materials.

Hence, high ductility characteristics of 17-4 PH SS with low depth of cut (0.5 mm)

during machining can be attributed to formation of such type of chips. Chip formation in

metal cutting is due to shearing and tearing mechanism. Higher toughness of ductile

materials causes the energy required for shearing and tearing action to be dissipated into

the material, thus maintaining the continuity of the chip which results in generation of

continuous chip. It was found that snarled types of chip were more prominent in all the

cases. There was hardly any influence of cutting speed or tool coating on macro

morphology of chips under the given cutting condition. However, with continuation of

machining and tool approaching towards failure, formation of long but broken tubular

type chip was more dominant as evident from Fig. 11. Formation of crater on rake

surface acts as a groove type chip breaker and it increases the breakability of continuous

chip. Growth of tool wear also leads to modification of cutting edge geometry (making

rake angle more negative) which in turn is responsible of chip curling and hence

formation of tubular type of chip. The continuous and snarled types of chips are not

suitable during machining operation as it may have disposable problem harming the

operator and interfere with already machined surface deteriorating its finish. Use of

higher depth of cut along with integrated chip breaker would be beneficial in getting rid
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of such type of chips.

Light golden chips were obtained during machining with uncoated carbide inserts during

initial stage of machining duration of 60 and 120 s for all cutting speeds. This can be

ascribed to the high frictional force along with greater rate of tool wear for uncoated

carbide inserts. This resulted in generation of high amount of heat at chip-tool interface

with most of heat being carried away by the chip during machining and subsequent

oxidation of chips. While the anti-fiction property of the CVD multilayer coated tool due

to presence of ZrCN and TiN coating prevented large heat generation at the chip-tool

interface. Hence the chips obtained were of similar colour that of 17-4 PH stainless steel

workpiece i.e. silver colour.


Another important aspect of chip is deformation of chip quantified usually in terms of

chip thickness. Variation of chip thickness with progression of machining for variable

cutting speeds at constant feed rate when machining 17- 4 PH stainless steel with

uncoated and CVD multi-layer coated carbide insert is illustrated in Fig. 12. It is evident

from the graph that CVD multi-layer coated tool helped in significant reduction of chip

deformation compared to uncoated tool.

For the uncoated carbide inserts, the predominant effect of tool wear led to higher chip

deformation with progression of machining duration. The chip thickness for uncoated

tool increased with increase in the cutting velocity which can be attributed to the increase
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in the tool wear with cutting speed. However, machining 17-4 PH stainless steel with

CVD coated tool resulted in significant decrease in the chip thickness with increase in the

cutting velocity due to decrease in the dynamic friction at higher cutting velocity. The

decrease in the friction with rise in cutting speed is due increase of temperature at chip-

tool interface [24, 25].

Chip thickness for the uncoated tool increased with progression of machining. This is

particularly due to increase in tool wear with machining duration. But for the CVD

multilayer coated tool, there was initial decrease in the chip thickness with machining

duration which can be explained by removal of built-up edge (BUE) formed at early stage

of machining and simultaneously gradual exposure of anti-friction layers i.e. TiN and

TiCN. The later increase in the chip thickness can be attributed to dominant effect of tool

wear with progression of machining duration.


Fluctuation of surface roughness obtained under constant feed rate of 0.2 mm/rev and

variable cutting speeds with progression of machining when machining 17-4 PH stainless

steel with uncoated and coated carbide inserts is demonstrated by Fig. 13. Surface

roughness was found to be directly proportional to cutting speed for both types of tool.

Elevation in cutting speed leads to escalation in cutting temperature and consequently

more severe tool wear which was responsible for poor surface quality [26].
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Surface roughness obtained during machining with CVD multilayer coated tool was

higher than that of uncoated carbide insert in the entire of cutting speeds. This might be

attributed to higher surface roughness of CVD multilayer coated carbide insert compared

to its uncoated counterpart. The increased edge radius of the CVD multilayer coated tool

might have also contributed to higher surface roughness during machining. Similar

observation was also reported by other researchers [16, 17, 27]. With progression of

machining, there was not much variation in the value of surface roughness for both

uncoated and coated tools for low (Vc =100 m/min) and medium (Vc = 140 m/min)

cutting velocity. However, there was increment of surface roughness with machining

duration at higher cutting velocity of 190 m/min when machining with CVD multilayer

coated tool.


Owing to low thermal conductivity of 17-4 PH stainless steel generation for cutting

temperature is a critical issue and hence should be studied. The temperature of the CVD

multilayer coated tool was found to be higher than that of uncoated carbide inserts for

machining condition as can be observed form Fig. 14. Thermal properties of the cutting

tool/coatings such as thermal conductivity have significant influence on both tribological

and mechanical properties of the cutting tool with respect to machinability aspects

[5].The thermal conductivity of the uncoated carbide tool is higher than CVD multi-layer

coated tool. Hence, the uncoated tool has greater ability to dissipate heat to the

surrounding so the temperature of the uncoated cutting tool will be less. The lower

thermal conductivity of the insulating coating layers of the coated tool restricted heat to
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dissipate into surrounding; hence temperature of coated cutting tool was high. The cutting

tool temperature increased with both machining duration and increase in the cutting

velocity [28] for both types of the cutting tool. This is due to increase in tool wear with

progression of machining and with increase in cutting velocity. Since temperature

measured in the current study is the combined effect of heat transferred to the tool and

dissipated to the surrounding. Therefore, exact situation of heat generation at chip-tool

interface could not be ascertained. Therefore, the effect of CVD multilayer coated tool on

chip-tool interface temperature requires further investigation.


The current study investigates the influence of cutting speed and tool coating on various

machinability characteristics during dry turning of 17-4 PH stainless steel. From this

study, following conclusions may be drawn:

1) Nose wear was found to be prominent tool failure mode for the uncoated carbide

inserts under medium (140 m/min) and high (190 m/min) cutting speed. Flank and nose

wear increased with progression of machining for both uncoated and CVD multilayer

coated carbide insert under all cutting speeds. The rate of flank wear for uncoated tool

could also be brought down with the help of CVD multilayer coating.

2) Increase in cutting speed resulted in increase in the temperature. CVD multilayer

coated tool exhibited higher cutting temperature than its uncoated counterpart throughout

the experiments.

3) The chips obtained were mostly of long continuous and snarled type. The chips

obtained at initial machining duration were of golden colour which later changed to silver
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colour with progression of machining. CVD multilayer coated tool having anti-friction

property resulted in less chip deformation as compared to uncoated carbide insert. Chip

thickness for both inserts increased with progression of machining, while there was initial

decrease in chip thickness for coated insert. With rise in cutting speed, uncoated tool

exhibited increase in chip thickness, whereas the average value of the chip thickness

decreased for CVD coated tool.

4) Surface roughness obtained during machining with CVD multilayer coated tool

was all along higher than that of uncoated carbide insert.

The current study, therefore, demonstrated remarkable improvement in tool life and chip

characteristics with the application of CVD multilayer coated tool compared to its

uncoated counterpart in the entire range of cutting speed during dry machining of 17-4

PH stainless steel.


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Table 1 Chemical composition of 17-4 PH

Elements C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu Nb+Ta

Wt % 0.07 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.03 15.0- 3.00- 3.00- 0.15-

Max Max Max Max Max 17.50 5.00 5.00 0.45

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Fig. 1 Magnified view of Experimental Setup for Turning of 17-4 PH stainless steel.
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Fig. 2 SEM micrographs along with EDS spectra of rake surface of (a) uncoated tool and

(b) coated tool before machining

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Fig. 3 XRD spectra for (a) uncoated and (b) coated inserts
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Fig. 4 Cross section image of the coated tool along with its EDS dot mapping
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Fig. 5 Optical images showing condition of flank surface for uncoated and coated tool.
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Fig. 6 Rake surface and nose region of uncoated tool for failure state at cutting speed of

140 and 190 m/min.

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Fig. 7 SEM images of the rake surface of the uncoated and coated tool at variable cutting

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Fig. 8 Variation of flank wear with progression of machining duration with variable

cutting speed at feed rate 0.2 mm/rev for (a) Uncoated and (b) Coated tool.
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Fig. 9 Variation of nose wear with progression of machining duration with variable

cutting speed at feed rate 0.2 mm/rev for (a) Uncoated and (b) Coated tool.
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Fig. 10 SEM micrographs along with EDS spectra of rake surface of (a) uncoated tool

and (b) coated tool at cutting speed of 190 m/min.

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Fig. 11 Chip morphology of uncoated and coated cutting tool with progression of

machining duration at feed of 0.2 mm/rev.

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Fig. 12 Variation of chip thickness with progression of machining duration with variable

cutting speed at feed rate 0.2 mm/rev for (a) Uncoated and (b) Coated tool.
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Fig. 13 Variation of surface roughness with progression of machining duration with

variable cutting speed at feed rate 0.2 mm/rev for (a) Uncoated and (b) Coated tool.
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Fig. 14 Variation of cutting temperature with progression of machining duration with

variable cutting speed at feed rate 0.2 mm/rev for (a) Uncoated and (b) Coated tool
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