Four Illustrous Imams by Shaykh Maqbool Ahmad Seoharvi

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Illust rious
Imam s

Maulana Makbool Ahmed Suharwi
Translated By:
Mufti Afzal Hossen Elias

F o re w o rd ........................................................................
Pref ace
Imaa m Abu Han ifa
W hat Doe s Abu Hanifah M e a n ? ................................
His Acqu ainta nce with K n o w le d g e ...............................2
Imaa m Sahe b W as a T aabe ’ee - A Pers on
W ho Saw the Saha bah
Imaa m Han ifa and Imaa m M alik..................................
Resp ect for U staa ds...................................................
......2 8
O wne r of a Flou rishing Busi ness ................................
Imaa m Sahe b W as Very M e rcifu l...............................
.. 31
Resp ect for His M othe r..............................................
...... 31
Piety and A bstin ence .......................................................
A Uniq ue Q uest ion..........................................................
The S tude nts of Imaa m S aheb ................................
...... 34
Imaa m Abu H anifa h’s Advice and Guid ence
W hich Is Bene ficial To All S tud en ts............................
R ecom m enda tory L e tte r..............................................
W ho Spok e F irst..........................................................
..... 36
Cha nge of R ule..................................................................
The Main R easo n..............................................................
C oncl usio n.....................................................................
..... 39
Statu s of Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Nu’m an
Bin Thab it
Imam Sahe b Bein g A T a b i........................... 40
The Tuto rs of Imam Sahe b
Stud ent of Imam Sahe b
Imam S aheb ’s Statu s in Know ledg e
of A h a d ith ................................................
The Statu s of Imam Abu Han ifah In Fiqh
(Ju risp ru d e n ce )..............................................................
His Con sulta tive Com m ittee ...... ;...............................
The Und ersta ndin g and Insig ht of Imam S a h e b .......
Index______________________________________ 6 Index______________________________________ 7
The Other Ustaad of Imaam Malik ............91
The Ibadaat of Imam Saheb (ttRw&KS©)..................... 48
Imaam Zahri......... .................. .................. .................. 92
His Fear of Allah.........................................................48 ..... 93
His Devotion, Righteousness and P iety................... 49 Abu Haazim...........................................................
The Habits of Imam Saheb ....................... 50 Imaam Malik Had Seventy Five Ustaads.................. 93
Imam Saheb’s Night And Day................... 51 Now Listen To A Heart Warming Incident................. 94
His Imaamat and Piety......... ..................................... 52 Imaam Malik Had a Powerful Memory...................... 96
The Generosity of Sahab ........................53 Enthusiam for Knowledge.......................................... 97
His Demise and Leaving For the World of Mercy.... 54 Era of Abassi’s Government......................................99
Imam Yusuf Ansari (£&&&£>£).....................................55 Allegiance Force Is No Allegiance At All................. 101
Imam Muhammad Bin Hassan Bin Farqad Al- Face To Face In The Court Of Manzoor..................102
Shaibani 57 Imaam Saheb’sstatus According To Manzoor....... 103
Imam Zufar Bin Huzail (£)&&£%>).............................. 60 Imaam Saheb’s Great Concern for the People
1. Imaam Abu Haneefah 62 of Madinah................................................................ 104
Glad Tidings for Imaam Abu Haneefah Respect.................................................................... 104
From The Ahadeeth ....... ......................................... 63 Haroon-Ar-Rasheed in the Service of
Imaam Abu Haneefah Was a Taabi’ee....... 64 Imaam Saheb...........................................................105
Imaam Malik Bin Anas 78 An Incident Regarding the Sheikh-UI-Hadith of
Foreword...................................... .................. ............ 79 Deoband Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri............. 107
Introduction................................................................. 80 The Recitation of Muatta amongst the Ulema....... 108
Sahaabah and Hadith................................................ 81 Difference of Narration Does Not Negate
How Did They Obtain the Hadith.............................. 81 The Truth.................................................................. 109
Punishment for False/Fabricated Hadith.................. 82 Personal Virtues.......................................................110
Hadith-E-Qoli and Hadith -e-Faeli............................ 82 Generosity ................................................................ 110
Narration of Hadith and the Status Of The Hospitality................................................................. 110
Narrators.................................................................... 83 Respect for the Ahl-E-llm (People of Knowledge) ..111
Why Do Weak and Fabricated Hadith Become The Spreading of Imaam Malik’s Munificence........111
Famous...................................................................... 85 Method of Narrating Hadith..................................... 113
Respect for Hadith..................................................... 86 His W orks................................................................. 114
The Family of Imaam M alik.......................................87 Demise..................................................................... 114
Imaam Malik’s Birthplace........................................... 88 Imaam Muhammad Bin Idris Shaafi (£&£&&£>).....115
An Imaam of Madinah............................................... 88 Foreword............................................... ................... 115
As A Student of Nafe................................................. 89 The Research Method of Hadhrat Umar (^.&&!S>)..117
Nafe’s Ustaad Hadhrat Ayesha 90 Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Narrated Many
Wherein Lies Misfortune. .................. .................. ....... 90 Ahaadith....................................................................118
Understanding of the Hadith Requires Hadhrat Imaam Malik (^SS2sSa<®)’S Statement..........120
The Family of Hadhrat Imaam Shaafi 121
Understanding and Prudence....................................91
Index 8 I n d e x _________________________________ 9
Education Became Hafez at the Age of Seven.......123 An Allegation of Conspiring.........................................159
Dreaming About Rasulullah .............................123 C om pilation................................................................... 161
No Need for Intercession When Seeking llmi C hart......................................................................162
Knoweledge................................................................... 1 2 5 The Twelve Renowned Jurists Amongst
The Method and Etiquette of Hadith Lesson............. 126 The Sahaaba 163
An Interesting E p isod e................................................ 126 1. Hadhrat Mu’aadh Bin Jabal 163
Ustaad Grants Permission to Give F a tw a s ...............128 2. Hadhrat Ubayy Bin Ka’b 164
Perfection In Knowledge............................................. 3. Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 164
How Was His Intution.................................................. 4. Hadhrat Abdullaah Bin Mas'ood 165
The Courage of Imaam Shaafi 5. Hadhrat Zaid Bin Thaabit 166
Difficult E ra .................................................................... 1 3 1 6. Hadhrat Ali 166
Imaam Shaafi Was Poor in the Beginning............... 135 7. Hadhrat Uthmaan 167
G enerosity..................................................................... 1 3 6 8. Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari -
Imam Shaafi Adhered Strictly To The Sunnat..........136 Abdullaah Bin Qais 168
Daily R outine................................................................. 1 3 7 9. Hadhrat Jaabir Bin Abdillah .........................169
An Interesting E ve nt.................................................... 13 8 10. Hadhrat Abdullaah Bin Umar 170
An Amusing E pisode............................. 139 11. Hadhrat Abdullaah Bin Abbaas .............171
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal 140 12. Hadhrat Ameer Mu’aawiya 171
Forew ord........................................................................141 The Importance of Fiqh In The Light Of
Introduction.................................................................... 142 The Q u r'a a n .................................................................. 172
People Are Misled By Three T h in g s..........................142 The Academic Status of Kufa in Islaam.................... 174
Imaam Ahmed Ibne H am bal....................................... 145 The Academic Lineage of Hadhrat Imaam
What Is the Correct Belief........................................... 146 Abu Haneefa .....176
The Extent of This Misconception.............................. 146 About Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa 178
Conformation with the Khalifa in His Court...............147 Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (eJtw&K^ys Knowledge
What Did the Ulema S a y .............................................150 of Ahadeeth..................................................................... 181
Reading Salaat with Flowing Blood........ .........; ......151 Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (e!K^&K^)’S View
The Status of Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (<3&&!3 #)...152 of the Ahadeeth............................................................183
The Family of Imaam Bin H am bal.............................154 The Excellence of Hadhrat Imaam
Acquisition of K now ledge........................................... 154 Abu Haneefa )’S Knowledge............................. 185
Abstinence and Piety................................................... 155 Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa Repute in
Steadfastness When In the Pangs of Hunger..........155 Acadmic Circles............................................................ 186
Contentment In The Face Of Poverty........................156 Chief of the M uhadditheen......................................... 187
The Meaning of T a w a kku l....................... 158 The Nucleus of Fiqh and H adith................................ 187
Imaam Ahmed Saw Allah in a Dream ....................... 158 Leading Muhadditheen Accepted the Fiqh of
An Old Woman Recovers........................................... 158 Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa 188
Index 10 IMAAM ABU HANIFA _________________ 11
The Hanafi School of Jurisprudence Is Based On
Consultation.............................................................189 FOREWORD
The Prominent Students of Hadhrat Imaam Abu By:
Haneefa ..................................................190
1. Hadhrat Abdullaah Bin Mubaarak 190 Moulana Yahya Madani Saheb
2. Hadhrat Imaam Abu Yusuf 191 "The Perpetual Distributor (Allah) distributes through
3. Hadhrat Imaam Zufar Bin Hudhail 193 the person who is fit for task."
4. Hadhrat Imaam Muhammed Bin Hasan
Destiny moves in such a manner that certain special
Shaybaani ..................................................194
The Ten Distinguished Mujtahideen of the Ummah 197 servants are given the responsibility for certain tasks,
1. Imaam Ja’far Bin Muhammed 197 by which Deeni services are rendered.
The Blessing of our age, the pillar of this world,
2. Imaam Sufyaan Thowri 198
3. Hadhrat Imaam Maalik (&&&&&)........................ 199 Sheikul Hadith, Hazrat Moulana Muhammad
4. Imaam Awzaa’ee 199 Zakariyya Muhajir Madani ( £ 1 ^ ^ ) was a humble
5. Imaam Laith Bin Sa’d Misri (SJUziiJ©)................. 200 states man of his era. He upheld the high standard of
6. Imaam Shaafi’ee 201 the Shariat and Tariqat. He was loved by his elders
7. Imaam Is'haaq Bin Raahway 201 and contemporaries. He supervised and is
8. Hadhrat Imaam Ahmed Biun Hambal .202 responsible for the various Deeni services, eg. the
9. Hadhrat Imaam Muhammed Bin Isma'eel 203 protection of Nabuwat, madresa: s, hospitals, tabligh,
10. Hadhrat Imaam Muslim ( 3 0 ® ) ..................... 204 politics, writing, jihad etc.
After his death, his student and disciples engaged
themselves in the above fields.
Our Guide, Hazrat Moulana Mufti Muhammad Ashiq
llahi Saheb Al-Muhajir Al-Madani is one of the
fortunate and pious servants with many praiseworthy
qualities. He not only teaches students in Arabic and
Urdu languages, but has authored scores of books in
Arabic and Urdu which have benefited many people
throughout the world. On the advice of Hazrat
Moulana Zakariyya ( 3 ^ 0 ) the respected Mufti
Saheb migrated to Madina where he again authored
many books.
Hazrat Shaikh Zakariyya (£)&&K^) wrote in some of
his books that it is only with the sole favour (boon) of
Allah Ta’aala that he sent llmi aid during his lower schools and common folk, prepared its Urdu
incapacitation in the personality of his beloved student translation.
Moulana Muhammad lllahi Bulandshari to Mufti An Ustaad, Hazrat Moulana Sardar Muhammad
Muhammad Shafi Saheb (3G&i£s^)’s Darul Uloom in Sahab has to be complimented for his swift and
Madina Munawwara to teach Ahadith. efficient translation of this work.
Moulana Zakariya (£N*&J3y) requested that Moulana
Ashiq lllahi take on his task of writing books in Masjid- Muhammad Yahya Madani,
e-Nabwi. Since then Moulana Ashiq took over the Darul Tasnyif, Karachi
responsibility and is fulfilling his (Moulana Zakariyya
p t ^ iJ ^ ) ) wishes to complete this task up to the
present day,
In another place Hazrat Mouiana Zakariyya
prayed that “May Allah Ta’ala grant the rewards of the
two worlds to Moulana Muhammad Ashiq lllahi since
no one from among his humble friends could stay in
Madina permanently.” Allah has fulfilled his desires
and enthusiasm by sending Moulana Ashiq there.
This is the great status bestowed on Sheikh (Moulana
May his shadow remain with us for a longtime. He has
done a great service for the student of llm and other
respected ustaads by writing the famous Fiqh book
called “Al Mukhtasaral Quduri” in the form of question
and answer and called it “Al Tas-heel ul Zururi”. [A
necessity for all the Darul Uloom’s Syllabi.] At the end
of the book he has included a few pages entitled “Al
Muwahib ash-Sharifa fi Manaqib ala Imam ala Azam
Abi Hanifah”. It consists of famous works on Hanafi
Fiqh. Every statement (point) is subsrantiated
adequately with the names of narrators, books, page
number etc. No addition is made by the Moulana.
Darul Tasnif Ma’dal Khalil Islami Bahadar Abad,
Karachi 5, reprinted it verbatim, and for student in
IMAAM ABU HANIFA _________________ 14 IMAAM ABU HANIFA _________________ 15
derive pleasure in backbiting read these “flaws” they
PREFACE began exploiting them in their writings but did not
After Hamd (praise) and Salawaat, a group of realise that Khatib Baghdadi himself wrote “Seera wa
Qualified Ulama and Elderly person complied many Tarajiem” wherein he expounds with valid narration
works on the life of Imam Abu Hanifah Nu’maan bin the great status of Imam Saheb (3^<Jt^).
Thabit (£Jt*&!3#). from among this group people like Neverthless, Allah has placed me in a position to
imam Abu Jaffar Tahawi Imaam Ibn Al Awam Sa’di, complete writing about the status of Imam Saheb
Qazi Abu Abdullah Hoosein bin Ali Samiri, Hafiz (£ft^i)£s^) which other great Ulama and biographers
Jalaluddin Suyuti, Allamah Muhammad bin Yusuf Salli commenced. In my work, I have mentioned all
Damashki, the famous jurist Ahmad bin Hajar Hashimi references and did not add any thing of my own so
Makki and other Ulama wrote books on the that the reader may have no doubt.
life of certain respected Ulema. Some of them wrote
on Imam Abu Hanifah such as Hafiz I have titled this compilation “Al Muwahib as Sharifyah
Jalaluddin Mazi who wrote “Tahzibul Kamal”, Hafiz fi Munqabul Imam Abi Hanifah (£JK&K%>).” At the end I
Dahi wrote “Tazkiratul Huffaz” and “Seera Uloom-an- have also commented on his last three students, viz.
Nabal”. Abu Umar Yusuf bin Abda wrote “Alantiqa” Abu Yusuf Ayyoob bin Ibrahim Ansari (3t«&K^),
and “Jamia Bayan Uloomo Fazila” and Khatib Muhammad bin Hassan Shaibani and Zafar bin Huzail
Baghdadi wrote “Tarikh Baghdad”. Anbari Basri (SJKcwJ^).
It is important to mention here that Khatib Baghdadi I make dua to Allah to forgive us for our sins, flaws
has mentioned Imam Saheb in his writings. However and errors, to correct our actions, to fulfil our hopes
his works are all fallacious and fabricated and and to grant us felicity in both the worlds. He is the All
therefore his narrations are deceptive. Knowing, and the Only One who accepts duas and
He has power over everything.
Some of the researchers who hold Khatib Baghdadi in
high esteem conjure that it does not make sense
logistically that a person of the calibre of Khatib
Baghdadi could express such falws in his writings.
They further conjure overwhelmingly that which is
attributed to Khatib Baghdadi are all latter day
additions. If it is accepted that he himself wrote these
fabrications, then we assume that he adopted the
pattern of common historians who note/record
everything that they receive irrespective of wheather
these are correct or fabricated (Allah knows best
regarding the reality of the situation). When the
enemies of Imam Abu Hanifah and the people who
Imaam Abu Hanifa 16 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 17

IMAAM ABU HANIFA being correct, after which these laws become worthy
of Amal (practice).
The method used by these Imaams for explaining the
laws was to first search for them in the Quraan and in
When Noman Bin Thabit asked his father, ‘O my the Hadith. If no clear-cut answer was to be found
father, who is a Hanafi?’ his father replied that a here, then they looked for some indication of it.
Hanifa is a person who executes the laws of Allah and Thereafter, they looked for such a proof which they
does not burden anyone in doing so. But those of us understood to be correct and which could be
who call ourselves Hanafis, do so because we accept corroborated by the Qur’aan and the Hadith. This is
Imaam Abu Hanifa as our guide, who has simplified the manner in which the queries of the people were
the laws of Deen for us and elucidated it in such a dealt with.
manner that no confusion remains. Through the
explanations of the various methods and laws, it has Hadhrat Umar Farooq, the second caliph of Rasulullah
become very easy to explain every aspect of Deen. who was a Sahabi of great rank, also applied this
method. Whenever a question was asked, he first
As we know, from those who attend Madressah, that looked in the Qur’aan and the Hadith. If it was not clear
every student is not very bright and intelligent. There in either, then he used to pass such a ruling, through his
are some who learn their lessons quickly and can Understanding of the matter, which was not contrary to
repeat what the ustaad said, word for word, to others. The commandments of Allah and the teachings of Nabi
Then there are those who forget the words of the (S8a£) and when ever he sent a governor out to any
ustaad and can only narrate some of what they had other land, then he used to give the governor the same
heard. advise, that when ever any a query arises, he should
first consult the Qur’aan and the Hadith. If there is no
Those who retain what they have learnt from their
clear answer to the specific problem, then make any
ustaads and do not get confused will later also such descision which does not oppose the commands
become teachers. People will come from far and wide of Allah and His Rasul (^S¥).
to enquire about various aspects of Deen and about
how to learn and teach the Quraan and how to obtain Such a decision, which does not appear directly in the
Knowledge and pass it on to others. Such people Quraan or the Hadith and which does not oppose the
become guides and Imaams. teachings of Nabi and the commands of Allah is
known as IJTEHAAD, and a person who makes such
The things which are taught by these people are from a decision is called a Mujtahid.
the Quraan and the Hadith, and not from their own
whims and fancies. The explanations and laws which Imaam Abu Hanifah was very proficient. He
these teachers have extracted and shown are explained every law after much deep thought. If
unanimously accepted by the Muslims of the world as anything could not be found in the Quraan and the
Hadith, he explained them by adopting Ijtehaad.
Imaam Abu Hanifa 18 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 19
Many laws such as those for eating and drinking,
From amongst the Persians, there was a wealthy
etiquettes of marriage, trade and business and the
family which came and settled down in Kufah. They
laws of the court etc, have been explained in the accepted Islam and it is in the family that our great
Quraan and the Hadith. But there are also many finer Imaam was born. In this family, there was a person by
details which are not as clear in them. Imaam Saheb the name of Zawti, whom we now wish to discuss.
has elucidated many of these intricacies which are not
clear in the Quraan and the Hadith and also not Zawty was the grand father of Imaam Saheb. We are
opposed to either of them, and these laws are being especially mentioning Zawty, or Zatah {since many
practised upon in the courts. people have said that in Arabic it means the Jaat
(tribe)}, because he had relinquished the country of
Imaam Abu Hanifa has explained such his birth, his relatives and his near and dear ones and
intricacies by means of Ijtehaad, that whoever hears settled down in Kufah.
them or ponders over them will realise that this is the
bounty of Allah, Who grants only to those whom He Why? Only for the pleasure of Allah and for the
wishes. purpose of accepting Islam. Upon accepting Islam,
this name was changed from Zawti, to No’maan.
Without the coming of Imaam Abu Hanifa, how many
aspects of the Deen would not have been answered.
In the following pages we wish to discuss Imaam Abu
Hanifa Who he was, where he came from, MEAN?
whose student he was, and what were his When people see the name “Abu Hanifah” , then they
achievements. wonder which son of his is called Hanifah, since,
Many decades ago, the pre-lslamic Arabs termed all according to the Arabic law, his name implies that he
other countries as being Ajamai, Which meant that must be the father of Hanifah, but this is not the case.
the others were dumb in comparison to the Arabs Imaam Saheb kept this title because he was one who
since they were the only ones who knew how to gave no consideration to others regarding the affairs
speak. of Allah, and whatever he said, he did so after
However, just look at the power of Allah, that the one knowing that it was correct.
who came to control the throne of Deen, and whose Just imagine, that one family had accepted Islam and
explanations of laws are accepted throughout the
hardly one generation had elapsed, when there
world, came from a tribe in Persia.
emerged from their off-spring, one, whose rank
When the Muslims witnessed the unusual methods of amongst the Muslims was that of a great Imaam,
worship in other countries, they propagated the whose explanations and laws are followed al! over the
message of Islam and showed the proper way of world.
worshiping. The message also reached Iran (Persia).
When it reached the Persians, they accepted Islam He is not only respected in India and Arabia, but in
enthusiastically. the entire Arabian peninsula. This imaam is honoured
Imaam Abu Hanifa $&&&&_______________________ 21
Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 20 Those that saw and sat in the company of the sahaba
in Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan, China, Japan and in (i@C5@je5) and who learnt about the teachings of
all other countries. It is only in Islaam that wealth, Rasulullah (iSSSE), and about his walking, his talking,
family or tribe is not a consideration when choosing a his method of perfoming Salaat, his dealings with his
leader. The criterion between good and bad in Islam friends and his dear ones, and the advise he gave
is Taqwa and piety. regarding one’s relationship with one’s neighbours,
etc. and who were still alive were called the Tabe’een.
W hoever is testified to be true, will unanimously be
accepted as the guide. There were Tabe’een in Kufa, Basrah, Makkah
Mukarramah and in Madinah Munawwarah. Kufa was
No’maan Abu Hanifa was from the Jaat tribe. He was a great city which had been inhabited by Hadhrat
not from the off-spring of Rasul ((S ^), nor was his
Umar Farooq and Basra was also a great
linage originally Muslim. He was neither a Sayeed nor
city over which he ruled.
a Sidiquee, Farooqi, Usmani, or Alaawi. He was also
not a prince. Even in the galleys of Kufah, there were Madressahs
and Islamic discussions in progress. Great Islamic
Today his status has reached such a height that when
Scholars used to impart knowledge of Q ur’aan,
ever there is are court cases Shari arguments, then
Tafseer, Hadith and Jurisprudence. People used to
decisions are made and judgments are given
according to the Hanafi law and people take pride and come from far and wide to learn and they returned to
feel honoured when they are regarded as Hanafis. other cities where they opened their own Madressahs.
I had originally intended to discuss the family of Student kept on coming to acquire knowledge. It was
Imaam Saheb, but I have disgressed. Coming back to not only from one Ustaad whom they received their
Imaam Saheb’s grandfather, his name was changed knowledge from. If they came to Kufah and completed
to No’maan. His son’s name was Thabit. Imaam Abu lesson from one ustaad, and heard about a more
Hanifah or Imaam-e-Aazam’s name was the same as learned Aalim in Basra, then they proceeded to learn
his grandfather’s (i.e. No’maan). from him. If they then heard of an even more learned
Aalim from Madinah Munawwarah, then they went
When Thabit (the father of Imaam Saheb) was born, there after Journeying for a few days to acquire more
Zawti (No’maan) presented him in the company of
knowledge. It was such a time that every person was
Hadhrat Ali (3SSSa’iS>), and asked him to make duaa for
bursting with the desire to obtain knowledge of Deen.
him. This duaa had such an effect that his son (Abu
Imaam Abu Hanifah also had a strong attachment to
Hanifah) becomes such a light whose rays reached
the entire Muslim world. He was nurtured in the house
of a trader and lived in comfort and luxury. When he
reached the age of understanding then all this
This was the era wherein all the great Sahabah of
Rasulullah (^s^), began passing away.
Imaam Abu Hanifa ____________________ 22
Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________23
HIS ACQUAINTANCE WITH After being advised to participate in the lesson of an
Aalim, and the subsequent question which he could
KNOWLEDGE not answer, made him restless and thereafter, he
O n one occasion Imaam Saheb was on his way to the joined the classes of Imaam Hamaad.
market. On the way he met Imaam Sh’abi, who was Initially, Imaam Hamaad paid no particulars attention
from amongst Kufa’s famous teachers. He called to him and treated him just as any ordinary student.
Imaam Saheb and inquired from him as to who he The intelligent student of Imaam Hamaad used to sit
w a s acquiring knowledge from. When Imaam Saheb on the right of him and the average students on the
replied that he was not acquiring Knowledge from left. Imaam Saheb also sat on the left. However, after
anyone, Imaam Shaabi remarked in surprise, that a his potential become apparent, Imaam Hamaad
person of his calibre should be participating in the treated him with special attention and respect.
lessons of some Aalim as he was to become a senior
personality. Imaam Shaabi found out that he was to Imaam Saheb was intelligent and possessed great
become famous merely by looking at his face. Sheikh potential. He excelled amongst all the others and
Saadi has stated beautifully:- reached such a position that once, when Imaam
Hamaad had to go to Basra for a few days, he left
‘Y o u are such a person on whose head the stars of Imaam Saheb as his Deputy.
superiority and intelligence are shining.”
Imaam Saheb also had other teacher in Kufa besides
Im aam Shabi recognised this star, and realised that Imaam Hamaad. We have previously explained that
Im aam Saheb was such a youth who will reach great Umar had conquered Kufa. Such progress
heights. was made in Kufa that senior Sahaba who
E very matter has an appointed time. Even small had learnt Deen directly from Rasulullah (8S8SS) flocked
m atter have great results. to Kufa. Umar used to say that Kufa is the
T h e statement of Imaam Shabi was retained. Imaam treasure house of Imaan. It had become so famous
Saheb pondered over it even though he had not yet that any person who waned to know about any aspect
jo in any class. of Deen - what is Halaal or Haraam - used to come
Kufa. Mufassireen, Muhadditheen and Faqhis were all
A lla h Ta’aala made it such that a woman came to based in Kufah. Imaam Saheb also lived here. He
Im aam sahib and inquired as to how a man can was a wealthy person. You will be surprised to note
divorce his wife according to the Sunnat method. that he acquired munificence and knowledge of
Im aam Saheb was unable to answer her. He then Tafseer, Hadith, and Fiqah from ninety three great
directed her to the house where Imaam Hamaad, a Scholars. He did not only confine himself to Kufa, but
fam ous Aalim of the vicinity, used to teach. He also went to Basra as well in order to acquire Knowledge.
requested that she should explain the answer to him He also went to Makkah and Madinah for gaining
a fte r receving it. knowledge from the great scholars there.
Imaam Abu Hanifa 24 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 25
Ataa bin Rabaa lived in Makkah. The news that he After receiving sanads from the Ustaads of Makkah,
had met two hundred Sahaba and had Imaam Saheb proceeded to Madinah.Madinah is that
learnt Deen from them, reached Imaam Saheb. He place from which the light of Hadith spread throughout
therefore went to Makkah. At that time, Ataa was the the world.
authority on Deen in Makkah. Whoever wished to
know a Mas’ala on some issue used to come to him. Maymoonah one of the wives of Nabi
Even the government of the time recognised his had a slave called Suleiman. He was one of the
potential. During the Haj period, it was announced seven most senior Ulema of Madinah. When Imaam
that whoever desired a Shari ruling (Fatawah), should Sahab reached Madinah, only two of these scholars
were still alive. One was Suleiman (£&&»£%»), and the
come to Ataa. He was the only one whose Fatwas
were accepted. Nobody else was allowed to issue other was Saalim who was the grandson of
Fatawas. Umar These two were the only surviving
scholars were still alive. People used to flock to them
When Imaam Saheb came to Ataa, he asked him from far and wide. After participating in their lesson
what his beliefs were. Imaam Saheb replied: “I do not and qualifying, they opened their own Madressahs.
slander the pious predecessors, nor do I regard a
sinner as a Kaafir, and I believe in Taqdeer” . Upon What a marvellous era it was! What tremendous
hearing this reply, Ataa gave him permission to attend fervour the people had for knowledge! Despite there
his lessons. Here, he was respected as much as with being no means of transport, people underwent
Imaam Hamaad. Ataa used to ask the other student hardships and walked great distances to acquire
to move in order that place could be made for Imaam knowledge of Allah and His Rasul
Saheb. Our Imaam Saheb learnt Hadith from both Suleiman
Amongst his lectures in Makkah, was Ikramah and Saalim and acquired a Sanad. He also
gained knowledge from Imaam Baaqir and Imaam
who was the slave of Abdullah bin Abbaas
Jaafar Saadiq both of whom hailed from the
the cousin of Nabi ((S85£). Abdullah bin
Abbaas after noticing Ikramah’s piety, had family of Rasulullah (i328£).
spent much effort in teaching him Hadith when Imam Although mention has only been made of Kufah,
Saheb went to Makkah, Ikramah was present there. Makkah and Madinah, Imaam Saheb used to travel to
In Islam, even slaves had reached such high other cities as well. He went out on besiness, but
positions. The knowledge of Deen had elevated him acquired knowledge from the great scholars of that
to such great heights that our Imaam also become his area as well. In this manner his tutors numbered four
student and considered it an honour to have done so. thousand.
Great families acquired Knowledge from Ikramah Imaam Saheb was so famous in his very lifetime that
in Makkah. He was the most learned in the when he intended going to the Haramain, it was said
field of Quraanic Sciences. No body could equal him. that Iraq’s greatest jurist, No’maan Abu Hanifah is
Imaam Abu Hanifa
_______________________ 26 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 27
going to the Haramain. While he was passing other makers of this pledge. Nevertheless, Imaam Saheb
cities on his way, many people asked him for Fatwas holds the status of being a Tab’ee.
or questions to remove their doubts. When the
answer were given, they went away pleased. In this regard, another point worth mentioning is that
Nabi has stated: “The best and most superior
IMAAM SAHEB WAS A are those who are in era. Then are those who come
after them, and then those who come after them”.
These three eras are regarded as the best by Nabi
He mentioned further that after this falsehood
As already mentioned earlier, a Tabe’een is a person and deceit will become so common that people will
who had the good fortune of having seen one of the give false evidence.
blessed companions of Nabi (Ua^). The three ears mentioned by Nabi are firstly,
Early in his life, Imaam Saheb was more occupied in the Sahaba then those who saw them (i.e.
trade. He did not pay much attention to Hadith and the Taabe’ een), and thirdly, those who saw the
Fiqh. Therefore he did not relate any Hadith from the Tabe’een (i.e. the Tabe Taabe’een. May Allah Shower
sahaba, although he had the honour of meeting them. His special Mercies upon them, and through their
Approximately twenty Sahabahs intercession, upon us as well.
away after the year 80 Hijrah, the year in which
Imaam Saheb was born. From amongst the Sahaba,
he met aabout ten to twelve of them. MALIK.
Imaam Abu Hanifah was born in Kufah. After Umar Amongst the saints of Madinah was Imaam Malik,
conquered Jufah and Basrah, thousands of who was an Imaam of Hadith. He had so much of
Sahaba flocked there. Three hundred were those who respect for Hadith, that whenever anyone came to
had taken the pledge under the tree during the Bait-e- listen to Hadith, he adosned fine perfumed clothing
Ridwaan, and were called “the men of the tree”. and sat on a platform, which had a beautiful carpet,
These were the sahaba who had pledge allegiance to and only then did he recite the Hadith.
sacrifice their lives at Hudeybia. This pledge took Once, he was immersed in the recitation of Hadith
place under a tree. Thus the name “the men of the when a scorpion which had gotten into his clothes
tree”. stung him. He remained clam and continued. The
scorpion continued to sting him in several places but
Regarding these Sahaba, Allah Ta’aala mention in the he continued to remain still. He did not get up to
Quraan that he is pleased with them. This is where shake off his clothes. When he was later questioned
the name Ridwaan comes from, since Allah had about this, he replied that he was not capable of such
declared His Happiness and pleasure upon the disrespect to the Hadith. The effect of the stings
remained for a few days.
Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 28
He was thirteen years younger than Imaam Abu Imaam Abu Hanifa £)&&£%>_______________________ 29
he obtained the initial stages of Knowledge, he never
Knowledge and other benefits of Allah are common stretched his legs in the direction of his house and nor
(for everyone). Whomsoever He wishes to enhance did he established his own Madressah during his
with it, He does so.
During one’s studies, one should not look at who is It was only after his demise, that he established his
the Aalim or what is his age. As stated earlier, Imaam own Madressah. Initially, Imaam Hamaad’s son took
Saheb obtained llm from such pious people who were his place. When he left for Haj, then his seat was
slaves and he also presented himself in the company empty, and the people compelled Imaam Saheb to
of Imaam Malik even though he was take his place. Then only did he do so.
thirteen years elder than Imaam Malik. He sat in the
Tashahud posture and listened to the teachings of After he took the place of his Ustaad, people flocked
Rasulullah (£&£?) with great respect. Imaam Malik also to him not only from Kufah, but from Damascus,
respected him a lot. Basra, Mawsal, Egypt, Yemen and Baghdad. People
came to him to ask Mas’alas. His character was most
Once he attened the gathering of Imaam Malik, noble. He never considered people for their wealth or
Imaam Malik change his posture (which is a sign of influence. Besides being generous, he never asked
respect). When Imaam Saheb left the gathering, anyone for his needs. He was also a very good
Imaam Malik asked the people if they knew who he lecturer. He explained every law so clearly that the
was. Then he explained: - “That was Imaam Abu listener easily understood and had his problems
Hanifah of Iraq, who has such ability that if he wishes clarified. He rarely praised anyone and neither did he
to prove that this stone pillar - which stands before us speak ill of any Muslim or enemy.
- is made of gold, he can do so.
If any Muslim did not have faith in any Aqeedah, he
Even Sufyaan Thawri, the renowed saint who later neither tagged him as a Kaafir and neither did he
visited was not respect as greatly as Imaam Saheb. pass a Fatawah of Kufr on anyone.
The reason for Imaam Saheb’s going to Imaam Malik
was because of llm, and this was the same reason for OWNER OF A FLOURISHING
the respect he received. Him was the criterion and not BUSINESS.
wealth and affluence.
He was the owner of a business which made million.
RESPECT FOR USTAADS. In those days, a certain type of cloth was made of silk,
The respect shown towards other Ulema and saints which was called “baftah” in Urdu and “khazzah” in
by Imaam Saheb has already been mentioned before. Arabic. Cold: khazzah” was made from silk and yarn
Concerning his Ustaad Imaam Hamaad, from whom and hot “khazzah” was made from wool. This
business was in operation since the time of his
grandfather. He also had a factory in Kufah wherein
Imaam Abu Hanifa 30 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 31
thousands of yards of silk was prepared yearly and him a hundred dirhams. He enlightened her that the
exported to Persia, Arabia and Syria. He had agents cloth was worth five hundred dirhams and not only a
in the bigger cities of Persia. hundred. He then purchased it for five hundred
His factory was known to be a very safe place and the dirhams.
people’s trust was stored here. It was like a bank and Such was his trade. It was neither deceitful nor
stored fifty million in trust at the time of his death. harmful to anyone. Allah had blessed this business.
He did not work on the basis of interest as is done Many a time, he forgave people who were indebted to
today. This, he maintened even when he had a credit him.
balance with anyone. Once he was walking by when someone saw him and
Once he was passing by a house on a hot day. At the started running away. Imaam Saheb stopped him and
front door, there was a tree. Someone suggested to asked him the reason for this. The person replied that
him to take shade under the tree. He refused, saying it was due to shame since he owed the Imaam some
that the owner of the house owned him some money, money. Imaam Saheb then asked him how much it
and he feared that the using of the shade it may was and he replied that it was ten thousand. Imaam
amount to interest, for which he would be Saheb immediately forgave him and asked him not to
accountable. This implied that the extra benefit could concern himself with it thereafter.
amount to interest. (What a difference to the methods
used to make those who are less fortune obligated to IMAAM SAHEB WAS VERY
their benefactors as seen today!). MERCIFUL
Of the many agents he had employed in various Once he was sitting in the Masjid when someone fell
places was one by the name of Hafs bin Abdur- down from an upper story. When he heard about it he
Rahmaan, who used to sell cloth. In one consignment was so overcome and sighed so loudly that the
of cloth, there was a flow and Imaam Sahab wrote to people nearby ran away barefooted out of fear.
him and informed him of it and that he should inform So concerned was he for those who were injured that
the buyer of the flaw before selling it. It so happened he visited them daily until they recovered.
that the agent forgot to do so and sold the cloth with
out informing the buyer. The amount of the money RESPECT FOR HIS MOTHER.
thus made amounted to thirty thousand dirhams.
Imaam Saheb’s father had passed away in his youth
When Imaam Saheb came to know about this, he was but his mother was still alive, and she was a great
so saddened that he gave the whole amount in follower of a certain scholar / orator. So much so that
charity. This was the way in which he worked. she referred any query she had to him instead of
Once a women offered to sell some cloth to Imaam Imaam Saheb.
Saheb. When he inquired about the price, she quoted He would take her to the Orator while she rode upon
the conveyance and he walked beside it.
Imaam Abu Hanifa <•!>&&&&_______________________32 Imaam Abu Hanifa _________________ 33
The Scholar used to ask: “O Imaam, what status do I The following day he told the assistant that: “O
hold that gives me the authority of explaining a brother, we are not worthy of desiring Jannat. If will be
Mas’ala before you”. Imaam Saheb replied that this Allah’s great favour upon us if He just saved us from
was the request of his mother. The scholar then His Wrath and punishment.”
modestly gave the answer. At times Imaam Saheb
used to explain what answer he should give to his Umar (WS2>3JS>) used to also say: “If, on the Day of
mother. Qiyammah, I am not taken to task, nor am I given any
recompense, then too, I will be pleased".
Imaam Saheb used to conduct lessons at the time of
Fajr. In the summer months he used to rest after the On one occasion, there was a gathering of many
Zuhr salaat. He began teaching again after Asr. The senior Ulmah. Imaam Saheb was also present. One
remaining the he spent visiting the sick and assisting person asked a question. He said:-
the poor. “A few people were sitting together. A snake came
From Maghrib to Esha he resumed lesson again. and fell upon one of them. He jerked the snake fell
Most of the time between Esha and Fajr was spent in upon the next person. Similarly, the snake was jerked
Ibaadat and the performance of Nafl salaat. He wept and fell upon the next person until it reached the
whenever he read an aayat on punishment. Once the fourth and final person, whom it bit and this person
Imaam of the Masjid read the aayat: - died as a result. The question is, who is responsible
“Do not think Allah is unware of the action of the for the blood money?”.
oppressor” . One of the Ulema answered and said that all three of
On hearing this, Imaam Saheb’s entire body trembled. the remaining people should pay the money. Another
While perfoming the Nafl salaat he used to weep remarked that the first person is responsible. The
when reciting the aayats concerning Ulemah continued discussing in this manner while
the Imaam Saheb smiled and sat back. Then the
torments/hardships of the day of Qiyaamat. This
weeping would at times last until the morning. This is remaining Ulemah remarked that Imaam Saheb
the manner in which he passed the night. He used to should give his opinion on the matter. His answer
complete the entire Quraan in the Nafl salaat during was: -
the night. While reading, he wept so loud that his “When the first person threw the snake on the
voice used to sometimes reach the neighbours. His second, it did not bite him, and the first person is
heart also trembled while reading.
therefore free from responsibility. Similarly the second
Once while Imaam Saheb was managing a business, person is also free. Then third person threw it on the
his assistant mentioned: - “May Allah grant us fourth, who was bit by the snake. The question arises
Jannat.” On hearing this he wept so much that he had whether the snake bit the forth person immediately or
to place a towel on his face and turn away. after a while. If it bit him immediately, then the third
Imaam Abu Hanifa 34 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 35
person will be liable to pay. If it bit him after a while,
then no one will be liable since, in this case he had IMAAM ABU HANIFAH’S ADVICE
enough time to defend himself and to remove the I AND GUIDENCE WHICH IS
snake as the other had done, and was therefore bit by
his own negligence. BENEFICIAL TO ALL STUDENTS
The Ulemah reached a consensus on this view and Imaam Abu Yusaf was one of the most outstanding
remarked at how complete was Imaam Saheb’s students of Imaam Abu Hanifah During the
intellect and understanding. era of the Abbaasi caliphs, he became the Supreme
judge of Baghdad.
Renowned people who lived during the era of Imaam
Saheb used to say that if the intellect of half the world Imaam Hanifah wrote and sent a guide to him, in
was put on one side of the scale and the intellect of which he said: “If any innovation comes in to the
Imaam Saheb was put on the other side, the latter will Shariah, then proclaim its falsehood openly”.
outweigh the former. Donot be influenced by the status or the influence of
the person doing so. Whoever proclaims the truth,
THE STUDENTS OF IMAAM Allah will be his helper. Even if the king says
SAHEB. something incorrect, it is your duty to tell him the right
Just as his teacher, his student also numbered in the thing. Do not let him go astray. One should avoid
region of four thousand. Today, just as we have mixing with the wealthy and one should not sit in the
colleges and universities in the larger cities in which bazaars nor eat and drimk on the streets or in the
thousand of students are taught, so too were the Masjid.
lessons of Imaam Saheb. When a question is asked, then give only the answer
He had a special gathering in which his senior and do not say irrelevant things.
students participated. Questions and problems were Do not give an answer until you are not certain about
posed and everybody could express their views it, and until you have proof for it-.
freely. Most of the time, after such a discussion, a If you have to converse with anyone, then do not get
consensus was reached on one particular view.
angry while doing so.
These are the very views which are noted in our
books of Fiqh and upon which practice. When walking in the street, then do not look this way
There were difference of opinion on certain issues. and that.
These are also noted in the books. By sitting in the company of the common people, one
Those who benefited from these gatherings, later may become helpless and speak a lie.
became judges in different cities and in this manner, Consider Trust and Piety in everything.
Imaam Sahebs students were widely spread in As soon as the Azaan is heard, proceed to the Masjid,
different areas. and prepare for salaat.
Imaam Abu Hanifa 36 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________ 37
Recite the Qur’aan daily. advise the man that he has to pay Kaffaarah
Do not narrate the faults of your neighbours to others. (atonement) for breaking the promise. The person
was grieved and came to Imaam Abu Hanifah
Unless the people insist, do not lead the Salaat.
to show him a solution which would remove
He used to say that person who seeks Deeni his difficulty.
Knowledge for the sake of this world, this Knowledge After hearing the incident, Imaam Saheb told him to
will never find place in his heart. Some body once go back to his wife and continue speaking to her
inquired from him as to how the great wealth of llm without giving Kaffaarah.
became easy for him. He replied that this was so
because of two things. One is effort and the other is When Sufyaan Thawri heard about this, he became
gratitude. Whenever he understood anything, he did angry and questioned Imaam Saheb as to why he had
not attribute it to himself, but he expressed gratitude shown the incorrect Mas’alah.
to Allah, and understood it to be the Blessing of Allah. Imaam Saheb then called the person and asked him
What we should realise is that the mind works to renarrate the story. After hearing the story once
correctly and incorrectly. It’s working perfectly is from more, Imaam Saheb again stated that if they talk they
Allah, therefore no amount of gratitude is sufficient for do not have to pay Kaffaarah. He then explained that
this blessing. when the women took her oath, she had already
started speaking, so if the man spoke, he will not
RECOMMENDATORY LETTER break any promise.
Once a student came to Imaam Saheb with a Sufyaan realised his error and admitted that
recommendatory letter to be entered into his lessons. which Imaam Saheb had understood so quickly, he
Imaam Saheb told him that there is no had not.
recommendation in llm and it is the duty of the CHANGE OF RULE.
Ulemah to teach other what they know.
During the early days of Imaam Saheb’s life, the Bani
WHO SPOKE FIRST Ummayyah ruled, and it was in this tribe that Yazid
A person, after having an argument with his wife, was born, whose soilders had martyred Imaam
angrily took an oath that he would not speak to his Hussein Towards the latter period of his
life, the Abbaasis took over.
wife until she spoke to him. His wife was also very
hot-headed and she also took an oath that she will not They established themselves in Baghdad and built
speak to him until he speaks to her. huge palaces all over. It was also during this period
when Mansoor Abbasi sent for Imaam Saheb and put
After a while, they began to regret their promises and him through agreat difficulty.
went to Sufyaan Thawri - who was a great
scholar and a saint to enquire about their fate. He Mansoor had sent for Imaam Saheb and asked him to
present himself immediately at the Daarul-Khilaafah.
Imaam Abu Hanifa <SK%i>KaS>_______________________38 Imaam Abu Hanifa _______________________39
When he reached the palace, they welcomed him CONCLUSIO N.
saying that he was the greatest Aalim in the world.
Noman’s father explained to him what a hanafi is,
When Mansoor asked him from whom he had from this we can judge what a saint this great man
obtained his Knowledge, he named his Asaatiza and was, whose rulings we follow.
he also told them that his chain of knowledge reaches
the Sahabah <$&&>&>). Mansoor then requested Born Passed
Imaam Saheb to become the judge. He flatly refused Away

this post, saying that he was unworthy of it. Mansoor Imaam Abu Hanifa 80 A/H 150 70
got angry and told him that he was a liar, whereupon
Imaan Malik 90 A/H 179 89
Imaam Saheb asked him how a liar can become a
judge. He also told him that he was an Ajami and that Imaan Shaafi 150 A/H 204 54
the Arabs will not like his leadership. Mansoor refused
Imaan Ahmed Bin Hambal 164 A/H 241 77
and said that Imaam Saheb will have to accept the
Judge’s post.
It carried on until Mansoor threw him (Imaam Saheb)
in jail. He was happier to be in jail than to accept the
arduous task requested of him, and it was in this jail
that he became ill and passed away.
When the news of his death leaked out, then the
Baghdad overflowed with people and the Janazah
had to be performed six times after his burial. For
days after this, people came to his grave and
perfomed janazah.
Imaam Saheb only used an excuse for not becoming
the judge. The main reason was that he was against
the system of the government and the way in which
they came into power. The opposing of a great saint
was dangerous to the government of Mansoor.
Imaam Saheb merely used the propaganda as an
excuse and Mansoor only wanted to raise his status,
but Imaam Saheb did not want it to be so. Rumours
also have it that Imaam Saheb was poisoned in jail.
Imaam Abu Hanifa 40 Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 41
STATUS OF IMAM AZAM ABU (SIG&wJ^) in Madina, Imam Muslim bin Khalid
in Makkah and Laith bin Sa’ad (£&£&£>£>) in
HANIFAH NU’MAN BIN THAB IT E g y p t- (Taba’ted Assafihu pg.6)

(a e a js ® )
Hazrat Moulana Mufti Muhammad Ashiq
llahi Saheb Bulandshari Madani Imam Saheb (<•&£&<£%>) learned from over 4000
IMAM ABU HANIFAH Tabe’een tutors. (Narrated by Shafi Alim Muhammad
bin Yusuf Salehi in “Udatul-Jamani” .pg.183).
Birth 80 (A.H - Death 150 (A.H)
Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Among the Imam Sahebs (S&ui>>KX>) tutors was the
the faqih (jurist of greatest chief of the Tabe’een Amr bin Shuraheel Kufi
Iraq, whose name was Nu’man bin Thabit
was a resident o.f Kufa. He met Hazrat Anas bin Malik Shab’l who had the privilege of meeting 500 Sahabah
($9tS@$s>) (Tazkiratul Hufaaz, pg. 79-81).
on many occasion when the latter visited
kufa. Imam Saheb ( 3 ^ ^ ) obtains his knowledge in Imam Saheb ($&&££;) also learned from Ataa bin
Jurisprudence fom Hamad bin Sulayman and other Rabhaa who had the privilege of meeting over 200
Jurists. His narrators were Waq’i (bin Ajrah), Yazid bin Shabah (&£!£©$£.). (Tahzeebul Taheeb, vol 7. pg- 200).
Haroon, Abu Asim Muhaddith Adbur Razzak (Saheb-
e-Musannaf) and many others. He was a pious and STUD ENT OF IMAM SAHEB
practising Alim and very constant in Ibadaat. He did (S )e & K 5 & )
not accept any gifts from the king but earned his living
through a business in which he was self-employed. Imam Shaeb (S ^m !^) had numerous students.
Imam Saheb (£)Sui>J^) had student of such a high
IMAM SAHEB (3GSW?>) BEING A calibre which other Imams after him did not. (imam
Salehi Shafi’i in Uqwadul Jaman, pg 183).
TABI Imam Salehi states in the 5th chapter of his Kitab
Imam Saheb (3&&KX?) visited the highly esteemed Uqdatul Jaman that Imam Saheb (£^«ibJ3y) taught
and honoured Sahabi Hazrat Anas bin Malik (^K3il3i>) Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and Ahadith too many student in
on many occasions. Thus Hafiz Ibn Hajar stated that Makkah, Madinah, Damascus, Basrah and Jazhira.
that Imam Abu Hanifah (eMuxKz^) was considered to He further states that the important students
be among the group of Tabe’een. This privilege was numbered 800 and mentions their names and
not accorded to any of his conatemporaries and pious detailed, (pg 88-158).
ulma such as Imam Azaai in Syria, Imam Sheikh Ali bin Sultan Muhammad Al-Qadri mention in
Sufyan Thuri (eMSKK^) oin Kufah, Imam Malik his book “Manqib Imam Azam” the names of the
students of Imam Saheb (cJ&M5S>) numbering
Imaam Abu Hanifa 42 Imaam Abu Hanifa & *& & & _____________________ 43
approximately 150. Thereafter he mentioned that the Isra’il said: “There is a person in Nu’man who
status of Qaradri, a student of Imam Saheb
understands Ahadith so well that no other person can
briefly. Qaradri mentioned the names of 730 student be better him and in the jurisprudence of Ahadith
of Imam Saheb (eJG«&K%) who were the Ulama of the
there is no other person who is as well-acquainted as
era of Imam Abu Hanifah ($t*&K2y). May Allah Ta’ala
he is.” (Tarikh Baghdad, Vol, 13, pg 339).
grant them an excellent reward in the Akhirat.
Imam Abu Yusuf said: “I have never met
IMAM SAHEB’S anyone who knows and understand the meaning of
Ahadith more than Imam Abu Hanifah (oK$&K%>) and
STATUS IN KNOWLEDGE OF he also knows more authentic Ahadith than myself.”
AHADITH Imam Abu Hanifah had the knowledge of
Khalifa bin Ayyoob has stated that knowledge was Ahadith and he was an Alim in the Science of criticism
transmitted from Allah to Muhammad (£3&£) From of the narrators of Ahadith (its narrations, text etc.)
Muhammad it was transmitted to the Sahaba and his opinion is readily accepted.” (ibid pg 168).
from the Sahaba $ & & & & ) to the Tabe’een, Abdullah bin Dawood has stated: “It is Wajib
from the Tabe’een to Imam Abu Hanifa (<ys&&J^) (compulsory) upon the Muslims to remember Imam
whether one likes it or not. (Tarikh Baghdad vol. 13, pg. 336). Abu Hanifah (el^& K ^) in their dua as he is
Abu Muti’ee states that Imam Abu Hanifa (elt3&!3y) responsible for the protection of Ahadith and Fiqh.”
stated:” ! went to Ameerul Mu’mineen Abu Jaffer. He (Tarikhul Baghdad, Vol. 13, pg 3344).
asked me “O Abu Hanifah, from whom did you obtain Sufyan Thauri was of the opinion that that when Imam
llm?” Imam Saheb replied : “From Hamadan Saheb (£&&&£>?>) mounted on the conveyance of llm,
Abi Sulayman, from Ibrahim (Nikhi), from Hazrat he was sharper than the point of an arrow. He
U m ar(^.ii £®S>), Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib mentioned that by Allah he was the peak of llm, one
Abdullah bin Ma’sood (3£®«xK!Ss»), Abdullah bin Abbas who stayed away from the prohibitied and who
and various elderly Sahabah (i$i£IK@J»)” On followed his city dwellers (i.e the opinion of the
hearing this, Abu Jaffer said: “Excellent you have concencus of the elders). He only accepted the
obtained Him from reliable personalities, Oh Abu authentic Ahadith of Rasulullah ((la^) from reliable
Hanifah. These are pure, clean and bleesed narrators. He had a good knowledge of the abrogated
personalities. May Allah’s mercy be upon them .’’(ibid and nonabrogated Ahadith. He based his action on
vol. 13, pg 339).
the action of Rasulullah ((S^j) and classified his
M as’ar bin Kidam said: “We learned together with Mazhab on what the Ulama-e-Haq of Kufa followed.
Imam Saheb He was above us. We (Uqadul Jaman pg. 191).
competed with him in piety and he was ahead of us. Makki bin Ibrahim is of the opinion that Imam Abu
Then we competed with him in Jurisprudence and you Hanifa (£IU&KMj) was the greatest Alim of his era. (ibid,
know his status.” (Uqqadal Jaman, pg 196). vol, 13. pg 345).
Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 44 Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 45
Yahya bin Nasr bin Hajib States: “I heard Abu Hanifah Nasr bin Shamil has stated that the Ulama were
(£)t»&KS?5) say that he had caskets of Ahadith from neglectful in Fiqh. Imam Saheb (SJG^&K^) made them
which he has taken out a few that has great benfits”. aware of it and openly lectured and preached on it.
(Munaqib Abu Hanifah from Moofi Makki, pg 85).
(Tarikh Baghdad, vol 13 pg 346).
Husain bin Zyad states that Imam Saheb (e&^wJi^) Abdullah bin Abi Ja’fer Arazi narrates from his father:
has narrated 4000 Ahadith 2000 from his Ustad “I have not met a better Faqhi and a more pious
(Tutor) Hamad and the other 2000 from other person than Imam Saheb.” (ibid vol 13 pg 339).
Masha’ikh. (ibid, pg 85).
Ja’fer bin Rabi’ stated: “I lived with Imam Saheb
Imam Abu Hanifah (eKS&JS^) selected 40,000 Ahadith (£)G&i>Jt^) for five years. I have not met any person
from “Kitabul Ashaar” . (ibid pg 84). who is more calm than Imam Saheb and yet when
questioned on any mas’ala (law) on jurisprudence, he
THE STATUS OF IMAM ABU would elobrate so much as if a valley has flooded” (ibid
HANIFAH IN FIQH vol 13 pg 347).

(JURISPRUDENCE) Jarir’s said: “When anyone questioned Imam Amiss

on any delicate mas’ala, then he would refer them to
Waqi’ bin Jarah, the tutor of Imam Abu Hanifah Imam Saheb (<yt^u,’Jts5). (Munaqib Abi Hanifah and Wasahibah
(SJG&bJ^) states: “Up to today I have not met anyone of Imam Zabr pg 18).
who is a greater jurist on Fiqh and who performs his Abdullah bin Mubarak mentioned that if it is essential
Salaat so diligently than Imam Abu Hanifah to have an opinion cencerning Hadith, then Imam
(<yG>i&KxS>).” (Ibid vol. 13 pg 345).
Malik’s Sufyan’s and Abu Hanifa’s opinion are
Imam Shafi, (SJ^JC^J) stated: “Anyone who wants to accepted, but Abu Hanifah is more
qualify in Fiqh, should hold onto Abu Hanifah intelligent and has deeper understanding from among
(GJUxbfe?) and his student since they are all Ulema in the three and as faqih he is superior between the
Fiqh of Imam Sahab ( U ^ z i^ ) ”. (ibid vol 13 pg 346). three of them, (ibid pg 19).
Imam Shafi’ (£&$&£%) also said: ‘The Alim who has Imam Saleh mentioned in Uqdal Jaman that Imam
not studied the Imam Saheb’s (3t£&£^>) books cannot Abu Hanifah is the first faqih who codified
be a proper Alim or Jurist and the Imam Sahebs Fiqh and gave it sequence in science and then Imam
(<yGvjj<K^) opinion is candid”. (Uqadul Jaman, pg 187). Malik (Si^wiiK^) followed suit in his “Muwwatta”. No
Yazid bin Haroon stated: “I write the Ahadith of Imam other person did this work before Imam Abu Hanifa
Malik (£Jt&i)£xS>) for he is an expert in judging the (eKS&K©).
narrators, but Fiqh is the Science of Imam Abu
Hanifah (St^iJi^ ) and his students, whilst the
knowledge of inheritance has been created for them.”
pg 194).
Imaam Abu Han ifa 46 Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 47
HIS CONSULTATIVE Asad bin Farhat stated that Asad bin Umru stated that
the student of Imam Abu Hanifa brought
COMMITTEE (produced) various replies to a question to Imam
(ALL HIS DECISIONS WERE TAKEN Saheb ($&&£© ). Their replies would be very similar
AFTER CONSULTATION) to his. Imam Saheb (eN3&K>^) would deliberate with
them for three days after which would writedown the
Imam Saheb based his decision on Shura conclusion. (3 days for the deliberations was the
(mutual consultation). He would not regard himself as 5 average. There were time when the deliberations
having any prerogatives over others in making a < would carry on for months), (ibid pg 12).
decision. He would direct his efforts in deliberating
with his students by making the aware of all the Samiri narrated that Ishaq bin Ibrahim claimed that
mas’alas and laws and guiding them towards the the student of Imam Saheb (£)t*&J^) would cautiously
protection and upliftment of the deen of Islam and the discuss every mas’ala with him. When Aafian bin
Rasul of Allah (tisS?) and also towards the welfare of Yazid was not present Imam Saheb (£J&&K2y). would
the Muslims. He sought the opinions of his students request to hold back the deliberation until the arrival
and expressed his view on the mas’ala. When of the former. On his arrival, if consensus was
agreement was reached in their deliberations (at reached, he would request that the mas’ala be written
times after a month) concerning the mas’alas, and down and if not, then he would forbid it to be written
with its acceptance by the Ulama, Abu Yusuf would a down. (Ibid pg 12).
note in the Usui (principles). In these circumstances, Imam Saheb (£Jte&!^) compiled thousand of laws.
the principles of a mazhab whose principle are based There are at least 83,000 laws from which 38,000
on Shura are closer to correctness and authenticity concern Ibadaat and the balance are on various other
and the heart is more inclined towards it in topics. (Munaaqib Abu Hanifah of Karuri pg 162).
steadfastness, peace and contentment in comparison
to a mazhab which is based on the view of an THE UNDERSTANDING AND
individual. (Munaqib Abu Hanifah of Karuri pg 57). INSIGHT OF IMAM SAHEB
Asad bin Farhat states that there were 40 person who Yazid has stated that he has not met a person who is
compited the kitabs in the mazhab of Imam Saheb more pious and who has greater insight than Imam
and ten of them were from the Muqaddameen Saheb (£)Kib<ks5>). (Tazkiratul Haffaz vol 3 pg 338).
(scholars of the first era) i.e Abu Yusuf, Zafar bin
Huzail, Dawood Tahi, Asad bin Umar, Yahya bin Imam Malik bin Anas was asked if he ever met Abu
Khalid Samti, Yahya bin Zakariya bin Abi Zahid. From Hanifah (SU&K>5). He replied affirmatively saying that
among these, Yahya Sahib was involved in writing for Imam Saheb (3&&J0®) was such a person that if he
a period of thirty years. said that a pillar was made of gold, he would
substantiate it. (Tarikh Baghdad vol 13 pg 338).
Imaam Abu Hanifa Imaam Abu Hanifa
48 ___________________ 49
Kharaj bin Mas’ab is of the opinion that he has met the verse, A R A B I C, he started crying and weeping
thousands of ulama, but among them there only three bitterly and it carried on for a long time, (ibid vol 13357).
or four who has insight. Imam Saheb (SKS&K^J) is one
of them. (Ibid vol 13 pg 346). Wak’ee (bin Jarah) ststed after taking an oath in the
name of Allah that Imam Abu Hanifa (£)&&&£) was
THE IBADAAT OF IMAM SAHEB highly trustworthy, had excessive piety in his heart.
He preferred Allah’s pleasure to any other pleasure. If
he had to bear the sword for Allah’s pleasure, he was
Sufiyan bin H’inah is of the opinion that there is no ready for it (ibid vol 13 pg 358).
one else who performed more namaaz in Makkah
during his era than Iman Saheb (ibid vol 13 pg HIS DEVOTION,
Abu Muta’i states that when he was in Makkah, he
always found Imam Abu Hanifah Makki bin Ibrahim is of the opinion that he sat among
and the people of Kufa and he did not find any person
Sufyan perfoming tawwaf. (ibid vol 13 pg 353).
more righteous than Imam Azam Abu Hanifah
Abu Asam al Nabiel is of the opinion that Imam Saheb (£Jt»wI)iK^y). (Ibid vol 13 pg 358).
was called a peg (nail) due to his stead
fastness in Salaat. (ibid vol 13 pg 345). Abdullah bin Mubarak made a similar statement, (ibid
vol 13 pg 359).
Khas bin Abdur Rahman states that Imam Saheb Yahya al-Qatan expresses under oath that he had the
made Ibadat through out the night and in a privilege of living with Imam Saheb (£JG&&K2j>) and
single rakaat he would complete reciting the Qur’an. obtaining llm from him. Whenever he looked at the
This was his habit for a period of thirty years (ibid vol 13 face of-lmam Saheb
pg 345). he felt that this person
feared Allah, (ibid, vol 13 pg 352).
HIS FEAR OF ALLAH Abdullah bin Mubarak stated that he inquired from
Yazid bin Kimyat states that Imam Saheb (£JGSxM^) Sufyan Thuri the reason for Imam Saheb (£J^K%)
had great fear of Allah Ta’ala Once Ali bin Husain detesting backbiting so much that he has not even
Ma’zoon lead the Esha Salaat reciting Izza Zul Zilat”. found Imam Saheb (£J&&£s£) backbiting about his
Imam Saheb ( c ^ i, ! ^ ) was also in the congregation. enemies. Sufyan Thuri replied that since Imt .. —''eb
On completion of the Salaat and after the was an extremely wise person, he did not
congregation dispersed, he found Imam Saheb want to diminish his reward by backbiting, (ibid 13 pg 363).
sitting deep in thought and breathing Abdullah bin Mubarak has also stated that Imam
heavily, (ibid vol 13 pg 357).
Saheb (£}C$w<KM5) was the most trusted person among
Qasim bin Mu’een stated that one night Imam Saheb the people. The king told him to either accept the keys
was perfoming Salaat. When he came to to the treasury or his punishment. Imam Saheb
Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 50
preferred the punishment of the King than Imaam Abu Hanifa &&&&&___________________ 51
the punishment of Allah, (ibid pg 243). studies in jurisprudence and piety, he was famous
Hussain bin Saleh stated that Imam Saheb ($t3&£sy) and wealthy. He spent on the needy ones coming to
was extremely pious and abstained from anything that him. He was always engrossed in obtaining llm and
was Haraam. He would discard many Halal things if making Ibadat in the night. He was very calm and
he doubted them. He has not met another faqih spoke little. However, if he was asked a mas’ala on
besides Imam Saheb (3®&£s£) who protected his Halal and Haraam, he would respectfully prove the
nafs and llm. All his preparations were for his grave matter with Haqq (truth). He detested the kings’
(Ibid pg 339). wealth. (Tarikh Baghdad, vol. 13. pg. 340).
Suhail bin Muzaham stated that he has not seen Shuraik Qazi narrated that Imam Saheb (<y’^ J i ^ ) was
of a quite disposition, in contemplation and concerned.
anything else besides a sleeping mat whenever he
went to the house of Imam Saheb He had a deep comprehension for jurisprudence and
(ibid pg 341).
was excellent at deliberations. He was a guardian of his
THE HABITS OF IMAM SAHEB students and if they were poor, he would enrich them
and spend on their families education. When they would
complete their studies, he would tell them they had
Mujalah stated that he was with Haroon Rashid achieved the “original wealth”, hence they could
(caliph) when Imam Abu Yusuf came there. Haroon recognise the difference between Halaal and Haraam.
Rashid asked Imam Abu Yusuf to tell him the He was very wise and would rarely associate with
character of Imam Abu Hanifah (£K&i>Ji^>) Imam Abu people. (Uqatul Jaman, pg. 206).
Yusuf replied that he found Imam Saheb (SK& K^) to
keep himself far away from the things made Haraam IMAM SAHEB’S NIGHT
(forbidden) by Allah, he distanced himself from the
government, he was always calm, he was always in AND DAY
deep thought, he would not discuss any thing non­ Imam Zafar (£&^&K3g>) stated that he lived for over
sensical, if he was asked a mas’ala he would reply if tweny years with Imam Saheb (£&&iT^). He never
he had the answer and if he did not have the answer, met anyone so well-wishing, generous,
he would research on them, he was the Ameerul compassionate and helpful to people. He gave
Mu’mineen who protected his nafs and llm, he stood himself as Wakf for the cause of the Deen of Allah
aloof from anyone except the honourable people. On Throughout the day he was engaged in the
hearing this Haroon Rasheed mentioned that this is expounding on the mas’alas and replying to
the Character Of the righteous. (Munaqib Abi Hanifah of Hafiz questions. When the gatherings would disperse, he
Zakhi, pg 9). would visit the sick, join the janaza gathering, assist
the destitute, have social contact with his brethren. In
Fazail bin Ayaaz stated that Imam Abu Hanifah the nights he would make ibadaat, perform Salaat and
(^IS& T^.) was a person of jurisprudence. Due to his recite the Qur’aan. This was his pattern of living till his
demise, (ibid pg 208).
Imaam Abu Hanifa ____________________ 52 Imaam Abu Hanifa _____________________ 53
Ibadat in the night, keep fasts and give fatwas as per
HIS IMAAMAT AND PIETY Imam Abu Hanifa’s (& £& & & ) tact and obtain llm from
Imam Abu Dawood Sajathani (Saheb of Sunan) Imam Saheb («)t»ui>£2y) Yahya Bin Saeed Qattan
stated that Allah had mercy on Malik, Shafi’l and Abu qould also give the fatwa on the fatawa of Imam
Hanifa as they were all the Imams of their era. Saheb. (ibid vol 13 pg 470).
(Allantaka of Ibn Abdul Basr, pg 32).
Yahya bin Mu’een has also stated that according to
Hafiz Zahbi has recorded the above statem ent of Abu him the Qiraat of Hamza and Fiqh of Imam Saheb
Dawood in his Kitab Tazkatul Hufaaz, vol. 1, pg. 169 (£K&i>K2y) are reliable, hence he found the people
and mentioned that only the Imam Saheb’s (o ^ iX i© ) following them (making their Taqleed). (ibid vol 13 pg 341).
name has been mentioned.
Abdullah bin Mubarak stated that one should only THE GENEROS ITY OF SAHAB
make Taqleed on this Imam Saheb (S H ^iJ^) for he
was righteous, reliable, pious and llm jurist
expounding his knowledge with insight, clear Qais bin Rab’ee has stated that Imam Saheb (£JG&i>JX!)
understanding and piety and no one else could do had sent money to Baghdad for provision of life be
likewise. (Munaqib Abi Hanifah of Kardawi. Pg 46). bought and forwarded to Kufa. From his annual profit
he would buy general living requirements such as food,
M as’ar bin Kidam stated that he is certain that liquids, clothing etc. for his Ahadith and Fiqh students.
whoever made Abu Hanifa between himself The balance of the profits would be given to them in
and Allah, will have no fear and there will be no cash by telling them to spend it on their necessities
exceeding Of limits in his life. (Tarikh Baghdad, vol 13 pg 345). and praise Allah and that it is not from him but a favour
Yahya bin M u’een stated that he heard Yahya bin from Allah through his action, (ibid vol 13 pg 360).
' S aeed bin Qatan discussing that he did not speak lies Hafiz bin Hamza Quraishi stated that Imam Saheb
on Allah and that he did not find anyone who had a (S t^ & i^ ) was in a habit of inquiring about any person
better opinion that Imam Saheb(£?^i>K>S) and who would come to his gatherings (without any intention
therefore he w ould (in most laws) follow Imam Saheb. or cause) after he has left. If the person had any needs,
(Ibid vol 13 pg 354).
he would fulfil them or if he was ill, he would visit him
Yahya bin Mu’een also stated that Yahya bin Saeed and fulfil his requirements, (ibid vol 13 pg 360).
would refer to the people of Kufa for Fatwaa (legal rulings)
and from amongst their opinions the Fatawa of Imam Qais bin Rab’ee narrated that Imam Saheb (£K^&£M>)
Saheb had a pious, jurisprudic and praiseworthy personality.
was preferred and from his companions
his opinion would be followed, (ibid vol 13 pg 346). W henever a needy person came to him, he would
fulfil his requirements. He would spend much on his
Yahya bin M u’een has also stated that he did not find friend and family, (ibid vol i3 p g 3 6 0 ).
anyone more superior than W ak’ee (bin Tarah) who
would sit facing the Qiblah, learn Ahadith, make after
Imaam Abu Hanifa 54
Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 55
HIS DEMISE AND LEAVING FOR Saheb (3 t» & ^ ), he would burst out crying and make
THE WORLD OF MERCY dua for Imam Saheb. This happened at the time when
Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (e^zixK^) was meted out
Khatib and Abu Muhammad al-Harsi narrated that
Abu Jafar Mansuri called on Imam Saheb ($t3&£s£) with the same treatment, i.e when he was beaten, (ibid
vol 13, pg 337).
from Kufa to Baghdad and told him that he wanted
Imam Saheb (£JG&&!i^) to become a Qazi (judge) so May Allah Ta’ala shower his choicest mercies on this
that the judge in other cities would also be subjugated high standing (powerful) jurist, worshipper, large
to his rulings. Imam Saheb (£!&&!%>) gave an excuse hearted helper, pious and sincere Imam.
and respectfully declined to accept the offer. Due to IMAM YUSUF ANSARI (Steu^S)
this he was imprisoned and it was ordered that he be
Birth: 113 AH
taken out daily and whipped so severely that the Demise: 182 AH
lashes left impression on his body, blood would flow Jurist of Iraq, Imam, Alim, Qazi, Abu yusuf Yakoob bin
down his feet whilst taken back to prison. He was Ibrahim Ansari Kufi (c$«&K^) was a student of Imam
rationed in his food. This carried on for a period of ten Abu Hanifa (SMS&K^y) who obtained his llm from
days, being taken out and whipped 10 times. On Hisham bin Urwah, Abu Ishaq bin Shaibani, Ataa bin
being whipped, he would weep and make dua Asiaab and their contemporaries such as jurist
abundantly. Five day later he passed away (may Muhammad bin Hassan, Ahmad bin Hambal, Bashri
Allah’s blessing be upon him). bin Walid, Yahya bin Mu’een, Ali bin Jaeed, Ali bin
Abu Muhammad Harthi reported to Naeem bin Yahya Muslim Tausi, Umar bin Abi Umar and many others.
that Imam Saheb When he began his studies, his father was very poor.
was martyred in a foreign Imam Abu Hanifa (<yU£ji>^) would assist him a 1OO’s
land by being poisoned.
of dirhams.
Abu Hasan (Azadi) has narrated that when death
Abbas Yahya bin Mu’een stated that Imam Abu Yusuf
drew near, Imam Saheb (Sl«&K>5) fell in Sajda and
was a scholar of Ahadith and sunnat. (Tazkiratui Hufaaz pg 292).
passed away therein. All historians are unanimous
that he died in 150 A.H (Uqadul Jaman, pg 357-359). Ibn Haban has mentioned in his book Kitabul Thiqaat,
that Imam Abu Yusuf was a reliable and authentic
Khaib Baghdadi stated that the correct view is that ustaad (teacher). He was also a jurist, alim, muhaddith
ImamSaheb (cM w i^) died in prison. (Tarikh Baghdad vol and an expert in scrutinising Ahadith. He would visit any
13 pg
Muhaddith and hear about 50-70 Ahadith which he
Ismail bin Saleem Baghdadi is of the opinion that would dictate to his scribe and also narrate them to
Imam Saheb (eJG«&K2y) was beaten because he people abundantly. (Alintiqa Ibn Abdul Barr pg 172).
declined the offer of the post of a Qazi, but he would
Ahmad bin Hambal narrated that he first learnt
still not accept the post. He has stated that whenever
Ahadith from Imam Abu Yusuf and thereafter from
Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (<3&zi>£2y) thought of Imam
Other. (Tarikh Baghdad, vol 13 pg 255).
Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 56 Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 57
Dawood bin Rasheed has stated that Imam Abu Talha bin Muhammad stated that Abu Yusuf
Yusuf would have been sufficient for Imam Abu was a sincere Qazi and a companion of Imam Abu
Hanifa if he had no other student besides him. (Hasanui Hanifa and the greatest jurist of his time. He
was lofty in llm, might, awe and dignity. He was the
Imam Abu Yusuf was a student of Imam Abu Hanifa first person to write a book on the prayers and
(SK&inK^) for a period of 17 years. They became so mazhab of Imam Abu Hanifa (3t*&£2y) He spread the
close and were so inseparable when the Imam fell ill llm of Imam Abu Hanifa throughout the four
on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul Adha, they corners of the world.
would still not part from each other. When the Imam’s Muhammad bin Samat stated that after Imam Abu
son died, he left the kafan and dafan in the hands of Yusuf became a Qazi, he would perform
his neighbours and relatives in the fear that he would 200 rakaats namaaz daily. (Tarikh Baghdad vol 14 pg 255).
be deprived of the lessons of Imam Abu Hanifa
which he would regret later, (ibid pg 17). Muhammad bin Samat stated that Imam Abu Yusuf
was a pious person who always kept fast. (Kitabuth
Hilal bin Yahya stated that Imam Abu Yusuf was a Thaqaat, Ibn Hassan vol 7 pg 464).
hafiz of tafseer and the battles and history of the Imam Abu Yusuf was the first person in Islamic
Arabs. His llm in Fiqh was a drop in the ocean of
history to be called Qazi-ul-Quzaat (chief judge).
knowledge which he possessed in the Arab Sciences. (Tarikh Baghdad, vol 14 pg 242).
(Tarikh Baghdad vol 14 pg 246).
Yahya bin Khalid stated that Imam Abu Yusuf IMAM MUHAMMAD BIN HASSAN
(<yte&K2p) visited them. His knowledge in Fiqh BIN FARQAD AL-SHAIBANI
although just on the part of his vast knowledge,
proved excellent yet he was an expert in Fiqh to all
the people in the east and west, (ibid pg 15). Birth: 132 AH Death: 189 AH
A person once questioned Mazni, a student of Imam Imam Saheb was born in Waasat and brought up in
Shaf’i on the status of Imam Abu Hanifa Kufa. He obtained his llm from Imam Abu Hanifa
(SJtS&K^). He replied that Imam Saheb was the Imam (£Jt3&!3§>), Masir bin Kidam and Sufyan Thuri. He
of Imams. Then he was questioned on Abu Yusuf recorded Ahadith from Imam Malik bin Anas (Saheb
and the reply was that he was the person of Muwwata), Abu Umar Auza’i and Abu Yusuf Qazi
who practised the Sunnat the most. He was (also a narrator of Muwwata). He obtained substantial
questioned on Imam Muhammad and his knowledge in Ahadith by listening to many scholars
reply was that he was an expert in co ordinating minor who narrated the Ahadith. He visited Baghdad where
laws. Therafter he was questioned on Imam Zafar a largre number of people came to seek knowledge in
and his reply was that he was the most well Ahadith and Fiqh from him. His narrators were people
versed in Qiyas. (Tarikh Baghdad vol 14 pg 246). such as Imam Muhammad bin Idris Shaf’i .Abu
Imaam Abu Hanifa Imaam Abu Hanifa _____________________ 59
Sulay man Jazan i and Abu Ubaid Qasim bin Salaa m. Ahad ith Ibn Uwan a and Fiqh throug h Imam
(Ibid vol 2 pg 172).
Muha mmad . (Zil al Mujawahar pg 527).
Imam Muha mmad has himse lf stated that his father Dalam i narrated from Imam Shaf’i that he lived with
left him an inheritance of 30,00 0 Dirha ms out of which Imam Muha mmad for a period of ten years and
he spent 15.00 0 Dirha ms in obtain ing Arabic synta x obtain ed know ledge from him equal to a came l load. If
and know ledge of Aada ab (Arab ic literature) and the Imam Muha mmad spoke according to his own
balan ce of 15,00 0 Dirha ms in seekin g know ledge in intellig ence and understand ing, then they would not
Ahad ith and Fiqh. (ibid vol 2 pg 173).
have under stood him, but he spoke in accor dance
Yahya bin Mu’ee n has record ed his “Aljam ia al- with their understand ing, (ibid pg 528).
Sagh eer from him (Imam Muha mmad ), (ibid vol 2 pg 176).
Imam Shaf’ i also stated that when ever he debat ed
After Imam Abu Yusaf (e&£w J^), Imam Muha mmad with anyon e, their face colou r would chang e with the
p&viX z5) was recog nised as the autho rity of Fiqh in excep tion of Imam Muha mmad bin Hassa n. (Tarikh
Iraq. Great scholars have obtain ed their know ledge of Baghdad vol 2 pg 172).
Fiqh from him and he autho red many books . He was Imam Ahma d bin Hamb al has stated that if any law
regar ded as the cream of the ulama . (Munaqib Abu Hanifa has the unanimous agree ment of these perso ns than
from Hafiz Zahbi pg 50).
there would be no room (scop e) for disag reeme nt. On
Imam Muha mmad said that he lived with Imam Malik being quest ioned who the three perso n were, he
for over three years and he heard from Imam Malik replie d that they were Imam Abu Hanifa Abu Yusuf,
over 700 Ahadith. (Tarikh Baghdad vol 2 pg 173). and Muha mmad bin Hassa n, Howe ver, Imam Abu
Imam Shaf’i (iMw<Kx5) has stated that he has not met Hanifa was an exper t in Qiyas (dedu cation throug h
a great er Alim in Q ur’an than Imam Muha mmad and analo gy), Abu Yusuf was an expert in the statem ents
that he will be correc t (in place ) to sat that it was as if of the elders and Imam Muha mmad an exper t in
the vocab ulary of the Q ur’an was revea led to Imam Arabic . (Al Nusba of Siman vol 8 pg 204).
Muha mmad bin Hassa n for he was eloqu ent par
Ibrahim Jarbi stated that he asked Imam Ahma d bin
excellence in it. Imam Shaf’ i has also stated that he
Hamb al on how he obtain ed his Know ledge of intriqu e
has not met a more brillian t (intelligent) perso n than
laws. He replie d that it was from the books of Imam
Imam Muha mmad bin Hassa n, (ibid vol 2 pg 175).
Muha mmad . (Tarikh Baghdad vol 2 pg 177).
Imam Shaf’i (£Jt»&£2y) has also stated that he
Serve ral stude nts of Imam Muha mmad stated that he
obtain ed know ledge equal to a came l load of book
from Muha mmad bin Hassa n. He was also had a habit of recitin g a third of the Qur’a n in the
cours e of a night and a day. They also repor ted on his
appre ciative to Imam Muha mmad for his know ledge
of Fiqh. (Ibid vol pg 176). brillian ce, might, good nature and his abdun dance in
the tilawa t of the Qur’an. (Munaqib Abi Hanifah from Hafiz
Suyut i narra ted from Imam Shaf’i that (in that era) Zahbi pg 59).
Allah transm itted his know ledge throug h two people,
Imaam Abu Hanifa ___________________ 60 Imaam Abu Hanifa $&&&£>____________
_______ 61
Imam Kasai and Imam Muhammad Imam Zufar) for he was best in Fiqh and
bin al-Hassan
went with Haroon-ur-Rasheed to “Rai”
and both of and that he received a Daftar (registe most pious
them died on the same date. Haroon Ras r) of llm from
hid then said him (Imbin
am Ziya
that the ‘Lughat’ (Lexicography) and Hasan d stated that Imam Zufar and Dawood
the fiqh were were close friends. Dawood left Fiqh and
buried. (Tarikh Baghdad, vol 2 pg 182/2). engaged in
Ibadat and Imam Zuffar continued with both
IMAM ZUFAR BIN HUZAIL Imam Muhammad bin Wahad Stated tha .
was among the Scholars of Fiqh and Imam Zufar
( $ » ) among those who compiled books on Ahadith also
Birth: 110 AH Hanafi Fiqh
Death: 158 AH (jur
He is a descendent of Zufar Huzail Qai (Allis the
pruden ce)
abo ve. narration is from Zilil Jahawar at
Abu Hanifah (£R»&Kx£) had the highests Basri. Imam Ma
honour for him and he would mention tharespect and Witziya
h theh pg 534 - 536).
help of Allah this booklet has bee
t n
student Imam Zufar was the most exp among his com plettion
ed. completed
Qiyas (deducation of analogy). <ai Faw erienced in Transla behind the Hatim in Makkah,
Tarjumanul Hanifah pg 75). aidui Haibatufi
Wednesday, 27 Zil Qada 1413, (1993).
Ibn Mu’een and Abu Naeem have stat
Zufar was a reliable and pious (righteo that Imam
Abu' Umar stated that Imam Zufar wasus) person.
Deeni (righteous), an expert in Qiyas and intelligent,
reliable in the Knowledge in Ilm-e-Hadit pious and
Muziata vol 1 pg 243/244). h. (ai Jawahizui
Ibrahim bin Sulayman stated that whe
never they
would sit in the gatherings of Imam Zufar,
courage to discuss worldly affairs and they had no
happened to discuss any worldly affairs, if a person
then Imam
Saheb would get up and leave the
gathering and
leave the person there.
Abdur Rahman bin Mubarak stated tha
Imam Zufar say that with regard to aha t he heard
dith, he was
not acting on Qiyas and if the Qiyas was
hadith, he would discard the Qiyas. against any
Wak’ee has stated that they would not
benefit that they received from the gather receive the
Zufar from anywhere else. ing of Imam
Fuzail bin Dukin stated that after the dea
Abu Hanifa, he became a permanent top th of Imam
student (of
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (ejUxixKag)________ 62 Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (£)&&£%>)________ 63
1. Imaam Abu Haneefah amongst such people that Imaam Abu Haneefah
was brought up and together with this, he
2. The Necessity for Codifying also studied under the Ulema of the Haramain.
3. The Popularity of the Hanafi HANEEFAH FROM THE
Madh’hab in the Indian
Subcontinent Rasulullaah once said, “Even if Imaan has to be
The Imaam of the Imaams, the leader of the Fuqahaa on the Pleiades constellation, a man of Persian
and Mujtahideen, Haafidh of Hadith Imaam Abu descent would get it from there.” 1 Another Hadith
Haneefah was that Mujtahid of the highest states that Rasulullaah $2®? said that some people of
calibre, that Muhaddith, ascetic, pious and humble Persian descent will get it from there. Imaam
Imaam whose virtues and attributes have been Jalaaluddeen Suyuti reports from many
lauded by great Muhadditheen and Ulema of all the Muhadditheen like Imaam Bukhaari
Madhaahib. One may refer to their various books for and
Imaam Muslim that these Ahadeeth refer
details. specifically to Imaam Abu Haneefah One of
Imaam Abu Haneefah Imaam Suyuti students writes, this
is commonly referred
to as Imaame A’zam (The greatest of the Imaams) statement of his teacher is absolutely true because no
and has been revered by a large group of Ulema and other person of Persian descent reached the height of
Muhadditheen. In fact, more than half of the Ummah knowledge that Imaam Abu Haneefah
are his followers. reached?
He was born during the period of the Sahabah Shah Wali’ullaah Muhaddith Dehiawi SG&iJO# also
says that the Hadith refers to none other but Imaam
a n d W as an embodiment of piety, knowledge
and all good attributes. His hometown was Kufa, Abu Haneefah and the author of Ghaayatul
which was then a seat of knowledge because Awtaar3 writes: “It is certain that the Hadith of
thousands of Sahabah lived there. There Bukhaari and Muslim refers to Imaame A’zam and his
were over a thousand Fuqahaa in Kufa, a hundred students because none of the descendants of the
and fifty of whom were Sahabah Persians had more knowledge and a deeper
these were people like Hadhrat Abdullaah bin understanding of the Deen than them.”
Mas’ood and Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah
as well as four thousand students of Hadhrat
Abdullaah bin Mas’ood and eight hundred ' Muslim (Vol.2 Pg.312) and Bukhaari (Vol.2 Pg.727).
students of Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah It was 2 Shaami (Vol.1 Pg.49).
3 Translation of Durrul Mukhtaar (Vol.1 Pg.23).
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (e^h K^)________ 64
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (<•?%&£%>)________ 65
IMAAM ABU HANEEFAH narrator.”5 He also mentioned that the best Fiqh in
WAS A TAABI’EE his estimation is that of Imaam Abu Haneefah
Allaama Ibn Hajar Haythami Makki writes in
his Khayraatul Hisaan4 that Imaam Abu Haneefah 2. Imaam Yahya bin Sa’eed Qattaan
(passed away 198 A.H.) was also a famous saint,
was amongst the greatest of the Taabi’een
and that he met a large group of the Sahabah Muhaddith and expert in the subject of Rijaal
(critical analysis of the narrators of Ahadeeth). He
who lived in Kufa after his birth in 80 A.H.
None of the Imaams in his time had this honour, not taught the likes of Imaam Ahmad and
even Imaam Awzaa’ee eJSwixPS’ who was in Shaamn, Imaam Ali bin Madeeni Despite his
the two Imaams named Hammaad who were in profound knowledge, he learnt from Imaam Abu
Basrah, Imaam Thowri Haneefah and expressed great praise in
who was in Kufa, being a student of Imaam Abu Haneefah
Imaam Maalik who was in Madinah and
Imaam Layth bin Sa’d He followed the rulings of Imaam Abu Haneefah
who was in Egypt. in many cases and had the following to
A large group of critics have verified that Imaam Abu
say about Imaam Abu Haneefah
Hane efah was reliable in his narrations, had a
profo und know ledge of Ahad eeth and his narration > “I have never heard an opinion better than those of
were absolutely reliable. Here we shall quote a few of Imaam Abu Haneefah He would
these experts: therefore issue rulings corresponding to those of
Imaam Abu Haneefah 7
1. Imaam Yahya bin Ma’een (passed away > “By Allaah! We sat in the company of Imaam Abu
233 A.H.) was a famous saint, Muhaddith and Haneefah
expert in the subject of Rljaal (critical analysis of and learnt Ahadeeth from him
and each time I looked at his face, I could see that
the narrators of Ahadeeth). He taught Imaam he was a person who feared Allaah.”8
Bukhaari and other Muhadditheen and > “There was none other than Imaam Abu Haneefah
Imaam Bukhaari has the following to say to solve the problems people were having.
about him, “I have never seen myself belittled (in Although he was not known of initially, his status
terms of knowledge) in front of anyone other than
and position then multiplied in leaps and bounds.”9
Yahya bin Ma’een This same Imaam > Ameerul Mu’mineen in Hadith Hadhrat Abdullaah
Yahya attests to the great calibre of bin Mubaarak
Imaam Abu Haneefah (passed away 181 A.H.)
and says, “He is was one of the most senior of the Muhadditheen
Thiqa (reliable) and trustworthy and I have never
heard anyone who regards him to be a weak 5 Umdatul Qaari (Vol.3 Pg.66).
6 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.30.
7 Khayra
4 atul Hisaan pg.31.
8 Muwaff
aq (Vol.1 Pg.191).
9 Muwaff
aq (Vol.2 Pg.45).
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa 66 Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa ________ 67
and the teacher of people like Imaam Ahmad
Fataawaa as he (Imaam Abu Haneefah
and Imaam Yahya bin Ma’een SIU&JO#. In
fact, the first books that Imaam Bukhaari
studied were those of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin > “He (Imaam Abu Haneefah excelled
Mubaarak people in his memory for Ahadeeth, his Fiqh, his
He is unanimously regarded as
the Ameerul Mu'mineen in the field of Ahadeeth knowledge, his trustworthiness and his sheer
piety.” 14
and Imaams Bukhaari and Muslim
narrate many Ahadeeth from him. He was one of > “He had the deepest understanding of Deen and I
the special students of Imaam Abu Haneefah have never seen any other with a deeper
and was so captivated by the personality understanding than he.” 15
of Imaam Abu Haneefah > If an opinion is to be sought, it is to be taken from
that he stayed
with him throughout his life. He had the following Maalik, Sufyaan and Abu Haneefah
to say about Imaam Abu Haneefah From them, the one with the best, the deepest and
most finely tuned understanding is Abu Haneefah
> “He (Imaam Abu Haneefah was amongst ,16
those who knew the most Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah > There is none more worthy of being followed than
and had studied Ahadeeth from many Imaam Abu Haneefah because he was an
teachers.” Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mubaarak Imaam, a pious man, an j Aalim and a Faqih. With
£#«&!£%> used to encourage people to follow his keen insight, understanding and intelligence,
Imaam Abu Haneefah and say, “We have he has exposed knowledge in such a way that no
been to many scholars of Hijaaz and Iraq but have other person has done.17
never found a class more blessed and more
beneficial than that of Imaam Abu Haneefah > Imaam A’mash Kufi (passed away 148
A.H.) was an eminent Faqih and Muhaddith of
> “I have been to many cities but I had never known Kufa and one of the teachers of the' great
the principles of Halaal and Haraam until I met him Muhadditheen. Despite this, he always had words
(Imaam Abu Haneefah SJ^wii^).” 11 of praise for Imaam Abu Haneefah Note
> “I have studied under many teachers but have the following.
never known any as proficient in Fataawaa as he > On one occasion when he was asked a question,
(Imaam Abu Haneefah <£IG$&K^).” 12 he referred the questioner to Imaam Abu
> “Were it not for sounding prejudiced, I would say Haneefah saying that Imaam Abu
that I have never seen anyone as proficient in
13 Manaaqib
Kurdi (Vol.1 Pg. 104).
10 Manaaqib ’ ’ Jaami Bayaanil llm, as quoted in Taqleede A’immah pg.113.
Kurdi (Vol.1 Pg.103).
” Manaaqib Kurdi (Vol.1 Pg. 103). Khayraatul Hisaan pg.29.
16 Khayraatul
12 Manaaqib Hisaan pg.29.
Kurdi (Vol.1 Pg.104), 17 Khayraatul
Hisaan pg.29.
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa ________ 68 Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (£)<%&£%>)________ 69
Haneefah will have a better reply because wa Innaa llayhi Raaji’oon! The light of knowledge
he has been blessed in his knowledge.18 had been extinguished for the people of Kufa, the
likes of which they will never see again.”21
> Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar reports that he was
once sitting with Imaam A’mash when > The Imaam of Ahadeeth Hadhrat Ali bin Madeeni
Imaam Abu Haneefah 3 ^ ^ also arrived there. £&<&&& (passed away 234 A.H.) was the teacher
Someone then asked an intricate question, about of personalities like Imaam Bukhaari
which Imaam A’mash kept his peace. He Imaam Abu Dawood and Imaam Dhahabi
then turned to Imaam Abu Haneefah and 31^3333. He was always praising Imaam Abu
asked him what the answer was. When Imaam Haneefah and said:
Abu Haneefah gave a satisfying reply, > Men like Thowri, Ibn Mubaarak, Hammaad bin
Imaam A’mash asked him from which Zaid, Hishaam, Wakee, Abbaad bin Awaam and
Hadith did he derive the reply. Imaam Abu Ja’far bin Maymoon have all narrated from Imaam
Haneefah then explained that it was from Abu Haneefah who is absolutely reliable
a Hadith that Imaam A’mash had himself and no objections can be levelled against him.”22
narrated to him. He also explained how he had > Imaamul Hadith Hadhrat Sufyaan Thowri
arrived at the conclusion. To this, Imaam A’mash (passed away 161 A.H.) was a Muhaddith of the
exclaimed, “We (the Muhadditheen) are highest calibre. Khateeb writes that all scholars
just the pharmacists while you people (the are unanimous about his piety, reliability in
Fuqahaa) are the doctors.” 19 knowledge and being an authority of the highest
> Ameerul Mu'mineen in Hadith Hadhrat Shu’ba bin ranking. He was a contemporary of Imaam Abu
Hajjaaj (passed away 160 A.H.) was one Haneef 3KiiiK>3 and both men revered and stood
of the highest ranking narrators of all those whose in great praise of each other. He had the following
narrations are included in the most authentic to say about Imaam Abu Haneefah 3 ^ 3 2 3 :
books of Ahadeeth. He had a very good > “I swear by Allaah that he was extremely proficient
relationship with Imaam Abu Haneefah 3^3333 . in acquiring knowledge and abstained rigidfy from
Note the following: what was forbidden. He practised only that which
> Whenever he was asked about Imaam Abu was conclusively proven from Rasulullaah and
Haneefah he would always laud praises he had profound knowledge of what was
on him and sent him a gift every year.20 abrogated and what was not. He always
> When he heard that Imaam Abu Haneefah researched the actions that Rasulullaah did
had passed away, he exclaimed, ““Innaa Lillaahi during the final stages of his life.” 23

21 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.62.

18 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.31. 22 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.67.
19 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.61 23 Kurdi (Vol.2 Pg.1) and Khayraatul Hisaan pg.30.
20 Muwaffaq (Vol.2 Pg.46).
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa ( % u > ^ ) ________ 70 Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (&&&&&)________ 71
> Hadhrat Muhammad bin Muntashir San’aani has the following to say about Imaam Abu
£ ^ £ ii£ ^ says, “When I once went to Imaam Abu Haneefah
Haneefah he asked me where I was
> Although I have studied under a thousand
coming from. When I told him that I had come from
teachers, I have never found any with as much
Imaam Sufyaan Thowri he remarked,
Taqwa and more truthful than Imaam Abu
‘You are coming from a man whom even Alqama
Haneefah £ > G ^ ^ .
and Aswad would have been in need of had they
> Hadhrat Muhammad bin Sa’d £Jte«xKzSi reports that
been alive.’ When I then went to Sufyaan
Hadhrat Yazeed bin Haaroon £^ixK>^ was once
and he asked me where I had come from, I replied
with Hadhrat Yahya bin Ma’een £ ) ^ w ^ , Hadhrat
that I had been with Imaam Abu Haneefah
Ali bin Madeeni Hadhrat Ahmad bin
He then remarked, ‘You have come from
Hambal £ 1 ^ ^ , Hadhrat Zuhary bin Harb
a man who is the greatest Faqih on earth.’”24
and several others when a person arrived and
> W henever Hadhrat Sufyaan was asked an posed a question. “Go to the men of knowledge,”
intricate ruling, he would say, “None would have a
Hadhrat Yazeed £l&£i<KX’ told the man. “Are the
better answer to that other than the man we all
men of knowledge and Ahadeeth not with you?”
envied.” He would then turn to one of Imaam Abu
Hadhrat Ali bin Madeeni asked. Hadhrat
Haneefah £KS&K2y s students and ask, “What has
Yazeed replied, “The people of knowledge
your teacher got to say about that?” After the
are the students of Imaam Abu Haneefah £K3a1>J^.
student had given the reply, Imaam Sufyaan
You people are the pharmacists.” 27
would take note of the reply and then
> When someone once asked him when it would be
issue his verdict according to the reply.25
alright for a person to issue Fataawaa, he replied,
> The famous Muhaddith Hadhrat Yazeed bin
“When the person is like Abu Haneefah
Haaroon £J£&bK2y (passed away 206 A.H.) was a
“It is strange that you should, say that,” the person
great scholar of his time. He studied under Imaam
remarked. Hadhrat Yazeed then said,
Abu Haneefah £K£u£>y, Imaam Maalik £JG£w£© and
“You are right. I should actually give him more
Hadhrat Sufyaan Thowri £R£Ji>J3?5. Amongst the
praise than that. I have not seen a man who is a
countless students he had, some of the famous
greater Aalim and Faqih than he. I have also not
ones were Hadhrat Ali bin Madeeni £JU xi)^ and
seen anyone as pious as he. I once saw him
Imaam Yahya bin Ma’een £Jt*xjxK^. Seventy
sitting beside someone’s door in the sweltering
thousand people would listen to his lessons at the
heat. When I asked him why he did not rather sit in
same time and he performed the Isha and Fajr
the shade of the house, he replied that it was
salaahs with the same wudhu for forty years 26. He
because the owner of the house owed him some
24 Kurdi (Vol.2 Pg. 11).
money (he did not want to take from the person
25 Muwaffaq (Vol.2 Pg. 14).
26 Anwaarul Baari (Vol.1 Pg.80). 27 Muwaffaq (Vol.2 Pg.47).
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (£Ka&K%>) 72 Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa ________ 73
more than what was due by sitting in his shade as ruling, we went to Imaam Abu Haneefah
well). Hadhrat Yazeed then added, “Have you ever and he immediately presented a satisfying reply.”32
seen anyone more pious than that?”28 > Hadhrat Isaam bin Yusuf narrates that
Imaam Wakee bin Jarraah (passed away they once said to Imaam Abu Yusuf
197 A.H.) was one of the senior teachers of the “People agree that there is none more knowledge
of Fiqh and Ahadeeth than you.” To this, he
Imaams who compiled the six most authentic
books of Ahadeeth. remarked, “My knowledge compared to that of
Imaam Abu Haneefah is like a little stream
> A very intricate Hadith once came up in his lesson, beside the Euphrates River.” 33
which made him stand up and sigh, “Regret will be
? ^ 1?0 Vs e n o w - W h e r e is Imaam Abu Haneefah > When Imaam Shaafi’ee once asked
now to solve the problem for us?!”29 Hadhrat Imaam Maalik (passed away 179
> He once said, “I have never met a Faqih greater A.H.) about several Muhadditheen, he described
than Imaam Abu Haneefah nor anyone their conditions to him. When he then enquired
who performed salaah better than he.” 30 about Imaam Abu Haneefah Imaam
Maalik exclaimed, “Subhaanallaah! I have
> Haafidhul Hadith Hadhrat Imaam Abu Yusuf
(passed away 182 A.H.) was an Imaam in never seen any like him.”34
the field of Ahadeeth and the teacher of great > Imaam Shaafi’ee (passed away 204 A.H.)
Muhadditheen like Imaams Ahmad, Yahya bin said:
Ma’een and Imaam Ali bin Madeeni > “People are all successors of Imaam Abu
These were all senior teachers of the likes of Haneefah in Fiqh because I have never
Imaam Bukhaari and other Muhadditheen. known a Faqih greater than him.”
Imaam Abu Yusuf was one of the senior > “Anyone who does not refer to his (Imaam Abu
students of Imaam Abu Haneefah and he Haneefah i ^ i ^ ’s) books can never have a deep
has the following to say: understanding of knowledge and of Fiqh.”35
He (Imaam Abu Haneefah had a deeper > Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal <•$&&&& (passed away
understanding of authentic Ahadeeth than I had.”31 241 A.H.) said, “In terms of his piety, abstinence
> I have never seen anyone more knowledge of the and preference of the Aakhirah over this world, he
explanations of the Ahadeeth than Imaam Abu (Imaam Abu Haneefah had reached a
Haneefah eJ&wxKzy. When we once differed on a t level that no other has.”36

32 Muwaffaq (Vol.2 Pg.43).

28 Muwaffaq (Vol.1 Pg. 191). 33 Muwaffaq (Vol.2 Pg.42).
29 Kurdi (Vol.1 Pg.97). 34 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.29.
30 Hadaa’iqe Hanafiyyah pg.78. 35 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.29.
31 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.61. 36 Khayraatul Hisaan pg.30 and Shaami (Vol.1 Pg.56L
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (&&&£&)________ 74
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa ________ 75
> Imaamul Hadith Hadhrat Mis’ar bin Kudaam once asked me, ‘Who is this perpetrator of
was a teacher of the compilers of the Bid’ah in Kufa who is known as Abu Haneefah?’ I
Sihaah Sitta and the Imaam of the Muhadditheen. gave no reply, but later presented to him some
This testimony is given by Ameerul Mu'mineen in rulings that Imaam Abu Haneefah &£&&& had
Ahadeeth Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mubaarak passed. After reading through them, Imaam
He was also the teacher of the likes of Awzaa’ee SG&jO; saw that they were written by
Hadhrat Sufyaan Thowri and Hadhrat someone called Nu’maan bin Thaabit. He
Sufyaan bin Uyaynah Despite this, he therefore asked me who this man was. I replied,
studies under Imaam Abu Haneefah ‘He is a man whom I have met in Iraq.’ Imaam
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mubaarak says, “I Awzaa’ee then remarked, ‘This is a gem
saw Mis’ar in the lessons of Imaam Abu Haneefah from amongst scholars. Go and learn as much as
asking questions and deriving great you can from him.’ I then told him, ‘He is the same
benefit.”37 He has the following to say about Abu Haneefah whom you have been preventing
Imaam Abu Haneefah me from.’ When Imaam Awzaa’ee later
> “I am sure that a person has nothing to fear if he met Imaam Abu Haneefah in Makkah, the
places Imaam Abu Haneefah as a two started discussing some rulings, to which
medium between himself and Allaah and if he Imaam Abu Haneefah gave excellent
follows his Madh’hab.”38 explanations. After they had separated, Imaam
> Hadhrat Mis’ar once passed by Imaam Awzaa’ee said, ‘I envy him for this
Abu Haneefah and his students as they tremendous knowledge and accomplishment of his
were discussing something point of Fiqh in raised wit. I repent from the error I had been living with.
voices. He stood there for a while and then Stay close to him because he is not at all as I have
remarked, “These people are better than the been told.”40
martyrs, worshippers and those who perform > The great Muhaddith Makki bin Ibraheem
Tahajjud. They are reviving the Sunnah of (passed away 215 A.H.) was a Faqih, a great
Rasulullaah and removing the ignorant from scholar of Ahadeeth and the teacher of Imaam
their ignorance.”39 Bukhaari and Allaama Ibn Ma’een
> The famous Muhaddith Imaam Awzaa’ee He used to say that Imaam Abu
(passed away 157 A.H.) was a great Muhaddith, Haneefah was the most knowledgeable
Faqih and Mujtahid. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin scholar of the time. 41
Mubaarak relates, “Imaam Awzaa’ee
Khayraatul Hisaan pg.29.
Hadaa’iqe Hanafiyyah pg.79. 40
Muwaffaq (Vol.1 Pg.249). Khayraatul Hisaan pg.30 and Kurdi (Vol.1 Pg.39).
Khayraatul Hisaan pg.29.
Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa (£&*&&£>)______
76 Status of Imaam Abu Haneefa
> The famous Muhaddith, Aalim and saint Hadhrat ________ 77
Shaqeeq Balkhi (passed away 194 A.H.) the dream, the person again held his peace. Upon
said that Imaam Abu Haneefah was the the third request, Hadhrat Ibn Seereen
most knowledgeable of all people, the most pious said, “The person who saw this dream will make
of all, the most devoted worshipper of all, the most knowledge so apparent that none before him as
revered and most cautious.42 ever done.”43
> Apart from the above personalities, there have > Hadhrat Aii bin Uthmaan Hajweri Lahori
who passed away in the year 465 A.H. was
been many other Muhadditheen who have heaped
praises upon Imaam Abu Haneefah and regarded as one of the leading Awliyaa of the
testified to his veracity and dependability and to Indian subcontinent. He wrote the famous book
the fact that he was a Haafidh of Ahadeeth and a Kashful Hujoob and was a staunch Hanafi. He
peerless Faqih. His great status can be narrates an interesting dream he had when he fell
ascertained from the fact that countless great asleep at the tomb of Hadhrat Bilaal in
Muhadditheen were his students and the Damascus. He says that he saw himself in
compilers of the Sihaah Sitta were students of his Makkah and that Rasulullaah (JsSS entered the
students. Masjidul Haraam through the Banu Shaybah gate.
He saw that just as a loving elder takes a child in
> Despite these accolades there are people who still
his lap, Rasulullaah took a man in his lap.
say that Imaam Abu Haneefah was a Hadhrat Ali bin Uthmaan ran towards
weak narrator and knew only 14 to 17 Ahadeeth. If Rasulullaah
this is not prejudiced and a result of warped and started to kiss his hands and
thinking, it can be nothing else. feet. Rasulullaah knew that he wished to know
who the person in his lap was, so he informed him
> Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mubaarak reports that the man was Hadhrat Ali bin Uthmaan
that Imaam Abu Haneefah once saw » J ^ ’s Imaam and the Imaam of his nation,
himself in a dream digging the grave of namely Imaam Abu Haneefah
Rasulullaah and collecting Rasulullaah £££?’s > Hadhrat Ali bin Uthmaan SI&aK ' says that this
blessed bones. When someone asked for the gave him great hope in his people and told him
interpretation from the famous dream interpreter that Imaam Abu Haneefah
Hadhrat Ibn Seereen was one of
Hadhrat Ibn those people lived only to keep the Shari'ah alive
Seereen asked who it was that saw the and he sacrificed himself only to keep alive what
dream. The person remained silent and again Rasulullaah brought. Because his condition
asked for the interpretation. When Hadhrat Ibn was such, he was therefore not likely to make any
Seereen again asked who it was that saw
mistakes in his judgement.
42 Hadaa'iqe Hanafiyyah pg.76.
Mirqaat (Vol.1 Pg.28).
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (e^ixiag) 78 Imaam Malik Bin Anas (£%&&£%>)______________ 79

Definitely all parise is for Allah. We parise Him, seek
His help and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge
in Allah from the evil within ourselves and from our
evil actions.
Whomsoever Allah guides, non can misguide him. I
bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped
but Allah, alone, having no partner and I bear witness
that Hadrat Muhammad ((S®) is His obedient servant
and Rasul. Blessings be upon the Sahabah
In this morally declining age, people who read a few
books on Islam in the comfort of their homes without
any sacrifices have formed a habit of passing
judgement on pious righteous knowledgeable persons
whose sacrifices cannot be compared. We have
Imaam Malik Bin Anas embarked upon a series of brief life stories of the four
Mostly, we have rendered a non-literal translation of
the Urdu original by Hadrat Moulana Makbool Ahmed
Shaarwi (W&Sfi®). With minor addition of our own.
The aim of this work is to create respect, love and
honour foe those who truly deserve it and to realise
the insignificance of our merhe effort towards the
upliftment and maintenance of our deen. It is also
hoped that a thirst will be created for more details in
this regard. These series may be easily adopted as
part of the syllabi for Madressahs and other Islamic
educational institutions.
May Allah Ta’ala reward all those who enable us to
put these pages to print and include us in their duaas
and may He accept these minor efforts for His Deen.
A.H. Elias (Mufti)
Shawwal 1415
March 1995
Imaam Malik Bin Anas _______________80 Imaam Malik Bin Anas _______________81
Introduction it, how and when he performed the salaat of Fajr,
Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Esha and their quantity, how
You have read in the brief biography of Hadhrat Umar and with wich things was Tayammum performed,
The extent of his sorrow and the great what is masah and how is it made, during which times
uneasiness that Muslim upon the passing away of can sajda and salaat be made and during which times
Rasulullah The chief of the two worlds. should it not be made, which salaats should the
Hadhrat Umar the pious, brave, intelligent Imaam recite in a audible voice and which ones
and courageous person who moved about wielding a silently, how should the Eid, Eid-ul-Adha and Jammah
soerd announcing that he would chop off head of the salaats be performed, what breaks the Namaaz, and
person who says that Muhammed what renders it makrooh. One or two things.
has passed
away. Hadhrat Abubakar (W«&I3»), understood that In life there are all thing; - eating drinking, death and
wheather you be a Nabi, a Rasul, a king or a illness, war and peace, mairrage and nikah, Aqiqah
lieutenant, nobody can be saved from death. Thus he and Qurbani. In all these affairs there is love and
remained silent and adopted patience. Then, after tanimosity and laws have to be made and rules laid
consultation with the elders of Madinah, Hadhrat Abu down for all activities. Islam does not terminate with
Bakar was made Khalif. All, old and young salaat, fasting, Haj and Zakaat. The punishment for
accepted his Khalifat. After choosing Hadhrat stealing is stipulated and so it the punishment for
Abubakr as Khalif, many other responsibilities were robbery, looting lying and deceiving. Rasulullah
delegated to various Muslims. Someone was made a taught the Muslims about all matter and the laws for
Qazi for Haj. Another person was made a governer each. These were the people who were stead fast on
and another was made a Zakaat collector. Other were spreading the teachings of Rasulullah (($85£). They
given the task of being military general and sent out gave lessons on every aspect and they also thught
whilst other remained in Madinah. the daily etiquettes of Nabi (I88S?) called the “Sunnat”.
Some Muslim voluntreed to teach others whatever SAHAABAH AND HADITH
Rasulullah ((Is®) said and did, how he performed Those who stayed in the service of Rasulullah
salaat, how he fasted, during which time be abstained and listened to his saying are called the Sahaba.
from food, how he performed Tahajjud Salaat, to Those word which were spoken from the blessed
whom he gave charity to and to whom he did not, tounge of Rasulullah ((££££) are called
those thing which he commanded us to do and those “Hadith” .Rasulullah (>Wj) taught every aspect of Deen
which forbade, how he made wudhu and when he to the Sahadab (IS®lSuu<!^).
performed salaat during the summer months and
wheather the times remained the same during the HOW DID THEY OBTAIN THE
winter or did they change, wheather he read namaaz
while ill or wheather he left it a side and did he read HADITH
the complete salaat while on journey or did he shorten The Sahaaba spent most of the time with Rasulullah
( 1 ^ ) . In this time, if they had to do some household
Imaam Malik Bin Anas 82 Imaam Malik Bin Anas ____________ 83
errand or the other, then whenever they returned they children, respected the elders, and treated them
inquired from the others as to what Nabi had respectfully. Above this they also narrated the hadith
ordered in their absence and what he had asked them and acted as Nabi (£££) acted.
to abstain from and this they immediately learnt.
Nevertheless, some Sahaba knew more than other. Amongst the Sahaba were those who remained in
Madinah to teach the Muslims and to explain to them
PUNISHMENT FOR the saying of Nabi (<Si8£), and those who moved to
other cities. Wherever they went they taught the
FALSE/FABRICATED HADITH Hadith and the way of Nabi (i!3^). Hadith was taught
Rasulullah (£s85?) said that if any one attributes to the people of Basra and Kufa and in this manner,
anything to me which I have not said then his place is thousands of Hadith reached many places.
Jahannum. Thus Sahaba used to memorise the
Hadith word for word which they learnt and altere - no NARRATION OF HADITH AND
additions or subtraction were made. THE STATUS OF THE
HADITH -E-FAELI In quating a Hadith is necessary to state who
mentioned the Hadith and who heard it. Then, after
We must also remember that whatever Rasulullah the first to the second to the third. This sequence is
(fS^) stated with his blessed tounge is called Hadith- called the chain (sand). For example-lmaam Bukhari
e-Qoli, and what he did and acted upon is called wrote the Hadith “action depend on intention.” If the
Hadith-e-Faeli. Understand it in this manner that intention is not good then leave aside bad actions,
Rasulullah said that at the time of Wudhu, wet even the good ones do not reap a reward. Before
your fingers. This is Hadith-e-Qoli. Then the chief of mentioning the text of this Hadith, it was stated that
the two worlds interlaced his two fingers. This is we heared it from Humaidi, who heard it from sufyaan
Hadith-e-Faeli. who heard it from Yahya bin Saeedul Ansaari who
This Hadith is also called Hadith-e-Takhil. We are heard it from Muhammed bin Ebrahim who heard it
talking about the age when Muslims were from Alqama bin Waqaas Lith who heard it personally
enthusaiastic in adhering perfectly to the all that was from Umar Farouk whilst he was seated on the
said by Rasulullah (($8S). Rasulullah (O8¥) was mimbar that Rasulullah (££S?) said that “action depend
imitated in his dressing, on intention”. Thus the chain link from Humaidi till
Rasulullah is called “Sanad”, and what
Walking, eating and drinking. Thus is called the
Rasulullah (<@SS) said is terned “Matn Hadith” (the text
of the Hadith).
These people helped the poor, worried about the well­
being of the neighbour, were affectionate to the
Imaam Malik Bin Anas _______________84 Imaam Malik Bin Anas (< -& & & & ^ )___________ 8 5
Understand this also that because of the spiritual are classified as reliable and correct. The Hadith
contact the Sahaaba had with Rasulullah their related by that person is called authentic and reliable.
status is so high and lofty that one cannot even If for example a “Sanad” was complete via six
imagine any incorrect narration from Rasulullah narrators, then it is necessary that all these six “aadil”.
himself has linked them to the “stars in the sky”. The If from amongst them. Even one is found to be lacking
Quraan Hakeem has addressed them as the “Khair in any requirenment such as; anything was found to
Ummat” (Best amongst the Ummat), and “Ummatow- be incorrect in his narration; or it was discovered that
Wasatta” (Most Noble and superior Jamaat). his memory was not good even thought he is pious;or
In Surah Hujeraat, Allah has Addressed the Sahaba he was so old that he longer members anything; or a
by stating that: Allah has created the love of Imaam in flaw was found in his character. For example that he
their hearts and his imbibed Imaam in their hearts and breached a promise or that he decived someone or
has filled their hearts with the order of Allah with the usurerped someone’s trust, then that narrator is
detestment and harted against disobeidance, classified as “Majrpp”, due to which the entire “sanad”
cowaridice, Kufr and Fiqh (which include false becomes weak. The narration is weak and the hadith
narration, lying and deceiving.) with such a sanad become weak.
Similarly many ayyats praised the truthfulness, WHY DO WEAK AND
trustworthiness and honesty of the Sahaba (IS9C5ffi<!^5)
Besides this, the famous saying of Nabi (t&S?) states FABRICATED HADITH BECOME
that the best era is my era, nad then the era after it, FAMOUS
after these three eras general goodness terminates
because habitual lying became prevalent. Muslim used to love their Rasul. They would sacrifice
themselves for Rasulullah (O®?). if anyone said that
As far as the Sahaba are concerned, they are pure Rasulullah said this, they would immediately
gold. Any amount of research and investigation will eede to it.
prove them to be pure. After the Sahaba, every
narrator had to be investigated —whether he narrates Do you notice that, these days whenever a person
wrongly, or does he do so in jest, as a joke or a lie. hears that a famous person has come from a certain
Has he broken apledge or has he been dishonest to place then people immediately flock around him and
anyone. Is he not like a common street man. Does he in this manner many deceivers make million of rands.
cause a scence/confusion without cause. Is his Similarly in those days when sometime said that
memory sound - or is he old due to which his memory Rasulullah said such and such a thing then no
fails him. one dared to say that it is fabricated.
If he was free from the above flaws, then the people When the era of sahaba ended, and the era of
recognized him as pious, honest, stable, reliable and habitiual liars become the order of the day, then some
noble. Such a narrator is terned “aadil”. His narrations people, espically those who cherished leadership,
Imaam Malik Bin Anas ______________ 86 Imaam Malik Bin Anas _______________87
noticed that the Muslims resprcted the Hadith and He remained sitting respectfully and continued the
saw this as an opportiunity to not only add to the lesson without he completed the lesson; he lifted his
Hadith but also to fabricate it. kurta and relaised that the scorpion had bitten him
In Madinah, there were Ulema of high caliber of high seventeen times.
who relaised this but at that time nothing was done to They student mentioned that they had noticed that his
stop this fitnah (tribulation), and no complilition or face was changing colour but they did not have
kitaab was prepared to sift out the correct Ahaadith courage to question him and nor did he say anything.
from the fabricated ones. This is what the entiquette of the Hadith was and this
Allah made it such that in this era, such an Aalim was is what true love for Nabi is And what a sincere
born who scrutinized Hadith all his life and pondered love this was that when engrossed with the saying of
as to when and where a particular Hadith was Rasulullah then the concern for life or death
narrated, who narrated it. What work did he do. He also disappears.
undertook distant journeys and investigated the On this occasion we are reminded of the event of
authenticity of various Hadith by questioning not one Mahmood Ghasanwi written by the scholar of the
or two but thousands of great Ulema and sifted the innerself. He once stayed in a room wherein there
reliable narrators from the unreliable ones. was an arc. On a shelve therein there were a few
Rasulullah (£S5£) has said that after death, pious pages of the Noble Quraan. He stayed awake the
children will also be useful and the knowledge of whole night with the thought that it is disrespectful to
Quraan and Hadith which one learns and teaches will sleep where the pages of the Quraan are present.
also useful. This is why many great Ulema spent their Before Imaam Malik came to deliver the Hadith
entire lives in these noble works. It was these people
who established their wn Madressahs in which lesson, he
thousand of students obtained the knowledge of Used to perform Gusl, adorn expensive clothing,
Quraan, Hadith and fiqh. apply ittar and comb his hair.
In this very age and from this very group of people The student sat with their heads lowred and they
there emerged one Imaam Malik about turned the pages in such a manner that no sound was
whom we are now going to discuss. heard. All this was done because the words of
Rasulullah were to be heared. The entire floor
RESPECT FOR HADITH of the classroom was carpeted and not a twig was to
Imaam Malik was a very pious person. His be seen anywhere.
respect for the Hadith was so great that you will be
left in amazement on bearing about it. THE FAMILY OF IMAAM MALIK
Once, while teaching the Hadith, a scorpion managed Imaam Malik’s father name was Anas. He was from a
to get into his grab and began sitning-him at the waist. lofty, high lineage. His great grand father was a
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (£%%&£%>)_______________88
Imaam Malik Bin Anas _______________89
resident of Yamen whose name was Amir and who Urwa (^tSj&’iS!) was the son of Hadhrat Zubair
came to Madinah. His grandfather’s name was also (S^dKiSS), who was the nephew and student of
Malik-Malik bin Amir. He was of those who seen the Hadhrat Ayesha ('^txi^S ’). Nafe (^wiKiSp), who was
Sahabas. He was in the service of Hadhrat Uthman fortunate enough to stay in the blessed company of
Ghani When Hadhrat Uthman (W S iO ) Hadhrat Absullah bin Umar and remained in his
passed away, then it was this very Malik who service for thirty years. Not only this, he also was in
retrieved his body from the enemies and buried it. He the service of Hadhrat Ayesha ('sSflSSS’), Umme-
also heard narrations from Hadhrat Umar, Hadhrat Salma Hadhrat Abu Huraira (WSJi><lS») and
Uthmaan, Ummul-Mu’mineen Ayesha, Talha and Hadhrat Abu Saeed Kudhri ($S#ii>K2y).
Aqeel (W.&A'<!5s>).
Imaam Malik’s father, Anas heard narration from AS A STUDENT OF NAFE
For as long as Nafe lived, Imaam Malik attended his
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar, and in this manner the
whole lineage were enriched with llm (knowledge). lesson. He used to say that when Nafe narrates from
Whenever Imaam Malik lectures then he states that “I Abdullah bin Umar, then there is absolutely no doubt
have heard from Hadhrat Umar” (or Hadhrat Uthmaan and so need to receive another “sanad” (chain of
or Hadhrat Ayesha narrates) from anyone else.
Those who possess the knowledge of Hadith and hold
This same sequence is adopted in Hadith lesson up the status of Sheikhul-Hadith call these Hadith which
to today. Wherever there be any imparting of Deeni are narrated from Malik to Nafe and from Nafe to
llm, especially those course wherein Hadith is taught, Abdullah bin Umar “Ranjeer” (i.e. when one piece is
this same sequence of mentioning name is still linked to another and the value is that of gold).
Let us now relate to you which makes you happy.
IMAAM MALIK’S BIRTHPLACE That there is so much equality in Islam. The one who
is superior in Islam is the one who is pious, righteous
Imaam Malik was born and bred in Madinah, where and pure, and evil/bad is the one who is immodest
Nabi ((i3^)’s resting place is. Madiriah was a place non-partical and uncultured.
where each Aalim is as the next and ulema came Nafe (W & iO ) whom we have mentioned earlier on
from far and wide to visit the resting place of was the freed salve of Abdullah bin Umar
Rasulullah ((^^) to obtain blessing (spiritual After feeing him Abdullah bin Umar raised him to such
a position that he become the teacher of great, great
AN IMAAM OF MADINAH Ulema and Imaams. And, as mentioned earlier, he
remained in the service of his Sheikh for a period of
Amongst the Ulemah of Madinah was Hadhrat Qasim thirty years. Nafe ontained his knowledge of Hadith
bin Muhammed bin Abubakr (®.C5A<!5£), who was the from Hadhrat Ayesha, and from Abu Hurairrah, Umme
nephew and student of Hadhrat Ayesha ('s£»S©S>). Salma and abu Saeed Kudhri (I^l3£u<l$g>).
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (eJGi&Kag) 90 Imaam Malik Bin Anas (&£&[)£%>)______________ 91
Nafe’s Ustaad Hadhrat Ayesha And when she heard Abu Hurairah quoting a Hadith
that the dead is punished when the heirs cry she was
deeply regretful that he had quoted this Hadith without
What can be said of Hadhrat Ayesha who pondering. Why would Rasulullah say
had observed the sleep, the wakefulness, the something which is contrary to the Quraan. The
laughter, the speech, the Ibaadat, the mysticism and Quraan advocates that one’s burden will not be
all the other activities of Rasulullah (tS^). She not carried by another. Someone cries and another
only obtained the knowledge but her understanding receives the punishment? What fault is it of the
was such that reputable people also did not possess. decseased if his heirs cry, that he has to suffer such
The meaning of Hadith is such that a slight switch in
understanding can change the meaning from what to UNDERSTANDING OF THE
what. In matter of the world, just as the status of
lawers and barrister increase with their knowledge HADITH REQUIRES
and ability to extract and deduce laws from other UNDERSTANDING AND
laws, in Deeni issues there are those who use their
understanding to elucidate the meaning and purport PRUDENCE
of the Hadith. Look when the names of Imaam Abu Hadhrat Ayesha explained that the situation
Hanifa. Imaam Malik, Imaam Shaafi and Imaam was actually this that the funeral procession of a Jew
Ahmed bin Hambal are mentioned then passed by. The heirs of the jew were crying.
reputable and notable Ulema lower their heads to Rasulullah said that the dead is being purnished
them, only due to their uprighteousness, piety and the and the heirs are crying.
proper understanding of the Hadith.
The punishment was not due to their crying but due to
Once Abu Hurairah who was the Sheikhul- the bad actions of the Jew and his disobedience to
Hadith of Nafe, said that some houses, some houses
and some women are unfortunate. Allah and His Rasul
We realize from this that narrating a Hadith does not
WHEREIN LIES MISFORTUNE all but understand and investigating under what
When Hadhrat (Ayesha heard this, she circumstance it was said.
stated that Abu Hurairah has not understood.
Rasulullah (SJaSS) mentioned the belief of the Jews. THE OTHER USTAAD OF IMAAM
Islam does not state that anyone is unfortunate or MALIK
unlucky. Had he heard the Hadith from the begning
then he would not have said this. Imaam Malik also narrates from other elders of
Madinah. The most famous amongst then are
Abubakr Muhammed bin Sahab-al-Zahuri (also
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (£%*&£££>)____________ 92 Imaam Malik Bin Anas _______________93
referred to as Zuhri and Ibn-e-Sahab Zuhri) Jafar smilingly asked Imaam Abu Hanifa wheather he knew
Saadiq bin Muhammed and Abu Haazim bin Salma that the deer only has two front teeth and not four.
bin Dunya.
One of Imaam Malik’s ustaad was Abu Haazim. He
He lived amongst great personalities and his was an elder of very high status. He knew many
narrations appear in Bukhari. Muslim Abu Dawud etc. Ahaadith. Sometimes, he lecturned in Masjid-e-
it is common knowledge that when these six Imaams, Nabwi. So huge were the crowds that there was no
who travelled far and wide to collect correct Hadith, seating place. Once Imaam Malik could not find any
they did not just accept anyone’s stories. No one place so he stood for a little while and departed.
realises the value of great knowledge they possessed When the people inquired from him as to why he went
concering Hadith. away, he replied that when one listens to the Hadith
Without studying the six books, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu of Rasulullah (5S^?), then one should do so in a
Dawud, Nisai, Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja and Muatta peaceful and a tranquil manner. He did not feel it
Imaam Malik, no one would qualify as a Faazil correct to stand and listen. Imaam Malik also heard
(Aalim). Hadith from other elders of Madinah as well.
Ibn Shab Zuhri is that elder who was so fortunate to He also benefited from the Ulema of Makkah, Basrah,
have seen the Sahaba:- Khurasaan and Jazeerah. However he did not leave
Hadhrat Anas (WK<i><5s>), Madinah for this purpose but benefited from them
HadhratJaabir when they come to Madinah.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar
Hadhrat Suhail bin Saeed IMAAM MALIK HAD SEVENTY
Imaam Zuhri lived in Syria. When he came to FIVE USTAADS.
Madinah, crowed of students flocked at the gate. Imaam Malik writes in his book “Muatta” the full name
Imaam Abu Hanifa was also a student of Imaam of which is “Muatta Imaam Malik”, that his ustaad
Zuhri. Jafar Saadiq was the son of Imaam Baaqir, and number seventy five.
they were from the Ahle Bait (family of Rasuluilah
(&3S5Bi). Who accepts Hadith more than them. Imaam Imaam Malik learnt from many elders but especially
Abu Hanifa was fortunate enough to be their student. from Rabee. Rabee’s full name is Abu Uthmaan
At times Imaam Jaafar used to test the students.
Once he asked Imaam Abu Hanifa that if someone Rabee was amongst those who did not see
breaks the four front teach of a deer while in the state Rasulullah and studied by the Sahaba. He was
of ihram, what becomes compulsory on him. Imam pious and of high caliber. Also worth remembering is
Abu Hanifa replied that he did not know Imaam Jaafar that one who saw Rasulullah (OSs?) [in the state of
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (£)&&£>£)______________ 94 Imaam Malik Bin Anas (elK&bK%i)______________ 95
Imaametc.] is called a Sahaabi. One who saw a Farrakh said that it was his house and that his name
Sahaabi is called a Tabi, and one who saw a Tabi is is Farrakh and that he had returned after twenty
called a Tabi-Tabieen, (3®M£?i). seven years.
Imaam Malik had such a high affinity to Rabee that His wife heard the voice and name of her husband
people referred to Rabee as Sheikh Malik, and from inside and came running out. Then the father
wherever Rabee’s name is mentioned in books, it is embraced the son. To put in a nutshell, they all
written as Sheikh Malik. His lesson were held mainly recognized each other. When, after meeting each
in Masjid -e-Nabwi. He left the people speechless other, they began speaking as father and son,
with his astonishing intrigues. His lesson were Farrakh asked what was left of the thirty thousand
attended by great scholars such as Imaam Malik. dinars. His wife replied that be should not be
Haseen Basri, Auzai and Yahya Ansaari. Imaam perturbed as all of it is keopt safely.
Malik used to say that since the death of Rabee, the
taste of jurisprudence is diminishing. When Farrakh went to pray in Masjid-e-Nabawi, he
saw that his son was the Imaam. Reputable Ulema
Now listen to a heart warming were listening to his speech with their heads bent. On
his return, he remarked to his wife that Rabee has
incident. reached a high stage.
Rabee’s father’s name was Farrakh. When he left for His wife asked wheather this dignity and position of
Khurassan during the war, he left thirty thousand the son was more valuable than the thirty thousand.
dinars with his wife with the instruction that she Dinars. Farrakh replied that for that position and
should look after it cautiously. Rabee was soon to be dignity let alone thirty thousand, three hundred
born. After his birth his mother saw to his education thousand can be sacrified. He remarked further that
and upbringing. when he (Rabee) quotes the Hadith by saying
When Farrakh returned after twenty seven years his “Rasulullah said,” it seems as if the angle are
appearance had changed and old age had replaced shading him.
youth. Then his wife said that it is all right because the
Rabee was young, knowledgeable and stately. He treasure of thirty thousand dinars is buried in his
taught reputable Ulema, Hadith and Fiqh in Masjid-e- chest.
Nabwi. Farrakh entred his house and was rebuled by Imam Malik was always in the service of great,
Rabee for entering without priour permission. Farrakh notable and pious elders. He attended the lesson of
said that it was his own house and he has come to it. the ulema, Muhadditheen (scholars of Hadith) and
There was a commotion in the locality that someone Fuqahaa (juro-consultants) of the time who had no
has entred the house of Rabee. Imaam Malik also equal.
came and requested Farrakh to occupy another home He always said that he was seated amongst high-
instead. ranking Fuqahaa and not by fools. He stated that I
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (&&&&£) 96 Imaam Malik Bin Anas _______________97
have seen seventy Shiekhs by the pillars of Masjid-e- Zuhri narrated forty Hadith. When they went the next
Nabawi who say “Rasululllah [O £] says” but I do not day to the gathering Imaam Zuhri asked for his book
sit by them for they were not caution about the so that he may lecture, of what benefit was was the
knowledge of Hadith. Some, due to ignorance, spoke previous day’s lecture.
lies, other were not aware of the reality of Hadith and Rabee said that there was such a person present in
some were completely ignorant and were there for
show. the gathering who will narrate the forty Hadith of
yesterday without hesitation [swifty]. Zuhri inquired as
A student of Imaam Malik states, that his Ustaad used to who that was. Rabee mentioned Imaam Malik’s
to say that there are also such holy people in Madinah name, who narrated all of the forty Hadith. There was
that if they lifted their hands [made dua] then rain absolutely no mistake in Zabar or zer (i.e. that is word
would fall shortly but these are mainly pious and for word). Imaam Zuhri was dumbfounded/astonished.
devotees. Narrating of Hadith and rending of Fatawa
is something else. ENTHUSIAM FOR KNOWLEDGE
The narrator of Hadith thinks that what is coming out Enthusiam for llm [Knowledge] is also a boon from
from his month and on the day of Qiyaamat where Allah. Just as life and wealth are mediums through
this affair reaches. which one attains knowledge, so too is the
Imam’s nephew Ismael said, my paternal uncle used supervision of pious and intelligent parents. The
to say that the knowledge of Hadith is Deen. “Be incident of Shiekh Abdul Kadir Jilani where his mother
careful who you seek it from. I have seen seventy advised him not to speak lies, is written in the
person saying “Rasulullah [^3^] said”, but did not smallest ok books.
learn from anuone of them. These people were so His Ashrafyah [money] was hidden in his clothing.
trustworthy that if the whole treasury was entrusted to The caravan was ambused and the thieves asked him
them there would not be a difference of one hair on what he had. He openly admitted that he had forty
their trustworthiness but these were not people who Ashrafiyah. The affect of his truthful statement was
were versed in the science of Hadith. that the leader of the thives and the other thives
He also used to say that whatever the people said, repented.
they did not understand. The greatest role in the upbringing and education of
the child is that of the mother. When we read about
IMAAM MALIK HAD A the lives of the great elders, then it becomes apparent
POWERFUL MEMORY that when the mother is religious and respects Allah
and his Rasul then she transforms her children from
Imaam Malik had a strong memory. What he heard he what to what. You have just read the condition of
memorized. Once, he proceeded along with his Imaam Rabee’s mother. How, instead of hoarding the
Ustaad, Rabee to Imaam Zuhri. On that day Imaam gold coins her husband had givenher, she spent the
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (eK&bK3g>)______________ 98 Imaam Malik Bin Anas (£JE&i>K%>)______________ 99
three thousand dinars to make her son an Ustaad of him from where to where, today whenever his name is
other Ustaad and Imaams. mentioned then heads bow in respect.
In this world many such people have passed who Imaam Malik attended the gathering of Imaam Nafe
have neither had wealth, nor did their parents have for twelve years and become his deputy. You have
the power and the strength, and nor did they have also read about the amount of respect and dignity for
close relatives who could assist them. They were Imaam Malik’s gatherings surpassed that of kings.
deprived of the rightful supervision when their
guardians slept in the lap of death. They gained ERA OF ABASSI’S
knoweledge because of their enthusiasm to obtain llm GOVERNMENT
and the concern of their mothers. Imaam Malik was born when the Bani Umayya
Sometimes poverty was experienced in the process of government was at it’s height or peak. But after
obtaining knowledge. But they bore it willingly and sixteen years, by the time the Imaam occupied the
their thirst for knowledge maintained their seat of imparting llm and became famous, the
steadfastness in the search for llm. Today, history is government of the Bani Ummaya had become weak
enriched with their remembrance. and unstable.
Up till today there are fortunate student who sit under The Bani Ummaya government is the same one
the shade of trees and take advantage of the light (during the time of yazid) which created detestment
from lamps and they remain endrossed in the search and rage in the hearts of the hearts of the Bani Fatima
for llm. This is true acivement and these are the when Hazrat Imaam Hussein (®®i>’4S?i) was martyred.
successful ones who accord high ranks. Imaam With the decline of the Bani Ummayya, the Bani
Bukhari, whose book is read in every Darul-Uloom Fatima and Ulawi Saeedi tired to get the government
around the world, also passed such days, chewing back but the Bani Abbas rose against them.
the leaves of the trees in the Jungle, but he remained
The children of sayyida Fatima and Sayyidina Ali
steadfast on the road to llm and never lost courage. (~!$K<i>'<15g>) were called the Sayyeds, and the children of
Imaam Malik also passed such difficult times whilst Hazrat Ali (®.&«i>'<!Ss>)’s from his other wives were called
seeking knowledge that at one time he had to sell the Ulawi. They openly claimed that the right to Khilaafat
wood from his roof no mslke ends meet. He used to belonged to them and neither to the Bani Ummaya,
say that perfection of llm is not reached until one has nor to the Bani Abbas.
not tasted poverty and it does not diminish the thirst It so happened that one Sayyed (Abu Hashim Ulawi)
for llm. made a will in favour of Muhammed Abbasi and the
In the heat of the Arabian afternoons, he used to Abbasi’s received he right to stand for Khilaafat.
present himself punctually in the service of Imaam
The Sayyed became rivals of each other. The children
Nafe. Just see how this enthusiasm for limn carried
of Sayyida Faatima and those of Hadhrat Ali
Imaam Malik Bin Anas ($£&&&) 100 Imaam Malik Bin Anas ______________101
other children were at logger-heads with The government knew that if Imaam Malik issued a
each other. divorce a by force or compulsion then the divorce
would not be divorce meaning that if someone forced
On the testination of the Ummayya Khilaafat, the first him to swear allegiance, he would not do so. Besides
Abbasi governer was safaa. After him was Manzoor, this, he had already issued a Fatwa that Hadhrat Nafs
who began to cut the roots of the Bani Faatima and Zakki is the rightful Khalif. Therefore, on reaching
Ulawi Sayyeds. Madinah, Jafar started taking allegiance for Mansoor
We have explained these differences in the life of afresh. He sent a message to Imaam Malik not to
Imaam Malik because the Ulema and the Imaams classify the allegiance as impermissible.
loved and had faith in the children of Rasulullah ((S8S?)
whom we call the “Ahle Bait Rasul” and they desired ALLEGIANCE FORCE IS NO
that instead of the Ummayads and the Abbasis, the ALLEGIANCE AT ALL.
children of Rasulullah should rather gain
Khilaafat, because they are more deserving. Whoever approached Imaam Malik for a verdict about
taking alliegiance, he replied in the negative. On this
We have discussed Manzoor and that he was the
the administration of the government ordered seventy
enemies of both the Sayyeds (the children of Sayyeda
lashes for Imaam Saheb.
Faatima and those of Hadhrat Ali (^.CsiiO), the
Ulawis). He regarded them as his opponents and Imaam Malik, the Imaam of Darul-Hijraat (land of
therefore started cutting them off at the roots. Hijrat)-who repeated “Rasulullah said” for sixty two
years-who speared Hadith and Fiqh amongst Arab
Becoming frustrated with the oppression of Manzoor,
and non-Arab had his kurta removed by the
the Sayyed held a meeting in Madinah and made
government who whipped him seventy times with both
Muhammed bin Hassan bin Ali (the grandson of
his hands slipping from the shoulders, and his entire
Hadhrat Hassen (&&&£&), who was very pious,
back immersed in blood. Then he was seated on the
uprightous Sayyed and their leader. He was called
back of a camel for publicity.
Nafs-e-Zakkiyah (pure, clean soul). He fought against
Manzoor and many were on his side but fortune was The people of Madinah observed in the bazaars the
not a his side and he was martyred in the battlefield. alleys and the localities that here was Imaam Malik,
who sacrified himself for the name of Rasulullah
After him, his brother Ebrahim also fought against
((®a§), tied on a camel, dripping with blood from the
Manzoor with great zeal and might but he was also whipping but tongue of the lover of Haq(truth) came
not successful. He was killed after a few months.
only this Whoever knows me and whoever does not
Manzoordeduced that the people of Madinah were
know me, listen! I am Malik, the son of Anas. I say
especially against the Khilaafat and the government
forced divorce is against the Shariat (and forced
so he dispatched his half brother, Jafaar as governor
allegiance is also no allegiance).
to Madinah.
Imaam Malik Bin Anas 102 Imaam Malik Bin Anas (eM&K?^)______________ 103
When he was lowered from the camel, then he went advise him if he has any flaws but not to speak ill of
to Masjid-e-Nabwi and performed two rakaats salaat - him and to renegade from his obedience.
with his blood soaked clothes.
Imaam Saheb read the Quraanic aayat:-
When Manzoor Abbasi was informed that Jafar had “Muslims, if some Fassiq (transgressor) inform you,
behaved so harshly to Imaam Malik then the had him then testify and investigate his information. It must not
seated on a donkey and had him brought back to be so that due to ignorance you harass the innocent
Baghdad in utter humilitation. He deposted him. «£ | and regart your action” .
When the government stabilized Manzoor proceeded 5 Manzoor said. “Well, inform me what you think me.”
for Haj the next year and came to Madinah. During his 5
Imaam Saheb Said “Absolve me from answering this
student years. Manzoor was the companion of Imaam **
Malik. Both sat with total respect in front of the same "3 question.”
Sheikh (teacher). Thus Imaam Saheb went to meet © Ibn-e-Samaan said, “Ameerul-Mu’mineen, you are the
Manzoor. best from all you perform Haj, engage in Jihaad.aid
O the oppressed and are the backbone of Islam and
Manzoor behaved most cordially with Imaam Saheb "EL
and sowore by oath that he never ever gave © justice.”
permission to deal with him in such a manner. O Ibn-e-Abi Zahb answered frankly “You are the worst
Manzoor presented the robe of honour to Imaam Jp of the creation. You utilize the wealth of the Muslims
Saheb. As per custom, the chamberlain wanted to put £ for your own pomp and grolry. You destroyed the
it on Imaam Saheb’s shoulders but Imaam Saheb 3 poor. Trouble the rich say, what answer are you going
moved away. Manzoor rebuffed the chamberlain and 3 to present in front of Allah.”
instructed him to send the robe to me house of Imaam © Manzoor said, “Look a little what is in front of you.”
Saheb. 5" Ibn-e-Abi Zahb said, “What will happen, these are
When Manzoor came to relies that the Ulema are •0 naked sawords. There is death, but to die today is
against his government then, contrary to habit, he O better than to die tomorrow.”
summoned Imaam Malik at night. He also called two 3
outstanding Fuqahaa Ibn-e-Abi Zahb and Ibn IMAAM SAHEB’SSTATUS
Samaan. Imaam Saheb performed ghusl and adnored
the Kafn and came to the court of the government. ACCORDING TO MANZOOR
On the departure of the two Faqihs, Manzoor said. “I
FACE TO FACE IN THE COURT smell the fragrance of burial cloth from your grab.”
OF MANZOOR. Imaam Saheb replied that he was despondent of life.
Manzoor said that he has received information which Manzoor asked, “Subhaanallah! What, will I destroy
has made him feel very sad. He asked the Ulema to the pillars of Islam.”
Imaam Malik Bin Anas _____________ 104 Imaam Malik Bin Anas ___105
After Manzoor, the position went to Mahdi. After two which Rasulullah (&&£) went walking. “Althought he
years Mahdi came for Haj. His two sons Haroon and was ill he went on foot.
Moosa came with him. He was welcomed by the It is recorded that on this journey, Mahdi listened to
Ulema and the respectful people near the city. the Ahadith complied in Muatta and also ordered his
Amongst them was Imaam Malik. Imaam Mahdi saw sons, Haroon and Moosa to do the same. The sons
Imaam Malik, greeted him and embraced him. summoned Imaam Malik who retoted that “llm does
not go to the courts, those of court come to llm. “The
IMAAM SAHEB’S GREAT sons learnt a lesson from this and came with total
CONCERN FOR THE PEOPLE OF respect to the lessons.
MADINAH It is said that Imaam Saheb used to read the Ahaadith
himself. He said that it was the pattern of the Madinah
That year there was famine in Hijaz. Imaam Saheb Ulema that the student read and the Sheikh listens,
said, “You are going to that city wherein are the so that when the necessity Aries then it will be easy to
children of the Ansaar and the Muhaajireen. They all comment or explain. When Mahdi was informed of
live under the shadow of Nabi Mahdi took the this, he advised his sons to read first and let the
hint and forwarded twenty five lakh (a hundred Imaam will listen.
thousand) dirhams to Imaam Saheb for distribution
amongst the deserving. Moosa was the successor of Mahdi but he did not live
for more than a year when Haroon-ar-Rasheed took
He forwarded a further three thousand Ashrafiyyah to over the seat of Khilaafat.
Imaam Saheb with an invition to join him to Baghdad.
Imaam Saheb declined the offer with the saying of Haroon-ar-Rasheed was a person of such a high
caliber that history has not forgotten him and nor will it
Rasulullah (O£) that “Madinah is better for you if you
be forgotten. During his time some poet said;
but knew. “So how can I leave the cith of the Rasul
“O Haroon, if someone desires to meet to meet you,
they may meet you on the borders of the enemy or in
RESPECT the Haraamain.”
The Ulemah gave preference to Makkah over This implies that he was so zealous that he was either
Madinah, but Imaam Saheb’s opinion was that occupied in fighting the enemy or in praying in the
madinah is better than Makkah and the mystic feel the Haran, for blessing and good fortune.
same way.
Mahdi then sent a conveyance to Imaam Malik by
which he could come to the royal Khilaafat court SERVIC E OF IMAAM SAHEB
Imaam Saheb refused to use it saying that “What Do you really know who Haroon-ar-Rasheed was? He
courage has Malik got to go riding in those alleys in was that Abbasi Khalef for whom great and notable
Imaam Malik Bin Anas 106 Imaam Malik Bin Anas ______________ 107
kings feared. He was the backbone of the Ulema and person. “Haroon was silenced again. After Haroon
the pious ones. There were no bounds to his virtues. seated abserved: “Ameerul-Mu’mineen, humility is a
In his era, the Islamic government was regarded with good quality. “On hearing this Haroon descended
such awe that when he addressed the Roman from the platform and sat with the rest of the students.
governer as “O, The dog of Rome”, the governor was Haroon then requested him to read.
so delighted at being addressed at all that he placed Imaam Saheb remarked that this was contrary to
the letter on his head kissed it and was proud of the habit and indicated to one of his student (Mueen bin
fact that the government of Baghdad had honoured Essa) to read. Haroon and his sons listened to the
During the rule of Haroon, on one remained unclothed You have now witnessed hos independent Imaam
or hungry. He was not favourtism and respected the
Malik was. He did not spare the value of knowledge
knowledge and language of other so much that upto for the pleasure of the kings.
today his name remains outstanding in this regard.
Immediately after becoming the Khalif, he proceeded AN INCIDENT REGARDING THE
for Haj. When he came to Madinah, the people came SHEIKH-UL-HADITH OF
out to welcome him, Imaam Saheb was also present.
When Imaam Saheb saw him, he was very happy and DEOBAND MOULANA ANWAR
said that Imaam Saheb’s book, Muatta, had reached SHAH KASHMIRI.
Baghdad and that he has emphaissed the importance
of studying it to the youth in his family. The writer himself has witnessed this incident.
Hadhrat Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri
Haroon Rasheed once summoned Imaam Malik to the went to Hyderabad. He stayed in Abed Road by a
royal court to read the Hadith of Muatta to his famous lawer. This was during the era of Sir Akbar
children. Hederi. A messenger came with a message from the
Imaam Saheb came but he did not bring the Muatta royal house, that Sir Akbar conveys his salaams.
with. When Haroon inquired as to the reason for this, Moulana conveyed his salaams as well. The lawer
to which Imaam replied: “Haroon, knowledge has took the Moulana aside and explained that this meant
come from your house, humiliate it or Honour it. that he wanted to meet the Moulana. Moulana replied
“Haroon was silenced and, together with his sons he that since he had never met sir Akbar before before,
proceeded to the lesson of Imaam Saheb. A huge the only reason he could have called him is because
crowed of students had gathered for the same he is the Sheikhul-Hadith of Deoband and an Aalim.
purpose and Haroon asked Imaam Saheb to remove Addressing the lawyer directly he said: “Listen, lawer!
the rest of the Students and to read the Muatta for his Knowledge does not go to the door of anyone. He
sons alone. Imaam Saheb reply was: “what! Should I who honours knowledge goes to its door.”
destroy the rights of so many Muslims just for one
Imaam Malik Bin Anas 108 109
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (aJfc&Kagi)_____________
The messenger departed and returned with another DIFFERENCE OF NARRATION
message that sir Akbar is coming himself but there
will be no other meeting time. DOES NOT NEGATE THE TRUTH
Hadhrat Shah Kashmiri remarked that he will not let He said that Sahaba also used to differ in some laws
the one who is seated, rise and it is clear that when and their difference was truth. These pious people
Sir Akbar comes, other will not come. On that very dispersed to various places and thaught the Sunnat of
day he went away from Hyderabad because there Rasulullah (tS^§) and the various laws. The various
was a possibility of Fitnah (trouble). laws. The truth is that so many Sunnat underwent
Now letus return to the story of Haroon. some change. If initially it was permissible to reply
freely while in Salaat but eventually it becomes
THE RECITATION OF MUATTA prohibited. Today if one replies in Salaat then one’s
AMONGST THE ULEMA Salaat is nullified. When the pattern of Salaat
performance was completed the laws changed. This
On the journey to Hijaz, the Ulema of Iraq type of difference is also found in saying “Ameen”,
accompanied Haroon Qazi Abu Yusuf, who was the audibly and while going into ruku or after ruku, the
higest ranking Qazi of the Abbasi kingdom was also hands were raised. The discussion is whether this
present. Haroon-ar-Rasheed organized an Academic
Congregation (function). was done till the end or whether this pattern was
Imaam Saheb started reading the Ahaadith from
Muatta. The Ulema remained silent when Imaam Those who were blessed to serve Rasulullah (8SS8S) in
Saheb completed the law, which implied that they had the earlier times and were not with him later did not
no differences with it. report contrary to what they saw. Many laws changed
due to changing conditions. Those who heared one
He was an ocean of laws and regulations which law at one times and departed and were not there
spread and flowed. At the end of the function, Haroon when the laws changed, cannot be regarded as acting
called Imaam Saheb and asked him to explain the
law. Imaam Saheb Substained the law from the contrary to the truth. At that time there were no
Quraan and the Hadith and they all agreed upon it. telephones and faster means of communication that
They accepted the Muatta as being worthy of being we have today so this should not be a cause for
acted upon. confronation due to variation in the law.
Imaam Saheb remained Haroon about the poor and On the principle of laws wherein the differences
oppressed in Madinah. He ordered a huge sum to be between Islam and Kufr is encompassed, there is no
given in this direction. difference amongst the Ulema of the Ahle Sunnat Wai
Jamaat. Hanafi, Shaafi, Hambali and Maliki are
Haroon wanted to display the Muatta on the Kaabah
for all the countries to act upon but Imaam Saheb unanimous on those beliefs which result in Islam and
prohibited this. those which result in Kufr.
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (£KS&K%>)______________110 Imaam Malik Bin Anas ______________111
He spent the time between lecturing and issuing of (PEOPLE OF KNOWLEDGE)
Fatawas in the recitation of the Quraan. More Ibadat You have just read how displeased he was with
was performed on Jumuah night (Thursday) and no Haroon-ar-Rasheed for sharing his seat while he was
the first night of every month he spent the entire night delivering a lesson. However, when Imaam Abu
in Ibaadat. He regarded any moise-making and Hanifa came to him, he spread out a cloth for the
rowdiness near the blessed grave of Rasulullah (^2®) Imaam to sit upon and when he (Abu Hanifa)
as a great disrespect to the status and dignity of departed, he remarked that: “This is Abu Hanifa of
Nabuwwat. The Hadith of Rasulullah was not Iraq, who, if he desired to prove that the pillars around
narrated until ghusl and wudhu was not performed. are gold, he could do so”. This pious person did not
He never rode a conveyance in the alleys of Madinah. respect nor value material wealth as much as he
How can the earth upon which the blessed feet of the respected and valued the people ofllm.
leader of both the worlds walked, be trampled upon
When the blessed name “Muhammed” was MALIK’S MUNIFICENCE
mentioned, then the colour of his face changed. There were reputable and great Ulema and
GENEROSITY Muhadditheen in Madinah but the fame and status
reached by Imaam Malik was not reached by the others.
Once Imaam Malik was showing his stable to Imaam Not only did students of Madinah attened his lessons
Shaafi. The latter parised some of his horses. He then but from Makkah,Madan,Taif,Syira,Damascus,Hamas
gifted the whole stable to Imaam Shaafi. and Baitul-Muqaddis. Also from Baghdad, Basra, Kufa,
Every year he gifted eleven thousand dinars to Imaam Persia,Karman,Hamdaan,Rai,Nispur,Tabristan,Taus,Sa
Shaafi. marqand,Bukhari,Egypt,Alexandra,Africa,Tarablis.Marq
uis,Tarbalam,ltly and all the srounding areas.
This was the blessed fulfilling of the prophecy of
When Imaam Shaafi stayed over for the night then Rasulullah (OS). Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (^J.'i'&'iS)
Imaam Malik brought and laid the food himself and he narrated that Rasulullah (OS) said: “Shortly a time
also brought the water for the whudhu of the Fajr will come when people will rush on camel to seek llm
salaat himself. When he saw him off at the bazaar he (knowledge), but will not find a dreather Aalim
paid for the hired conveyance himself and also gave anywhere but in Madinah.”
him a small bag of money.
How many people must have benefited from Imaam
Malik, who taught Hadith and Fiqh for sixty two years.
Imaam Malik Bin Anas 112 Imaam Malik Bin Anas (a^&K>S>)_____________ 113
Experts like Imaam Abu Hanifa attended his lessons
and pious ones such as Imaam Shaafi (who was METHOD OF NARRATING
He used to narrate Hadith with complete tranquility,
Hadhrat Sufyaan Tauhri (who was the Imaam of Kufa total consideration and due attention. At times he sat
and to whom the last miracles are prescribed), on a high place and at times he stood. Student sat in
attended his lessons. Qazi Abu Yusuf, who was the <g* fronr and at the back with pen and ink. The Imaam
chief judge of the Abbasi government and numerous 5 used to narrate and the student wrote. At times some
other authorities of history whose names are taken of the Hadith used to be in front of him and at times
with respect and honour benefited from Imaam Malik < he used to narrate from memory. If the gathering was
huge, then a student was positioned in the centre to
There were not only Ulema and Fuqahaa amongst his transmit the Imaam’s words.
student but mystics, dervishes and such pious ones At times the Hadith, Fatwa or commentary was
who had seen the Sahaaba. Then there were dicated to a student who read the same to the other
deputies of the Muslim, Manzoor, Mahdi, Hadi, student in the lesson. The Imaam listened, adding,
Haroon Rasheed, Ameen, Abdullah and Mamoon. subtracting or explaining wherever necessary.
The Fuqahaa of the times, the judge of the times, the In Bukhari some Hadith are quoted like this: “Imaam
great Sheikhs, Jaafar Saadiq, Abdullah bin Dinnar, Malik informed me,” and at other places it is narrated
Ibrahim bin Adham.Zumnoon Misri, Muhammed bin that: “I have read Hadith in front of Imaam Malik”. This
Fazal bin Ayyaz - Who are regarded, even upto the means that Imaam Malik listened while some
present time by Arabs and non-Arabs, as their leaders fortunate student read the such as the narration of
and guides, have benefitedfrom Imaam Malik. Habeeb, who recited many times in front of Imaam
Poets, historians, Mufassirs explainers of tafseer) Malik.
expert in literature, and if there was one link or two The greatest speciality of Imaam Malik is that he was
between those who studied under the student of from the pure soil of Madinah, and lays buried there
Imaam Mlik, they used to boast about this fact. These as well.
include Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal, Imaam Bukhari,
Imaam Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu Daud and Nisai. He stayed in the house of Hadhrat Abdullah bin
Masood and occupied the era from which
Imaam Nawawi wrote in the Seventeenth century: Hadhrat Umar used to conduct his activities
“The chain of narrators which I found to be closer than from.
Bukhari, Muslim and Sahih is the Muatta of Imaam
Malik, who is the Sheikh of all these Muhadditheen Madinah is the Darul-Hijrat (house of hijrat) were
and Imaams.” Rasulullah and the Sahaba (ISSlSwMJ©) migrated
Imaam Malik Bin Anas (<^&SCag>)_____________ 114 Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______115
Because of the great love that Imaam Malik had for
Madinah and because of his great contribution to the
science of Hadith, he is referred to as the “Imaam of Definitely all praise is for Allah. We parise Him, seek
Darul-Hijrat.” His help and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge
in Allah from the evil within ourselves and from our
HIS WORKS evil actions.
From all his work the Muatta holds the highest status. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him. I
The Ulema have accepted this to be the best book bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped
after the Quraan. This is the first compilation of Hadith but Allah, alone, having no partner and I bear witness
which emanated from Madinah. After the Quraan, this that Hadrat Muhammad (Oa£) is His obedient servant
is the first book on the words of Rasulullah (££§?.) and Rasul. Blessings be upon the Sahabah
The status of the “Sahib Bukhari” of Imaam Bukhari In this morally declining age, people who read a few
books on Islam in the comfort of their homes without
came a hundread years later Imaam Shaafi any sacrifices have formed a habit of passing
says: “After the Quraan there is no better book on the judgement on pious righteous knowledgeable persons
surface of the earth, that Imaam Malik’s Muatta. “Not whose sacrifices cannot be compared. We have
a night passed by wherein he was not blessed with embarked upon a series of brief life stories of the four
the sight of Rasulullah (tSSS) in his dream. Imams of fiqh.
The mystics can easily say that his status must have
Mostly, we have rendered a non-literal translation of
reached that of the Sahaaba
the Urdu original by Hadrat Moulana Makbool Ahmed
DEMISE Suhaarwi With minor additions of our own.
The aim of this work is to create respect, love and
He passed away at the age of 86 on the eleventh
honour for those who truly deserve it and to realise
Rabiul-Awwal 179 (A.H). He is buried in Jannatul- the insignificance of our meagre efforts towards the
Baqee. upliftment and maintenance of our deen. It is also
hoped that a thirst will be created for more details in
this regard. These series may be easily adopted as
part of the syllabi for Madressahs and other Islamic
educational institutions.
Shawwaal 1415
March 1915. May Allah Ta’ala reward all those who enable us to
put these pages to print and include us in their duaas
and may He accept these minor efforts for His Deen.
A.H. Elias (Mufti)
Shawwal 1415
March 1995
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ($*<&&&)_____ 117
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i (eM&JJ#)______116
Hadhrat Umar proclaimed in Madinah and
Rasulullah (£8S?) said that while the household during the occasion of Haj, in the presence of
members are crying over the dead, then the dead thousands, that besides Hadhrat Uthman, Hadhrat Ali,
punished. Muaaz bin Jabal, Abdur-Rahman bin Auf, Abi bin
On hearing this Ayesha (^5xi>iss>) stated that the Kaab and Zaid bin Thaabit etc. no one else
narrator did not learn the Hadith properly, and has should give fatwas (legal rulings) and all questions
erred in understanding its meaning. The original must be addressed to them.
incident relates to a Jewish lady who passed away All of the above were Sahabah of high
and the household members were busy mourning. status. Hadhrat Umar mentioned in his
Nabi (($3^) happened to be passing by and he speeches that if anyone wants to learn Quran should
remarked that these people are crying and that do so by Abi bin Kaab (®2J£&"<!3>). Those who want to
person (i.e. the dead Jewish lady) is being punished. know about fard, Waajib and sunnat should enquire
Punishment on the Jewish lady was due punished to from Zaid bin Thaabit General laws will be
evil ways and not because of the crying of the given by Muaaz bin Jabal (^&s<!S>). This is similar to
members of the household. If any dead person is seeking counsel from famous lawyers regarding
punished because of someone else crying then this worldly laws; in whom one has full confidence. Certain
would be contrary to the words of the Quraan. In the lawyers handle military cases. Some are for estate
Quraan it is clearly stated that no one will carry the cases and some are court lawyers. Amongst them
burden of another. One person cries and another gets some are so famous that their doors are crowded with
the punishment! How can that be?. long queues whilst others sit on their chairs killing
One can easily see how such a small issue can
create such a difference in meaning. THE RESEARCH METHOD OF
During the Khilaafat of Hadhrat Umar HADHRAT UMAR ( W » )
despite his involvement in other governmental issue,
he kept a stern check on those who narrated ahadith It was Umar habit that if any Sahabi
and he actually curbed those who transmitted too mentioned any law then he used to clarify
many Hadith. whether this was the Sahaaba’s own opinion or
whether it was linked to what Rasulullah (£3®) said.
Hadhrat Umar (^.Kiais^) knew that no matter how
Hadhrat Musa Ashari (&ISui>'<!5£) was a Sahabi of high
intelligent a person may be, and no matter how good
status. Once he came to visit Umar (3s3J2*&l5s5), and
a person’s memory may be, the possibility of
sought permission: “Can I come in” three times. When
forgetting always exists. The issue of Hadith is so
no answer was received, he returned.
delicate that Rasulullah (£&s?) himself stressed that
“Whosoever quotes a statement from me which I did Hadhrat Musa Ashari (3S!S8><!S>) was a Sahabi of high
not make, let him make his place in Jahannam.” status. Once he came to visit Umar who
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______118 Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______119

was busy at that time, began looking for him but found Wherever they went people came from far and wide
that he was gone. He sent for him and inquired as to to question them on the various laws and they were
the reason why he had left. Abu Musa said that he provided with answers.
had heard Rasulullah (&&■) say that if, after seeking Besides the laws concerning salaat and fasting, the
permission three times, no reply is received, then one laws of punishment, theft and fraud also had to be
should return. explained. This led to such a situation that delegates
Hadhrat Umar (^Sfiil35) asked him to bring a witness came from various places to attend conferences
to verify his statement about what Rasulullah where they put their heads together to formulate
had said. unanimous decisions on every issue.
The witness was presented and testification was As the years went by more gatherings took place
given proving that Rasulullah had definitely said wherin new issues were discussed and new laws
so. Then Umar (WwixSi®) said to Abu Musa: “Abu formulated. On many occasions some sahabi would
Musa, Do not think that I regard you as a one who explain a law according to his opinion and analogy.
narrates incorrect or fabricated ahadith. The purpose After some days it was found to be incorrect and the
of this clarification is to create a fear in the people for correct law was stated. By this time the incorrect laws
misquoting the Hadith and to prevent them from being had already travelled a distance.
careless in this regard for this will cause flaws in the
laws of Islam. Those who learnt by the sahaba (SSBKMSjS) were not all
fear of the same calibre. There were those who were
Soon you will read how Hadhrat Umar
materialised. righteous and pious who learnt every word as it was
and there were those who added and subtracted -
HADHRAT ABU HURAIRAH some willingly but most unwillingly.
( W 8 B ) NARRATED MANY Many laws underwent some change or the other, but
look at the Greatness of Allah that just as in the time
AHAADITH of Hadhrat Umar there were people who
This incident is very touching. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah were well-versed in the knowledge of Hadith - within
(3S5J&8O) was a narrator of many ahaadith. Someone a century after the passing away of Rasulullah
once asked whether he used to narrate many Hadith people such as Imaam Abu Hanifa, Imaam Malik,
during the time of Hadhrat Umar He replied Imaam Shaafi and Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal were
no! Everyone feared the whip of Hadhrat Umar born who preserved the ahadith, pondered on the
|f there were any discrepancies in the laws and removed the interpolated Hadith. These four
narration of a Hadith, then Hadhat Umar Imaams came to the world following each other
made no concessions for anyone. closely and presented themselves for the service of
After Hadhrat Umar numerous disputes and Deen. They neither accepted any government post,
the Sahaba went to distant places. nor did they become subservient to the government
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i (&&&!&)_____ 120 Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i 121
whilst proclaiming Haq (truth). For Haq (truth) bore Rasulullah ((SS8^) has said that when Allah desire good
difficulties and hardships; they were whipped; went to for someone then He grants him the understanding of
jail, bore harassments but did not turn away from Haq Deen.
(truth). Allah Infinite Mercy be on these Imaams.
The lofty Quraan mention that whosoever has the
You have read the conditions of Imaam Abu Hanifa understanding of Deen has received an abundance of
and Imaam Malik now read that of Imaam good fortune. Fiqh is the understanding of Deen and a
Shaafi (3&&w>'<!S®). Understand who he was and what Faqih is that Aalim who understands the whole of
he showed and taught the Muslims. Deen and explain it to the people in such a way that
they understand it and if anyone requests proofs for it,
HADHRAT IMAAM MALIK they substantia from the Quraan and Ahadith.
(W ® s>)’S STATEMENT. The four Imaam were such great Fuqahaa that
Imaam Shaafi’s ustaad (teacher), Imaam Malik’s everybody acknowledges their supremacy. Reputable
motto is “Knowledge of Hadith is Deen. “Be cautious Ulema, great philosophers, kings and the common
from who you obtain it. I have seen seventy people man recognised this fact. Everybody acknowledges
who say “Allah says” and “Rasulullah (O3£) says” but I that no one understands the Quraan and the Hadith in
did not take any narration from them because the way the Imaams did.
whatever they say they themselves do not
The essence of the Knowledge of the Quraan and the IMAAM SHAAFI (SGSaJO©)
Hadith is to understand its purpose and its spirit. Imaam Shaafi (3te&K2y) was from a Noble lineage,
Many statements are such that if a person does not and what can be better than to hail from a family to
know when it was stated and why, then one will not which Rasulullah (iJsSs?) is linked.
understand it correctly. Muhammed the Rasul of Allah, the blessed son of
The Greatness of Allah can clearly be seen in that
Abdullah son of Abdul Mutallib.
one is able to extract laws from the Ahaadith and gain
Abdul Mutallib son of Hashim.
understanding from the Quraan and the Hadith.
Abu Abdullah Muhammed Shafi-noble son of Idris.
Knowledge is not dependent solely on intelligence
and organisation. Idris son of Abbas
Abbas son of Uthman
This very understanding of the Hadith result in the Uthman son of Shafi
making of Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and this is the Shafi son of Saib
distinctive unique quality of the four Imaams by which Saib son of Ubaid
the world recognises them. Ubaid son of Abd
Abd son of Hashim
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i (£)G%i>iK2g)_____ 122 Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______123
Notice, Rasululiah (ds®) is Hashimi.
Imaam Shaafi is Hashimi.Imaam Shaafi’s
father stayed in a village called Tabaala, near BECAME HAFEZ AT THE AGE OF
Madinah Munawwarah. After some time he came to SEVEN
Madinah and when there was difficulty in provisions
he proceeded to Shaam, (Syria) and stayed in When he became a Hafez, he was seven years old.
Asqalaan. Amongst the books of Hadith the Muttah of Imaam
Imaam Shaafi’s father died before the Imaam’s birth. *3 Malik was very famous.
The uncle and grandfather were staying nearby in the & At the age of ten his mother sent him to Makkah
town of Azad. His mother took him there. He stayed S Muazzamah. Imaam Shaafi’s uncle stayed in Makkah
with his uncle for eight years. ■ but due to financial shortcoming he could not send
him to Madinah where the lesson of Imaam Malik
CD was recognised and rated as the highest in the whole
o of Arabia.
His mother sent him to Makkah to study and
CD memorise the history of the progeny of the Arabs.
O This was considered an absolute necessity amongst
S' the Arabs of status. As important as it was to study
c the genealogy of the Arabs, Imaam Shaafi was not
3 inclined in this direction. He was after all from the
3 family of Rasululiah (Us®) and he was therefore
fi) naturally inchined towards the study of the condition
of Rasulullah (<S®) said towards understanding that
0 which Rasulullah (IS®) on every occasion. Such was
o his inclination that he immediately memorised
3 ' whatever he heard and wrote it on bones to preserve
it in earthen pots. How great was his enthusiasm and
yearning! What a blessed age it was!
Once he saw Rasulullah ((is®) in a dream. Rasulullah
((is®) asked him: “Lad, from which are you? He
replied:” Sir, I am from your tribe, and a speck from
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______124 Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______125
the rays of the Rasulullah (£Sa£) called him nearer and service of Imaam Malik and his inability to do so to
applied his blessed salivia on his lips and mouth and Muslim bin Khalid.
said “Allah will send blessings on you.”
He was advised that Musaab, the son of Hadhrat
After a few days he dream of Rasulullah ((S8S£) leading Zubair (^ J ® i5 ) was an influential person. If he writes
salaat in the Kaaba, after which he began imparting even by way of intercession to anyone then the
knowledge to the people. Imaam Shaafi came closer difficult becomes easy. He was also a wealthy person
and requested Rasulullah (®S?) to teach him something. and if he so desired he could also give the money
Rasulullah (&£§?) then presented him with a small scale himself.
as a gift.
When Musab heard Imaam Shafi’s condition, he
After inquring for the interpretation, a pious person immediately wrote a note and gave him a hundred
said that he will be the Imaam of spreading the
Ashrafiyyahs (money). His ustaad wrote a letter of
Sunnat of Rasulullah (($§£) in the world. intercession to Imaam Malik, that Imaam Shaafi
We are illustrating that due to poverty and improvision deserves his attention and was very enthusiastic. He
Imaam Shaafi (e%£w^) could not fulfil his inner wrote about Imaam Shaafi’s intelligence and wit. Also
yearning (to study under Imaam Malik (£J&&!^) In that he was in his class for three years.
Madinah). At that time Muslim bin Khalid Zanji was Imam Shafi left for Makkah from Madinah. He
the Imaam of Hadith and Fiqh. He was the Mufti. In travelled the distance stage by stage. The first thing
Hadith, he was the student of Muhammad bin he did on reaching Makkah was to present himself to
Shahaab, Umru bin Dinar and other elders and he Imaam Malik (^UAiJ^).
learnt Fiqh from Imaam Abdul Malik Bin Abdul Aziz.
He was understanding, compassionate and a pious NO NEED FOR INTERCESSION
person. He was able to recognise the quality of a
person by looking at the face (external). Imaam Shaffi
attended his lesson and On meeting Imaam Malik, he gave him the letter from
the ustaad to which the Imaam angrily retorted “What!
Muslim bin Khalid was extremely pleased with the
Do you seek intercession through notes in order to
enthusiasm and intellect of Imaam Shaafi (£K&bJ3y).
seek knowledge about Rasulullah (<®S). This is
Daily in the madressah, mention was repeatedly dependent on truthfully seeking which intercedes for
made of Imaam Malik (£J&ub!3y)- the etiquettes in his itself.”
classroom -the method of studying Hadith by his
When Imaam Shaafi mentioned his inner desire and
student- his commentary and explanation of Ahadith- Malik asked him
his restlessness, Imaam
his dignity and awe - purity and cleanliness. Imaam
affectionately “What is your name? he replied
Shaafi listened to these and remained silent. One day
“Muhammed bin Idris. “Imaam Malik said; “Fear Allah,
he finally mentioned his burning desire to be in the
you are to obtain great status and dignity. “After some
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______126 Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______127
time, with the constant attention of Imaam Malik, he After a little while, the customer came back with the
attained the highest respect and position in the class. complaint that the parrot does not speak at all. This
displeased me and a heated discussion pursued
THE METHOD AND ETIQUETTE between me and the customer. In the heat of the
OF HADITH LESSON. moment I said that the parrot does not remain silent. If
it remains silent then talaaq (divorce) upon my wife. Is
In Madinah Munawwarah, there were two method of my wife divorced or not?”
teaching Hadith. One was when the Sheikhul Hadith
Imam Malik replied that divorce has taken place
stood or sat on an elevated place and after narrating the because it does remain silent as well. The saddened
Hadith, explained and commented on it. The student sat merchant was very sorrowful and left.
respectfully and took notes and if there arose any
Imam Shaafi followed him a little distance and then
intricacy then an answer was provided on enquiry.
asked: “Does your parrot talk for a longer period or
The second method was that the Sheikhul-Hadith does it remain silent for a longer period. The
noted the Hadith with the explanation and gave it to merchant replied that the parrot talks more but
any reliable intelligent student who read in to the sometimes remain silent. Imaam Shaafi asked him
others, and the ustaad rendered the commentary. not to be depressed as his wife was not divorced. He
Imaam Malik gave lesson it this manner and you then returned quietly to the class and sat down.
recall that in the presence of Haroun-ar-Rasheed
Mueen bin Essa narrated ahadith whilst Imaam Malik The merchant returned to Imaam Malik and asked
gave commentary upon it. him to review the case. He replied that there was no
need to do so as the matter was clear that his wife
This honour was obtained by other student as well as was divorced. The merchant explained what Imaam
Imaam Shaafi. When Imaam Shaafi read the Hadith, Shaafi said to him. When Imaam Malik heard this he
Imaam Malik loved his recitation greatly. Imaam was angered and asked Imaam Shaafi why he had
Shaafi narrates that in front of the Sheikh we used to given a wrong fatwa (ruling).
turn the page slowly without a sound.This sign of
respect was necessary during our Hadith Imaam Shaafi maintained his composure and
lessons.Immam Shaafi narrated Hadith from great respectfully stated : “Hadhrat, ponder, the merchant
elders but benefited most from Imaam Malik whose says that the parrot talks more and remains silent
classes he attended for three years. less.:” Remember the narration which you stated in
my presence where Fatima bin Qais came to
AN INTERESTING EPISODE Rasulullah (i^®£) and said: “Ya Rasulullah, Muaawiya
and Abu Jahim both have proposed to me. I will marry
One day a perturbed parrot merchant came to Imaam the one you command me to Rasulullah ( ^ ? ) said:
Malik and said: “I sold a parrot to someone which “Fatima, what has Muaawiya got? He is poor whereas
talks a lot. I told the customer not to worry on this the stick never comes down from the shoulder of Abu
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______128
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______129
Rasulullah ((W?) knew that Abu Jahim sleeps and
works as well. His words “never does the stick Imaam Shaafi said that this was the obligatory
comedown” means that he works more and is always teaching of Rasulullah that before those two
ready to fight and die. This is common usage and the develop a suspicion as to who is with the Noble Rasul
other of the whole is given on the majority. of Allah (H3^) - let him tell them himself. If he did not
inform them then perhaps they may get involved in
The merchant’s parrot talks more than he remain the sin of falsely accusing someone. This sin would
silent and when the occasion arise he talks a lot. have jeoparadised their Imaam since falsely accusing
Thus, if under this condition of excitement, the someone amounts to Kufr.
merchant uttered taiaaq,
Then no divorce occurs. Sufyaan said, Shaafi, now you can issue fatwas.
As Allah wished, what a good commentary that was.
After thinking carefully, Imaam Malik deduced
correctly. Certainly divorce has not occurred. PERFECTION IN KNOWLEDGE
USTAAD GRANTS PERMISSION After obtaining Knowledge on Hadith and Fiqh Imaam
Shaafi went to his in-laws to attain knowledge in other
TO GIVE FATWAS field and sciences.
These blessed personalities did not become angry He achieved perfection in the science of poetry,
due to their opinions being over-ruled but were lexicography, history, syntax, prosody and intuition.
pleased at the brilliance of their student. Now you He also learnt astronomy and recognisation of the
have developed the ability to state laws and to give stars but did not utilise it.
fatwas. I give you permission to issue fatwas.
He knew thousand of poems by famous poets. His
A similar incident occurred with another ustaad of text was crystal clear. Great experts were astonished
Imaam Shaafi Sufyaan bin Uyayna was an and amazed at his style, sequence, eloquence and
esteemed and reputed Imaam of Makkah continuity in text.
Muazzamah. Imaam Shaafi remarked that if it was not
Great lexicographers, Imaams and Mujaahida crowed
for Imaam Malik and Sufyaan, then the knowledge of
Imaam Shaafi as the head of Mujtahids. He was an
Hadith should not have remained in Hejaaz.
expert in the speech of the Arabs and had a vast
Sufyan asked Imaam Shaafi to explain and elucidate knowledge of them.
the following incident:-
He was so outstanding in intuition and physiognomy
Nabi came from the Masjid with Ummul- that people wrote about his intuition in their books.
Mu’mineen Saffiyya (E©l2*u><l5®). On the way they met
two persons. Addressing them, he said: “With me is HOW WAS HIS INTUTION
my wife saffiyya, “and he also said” Shaitaan runs in Once Imaam Shaafi and one of his companions were
the blood of man” . going outside Makkah when a person came in front of
______130 Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i (<•%«&£>£)______131
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i
Intitution and physiognomy indicated that this person
them. Imam’s friend said: “You have studied is shrewd by nature, and in the end it proved to be
physiognomy, so state what is this man’s occupation? true.”
Imaam said that he is either a carpenter or a tailor.
The friend inquired of the men and was informed that Another incident is even more mind-boggling. A
previously he was a carpenter and is a now a tailor. person by the name of Rabee narrates that he and
the Imaam were in the Jaamia Masjid just then a man
With great enthusiasm and delight Imaam narrates entered and began to investigate the condition of the
one of his encounters. He says: “While I was returning travellers who were resting. Whomsoever he
from Yemen after completing my studies in observed he stared at their eyes.
physiognomy and intuition, then, on the way night Imaam Shaafi saic to me: “Rabee, go and asf him
befell. There was a village where I thought I will stay "D whether his one-< yed Abysinian slave is missing.
for the night. One person was pacing in front of his 0 When I did so, he ran to Imaam Shaafi and asked him
house. His forehead protruded and his eyes were red. O to tell him where h s slave was. Imaam Saheb replied
I thought that this person was one of bad trait and that his slave was in jail. On investigation it was found
sagacious and shrewd by nature. "E. to be true. I was dumbstruck with amazement. I
0 inquired of Imaam Saheb how he come to know this
I asked him whether I could stay with him and he o
agreed enthusiastically. He then made me stay in a and he replied that was no achievement but when the
comfortable place, fed me with good food, spread a
S' man entered he started looking at the eyes of every
clean cloth for sleeping and organised food for the c sleeping Abyssinian slave so I realised that his slave
□ did not have one eye. I then inquired about the
knowledge that he was in jail, to which he replied that
Observing his hospitality I began to wonder howjj* when a slave runs, ne steals and when his stomach is
contrary this was to my knowledge of physiongnomy.SL
full he behaves immodestly and the result of both is
(The science of deducing facts by observing the. jail. As it happened all the aspects turned ou* as
external appearance and conditions of a person.) T h is 0 Imaam Saheb said they would.
is a very good person, at the time of departure in theO
morning, I gave him my address and invited him t o ^ THE COURAGE OF IMAAM
come to my place if he ever came to Makkah
Mukarramah. The person thanked me and asked me
if I had any favour on him or if I had any of my It was the time of Khalif Haroon-ar-Rasheed Abbasi.
possession in trust with him. I replied in the negative. When the high officer (governer) of the Abbasi
He said: “The food, clean bedding, excellent Khilaafat came to Makkah, the leaders of the Quraish
mentioned to him about Imaam Shaafi. That he was a
• • r >t

accommodation. What about the remuneration for all

this? Has all this come fdr free! Then he enumerated great thinker, aalim and organiser and that he should
on a bill the amount I owed him. I paid the full amount be given a high post. Haroon-ar-Rasheed made him
and thought: “Intitution is definitely a science. the High Officer of Najraan.
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i (eft»zb!^)______133
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______132 This very same Haroon once met the ustaad of
The people of Najraan used to have their work done Hadhrat Imaam Shaafi, Fuzail bin Ayyaaz when he
through bringing of the officers, who repeatedly took went to Makkah Muazzamah. Fuzail also told him
bribes and become fat (wealthy). Imaam Shaeb such things that made him quiver and weep. This
stated very categorically that decision will be made story is full of wisdom and good advice, and therefore
upon truth and if someone desired to alter the truth for we related it to you. From it we learnt that pious pure
falsehood then this will not be done. Decisions were people do not cede to nor fear the pressures from the
given on Justice and therefore those who were government. They do not prevent their toungues from
accustomed to giving bribes and having their work expressing the truth.
extracted in this manner began to plan and plot.
Haroon-ar-Rasheed once went to meet Fuzail during
Once Haroon-ar-Rasheed’s high officers by the name the night. He knocked at the door and the sound of
of Mutrif secretly wrote a letter to the government to the Quraan being recited could be heard from the
remove Muhammed bin Idris from Yemen because he inside. Haroon and Fazal bin Rabi were the only two
was highly influential in aiding the Sayed and persons there. No slave nor police were with them.
conspiring with the enemies of the Khalifa (caliph). Hadhrat Fuzail was reading a Quraanic aayat
The Abbasi Khilaafat was highly annoyed and repeatedly. When there was silence, the door was
agitated by hearing the names sayed. Once the letter knocked again. A voice from inside required as to who
reached them the order was immediately given to it was. Fazl said that it was the Ameer-ul-Mu’mineen
arrest Muhammed bin Idris and as many Sayyeds as who wished to meet him. The voice replied that he
can be found, and to send them to the Khilaafat of does not have any request from the Ameer-ul-
Asthana. Mu’mineen. Fazl reminded Fuzail of the saying of
When all of them reached pabajola, Haroon-ar- Rasulullah(ib^) that a person should not humiliate
Rasheed ordered that ten Sayyed should be executed himself. On hearing this, the door was opened and
daily. Then the poor Sayyed started being slain. the lamp was put off. Fuzail replied: “Listen, Ameerul-
When it came to the turn of Imaam Shaafi addressed Mu’mineen, Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul Azziz became
Haroon seated in all pomp glory and power. Imam Khalifa then he called Hadhrat Salim, Muhammed bin
Shaafi addressed Haroon without fear or hesitation Kaab and Rajai (W?®®>). these were pious and
with such words that made him tremble and postpone uprighteous people.
the order of execution. After a few days, when Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz asked: “You three are
Haroon-ar-Rasheed saw the magnitude of Imaam pious people, tell me what to do? The mighty burden
Shaafi’s knowledge and his tact in politics he of leadership of the Muslims has fallen on me.”
immediately sent him five hundred ashraffiyyas and
issued an order for their freedom. Salim said: “O Umar pass your life like a fasting
Haroon-ar-Rasheed was himself a very pious and person whose fast breaks at the time of death.”
good man. Being generous and an aalim, he
respected the ahle-ilm.
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______135
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i (eJt*&K5g)______134
enmity/malice towards you. Rasulullah has said
Muhammed bin Kaab said: “If you want to save
yourself from Allah’s Chastisement then regard the that he who bears the dirt and the dust of the subjects
righteous from amongst the Ummat as your father, will not be touched by the air of Jannat.
the middle class as your brothers and the juniors as Haroon asked: “Hadhrat, are you indebted to anyone.”
Children.” He replied: “Yes, to Allah and its accountability will
Rajai said: “If you want salvation from Allah’s take place in the Aakhirat (hereafter) Allah has
punishment then desire for yourself what you desire commanded that: “I have created you for my worship
for the Muslims at large, and what you do not desire and I have responsible for providing for you. “I do not
for yourself, do not desire the same for the Muslims at know what is going to be with my fate.”
large. Then whenever you wish you may die.” Haroon wanted to gift him a thousand dinars. Fuzail
After saying this Hadhrat Fuzail said: “Haroon! I fear refused saying: “Subhaanallah! I an showing you the
from the vision of that day when the feet of the good road to salvation and you are pushing me in to the
will be vibrating. What will be your condition? Is your pit.” Therafter he did not say anything.
purpose also like that of Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul Haroon-ar-Rasheed came out and remarked:
Aziz? On hearing this Haroon wept so much that he “Definitely, he is the leader of the Muslims”.
became unconscious. Imaam Shaafi was amongst the special student of
Rabee said: “Hadhrat, speak gently to Ameerul- Hadhrat Fuzail. Hadhrat Fuzail was the uprighteous
Mu’mineen. “He replied:” I must speak gently while student of Imaam Abu Hanifa
you kill him with your wrong advice”. We have narrated this story because it illustrated the
Haroon asked him to speak a little more. piety of the ustaad of Imaam Shaafi. This shows that
Hadhrat Fuzail said: “Haroon, your great grandfather the pious Allah-fearing people do not fear great Kings
and the uncle of Rasulullah -Hadhrat Abbas but say the truth without any hesitation.
came to Nabi and requested to be IMAAM SHAAFI WAS POOR IN
appointed as governer over a certain area as well.
Rasulullah (O £) replied that this governorship is the THE BEGINNING
cause of great sorrow on the day of Qiyaamat. Initially Imaam Shaafi was poor, but later, after
Haroon cried a lot on this statement and asked for yet obtaining the knowledge of the Quraan and the
more advice. Hadith, he became wealthy.
Fuzail continued: “You will be questioned about the Gifts were sent from Kings, ministers and high officers
creation on the day of Qiyaamat. Be intelligent and and he always lived a life where there was plenty. He
save and make preparation here to protect your did not hoard his wealth but disturbed it amongst the
handsome and beautiful face from the fire. Be most destitute, the widow and the orphans. He distributed
aware that your subjects must never have any most of his wealth and kept a little for himself.
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______136
inform me if any of my opinions are contrary to any
GENEROSITY Hadith so that I may discard it and act upon the
Once, on the night of Eid, he was returning from the Hadith.”
Masjid to his home where a wealthy person’s slave He used to say that people are the children of Imaam
awaited him. He greeted Imaam Saheb and gave him Abu Hanifa in Fiqh, and if it was not for Imaam
a bag of money from his master. Just then, a person Sufyaan and Imaam Malik then the Knowledge of
came and said that a child was born in his home and Hadith would have been removed from Hejaaz.
he had no money. Imaam Saheb gave him the whole Someone asked him wheather he had seen anyone
bag of money and smilingly entered his home. like Imaam Malik. He replied that he had not.
On another Eid occasion there was nothing in the He used to say that the Sahaba are superior
home. His wife asked him to take a loan. Imaam to us in llm (knowledge) - Ijtehaad (deducing) - and
Saheb took a loan of seventy Ashraffiyahs. On the Taqwa (piety)
way, he was crowded by the destitute to whom he
gave fifty Ashraffiyyahs. He brought the remaining DAILY ROUTINE
twenty home but before he could give those to his From after Fajr till surise, he used to give lesson in
wife, a Quraishi called at the door with such a need Fiqh. Thereafter he gave lesson in Hadith. Then
that he gave all twenty away. He then entered the followed a general talk after which a academic
house silently and slept away. discussion took place.
Haroon-ar-Rasheed called his minister Jaffer After Zohr, he taught literature, poetry, prosody,
Barmakki and inquired about the night’s incident. He syntax, lexicography. After this he rested till Asr
replied that he was informed about it by an unseen salaat.
voice. He then sent a thousand ashrafiyyas to Imaam
From Asr till Maghrib he remained occupied in Zikr.
Saheb and insisted that he accept them.
After Esha he spent a third of the night sleeping, the
IMAM SHAAFI ADHERED next third for writing Hadith and Fiqh and the last third
for the recitation of the Quraan and Nawaafil salaat.
STRICTLY TO THE SUNNAT. He had a great enthusiasm for reciting the Quraan in
Imaam Shaafi said to his student that if they a very melodies voice in all the Arab dialects.
discovered any law contrary to the Quraan and Hadith At times he made Imaamat and due to the effect of
in any of his books then they should know that he has his tone, the people would weep. When he read
repeated it. There must be something wrong with my Quraan, the congregation used to weep, and become
intellect if I learnt of a correct Hadith and I do not act uncontrollable. You can recall that Hadhrat
upon it. U m ar(^^' <!^) used to advise the learning of the
He said to Imam bin Hambal:”Ahmed, you have more Quraan through Abi bin Kaab (3&C&i>’iJi’).
knowledge about correct Hadith than me. You must
_____ 138
Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i Imaam Muhammad bin idris Shaafi’i ______139
Imaam Shaafi’s chain of the teacher links up with that been successful. Definitely the explanation of this
of Abi bin Kaab(^JwuiAjs>) youth is correct.”
Imaam Malik used to say that no more intelligent and AN AMUSING EPISODE
understanding came to me to seek llm (knowledge)
than Muhammed bin Idris Shaafi Imaam Once Imaam Shaafi said to Imaam Ahmed: “I heard
Malik greatly loved the Qiraat of Imaam Shaafi you say that if any person discard salaat then he
becomes a Kaafir.” Imaam Ahmed replied that this
was correct.
AN INTERESTING EVENT Imaam Shaafi said: “If this Kaafir wants to become a
An example of the correct understanding of Hadith. Muslim, then what must he do.” Imaam Ahmed said
On reaching Makkah Muazzamah, Imaam Hambal that he should perform salaat. Imaam Shaafi asked
and his two friends decide to go to a pious elders. On whether the salaat of a Kaafir is valid, or must he first
reaching the Haram, it was found that a huge crowd become a Muslim and then offer salaat.
had gathered around Imaam Shaafi. He was saying: Actually, he does not become a Kaafir but comes
"O people of Iraq, O people of Syria, if you want to near to Kufr. This is the Hadith upon which Imaam
know about any Hadith then ask me. Ahmed had based his deduction. Imaam Shaafi had
Imaam Ahmed and his companions decided to ask thousand of student. Amongst these, some reached
this youth the meaning of the following Hadith: great fame. Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal was one of
“Do not chase the birds from their nests at night.” them and he was recognised as an Imaam, whom you
have read about in an earlier book.
Imaam Shaafi replied: “Before Islam, the Arabs used
to take omens from birds concerning their right The son of Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal, Abdullah
journeys. They used to make the birds fly out of their narrates that he inquired from his father as to who this
nest at night. If they flew towards the right, they “Shaafi” was whom he always prayed for. He said:
considered it a good omen and continued on their Imaam Shaffi is like the sun for the world and like
journey. If they flew towards the left, they, stopped health is for the body. What is more superior than
their journey. these two things,”
Rasulullah said: “Thus is all futile and in vain. When Imaam Shaafi passed away then a
Do all your work with trust in Allah. He is the fulfiller of pious saint saw Rasulullah in a dream and he
needs.” See! Do not chase the birds out of their nest asked him whether he had interceded on his behalf.
at night! To this Nabi (tla^) replied that he was blessed without
accountability. The pious person then asked him what
Imaam Ishaq said: “Masha-Allah, if we had journeyed action resulted in
from Iraq to Hejaaz, solely for the purpose of seeking
an explanation of this Hadith, then we would have
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal 140
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal __________141

Definitely all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, seek
His help and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge
in Allah from the evil within ourselves and from our
evil actions.
Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him. I
bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped
but Allah, Alone, having no partner and I bear witness
that Hadrat Muhammad (^5?) is His obedient servant
and Rasul. Blessings be upon the Sahabah
In this morally declining age, people who read a few
books on Islam in the comfort of their homes without
any sacrifices have formed a habit of passing
judgement on pious righteous knowledgeable persons
whose sacrifices cannot be compared. We have
Ima am Ah me d Bin Ham bal embarked upon a series of brief life stories of the four
Imams of Fiqh.
Mostly, we have rendered a non-literal translation of
the Urdu original by Hadrat Moulana Makbool Ahmed
Suhaarwi With minor addition of our own.
The aim of this work is to create respect, love and
honour for those who truly deserve it and to realise
the insignificance of our mere efforts towards the
upliftment and maintenance of our deen. It is also
hoped that a thirst will be created for more details in
this regard. These series may be easily adopted as
part of the syllabi for Madressahs and other Islamic
educational institutions.
May Allah Ta’ala reward all those who enable us to
put these pages to print and include us in their duaas
and may He accept these minor efforts for His Deen.
A.H. Elias (Mufti)
Shaw wal 1415
March 1995
www.peopHamb m
al __________ 143
Imaam Ahmed Bin
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (£lt*&K2£)__________142
2) Wealth.
INTRODUCTION 3) Fear of hardship and difficulties.
Truth and justice are the strongest and most wanted People is normally wielded through the above three
concept in this world. The reality of these words things. When a child abandons his stubbornness after
cannot be achieved by mere wishful thinking or lip- been given attractive toys, people smile at his
service but through difficulty and sacrifice. There have naiveness and ignorance at falling for such a small
always been people who allow their wordly bribe. Similarly, the caller towards truth should not fall
inclinations to get the better of them. When such into the trap of abondoning his call in exchange for
people allow the opium of power to stupefy them they any of the above three things. If he does, his
lose all responsibility and are answerable to no-one. foolisheness would surpass that of the child’s since
They lose the fear of Allah and start inflicting all sorts whereas the child abandons something unpleasant for
of hardships to those under their rule who dare to some thing good-he would be exchanging the
question or refute their wrongdoing. Many pious invaluable truth for a temporary, deceptive happiness
people, including the Anbiyaa ($aw&'), were and an unmeasurable loss in the Aakhirat. Beauty
subjected to untold suffering and hardships and were and grandeur are easily terminated by a mere bout of
relentlessly tortured for enjoining what is right and illness or a simple accident. Wealth leaves a person
forbidding what is evil. People who love the truth and even more easily. Difficulties and hardships, a greater
who have tasted the relish of truth have not been test than the previous two, are also a temporary. The
deterred despite all the trial they had to endure in its beauty of truth and righteousness are never effaced.
path. These were the wise and Allah-fearing people
who knew that the outcome of truth was always good Rasulullah (tS^) has mentioned that every Nabi
and inevitably brought joy were created by falsehood leaves behind such a group amongst his campanions
and to those who were caught in its deceptive who become his inheritors and who uphold the
promise of salvation. knoweledge of the Nabi. They established the sunnat
of that Nabi and follow him, and preserve the
One of the many people who strived for and upheld
teachings of Anbiyaas (prophet $$S3£) in exactly the
the truth at any cost was IMAAM AHMED IBN-
same manner that it was left to them. As time went by
HAMBAL (<-2&i&K%>). In this short chapter it is hoped
such people were born who began introducing
that the reader may at least get a brief idea of this
innovation (new things) into the Deen (religion) when
great personality, for his sacrifices for the truth are too
this happened, these followers stood steadfast
magnificent to describe in just a few pages.
against them. Some people expressed their tounges
PEOPLE ARE MISLED BY THREE and yet others regarded these actions as bad in their
hearts. The first two methods of opposing anything in
THINGS Islam indicate strength in Imaan. The last method of
People are generally misled by three things:- disking the action in the heart show that although
1) Beauty and grandeur. Imaan is present, it is weak.
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal 144 Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (£&%&£>£>)_________ 145
In the ummat of Nabi ( ( ^ ) also, many corruption haughtiness. The continous companionship of the
(fitnah) arose. The fitnah of not paying zakaat - the courtiers and the flatterers degenerated the courtiers
fitnah of is religiousness - the fitnah of innovations and the character of the kings and rulers still further.
which were neither mentioned by Allah nor were they When leaders consulted with the pious and righteous
taught by Nabi ((S®). The inheritors of Nabi (03^) people, these vices were avoided. Unfortunately
fought against all these fitnahs. One such innovation these rulers not only refused to take the advice of the
which is going to be discussed now was opposed by pious people but actively suppressed the truth. The
IMAAM AHMED IBNE HAMBAL. ($£&K^). Khalifas of Baghdad usurped wealth and lived
extravagant lives. They misused state wealth by
IMAAM ABU HANIFAH tolerated the distributing it unfairly. They neigther attended the
torment of imprisonment but did not leave HAQ masjid with the common people nor did they lead the
(truth). HAJ. They punished and imprisoned people as they
IMAAM MALIK (tJt&aK^y) endured seventy lashes, but wished without any proof or witnesses.
did not turn away from the truth. Caliph Haroon Rasheed had met many Aalims whom
Before describing the sacrifices made by IMAAM he used to give gifts to and visit, but he was not
AHMED IBNE HAMBAL (SR^&K^) it is important to satisfied and wished to meet a person who could give
explain the conditation of the people during his time. him some good advice. For this reason he went to
meet the teacher of Imaam Shafee (SWS&JSy) whose
The Sahabah (isB'^B>) were true khalifas (rulers).
name was Fadhail bin Ayyaz.
They used to take proper care of their subjectes
material well-being and also led the prayers. During Fadhail was a great Aalim from Makkah who had an
the time of Haj, they taught the people about the excellent disposition. His son, Rabee, accompanied
various rites of Haj and the laws of Deen. Khalif Haroon Rasheed. Fudhail bin Ayyaaz was busy
reading the Quraan when the knock was heard. On
The Abbasi rulers-MAMOON, MU’TASIM and hearing who it was, he replied :l have no work with
WATHIQ etc. were so-called Muslim leaders. They the Amirul-Mu’mineen.” After much hasitation, the
acted according to their desire. In their courts, such door was opened and Fudhail (&»&&&) said: “O
peopfe gained prominence whose beliefs were Haroon,; Listen! Your forefather, Hadhrat Abbas
incorrect and who had no respect or regard fc. the (eJGSzixKMi) asked Nabi ((S^S) to give him governorship
Quraan and the Hadith. They debated every law of over a some area as well, to which Nabi (OS£)
Allah and misled the Muslim masses. The Khalifas remarked “O uncle, this leadership will be a source of
came under the sway of these people and could not great regret on the Day of Qiyaamat.”
see right from wrong. They resemble the irreligious
people of today who mock and jeer at the laws of IMAAM AHMED IBNE HAMBAL
Islam and still want to behave as if they are
authorities on Islam. The honour of royalty and During the time of the Imaam the leader were just as
leadership with all its powers creates pride and corrupt as described previously. These unfortunate
leaders wasted their time on debating about minute
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (el&ziiiK^) 146 Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal __________147
Islamic matters without even being qualified to do so. Imaam Malik (3SylT>5) and made him roam through
One such matter regarded the Quraan. They argued the marketplace on a camel. People became
that just as Allah Ta’aala created many things, called perplexed and confused. A few requested for duaas -
Makhlooq- (creation) the Quraan was also a mere others preferred to remain indoors - and others spoke
creation and was therefore neither a sifat (attribute) - about leaving the place of fithnah (corruption) to gain
nor was it external. salvation. The Muslims had to choose between
imprisonment or to accept that the Quran is a
WHAT IS THE CORRECT BELIEF Makhlooq (creation).
It has already been mentioned that no belief can form When Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal (SJ^foKs^) heard
part of Islam unless it has been sanctioned in the about this new belief he neither advocated the
Quraan or in the hadith. This belief was not request for duaas nor did he favour sitting behind
mentioned in the Quran nor was it taught to us by closed doors. Instead, he openly proclaimed that this
Nabi In fact, the leading Sahabah and the belief was incorrect and had no place in Deen. This
Imaams that followed made no mention of this in their was the idle mutterings of those who had strayed from
books of jurisprudence. the straight path. He went to them and declared that
On the contrary, the true Islamic belief is that just as this was not the teaching of Nabi (U ^), nor of his
hearing, seeing, and having infinite knowledge are Sahaba (i^lS@sS). when the courtiers of the
accepted attributes of Allah, speech is also an opposition by the Imaam, they instigated the Khalifa
accepted attribute of Allah. It is therefore that the Imaams opposition to the beliefs of the
inappropriate and unacceptable to regard Allah as Khalifa is tantamount to disobedience and the
being dumb (May Allah protect us). punishment for disobedience is imprisonment.


If the holders of this belief restricted their ignorance A sorrowful and disgraceful situation arose when the
and misguidance to themselves, then Islam would not Khalifa decide to imprison Imam Ahmed Ibn-e-
have been so greatly discredited. Instead, they Hambal and to parade him to the court on the back of
indoctrinated this belief to the Abbasi rulers to such a camel.
an extent that an annoncemant was made to the The Khalifa said: “O, Ahmed! I have chosen this
effect that every Muslim must hold an attribute of particular belief after fully understanding it. Hence if
Allah. The audacity of this fallacy abviously caused you have any doubt about it then this Alim is present
great consternation amongst the pious Ulema. in this court. Have your doubt removed through him.”
This episode remainded the people that it was this The Imaam replied: “praise be to Allah, this belief was
very Abbasi royalty which inflicted seventy lashes to neither taught by Allah Ta’ala, nor was it taught to us
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (£!&&£>£)__________149
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal 148
has disbelieved (made Kufr). Abdur-Rahman could
by Nabi in his entire lifetime. None of the four not answer. The ulema in the courtroom shouted out:
Khalifa’s nor any of the great and senior Sahabas “Imaam Ahmed has proclaimed us all to be Kaafirs.”
explained such a belief, so how can this Abdur-Rahman said: “There was a time when Allah
unfortunate Aalim, who knows nothing about deen Ta’ala was present but the Quraan was non-existent.”
explain otherwise. What is the point of this discussion Thereupon I asked: Is it ever possible that Allah is
and what is his proof? If you or the Aalims of your existent but his knowledge is non existent?. Bring
court can prove this belief from the Quraan or the forth some proof from the Quraan and the Hadith.
Hadith, then I am prepared to believe it. A mere This opium of words and distractions are neither
intoxication of words will not change my belief. acceptable, nor can I bring faith upon them. “A
After Mamoon, his brother Mu’tasim became the colleague of Abdur-Rahman Ibn Abi Dawood said: “A
Khalifa. Imaam Ahmed had an interesting discussion discussion should be based on both the Quraan and
with him. He says: “When I presented myself before the Hadith and on Aql (logical or intellect). I asked;
Mu’tasim, he said” Come closer, “so I went sloser, “Besides the Quraan and the Hadith, is Deen based
made salaam to him and said:” Towards what did on something else as well, as I find all matters of
your uncle’s son call the Qureish and Abbas Deen only in the Quraan and in the Hadith.”
Mu’tasim replied, “Towards Abu Dawood was the most mischievous amongst the
LAAILAAHAILLALLAH.” The Imam replied that he courtiers. He incited Mu’tasim by telling him that
also believed in LAAILAAHA ILLALLAH - that Allah is Imaam Ahmed was himself astray and was leading
one and he has no partners. Thereafter, he narrated others astray as well. He suggested that Mu’tasim ask
to him the hadith of Abdullah bin Abbas (3s$J&'<!3’) in the opinion of the Ulema and the Mufti’s of his court.
which Nabi ((S3^) taught the Arab tribe of Abdul Qais All the Ulema replied “Yes, he is astray. “Mu’tasim
the fundamental principles of Islam and asked him: “Is then terminated the discussion for the day. The
this belief also include that a person cannot be called following day the discussion resumed. On this
a Muslim if he does not believe that the Quraan is occasion, Imaam Ahmed gave such pertinent answer
Makhlooq (creation).” Mu’tasim did not reply to this which left all the courtiers dumb-founded. Thereafter
himself, but told Abdur-Rahmaan (who was amongst Mu’tasim said: “O Ahmed! If you accept my way you
those who instigated the Government to force the will become from amongst my special and close ones.
people to accepts this belief) to answer Imaam You will then walk on velvet carpet and you will
Ahmed (e$&i>JC©) and question him if necessary. became wealthy. “Imaam Ahmed (S^JOy) asked:”
What type of proof is this? Bring forth proof from the
Abdur-Rahman asked my opinion on the Quraan. I Quraan and the Hadith that this belief exists.” All the
asked him what his opinion was regarding the courtiers shouted in one voice: “he is astray!”
knowledge of Allah Ta,ala. He had no answer. I
added that the Quraan is in actual fact the knowledge Mu’tasim then ordered the chains to be brought.
of Allah Ta’aala and whosoever claims that the Thereafter the lashers came and the Mubaarak hair of
Knowledge of Allah Ta’aala is Makhlooq (creation), __________ 151
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hamba l
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (&&&&&) 150
The Imaam replied: “This cannot be done, for Nabi
Nabi (£&££) which the Imaam posses sed was snatche d (UsSSj) has mention ed that such people have also
from him. He asked Mutasim : what is going on! Did passed this world who did not turn away from the truth
Nabi (i^ g ) make the killing of any Muslim even though a saw was placed over their heads and
permiss ible? Am I not a Muslim? What answer will
they were sawn like wood.”
you give on the day of Qiyamm at. Remem ber-just as
you have presented me as a crimina l, you will also It being the month of Ramda an, the Imaam drank only
have to present yourself in front of the Sovere ign of all water and continu ed his fast. When the executioners
Rulers (i.e. Allah Ta.aala ). Then what answer will you lashed him, became uncons cious, his clothes tore
give for my blood?! These words had an effect on the and his entire body was soaked with blood. When he
heart of Mu’tasim . Howeve r becaus e of the presenc e regaine d conciou sness some people brought water
of many irreligio us people he could not change his but the Imaam refused saying that he could not break

decision . his fast. At the time of Zuhr, he was taken to the
house of Ibrahim where he perform ed salaat in that
When the first lash struck Imaam Ahmae d
very conditio n. After the salaat, IbneSim aa, who was
he recited Bismilla h. On the second lash, he recited
the Imaam inquired as to how he could read salaat
Lahowlaa walaa quwwa ta illah billah. On the third, he
with blood flowing from his body.
recited “the Quraan is the word of Allah and not the
Makhlo oq (creatio n). On the fourth lash he recited READING SALAAT WITH
“Say O Nabi ( ® i ) only that which is ordaine d for us
will afflict us.” Therea fter he became uncons cious. It FLOWING BLOOD.
was the month of Ramad aan and Imaam Saheb was Imaam Ahmed (SteJlii ^) replied that Umar
being continu ously lashed in the scorching heat, and made Imaama t Whilst blood was flowing from his
despite the severity of hunger and thirst. It was this body. The blood was gushing out like a fountain and
same Imam who, whilst being taken to Tartoos , was he comple ted the salaat in that conditio n. He then
asked that if a sword was placed over his head will he asked the Imaam: “What is your opinion regardin g the
accept this belief, (i.e. that the Quraan is Makhlo oq). salaat of Hadhra t Umar (Wwii!*s>)? Was it valid or
He replied, “Never!”. not?” Ibne simaa was left speech less.
WHAT DID THE ULEMA SAY The eighty lashes which the Imaam had to bear were
so severe that if an elephan t was lashed in a similar
During the impriso nment of the Imaam, the Ulema manner it would have scream ed. The Imaam,
went to him and said to him, “To save your life is howeve r did not make a sound. Instead he kept on
obligato ry (compu lsory). Therefo re, you can maintain saying: ‘T he Quraan is the word of Allah and not
your belief for yourself but comply with their belief to Makhlo oq (creatio n).”
save your life. (i.e. that he should say someth ing but The status of Imaam Ahmed (eM&<Ks£) was so great
believe another.) that great scholar used to inform the people that the
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal ______ 152 Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal ($&&&%)__________153
person who has love for Imaam Ahmed(3l»&£>£) is in Thereupon, I asked: “Who is Abu Haitham?” My father
fact a follower of the Sunnah. replied: “Whilst the police were taking me to the court,
N.B.To read salaat whilst blood is flowing from the a person asked me on the way if I knew him.
body is only permissible under special circumstance. Thereafter he introduced himself as Abu Haitham.” He
The normal ruling is that salaat will not be correct until said: “I am an infamous thief who was arrested many
times for stealing. My name is written in the Royal
the flowing blood is not cleaned off. Wudhu is
Register. I withstood many punishments, amongst
generally nullified by the flowing of blood.
which the lashes alone add up to no less than
THE STATUS OF IMAAM AHMED eighteen thousand, and I have still not given up
stealing. As soon as I am freed, I begin stealing
BIN HAMBAL again. I commit all these crimes in obedience to
Shaitaan. You, on the other hand are undergoing all
Regarding the hardships and difficulties that Mamoon
and Mu’tasim meted out to Imaam Ahmed (eJG^&K^) - this for the sake of Allah Ta’aala and in conformance
to Nabi It will be extremely sorrowful if you
Imaam Shafi saw a dream. He wrote about
this dream to Imaam Ahmed become afraid of the lashes and stop displaying your
courage and steadfastness in the cause of Haq
“I saw Nabi ( ( ^ ) in my dream. He said that I should (truth). I then said to myself that if we cannot do even
convey his salaam to Ahmed and inform him that as much in the cause of truth as a thief does for theft,
soon he will have to under go test and trials regarding then our devotion to Allah is nothing in reality! As a
the Khalq-e-Quran (the Quran being creation), but he result, my heart became firm.
should not admit to it. In virtue of this, his knowledge Although Mu’tasim ordered the lashing and torturing
will remain until the day of Qiyammat.” of Imaam Ahmed ( S ^ w ^ ) , he later deeply regretted
When Imam Ahmed (e^w>KM>) received the letter, he his action and sent his deputy to enquire about the
b^gan^crying, h e s e n t h i s s h i r t t o l m a a m Shaafi health of Imaam Ahmed When he heard
with the messenger. When the messenger that the wounds healed, he was overjoyed. Although
reached Eygpt and Imaam Shaafi (<3t£fo£jg>) realised the wounds had healed, the after-effects remained
that Imaam Ahmed (&&&&&) had given his shirt as a until his death. He forgave everyone except the
reward for bringing the letter, he sai: “Moisten the shirt irreligious scholars who led the Abbasi caliph astray.
in water and give it to me so that I can gain barakat When Abu Tayalisi, who was a great Aalim (scholar) of
(blessing) from it. “It is also narrated that he drank the Basra heard of the story of Imaam Ahmed he
water in which the shirt was mositened. remarked: “ If Imaam Ahmed was present in
the era of the Bani Israeel, he might have reached the
Another incident from which one can gain a lot of status of Nabuwwat. (prophethood).”
insight in this regard is related by Abdullah, the son of
Imaam Ahmed ($&ubKzy). he say: “Sometimes my Imaam Shaafi (S^ib<!^) used to say: “I did not find a
father used to say: “O Allah forgive Abu Haitham.” greater and more Allah-fearing Aalim in Iraq, than
Imaam Ahmed
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal __________154 Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal __________155
The ustaad of Imaam Bukhaari, Humaid, used to say: bin Abdul Hameed resided there. Whenever he got
“The demise of Sufyaan Thauri saw an end to Taqwa the opportunity, he travelled there on foot or with a
(piety). The demise of Imaam Shaafi passing caravan which happened to be going in that
heralded the end of the sunnat and the demise of direction. He used to remain there for a while and
Imaam Ahmed brings with it the fear of the participate in the lesson of any Sheikh. He had a
destruction of Deen and the increase of innovation.” special relationship with Imaam Shaafi (SUujJXi) a n c |
whenever he happened to go to Makkah, he used to
THE FAMILY OF IMAAM BIN attened his lesson there.
HAMBAL Imaam Shaafi once said to him: “O Ahmed!
Imaam Ahmed hails from the Quraish Your outlook on Hadith is very vast. Inform me if any
family. His lineage links up to Ibraheem His of my views conflict with the Hadith.
father was a policeman who passed away while he
was only two years old. Hence his mother had to bear
the total burden of his upbringing alone. His obedience and piety was of such a level, that he
never worked for a governmental post, and nor did he
ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE like anyone who did so. Such was his dislike for this
His formal education began in Baghdad. At the age of that he gave up all contact with his son Saleh,
sixteen, he attended lesson of Hadith and joined the because he was employed by the Abbasi Khalifa
class of Imaam Abu Yusuf At the age of Mutawakkil Billah.
twenty four he performed his first Haj. Four years later
he performed his second Haj. Five years later, he
performed third Haj. Although these later pilgrimages PANGS OF HUNGER.
were not obligatory on him, his longing and love for On one accasion, Imaam Saheb suffered the pangs of
the Haram inspired him to perform them. hunger for three days. After the third day, his wife
He also attended the lessons of Hadith by a great borrowed some flour from the neighbour and hastily
Muhaddith of Yamen whose name was Abdur- prepared some bread and presented it to him. He
Razaak. asked: “How was the beard prepared so quickly? “His
Ishaq and Yahya bin Mueen of Khursaan also wife replied:” Saleh’s oven was already hot, so I
attended these lessons. He was penniless during this prepared it there, because I knew you would be very
time. When he went to Kufa, he boarded at a certain hungry.” He said: “Remove this beard which was
lady’s house, but owing to his ectreme lack of means, prepared in saleh’s oven and close the door that
and great poverty, he used a brick as a pillow. He was faces the house of Saleh.
unable to go to Rai, although he longed to do His son Abdullah says: “Once, he had to reside in the
because the great and most famous scholar, Jareer palace with the Abbasi Khalifa. However, he never ate
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (£)%&£%>)_______ 156
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal __________157
at the Royal table and fasted for sixteen days. After
the sixteen day, he ate some satto, (barley perched, On another accasion, a trader presented thirty
ground and made into a paste) at a distance from the thousand dinars which Imam Saheb refused and went
royal place. This hunger caused a decline in his away.
health as a result of which he suffered weakness for Imaam Saheb used to go to Yemen to attend the
six months thereafter.” lesson of Hadith by Sheikh Abdur-Razzak, who came
Once Khalifa Haroon-ar-Rasheed told Imaam Shaafi to know about his poverty. One day he gave him a
“There is a need for a judge in Yemen. You handful of gold coins for his personal use. He refused
choose one as your choice will be more appropriate.” to accept it saying: “Allah Ta’aala is fulfuling my
During this time, Imaam Ahmed used to attend Imaam necessities. I am not in need of your gift.”
Shaafi (£JteAL<K^)’s lectures. When the latter Amongst the Abbasi Khalifa’s, Mutawakkil was such a
encouraged him to accept the offer, Imaam Ahmed Khalifa who strongly opposed any innovation in Deen.
(£JS&i>£2y) bluntly replied: “I have come to you to He also disliked philosophical and logical view in
acquire Hadith and not to seek employment nor to Deen. When he became a Khalifa, he respected and
became a judge.” Imaam Shaafi (£NS&K>y) remained accorded great honour to Imaam Saheb (e)Uii^>). He
silent realising the calibre of Imaam Ahmed (eK&i£xS>). also tried to make amend for all the suffering and
hardships which were borne by the Imaam before his
CONTENTMENT IN THE FACE OF khilaafat. He dismissed all those courtiess who
POVERTY. instigated the innovated belief regarding the Quran,
and requested the Imaam to present himself in the
Abdullah, the son of Imaam Ahmed (oKzi>K>5) says: court, offering him twenty thousand coins. On another
“During the era of Khalifa Wathiq, our household occasion, he sent one hundred thousand dirhams, but
suffered great want and poverty. A person wrote to Imam Saheb (£J®&!^) refused saying: “My farming is
Imaam Saheb: “I have four thousand dirhams and my sufficient for me. What am I going to do with this
wish is that you use it for your personal expenses. burden (the money)? Mutawakkil then said: “Order
“He refused to accept it although the person your son to accept the money. He replied: He has his
continuously insisted on him accepting it. I said: “This own choice”.
money which is being offered is not Sadaqah The people who brought money to Imaam Ahmed
(charity). It is a gift. He replied that when the money is (£JE&i>j3£>), said: “It is the command of Ameerul
spent the very same condition will prevail. Mu’mineen that if you do not want to accept the
A trader vowed that he will give Imaam Ahmed money for yourself, then distribute it amongst the poor
(£JUzixKx5) ten thousand dirhams from his profits. and needy.” Imaam Saheb replied there are
Imaam Saheb refused and said: “We are well off. May more poor and needy people at the door of the
Allah grant you a lot of barakaat (blessing).” Ameerul Mu’mineen compared to my door. Hence if
you wish to distribute the money amongst the poor
and needy then you rather go there.”
ww w .p eo p le o fs u n n ah .c o m
______ 159
_____158 Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (eA^M^)____
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (£)&&£%>)_____ need of her
honouring Imaam Saheb replied: “I myself am in
Abdullah says: “When Mutawakkil began When the
said: “This duaas.” He thereafter made duaa for her.
and receiving Imaam Saheb greatly, he at the door,
was a trial person reached his house and knocked
test is greater than the previous one. If that told her son:
his mother came running to open it. She
a trail and a am Saheb
and a test regarding Deen then this is “I have recovered now. Most probably Ima
test concerning the metarial world.” has made duaa for me.”
in wordly
Imaam Ahmed never involved himself AN ALLEGATION OF
“What is The people noticed that the Khalifa
A PERSON ASKED Imaam Ahmed honoured, revered and had a high respect
for Imaam
a person
Tawakkul?” He replied: “Tawakkul is that Saheb. Hence they told the Khalifa.
O Ameerul
does not rely on or expect anything from Mu’ mineen, Imaam Ahmed has a sympath
etic attitude
else besides Alah Ta’aala.” towards the Alawi household and is in
support of
father never pledge be
Saleh, Imaam Saheb’s son, says: “My them. A conspiracy is underway that the
hu. He used
asked anyone to bring water for his wud taken at his hands.”
draw water.
to lower the bucket in the well himself and Mutawakkil sent an order to Baghdad tha
t the matter
would say
If the bucket emerged full of water, he used to should be investigated. Imaam Saheb was
sitting in
“Alham dulillah” (All praise is due to Allah.). the company of his family and brotherhoo
d and the
speech of
repeatedly state that the Quraan is the en he was
investigators found nothing suspicious. Wh
Allah and not Makhlooq (creation). said: “What
questioned regarding the conspiracy, he
IMAAM AHMED SAW ALLAH IN A conspiracy! I fully obey the Ameerul Mu’
mineen in all
ing and his
DREAM matters and also pray for his well-be
e for me to
teadfastness on the truth. How is it possibl
He asked
Once Imaam Saheb saw Allah in his dream. ly was: conspire against him.
“O Allah! What is beloved to You?” The When the Khalifa came to know that the
rumour of the
“The recitation of the Quraan.” He asked: conspiracy is untrue, he immediately rea
lised that this
with out the
with understanding the meaning or was a plot against Imaam Saheb uy his ene
ns.” (i.e. with
meaning?” The reply was: “Both conditio his associate
and without understanding the meaning ). He then sent ten thousand dirhams with
refused it.
yaqoob for Imaam Ahmed who initially
AN OLD WOMAN RECOVERS However, after Yaqoob persissted, he acc
epted it and
scholars of
A person came to Imaam Ahmed and told
him: “My immediately distributed it amongst the
is paralysed. Baghdad and Basra.
mother has reached old age and she
Make duaa to Allah Ta’aala that she reco
Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal __________160 Imaam Ahmed Bin Hambal (£)£&&£%>)__________161
The Khalifa ordered that Imaam Ahmed should be trapped him in their claws and finally led him astray.
brought to him with honour and dignity so that he may Similarly my father, Mutassim, was a person who
gain blessings by his presence. A special place was always caused conflicts and wars. He had no
prepared for Imaam Saheb as he arrived and food knowledge of Aqaid (Islamic beliefs) which led him
was brought from the Royal kitchen. He did not eat of astray. My brother wathiq was definitely an infidel.”
it and continuously fasted which resulted in extreme Thereafter the Khalifa ordered that the writer of this
weakness. When the Khalifa learned of this, he sent letter be given a hundred lashes for carrying tales.
the Royal doctor who after examining Imaam Saheb S The lasher (Abdullah bin Ishaaq) gave him five
stated that he is not ill but that his condition was the 3 hundread lashes instead of a hundred. The Khalifa
result of continuous fasting and other spritiual § asked the reason. He replied: “Two hundread lashes
exercise. in obedience to Allah and his Rasool (<S®). Two
The Khalifas mother expressed her desire to meet hundread in your obedience and one hundred for
Imaam Saheb. Hence Imaam Saheb went to the falsely accusing a pious person.”
house of Mutaz (The Khalifa’s son where the Khalifa’s
mother resided). The Khalifa and his mother sat COM PILA TION
behind the veil. When she seen Imaam Saheb from Imaam Saheb has many compilation to his credit.
behind the veil she remarked shockingly to her son: However, MUSNAD AHMED is one of the most
“You supposed such a person to conspire against famous and authoritative books in the field of Hadith.
you! “The Khalifa replied: “Most definitely he is If it has to be written out in the form of this Kitaab it
innocent of the crime O mother! . Look, the house has would encompass approximately twenty thousand
become illuminated by his presence.” pages. Abdullah (Imaam Saheb’s son) says: “My
When he reached Baghdad, he was close to death to father compiled this kitaab from a mass of seven
hunger. A few affluent people again complained to the hundred thousand Ahaadith.”
Amirul Mu’mineen that Imaam Saheb does not accept
the gifts that are given nor does he eat the food that is
presented to him. To this Mutawakkil replied: “Even if
Mu’tassim is revived and he complains about Imaam
Saheb I will not accept it. I warn those who, in future,
complain about Imaam Saheb.”
Once a person wote a letter to the Khalifa, in which he
stated that Imaam Ahmed regards his (Khalifa’s)
forefather as infidel. The Khalifa replied: “That is
absolutely true. Mamoon-ar-Rasheed associated with
any type of person. Hence the irreligious people
Ilmi Chart 162 Ilmi Chart________________________________ 163
The Twelve Renowned Jurists
amongst the Sahaaba
From amongst the Sahaaba there were
twelve personalities who concentrated their efforts in
Islaamic jurisprudence (Fiqh). These were:
1. Hadhrat Mu’aadh bin Jabal
2. Hadhrat Ubayy bin Ka’b
3. Hadhrat Abu Dardaa
4. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas’ood
5. Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit
6. Hadhrat Ali
7. Hadhrat Uthmaan
8. Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash’ari
9. Hadhrat Jaabir
10. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar
Ilmi Cha rt 11. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas
12. Hadhrat Mu’aawiya
Amongst these Sahaaba SSilsxuls«>, there were some
whom Rasulullaah (OSS) had permitted to issue
Fataawaa (Islaamic rulings) even during his lifetime.
People were allowed to act on these Fataawaa.
1. Hadhrat Mu’aadh bin Jabal

Rasulullaah said about him: “Mu’aadh bin Jabal

has the most knowledge pertaining to halaal
and haraam.” [Tirmidhi], After the Qur'aan and
Ahadeeth, he also acknowledged the necessity of
Fiqh. Rasulullaah (iW^) granted Hadhrat Mu’aadh bin
Jabal permission to exercise his faculty of
reasoning with regard to matters of Deen (Ijtihaad).
llmi Chart________________________________ 165
llmi Chart_________ 164
Qaadhi (magistrate) of Shaam. He issued a ruling
During his term as Khaleefa, Hadhrat Umar (Fatwa) to the effect that a Muqtadi (person
preserves this status of Hadhrat Mu’aadh bin Jabal performing salaah behind an Imaam) need not recite
and would tell the people, “Whoever wishes any Qiraa’ah. He mentioned that the recitation of the
to learn Fiqh should go to Mu’aadh Imaam sufficed for the Muqtadi as well. [An authentic
[Tadhkira, Vol.2 Pg.20], According to the majority of narration of Nasa'ee, Vol.1 Pg. 106]
Sahaaba a Muslim cannot inherit from the
estate of a non-Muslim. However, Hadhrat Mu’aadh 4. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin
bin Jabal and Hadhrat Mu’aawiya
were the only two who disagreed with this ruling, and S Mas'ood
maintained that a Muslim can inherit from a non- He was regarded as the highest authority of the
Muslim. Nevertheless, every jurist will be rewarded for - Qur'aan after the four righteous Khulafaa. Hadhrat
his deductions. g Abdullaah bin Mas'ood frequented the home
of Rasulullaah (iS85§) so often that Hadhrat Abu Moosa
2. Hadhrat Ubayy bin Ka’b O Ash'ari mentioned that they thought he was a
He was the best Qaari amongst the Sahaaba — member of Rasulullaah family. Hadhrat Umar
Rasulullaah (£S®£) said, “Ubayy bin Ka’b w also acknowledged that Hadhrat Abdullaah
is the best Qaari amongst them [the O bin Mas'ood was proficient in Fiqh and
Sahaaba Hadhrat Ubayy bin Ka’b Ahadeeth. Therefore, he appointed Hadhrat
used to perform the Taraaweeh salaah during the 3 Abdullaah bin Mas'ood to be the leading
lifetime of Rasulullaah (®s£) as well. He was even 3 authority of Ahadeeth in the newly occupied region of
appointed as the Imaam of the Taraaweeh salaah 3 Iraq.
during the Khilaafah of Hadhrat Umar [As Q) Rasulullaah (SJsS) said that the person who desires to
Sinf, Vol.2 Pg.165] JT recite the Qur'aan as if it was just revealed, should
Imaam Abu Dawood (G^«feJi?y) reports that Hadhrat O recite according to the recitation of Hadhrat Abdullaah
Ubayy bin Ka’b used to lead people through O bin Mas’ood the books of Ahadeeth are filled
twenty rakaahs (in Taraaweeh).” Imaam Tirmidhi with Rasuiullaah ((®S§)’s praises for Hadhrat
(3te&K>^) says that narrations only report Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood Only a person guilty
Umar and Hadhrat Ali to have of bid’ah will ever criticise a noble personality like him.
performed twenty rakaahs Taraaweeh. [Vol.1 Pg.99] Rasulullaah said, “If I was to appoint a deputy
without any consultation, I would appoint Abdullaah
bin Mas'ood
3. Hadhrat Abu Dardaa
Hereunder are a few of his rulings:
He was one of the four Sahaaba who
memorised the entire Qur'aan during the lifetime of
Rasulullaah ( < ^ ) . He was a renowned jurist and
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Ilmi Chart
> He issued the Fatwaa that the Eid and Jumu’ah
1. He never raised his hands to his ears when going salaahs cannot be performed in villages.
into Ruku or when standing up from Ruku. An [Musannaf of Abdur Razzaaq Vol.3 Pg.167, Ibn
authentic hadith of Nasa'ee (Vol.1 Pg. 158) states Abi Shayba Vol.1 Pg.439 - this narration is
that he only raised his hands to his ears once
during salaah (when beginning). Thereafter, he
never raised them again during the salaah. 7. Hadhrat Uthmaan W O
2. He was also of the opinion that Islaamic rulings
can be based on the statements of the learned He regarded three Talaaqs (divorces) in one sitting to
predecessors and on the deductions of reasoning be three. When a person issued a thousand Talaaqs
at once, Hadhrat Uthmaan said that the
(Ijtihaad) when a matter cannot be conclusively
resolved by a study of the Qur'aan and Ahadeeth woman is separated with three Talaaqs. [Fat’hul
Qadeer Vol.3 Pg.330, Zaadul Ma’aad Vol.2 Pg.259].

[Nasa'ee Vol.2 Pg.260]. Therefore, he was not
amongst those who believed that, after the Although there was a period of discord between
Qur'aan and Ahadeeth, they do not require Hadhrat Uthmaan '■&&&& and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin
Mas'ood the two were eventually reconciled.
anything else (Fiqh).
3. He greeted Rasulullaah (U ^ ) by shaking (whilst A testimony to this reconciliation was when Hadhrat
using) both hands. [Bukhari Vol.2 Pg.926] Uthmaan 3SKSSO led the Janaazah (funeral) salaah
when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood SsJUsSO passed
5. Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit W ® away.
Rasulullaah mentioned that Hadhrat Zaid Hadhrat Uthmaan was opposed to liberal
excelled the other Sahaaba in thinking and believed that the Muslims owed their
knowledge and virtue. When he rode a camel, prosperity to the fact that they followed in the
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas used to walk footsteps of their predecessors. He once mentioned,
holding the stirrup. He passed the Fatwaa that the “You people have achieved what you have because
Musallli should neither recite Surah Faatiha nor any of emulation. Never let the world sway you from your
other Surah with the Imaam. [Muslim Vol.1 Pg.215] affairs.” [Tareekh Ibn Jareer, Vol.5 Pg.45]
When he was appointed as the Khaleefa, an
6. Hadhrat Ali W SS O undertaking was taken from him that he would strictly
and Hadhrat Umar
> He was of the opinion that is Sunnah for men to follow Hadhrat Abu Bakr
fold the hands below the navel in salaah. [Abu and would not change what they
implemented. When Hadhrat Ali became
> He was of the opinion that the Taraaweeh Khaleefa after Hadhrat Uthmaan < 5 ^x 0 , he also did
comprises of twenty Rakaahs. [Tirmidhi Vol.1 not change anything that his predecessors had
Pg.99, Bayhaqi Vol.2 Pg.495] implemented. These illustrious personalities saw
Ilmi Chart_________ ___ _____________________ 169
Ilmi Chart 168
says, “ Remain silent when the Imaam recite s.” Imaam
nothin g wrong in emula ting the ways of their Muslim ( 3 '^ iii^ ') says that he regards this hadith to
prede cesso rs. be authe ntic. [Vol.1 Pg.174]
Haafidh Ibn Hazam ( 3 ^ ^ ) writes, “Thereafte r It has been reported from Hadh rat Abu Hurairah
Hadh rat Ali assum ed the post of Khilaafah.
that the person who misses the Surah Faatiha
He neithe r altere d a single law imple mented by recite d by the Imaam has missed a great good.
Hadh rat Abu Bakr Hadh rat Umar &&&& $ or
Imaam Maalik (3 lw 5 *^ ) reports that he said,
Hadh rat Uthm aan nor did he annul any of the
“Who ever loses the recitation of Umm ul Qur'aan
pacts they made .” [Al-Fasl, Vol.4 Pg.97] Hadh rat (Sura h Faatiha) has indeed lost a great good .”
Abdu llaah bin Umar stated that Hadh rat
[Mu’a tta of Imaam Maalik, Pg. 29 - Egypt print] He did
Uthm aan had never comm itted any major sin
not say that the person who misses the recita tion of
as far as they knew. [Kitaa but Tamh eed wal Bayaa,
Surah Faatiha has lost the salaah or should recite it
Pg. 184/5 - Beirut print] himself. He was there fore of the opinio n that the
Muqtadi should not recite Surah Faatiha.
8. Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari -
Abdullaah bin Qais 9. Hadhrat Jaabir bin Abdillah
who Hadh rat Jaab ir passed the Fatwa a that
He was amon gst those Saha aba
migra ted from Makkah to Abysinnia. Hadh rat Umar Rasu lullaa h (U^S) referred to the person perfo rming
appo inted him as the governor of Basra h, and salaa h alone when he said that salaa h which canno t
be made witho ut Surah Faatiha. Rasu lullaa h did
he was also the governor of Kufa when Hadh rat
Uthm aan W ® ® was martyred. Hadh rat Ali not refer to the Muqtadi when he said this. Salaah will
nomin ated him to be the arbitrator from his camp be in order when a Muqtadi does not recite Surah
when the warrin g Muslim factio ns entered into an Faatiha. [Tirm idhi, Vol.1 Pg.42 and Mu’atta of Imaam
arbitration. There after, he return ed to Makkah, where Maalik, Pg. 105]
he passed away durin g the 54 year after the Hijrah.
Base d on this statem ent of Hadh rat Jaabir
Hadh rat Abu Moos a Ash'a ri has reported the Imaa m Ahme d (3U&£2y) [who was the Ustaadh
hadith where in Rasulullaa h (O £ ) instru cted the (teac her) of Imaam Bukhari (3&&K2y)] issued the
Muqtadi to remain silent while the Imaam recited the ruling that the person perfo rming salaa h by himse lf is
Qiraa ’ah. Imaam Muslim (3G&jxK%>) reports this hadith referred to in the hadith: “There is no salaa h for the
from Hadh rat Is'haaq bin Ibraheem, who reports from one who does not recite Faatihatul Kitaa b i.e. Surah
Hadh rat Ibn Jaree r ( 3 ^ ^ ) , who reports from Faatiha” . [Tirm idhi Vol.1 Pg.42] Hadh rat Sufya an bin
Hadh rat Sulay maan Taym i (3&/i£ 2y), who reports Uyay na ( 3 ^ ^ ) has issued the same Fatwaa.
from Hadh rat Qataa da ( 3 ^ ^ ) , who reports from
Hadh rat Abu Moosa Ash'a ri whos e words are
quote d from Rasulullaa h Rasu lullaa h ( 8 ^ )
Ilmi Chart 170 Ilmi Chart________________ _ ____________ 171

10. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 11. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin

The student of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar He enjoys a high status amongst the Sahaaba
Hadhrat Mujaahid (<^tS&£zy) says, “I performed salaah SgtSTO. According to him, three Talaaqs (divorces)
behind Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar and he issued at once will be regarded to be three Talaaqs.
never raised his hands except for the first Takbeer Therefore, his Fatwaa was not that which is reversed
(Tahreema).” [Tahaawi, Vol.1 Pg.110 - the hadith is in a narration of Muslim. The narration of Muslim
authentic]. pertains to a woman whose marriage was not yet
Therefore, he never raised his hands when consummated. [Nasa’ee, Vol.2 Pg.83]
proceeding into Ruku. On the other hand, certain 12. Hadhrat Ameer Mu’aawiya
narrations report that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar
used to raise his hands when proceeding into
Ruku. Haafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalaani (3G&iX^) He was privileged to be a scribe of Qur’aanic
reconciles the two narrations by saying that Hadhrat revelation. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas
Abdullaah bin Umar sometimes raised his (whom Hadhrat Umar ranked amongst the
hands and sometimes did not [Fat’hul Baari, Vol.4 veterans of Badr) acknowledged that Hadhrat
Pg. 140]. This proves that the Sahaaba did Mu’aawiya WKSaSS was a jurist and a Mujtahid.
not regard this act to be an emphasised Sunnah. It [Bukhari Vol.1 Pg.531]
was therefore not their constant practice.
Hadhrat Mu’aawiya used to write both the
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar also said, “When Qur’aan, as well as the letters of Rasulullaah ( « ^ ) .
any of you perform salaah behind an Imaam, the Hadhrat Hasan handed over his rule to
recitation of the Imaam is sufficient for him (i.e. he will Hadhrat Mu’aawiya thereby making Hadhrat
not have to recite any Qiraa’ah himself). However, if Mu’aawiya the undisputed Ameer of the entire
he performs salaah on his own, he will have to recite ” Ummah at that time. Hadhrat Hasan and his
[Mu’atta Pg. 107] brother Hadhrat Husain both took the pledge
He also mentioned that the Maghrib salaah is the Witr of allegiance at the hands of Hadhrat Mu’aawiya
salaah of the day. [Mu’atta of Imaam Maalik Pg.110] They both also accepted the allowances that
Therefore, like Maghrib, the Witr salaah will also he stipulated for them.
comprise of three consecutive rakaahs with
Tashahhud (sitting posture) after the first two.
Ilmi Chart 172
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Ilmi Chart 173^
obey Allaah, obey the messenger and those in
The Importance of Fiqh in the authority from you.” [Surah Nisaa, verse 59]
Light of the Qur'aan Therefore, the following three have to be obeyed:
Jihaad has been referred to as the pinnacle of Deen. 1. Allaah.
If there was anything above the status of Jihaad, it 2. Rasulullaah
would be Fiqh i.e. attaining a deep understanding of 3. Men of authority.
the matters of Deen. Allaah says in the Qur'aan, “All This can simply be mentioned as following the
the believers should not proceed simultaneously.
Why does a smail group from every large party teachings of:
not proceed to attain a deep understanding in 1. The Qur'aan.
religion so that they may warn their people when 2. The Ahadeeth.
they return to them, that they may beware?” 3. Fiqh.
[Surah Tauba verse 122]. These are the three sources of a Muslim’s knowledge.
This verse describes the essence of Islaamic
jurisprudence as attaining “a deep understanding in
religion”. Whenever a clear ruling cannot be found in
the Qur'aan and the Ahadeeth with regard to a certain
matter, recourse will have to be made to Islaamic
The Qur'aan has outlined the way to acquire Fiqh as
“If they had referred the matter to the messenger and
those of them who have understanding, then it would
surely be known to those of them who have insight.”
[Surah Nisaa, verse 83]
The Qur'aan has also mentioned the different ranks of
the men of knowledge. Verse 11 of Surah
Mujaadalah, “Allaah will raise in many ranks those
of you who believe and those who are given
Those men of knowledge who have an extremely
deep insight into the matters of Deen are regarded as
men of authority in the field. They will therefore have
to be followed. Allaah says, “Oh you who believe,
Ilmi Chart___________________________________ 175
Ilmi Chart 174
not have been necessary for the eminent
The Academic Status of Kufa in Muhadditheen to travel there.
Islaam The “Allaama of the Taabi’een”, Imaam Shaa’bi
In the world of Islaam, Kufa is the city that is referred (dMwi^J) hailed from Kufa, as did Allaama Ibraaheem
Nakha’ee (3U&K/®) and Imaam Masrooq ($<*&&>S).
to as the “City of knowledge”. The famous Shafi’ee
scholar, Allaama Nawawi (3te&J3y) writes, “Kufa is There were more Huffaadh of Hadith in Kufa than
the famous city, place of virtue and home to eminent there were in all the other Islaamic regions (one may
refer to the book “Tadhkiratul Huffaadh” to see the
scholars, which Hadhrat Umar built.”
[Commentary of Muslim, Vol.1 Pg. 185] count of these Huffaadh).
Hadhrat Qataadah mentions that over a All the Ulema of Kufa were unanimous that a Musalli
should not raise his hands when proceeding into Ruku
thousand Sahaaba settled in Kufa [Kitaabul
Kuna wal Asmaa, Vol.1 Pg. 174, and Fathul Qadeer, and when standing up from Ruku. Hadhrat Sufyaan
Vol.1 Pg.91]. Hadhrat Umar dispatched Thowri who is referred to as “Ameerul
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood to Kufa for Mu'mineen fil Hadith” (“The leader of the believers in
the religious guidance of the residents. His student, Hadith” ) was also of the opinion that the hands should
Hadhrat Alqama bin Qais (tK iJ ® ) succeeded him as not be raised when making Ruku. [Tirmidhi]
the beacon of knowledge. Although Hadhrat Alqama
was not a Sahaabi, he was so proficient in
the knowledge of Islaam that many Sahaaba
inquired religious rulings from him.
Thereafter, when Hadhrat Ali arrived in Kufa,
he said, “May Allaah have mercy on the son of Ummu
Abd [Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ^Cwiii!5i»], for he
really filled this city (Kufa) with knowledge.” The Book,
“Al Qamoosul Muheet” says that Kufa was the dome
of Islaam.” [Vol.3 Pg. 199]
Of the seven famous Qurra of Islaam, Imaam Hamza,
Imaam Aasim and Imaam Kisaa’ee (efl»&J3£) all
hailed from Kufa. The renowned Judge Hadhrat
Shurayh (JGwx!^) was also a scion of Kufa. Imaam
Bukhari ($3& J^) says, “I cannot count the occasions
on which I travelled with the Muhadditheen to Kufa
and Baghdaad.” [Muqaddamah Fat'hil Baari, Vol.2
Pg.450] If Kufa was not a seat of knowledge, it would
wwIlmiw.p eop
Chart_ ______
______ _ 177
Ilmi Chart 176
for Ruku and if he did say “Aameen” loudly, why was
The Academic Lineage of this not emulated by any of the Ulema in Kufa?
People argue whether Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa narrated any Ahadeeth from Hadhrat Anas
bin Maalik but they fail to perceive that it was
> Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa was born in the 80
th impossible for Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
not to glean some practical guidance from the
year after the Hijrah.
Sahaabi SSGixu®.
> Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abi
Awfa r was still alive Although there may be many Sahaaba from
at that time. whom no verbal saying may be narrated, but there
> Hadhrat Imaam Abu cannot be any Sahaabi from whom guidance
Haneefa (I) was thirteen did not spread. This is because the Qur'aan had
years old when Hadhrat outlined their duty as “enjoin what is good and
Anas bin Maalik r forbid what is wrong”. They also acted upon the
passed away. command of Rasulullaah where he told the
> Hadhrat Sahal bin Sa’d ummah, “Convey from me even though it be a single
r who passed away in verse.”
91st year after the Hijrah
was also alive during the
lifetime of Hadhrat Imaam
Abu Haneefa (I).
> Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (I) also lived during
the lifetime of Hadhrat Waathila bin Asqah r, who
passed away in the 100th year after the Hijrah.
All these Sahaaba were living examples of
Islaam and the person who gleaned any narrations
from them was certainly most fortunate. Although it
was not compulsory for any of the Taabi’een to learn
from the Sahaaba there was scarcely any of
them who did not learn from the Sahaaba
Is it possible to assume that Hadhrat Imaam Abu
Haneefa did not see Hadhrat Anas bin
Maalik performing salaah when the eminent
Sahaabi came to Kufa? If Hadhrat Anas bin
Maalik did raise his hands when proceeding
178 Ilmi Chart________________________________ 179
Ilmi Chart
Allaama Jalaalud Deen Suyuti (£Jt£&J3y) was from the
About Hadhrat Imaam Abu Shaafi’ee school of jurisprudence, he clearly states in
Haneefa ($&<&£>£>) his book “Tabyeedus Saheefa” that Rasulullaah (U^S)
referred to Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
Rasulullaah (&§&) said, “If Imaan was on the the above hadith. Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
Thurayya (Pleiades) constellation of stars, a man from (eUtezix!^) hailed from Persia and was responsible for
the people of Persia would find it there.” [Muslim Vol.2 protecting the Aqaa’id of the ummah.
In his book “Al Ikmaal” (pg. 624), the eminent
The various “Muslim” sects that propagated beliefs Shaafi’ee scholar Imaam Tabrezi (£Jte&!0£>) attests to
opposed to Islaam all hailed from Iraq. These include the fact that Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (<$£&£%>)
the Jabariyya, Qadariyya, Mu’tazila, Rawaafidh, possessed extensive in-depth knowledge. Imaam Abu
Khawaarij, Murjiyya and Karaamiyya sects. These Dawood (c^S&K^), the author of Sunan Abu Dawood
were all the horns of Shaytaan that rose in the region. writes that Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (e)G«&K^)
By His grace, Allaah bestowed the area with the was a true Imaam (leader in his field, dependable
successor of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood scholar). [Tadhkira, Vol.5 Pg.160]
whose name was Nu’maan bin Thaabit, better known
as Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£&&&£%>). He Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (SJtw&K^) was a
effectively sealed off the doors that led to these Taabi’ee and met Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik ^<£235
deviant beliefs and penned the cardinal beliefs of several times. He was 22 years of age when the
Sahaabi, Hadhrat Waathila bin Asqah passed
Islaam tn his book titled “Al Fiqhul Akbar” (“The
away in the 102 year after the Hijrah.
nd Haafidh
Greater Fiqh”). In so doing he prepared for the
ummah a reliable document of Islaamic beliefs. Dhahabi (£>&&£>£) refers to Hadhrat Imaam Abu
Haneefa pteALK^) as “Imaamul A’zam” (“The
The science of Islaamic jurisprudence related to Greatest Imaam”) and writes, “He was born in the 80
actions is referred to as “Fiqhul Asghar” (“The Lesser year after the Hijrah and saw Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik
Fiqh”), while the science of Islaamic beliefs (Aqaa’id) W&ixl3» several times when the latter arrived in Kufa.”
are referred to as “Fiqhul Akbar” (“The Greater Fiqh”). [Tadhkira, Vol.1 Pg.158]
A prominent Imaam of the Hanafi school of
jurisprudence, Imaam Tahawi ($£&£>£) (passed away The fact that none of Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik
321 A.H.) compiled “Al Fiqhul Akbar” into a cA»&!i^ ’s narrations of Ahadeeth have been reported
comprehensive book of Islaamic Aqaa’id titled from Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (S^IJO#) does not
“Aqeedatut Tahawi” . This book is regarded as the imply that he did not hear any Ahadeeth from Hadhrat
best book on Islaamic Aqaa’id in Saudi Arabia. . Anas bin Maalik It is obvious that he must
have heard Ahadeeth from the noble companion of
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (e)G&i>i^) is the noble Rasulullaah (sis®) when he sat in his company on
“man from the people of Persia” whom Rasulullaah many occasions. The reason for which no narrations
(jg®) referred to in the above hadith. Although
llmi Chart___________________________________181
limi Chart
of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa from Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik have been narrated Knowledge of Ahadeeth.
is because the people of Kufa never transmitted was
Ahadeeth from people who were under the age of Although Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
primarily concerned with the principles of Fiqh,
twenty. Therefore, it cannot be said that Hadhrat
never heard any extracting rulings from the Qur’aan and Ahadeeth,
Imaam Abu Haneefa
nor and compiling these, he also narrated a large number
Ahadeeth from Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik writes,
from the pious of Ahadeeth. Haafidh Dhahabi
can it be said that he never benefited has narrated a great
“Hammaad bin Zaid
Sahaabi SSlSfiidJ©. number of Ahadeeth from Hadhrat Imaam Abu
Haneefa (e3VSM^).” [Al Intiqaa Pg. 130] The Imaam of
Jarh wa Ta’dee l 1, Imaam Yahya bin Ma’een
says that Imaam Wakee used to memorise
all the Ahadeeth of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
which amounted to a large collection. [Al
Intiqaa Pg. 150 and Jaami’u Bayaanil llm Vol.2
Pg. 149]
Therefore, when one is studying a ruling of Fiqh, it will
be incorrect to suspect that perhaps Hadhrat Imaam
Abu Haneefa never had knowledge of
certain Ahadeeth. The Qur'aan declares that such
types of suspicion are sinful. [Mulla Ali Qaari
in his commentary of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
( M ^ ) ’s Musnad]
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa name
always appears in the list of Sahaaba and
Taabi’een (Ste&KXi) w ho were regarded as being
particularly notable. Condemning the science of
Mantiq (logic), argumentation and philosophy, Haafidh
Dhahabi (£%£&&#) writes, “By Allaah! These were
never the disciplines of the Sahaaba and the
Taabi’een They were never in the
1 The science of authenticating and scrutinising the narrators of

Ilmi Chart 182 Ilmi Chart________________________________ 183
knowledge of Imaams Awzaa’ee, Thowri, Maalik, Abu > Imaam Abdur Razzaaq bin Humaam (I).
Haneefa, Ibn Abi Dhib and Shu’ba (3Km£?y. By > Imaam Ubaidullah bin Moosa (I) and many others.
Allaah! Ibn Mubaarak (£G&i>$^) ever touched these [T adhkira]
disciplines, neither did Abu Yusuf, Wakee or Ibnul The Muhadditheen (£Jt«&Ji?y) accept Hadhrat Imaam
Mahdi (eJK&K^).” [Tadhkira, Vol.1 Pg. 192] Abu Haneefa ($t^&K2y)’s opinion concerning the
Imaam Yahya bin Ma’een has classified narrators of Ahadeeth. Haafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalaani
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£J&&K2y) as a perfectly (£JGS&<K^) writes about the narrator Zaid bin Ayaash,
reliable narrator of Ahadeeth. Hadhrat Uthmaan “Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£ J t^ i)^ ) says that he
has been described as being “Qaleelul is an unknown narrator.” [Tahdheeb Vol.3 Pg.424]
Ahadeeth” (“One of few Ahadeeth”). This does not With regard to Hadhrat Ataa (alG^iJ^), Haafidh Ibn
mean that he did not have knowledge of Ahadeeth, Hajar (<sKW3£) writes, “Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
but merely that his nature was such that he (due to (eJ^xbJi^) says that he has never seen a person better
caution) did not narrate many Ahadeeth to people. than Hadhrat Ataa (St^wiK^y).” With regard to Jaabir
The same applies to Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa Ju ’fi, Haafidh Ibn Hajar (£&u&£M>) writes, “Hadhrat
(£&»&.£%>) when the term is used for him. However, the Imaam Abu Haneefa says that he never
fact is that Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa did saw a worse liar than him.” [Tahdheeb Vol.3 Pg.48]
narrate many Ahadeeth.
Haafidh Dhahabi (c^zixK^y) has accepted the opinion
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£&&w«K2y) narrated of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (3l*ui£%>) with regard
Ahadeeth from eminent scholars of Ahadeeth such to Rabee’ah and Abuz Zinaad (two narrators of
as: Ahadeeth). Imaam Bayhaqi ( e l f f l ^ ) writes that when
> Imaam Ataa (I). Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£Mw<KM?) was asked
> Imaam Naafi (I). about Hadhrat Sufyaan Thowri he
> Imaam Abdur Rahmaan bin Hurmuzaan (I). commented, “I shall certainly record the Ahadeeth he
> Imaam Salma bin Kuhail (I). narrates except for the narration of Hadhrat Ali
> Imaam Baaqir (I). which Abu Is'haaq (eNw&K^y) narrates from
> Imaam Qataadah (I). Haarith; and the narration of Jaabir Ju’fi.” [Kitaabul
> Imaam Amr bin Dinaar (I) and many others. Qiraa’ah Pg. 134]
Amongst those who narrated Ahadeeth from Hadhrat
Imaam Abu Haneefa (I) were:
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
> Imaam Wakee (I). View of the Ahadeeth.
> Imaam Yazeed bin Haaroon (I). Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£IK&K2y) said, “I
> Imaam Sa’d bin Silt (I). conclude rulings from Allaah’s Book. If I do not find it
> Imaam Abu Aasim (I). there, I derive them from the Sunnah of Rasulullaah
Ilmi Chart________________________________ 185
Ilmi Chart
(OS); otherwise from those narrations that have When narrating a hadith from Hadhrat Imaam Abu
become widespread through reliable narrators. If I still Haneefa (SUufe;), the famous Muhaddith, Abdur
do not find anything, I chose from the rulings of the Rahmaan Al Muqri (alte&K^) used to say that he was
Sahaaba ... However, when a ruling on the narrating from the king of kings in the subject of
matter proceeds only from other Mujtahideen like Ahadeeth. [The Tadhkira of Khateeb Baghdaadi,
Ibraheem Nakha’ee, Allaama Sha’bi, Hasan Basri or Vol. 13 Pg.245]
Ataa then I exercise my personal The testimony of these figureheads in the science of
judgement just as they did in their times.” [Al Intiqaa Ahadeeth make it clear that Hadhrat Imaam Abu
Pg. 30 and Tahdheeb Vol.1 Pg.451] Haneefa (effi&wJi^) was regarded as a Muhaddith of
The above statement makes it clear that Hadhrat the highest calibre, as well as an esteemed analyst in
Imaam Abu Haneefa (3t»&K%) regarded himself to be the field. If he was deficient in this field, renowned
equally qualified as Imaam Ibraheem Nakha’ee Muhadditheen like Imaam Abu Yusuf and Ibn
and Allaama Sha’bi ( e ^ w ^ ) . it was a Mubaarak would have never been so
practice of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa devoted to his lessons.
that he would always study narrations pertaining to a
particular subject in conjunction with other narrations
The Excellence of Hadhrat Imaam
and Qur'aanic verses that were associated. If any Abu Haneefa Knowledge
narration was found to be inconsistent with the overall Hadhrat Mas’ar bin Kudaam (3t&i$>y), who passed
viewpoint, he would classify it as being “Shaadh” away 115 years after the Hijrah, was a great scholar.
(rare/an exception). This was his personal Hadhrat Yahya bin Sa’eed Qattaan (£K&bK>£) says
terminology. [Al Muwaafaqaatush Shaatbi Vol.2 that he never saw anyone with more dependable
Pg.26] knowledge than Hadhrat Mas’ar (S te zi^). Imaam
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (eK&i»K2£>) was so Ahmed bin Hambal (c^zi>Kxy) writes that truly reliable
concerned about practising on the Ahadeeth that he scholars are the likes of Imaam Shu’ba and Mas’ar
would give preference to weak Ahadeeth over Qiyaas (S l^w i^). The same Hadhrat Mas’ar bin Kudaam
(analogical deduction). [I’laamul Muwaqqi’een Vol.1 (ttJGKixKJs’) has the following to say about Hadhrat
Pg.88] Imaam Abu Haneefa (£N^zi*l^5): “I was a student of
When advising his son Hammaad to be particular hadith along with Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
about five Ahadeeth, Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa ($t»zjj£^>), but he excelled ahead of us. When we took
(i^ & K ^ ) told him, “I have selected these from five to abstinence (piety) he outstripped us, and when we
hundred thousand Ahadeeth.” [Al Wasiyya Pg. 65] studied Fiqh he produced what you see.” [Al Intiqaa
This proves that Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa Pg.27]
(3&&Rs£) had an in-depth knowledge of some Hadhrat Ibn Mubaarak ( i ^ i ^ ) says that whenever
500,000 Ahadeeth. Hadhrat Mas’ar (SUzi*)^) saw Hadhrat Imaam Abu
Ilmi Chart________________________________ 186 Ilmi Chart_________________________ 187
Haneefa he stood up in respect and would
sit before the Imaam with the utmost honour for him.
Chief of the Muhadditheen
The above testimony of Hadhrat Mas’ar Haafidh Ibn Abdil Barr ( 3 ^ ^ ) quotes the following
attests to the high status that Hadhrat Imaam Abu statement from one of the students of Hadhrat Imaam
Haneefa held with regard to Ahadeeth. Abu Haneefa Hadhrat Yazeed bin Haroon
who was himself a renowned Muhaddith.
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa He says, “I have sat before a thousand Muhadditheen
to learn Ahadeeth and I have narrated Ahadeeth from
Repute in Academic most of them. Amongst all of these, there are only
Circles about five whom I found to possess the deepest
Imaam Layth bin Sa’d Misri was a scholar of understanding and to be the most pious. At the head
great distinction. Imaam Shaafi’ee says that of these five is Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
he walked with more Ahadeeth than Imaam Maalik [Al Intiqaa Pg. 163]
(Ste&JCs©). He was also extremely influential in the Whenever the Muhadditheen refer to someone as a
Egyptian government. The same Imaam Layth “Faqeeh” , it means that they regard the person to be
($&&&!§>) said, “Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa one who has a deep understanding of the Ahadeeth.
was a greatly celebrated personality in Imaam Tirmidhi writes, “This is what the
academic circles and I was very eager to meet him. I Fuqahaa (plural of Faqeeh) have said, and they are
eventually met him in Makkah when I noticed a group most knowledgeable about the meanings of the
of people falling head over heels for him. When I Ahadeeth.”
heard someone shout “Abu Haneefa!” I understood
that this must be Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa The Nucleus of Fiqh and Hadith
My desire to meet him could then not be Imaam Abu Aasim An Nabeel reports from
restrained.” [Manaaqib Thalaatha by Imaam Dhahabi Imaam Tahaawi that he was once close to
Pg. 22] Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa in Makkah
Hadhrat Layth bin Sa’d was also a great when a large crowd of expert authorities of Fiqh and
Mujtahid whose school of jurisprudence was followed Hadith were gathered around him. Hadhrat Imaam
for centuries. His rulings coincide so much with those Abu Haneefa asked, “Is there anyone who
of the Hanafi Madh’hab that some historians have will tell the owner of this house to grant leave to all
even included his name in the ranks of the Ahnaaf these people.” [Al Jawaahirul Mudhiyya Vol.2 Pg.256]
[plural of Hanafi i.e. a follower of Hadhrat Imaam Abu This report tells us that the eminent Fuqahaa and
Haneefa ($K&K2y)]. Nawaab Siddiq Hasan Khan has Muhadditheen frequently referred to Hadhrat Imaam
mentioned this as well. Abu Haneefa to solve various difficulties.
Hereunder follows a list of famous Muhadditheen who
Ilrni Chart__________________________________ 188 llmi Chart___________________________________189
studied hadith (not the principles of Fiqh) from The Hanafi School of
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
> Yahya bin Sa’eed Qattaan (<3&SM2y).
Jurisprudence is based on
> Wakee bin Jarraa (£Jt»&K^). Consultation
> Sufyaan bin Uyayna (3&&K>y). The distinction of the Hanafi Madh’hab as compared
> Abdullaah bin Mubaarak (SGSM^y). to other Madhaahib (plural of Madh’hab) is that it is
> Abdur Razzaaq bin Humaam (eJ&Ai^). not a Madh’hab based on the personal opinions of a
> Yazeed bin Haroon (^C&ixK^). particular individual. It is not the compilation of one
> Hafs bin Ghayaath (£K«M2y). man’s rulings. Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa ($&&£©)
> Yahya bin Zakariyya (£J&&&2y). used to gather a body of approximately forty leading
Ulema. After deliberating upon a particular issue at
Leading Muhadditheen Accepted length, a verdict was recorded. If any eminent scholar
the Fiqh of Hadhrat Imaam Abu held a different opinion, his opinion was also
recorded. In this manner, the Hanafi Madh’hab was
Haneefa compiled after discussing a vast range of matters.
Imaam Yahya bin Sa'eed Qattaan (£)&&<£©) was a When the Fuqahaa unanimously agree upon a ruling
Muhaddith of the highest calibre who initiated the it will be termed as “Ijmaa”. No majority vote can
science of Asmaa’ur Rijaal, which deals with the overrule Ijmaa. Qiyaas (analogical deduction) will only
examination of every narrator of hadith. Great be regarded as a source of proof in the Shari'ah when
scholars like Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal and
there exists no Ijmaa on the issue. The concept of
Hadhrat Ali bin Madeeni used to stand and voting is a Western decision-making innovation which
verify Ahadeeth with him. It was common amongst the is not practised in Islaamic consultations and
Muhadditheen to discard any hadith that he conferences. Islaamically, the final decision is not
restricted to a majority vote. In this way, it is not a
Hadhrat Yahya bin Ma’een writes, “I have mere weight of numbers that count, but due priority is
heard Yahya bin Qattaan (&&&£&) say, ‘I do not given to the knowledge of those allowed to decide.
speak a word of lie when I say that I have never heard Together with the opinions of Hadhrat Imaam Abu
anyone with a better opinion than Imaam Abu Haneefa (^U^K^), the Hanafi Madh’hab also quotes
Haneefa (elt&iiJCzy).” Hadhrat Yahya bin Ma’een the opinions and rulings of his prominent students.
writes further, “In fact, he (Yahya bin This makes it clear that the Hanafi Madh’hab is not
Qattaan) followed most of the rulings passed by the personal opinions of a single person, but a
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (3t»£j£>5).” [Tahdheeb conglomeration of scholastic opinions that have been
Vol.1 Pg.50] discussed at length. Such a ruling is referred to as
“Zaahirur Riwaayah”. There are six books of Imaam
llmi Chan________________________________ 191
Hmi Chart______________________________ 190
that are regarded as others were exemplary models because of their
academic accomplishments. [Ahkaamul Maraam Pg.
compilations of the Zaahirur Riwaayaat.
The Prominent Students of Other renowned Muhadditheen who were students of
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa included:
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
> Hadhrat Yahyaa bin Sa’eed Qattaan
> Hadhrat Wakee bin Jarraa
> Hadhrat Sufyaan bin Uyayna
1. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mubaarak > Hadhrat Yazeed bin Haroon
(W £ ) > Hadhrat Hafs bin Ghayaath (&£&&&).
> Hadhrat Yahya bin Abi Zaa’idah and
He is one of the most famous students of Hadhrat
as one of the many others.
Imaam Abu Haneefa a n (j W
teachers of Imaam Bukhari (SKSM^J’s teacher. A perusal through the books of Asmaa’ ur Rijaal will
Hadhrat Abu Usaama refers to him as reveal what great personalities all these men were.
“Ameerul Mu'mineen fil Hadith” (“The leader of the One can then well imagine how great a scholar their
Mu'mineen in Hadith” ). He narrates an authentic teacher was if these mountains of knowledge
hadith wherein Hadhrat .Abdullaah bin Mas'ood collected around him!.
once asked some people whether he should
demonstrate to them exactly how Rasulullaah (O8£) 2. Hadhrat Imaam Abu Yusuf
performed salaah. When he performed the salaah [passed away in 152 A.H]
before them, he only raised his hands for the Takbeer
at the beginning of the salaah and at no other time His name was Ya'qoob and he was born in Kufa. He
during the salaah. [Nasa'ee Vol.1 Pg.117/158] remained with Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
for seventeen years. The Maaliki scholar, Haafidh Ibn
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mubaarak was of the says that Imaam Abu Yusuf
Abdil Barr
opinion that although this narration proves that the used to memorise 50 to 60 Ahadeeth in a
hands should not be raised during the salaah, it does single lesson and narrated a large number of
not categorically reject the opinion of those who Ahadeeth. [Al Intiqaa Pg. 172]
believe that the hands must be raised.
Hadhrat Yahya bin Ma’een as well as
Hadhrat Maulana Muhammed Ibraheem Meer Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal regarded Imaam
Siyaalkoti writes that the students of as a reliable narrator of hadith.
all attained Abu Yusuf
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa [Sunan Kubra Vol.1 Pg.247]
high position. Imaam Abu Yusuf was chief
justice during his time, while Imaam Muham med, He was as renowned as a scholar of hadith that
Abdullaah bin Mubaarak, Imaam Zufar and Imaam Muhammed went to him first when he began
Ilmi Chart 192 Ilmi Chart________________________________ 193
to study Ahadeeth. Imaam Muzani says that
Imaam Abu Yusuf followed the Ahadeeth 3. Hadhrat Imaam Zufar bin
most closely from all the Fuqahaa
BidaayaVol.1 Pg. 180]
[Al Hud hail [passed away in 158
Imaam Yahay bin Ma’een referred to Imaam He stayed with Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
Abu Yusuf as being most proficient and
adherent to the Ahadeeth and the Sunnah. Allaam Ibn for twenty years. One of his most
Qutayba outstanding traits was his profound ability to deduce
[passed away in 276 A.H] refers to
Imaam Abu Yusuf laws from the sources of Shari'ah. He acquired this
as a Haafidh i.e. one who prowess from Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
was a master in Ahadeeth and who memorised a
large number of Ahadeeth. He was also extremely Although Imaam Abu Yusuf excelled him in
knowledge of Ahadeeth and Imaam Muhammed
proficient on the subject of Rasulullaah ((S^)’s military
expeditions and the history of the Arabs. excelled him in literary talent and knowledge of
Arabic, Imaam Zufar (cJ'w&KS?’) was second only to
Ibn Hajar Makki quotes that Imaam Abu Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa in Fiqh. It is
Yusuf used to say, “Whenever I took a specific liking for this reason that his name often follows that of
to any hadith, I used to take it to Hadhrat Imaam Abu Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa when the
Haneefa I soon learned that he had a Imaam’s students are mentioned. [Al Intiqaa Pg. 14]
deeper insight into authentic Ahadeeth than I did.”
[Ansaab, Vol.1 Pg.29] Whenever Imaam Muhammed quoted the
ruling of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa ( 3 ^ ^ ) in his
The following is recorded in the commentary of book “Jaami’ul Kabeer”, he also cites the rulings of
Mushkilul Aathaar, “None of his contemporaries could Imaam Abu Yusuf and Imaam Zufar His
excel him as he was at the apex of knowledge, narration on Ahadeeth are regarded as authentic and
juridical proceedings and political science. He was the reliable. [Miftaahus Sa’aadah Vol.2 Pg.114]
first to write a book about the principles of Fiqh.”
[Vol.9 Pg.201] Amongst his writings were Kitaabul Ibn Hibbaan (eM&JSy) has also classified him as an
Aathaar, Kitaabul Amaali and Kitaabul Kharaaj, which authentic narrator. [Lisaanul Mizaan Vol.2 Pg.476]
is a canonical work on Islaamic finance. After the The Imaam of Jarh wa Ta’deel 2 , Imaam Wakee bin
demise of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa Jarraah has narrated several Ahadeeth from
Imaam Muhammed Imaam Zufar Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
pursued his studies
under the tutelage of Imaam Abu Yusuf used to refer to him as the Imaam from
amongst the Imaams of the Muslimeen.

2 The science of authenticating and scrutinising the narrators of

Ilmi Chart 194
Ilmi Chart________________________________ 195
In his book Mu’jamus Sagheer, Imaam Tabraani
has narrated a hadith of Hadhrat Imaam > Imaam Awzaa’ee [passed away in 157
Abu Haneefa which is transmitted through A.H].
Imaam Zufar (3 O X S ). After Hadhrat Imaam Abu > Hadhrat Sufyaan Thowri [passed away
Haneefa declined the post of chief justice, it in 161 A.H].
was offered to Imaam Zufar > Hadhrat Maalik bin Dinaar
Muhammed treated him like a teacher and > Hadhrat Imaam Maalik
said about him, “He is one of the oceans of Fiqh and > Imaam Abu Yusuf
amongst the most intelligent men of his time. He The Mu’atta of Imaam Muhammed (£)&&£#) is
acquired a deep understanding of Deen from Hadhrat comprehensive and concise version of the Mu’atta of
Imaam Abu Haneefa ($&&&&) and was one of his Imaam Maalik (<$*&£>£). Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah
leading students. He was one of those people who says that he never found anyone
effectively combined knowledge and action (i.e. he possessing more knowledge of the Qur'aan than
practised on his knowledge). He had knowledge of Imaam Muhammed Hadhrat Yahya bin
Ahadeeth and specialised therein.” Ma’een who was the teacher of Imaam
Abu Nu’aim writes, “He was an expert of Bukhari says, “I copied the “Jaami’us
hadith. When I used to present Ahadeeth to Imaam Sagheer” of Imaam Muhammed from
Zufar he would tell me which hadith Imaam Muhammed himself.
abrogated another and which one was abrogated; Allaama Mubarrad acquired his qualification
which one was practicable and which was not.” [Siyar in the Arabic language from Imaam Muhammed
A’laamun Nubalaa Vol.8 Pg.38] Once when Allama Mubarrad
used the word “Al Ghazaala” for the sun, he was
4. Hadhrat Imaam Muhammed bin asked for a reference. In reply he stated that Imaam
Hasan Shaybaani Muhammed used the word in this context.
[passed away in 189 A.H] [Usoolus Sarakhsi]
He was an embodiment of the knowledge of Hadith, The Ulema of Arabic linguistics rate Imaam
Tafseer, Fiqh and Arabic. Besides narrating from Muhammed as the Seebaway 3 of his era.
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa His comment on the Arabic language is regarded as a
he also
narrated Ahadeeth from the following eminent proof in lexicography. He is regarded to be’ the
scholars: architect of the Hanafi Madh’hab and is termed “Th
Imaam of all Imaams”. He documented the Zaahirur
> Hadhrat Mas’ar bin Kudaam (e’Jtw&Jiss') [passed Riwaayah in six volumes. Amongst his compilation of
away in 155 A.H]. Ahadeeth are Kitaabul Aathaar, the Mu’atta of Imaam
> Imaam Zufar [passed away in 158 A.H].
3 A
A linguist who was a noted authority of the Arabic language.
llmi Chart________________________________ 197
llmi Chart________________________________ 196
Muhammed and Al-Hujjah ala Ahli Madinah (in two The Ten Distinguished
volumes). Mujtahideen of the Ummah
The Book “Mizaanul I’tidaal” has the following to say:
“Muhammed bin Hasan ($<»&K*y) was an ocean of 1. Imaam Ja’far bin Muhammed
knowledge and Fiqh." [Pg. 50] Imaam Muzani [passed away in 148 A.H]
($t*&£?y) writes about him: “Welcome to the one who
fills the ears and the heart with understanding.”1 Hadhrat Imaam Ja’far Saadiq (eM&£^) was the
[Siyarus Sahaaba Vol.8 Pg.473] grandson (daughter’s son) of Hadhrat Abu Bakr
Imaam Shaafi’ee pw&!S£) says, “I have not seen granddaughter, Hadhrat Asmaa He
anyone more intelligent, with more insight, more was born in the same year as Hadhrat Imaam Abu

.peopleofsunnah .com
abstinent, more pious, more well spoken and more Haneefa (3&&K^) viz. 80th year after the Hijrah.
resolute than Muhammed bin Hasan (3U&K2y).” Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (&&&£&) stated that he
[Tahdheebul Asmaa] Imaam Shaafi’ee ($&&&£>) also had never met a Faqeeh greater than Imaam Ja’far
said, “When I used to listen to him recite the Qur'aan, bin Muhammed (eKS&K^y). [Tadhkira Vol.1 Pg.146]
it was as if the Qur'aan was revealed in his language.” Since all Fuqahaa are considered to be the siblings of
[Al Bidaya wan Nihaaya Vol.4 Pg.204] He also Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (e^&KM’) in the field of
commented that Imaam Muhammed (£J&&i<K>y) was Fiqh, the above accolade is certainly noteworthy.
one of the most intelligent persons in the world. [Al Imaam Ja’far (S fe w ^) studied under the following
Jawaahirul Mudhiyya Vol.2 Pg.42] eminent scholars:
> His father, Imaam Baaqir (3^&i^5) [passed away
in 114 A.H].
> Hadhrat Urwa bin Zubair (3&&KX>).
> Hadhrat Imaam Ataa (£TCS&K%>).
> Imaam Naafi ($&&K2y).
The following were some of the prominent scholars
who narrated Ahadeeth from him:
> Imaam Maalik (ttRS&E’ p).
> Hadhrat Sufyaan Thowri
> Hadhrat Sufyaan bin Uyayna (£K3&£^).
> Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£)K&K%>).
The above proves that Imaam Ja’far (e&&i£>£) did not
hold any beliefs that were contrary to those of the
Ilmi Chart 198 ilmi Chart_______________________ ___________ 199
above scholars. Imaam Ja’far Imaam agreement with what has been narrated from Hadhrat
Baaqir (£JUxi<K^) and Imaam Zainul Aabideen Ali Hadhrat Umar and other
were all Sunnis. Therefore, the narrations of companions of Rasulullaah (£?££) i.e. that Taraaweeh
these personalities are found in many books of the should be twenty rakaahs. This is also the opinion of
Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah. Imaam Sufyaan Thowri [Vol.1 Pg.79]
Imaam Ja’far (£)G&i>iK2y) made the following statement
about Hadhrat Abu Bakr “You are ‘Siddeeq’ 3. Hadhrat Imaam Maalik
(Most truthful). If a person does not regard you as [passed away in 179 A.H]
‘Siddeeq’, Allaah should not make him realise any of
his ambitions in this world and in the Hereafter. He was one of the most prominent Mujtahideen who
[Kashful Ghumma Pg.220] lectured in Madinah. He was the teacher of great
personalities like Imaam Muhammed
2. Imaam Sufyaan Thowri Imaam Shaafi’ee According to the Maaliki
Madh’hab, the hands are not raised when proceeding
[passed away in 161 A.H] into Ruku and when rising from Ruku. He has written:
He used to lecture in Kufa and his school of thought “We never perform the W itr salaah as a single rakaah.
was followed till the fifth century. Imaam Shu’ba None in Madinah ever performs a single rakaah of
(tytiwj&Z) and Imaam Yahya bin Ma’een Witr. The Witr salaah is only three rakaahs.” [Mu’atta,
referred to him as “The Leader of the Mu'mineen in Pg-47]
Hadith”. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mubaarak, Yahya bin He was not of the opinion that a Muqtadi should recite
Sa’eed Qattaan and Wakee bin Jarraah (SG&jjJizy) behind the Imaam. He stated, “When any of you
were amongst his students. He never raised his perform salaah behind the Imaam, then the Qiraa’ah
hands when proceeding for Ruku and when rising of the Imaam will suffice for him.” [Mu’atta Pg.31]
from Ruku. With regard to this act, Imaam Tirmidhi
writes, “Such was the practise of many men 4. Imaam Awzaa’ee
of knowledge from amongst the Sahaaba [passed away in 157 A.H]
and the Taabi’een, as well as Sufyaan Thowri
( i« K X J ) .” [Vol.1 Pg.35] He used to be referred to as the Imaam of the people
of Shaam. [Al Bidaaya Vol.1 Pg.115] This makes it
When such an eminent scholar did not raise his evident that the people of every region followed a
hands, it proves that the Sahaaba did not particular Imaam. Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Mahdi
generally carry out this practice. He also stated that it says that there was none in Shaam who
is best to recite “Bismillah” silently during salaah. was more knowledgeable of the Sunnah than Imaam
[Tadhkira] He was also of the opinion that the Awzaa’ee [Tahdheeb Vol.6 Pg.240]
Taraaweeh salaah consists of twenty rakaahs. Imaam
He also had a large following in Spain [Al Bidaaya].
Tirmidhi writes, “Most men of knowledge are in
After meeting Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa
Umi Chart________________________________ 200
llmi Chart________________________________ 201
his heart was cleared with regard to the Imaam. He failing to propagate the Madh’hab. [Tadhkira] Imaam
later stated, “The excellence of this man has made Layth (SGiwxK^) was extremely proficient in Tafseer,
others envious of him. Without doubt, my suspicion Fiqh and Arabic.
was wrong, which I have deep regrets about.”
[Seeratun Nu’maan Pg.45] 6. Imaam Shaafi’ee
Like Imaam Maalik (eJG&iJv#), Imaam Awzaa’ee [passed away in 204 A.H]
was also of the opinion that the Muqtadi He was an Imaam and a Mujtahid on his time. He
should not recite any Qiraa’ah behind the Imaam. used to lecture in Makkah and in Egypt. The book
Haafidh Ibn Qudaama writes: “There was “Tadhkira” says that he wrote a camel’s load of
Maalik (3GwX?y) amongst the people of Hijaaz, knowledge from Imaam Muhammed (SG&iJO#).
Thowri amongst the people of Iraq and Without authenticating him, Hadhrat Yahya bin
Awzaa’ee amongst the people of Shaam. None of Ma’een (3G*&K>5) casually stated that there is no harm
them ever made the statement that a man’s salaah is in transmitting the Ahadeeth that Imaam Shaafi’ee
nullified if he does not recite Qiraa’ah when his narrates. However, Imaam Ahmed
Imaam is reciting.” [Al Mughni Vol.1 Pg.564] has declared him to be authentic.
According to Imaam Shaafi’ee (3GSM^), only the
5. Imaam Laith bin Sa’d Misri Imaam should say “Aaameen” loudly, while the
[passed away in 175 A.H] Muqtadi should recite it silently. [Kitaabul Umm] No
He used to lecture in Egypt and was greatly authentic hadith proves that the Sahaaba ever
impressed by Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa said “Aameen” loudly. When he was asked about the
In fact, his analysis of Islaamic rulings coincide with number of Rakaahs for Taraaweeh, he replied, “I
have found the people of our city Makkah performing
those of the Ahnaaf on so many occasions that the
historian Ibn Khalikaan ($G5.&K2y) has referred to him twenty Rakaahs.” [Tirmidhi Vol.1 Pg.99]
as being a Hanafi. [Al Jawaa’irul Mudhiyya Vol.1
Pg.416] Allaama Qastalaani (<3GS£ix£*y) and Nawaab
7. Imaam Is’haaq bin Raahway
Siddeeq Hasan Khan have also termed him [passed away in 238 A.H]
as a Hanafi. [Ittihaaf Pg.237] He was the teacher of Imaam Bukhari and Imaam
His school of jurisprudence was followed until the Muslim ($G&i>£%). His school of jurisprudence was
fourth century of Islaam. Imaam Shaafi’ee also followed for a while. Imaam Tirmidhi (£JG&i£x5)
regarded him to be a greater Faqeeh than Imaam quoted his opinion on various rulings together with
Maalik (ofG^ix!^). When the Madh’hab of Imaam Layth those of other Mujtahideen, which proves that he was
($G&jO5) began to fade, Imaam Shaafi’ee amongst the leading Fuqahaa.
was extremely grieved and blamed the students of I

Imaam Layth (£&&&£%;) for being complacent and
Ilmi Chart 202 Ilmi Chart_______________________ ________ 203
8. Hadhrat Imaam Ahmed biun 9. Hadhrat Imaam Muhammed bin
Hambal [passed away in Isma'eel [passed away in 256 A.H]
241 A.H] He was a Mujtahid on his own even though Ulema
have classified him as a Shaafi’ee because many of
The religious scholars of Saudi Arabia all follow the his famous rulings correspond to those of Imaam
Madh’hab of Imaam Ahmed (3 '& u i^). He was a Shaafi’ee The Saheeh Bukhari is the
student of Imaam Abu Yusuf ($G£ixK^) and Imaam gleaming sun amongst all the books of Ahadeeth. The
Shaafi’ee (£)K&K2y), while Imaam Bukhari and Imaam §
Muslim (SKwiJi^) were amongst his students. He «E Ahadeeth are arranged in accordance to the chapters
of Fiqh and are so comprehensive that no match can
stated that the hadith “There is no salaah for the one be found before it. It was afterwards that Imaam
who does not recite Faatihatul Kitaab i.e. Surah ■ Tirmidhi and Imaam Nasa'ee (£&&ijiK2y)
Faatiha”, refers to the salaah of a person p e rfo rm in g ^
followed this precedent.
* * "by himself. It does not apply to the Muqtadi
r.Q nn following
fn lln \A /in n the
2 The chain of Ahadeeth that the Shias have is
(person t h o Imaam). rT irm iH h i \Vol.1
[Tirmidhi / r \ l i D/-» /im
This makes it clear that Imaam Ahmed
■D gave
altogether different and they have their own books of
no regard to the additional words of some narrations (D Ahadeeth. The Ulema know well that they have
of the same hadith, which constrain one to apply the O nothing as authentic and comprehensive as this.
Although the Saheeh of Imaam Muslim (iytewJv©)
hadith to the Muqtadi as well. This is particularly so 5J contains all relevant Ahadeeth in one place, as well
because people like Muhammed bin Is'haaq and c as all the chains of narrators of a particular hadith in
Naafi bin Mahmood are amongst the transmitters of □ one place, the Saheeh of Imaam Bukhari (e^&JC^) is
such narrations. □
Both, Hadhrat Imaam Abu Haneefa (£K^&J^) and fi)
still regarded as the emperor because of the
perspective of Fiqh that it contains and because of the
Imaam Ahmed approved of the meaning extreme authenticity of the narrations.
behind the hadith: “My Sahaaba are like O
guiding stars”. Therefore, they both regarded the O
If any book of Ahadeeth had to compare with the
Saheeh of Imaam Bukhari in terms of Fiqh,
words of the Sahaaba to be a viable source 3 it would be the Sunan of Imaam Abu Dawood
of law. They both also gave priority to “weak” and the work of Imaam Tahaawi (£J&&i£2y).
Ahadeeth over their personal analogy (Qiyaas), and
they were both of the opinion that it is not necessary > Imaam Bukhari (<^£w£%) regarded three Talaaqs
to recite Surah Faatiha when one if following an (divorces) issued in one sitting to be nothing less
Imaam in salaah. than three Talaaqs. [Bukhari Vol.2 Pg.791]
> He also never performed less than three Rakaahs
of Witr salaah. In support thereof, he quotes one
of the learned scholars of the past as saying, “I
llmi Chart 204
have seen people performing three rakaahs of
Witr salaah ever since I came of age.” [Bukhari
Vol.1 Pg. 135].
> He was of the opinion that people should greet
each other using both hands.

10. Hadhrat Imaam Muslim

[passed away in 261 A.H]
According to the Muslims of Northwest Africa, the
Saheeh of Imaam Muslim is higher in rank
than the Saheeh of Imaam Bukhari ($£&!S5>).

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However, the Ulema of the Indo-Pak subcontinent
maintain that the Saheeh of Imaam Bukhari
is still the best. Without taking the name of Imaam
Bukhari Imaam Muslim ( 3 I W ) rectified
certain errors that Imaam Bukhari had made
by stating what was correct.
Although Imaam Muslim (UK^iKXJ) did collect all
relevant Ahadeeth in one place and arranged them in
perspective, he did not arrange them in chapters. He
also had no intention of substantiating any particular
Madh’hab with his compilation.
Although Imaam Muslim was a Shaafi'ee,
he narrated and authenticated the hadith wherein
Rasulullaah ( ^ ) said, “When the Imaam recites
(Qiraa’ah in salaah) then be silent.” [Muslim Vol 1
Pg. 174]

Translated Edited by:

Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias

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