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Active Citizenship

Final Report

[Name of the course]

[Title of project]

Submitted by

[Mention the names of all students with their student ID’s in bracket]

[Degree Titlei.e. BS Psychology]


Submitted to

[Mention the name of the instructor or lecturer to whom you have submitted the Final


[Date of submission]

Project Timeframe:4-8 Weeks

[University Name]

[University Logo]

“In the name of Allah Almighty, the most merciful and beneficent”. All praises and thanks

are for Allah Almighty, who is the ultimate source of all knowledge and wisdom to mankind. He

has presented knowledge for us in various forms of his infinite creations, and it is now an obligation

for us, beings to derive meaning from them through intense, thorough and rigorous thought. For

that purpose he has instilled within us the element of curiosity. Allah has guided me from darkness

to light, and surely his assistance is the reason which brings me here today.

It has been an honor for me to have (Name of instructor) as my instructor I would do justice to this

community development project by attributing its quality, correctness, contribution and

completion to her work ethic, immeasurable knowledge and determination to propagate. I also had

the valuable assistance of my teachers(You can name some teachers which have helped you out)

Together, these experts made this difficult journey at ease. My Heartiest thanks are for my friends

i.e. (You can write names of any friends) for providing me with emotional support whenever I felt

hopeless and assisting me with complications in this Project. I am also thankful to my class fellows,

siblings and acquaintances for providing me with social and informational backup throughout the

project experience. Last but not the least, the prayers of my parents, have served as the base for all

the mentioned passage. Together, these people made my project journey as one to feel nostalgic


(Write initials of your name for example S.N )

Table of Contents
Main Heading ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Sub-heading .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Under the Sub-heading ......................................................................................................................... 3
Main Heading ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Sub-heading .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Under the Sub-heading ......................................................................................................................... 3
Main Heading ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Sub-heading .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Under the Sub-heading ......................................................................................................................... 3
Main Heading ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Sub-heading .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Under the Sub-heading ......................................................................................................................... 3

Note: Include all the headings which are used in your document. Level 1 headings will be the main
headings i.e. Acknowledgements or Project summery. Level 2 headings (If here are any) will be
sub-headings i.e. Project activities or Goals and Level 3 headings (If there are any) will be those
headings under the subheadings.
Note: We have designed this format according to an Orphans project example for
your understanding ONLY. You have to choose different topics and information
under each heading will be according to your topic. Write information in
paragraph forms under relevant headings. You just have to follow the main
headings and sub-headings while filling them with your own information while
using the General Instructions. You may change your sub-headings according to
the topic you choose.

1. Project Summary

Paragraph 1

• Problem in society:

Add existing issue of society for Example: Due to poverty in our society children are left alone in
orphanages etc.

• Name of the organization or the cause for which you are working: _________________

• Goals:
Write solution based goals which relate with the problem in society which you have mentioned:
For example if you have mentioned that due to poverty in our society children are left alone in
Orphanages, one of your goals might be to guide orphaned children towards free education
facilities in our society. You must add at least 5 goals.

• A short project description is described here. Sum up your entire project in 2 to 3 lines. In
this case for example: The project, “Assisting the Orphans” aims to identify and pinpoint
issues faced by orphans while offering them solution based strategies for their uplifting and

Note: Present all information in paragraph form. Elaborate each factor.

Paragraph 2

● Key successes--brief description of who benefited from the project and what kind of impact the
project had on their lives. These lines are about the individuals OR population you have worked

Key Successes:

In our current example you will be writing about an approximate background of the children. You
can mention majority ages, health conditions, family backgrounds, interests or hobbies. You will
observe, upon completion of the project that what kind of benefits these children have gained from
your project, for example if any student has enrolled in the free education program of the children
have learned some interactive games or activities which can boost their cognitions or if you have
cultivated self-study habits in them.

Paragraph 3

● Major obstacles or challenges and how the group dealt with the challenges. This can include
permission issues from institutions or from your home. Traveling issues and money problems can
also be mentioned. Problem with specific activities can also be included. Mention how you have
solved those problems.

Major Challenges:

The Obstacles and challenges in our current example might be that the administration of the
orphanage did not allow students to take in-depth interviews from the children or that initially they
did not allow you to carry your planned activities. The organization was far from your home, so
your group had to spend a lot of money in travelling. The staff or your parents were not cooperative


Then you will mention the solutions for example travelling issues were solved by using public
transport. Our instructor provided us placements in different organizations which solved the
permission issue.

2. Project Details

Project Activities

● Overview of the steps of the project. Few lines for preparation of the main activity and few for
carrying out the main activity. Give times, day and dates under separate headings. During the time
tenure of the project you do the planned activities on different days. Use the following table format.
Also provide the general details on non-activity days. How do you plan to spend those days?
Following table formats will be selected.

If the project is of 4 weeks, then 4 tables will be used. Same is the case with a 6/8 week time tenure.
Week 1

Day 1 (Date) [Enter details here against each day]

Day 2 (Date)
Day 3 (Date) [Activity day] You will write how you prepared for the
activity and how you performed that activity.
Day 4 (Date)
Day 5 (Date)
Week 2

Day 1 (Date) [Enter details here against each day]

Day 2 (Date)
Day 3 (Date) [Activity day] You will write how you prepared for the
activity and how you performed that activity.
Day 4 (Date)
Day 5 (Date)
Week 3

Day 1 (Date) [Enter details here against each day]

Day 2 (Date)
Day 3 (Date) [Activity day] You will write how you prepared for the
activity and how you performed that activity.
Day 4 (Date)
Day 5 (Date)
Week 4

Day 1 (Date) [Enter details here against each day]

Day 2 (Date)
Day 3 (Date) [Activity day] You will write how you prepared for the
activity and how you performed that activity.
Day 4 (Date)
Day 5 (Date)
3. Conclusion:

● What you learned about how to design and carry out a project?
● Action plan for next time you do a community service project.
▪ What are the lessons about humanity that you have learned from this activity?
▪ What were the outcomes of your project?
▪ How can students benefit from such activities?

Below given heading must include in the conclusion part and students have to answer the
above asked question in the form of given headings below.

Project Execution:

Example: If we think of the orphanage example You will learn a lot of lessons from your
experience. You might write that we should make a chart of things to do when planning out any
activity by mentally imagining the project and try to think of all possible outcomes and plan how
to take action in all situations. Or we should first look for possible options in our society and
discuss 2 or 3 community project topics with our supervisor.

Suggestions and recommendation:

You can mention the shortcomings of your project for example you might say that we had given a
lot of time to one activity so that other activities could not be properly planned. Also, you will
mention how these problems can be avoided by time management techniques and mention this as
suggestions for future projects.


The 2nd paragraph of the conclusion can be about the outcomes of your project. For example you
might say that orphans were able to learn about free education facilities, learned some self-defense
techniques in the face of threat, they sharpened their reading and writing skills as well as developed
a positive mindset towards their life.


At last you will mention the benefits you, as a student have gained from this project experience.
You might say that students should be given such opportunities for community work to nourish
their soft skills of public dealing and cultivate in them the emotion of empathy and unconditional
positive regard, altruism and humanity. You might mention the importance of kindness and that
you feel blessed about your life for having all your needs fulfilled while receiving the love of

Here you will attach pictures of the organization and of the people you are working with. If you
have conducted some interviews of people or have shared memorable moments with them, you
can also report them. You can also write a specific message or dialog which was said by a person
which has deeply affected you. You have to take pictures of all activities you do and share them.
If you make video documentaries submit them separately.

For example if you have done art activity with children, you can take the pictures of those children Formatted: Font color: Accent 1
with their paintings and paste in your document. As five different activities will be planned by
you, you can use the following format for pictures.

Activity 1: (Artwork)

[Add few pictures here]

Activity 2: (Defense skills)

[Add pictures of children practicing the skills you teach them]

Activity 3: (Reading)

[Add pictures of children reading books]

Activity 4: (Health awareness day)

[Add pictures of children washing their hands]

Activity 5: (Speech day)

[Add pictures of children giving speeches]

Additional reporting:

You can include other pictures, messages or memory pictures with children

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