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Autonomy – ability both literally and permission-wise to operate without instruction of a superior

Research – not just sources, but what can be learned from it and how it’s relevant to the task at

Critical thinking – take a point, dismantle it, analyse its components and challenge preconceptions

Documents – save EVERYTHING, every scrap of stuff

Experiment with software – aka develop flexibility so anyone can hire you with any brand of

Design responsibly – don’t steal things! If you copy stuff, say you di and use it as research ONLY,
afterwards change it somewhat to avoid legal problems

Warriors fight battles, soldiers wage wars, there’s overlap yet distinction

Himalayan soldiers with sticks, squad tactics, helicopters, big-ass sticks, soldiers reduced to warriors,
important geopolitical issue, leaked footage readily available on youtube

Temporally-displaced warriors from various irl cultures – turks, norse, romans, medieval England,
horse nomads

Everyone in combat went in with a melee weapon, even bows and slings, anyone could be a warrior
regardless of armament because of this

AAA ‘sandbox’ game probably means MMO, make the pc one face in the crowd

The Hero With A Thousand Faces

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