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Game Development

ONLINE Tutorial and AI Walkthrough

How to use github and using manuals


A practical and vocational approach to game development and SEND students.

Making a game using tutorials and online resources can be daunting and overwhelming.
This research paper looks at 1 to one or small groups being handheld through the process in
real time with a tutor following an online Unity 3D C# tutorial.

Tutors will start with 3 games that are prebuilt and developed as prototypes to demonstrate
the end result of study.

English, math and communication skills are at the forefront with wellbeing and time outs as
key component to get the student to use the coding and problem solving element as a
transferable skill.

1.0 Select the Tutorial and Unity Manual

Get the basics. Get note taking.

Download and install

Development environment for coding and dependencies


Installing and learning how to look up useful help while coding

English reading.


The selected tutorial(s) and each week over a full 12 week course, the tutor and the student
build a game and the tutor mentors and assists the student in completing the game tutorials. tutorial 1 tutorial 2 tutorial 3

2.0 Building confidence and wellbeing

The student only tackles 1 to 2 tutorials a week.

By extending the learning around very few tutorials and note taking, this leaves the student
with plenty of time for other activities.

Math and geometry is added to the weekly lesson and introduced for game loop
development and game mechanics. The student writes the game instructions.


Completed game examples:

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