Guard Cell Photosynthesis and Stomatal Function 2

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Tansley review
Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Guard cell photosynthesis and

stomatal function

Author for correspondence: Tracy Lawson

Tracy Lawson
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1206 873327
Fax: +44 (0) 1206 873416
Received: 4 June 2008
Accepted: 18 September 2008


Summary 13 V. Linking stomatal behaviour to mesophyll

photosynthesis 23
I. Introduction 14
VI. Stomata in relation to water use/manipulation
II. Osmoregulation in guard cells 16 of behaviour 26

III. Role of guard cell chloroplasts in VII. Concluding remarks and future direction 27
stomatal function 18
Acknowledgements 28
IV. Chlorophyll a fluorescence studies to examine
guard cell photosynthesis 22 References 29


New Phytologist (2009) 181: 13–34 Chloroplasts are a key feature of most guard cells; however, the function of these
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02685.x organelles in stomatal responses has been a subject of debate. This review examines
evidence for and against a role of guard cell chloroplasts in stimulating stomatal
Key words: Calvin cycle, guard cells, light
opening. Controversy remains over the extent to which guard cell Calvin cycle
responses, metabolism, osmoregulation, activity contributes to stomatal regulation. However, this is only one of four possible
photosynthesis, stomata. functions of guard cell chloroplasts; other roles include supply of ATP, blue-light signalling
and starch storage. Evidence exists for all these mechanisms, but is highly dependent
upon species and growth/measurement conditions, with inconsistencies between
different laboratories reported. Significant plasticity and extreme flexibility in guard
cell osmoregulatory, signalling and sensory pathways may be one explanation. The use
of chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis of individual guard cells is discussed in assessing
guard and mesophyll cell physiology in relation to stomatal function. Developments
in transgenic and molecular techniques have recently provided interesting, albeit
contrasting, data regarding the role of these highly conserved organelles in stomatal
function. Recent studies examining the link between mesophyll photosynthesis and
stomatal conductance are discussed. An enhanced understanding of these processes
may be fundamental in generating crop plants with greater water use efficiencies,
capable of combating future climatic changes.

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Journal compilation © New Phytologist (2008) 13
14 Review Tansley review

Abbreviations: 3-PGA, 3-phosphoglycerate; ATP, adenosine-5-triphosphate; Ci,

intercellular CO2 concentration; DCMU, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea;
DHAP, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; F′, steady-state fluorescences; Fq′ / Fm′ ,
quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry; MAP, Mehler-ascorbate
peroxidase; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; OAA, oxaloac-
etate; PEPc, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; PGA, 3-phosphoglyceric acid;
Rubisco, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; RuBPC, ribulose-1,5-
bisphosphate carboxylase.

stomata is regulation of gas exchange between the inside of the

I. Introduction leaf and the external environment (Cowan & Troughton, 1971;
Stomata are small adjustable pores found in large numbers on Jones, 1992). Through their role in controlling transpiration,
the surface of most aerial parts of higher plants and have been stomata also aid in leaf cooling, metabolite fluxes, and long-
documented in the fossil record from as early as the late distance signalling (Brownlee, 2001; Lake et al., 2001; Jia &
Silurian, 411 Myr ago (Edwards et al., 1992, 1998). A stoma is Zhang, 2008) as well as acting as a barrier to harmful pollutants
formed from two specialized cells in the epidermis (guard cells) such as ozone and pathogens (Meidner & Mansfield, 1968;
which are morphologically distinct from general epidermal Mansfield & Majernik, 1970).
cells and are responsible for controlling stomatal aperture Plants require sufficient CO2 to enter the leaf for photosyn-
(Franks & Farqhuar, 2007). Paired guard cells, in some species thesis whilst conserving water to avoid dehydration and
together with epidermal subsidiary cells, form the stomatal metabolic disruption. When fully open, stomatal pores only
complex (Fig. 1). Subsidiary cells can play a role in stomatal occupy between 0.5 and 5% of the leaf surface (Hetherington
movements either mechanically or as ion reserves (Raschke & & Woodward, 2003; Morison, 2003); however, almost all the
Fellows, 1971). In most plants stomata can be found on both water transpired as well as CO2 absorbed passes through these
the upper (adaxial) and lower (abaxial) leaf surfaces, such leaves pores. For this reason, stomatal function has significant impli-
being termed amphistomatous, with the majority of stomata cations for global hydrological and carbon cycles. The quest to
found on the lower surface (Tichà, 1982). In some species understand stomatal control of photosynthetic CO2 fixation
(particularly trees) stomata are found only on the lower and plant water relations is becoming increasingly important
surface (i.e. the leaf is hypostomatous), whilst some aquatic with changing climatic conditions. Knowledge of stomatal
plants (such as water lilies) have stomata only on the upper surface function is critical to determine plant responses to environmental
(i.e. the leaf is epistomatous) (Morison, 2003). As the leaf cuticle stresses, particularly reduced water availability, and is necessary
is almost impermeable to water and CO2, the central role of to identify plants with decreased water use that are capable of
high yields in more extreme environments (Morison et al.,
2007). On a global scale, drought causes more yield losses
than any other single biotic or abiotic factor (Boyer, 1982),
resulting in increasing pressure for agronomists and plant
breeders to identify crop varieties that are drought tolerant for
sustainable production of food and biofuels on drought-
susceptible land. Increased knowledge of stomatal function
could provide the key to such crop improvements (Jones, 1987;
Wang et al., 2007).
The aims of this review are to examine some of the potential
functions of the guard cell chloroplasts and how these are
linked to stomatal behaviour. Contrasting evidence has led to
a number of controversies regarding guard cell chloroplast
function, in particular concerning the contribution of guard
cell photosynthesis to stomatal regulation, and several opposing
views are discussed in the following sections. Whilst there are
still gaps in our knowledge regarding stomatal regulation, as
Fig. 1 Stomatal complex illustrating the pair of guard cells, complete
with chloroplasts and subsidiary cells in which calcium oxalate crystals
well as sensory and signalling mechanisms, a wealth of evidence
are often found. Calcium oxalate is believed to play a role in exists on stomatal responses to various environmental stimuli,
regulation of stomatal aperture (see Ruiz & Mansfield, 1994). guard cell osmoregulation and mechanisms of movement. A

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historical account of the various osmoregulatory pathways 1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU, an inhibitor of photosystem II
and solutes used in stomatal movements is given, which (PSII)), indicating that it is photosynthesis-dependent (e.g.
demonstrates the extreme plasticity in guard cell function Kuiper, 1964; Sharkey & Raschke, 1981a; Tominaga et al.,
and illustrates the difficulties faced by stomatal researchers 2001; Olsen et al., 2002; Zeiger et al., 2002; Messinger et al.,
attempting to elucidate specific stomatal mechanisms. The 2006) and suggesting that chlorophyll is the receptor (Assmann
review also briefly examines the use of recent advancements in & Shimazaki, 1999; Zeiger et al., 2002). This photosynthesis-
modern techniques (such as antisense technology and the use dependent response can be observed under either blue or red
of DNA mutation) to address the function of chloroplasts light capable of driving photosynthesis (Sharkey & Raschke,
within guard cells. Recent studies using such techniques have 1981a) and is often believed to operate through mesophyll-driven
already revealed interesting and unexpected results, paving consumption of CO2 reducing the internal CO2 concentration
the way for future research, which may allow us to fill gaps in (Ci) (Roelfsema et al., 2002, 2006), to which stomata are known
our understanding of the role of the guard cell chloroplasts in to respond (Mott, 1988). However, there is also evidence
stomatal regulation. for a direct guard cell red-light response, independent of
mesophyll photosynthesis, as discussed in Section V.
Stomatal opening is brought about by the accumulation of
1. Stomatal regulation
ions and/or solutes (Imamura, 1943; Fujino, 1967; Outlaw &
Despite the controversies mentioned above, decades of research Manchester, 1979; Outlaw, 1983) in guard cells, which increases
have provided a substantial amount of information regarding the osmotic potential, thus lowering the water potential,
stomatal responses to various environmental stimuli. The details causing water uptake from the apoplast (Weyers & Meidner,
of these responses, along with mechanisms of pore opening and 1990; Willmer & Fricker, 1996). Increases in guard cell volume
closing, are now widely accepted. Stomatal aperture is regulated and hence turgor pressure widen the stomatal pore (Franks &
by both internal physiological and external environmental factors Farqhuar, 2007; Shimazaki et al., 2007). Closure is brought
(Farquhar & Sharkey, 1982; Morison, 1987; Mansfield et al., about by the reverse, a loss or release of solutes, accompanied
1990; Hetherington & Woodward, 2003; Buckley, 2005) by a loss of water and consequently turgor pressure. Both pore
and can respond in time-scales of seconds to hours (Assmann & opening and closure are energy-dependent processes (Willmer
Wang, 2003). In general, pore opening through guard cell & Fricker, 1996).
movements is stimulated by illumination with light in the However, our understanding of the perception of, and
photosynthetically effective waveband, low CO2 concentrations precise response of stomata to, different environmental stimuli
and high humidity, whilst closure is promoted by darkness, low is not complete. The fact that stomata in isolated epidermal
humidity, high temperature and high CO2 concentrations peels respond to various environmental factors suggests that
(see reviews by Assmann, 1993; Willmer & Fricker, 1996; part of the sensory mechanisms is located in the epidermis
Outlaw, 2003; Vavasseur & Raghavendra, 2005; Shimazaki (Willmer & Fricker, 1996; Frechilla et al., 2002).
et al., 2007) as well as plant hormones such as abscisic acid It is also well established that there is a strong positive
(see review by Weyers & Paterson, 2001). However, there correlation between stomatal conductance and mesophyll
are exceptions, the most obvious being crassulacean acid photosynthesis (e.g. Wong et al., 1979; Zeiger & Field, 1982),
metabolism (CAM) plants which in general maintain closed and a close correlation between photosynthetic efficiencies in
stomata during the light period and open stomata in darkness guard and mesophyll cells has also been observed (Lawson
(Osmond, 1978; see Black & Osmond, 2003). Additionally, et al., 2002, 2003). The majority of guard cells have chloroplasts,
stomata of Gunnera (Osborne, 1989) and Lemna spp. (Park and these would therefore provide an ideal and convenient
et al., 1990) are unresponsive to a number of environmental location for sensory or regulatory mechanisms. Although guard
stimuli, whilst there are also examples of several other species cell chloroplasts are a characteristic feature of most plants, the
that do not respond to numerous plant hormones (e.g. Ridolfi role of these highly conserved organelles in osmoregulation and
et al., 1996; see Weyers & Paterson, 2001). their importance in stomatal function largely remain unclear.
It is recognized that stomatal responses to light have at least
two components. One component is the photosynthesis-
2. Guard cell chloroplasts
independent, specific blue-light response that saturates at low
fluence rates, and is often associated with rapid stomatal opening In most species studied, guard cells contain chloroplasts,
(see Zeiger et al., 2002) believed to involve the activation of which vary in number depending upon the species (Willmer
a plasma membrane H+-ATPase (Kinoshita & Shimazaki, & Fricker, 1996; Lawson et al., 2003; Fig. 2). Most species
1999; Shimazaki et al., 2007). The other component, a typically contain 10–15 chloroplasts per guard cell (Humble
photosynthesis-mediated response (termed the red-light response & Raschke, 1971), compared with 30–70 in a palisade
here and in many other publications), saturates at high fluence mesophyll cell. However, numbers of chloroplasts per guard
rates similar to those that saturate guard and mesophyll cell cell range from 3–6 in Selaginella (Allaway & Milthorpe,
photosynthesis and is inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)- 1976) to up to 100 in Polypodium vulgare (Stevens & Martin,

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Fig. 2 Images of stomata from intact leaves.

A reflected light image from Commelina
communis (a) and steady-state fluorescence
images from Commelina communis (b), Vicia
faba (c), Nicotiana tabacum (d), Polypodium
vulgare (e). Chlorophyll fluorescence image
of epidermal tissue from Polypodium vulgare
(f) showing similar photosynthetic efficiency
of epidermal and guard cell chloroplasts.
Bars, 10 µm.

1978), and guard cells of Paphiopedilum species entirely lack practically free of starch in the morning and accumulate
chloroplasts (Nelson & Mayo, 1975; Rutter & Willmer, starch during the day.
1979; D’Amelio & Zeiger, 1988) but still maintain Before examining guard cell photosynthesis and its possible
functional stomata (Nelson & Mayo, 1975). Guard cells role in stomatal behaviour, including the controversial topic
are formed from epidermal cells, which notably also lack of guard cell Calvin cycle activity, it is essential to provide a
chloroplasts (again there are exception such as Polypodium brief account of the osmoregulatory pathways that occur in
species; Fig. 2). guard cells.
Guard cell chloroplasts are often smaller, with less granal
stacking, and some are less well developed than those in
mesophyll cells (Sack, 1987; Shimazaki & Okayama, 1990),
II. Osmoregulation in guard cells
although these features vary across plant families (see reviews by Many decades of research have focused on the osmoregulatory
Pemadasa, 1981; Willmer & Fricker, 1996). Another noticeable mechanisms found in guard cells. To put this review into
feature of most guard cell chloroplasts is that starch accumulates context, a brief history of stomatal osmoregulation is given in
in the dark and disappears in the light (Willmer & Fricker, this section; however, this is by no means exhaustive (I refer
1996), the reverse of the situation in mesophyll cells. However, readers to the following comprehensive reviews: Talbott &
this may not be the case for all species, as work by Stadler Zeiger, 1998; Zeiger et al., 2002; Outlaw, 2003; Roelfsema &
et al. (2003) has revealed that guard cells of Arabidopsis are Hedrich, 2005; Vavasseur & Raghavendra, 2005).

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In 1908, Lloyd (Lloyd, 1908) observed that stomata that incorporate K+, Cl−, malate2− and sucrose, also involving
contained more starch when closed in the dark than when guard cell chloroplasts. They suggested that the importance of
open during the day, which led to the starch–sugar hypothesis. these pathways may change depending upon time of day, species,
This theory relies on the interconversion of starch to sugars, and growth and experimental conditions (Talbott & Zeiger,
which results in osmotic changes, leading to alterations in 1996, 1998). The first pathway describes the uptake of K +
guard cell turgor, and became the most widely accepted theory and Cl− from the apoplast and/or the synthesis of malate2− from
regarding the osmoregulatory mechanism for many decades carbon skeletons derived from starch (Outlaw & Lowry, 1977;
(Meidner & Mansfield, 1968). In the 1960s Fischer and co- Outlaw & Manchester, 1979), and is believed to be involved
workers highlighted the importance of potassium (K) uptake in the early morning opening response and under blue
in stomatal opening (Fischer, 1968; Fischer & Hsiao, 1968) light. In the second pathway, which is insensitive to DCMU
(although a paper on this by Imamura had already been (Poffenroth et al., 1992), sucrose is supplied from the breakdown
published; Imamura, 1943), and the starch–sugar hypothesis of starch (Outlaw, 1982) and is also thought to play a role in
was effectively replaced with the K+-malate2− theory. This blue-light responses (Tallman & Zeiger, 1988; Poffenroth
work demonstrated that K+ uptake (Yamashita, 1952; Fischer, et al., 1992; Talbott & Zeiger, 1993). In the third, DCMU-
1968; see reviews by Raschke, 1975, 1979) in guard cells was sensitive pathway, sucrose is supplied as a product of guard cell
correlated with stomatal opening, with malate2− and/or chloride photosynthetic carbon reduction (Talbott & Zeiger, 1998).
(Cl−) (Allaway, 1973; Schnabl, 1977; Schnabl & Raschke, In summary, K+ accumulation is used primarily for rapid opening
1980; Outlaw, 1983; Willmer & Fricker, 1996; Asai et al., in the morning, whereas turgor maintenance in the afternoon
2000) acting as the counterion(s). The general view is that primarily uses sucrose (Talbott & Zeiger, 1993, 1996, 1998).
malate2− is the major counterion balancing K+ uptake, although Talbott & Zeiger (1993) also demonstrated that the major
species such as Allium cepa (in which starch is absent) exclusively solutes change depending upon lighting regimes and the duration
use Cl− (Schnabl & Zeiger, 1977; Schnabl & Raschke, 1980). of opening. In Vicia faba peels, the initial (30-min) stomatal
Uptake of K+, driven by a H+ gradient activated by proton opening in response to blue-light illumination resulted in a
ATPase (Zeiger, 1983; Shimazaki & Kondo, 1987), was shown 173% increase in the concentration of malate, which then
to be correlated with malate accumulation (Allaway, 1973) decreased, and the concentration of sucrose (from starch
and stomatal opening (see review by Outlaw, 1983). A role for breakdown) rose continuously, reaching 215% after 2 h. Under
sucrose in guard cell osmoregulation was nearly forgotten red light, there was little increase in organic acid or maltose
until several studies suggested that K+ and its counterions could concentrations, but the sucrose concentration increased to
not provide all the osmoticum required to support stomatal 208% (Talbott & Zeiger, 1993), with no evidence of starch
apertures in Commelina communis (MacRobbie & Lettau, breakdown (Tallman & Zeiger, 1988; Poffenroth et al., 1992;
1980a,b), and led to the suggestion that soluble sugars Talbott & Zeiger, 1993). As this was observed in epidermal
account for additional osmoticum to support opening peels, sucrose must be supplied from guard cell photosynthetic
(MacRobbie, 1987; Talbott & Zeiger, 1993). Evidence exists carbon reduction. Such observations support the hypothesis
that sugars as well as K+-malate2− can act as osmotica for guard of multi-osmoregulatory pathways that are regulated by
cell osmoregulation (Outlaw & Manchester, 1979; Outlaw, measurement (Talbott & Zeiger, 1998) and growth conditions
1983; Reddy & Rama Das, 1986; Talbott & Zeiger, 1993, such as humidity (Talbott et al., 2003) and CO2 concentration
1998). For example, Commelina benghalensis accumulates (Talbott et al., 1996, 1998; Frechilla et al., 2002, 2004; see
sugars (60% of required osmoticum) and malate2− when also Zeiger et al., 2002). The majority of this work was carried
treated with fusicoccin (Reddy et al., 1983), a fungal toxin out using V. faba and it is possible that different mechanisms
that activates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase (Johansson are used by different species or groups of plants; for example,
et al., 1993). Arabidopsis lacks starch in the morning (Stadler et al., 2003).
It is easy to see how these changes in osmoregulatory theories A lack of evidence for significant carbon reduction in the
may have been problematic for researchers determining the guard cells (Outlaw, 1989; Tarczynski et al., 1989; Reckmann
role of guard cell chloroplasts (see Fig. 3). For example, if et al., 1990; Gautier et al., 1991) led Outlaw and co-workers
sucrose is not considered to be an important solute in water to propose an alternative source of sucrose (Lu et al., 1995,
movements, a role for guard cell photosynthetic carbon reduction 1997; Ritte et al., 1999; Outlaw & De Vleighere-He, 2001;
is virtually redundant. Outlaw, 2003; Kang et al., 2007a). Based on the work of Hite
et al. (1993), who suggested that guard cells act as carbon
sinks, taking up sucrose via plasma membrane transporters
1. Multi-osmoregulatory pathways in guard cells
(e.g. Stadler et al., 2003), Outlaw and colleagues suggested
To resolve the differences reported in the literature among results that apoplastic sucrose recently fixed in the mesophyll cells
obtained using different experimental procedures and different was a source for guard cell symplastic sucrose and acted as an
species, Talbott & Zeiger (1996, 1998) outlined three distinct osmoticum for stomatal opening or replacing guard cell
pathways (see Fig. 3) involved in guard cell osmoregulation carbon stores (Lu et al., 1997; Ewert et al., 2000; Outlaw &

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Fig. 3 Schematic diagram showing possible osmoregulatory pathways in guard cells for solute accumulation. Blue lines represent pathways that
are believed to be stimulated mostly by blue illumination, and red lines indicate pathways relating to red light- or photosynthesis-dependent
pathways. These pathways may not be mutually exclusive. The diagram is not to scale. (Redrawn from information provided by Talbott & Zeiger,
1998; Vavasseur & Raghavendra, 2005; Shimazaki et al., 2007).

De Vleighere-He, 2001). However, this mechanism appears to The above research emphasizes the importance of environ-
be dependent on the amount of sucrose in the apoplast, with mental growth and experimental conditions, as well as
concentrations lower than 4 mM unable to support stomatal experimental incubation periods, and provides possible
opening (Ritte et al., 1999). The guard cell apoplastic sucrose arguments for the involvement of K+, malate2− and sucrose in
can also exert an osmotic effect, which can drive stomatal stomatal function. Additionally, it provides a feasible explana-
closure, acting as a possible signal between mesophyll assimila- tion as to why so many conflicting results are reported in the
tion rate and transpiration (Kang et al., 2007a). It was also literature (Zeiger et al., 2002).
postulated that sucrose concentrations near the guard cell
regulate gene expression, as has been shown in many other
tissues (e.g. Baiser et al., 2004). However, the majority of these
III. Role of guard cell chloroplasts in stomatal
studies were conducted on V. faba, which is an apoplastic
phloem loader, and different mechanisms may regulate stomatal By the early 1990s a consensus was reached that in fact little
movements in symplastic loaders (Kang et al., 2007b). was known about guard cell metabolism (Mansfield et al.,

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1990) and, despite over a decade of research, in 2003 Ritte & In the absence of any CO2 fixation, such electron transport
Raschke (2003) reiterated that there was a lack of information rates could provide sufficient ATP to drive ion exchange during
about the physiology and role of the guard cell chloroplasts. stomatal opening (Shimazaki & Zeiger, 1985; Fig. 3), depending
There are four primary ways in which guard cell chloroplasts on the light wavelength (Schwartz & Zeiger, 1984). Red light
could contribute to stomatal function (see Outlaw, 1983; induced stomatal opening was shown to be DCMU sensitive
Tominaga et al., 2001), with experimental evidence supporting and potassium cyanide (KCN) (respiratory poison) resistant
all of these functions: whilst under blue light the reverse was observed (Schwartz
• electron transport in guard cells produces ATP and/or & Zeiger, 1984). Patch clamp techniques established that a
reductants used in osmoregulation (Schwartz & Zeiger, 1984; chloroplast modulated red-light response stimulated a proton
Shimazaki & Zeiger, 1985); pump at the plasma membrane in guard cells, suggesting that
• chloroplasts are involved in blue-light signalling and response guard cell photosynthesis may regulate stomatal aperture, through
(Frechilla et al., 1999; Zeiger, 2000); the provision of energy (ATP) and photosynthetic signalling
• starch stored in the chloroplasts (either produced from carbon products, such as NADPH (Serrano et al., 1988; see also Wu
assimilated in the guard cell chloroplasts, or imported from the & Assmann, 1993). However, later studies could not confirm
mesophyll) is available to synthesize malate as a counter ion to these findings (Roelfsema et al., 2001; Taylor & Assmann, 2001).
K+ (Willmer & Fricker, 1996) or is broken down into sucrose; Experiments conducted under red light with and without the
• photosynthetic carbon assimilation within guard cells produces inhibitors oligomycin (an inhibitor of oxidative phosphoryla-
osmotically active sugars (Tallman & Zeiger, 1988; Talbott & tion) and DCMU (an inhibitor of PSII) demonstrated that
Zeiger, 1993, 1998; Zeiger et al., 2002). guard cells supplied ATP to the cytosol under red light, which
was utilized by the plasma membrane H+-ATPase for H+
pumping and stomatal opening (Tominaga et al., 2001). An
1. Guard cell electron transport
alternative theory for the utilization of photosynthetic electron
Guard cells have a pigment composition similar to that of transport products suggested that ATP and redox power
the mesophyll, along with functional photosystem I (PSI) provided from electron transport are used for the reduction
and PSII (Zeiger et al., 1980; Outlaw et al., 1981; Shimazaki of oxaloacetate (OAA) and 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) (from
et al., 1982; Hipkins et al., 1983). Several researchers have guard cell CO2 fixation or imported from the cytosol; Fig. 3)
provided evidence for linear electron transport, oxygen evolution and exported to the cytosol via a 3-PGA-triose phosphate
and photophosphorylation (Hipkins et al., 1983; Shimazaki shuttle (Shimazaki et al., 1989; Ritte & Raschke, 2003).
& Zeiger, 1985; Willmer & Fricker, 1996; Tsionsky et al., 1997) Sugar as well as K+ accumulation during red light-induced
which can be modulated by CO2 concentration (Melis & stomatal opening has been reported (Talbott & Zeiger, 1998;
Zeiger, 1982) and blue light (Mawson & Zeiger, 1991; Olsen et al., 2002), with sugar production possible either from
Srivastava & Zeiger, 1992). However, studies on fluorescence starch breakdown (Talbott & Zeiger, 1998) or from the utiliza-
transients have suggested that induction profiles in guard cells tion of end products of electron transport in photosynthetic
can differ from those in mesophyll cells (Zeiger et al., 1980; carbon reduction within the guard cells themselves (Fig. 3;
Shimazaki et al., 1982; Mawson & Zeiger, 1991; Srivastava Talbott & Zeiger, 1998; Olsen et al., 2002). Blue light-induced
& Zeiger, 1992). Changes in the fine structure observed in stomatal opening (see next section) is generally believed not to
fluorescence transients are believed to reflect changes in Calvin be dependent on products of guard cell electron transport, as
cycle activity throughout the day or with different wavelengths it has been observed in the presence of DCMU (Sharkey &
of light (Mawson & Zeiger, 1991; Srivastava et al., 1998; Zeiger Raschke, 1981a; Schwartz & Zeiger, 1984; see also Roelfsema
et al., 2002). Additionally, the light-harvesting chlorophyll & Hedrich, 2005), and at low fluence rates (Zeiger, 2000;
protein is found in the phosphorylated state in the dark and Shimazaki et al., 2007). The energy is thought to be supplied
is dephosphorylated by red light, the opposite situation to mostly from mitochondrial respiration (Shimazaki et al., 1982,
that in mesophyll (Kinoshita et al., 1993). This reversal has 2007; Schwartz & Zeiger, 1984), although there is also evidence
been suggested to be related to high rates of cyclic electron for energy supply from guard cell chloroplasts (Mawson, 1993a).
flow observed in guard cell protoplasts of V. faba, supported Stomatal opening in response to weak blue light is greatly
by high PSI activity compared with the mesophyll (Lurie, enhanced with a background of red light (Shimazaki et al., 2007),
1977), which could enhance ATP production driven by increased although red light is not essential (Sharkey & Raschke, 1981a).
development of the thylakoid proton gradient. However, In additon to the Ci-driven response under red light, Shi-
Shimazaki & Zeiger (1985) did not observe any unusually mazaki et al. (2007) proposed that guard cell chloroplasts
high PSI activity in guard cells of V. faba but showed linear translocate NADH and ATP into the cytocol under red light,
electron flow to be c. 80% that of the mesophyll. This is which are then used for malate synthesis under blue light.
consistent with the values of PSII operating efficiency reported The above studies demonstrate a direct role for the products
later by Lawson et al. (2002, 2003) using high-resolution of guard cell photosynthetic electron transport in stomatal
chlorophyll a (chla) fluorescence. responses, which is particularly evident under red light, but

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also possibly plays a minor role in the specific blue-light response. phot1 and phot2 act redundantly as the blue-light receptors
Energy and/or redox power can be used for CO2 fixation in stomatal responses to blue light, as single mutants showed
(through either phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) or a typical wild-type blue-light response (Kinoshita et al.,
ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)), 2001), which led to phototropins becoming widely accepted
carbohydrate export or ion uptake (Gautier et al., 1991). as the main blue-light receptor.
The magnitude of the blue-light response decreases from
morning to afternoon (Doi et al., 2004), consistent with early
2. Role of guard cell chloroplasts in blue-light signalling
morning stomatal opening, when light is enriched in the blue
and response
wavelengths (Assmann & Shimazaki, 1999), and also consistent
A recent comprehensive review by Shimazaki et al. (2007) with the theory of varying osmoregulatory pathways (Talbott
discusses blue-light regulation of stomatal movement in great & Zeiger, 1998), and changes in guard cell fluorescence tran-
depth and I refer readers to this for full details. Briefly, blue sients through the day (Srivastava et al., 1998). It should be
light induces rapid and highly sensitive stomatal opening noted, however, that the stomatal response to blue light is not
correlated with the phosphorylation of a plasma membrane universal, with several species lacking blue light-induced
H+-ATPase pump and increased H+ pumping, which results stomatal opening. Stomata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris
in the activation of voltage-gated K+ channels by membrane do not open in response to blue light, despite having functional
hyperpolorization (see Shimazaki et al., 2007 for details), along phototropins and plasma membrane H+-ATPase (Doi et al.,
with the inhibition of s-type anion channels in Arabidopsis and 2006). Additionally, facultative CAM plants displayed blue-
V. faba (see Marten et al., 2007). Inhibition of blue light-induced light-specific stomatal opening in C3 but not in CAM mode
opening with KCN suggests that ATP for proton pumping is (Lee & Assmann, 1992; Talbott et al., 1997).
supplied mostly from mitchondrial respiration (Schwartz &
Zeiger, 1984; Assmann & Zeiger, 1987; Parvathi & Raghavendra,
3. PEPc activity, malate synthesis and starch
1995). However, partial inhibition with DCMU (Mawson,
1993a) implies a role for guard cell photosynthetic electron
transport in ATP supply, suggesting a possible metabolic An alternative sink for the end products of guard cell
co-ordination between photophosphorylation and oxidative photosynthetic electron transport is malic acid production via
phosphorylation in guard cells (Mawson, 1993b). H+ pumping PEPc, and CO2 fixation (Willmer & Dittrich, 1974; Raschke
results in K+ uptake correlated with malate2− synthesis and/or & Dittrich, 1977; Schnabl et al., 1982; Willmer, 1983; Outlaw,
Cl− uptake. Malate2− is the result mostly of starch breakdown 1990) using carbon skeletons provided by starch breakdown
(Outlaw & Manchester, 1979), as Arabidopsis mutants that do (Pallas & Wright, 1973; see also Asai et al., 2000). Outlaw &
not accumulate starch lack a proper blue-light response Manchester (1979) demonstrated a quantitative relationship
(Lasceve et al., 1997). However, sucrose accumulation from starch between malate accumulation and starch loss. Light-stimulated
breakdown as an additional osmoticum in blue light-stimulated increases in PEPc activity have been demonstrated together with
opening in isolated V. faba stomata has also been demonstrated increased NADP- or NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase
(Fig. 3; Tallman & Zeiger, 1988; Talbott & Zeiger, 1993). activity, which catalyses the reduction of OAA (Rao &
Zeaxanthin (Zeiger & Zhu, 1998; Frechilla et al., 1999; Anderson, 1983; Scheibe et al., 1990), and malate accumulation
Talbott et al., 2002) and phototropins (Kinoshita et al., 2001; has been correlated with stomatal aperture (Allaway, 1973;
Doi et al., 2004; Inoue et al., 2008) have both been suggested as Pearson, 1973; Pearson & Milthorpe, 1974; Vavasseur &
the blue-light receptor. Support for zeaxanthin as the specific Raghavendra, 2005). It is widely accepted that guard cells
blue-light receptor came from experiments conducted on contain high concentrations of starch and PEP carboxylase
epidermal peels of Arabidopsis mutants lacking zeaxanthin (Willmer et al., 1973; Willmer & Rutter, 1977; Raschke,
(non photochemical quenching 1), which failed to respond to 1977, 1979; Outlaw & Kennedy, 1978) compared with
blue light (Frechilla et al., 1999), although these results could mesophyll cells (Cotelle et al., 1999) and many reports have
not be confirmed when experiments were conducted on suggested that this is the major or only pathway for CO2
whole leaves (Eckert & Kaldenhoff, 2000; Kinoshita fixation in guard cells (e.g. Willmer et al., 1973; Reckmann
et al., 2001). Furthermore, stomata in V. faba treated with et al., 1990; see also Vavasseur & Raghavendra, 2005) into
an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis maintained a blue- malate and aspartate (Ogawa et al., 1978). The importance
light response, ruling out zeaxanthin as the only blue-light of malate accumulation in light-induced stomatal opening
receptor (Roelfsema et al., 2006). (Asai et al., 2000) has been demonstrated using 3,3-dichloro-
Strong evidence for phototropins as blue-light receptors dihydroxyphophinoyl-methyl-2-propenoate (DCDP), an inhibitor
was provided by Kinoshita et al. (2001), who demonstrated of PEPc (Parvathi & Raghavendra, 1997). PEPc activity and
(in both epidermal strips and intact plant material) that double malate formation have also been linked to CO2 response
mutants for phot1 and phot2 proteins (serine/threonine protein movements in stomatal guard cells (Outlaw & Lowry, 1977;
kinase) failed to respond to blue light. They established that Raschke, 1979; Schnabl et al., 1982; Hedrich & Marten,

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1993; Hedrich et al., 1994; Cousins et al., 2007). Differences cycle products in V. faba guard cell protoplasts in the light
in stomatal opening between adaxial and abaxial stomata have (Schnabl, 1980). Screening 41 species using indirect immun-
been closely associated with differential starch hydrolysis, malate ofluorescence, Madavhan & Smith (1982) reported no evidence
synthesis and K+ uptake (Pemadasa, 1983) as well as light of Rubisco in the guard cells of C4 plants and only negligible
wavelength (Wang et al., 2008), highlighting again the detection in C3 plants, but appreciable amounts in one-
flexibility of stomatal osmoregulation and behaviour depending third of CAM species surveyed. The size of the guard cell
upon the environment. Further support for the importance phosphoglycerate pool was unaffected by light, suggesting
of PEPc activity in stomatal opening comes from recent that PCRP is not involved in aperture regulation (Outlaw &
work conducted on PEPc-deficient mutants of the C4 dicot Tarczynski, 1984). Reckmann et al. (1990) determined
Amaranthus edulis, which showed reduced rates of both that only 2% of the solute required for stomatal opening was
stomatal opening and final conductance compared with wild- provided by Rubisco activity in Pisum sativum, and concluded
type controls (Cousins et al., 2007). This recent work is in that there was insignificant Rubisco activity, confirming the
agreement with earlier studies on potato (Solanum tuberosum) conclusion of Hampp et al. (1982) that photoreduction of
plants which demonstrated greater rates of opening when CO2 by guard cells was absent.
PEPc was over-expressed and reduced rates of opening in In contrast to the above findings, the presence of Rubisco
plants with decreased amounts of PEPc (Gehlen et al., 1996). in guard cells of V. faba has been unequivocally shown with
This work is discussed in greater detail in Section V. immunocytochemical localization (Zemel & Gepstein, 1985).
Starch degradation to sucrose is also involved in stomatal Numerous studies have also shown that guard cells contain
opening. In dual light experiments, Tallman & Zeiger (1988) several of the other main Calvin cycle enzymes (Shimazaki &
found substantial starch degradation under blue-light illumina- Zeiger, 1985; Gotow et al., 1988; Shimazaki, 1989). Zemel &
tion, but only a small amount of K+ uptake. From these observa- Gepstein (1985) quantified Rubisco on a chlorophyll basis at
tions they suggested that, if starch was converted to malate 40–50% compared with mesophyll cells. Shimazaki et al.
(Schnabl, 1980), adequate uptake of K+ would be necessary to (1989) validated these figures, showing RuBPC activity in
counterbalance the anion. These results are consistent with the guard cells of the same species to be 40% of that in mesophyll
observation that, in 10 μmol m−2 s−1 blue light, the rate of malate chloroplasts (on a chlorophyll basis). However, they suggested
synthesis in V. faba guard cells was only 25% of their maximum that the low ratio of CO2 fixation to O2 evolution implied
(Ogawa et al., 1978). From such studies it was concluded that that the major proportion of ATP and reducing equivalents
starch breakdown under blue light can also result in accumula- was used for reactions other than photosynthetic CO2 fixation.
tion of sucrose rather than malate (Tallman & Zeiger, 1988). These authors also pointed out that in many previous studies
values had been calculated on a cell rather than a chlorophyll
basis, and that recalculation would significantly increase pre-
4. Guard cell photosynthesis and sucrose production
viously obtained values in line with their observations.
via the Calvin cycle
The results of Gotow et al.’s study (1988) contradicted
Research into guard cell photosynthesis and carbon metabolism earlier findings (Raschke & Dittrich, 1977) and showed that
has spanned several decades, but as yet there is no general feeding radio-labelled CO2 to guard cell protoplasts under
consensus. There are conflicting reports in the literature red light resulted in incorporation of radioactivity into 3-
concerning the capacity of photosynthetic carbon reduction in phosphoglycerate, ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP), fructose and
guard cell chloroplasts and its importance in stomatal function sedoheptulose. Medium alkalinization indicating CO2 uptake
(see reviews by Shimazaki et al., 1989; Outlaw, 1989). and oxygen evolution by guard cell protoplasts was shown
Early studies provided little evidence of Calvin cycle activity under white (Gotow et al., 1988) and red light (Shimazaki &
in guard cell chloroplasts (Outlaw et al., 1979, 1982; Outlaw, Zeiger, 1987). A photosynthetic dependence of sucrose
1982, 1987, 1989; Tarczynski et al., 1989). Willmer & accumulation was illustrated using DCMU in epidermal peels
Dittrich (1974) showed that, in the epidermis of Tulipa and of V. faba under red light by Poffenroth et al. (1992). However,
Commelina in the light, 14CO2 was fixed into malate and reduced CO2 concentration triggered K+ uptake rather than
aspartate. This was validated later by Raschke & Dittrich sucrose accumulation under red light (Olsen et al., 2002).
(1977), who showed that neither radioactive 3-PGA nor It is now widely accepted that the Calvin cycle enzymes are
Rubisco activity was present in epidermal peels of the same present in guard cell chloroplasts; however, the debate over
tissues when they were exposed to 14CO2. Subsequent their activity, function and role in stomatal behaviour remains
experiments demonstrated that guard cell chloroplasts lacked (Outlaw, 1996, 2003). Although guard cell photosynthetic
ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC) and ribulose- carbon reduction has been shown in epidermal peels (Tallman
5-phosphate kinase (Ru5PK) activity (Outlaw et al., 1979) & Zeiger, 1988; Poffenroth et al., 1992), guard cell chloroplasts
and other key enzymes (Outlaw et al., 1979; Schnabl, 1981) (Shimazaki et al., 1982; Gotow et al., 1988; Shimazaki, 1989)
for the photosynthetic carbon reduction pathway (PCRP). and isolated guard cell pairs (Tarczynski et al., 1989), the
This was in agreement with a lack of phosphorylated Calvin contribution to osmotic requirements for stomatal opening

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ranges from 2% (Reckmann et al., 1990) to 40% (Poffenroth early pioneering work of Zeiger and co-workers (Zeiger
et al., 1992) (see Wu & Assmann, 1993). Many reports have et al., 1980; Melis & Zeiger, 1982; Mawson & Zeiger, 1991)
suggested that rates are too low for any functional significance measuring Kautsky kinetics (Kautsky & Franck, 1943) in
(Outlaw, 1989; Outlaw et al., 1982), whilst others have pro- individual guard cells showed distinct features associated
posed the Calvin cycle to be a major sink for the products of with Calvin cycle activity. The majority of early chlorophyll
photosynthetic electron transport (Cardon & Berry, 1992; fluorescence work was restricted to epidermal peels (Ogawa
Zeiger et al., 2002; Lawson et al., 2002, 2003). Evidence for et al., 1982), protoplasts (Outlaw et al., 1981; Goh et al., 1999),
guard cell production of sucrose has been obtained during single guard cell pairs or the white areas of variegated tissue
red light-induced stomatal opening in V. faba, where no (Zeiger et al., 1980; Melis & Zeiger, 1982; Cardon & Berry,
starch breakdown was observed and sugar import was ruled 1992). Cardon & Berry (1992) examined changes in steady-
out as a result of the use of epidermal peels (Tallman & Zeiger, state chlorophyll fluorescence (F′) from guard cells in the
1988; Talbott & Zeiger, 1993). Parvathi & Raghavendra white areas of intact leaves of Tradescantia albiflora under
(1997) also showed that Calvin cycle activity increased with different CO2 and O2 concentrations and attributed changes
application of DCDP, an inhibitor of PEPc activity, suggest- to photochemical and nonphotchemical quenching. From
ing that this pathway may become important when PEPc is these observations they concluded that both the carboxylation
restricted. and oxygenation of RuBP were major sinks for the end
products of photosynthetic electron transport. However, caution
should be applied when interpreting steady-state fluorescence
5. Evidence for all four mechanisms in stomatal
measurements as it is difficult to distinguish between
photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching components
In conclusion, there is evidence for all four of the above (Baker, 2008). The report by Cardon & Berry (1992) was the
mechanisms being involved in stomatal function. The blue- first research to provide physiological evidence for Rubisco-
light stomatal response is believed to be mostly independent of mediated CO2 fixation and photorespiration and led the way
guard cell electron transport, as stomatal blue-light responses for many subsequent studies.
have been observed in albino leaves (Karlsson et al., 1983; Advances in fluorescence methodology (see Goh et al., 1999),
Roelfsema et al., 2006), with energy for the activation of a plasma with the development of the saturation pulse method of
membrane H+-ATPase supplied mostly by the mitochondria fluorescence quenching analysis (Bradbury & Baker, 1981;
(Fig. 3; Schwartz & Zeiger, 1984; Assmann & Zeiger, 1987; Schreiber et al., 1986) and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)
Parvathi & Raghavendra, 1995), although there is also evidence fluorimetry (Schreiber et al., 1986) in conjunction with
for chloroplastic supply (Mawson, 1993a) and red-light technological developments in microfluorimetry (Goh et al.,
enhancement (Shimazaki et al., 2007). There is support for 1999) and high-resolution imaging (Oxborough & Baker,
both zeaxanthin and phototropins as the blue-light receptors, 1997), made it possible to parametrize measurements of
with phototropins the most widely accepted. Evidence exists chlorophyll fluorescence at the cellular (Oxborough & Baker,
for the direct use of ATP and/or reductants (produced by 1997; Goh et al., 1999) and subcellular levels (Baker et al.,
guard cell electron transport) in red light-induced stomatal 2001). With such advancements, measurements of PSII
opening (Fig. 3; e.g. Shimazaki et al., 1989; Tominaga et al., operating efficiency ( Fq′ / Fm′ , where Fq′ is the difference
2001; Olsen et al., 2002; Ritte & Raschke, 2003), as well as between maximum fluorescence in the light adapted state
in sugar production by photosynthetic carbon reduction ( Fm′ ) and steady state fluorescence in the light (F ′ )) could be
within the guard cells (Fig. 3; Talbott & Zeiger, 1996, 1998). obtained for individual cells and protoplasts (Goh et al., 1999).
Starch stored in the guard cells can be broken down into either The PSII operating efficiency estimates the efficiency at which
malate2− (as a counterion for K+ uptake; see Fig. 3) (Willmer light absorbed by PSII is used for the reduction of the plasto-
& Dittrich, 1974; Raschke & Dittrich, 1977; Outlaw & quinone QA, and can provide an estimate of the quantum yield
Manchester, 1979; Schnabl et al., 1982) or sugars, which act of linear electron flux through PSII (Baker, 2008). Goh et al.
as osmotica for stomatal opening (Outlaw, 1982; Tallman & (1999) first used such techniques to compare fluorescence
Zeiger, 1988; Poffenroth et al., 1992). It appears that guard quenching characteristics in guard and mesophyll cell protoplasts
cell chloroplasts can be involved in all four of the pathways (in V. faba and Arabidopsis). Light induction curves dis-
described above, and that the pathway used is conditional on the played very similar characteristics, indicating similar functional
species, time of day, and experimental protocols. organization of the thylakoid membranes, although guard cells
were saturated at lower light intensities and mesophyll cell
protoplasts had a higher capacity for photosynthetic electron
IV. Chlorophyll a fluorescence studies to transport. In the same study, anaerobic conditions suppressed
examine guard cell photosynthesis photosynthetic electron flow in guard cells compared with
Chlorophyll a fluorescence is a powerful technique to probe mesophyll cells. The O2-dependent electron flow suggested
and elucidate photosynthetic metabolism in guard cells. The a role for the Mehler-ascorbate peroxidase (MAP) cycle or a

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close metabolic coupling between photosynthetic electron Fumarase activity (which is involved in the tricarboxylic
transport and export of reducing equivalents via a 3-phosphoglyceric acid (TCA) cycle) has been shown to be high in guard cells of
acid/dihydroxyacetone phosphate (PGA/DHAP) shuttle and V. faba and P. sativum (Hampp et al., 1982; see also Outlaw,
oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria (Goh et al., 2003), and trangenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants with
1999). However, again this work was restricted to measurements considerable reductions in mitochondrial fumarate hydratase
of protoplasts or white areas of variegated plant tissue and was (fumarase) activity showed substantial reductions in stomatal
not in agreement with later studies conducted on intact green aperture, resulting in CO2 limitation of photosynthesis
material (Lawson et al., 2002, 2003). (Nunes-Nesi et al., 2007). Application of inhibitors of
The first study that simultaneously examined the PSII photophosphorylation (DCMU) and oxidative phosphoryla-
operating efficiencies ( Fq′ / Fm′ ) of guard and mesophyll cells in tion (KCN) has shown that both mechanisms are used for
intact green tissue revealed guard cell photosynthetic efficiency light-induced opening, but depend on wavelength (Schwartz
to be 70–80% that of mesophyll chloroplasts (Lawson et al., & Zeiger, 1984). Their relative importance alters when either
2002). However, electron transport rates for the two cell types of these pathways is restricted (Parvathi & Raghavendra, 1997),
could not be calculated because of uncertainties in the exact suggesting that both organelles (chloroplasts and mitochondria)
light absorption and the contribution of PSI fluorescence in play a role in stomatal function (Asai et al., 2000).
guard and mesophyll chloroplasts. In the same study these
researchers measured Fq′ / Fm′ at different CO2/O2 concentra-
tions in guard cells of intact green leaves of Tradescantia albiflora
V. Linking stomatal behaviour to mesophyll
and Commelina communis and confirmed that Rubisco was a
major sink for the products of photosynthetic electron transport. Stomatal conductance is well co-ordinated with mesophyll
Later this was confirmed in the guard cells of several other species, photosynthetic CO2 fixation (Wong et al., 1979; Farquhar &
including the C4 plant Amaranthus caudatus (Lawson et al., Wong, 1984; Mansfield et al., 1990). Numerous studies have
2003), and was consistent with the results of immunogold demonstrated a strong correlation between photosynthesis
labelling studies, which found weak labelling of PEPc but and stomatal conductance under a variety of different light
significant Rubisco labelling in guard cells of Amaranthus intensities and nutrient and CO2 concentrations (Radin et al.,
viridis (Ueno, 2001). The fact that the same CO2/O2 response 1988; Hetherington & Woodward, 2003). This relationship
was observed in guard cells and in mesophyll cells suggests causes, or is a consequence of, a constant Ci:Ca ratio (where Ca
that a major proportion of the end products of electron trans- is the external CO2 concentration), which has been observed
port are being used by Rubisco and the Calvin cycle. Guard to remain constant over the long term (Wong et al., 1979,
cells contain 20–50-fold less chlorophyll than the underlying 1985), although short-term variations have often been apparent
mesophyll (Willmer & Fricker, 1996) and therefore, at similar (Sharkey & Raschke, 1981; Morison, 1987). However, it
photosynthetic rates, extrapolation to the whole-cell level would should also be noted that this relationship has easily been
result in much lower guard cell photosynthesis compared with broken in transgenic plants with various modifications to
the mesophyll. However, the small volume of guard cells photosynthetic metabolism (e.g. Hudson et al., 1992; Lauerer
(one-tenth that of the mesophyll) means that the guard cell et al., 1993; Stitt & Schulze, 1994; von Caemmerer et al.,
CO2 assimilation rate could be one-third to one-tenth that of 2004; Cousins et al., 2007; Baroli et al., 2008). The close
the mesophyll, and therefore guard cell chloroplasts could relationship between photosynthesis and stomatal behaviour
provide a significant energy source for these cells. led to the hypothesis that guard cell responses may be linked
to mesophyll photosynthetic capacity via a mesophyll signal or
that guard cell photosynthesis itself may provide a metabolite
1. Alternative sources of energy
signal (Wong et al., 1979). Chloroplast ATP pool size was put
Although the aim of this review is to concentrate on guard cell forward by Farquhar & Wong (1984) as a possible metabolite,
chloroplasts and their possible role in stomatal function, a theory that was built upon later by Buckley et al. (2003),
guard cells also contain numerous mitochondria (Willmer & whilst zeaxanthin has been put forward by Zeiger & Zhu
Fricker, 1996; Vavasseur & Raghavendra, 2005), about one-third (1998) in view of a close correlation between zeaxanthin
the number of those in the mesophyll (Allaway & Setterfield, concentration and stomatal apertures (in response to light and
1972), and several reports have suggested that these are the CO2; see Zhu et al., 1998).
most important organelle in guard cells. Hampp et al. (1982) The debate over whether guard cell chloroplasts and/or
originally proposed that there was an absence of photoreduction guard cell photosynthesis plays a direct role in the co-ordination
of CO2 in guard cells but a high metabolic flux through the of stomatal movements in relation to mesophyll photosynthetic
catabolic pathway. High respiration rates were observed by CO2 demand remains unresolved. Recently, Roelfsema et al.
Raghavendra & Vani (1989), suggesting that ATP produced (2002, 2006) have argued against a direct role for guard cell
through oxidative phosphorylation was important for stomatal chloroplasts in red light-induced stomatal movements. These
movements (Parvathi & Raghavendra, 1997). researchers used albino areas of variegated plant tissue of

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24 Review Tansley review

V. faba treated with norflurazon (nf; inhibits carotenoid photosynthesis-dependent involvement in stomatal responses
biosynthesis), and showed stomatal opening in these two tissue to light. This was attributed to an unknown photosynthetic
types in response to blue light but not red (Roelfsema et al., metabolite and not a Ci-driven effect, as Ci was maintained at
2006). They concluded that a lack of red-light response is a constant value (Wang et al., 2008).
consistent with intercellular CO2 concentration as the inter- Several studies have also argued against a direct effect of Ci
mediate signal in the stomatal red-light response. Moreover, on stomatal-driven responses to red light; for example,
stomatal opening in response to red light was only apparent stomata were shown to respond to light even when Ci was held
when light was applied to a large area of the leaf, and not when it constant (Messinger et al., 2006; Lawson et al., 2008; Wang
was applied to individual guard cells, supporting a mesophyll- et al., 2008). Additionally, stomatal responses to Ci and Ci
driven Ci response (Roelfsema et al., 2002). responses to light are believed to be too small to account for
These obervations are in good agreement with earlier studies the large changes in stomatal conductance that are often
by Karlsson (1986), who showed that lowering the atmospheric observed in response to light (Sharkey & Raschke, 1981b).
CO2 concentration had a similar effect to red light and Furthermore, red-light responses have been documented in
enhanced the blue-light response. It should, however, be several studies conducted in epidermal peels (Tallman &
mentioned that stomata in the albino portion of the leaf cannot Zeiger, 1988; Olsen et al., 2002) and protoplasts (Raschke &
be considered to be completely indicative of responses in Dittrich, 1977; Goh et al., 1999) isolated from the mesophyll.
green tissue (Scarth & Shaw, 1951; Lawson et al., 2002) as Evidence for a direct role of guard cell chloroplasts in red
their movements are much slower than those in green areas light-induced stomatal opening has been reported, although
(Scarth, 1932). However, Scarth (1932) also noted under red this may be species dependent. Recently, Doi & Shimazaki
light that stomata located near the green tissue tend to open (2008) examined stomatal responses in the fern Adiantum
further than those at greater distances, adding support to the capillus-veneris to CO2 in darkness and found the stomata to
theory of an indirect effect of red light on stomatal movements be unresponsive to low or high CO2 concentrations but to
through the action of mesophyll photosynthesis. Further open in response to red light. The fact that they observed a
evidence for a CO2-mediated red light-induced stomatal synergistic effect of red and far-red light on stomatal opening,
opening response has been provided by the Arabidopsis high and greater sensitivity when light was applied directly to the
temperature 1 (HT1) mutant which carries a mutation in the lower surface along with a lack of response to Ci, led these
gene encoding a protein kinase (Hashimoto et al., 2006). These authors to conclude that opening in this species is driven by
mutants lack both a guard cell CO2 response and a red-light photosynthetic electron transport in guard cell chloroplasts.
response, but respond to blue light, supporting the notion that This is probably driven by K+ uptake, as CsCl (a K+ channel
red light-driven stomatal opening is promoted by reduced Ci, block) inhibited the response (Doi & Shimazaki, 2008). In
although to corroborate this it would be necessary to present the same experiment, Arabidopsis was used as a control and
stomatal conductance against Ci rather than CO2. Additional showed ‘typical’ Ci responses in the dark, highlighting the
support for Ci-driven stomatal opening has been provided in possibility that different species may use alternative signalling
Nicotiana tabacum in which a MAP kinase gene (NtMPK4) pathways and mechanisms. In contrast to these findings, the
involved in the activation of anion channels was silenced. stomata of an Arabidopsis mutant that lacks a functional
These plants did not close in elevated atmospheric CO2 and SLOW ANION CHANNEL-ASSOCIATED 1 (SLAC1) gene,
showed a reduced response to red light (Marten et al., 2008). which encodes a plasma membrane anion channel, were found
A recent publication by Mott et al. (2008) has suggested to fail to close at a high CO2 concentration in the dark and in
(as have many other studies; see above) that most stomatal the light in one study (Negi et al., 2008), and to open in the
responses to light and CO2 occur in response to an unknown light and close more slowly in the dark in another (Vahisalu
mesophyll-generated signal. Epidermal peels of Tradescantia et al., 2008). These studies support the involvement of ion
pallida, V. faba and P. sativum showed no stomatal response to transport mechanisms in light-dependent stomatal move-
light or CO2, but when T. pallida and P. sativum peels were ments, that are not dependent solely on Ci-driven responses.
grafted back onto mesophyll (either their own corresponding To address stomatal behaviour in relation to mesophyll
mesophyll or that of a different species), stomatal responses photosynthesis, Messinger et al. (2006) suggested that the
were restored, although this was not the case for V. faba. The balance between photosynthetic carbon reduction by Rubisco
authors argued against a direct effect of mesophyll-driven and electron transport capacity was the key mechanism linking
changes in Ci, as increasing ambient CO2 from 120 to stomatal response to light and CO2 concentration. This work was
540 μmol mol−1 did not induce stomatal closure, whereas based on alterations in the amount of ATP and/or zeaxanthin
darkness resulted in complete closure, but Ci was only resulting from a change in the balance of guard cell electron
200 μmol mol−1. In agreement with this, a further recent transport (and energy states of the thylakoid membrane) in
study reported that abaxial stomata of Helianthus annuus were relation to photosynthetic carbon reduction, determined by
more sensitive to light transmitted through the leaf (self- light and Ci. Variations in the concentration of zeaxanthin in
transmitted light) than to direct illumination, highlighting a turn would alter guard cell aperture in response to blue light

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and CO2 (Zeiger & Zhu, 1998; Zhu et al., 1998; Zeiger et al., cells, with delays in stomatal opening responses in potato with
2002). As with zeaxanthin, ATP should increase with light and reduced PEPc activity, whilst over-expressors showed accelerated
decrease with Ci with increased Calvin cycle activity. Increased opening (Gehlen et al., 1996). These findings are supported
ATP in guard cells could be used in the cytosol for proton by recent work on Amaranthus edulis mutants deficient in PEPc,
pumping at the plasmalemma (Tominaga et al., 2001), or which show both reduced rates of opening and also reduced
alternatively the energy may be utilized to produce sucrose as final stomatal conductances (Cousins et al., 2007). Stomata in
an osmoticum for stomatal opening through photosynthetic plants with 12% wild-type fructose-1, 6-bisphatase (FBPase)
carbon reduction (Talbott & Zeiger, 1993). This work also activity showed significantly faster opening responses and
suggested that there are at least two mechanisms by which higher final conductances with increasing irradiance, despite
stomata respond to CO2, one dependent on photosynthesis, lower photosynthetic rates and elevated Ci. However, this was
and the other photosynthetically independent (Messinger et al., dependent upon humidity and external CO2 concentration
2006). Multiple CO2 response mechanisms have previously (Muschak et al., 1999).
been suggested by Assmann (1999). However, studies conducted However, the aims of the above studies were not specifically to
on transgenic plants have demonstrated similar conductances determine stomatal responses. Certain assumptions were made:
in wild-type and trangenic plants (see next section), despite the firstly, because Cauliflower mosaic virus (CAMv) promotors were
latter having an alteration in the balance of electron transport used in the majority of the studies, it was assumed that all cells
rates relative to carboxylation capacity (von Caemmerer et al., were antisensed in a similar manner, and, secondly, it was assumed
2004; Baroli et al., 2008). that the observed response was equivalent to steady-state stomatal
conditions. To directly address the influence of reduced
photosynthetic capacity using antisense technology, von
1. Progress using transgenic and mutant plants
Caemmerer et al. (2004) used high-resolution chlorophyll
The choice of an ideal experimental system is critical when fluorescence imaging to show for the first time that photosyn-
attempting to determine the role of mesophyll or guard cell thetic efficiency was reduced to a similar extent in the guard
photosynthesis in stomatal function and in the past has relied cells as in the mesophyll cells in tobacco plants with reduced
on epidermal peels or guard cell protoplasts. Such systems are concentrations of Rubisco. Decreasing Rubisco activity resulted
often criticized because of possible mesophyll contamination in an imbalance between chloroplast electron transport and
(Weyers & Travis, 1981; Outlaw, 1983). However, the removal the photosynthetic carbon reduction capacity, which in turn
of the mesophyll could prevent any mesophyll signalling and could lead to an increased amount of ATP and/or conversion
may induce other mechanistic responses (Lee & Bowling, of xanthophyll pigments to zeaxanthin. Increased nonphoto-
1995; Lawson et al., 2002). In the late 1970s, Outlaw and chemical quenching was observed in the antisense plants,
co-workers introduced the technique of dissecting individual which could be interpreted as an increase in the amount of
cells (Outlaw, 1980; Hampp & Outlaw, 1987; Outlaw & Zhang, zeaxanthin. Both ATP and zeaxanthin have been implicated as
2001), highlighting its advantage in controlling contamination. playing a key role in stomatal opening responses. However, a
Improved molecular and transgenic techniques have provided step change in irradiance revealed similar stomatal responses
modern powerful tools (Webb & Baker, 2002) with which to in terms of opening rates and final conductances in antisense
address many questions regarding photosynthesis in relation Rubisco plants and wild-type controls, despite significantly
to stomatal function and have already provided some invaluable lower photosynthetic rates in the former. This led to elevated
information (see above). internal CO2 concentrations within these plants, which initially
Early studies conducted on transgenic plants with impaired was interpreted as a reduced sensitivity to Ci (von Caemmerer
photosynthesis revealed some surprising results. The effects of et al., 2004). However, manipulation of Ci through changes
Rubisco concentration on photosynthesis were studied inde- in Ca resulted in stomatal closure, suggesting that stomata
pendently by several groups, all of which studies suggested may response to Ca and not Ci (von Caemmerer et al., 2004).
little effect on stomatal behaviour (Quick et al., 1991; Stitt The overall conclusion from this work was that neither mesophyll
et al., 1991; Hudson et al., 1992). Specifically, these studies nor guard cell photosynthesis was necessary for stomatal
showed similar stomatal conductance values in transgenic opening responses.
plants compared with wild-type controls, despite a severe The fact that the majority of studies used white light or a
reduction in photosynthesis and higher Ci concentrations. mixture of red and blue light does not rule out the possibility
Studies on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants with reduced that blue light-stimulated opening, independent of photosyn-
phosphoribulokinase (Paul et al., 1995) or Rieske FeS protein thesis, overrides any mesophyll/guard cell signal (Talbott &
(Price et al., 1998) also showed no effect on stomatal conduct- Zeiger, 1993). To resolve this issue, a recent study of red-light
ance, and Price et al. (1998) concluded that ‘stomata are not responses by Baroli et al. (2008) distinguished between
strongly reliant on photosynthetic electron transport for setting antisense Rubisco tobacco plants with 10–15% wild-type
conductance’. However, work on transgenic antisense PEPc Rubisco activity, which have major reductions in the carbox-
plants supported a role for malate and PEPc activity in guard ylation capacity of photosynthesis, and antisense tobacco

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26 Review Tansley review

plants with impaired rates of electron transport via reductions in (ME), which converts malate and NADP to pyruvate,
the cytochrome b6f complex. No changes in stomatal opening NADPH and CO2, had altered stomatal behaviour. ME-
were observed in either of the transgenic plants in response to transformed plants had decreased stomatal conductance,
a step change in red light at ambient CO2 concentrations, showing signs of drought avoidance associated with guard cell
leading to the conclusion that this response was independent malate metabolism. A negative aspect of this drought-tolerance
of guard or mesophyll cell photosynthesis. The fact that no engineering was that, following exposure to drought, the
phenotypic stomatal responses were observed despite a decrease development of necrosis was more rapid in leaves from plants
in sucrose concentration also strongly suggests that something with the highest ME expression (Laporte et al., 2002). Masle
other than sucrose acts as osmoregulator during opening. et al. (2005) reported the isolation of a ‘transpiration efficiency
However, recent work conducted on antisense sedopheptulose- gene’, ERECTA, which acts on cell expansion and cell division,
1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) tobacco plants has shown a amongst other processes, resulting in modification of leaf
minor regulatory role for photosynthetic electron transport in diffusive properties and mesophyll capacity for photosynthesis,
response to red light (Lawson et al., 2008). A step change in leading to greater water use efficiency, in Arabidopsis. Increases
red illumination resulted in an increased rate of stomatal in drought resistance have also been reported in Arabidopsis
opening which was not observed under a blue/red light mix. mutants, with alterations or disruptions of guard cell membrane
ATP concentrations in the antisense SBPase plants may be transporters (Klein et al., 2004), calcium-dependent protein
increased because of the reduced ATP consumption by kinases (Ma & Wu, 2007), and the expression of aquaporin genes
the Calvin cycle. These authors suggested the possibility of (Cui et al., 2008) and genes involved in ABA biosynthesis,
increased stomatal opening under red light, as a result of an expression or sensitivity (Jakab et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2005;
increase in ATP available for proton pumping (Tominaga Yang et al., 2005). Such studies are not restricted to Arabidopsis;
et al., 2001). However, Baroli et al. (2008) reported little effect for example, over-expression of the stress-responsive gene
of reduced ATP on red light-induced stomatal opening in SNAC1 (STRESS-RESPONSIVE NAC1) enhanced drought
transgenic tobacco plants with reduced cytochrome b6f complex tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) (Hu et al., 2006).
(Baroli et al., 2008). In the attempt to produce plants with increased water use
Other suggested functions of chloroplasts in guard cells in efficiency or drought tolerance, genetic engineering or mutations
regulation of stomatal behaviour include the production of provide an opportunity to alter not only stomatal physiology
reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 (possibly via Mehler and function (Nilson & Assmann, 2007) but also anatomical
activity at PSI) which may play a role in abscisic acid (ABA) features, such as stomatal density and size (originally proposed
signal transduction (Zhang et al., 2001). A role for ascorbic in the 1970s; Jones, 1976, 1977) and amounts of leaf cuticular
acid (Asc) redox state has also been postulated in guard cell wax (Aharoni et al., 2004). A recent review by Wang et al.
regulation. Plants with increased guard cell Asc redox state (2007) highlights the importance of, and recent progress
(through increased expression of dehydroascorbate reductase made in, identifying genes controlling stomatal density or
(DHAR)) exhibited a reduced concentration of guard cell patterning, and how such genetic manipulations may increase
H2O2 and consequently higher stomatal conductances (Chen plant water use efficiency.
& Gallie, 2004). Altering the stomatal density does not automatically alter
As highlighted above, the use of transgenic and mutant stomatal conductance (Fig. 4; Lawson, 1997; Weyers & Lawson,
plants has provided significant information regarding guard 1997; Lawson & Morison, 2004). Figure 4 shows a model of
cell mechanisms (von Caemmerer et al., 2004; Baroli et al., predicted stomatal conductance with changes in various
2008; Lawson et al., 2008), sensory molecules (e.g. Eckert & stomatal characters. From this model it is obvious that stomatal
Kaldenhoff, 2000) and signal transduction cascades (Inoue aperture has the greatest control over stomatal conductance,
et al., 2008), as well as ion uptake and ion channel regulation with stomatal density being secondary. An example of this can be
(Serna, 2008), all of which play key roles in stomatal sensitivity found in experiments conducted on Arabidopsis over-expressing
gene, resulting in plants with a 40% reduction in stomatal
density, and the Arabidopsis sdd1-1 mutant (Berger & Altmann,
VI. Stomata in relation to water use/ 2000), in which stomatal density is increased to 300% of that
manipulation of behaviour of wild type. Under growth conditions, no differences in
One of the important outcomes of understanding how guard stomatal conductance or assimilation rate were observed in
cells function is the potential to engineer drought-tolerant the over-expressers and the sdd1-1 mutants compared with
plants. This prospect has received increasing attention from wild type. Lower stomatal density was compensated for by an
the wider scientific community, with several reports published increase in aperture and, conversely, reduced stomatal aperture
recently suggesting that stomatal metabolism may hold the compensated for increased stomatal density (Bussis et al.,
key (Nilson & Assmann, 2007). For example, maize (Zea 2006). It should be mentioned that, although mutants may
mays) plants with increased amounts of NADP-malic enzyme be identified as ‘drought resistant’ or with ‘increased water use

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Tansley review Review 27

were blocked with grease to prevent stomatal conductance and

a vein was severed to prevent uptake of DCMU, were used to
show the relationship between PSII operating efficiency and
stomatal conductance. Images of Fq′ / Fm′ showing spatial and
temporal resolution of PSII operating efficiency were com-
pared with thermal images of leaf temperature, which is modu-
lated by stomatal behaviour and other environmental factors
(i.e. in general, the greater the stomatal conductance the greater
the evaporative cooling of the leaf and the lower the leaf tempera-
ture). From the images it is apparent where stomatal behaviour
is influencing PSII operating efficiency and vice versa.

VII. Concluding remarks and future direction

Stomatal research over the past few decades has revealed a
Fig. 4 Predicted sensitivity of stomatal conductance (gs) to changes
in pore dimension and frequency within empirically derived ranges.
complicated network of osmoregulatory and signalling pathways
Effects on gs of adjusting each anatomical character within its in guard cells (e.g. Li et al., 2006). It appears that these highly
estimated range were calculated following equations of Lawson plastic cells have the capability to alter mechanisms of response
(1997), Weyers & Lawson, (1997) and Lawson & Morison (2004). depending upon environmental growth and experimental
The analysis uses typical ranges of values derived from observations conditions, complicated further by time of day and pretreat-
of Phaseolus vulgaris (Lawson, 1997): stomatal aperture, 0–15 µm;
stomatal density, 35–65 mm−2; pore length, 33–40 µm; pore depth,
ments (Zeiger et al., 2002), all of which appear to be species
15–25 µm. Values within each range were used to calculate stomatal dependent. Such flexibility gives stomata the necessary
conductance using the following equation: 1/rs = (d + 2c)/ capability to maintain a regulatory role in plant water status
(Dw × As × SD), where rs is stomatal resistance, d is pore depth (mm), and photosynthetic capacity. This review has concentrated on
c is an end correction (see Weyers & Meidner, 1990), Dw is water guard cell chloroplast photosynthesis and in particular Calvin
diffusivity in air (mm2 s−1), As is pore area (mm2), and SD is stomatal
density (mm−2). The vertical lines represent the gs obtained using
cycle function, a highly controversial topic (Outlaw, 1989,
the median values for each variable and was calculated at 2003), with evidence for and against functional guard cell
346 mmol m−2 s−1. photosynthetic regulation of stomatal behaviour. Recent research
conducted on antisense SBPase plants suggests guard cell
photosynthesis and/or carbon reduction may play a role in
efficiency’, such traits may not be evident when they are stomatal responses to red light (Lawson et al., 2008). However,
grown in competitive environments. Basco et al. (2008) recently at the same time, work on antisense Rubisco and b6f plants
reported that Arabidopsis ABA oversensitive mutants, which casts doubt on any role for guard cell photosynthesis, including
display enhanced stomatal closure, could not compete with the production of ATP, in red light-induced opening (e.g von
wild type for water when the plants were grown together. Such Caemmerer et al., 2004; Baroli et al., 2008). Discrepancies
findings also have significant implications for screening in results and conclusions regarding the role of guard cell
protocols when attempting to identify mutants (Basco et al., chloroplasts in stomatal function are probably attributable to the
2008). It is also important to note that screening plants for unique plasticity of guard cells, which can make interpretations
increased water use efficiency should include measurements of difficult, with often opposing conclusions in different laboratories
photosynthetic performance in relation to stomatal behaviour, in which research was conducted under different conditions
as reduced stomatal conductance can decrease water use but (see Zeiger et al., 2002). Stomatal research in the future should
also limit photosynthetic carbon assimilation. therefore take into account the time of day experiments are
In conjunction with advances in molecular biology, conducted, the conditions under which the plants are grown
substantial progress has been made in technology and and the type of material used, as all of these factors can impact
methodology. The use of thermal imagery (Jones, 1999, 2004; on stomatal responses, signalling pathways, and solutes required
Jones et al., 2002) in combination with chla fluorescence for osmoregulation of stomatal aperture.
(Chaerle et al., 2007) has the potential to determine instanta- The current transition towards using mutants and transgenic
neous water use efficiency, and is not only a potential screening plants along with the identification of gene trap lines (Galbiati
tool allowing determination of both photosynthetic performance et al., 2008) opens a new window of opportunity to pursue
and stomatal behaviour but also a powerful approach to different avenues of research to answer some of the many
elucidating correlations between stomatal behaviour and questions that still remain regarding guard cell metabolism.
photosynthetic capacity. An example of combined chlorophyll To date, attention has focused on photosynthetic pathways in
fluorescence imaging and thermography is shown in Fig. 5. guard and mesophyll cells, and to a certain extent the oxidative
Extreme treatments, in which stomata in one area of the leaf phosphorylation pathway has been neglected. Transgenic plants

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Fig. 5 Chlorophyll fluorescence (a, b) and thermal (c, d) images of a sycamore leaf fed with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)
through the transpiration stream. An area of stomata was blocked on one half of the leaf by applying a patch of grease, and a major vein was
severed on the other half. The patch increased leaf temperature (c), and reduced the quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry
(F′q/F′m, where F′q is the difference between maximum fluorescence in the light adapted state (F′m) and steady state fluorescence in the light (F′)
(a). After DCMU feeding (b, d), F′q/F′m was reduced and leaf temperature was increased. However, DCMU was not distributed where the vein
was severed so F′q/F′m remained high and the leaf temperature was lower. Under the patch, there was little transpiration and DCMU uptake,
and therefore F′q/F′m remained high even though the CO2 supply was limited, indicating that photorespiration was the sink for the products of
electron transport Scale bars represent 20 mm (unpublished data of T. Lawson, J. I. L. Morison and N. R. Baker).

and mutants provide an ideal opportunity to determine the numerous gaps in our knowledge regarding stomatal behaviour
role of this pathway in stomatal sensory and response mecha- in CAM and grass species. C3/CAM intermediates may provide
nisms. The development and discovery of guard cell specific an ideal opportunity to uncover light and CO2 responses as
promoters (see Yang et al., 2008) will allow manipulation of well as induction of specific genes or signalling pathways.
guard cell metabolism without disruption of mesophyll Stomata respond to numerous environmental stimuli, yet
photosynthetic metabolism. Such systems will hopefully most studies are conducted in isolation. There is a desperate
provide a probe that will help to fully elucidate the link need to determine the hierarchy of stomatal responses, and
between mesophyll photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. the influence of combined factors on stomatal behaviour,
Microarray and proteomic technology allows gene expression response and signalling mechanisms.
patterns involved in signal transduction pathways to be identified Although significant advances in the understanding of
and assessed under different environmental conditions and guard cell function and stomatal responses have been made
stresses (Coupe et al., 2006). Leonhardt et al. (2004) have over the last century, many gaps in our knowledge remain
demonstrated the power of microarray technology comparing regarding guard cell metabolism and its role in stomatal
the expression profiles of guard and mesophyll cells. They noted behaviour. The use of antisense techniques in conjunction with
that, when leaves were sprayed with ABA, there was repression guard cell-specific promoters, and modifications of guard cell
of many of the enzymes involved in guard cell metabolism, chloroplast metabolism, coupled with in situ measurements of
including a decrease in PEPc transcript, which agrees with photosynthetic performance, stomatal function and responses
earlier work reporting decreased PEPc activity under drought to various stimuli, may provide the key to ascertaining the
(Kopka et al., 1997). Transcriptomic analysis can also identify roles of these highly conserved organelles.
transcription factors that are necessary for stomatal movement
mediating stomatal responses to light and darkness (Gray,
2005; see review by Casson & Gray, 2008).
To date, most stomatal research has concentrated on plant I would like to thank several colleagues for their contributions,
species very familiar to stomatal biologists, but there are still ideas and discussion over the course of my past and current

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research. In particular Dr James I. L. Morison and Professor Basco R, Janda T, Galiba G, Papp I. 2008. Restricted transpiration may not
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have provided many useful discussions. Dr Tanja Hofmann is chlorophyll fluorescence induction curve. Changes in the redox state
gratefully acknowledged for critical reading of the manuscript. of photosystem II electron acceptors and fluorescence emission from
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New Phytologist (2009) 181: 13–34 © The Author (2008). Journal compilation © New Phytologist (2008)

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