Lesson 2 4 Solving Quadratic Equation by Quadratic Formula

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At the end of the lesson, I can…
➢ identify the quadratic equation when does
completing the square is used;
➢ solve quadratic equations by:
(a) extracting square roots;
(b) factoring;
(c) completing the square; and
(d) using the quadratic formula.
Quadratic Equation:
In the standard form of the QE:

ax 2+ bx + c = 0
a, b, and c are real numbers.
a ≠0
Solving QE by Quadratic Formula:
It is the most convenient way of solving QE
in any types of quadratic equation.
It can be used to find the solution of
quadratic equation whether the given is
factorable or not.
It is the most versatile of all methods of
solving quadratic equation because it can
be applied to any form of quadratic
Solving QE by Quadratic Formula:
 The roots/solutions, value of the variable or x -
intercepts can be solved using the quadratic

x= −b b −4ac 2

Example 1: x 2 + 3x – 10 = 0 x= −b b2
Steps: 2a
1. Identify the values a=1 b=3 c = -10
of a, b, & c.
2. Substitute the −3± 32 −4(1(−10))
given values into x=
the formula.
−3± 9+ 40 −3± 49
3. Simplify or solve x= x=
the equation. 2 2
−3− 7
−3± 7
−3+ 7
x =
2 2 2
4 −10
x= x=2 x= x = −5
2 2
Example 2: 2x 2 + 3x – 20 = 0 x= −b b2
Steps: 2a
1. Identify the values a=2 b=3 c = -20
of a, b, & c.
2. Substitute the −3± 32 −4(2)(−20)
given values into x=
the formula.
−3± 9+160 −3± 169
3. Simplify or solve x= x=
the equation. 4 4
x =
4 4 4
10 5 −16
x= x= x= x = −4
4 2 4
Example 3: x 2 - 6x + 4 = 0 x= −b b2
Steps: 2a
1. Identify the values a=1 b=-6 c=4
of a, b, & c.
2. Substitute the −(−6)± (−6)2 −4( 1 4)
given values into 2(1)
the formula.
6± 36+(−16) 6± 20
3. Simplify or solve x= x=
the equation. 2 2
6± 4(5) 6+2 5) 6−2 5)
x= x= x=
2 2 2
6± 2 5)
x= x =3 + 5 x =3 − 5
Example 4: 4x 2 + 3x – 1 = 0 x= −b b2
Steps: 2a
1. Identify the values a=4 b=3 c = -1
of a, b, & c.
−(3)± (3)2 −4 4 (−1)
2. Substitute the x=
given values into 2(4)
the formula. −3± 25
3. Simplify or solve x=
−3± 9+16
8 8
the equation.
−3+5 −3− 5
x= x=
−3±5 8 8
x= 2 1 −8
8 x= x= x= x=-1
8 4 8

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