Present Perfect Tense

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Present Perfect

Our members

Huda Rizky Gabrielle M. Andika

Mahdi Hashemi
P(18) Cristiono (22)

Keyno Ardana
Will be Discussed
Understanding  xample of
Formula Example
Present perfect tense is a sentence pattern with a change
in verb form that is used to express/express a past
action/event that is still continuing until now.

Present perfect tense adalah suatu pola kalimat dengan

perubahan bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan/mengungkapkan suatu aksi/peristiwa
masa lalu yang masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.
Rumus verbal, digunakan apabila kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata kerja (verb)
(+)S + have/has + V3
(-)S + have/has + not + V3
(?)have/has + S + V3
S + have bisa disingkat menjadi (s)’ve. Misalnya I have > i’ve, they have > they’ve
Have digunakan untuk subjek I, You, We, They
Has digunakan untuk subjek He, She,
Contoh kalimat:
i have eaten 5 times a day (Saya sudah makan 5 kali sehari)
They have not sent our orders (Mereka belum mengirim pesanan kami)
Have you called Andrew? (Apakah kamu sudah menelepon Andrew?)
Rumus nominal, digunakan apabila kalimat tersebut
tidak menggunakan kata kerja seperti kata sifat,
kata benda, kata keterangan
(+)S + has/have + been + adjective/adverb/noun
(-)S + has/have + not + been +
(?)has/have + S + been + adjective/adverb/noun +
Contoh kalimat
Have you been to Bali? (Pernahkah kamu ke Bali?)
Intan has been here (Intan sudah disini)
i have not been hungry (Saya belum merasa lapar)
Apabila menggunakan question words, maka
susunan kalimatnya menjadi:
QW + have/has + been + S + V3 + past participle + O
Contoh Kalimat
Where has the guest left? (Kemana para tamu pergi?)
Why have you moved the chairs? (Mengapa kamu
memindahkan kursinya

Jika question word menanyakan subjek, susunan

kalimatnya adalah:
QW +have/has + V3 + C
Contoh Kalimat
Who has painted the room? (Siapa yang mengecat
ruangan ini?)
Who have washed the car? (Siapa yang mencuci
Example Sentences
Present Perfect Tense
– I’ve lost my key (Saya [telah] kehilangan kunci)
– Benny has gone to Hongkong (Benny sudah berangkat
ke Hongkong)
– Intan has finished her task (Intan sudah menyelesaikan
– Anton and i have turned in the assignment (Saya dan
Anton sudah mengumpulkan tugas)
– Intan has not moved to Jakarta with her family (Intan
tidak pindah ke Jakarta bersama keluarganya)
– Tono has gone to Medan (Tono sudah berangkat ke
Example Questions
1. Ryoko Hirosue is a Japanese girl. She … in Indonesia 3. I . . . any parties since I came here.
since last year. She is here to study Indonesian culture in
A. hasn’t attend
a private university in Central Java.
B. hasn’t attended
a. is
C. haven’t attend
b. was
c. has been D. haven’t attended
d. have been 4. Rico . . . here since the 23rd.
2. Wenny: What about my new dress, mother?
mother: Don’t worry. Your father … a lovely evening dress A. has
for you.
B. has
Wenny: Really? why didn’t he tell me?
Mother: It will be a surprise, won’t it? C. have
a. isn’t buying
b. was buying
D. have beenbeen
c. have bought
d. has bought
Present perfect is used to describe:
An action or situation that began in the past and continues today. I have lived in Bristol
since 1984
Actions performed during a period of time that has not yet been completed or expired. She
has been to the cinema twice this week
Actions repeat over an unspecified period between the past and present. We have visited
Portugal several times.
Actions that have just been completed or ended are expressed with just. I have just finished
my work.
Actions where time is not important. He has read 'War and Peace'. (= the result or
consequence of the act of reading is important)
Present perfect digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan
Tindakan atau situasi yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut hingga kini. I
have lived in Bristol since 1984 (= dan saya masih tinggal di sana.)
Tindakan yang dilakukan selama periode waktu yang belum selesai atau berakhir. She
has been to the cinema twice this week (= dan minggu ini belum berakhir.)
Tindakan berulang dalam periode yang tidak ditentukan antara masa lalu dan kini.
We have visited Portugal several times.
Tindakan yang baru saja selesai atau berakhir, dinyatakan dengan just. I have just
finished my work.
Tindakan di mana waktu tidaklah penting. He has read 'War and Peace'. (= hasil atau
akibat dari tindakan membaca itu penting)
Hopefully what we have said can
be understood easily.

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