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EOI_IN1 - Tema 4.1: Changing places: Where is it?

Changing places: Where is it?

Inglés 1.º de Nivel Inicial A1

Oficiales de Idiomas

Changing places
Where is it?

Focus on


Emily now has her routine in Seville. She likes it there and
is really active all day doing many activities. Tonight, she is
home after a long day. Her only wish is to relax but, when
she is about to open the door...

Imagen de Ben Zvan en Flickr.

Licencia CC
1. A long day for Emily

Do it yourself

Listen to Emily once and choose the right answer :

00:00 00:47

Imagen de fazriahafriani en Flickr. Licencia C

She hasn't got her keys.

She lost her keys somewhere.

She has got somebody else's keys.

Try again!

Try again!


. Wrong
. Wrong
. Correct Option

Reading Activity

After thinking about it, she realizes that her cousin Beatriz had her keys, so she decides
to whatsapp her.

Imagen de creación propia

Writing task: WhatsApp one of your colleagues from your
course and try to find a solution! For example you can start
your whatsapp conversation by saying: " Let's try to find a
solution to Emily's problem". Your partner can answer: "I think
that Emily can go to a bar and wait for Beatriz..." //" I don't
agree with you..." and so on!

When you finish, do the following activities and check if you

found the same solution.

Look at the expression "No way!" in the text. How would you translate it in your mother

We use "no way" (informal) with different meanings depending on the context.

1) When we refuse to do something; e.g -"Let's go skiing"-> "No way!I hate snow!"

2) When we don't believe what somebody is telling us; e.g -"María is pregnant!" ->
"No way!I thought she didn't like babies!"

Here we are in context number 2. Beatriz can't believe that Emily has got her keys.

Reading Activity

Were you right? Look at the rest of the conversation and find the missing words.
Imágenes de creación propia
Do it yourself

1) I ... where we ...

know / can

think / meet

don't know / meet

Congratulations !

Try again !

Try again!


. Correct Option
. Wrong
. Wrong

2) I can't ...




Try again!
Try again!



. Wrong
. Wrong
. Correct Option

3) ... be so negative.




Try again!


Try again!


. Wrong
. Correct Option
. Wrong
4) ... see how you can get there.




Try again!

Try again!


. Correct Option
. Wrong
. Wrong

5) Can you come ... foot?



Try again!


. Wrong
. Correct Option

6) Where are you ... the moment?



Well done!



. Correct Option
. Wrong

7) I am standing ... my apartment.



Wrong answer!

Of course!


. Wrong
. Correct Option
8) It's ... a long walk





Try again!

Wrong answer!


. Correct Option
. Wrong
. Wrong
1.1 Grammar: Imperatives

In the previous dialogue, somebody gives a NEGATIVE ORDER to the other and
then makes a SUGGESTION. Try to find the "linguistic tool" that Beatriz uses.

To make a negative order Beatriz uses: Don't + be

To make a suggestion, Beatriz uses: Let's + infinitive

So, let's explain how it works ;)

Imagen de elaboración propia


Enlace a recurso reproducible >>

Do it yourself

If you want to give a positive order you only use the infinitive.

True False


To use the negative imperative, you can say: Do not smoke here!

True False


Of course you can! (DON'T is the contraction of DO NOT) It's formal though, in a
casual conversation, you would say: "Don't smoke here!"

When you use an adjective, it is compulsory to use the verb "to be" to make sense.

True False

For positive and negative sentences with an adjective you MUST use the verb "to
be". For example: Be quiet! / Be careful! And the negative: Don't be stupid! / Don't be

To make a suggestion, we use "Let's", which is the contraction of LET + US.

True False


Let's is the contraction of let + us which means that the person who says te
sentence includes herself/himself in the action.

E.g. Let's go for a beer! ( I mean "me + you").

In the following video, there are some sentences that use the
imperative. Listen to each one of them. Then, try to repeat them one
by one. It is really important to LINK the words while you speak. Try
to recognize the affirmative/negative imperatives.

In your head, think about their meaning. If you are not sure about
what they mean, find out here.

Finally, write down the new words in order to learn their spelling.

Enlace a recurso reproducible >>

Moving on
TO FIND A review + six FLASH exercises:
GO TO... Imperatives.

Imagen cortesia
de UVIc
1.2 Mum said

Here is a number of orders that parents usually give their children. Try to find the 15
orders! For example: SHARE + ROOM = SHARE YOUR ROOM!

Look at the photographs below if you need help.

Imagen de creación propia

Match each verb with the right noun and give orders!

1. eat
2. take
3. come
4. close
5. use

a. fork
b. vitamins
c. breakfast
d. back
e. mouth

1.C. Eat your breakfast!

2.B. Take your vitamins!

3.D. Come back here!

4.E. Close your mouth!

5.A. Use your fork!

Do it yourself

Read and complete the two sentences with two more verbs in the picture:

1. up ! The bus is here.

2. Don't forget to !

1. When we ask someone to hurry up, we ask this person to do things faster.

2. We can share many things in life, from a simple meal to our lives themselves!

This exercise was inspired by a video about a woman who wanted to condense every
sentence that a mother says to her children ... in a song! Listen to this song.

Try to recognize the orders from the previous exercise. You need to look at the subtitles.
Enlace a recurso reproducible >>
2. Where are you ?

Focus on

This section is about how to give/receive instructions, how to find a place and
how to tell somebody where you are in town.

Imagen de bluman en Flickr. Licencia CC

First of all, you need to use verbs to express directions.

Imagen de creación propia

Then, you will need connectors to link the instructions.

Imagen de creación propia

Now that Emily knows that Beatriz has got her keys, she needs to get them

Emily calls Beatriz to know where she is because she doesn't know how to
get there.

Listen carefully to their conversation. Try to follow the instructions and to

visualize her way. There is a map to help you.

00:00 01:42
Imagen de elaboración propia

Moving on

TO FIND Activities about directions. This link includes:

a) a TRUE/FALSE exercise about your location in a town.
GO TO...
b) a guessing exercise about the name of the buildings.
c) an exercise about missing prepositions.
d) a listening task.
Imagen cortesia
de UVIc
Interactive Game about following instructions in which you have to
help a character to find a place. Lots of fun!
2.1 I am lost !

Emily is going on a trip to Almería but, as you know, she

always needs somebody to tell her how to find her way!

00:00 01:20
Imagen de Phil Whitehouse en Flickr.
Licencia CC

Do it yourself

Exercise 1 : Where is Emily going?

Plaza vieja

The cathedral

The Alcazaba

Wrong answer

Of course!

Oh no my dear!

. Wrong
. Correct Option
. Wrong

Exercise 2 : Where is Emily going?

Plaza vieja

The cathedral

The Alcazaba

Try again!

Try again!



. Wrong
. Wrong
. Correct Option

Exercise 3 : Where is Emily going?

Plaza vieja

The catedral

The alcazaba

This one was easy!

Wrong choice!

Not really!


. Correct Option
. Wrong
. Wrong

Click on the image to read the script.

3. Vocabulary

Look at the image for a few minutes and try to understand the words:

Imagen de creación propia

Do it yourself

Emily is really active ... and she is everywhere!

Read the following sentences and complete the gaps with the right word. Watch out!
There are 4 extra words.

1. Emily is buying a new book. She is at the .

2. Emily is waiting for the bus. She is at the .

3. Emily is visiting her aunt who had a heart surgery. She is at the .

4. There are dinosaur bones around Emily. She is at the .

5. There is a roller coaster next to Emily. She is at the .

6. Emily can find a nun praying. Emily isin the .

7. In front of Emily, there are a few planes landing. Emily is at the .

8. Around Emily people are dancing and drinking. Emily is in a (night)


9. Emily is doing indoor sports. She is at the .

10. Emily wants her hair cut so she goes to the .

11. Emily wants to buy some food so she goes to the .

12. Emily is dancing sevillanas and drinking rebujito. She is at the .

1. Emily is buying a new book. She is at the bookshop.*

2. Emily is waiting for the bus. She is at the bus stop.

3. Emily is visiting her aunt who had a heart surgery. She is at the hospital.

4. There are dinosaur bones around Emily. She is at the museum.

5. There is a roller coaster next to Emily. She is at the amusement park.

6. Behind Emily you can find a nunpraying. Emily isin the church.

7. In front of Emily, there are a few planes landing. Emily is at the airport.

8. Around Emily people are dancing and drunk. Emily is in a (night) club.

9. Emily is doing indoor sports. She is at the fitness centre.

10. Emily is having her hair cut. She is at the hairdresser's.

11. Emily wants to try a new recipe. To do that, she needs to buy the ingredients, so
she goes to the supermarket.

12. Emily is dancing sevillanas and drinking rebujito. She is at the fair.

* Be careful! Library is not librería but biblioteca.

It's your turn to prepare 10 sentences to test your partner's
knowledge of vocabulary. For example, tell him/ her: "I want to get
some money." Where am I? and your partner cananswer: "You are
at the bank".

Skype him/her and practice your sentences.

If your partner answers correctly, he/she gets a point (+1). If he/she

doesn't know or gives the wrong answer, then you take a point
off(-1). The winner is the person who getsmore points, of course!

Moving on

Vocabulary: a mind map to help you to review the vocabulary.
GO TO...

Imagen cortesia
de UVIc
4. Monuments in English-speaking countries

Culture counts

English is the most widespread language in the world:

over 400 million people use it as a mother tongue and
over 700 million people speak it as a foreign language.
But did you know that there are other countries besides
the UK & USA whose official language is English?

Now let's have a look at a few monuments and symbols

from other countries that have English as an official

Take the following quiz to test your knowledge.

1. Imagen de John Ward en 2. Imagen de WhatScoreen 3. Imagen de May en

Flickr. Licencia CC Flickr. Licencia CC
Flickr. Licencia CC

6. Imagen de bencyc en Flickr.

Licencia CC

4. Imagen de Benjamin
Dumas en Flickr. Licencia CC
5. Imagen de budget travel
en Flickr. Licencia CC
9. Imagen de james cullen en
Flickr. Licencia CC
7. Imagen de shotleyshort en
Flickr. Licencia CC

8. Imagen de NATS Press

Officeen Flickr. Licencia CC


1. Where's the first picture from?

A. Canada

B. The United States

C. Australia

2. The semi-detached house in the second picture is typical of...

A. Great Britain

B. Ireland

C. Australia

3. The third picture shows:

A. Mt Rushmore in the USA

B. The Giant's Causeway in Ireland

C. Ayers Rock in Australia

4. This statue is the symbol of:

A. Chicago

B. San Francisco

C. New York

5. This type of bus is called a:

A. Double-decker bus

B. School bus

C. Single-deck bus

6. This building in New York is called:

A. the Chrysler Center

B. The Empire State building

C. City Hall

7. This enormous rock is situated in:

A. Australia

B. South Africa

C. Scotland

8. You can find this Air Traffic Control Tower in:

A. Belfast

B. Dublin
C. Edinburgh

9. This palace is in:

A. London

B. Kingston, Jamaica

C. Birmingham, Alabama
Bite size

In this lesson you learned how to:

give orders and make suggestions

using the imperative.

use vocabulary about places, orders,

and suggestions.

give instructions to someone who is

receive instructions from someone.

identify monuments and symbols from

other countries that have English as an
official language.
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