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CSC 361 - Database Management Systems

Fall 2022/23
MS SQL Server + SSMS Installation

1. Installation MS SQL Server

We will be using Microsoft SQL Server for this course. Please note that installation
can be done only on either Windows or Linux machines. Therefore, it will be better
to have a Windows machine for this course. However, if you have a Mac machine,
then please check the last section of this document.

Use this link to install MS SQL Server:

Scroll down to Express Edition.

You can use this youtube link to follow the installation process (Up till min 11:50):

2. Installing SSMS
What you have done so far was only the installation of the DB engin. What you will do in
this section is to install an interface that will enable you to deal with this engine. We
will be using SQL Server Management Studio. If you have not done so after the
installation of the server, please follow the following steps:

Use this link to install SSMS-18:

Scroll down and download the version 18 (Free Download for SQL Server Management
Studio (SSMS) 18.12.1)

3. For Mac users

One way to install the SQL Server and SSMS is to install a windows virtually into your
mac. Thus, within this virtual windows, you can follow the previous steps.

Step1: Download a copy of Windows 10 (it might take 30-45 min):
Gulf University For Science and Technology Department of Computer Science

DO NOT unzip or open the file after downloading is done.

Step2: Download and install VirtualBox (you will use to install Win10 inside it). Choose
OS X hosts:

Step3: Please follow the remaining steps in this youtube video (skip to min 2:13):

In case you need any help, please contact me.

CSC 361 -2- Mariam Kinawi

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