Lesson Plan

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Subject: English

Grade Level: 8

Learning Competency: Modal nouns

Topic: Introduction to Modal Nouns

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Define and identify modal nouns in a given sentence.

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the function and usage of modal nouns in


3. [Affective - Valuing] Recognize the importance of using modal nouns to express

possibility and necessity.

4. [Affective - Organization] Demonstrate respect for modal nouns by using them

appropriately in writing.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Create sentences using modal nouns to express

possibility and necessity.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Formulate questions using modal nouns to inquire

about possibility and necessity.
Topic: Modal Nouns for Prediction

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Identify modal nouns used for making predictions in a

given sentence.

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the meaning and usage of modal nouns


3. [Affective - Valuing] Appreciate the significance of using modal nouns for making
accurate predictions.

4. [Affective - Organization] Show responsibility by using modal nouns for prediction

in decision-making scenarios.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Construct sentences using modal nouns to make

predictions about future events.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Engage in group discussions using modal nouns to

predict outcomes of different situations.

Topic: Modal Nouns for Ability

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Identify modal nouns used to express ability in a given


2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the meaning and usage of modal nouns for

3. [Affective - Valuing] Recognize the importance of using modal nouns for

showcasing one's capabilities.

4. [Affective - Organization] Demonstrate responsibility by using modal nouns for

ability in goal-setting scenarios.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Formulate sentences using modal nouns to describe

personal abilities.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Participate in role-playing activities using modal nouns

to showcase different abilities.
Topic: Modal Nouns for Permission

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Identify modal nouns used to ask for and give permission
in a given sentence.

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the meaning and usage of modal nouns for

3. [Affective - Valuing] Appreciate the importance of using modal nouns for respectful

4. [Affective - Organization] Show consideration by using modal nouns for

permission in real-life situations.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Construct sentences using modal nouns to ask for

and grant permission.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Participate in group activities using modal nouns to

negotiate permissions in different contexts.

Topic: Modal Nouns for Advice

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Identify modal nouns used to give advice in a given


2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the meaning and usage of modal nouns for

3. [Affective - Valuing] Recognize the importance of using modal nouns for offering
helpful suggestions.

4. [Affective - Organization] Demonstrate empathy by using modal nouns for advice

in supportive conversations.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Formulate sentences using modal nouns to provide

advice in different scenarios.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Engage in role-playing activities using modal nouns to

give and receive advice.

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