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Parallelism- It is a grammatical structure that promotes clarity and balance in a sentence by joining items of

similar grammatical forms.

Parallelism in Words

Mount Pulag is majestic, picturesque and known by everyone.

Parallel: Mount Pulag is majestic, picturesque and popular.

The producers are searching for actors, singers, artists, and those who can make props.

Parallel: The producers are searching for actors, artists, and prop makers.

During the party, Anna moved gracefully and with elegance.

Parallel: During the party, Anna moved gracefully and elegantly.

Parallellism in Phrases

A.) Prepositional Phrase

● A prepositional phrase is composed of a preposition and its object.

○ above the roof

○ with permission

○ in the classroom


● John studies his lesson either in his bedroom or living room.

John studies his lesson either in his bedroom or in his living room.

● He is good in sports and academic.

He is good in sports and in academic writing.

● Sarah is going to the market and drugstore.

Sarah is going to the market and to the drugstore.

B.) Infinitive Phrase

● An infinitive phrase is an infinitive with its object.

● Form: to + base form verb

○ to run a mile

○ to see a movie

○ to eat vegetables

● To see a ghost is believing in ghosts.

To see a ghost is to believe in ghosts.

● To love is accepting the person for who he or she is.

To love is to accept the person for who he or she is.

● She was invited to dance the hip hop and sing at the event.

She was invited to dance the hip hop and to sing at the event.

C.) Gerund Phrase

● A gerund phrase is a gerund and its object.

● It is called as gerund when it is used as a NOUN in a sentence.

● Form: verb + (-ing)

○ running a mile

○ sailing a boat

○ teaching a lesson


○ Joanie loves collecting antiquated items, visiting old museums, and to narrate scary stories.

Joanie loves collecting antiquated items, visiting old museums, and narrating scary stories.

○ Her sports include playing basketball and to play volleyball.

Her sports include playing basketball and playing volleyball

D.) Participial Phrase

● A participial phrase is a phrase that contains a participle and its object.

● Participle verb forms: verb ending -ing, -ed, -en.


● Erasing the board and to sweep the floor were the tasks given to the group.

Erasing the board and sweeping the floor were the tasks given to the group.

● The teacher praised the student erasing the board and sweeping the floor.

The teacher praised the student erasing the board and sweeping the floor.
● The rangers found the animal trembling in fear, cowering beneath the bush, and wet all over.

The rangers found the animal trembling in fear, cowering beneath the bush, and soaking wet all over.

Correct the following sentences using the concept of PARALLELISM

1. Samantha likes to run, jumping around in the backyard and played with her friend Jorge.

Samantha likes running, jumping around in the backyard and playing with her friend Jorge.

2. Henry likes a ball, to jump and running outside.

Henry likes a ball, jumping and running outside.

3. Grandpa walked carefully, in a slow way, and halted a lot.

Grandps walked carefully, slowly, and haltingly.

4. Tennis requires hand-eye coordination, flexibility, and to be able to concentrate.

Tennis requires hand-eye coordination, flexibility, and concentration.

5. The teacher has the responsibility of providing supplemental help and to review all test material with the

The teacher has the responsibility of providing supplemental help and reviewing all test material with the

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