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BODY FLUIDS: DISTRIBUTION AND, MANAGEMENT ci hs epee we ss TSE os GO) Mien 6 one ae ‘6 ECF s further divided into two parts, amely interstitial uid {SP ang oft EC, Pm ai ‘bodyweight dition a 3y weight Nowaelea ite oalbdy wee ote ern «tnt be pt hat pla makes up owen ks op ofthe EC a rakes up 15%, and minerals and glycogen constitute 7% of ihe body weight The percentage piven nthe tables iypica tamale adaltperson Fora female adult the personto-boy Atater perceniage is Fes (0% approx.) In females, the fat Forcentage is more andthe protein percentages lower. {When considering the body weight distribution according to ncongan system most of the body weight of a person is due toskeletal muscle mas (36% of body weight) Non-skeletal Constitutes 29% of the body weight, adipose tissue ‘Constitutes 25% of the body weight, and bone constitutes nly 10% ofthe total body weight. mcg (Q. How much is the percent body weight? Ans Protcin makes up 18%of one'sbody we Body Water Percentage in the Body womat «The total body water, which is 60% ofthe total body weight is distributed intotwo components (OCF) andextra-cellularfiuid (ECP). ofthe total body water, and ECF is 1/3"of kes up 40% ofthe total body ofthe total body weight amely intacellulr id + 1CF makesup2 the total body water. ICF n weight, and ECF makes up Mca QLECFis— ‘Ans: ECF is20 shofthe body weight ofthe body weight ECF is further divided into two parts same interstitial id (OSE). making up 3/4 of the tal ECF, and Plsma- making ‘up 1/4 of the total ECF, The interstil id makes up 15% tthe total body weight ofthe perio, and plasma makes up 5%of the total body weight ofthe pein. Tis to be noted that plasma makes up 5% of the total body cht However, itmakes up 1/4" of the ECF and thus25% ofthe ECE, The toa cel volume is 3% of thabody weight, REC, WBC, platelet aloft = co (0. Blood makes up 8% ofthe body weight. So, when the Bagy wrciht ofthe person is known tobe 70g What sth ota “olume ofthe otal body waterinthis person? 42 Liter (TBW) an body Water Changes Along ‘+ 60% of the body weight is total body water. Thus, 60% of the 2 Volume © The X-axis represents the volume on both sides. Y-axis ‘Voss of fotonie Fluid from the Body oss of aon Mui (ep Hge, Vomiting) I If there isa haemorthage, there is a loss of plasma from the body that is isotonic. Or when there is vomiting going on, [Because thee is a loss of isotonic fui from the body, there will bea decrease inthe volume of ECF, as canbe sen in the diagram. The osmolality is not going to change. The new steady state condition will look like what has been depicted inthe diagram above. There willbe a contraction of ECF, and. ‘nochangein CF volume or osmolality Gain of Hypotonie Fluid 0.906 ‘© 1£0,45 NaCl solution is given toa patient, its an example of such a condition, The Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is when the ADH level is very high, it will absorb more water from the kidneys, adding excess water to the blood. This is an example ofthe gain of hypotonic fluid. When one drinks more and more water, psychogenic polydipsia occors, even when mineral wate is used because the mineral content i very less ont GE solution, These ae all examples ofthe gain of hypoton Ber Bee —— ‘© The X-axis represents the volume on both sides. Y-axis represents the osmolality. When a solution is given it fist eaters the blood. This will cause the ECF volume to increase, fas can be seen in the X-axis. The expansion causes a new volume ofthe ECF. '* However, there will be no change in the osmolality of the [ECF because the solution given is isotonic and thus will have the same osmolality as the ECF. Thus, the box depicts that without any change in osmolality, there is only an expansion of the extracellular fluid volume. But because there is no ‘change in the osmolality of the ECF, there will be no change in ICF volume. This is why isotonic fluid therapy is ‘considered safe since only the ECF volume is expanded. This ‘means that the blood pressure will rise, and baroreceptors will control that. The kidney will contro! the blood volume. But if there is an expansion of the ICF, there will be more problems. ain ot Hyper = o"fodS Recon gress Heep sh coun Te Syne fi eee ‘mone etn ADHD tee Rio tid fl Sct me a Se a Sg cro ent oe Th ce el Tre: Wen ene A el perce oly ie cane a ed a ito te meas on ‘itn Theale a Gain of Hypotonic (eg. SIADH, Drinking) 7 Volume both ICF & ECF 4 Osmobility ICF & ECF #0 Osmosis, It can be seen from the diagram that when there is gain of fluids, there is ECF volume expansion. As there is & wpe of fluid, the ECF osmolality will fll, Thus, kidney absorbs more and more water and not solid inthe presence of ADH. The decreased osmolality is sen in the diagram and the new point of volume as well (in the new box). This is nota steady state condition because the ICE ‘osmolality is higher than the current ECF, as can be seen in the diagram, making the cell osmolality higher, and ECF ‘osmolality ower. ‘+ Now, the ECF solution behaves like a hypotonic solution in ‘comparison tothe ICF. There will be osmosis by which water ‘will be moving from the hypotonic ECF tothe ICF. This will ‘cause the ICF volume to expand as water enters there due to ‘osmosis. The net tonicity ofthe ICF will decrease, and this will continue until equilibrium is reached, The ICF tonicity will become equal to the ECF tonicity in such equilibrium, This movement of water will stop at that point, This means that when hypotonic fuid is given, there willbe an increased volume of both the ICF and ECF. A decrease in osmolality will also be observed in both ICF and ECF, Hypotonic fluid therapy is thus not considered good because ‘when a huge amount of hypotonic fluid therapy is given, the cell volume will expand, and intracellular edema may be created. This may lead to the swelling of cerebral cells, Teading to multiple complications. Loss of Hypotonic Fluid # In diabetes insipidus, because the ADH is defi able to work, excess water is excreted through urine. Only water and not the solute is excreted, The D-Y diagram is ‘poingto change in the manner as depicted below ‘This makes the ECF hypertonic in comparison to CF. Water “will move from low-solute to high-solute concentration through osmosis ‘+ Thecell volume wil start decreasing. As because the wateris| ‘oing from the cell to ECF, the osmolality ofthe ICF wil also start increasing. This will continue until steady state ‘condition is reached. Thus, it can be understood that if a Person is losing a huge amount of fee water, isthe cas of siabetes insipidus, both ICP and ECF volume wil decrease, and the osmolality ofboth will increase, Gain of Hypertonic Fluid Gain of Hypertonic (¢g.3% Nacl) Yece ice 7 Osmol ICF & ECF 4 6 1.0) ‘© There are certain conditions when an infusion of 3% NaCl solution is given tothe patent, There will be an ex f due to the solution. There willbe an the ECF volume: in ECF tonicity because the solution being made. is. cell volume will expand, and intracellular edema may be ‘reated. This may lead to the swelling of cerebral cell, cading to multiple complications. Loss of Hypotonic Fluid 0807 ‘© In diabetes insipidus, because the ADI is deficient or not able to work, excess water is excreted through urine, Only water and not the solute is excreted. The D-Y diagram is oingto change inthe manner as depicted below. 0 ‘There are certain conditions when an infusion of 3% NaCl solutions given to the patient. Thre willbe an expansion of the ECF volume duet the solution. Thee willbe an increase in ECF tonicity because the solution being made is hypertonic in nature so the osmolality of the ECF islsoless, De ance and soisthe volume, F osmobility ICF & ECF Loss of Hypotonic (eg.D1) The new ECF volume and new osmolality ofthe ECF canbe seen inthe diagram, ECF is now hypertonic in comparison to ICE. The water will now move outof the cll, the ICF volume will decrease, and the ICF tonicity will increase. This will continue unless equilibrium is reached. ECF volume is increased, and ICF volume is decreased. The osmolality of both ICF and ECF has increased. Loss of Hypertonic Fluid xaos ‘© Insuch a condition, the solute is lst from the body in excess of water, a typical example of this would be adrenal insufficieney, Ifthe aldosterone hormone isnot there it will rot be able to absorb the salt. Along with solute, the water ‘will leave the body, and more amounts of solute are excreted ‘First, there will be a decrease in ECF volume due to the loss of fluid. But since only the water is going out and the solute remains, the net osmolality and net tonicity will be higher than water. than normal, as can be seen in the diagram. Although the a volume is contracted, the tonicity of the ECF remains more. Std — Loss of Hypertonic (eg, Adrenal insiceny) cr Lice Tonic, ‘+ Ascan be scen from the diagram, there will bea decreas in the volume ofthe ECF. Because the uios from the body is hypertonic loss, the net tonicity ofthe ECF will decrease The ECF isnow hypotonic in comparison to cell volume, making water move fom ECF to ICF. Although ECF volume is contracted stil some water will enter the cll increasing he ell volume a litle. The cell osmolality is decreased, and 2 ‘new steady-state condition is achieved. Thus, in such conditions, there is a decrease in ECF volume, there is an fncrease in ICF volume, and there isa derease inthe tonicity McQ QI.The volume of distribution of intravenously administered Sucrose ina healthy 70-kgmanisabout A35L B.105L CML ‘70g of wight mes hat here 2 al ay we 1 of hiss dsb a he EC, making 16 es. ‘Question? Explanation + "Inthis question since theres sucrose, tan be deta that ECF is being measured This question is based onthe ‘olune ofdstbution penile vite Joos _ 95 Tar > tar 7 ae + 80, =Q~eupon, his oman bing apt e100 1g of substance is being injected Ree, making the Q 100.5 ing of sibsiance is metabolize, making © 5. The Sal concentration i 0.01. Ths i calculated wo be 9500 ml, ‘whichis 95 lies (he answers options). (03. Total body water diferencesbetween male and females seenattheageof A. Above 60 years 1.4060 years 10-18 years D. 18-25 years

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