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Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 1 of 47 PageID #: 1465



) No. 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK


Defendant, Inc. (“Amazon”) answers the Amended Complaint for Willful

and Intentional Trademark Infringement and Related Claims (“Complaint”) of Annie Oakley

Enterprises, Inc. and Renee Gabet (“plaintiffs”), and brings counterclaims against them, as



1. Amazon admits that this action purports to be for trademark infringement, false

designation of origin, and unfair competition, under inter alia, the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051,

et seq., and for common law trademark infringement under Indiana state law. Amazon denies that

plaintiffs have stated any viable claims. As to plaintiffs’ purported state common law claims for

unfair competition, Amazon is not required to respond because those claims have been dismissed

by the Court prior to the date of this Answer. (See ECF 139.)

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2. Amazon admits that this Court has subject matter jurisdiction over actions brought

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338 and 15 U.S.C. § 1121 and 28 U.S.C. § 1332, but denies

that plaintiffs have stated any viable claims under those provisions. Amazon admits that this Court

has supplemental jurisdiction over the state common law claims remaining in this action pursuant

to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1367(a), but denies that jurisdiction exists under 28 U.S.C. § 1338(b).

3. For purposes of this action only, Amazon does not contest that venue was proper

but denies that venue was convenient in the Northern District of Indiana, where this Complaint

was filed. Amazon denies that a substantial part of the events giving rise to this action occurred in

the Northern District of Indiana. For purposes of this action only, Amazon does not contest that it

was subject to personal jurisdiction in the Northern District of Indiana. Amazon lacks knowledge

or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the extent they pertain

to the other defendants.

4. For purposes of this action only, Amazon does not contest that it was subject to

personal jurisdiction in the Northern District of Indiana. Amazon denies that it sold, offered for

sale, or marketed any product accused of infringement in the Northern District of Indiana. Amazon

admits an affiliated company marketed and offered for sale some products accused of infringement

in this action in the Northern District of Indiana, but denies that any such efforts were directed at

the Northern District of Indiana or that it did so for all products accused of infringement in this

action. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the

allegations to the extent they pertain to the other defendants or to the extent they relate to the vague

allegation “similar URLs for foreign countries.”

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5. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth

of the allegations in Paragraph 5 of the Complaint.

6. Denied.

7. Denied.

8. Amazon denies that it is organized under the laws of the State of Washington.

Amazon admits that its principal office is located at 410 Terry Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109-5210.

9. Amazon denies that it acquires infringing products, that it has co-conspirators, or

that it knows the identities of these non-existent co-conspirators. Amazon lacks knowledge or

information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 9

of the Complaint.


10. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth

of the allegations in Paragraph 10 of the Complaint.

11. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth

of the allegations in Paragraph 11 of the Complaint.

12. Amazon denies that Gabet filed a federal trademark application for Morning Dew

or that she owns the listed corresponding federal registration. Amazon admits that Gabet filed

federal trademark applications for Sunset and Indian Musk. Amazon lacks knowledge or

information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of whether Gabet owns the listed trademark

registrations for Sunset and Indian Musk. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to the other listed trademarks either because claims related to them have been

dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have

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informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action (including formal responses

to discovery requests stating that they need not provide responsive documents because they are

not asserting Sagebrush).

13. With respect to the registrations for Morning Dew, Sunset, and Indian Musk,

Amazon denies the allegations in Paragraph 13 of the Complaint. Amazon is not required to

respond with respect to allegations related to the other listed trademarks either because claims

related to them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139)

or because plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

14. Amazon denies that Annie Oakley is a “registrant” as defined in 15 USC § 1127.

(See ECF 139.) Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth

of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 14 of the Complaint.

15. Amazon admits that a requirement of trademark registration and renewal includes

the submission of statements of use to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. With respect to

Morning Dew, Sunset, and Indian Musk, Amazon denies that Annie Oakley has used these marks

in nearly every conceivable possible way or that Amazon or its counsel is aware of how plaintiffs

use them or that it took depositions or other discovery from plaintiffs that show how plaintiffs use

them. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the

remaining allegations of Paragraph 15 directed to Morning Dew, Sunset or Indian Musk. Amazon

is not required to respond with respect to allegations related to the other listed trademarks either

because claims related to them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer

(see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush

in this action.

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16. Amazon denies the allegations directed against it. Amazon lacks knowledge or

information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations of Paragraph 16.

17. Amazon admits that it has a “Report Infringement form” for use by intellectual

property rights owners and their agents to notify Amazon of alleged intellectual property

infringements such as copyright and trademark concerns. Amazon admits that Gabet contacted it

in 2018 and that Amazon responded. Amazon denies that plaintiffs, including Gabet, identified

allegedly infringing products accused in the Complaint. Amazon denies that it has sold infringing

products. Amazon admits that no court has ever found Amazon liable of infringing any of

plaintiffs’ trademarks and denies that it ever had any related ill-gotten gains. Amazon lacks

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations of

Paragraph 17.

18. Denied.

19. Amazon denies infringement. Amazon admits that in a prior litigation it served an

interrogatory asking plaintiffs to state “each trademark owned by Gabet, state the time period

during which said trademark has been used, and describe the category of products on which each

has been used.”

20. Amazon denies that, in 2020, Gabet provided Amazon a list of advertising ideas.

Amazon admits that, in 2020, plaintiffs provided Amazon the list in paragraph 20. Amazon lacks

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations of

Paragraph 20.

21. Amazon denies that paragraph 20 lists registrations. Amazon denies that the

asserted registrations are prima facie evidence of validity, ownership or an exclusive right to use

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the marks in commerce in connection with the goods specified in registrations. Amazon denies

that the registrations provide constructive notice of Gabet’s ownership of the marks.

22. Amazon denies that plaintiffs, including Gabet, provided Amazon with notice of

any products accused in the Complaint. Amazon denies that Amazon has sold any products that

infringe any trademarks asserted by plaintiffs in this action or prior actions.

23. Amazon denies that it directly infringes, contributorily infringes, or induces

infringement of Morning Dew, Sunset or Indian Musk or that it has incorporated words comprising

trademarks into URLs on for products that would be of interest to persons

looking for plaintiffs’ products. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to allegations

related to the other trademarks either because claims related to them have been dismissed by the

Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have informed Amazon

that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

24. Amazon admits that the products depicted in paragraph 24 have been offered for

sale on Amazon denies the remaining allegations related to the Indian Musk,

Sunset, and Morning Dew trademarks. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Sagebrush because plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not

asserting Sagebrush in this action.

25. Denied.

26. Amazon admits that it uses “ASINs” to identify products. Amazon denies the

remaining allegations in paragraph 26.

27. Amazon denies that it disregards the rights of others or that this has been confirmed

by multiple courts. Amazon admits it unsuccessfully opposed the issuance of a preliminary

injunction in Kinsley Tech. Co. v. Ya Ya Creations, Inc., No. 2:20-cv-04310-ODW (C.D. Cal.), but

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denies that the court found infringement. Amazon admits that the opinion included the block

quotation included in paragraph 27, but denies that the other quotations in paragraph 27 are


28. Amazon admits that an opinion in the action Maglula Ltd. v., Inc., No.

1:19-cv-01570 (E.D. Va.), states Maglula notified Amazon that Amazon was selling counterfeit

products. Amazon admits that the opinion states that “the evidence of unlawful counterfeiting by

these Chinese entities is overwhelming.” Amazon admits that the opinion denying Amazon’s

motion for summary judgment states “this is simply not a case where Amazon can avoid liability”

but denies that the court in this case found Amazon liable. Amazon denies that the court in this

action found that Amazon improperly destroyed accused products.

29. Denied.

30. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth

of the allegations of Paragraph 30.

31. Denied.

32. Denied.

33. With respect to the registrations for Morning Dew, Sunset, and Indian Musk,

Amazon denies the allegations in Paragraph 33 of the Complaint. Amazon is not required to

respond with respect to allegations related to the other listed trademarks either because claims

related to them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139)

or because plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

34. With respect to Morning Dew, Sunset, and Indian Musk, Amazon denies that Annie

Oakley has used them in nearly every conceivable possible way. Amazon lacks knowledge or

information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations of Paragraph 34

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directed to Morning Dew, Sunset or Indian Musk. Amazon is not required to respond with respect

to allegations related to the other listed trademarks either because claims related to them have been

dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have

informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

35. Amazon denies that Annie Oakley is within the definition of the term “legal

representative” as that term is used in 15 USC § 1127. Amazon lacks knowledge or information

sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 35 of the


36. With respect to Morning Dew, Sunset, and Indian Musk, Amazon denies the

allegations of Paragraph 36. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to allegations related

to the other listed trademarks either because claims related to them have been dismissed by the

Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have informed Amazon

that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

37. Denied.

38. Amazon admits that it was never contacted by plaintiffs prior to the Complaint

being filed regarding any of the products accused of infringement in the Complaint. Amazon

denies that it was required to procure plaintiffs’ authorization for any of its actions.

39. Denied.

40. Denied.

41. Denied.

42. Amazon admits that the article cited states that it was “second to cross $1 trillion

line.” Amazon admits that its affiliated companies offer a variety of products for purchase on Amazon admits that third parties offer products for purchase on

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 9 of 47 PageID #: 1473, and that third parties—and not Amazon—decide which products those parties

sell, the means of shipping, and product pricing. Amazon admits that its affiliated companies

permit third parties to list products on the Amazon Marketplace, process orders consumers place

for products purchased from third-party sellers, and process payments made by customers to the

sellers of the products. Amazon admits that its affiliated companies collect fees from third-party

sellers, and that a third-party seller must assent to Amazon’s Services Business Solutions

Agreement, which governs third-party offerings on the site, and which includes provisions

prohibiting the third-party seller from offering products that infringe the intellectual property rights

of others. Except as admitted, Amazon denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 42 of the

Complaint. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations to the extent they pertain to any other defendants.

43. Amazon admits that third-party sellers, with limited exceptions, control which

products they will market, offer for sale, or sell on Amazon admits that its

affiliated companies directly sell slightly used products that were once third-party products, and

such sales are referred to as “Amazon Warehouse” sales. Amazon denies the remaining allegations

in Paragraph 43 of the Complaint.

44. Amazon admits that when a third-party seller offers a product for the first time (that

is, when no existing listing pertains to the product), the third-party seller provides information for

creating the listing, and the information provided may include the categories of information

described in paragraph 44. Except as admitted, Amazon denies the remaining allegations in

Paragraph 44 of the Complaint.

45. Paragraph 45’s use of the word “formats” is not sufficiently clear for Amazon to

admit or deny the allegations contained therein. Amazon admits that it possesses certain

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contractual rights to modify listings created by third parties and that it may remove or restrict

access to listings when, for example, intellectual property rights holders contact Amazon and

request that action. However, plaintiffs never contacted Amazon before commencing this action

to request such actions for any products accused in this case. Amazon denies the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 45 of the Complaint.

46. Amazon admits that third-party sellers may elect to utilize Amazon’s services,

including certain advertising services, and that Amazon’s affiliated companies offer fulfillment

services including “Fulfillment by Amazon,” which involves storing and shipping products to

customers after third-party sellers sell products to customers. Amazon denies the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 46 of the Complaint.

47. Amazon admits that third-party sellers set the price for products they list, sell, or

offer for sale on Amazon denies that the Amazon Agreement states that

“Vendors may not charge more on Amazon than they charge in other sales channels,” that it

prohibits “third-party vendors [from] offer[ing] inferior customer service or provid[ing] lower

quality information about products than in other sales channels,” or that it requires that, “[t]o the

extent that third-party vendors need to communicate with customers regarding their orders on

Amazon, they must do so through the Amazon platform.”

48. Amazon can neither admit nor deny the statement that “with these preliminaries

completed, Amazon lists the product online and sales begin,” because it is not clear what the

“preliminaries” refers to, and other necessary steps occur before a product is listed by a third-party

seller on Amazon admits that its affiliated companies collect and convey order

and payment information to third-party sellers, and that customers can choose different shipping

preferences when available. Amazon admits that it expects third-party sellers to fulfill

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representations made to customers regarding when products are shipped. Amazon admits that

customers can rate or review third-party sellers. Amazon denies the remaining allegations in

paragraph 48 of the Complaint.

49. Amazon denies that it collects the fees described from vendors as Amazon

understands that term and as it uses the term in publicly available documents. Amazon denies the

remaining allegations in Paragraph 49 of the Complaint.

50. Amazon admits that its agreement with third-party sellers permits it to suspend,

prohibit, or remove listings; that it can require third-party sellers to cancel orders; that it may

suspend payments to third-party sellers under certain circumstances; and that third-party sellers

are required to indemnify, defend, and hold Amazon harmless under specified circumstances.

Amazon denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 50 of the Complaint.

51. Denied.

52. Amazon denies the allegations in Paragraph 52 of the Complaint to the extent they

pertain to Amazon. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the

truth of the allegations to the extent they pertain to any other defendants.

53. Amazon denies the allegations in Paragraph 53 of the Complaint to the extent they

pertain to Amazon. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the

truth of the allegations to the extent they pertain to any other defendants.

54. Denied.

55. Amazon denies the allegations in Paragraph 55 of the Complaint to the extent they

pertain to Amazon. Amazon lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the

truth of the allegations to the extent they pertain to any other defendants.

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Federal Trademark Infringement

56. Amazon realleges and incorporates its responses to the allegations of Paragraphs 1

through 55 of the Complaint.

57. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 57 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

58. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 58 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

59. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 59 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

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them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

60. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 60 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

61. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 61 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

62. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 62 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

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63. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 63 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

64. With respect to Gabet and Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies

the allegations in Paragraph 64 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon

lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the

extent they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to

allegations related to Annie Oakley or the other listed trademarks either because claims related to

them have been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because

plaintiffs have informed Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

False Designation of Origin and Unfair Competition Under the Lanham Act

65. Amazon realleges and incorporates its responses to the allegations of Paragraphs 1

through 64 of the Complaint.

66. With respect to Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies the

allegations in Paragraph 66 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon lacks

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the extent

they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to allegations

related to the other listed trademarks either because claims related to them have been dismissed by

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the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have informed

Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

67. With respect to Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies the

allegations in Paragraph 67 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon lacks

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the extent

they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to allegations

related to the other listed trademarks either because claims related to them have been dismissed by

the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have informed

Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

68. With respect to Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies the

allegations in Paragraph 68 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon lacks

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the extent

they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to allegations

related to the other listed trademarks either because claims related to them have been dismissed by

the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have informed

Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

Common Law Trademark Infringement

69. Amazon realleges and incorporates its responses to the allegations of Paragraphs 1

through 68 of the Complaint.

70. With respect to Indian Musk, Sunset, and Morning Dew, Amazon denies the

allegations in Paragraph 70 of the Complaint to the extent they pertain to Amazon. Amazon lacks

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations to the extent

they pertain to any other defendants. Amazon is not required to respond with respect to allegations

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related to the other listed trademarks either because claims related to them have been dismissed by

the Court prior to the date of this Answer (see ECF 139) or because plaintiffs have informed

Amazon that they are not asserting Sagebrush in this action.

71. Denied.

Unfair Competition

72. Amazon realleges and incorporates its responses to the allegations of Paragraphs

1 through 71 of the Complaint.

73. Amazon is not required to respond because the allegations in Paragraph 73 relate

solely to a claim that has been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer. (See ECF


74. Amazon is not required to respond because the allegations in Paragraph 74 relate

solely to a claim that has been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer. (See ECF


75. Amazon is not required to respond because the allegations in Paragraph 75 relate

solely to a claim that has been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer. (See ECF


76. Amazon is not required to respond because the allegations in Paragraph 76 relate

solely to a claim that has been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer. (See ECF


77. Amazon is not required to respond because the allegations in Paragraph 77 relate

solely to a claim that has been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer. (See ECF


Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 17 of 47 PageID #: 1481

78. Amazon is not required to respond because the allegations in Paragraph 78 relate

solely to a claim that has been dismissed by the Court prior to the date of this Answer. (See ECF



Amazon denies any and all allegations of the Complaint not specifically admitted herein



Further answering and as additional defenses, Amazon states the following without

admitting any allegation of the Complaint not otherwise admitted and without assuming the burden

of proving any fact that is otherwise plaintiffs’ burden to prove. Amazon reserves the right to

amend or augment these defenses based on further investigation and discovery.

First Defense


79. Amazon does not infringe and has not infringed plaintiffs’ trademarks in any


Second Defense

(Non-Liability for Third-Party Actions)

80. Amazon is not liable for acts of third parties, including parties who list, offer to sell,

and sell products using Amazon’s online marketplace.

Third Defense

(No Trademark Protection/Invalidity)

81. The claims in plaintiffs’ Complaint are barred in whole or in part because plaintiffs

lack trademark rights, for example, because plaintiffs’ trademarks registrations are invalid (for

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example, as alleged in Amazon’s Counterclaims, infra, the registrations were obtained

fraudulently) and because plaintiffs’ alleged common law trademarks lack secondary meaning.

Fourth Defense


82. The claims in plaintiffs’ Complaint are barred in whole or in part under the

equitable doctrines of laches.

Fifth Defense

(Damages Limited)

83. Plaintiffs have not sustained any damages and plaintiffs are not entitled to recover

Amazon’s profits, including because the principles of equity prevent monetary recovery.

Sixth Defense

(Failure to State Sufficient Facts to Constitute Claims)

84. Plaintiffs fail to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.

Seventh Defense

(Failure to Mitigate Damages)

85. Plaintiffs’ claims are barred, in whole or in part, by their failure to mitigate


Eighth Defense

(Injunctive Relief Unavailable)

86. Plaintiffs are not entitled to injunctive relief because any alleged injury to plaintiffs

is not immediate or irreparable, and plaintiffs have an adequate remedy at law.

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Ninth Defense

(Statute of Limitations)

87. Plaintiffs’ claims are barred in whole or in part by the applicable statute of


Tenth Defense

(Estoppel and Waiver)

88. Plaintiffs’ claims are barred in whole or in part by the doctrines of estoppel and


Eleventh Defense

(Lack of Standing)

89. Plaintiffs lack standing to bring their claims in whole or in part.


Counterclaimant, Inc. (“Amazon”), by and through its counsel of record, for

its Counterclaims against Annie Oakley Enterprises, Inc. (“Annie Oakley”) and Renee Gabet

(“Gabet”) (collectively “counter-defendants”), hereby alleges as follows:

1. Amazon brings claims for cancellation of the four remaining asserted trademark

registrations due to Gabet’s fraud on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). Gabet

submitted at least 19 false declarations under the penalty of perjury when applying for,

prosecuting, and maintaining the registrations for the three remaining trademarks at issue, Sunset,

Indian Musk, and Morning Dew. (Two registrations are for Sunset.)

2. Gabet fraudulently obtained and extended trademark coverage by knowingly

making sworn false statements to the USPTO about her supposed “bona fide” intention to use the

marks on different types of goods. For eight years, she treated the USPTO like a trademark

reservation system, submitting at least a half-dozen knowingly false declarations of bona fide

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intent when applying to register Sunset. She did this to extend the life of the registration’s

application while not actually taking steps to use the mark. She made similar false declarations

when applying for a registration for Indian Musk. The USPTO relied on these declarations by

extending the abandonment deadline for her to file declarations of actual use.

3. Gabet has also submitted fraudulent sworn declarations of actual use. They stated

that Gabet used the marks on more goods than she did. She submitted the false declarations to

convince the USPTO to issue the asserted registrations for Sunset and Indian Musk. Five years

after the registrations’ issuance, she did this again to convince the USPTO to allow all asserted

registrations to mature to “incontestable” status. And she has done it since then for all asserted

registrations when submitting declarations to renew.

4. Plaintiffs’ Complaint includes trademark claims against Amazon based on

fraudulently obtained registration rights. Amazon thus brings counterclaims for cancellation of the

fraudulently obtained registrations. It also brings counterclaims seeking declarations of non-

infringement, including against non-registration–based trademark rights asserted by both counter-



5. Amazon is a Delaware corporation with its principal office located at 410 Terry

Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109-5210.

6. On information and belief, and based on representations made in the Complaint,

Gabet resides in Ligonier, Indiana, and she owns Annie Oakley.

7. Annie Oakley is an Indiana corporation with its principal place of business located

at 300 Johnson St., Ligonier, Indiana 46767.

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8. Amazon brings these counterclaims under the trademark laws of the United States,

35 U.S.C. §§ 1051 et seq., 15 U.S.C. § 1119, and the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201

and 2202. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 (federal question)

and 1338 (trademarks), and under 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202 (declaratory judgment).

9. The Court may exercise personal jurisdiction over each counter-defendant.

Counter-defendants have waived any objections to personal jurisdiction because their complaint

against Amazon is pending in this Court. Counter-defendants both reside within the state of


10. Venue is proper with respect to each of the following Counterclaims because their

complaint against Amazon is pending in this Court and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391.

11. By filing their Complaint, counter-defendants have sought to impose liability on

Amazon for alleged trademark infringement, counterfeiting and unfair competition under federal

law. Amazon is not liable for the alleged trademark infringement, counterfeiting and unfair

competition. Moreover, the trademarks registrations asserted by Gabet are invalid. Consequently,

an actual controversy exists between the parties with respect to Amazon’s alleged liability for the

claims in counter-defendants’ complaint.


12. Gabet purports to own two registrations for Sunset. The earlier Registration

No. 2,024,708 (“’708 registration”) is for “cologne.” Gabet filed the application for this

registration on August 4, 1993. The application’s serial number is 74802837 (’837 application).

The USPTO issued the ’708 on registration on December 17, 1996.

13. The second Sunset registration, Registration No. 2,547,492 (“’492 registration”) is

for “body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions.” Gabet filed

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the application for this registration on December 23, 1996, just after the ’708 registration issued.

The application’s serial number is 75217811 (’811 application). The USPTO issued the ’472

registration on March 12, 2002.

14. This table summarizes the asserted Sunset registrations:

App. Filing App. Serial

Reg. Date Reg. No. Goods
Date No.
8/4/93 74802837 12/17/96 2,024,708 “cologne”
“body powders, bath gels, soaps for
75217811 3/12/02 2,547,492 skin, face, body, and bath, and body

15. Gabet submitted at least 12 false declarations related to these applications and


16. The ’837 application included Gabet’s purported declaration of bona fide intent to

use Sunset on: cologne, perfume, body powder, bath gel (soap), body lotion. Despite Amazon’s

requests, counter-defendants have produced no evidence to corroborate this bona fide intent. For

the next eight years, she continued to file similar declarations of supposed bona fide intent in order

to keep the application and its follow-on ’811 application alive. These declarations were

knowingly false and the USPTO relied on them.

17. In reliance on Gabet’s declaration, on March 28, 1995, the USPTO issued a Notice

of Allowance for the ’837 application. Gabet then had six months to file a Statement of Use of

Sunset on the listed goods, or to file a declaration of bona fide intent to use the trademark as part

of a Request for an Extension of Time to File a Statement of Use.

18. On September 29, 1995, the USPTO determined the ’837 application had been

abandoned because the USPTO had not received a statement of use from Gabet or a request for an

extension of time.

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19. On February 5, 1996, Gabet filed a petition to revive the ’837 application,

representing that she had mailed a (partial) statement of use but it had gotten lost in the mail. The

petition included a declaration, signed by Gabet on February 3, 1996, under the penalty of perjury,

that she was now using Sunset as a trademark just for cologne. The declaration also stated that she

had not yet used the mark for perfume, body powders, bath gel (soap), and body lotion, but that

she had a bona fide intention to do so. The petition also included a request to divide the application,

so that the USPTO could issue a registration for just cologne, allowing her more time to file

statements of use for the other goods.

20. On December 17, 1996, the USPTO issued the ’708 Registration for Sunset, listing

only cologne.

21. On December 23, 1996, Gabet filed the ’811 application to register Sunset as a

trademark for “body powders, bath gels, soaps and body lotions,” but not perfume.

False December 1, 1996 Intent-to-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

22. The ’811 application included Gabet’s declaration, dated December 1, 1996, under

the penalty of perjury, stating that she had a bona fide intention to use Sunset on or in connection

with “[b]ody powders, bath gels, soaps and body lotions.”

23. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration.

24. More than four months earlier in this litigation, on May 26, 2023, Amazon served

Gabet Request for Production No. 52, which seeks documents sufficient to show that counter-

defendants had a bona fide intention on December 23, 1996 (the day the declaration was submitted

to the USPTO) to use Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 24 of 47 PageID #: 1488

body, soap for bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced any corroborating

documents or things in response.

25. The USPTO relied on Gabet’s false declaration to extend the deadline for a

declaration of actual use.

Gabet Clarifies Application (’492 Reg.) and USPTO Issues Notice of Allowance

26. On about August 8, 1997, during its examination of the ’811 application, the

USPTO issued an action stating that “soaps” in the application’s identification of goods is

indefinite because it fails to identify the specific types of goods for which registration is sought.

The USPTO informed Gabet that she may amend the “soaps” to “soaps for skin, face, body, and

bath,” “if accurate.”

27. On February 6, 1998, Gabet amended the identification of goods in the ’811

application to, “Body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions.”

28. On April 20, 1999, the USPTO issued a Notice of Allowance for the ’811

application for Sunset for the listed goods. The Notice of Allowance included the instruction that

Gabet should submit within six months either a Statement of Use or a Request for an Extension of

Time to File a Statement of Use.

False October 15, 1999 Intent-to-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

29. On about October 18, 1999, Gabet submitted a Request for Extension of Time to

File a Statement of Use. The request included Gabet’s declaration, dated October 15, 1999, and

signed under the penalty of perjury, that she had a continued bona fide intention to use Sunset in

connection with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions.

30. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration.

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31. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served on Gabet Request for Production No. 51 seeking

documents sufficient to show that counter-defendants had a bona fide intention on October 15,

1999, to use Sunset in commerce on or in connection with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin,

soap for face, soap for body, soap for bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced

any documents or things during this litigation that corroborate Gabet’s alleged bona fide intent on

October 15, 1999, to use Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap

for body, soap for bath, and body lotion.

32. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to issue the ’492

registration. The USPTO determined this declaration provided a basis to prevent the ’811

application from becoming abandoned.

False March 27, 2000 Intent-to-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

33. On about March 29, 2000, Gabet submitted a second Request for Extension of Time

to File a Statement of Use. The request included Gabet’s declaration, dated March 27, 2000, and

signed under the penalty of perjury, stating that she had a continued bona fide intention to use

Sunset in connection with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body


34. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration.

35. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served on Gabet Request for Production No. 50, which

seeks documents sufficient to show that counter-defendants had a bona fide Intention on March 27,

2000, to use Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap

for bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents or things during

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 26 of 47 PageID #: 1490

this litigation that corroborate the alleged bona fide intent on March 27, 2000, to use Sunset with

body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap for bath, and body lotion.

36. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to issue the ’492

registration. The USPTO determined this declaration provided a basis to prevent the ’811

application from becoming abandoned.

False October 17, 2000, Intent-to-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

37. On about October 18, 2000, Gabet submitted a third Request for Extension of Time

to File a Statement of Use. The request included Gabet’s declaration, dated October 17, 2000, and

signed under the penalty of perjury, stating that she had a continued bona fide intention to use

Sunset in connection with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body


38. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration.

39. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 49, seeking

documents sufficient to show that counter-defendants had a bona fide intention on October 17,

2000, to use Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap

for bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents or things during

this litigation that corroborate Gabet’s alleged bona fide intent on October 17, 2000 to use Sunset

with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap for bath, and body


40. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to issue the ’492

registration. The USPTO determined this declaration provided a basis to prevent the ’811

application from becoming abandoned.

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False April 17, 2001 Intent-to-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

41. On about April 19, 2001, Gabet submitted a fourth Request for Extension of Time

to File a Statement of Use. The request included Gabet’s declaration, dated April 17, 2001, and

signed under the penalty of perjury, stating that she had a continued bona fide intention to use

Sunset in connection with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body


42. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration.

43. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 48, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that counter-defendants had a bona fide intention on April 17, 2001,

to use Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap for

bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents or things during this

litigation that corroborate the alleged bona fide intent, on April 17, 2001, to use the Sunset with

body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap for bath, and body lotion.

44. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to issue the ’492

registration. The USPTO determined this declaration provided a basis to prevent the ’811

application from becoming abandoned.

False October 18, 2001 Actual-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

45. On about October 18, 2001, Gabet requested registration of Sunset. She included a

declaration, dated October 18, 2001, and signed under penalty of perjury on behalf of Gabet,

stating Gabet is using Sunset in commerce on or in connection with body powders, bath gels, soaps

for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions and that the mark was first used on June 15, 2001.

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46. The October 18, 2001, declaration of use was knowingly false. As set forth above,

Gabet had first submitted a declaration of bona fide intent to use Sunset on body powders, bath gel

(soap), and body lotions almost eight years earlier, back in 1993. Since then, she had filed at least

five similar declarations of bona fide intent to use, in 1996, 1999, 2000 (twice), and in early 2001.

Gabet has no documents or things that corroborate that she intended to use Sunset on at least body

powders and soap from 1993 to 2001, or that she was actually using Sunset on body powders or


47. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 46, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in 2001, counter-defendants used Sunset in commerce on or in

connection with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap for bath,

and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents or things during this

litigation that show that in 2001 Gabet or Annie Oakley used Sunset on or in connection with at

least the goods body powders and soaps for skin, face, body, and bath. Counter-defendants have

not produced any financial records for 2001 showing sales of any products that use Sunset in

commerce on or in connection with at least body powders and soap for skin, face, body, and bath.

Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or website

records for 2001 showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that use Sunset

in commerce on or in connection with at least body powders and soap for skin, face, body, and


48. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to issue the ’492

registration because the USPTO relied on the declaration to issue the registration.

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False April 16, 2007 Actual-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

49. On about April 16, 2007, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

incontestability to USPTO. This declaration was dated April 16, 2007, and signed under the

penalty of perjury, on behalf of Gabet, stating she is using or is using through a related company

Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions. The

declaration also stated that Sunset, from March 12, 2002, to March 12, 2007 (five consecutive

years), has been in continuous use with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and

bath, and body lotions. The declaration was accompanied by a specimen of packaging showing the

use of Sunset on eau de toilette natural spray.

50. This declaration was knowingly false. The specimen that accompanied the

declaration does not corroborate it because it depicts packaging for eau de toilette natural spray,

which is not listed on the registration.

51. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 44, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that from 2002 to 2007, counter-defendants used Sunset in

commerce on or in connection with body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap for face, soap for

body, soap for bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this

litigation that show that show Gabet or Annie Oakley used Sunset in commerce on or in connection

with at least body powders and soap for skin, face, body, and bath at any time from 2002 to 2007.

Counter-defendants have not produced any financial records for any year from 2002 to 2007

showing sales of any products that use Sunset with at least body powders and soap for skin, face,

body, and bath. Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms, advertisements,

or website records for any year from 2002 to 2007 showing that they offered for sale any products

that use Sunset with at least body powders and soap for skin, face, body, and bath.

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52. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination that the ’492

registration was incontestable because it relied on the declaration to provide the ’492 registration

with incontestable status.

False January 10, 2012 Actual-Use Declaration (’492 Reg.)

53. On about January 25, 2012, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration. Gabet’s declaration, dated January 10, 2012, was signed

under the penalty of perjury, and stated that Gabet is using or is using through a related company

Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions.

54. This declaration was knowingly false. Amazon’s May 26, 2023 Request for

Production No. 43 seeks documents sufficient to show that in 2011 or January 2012, counter-

defendants used Sunset in commerce on or in connection with body powders, bath gels, soap for

skin, soap for face, soap for body, soap for bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not

produced any documents in this litigation showing they used at any time in 2011 or January 2012

Sunset with at least body powders and soap for skin, face, body, and bath. Counter-defendants

have not produced any financial records from 2011 or January 2012 showing sales of any products

that use Sunset for body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, or body lotions

products. Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or

website records from 2011 or January 2012 showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale

any products that use Sunset with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath,

and body lotions.

55. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’492 registration.

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False December 5, 2021 Actual-Use Declaration (’492 Registration)

56. On about December 5, 2021, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration. This submission included a declaration, dated December 5,

2021, and signed under the penalty of perjury, stating Sunset is in use in commerce on or in

connection with body powders, bath gels, soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions.

The declaration was accompanied by a specimen of packaging showing the use of Sunset on eau

de toilette natural spray.

57. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration. The specimen that accompanied the declaration does not corroborate

the declaration. It depicts Sunset on packaging for eau de toilette, not body powders, bath gels,

soaps for skin, face, body, and bath, and body lotions.

58. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 41, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in 2021, counter-defendants used Sunset in commerce on or in

connection with each of the following types of goods: body powders, bath gels, soap for skin, soap

for face, soap for body, soap for bath, and body lotion. Counter-defendants have not produced any

documents in this litigation showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley used at any time in 2021 Sunset

with at least body powders and soap for skin, face, body, and bath. Counter-defendants have not

produced any financial records from 2021 showing sales of any products that use Sunset with at

least body powders and soap for skin, face, body, and bath. Counter-defendants have not produced

any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or website records from 2021 showing that Gabet or

Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that use Sunset with at least body powders and soap

for skin, face, body, and bath.

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59. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’492 registration.

False October 24, 2006 Actual-Use Declaration (’708 Registration (for Cologne))

60. On about October 24, 2006, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration with respect to the ’708 registration (the first Sunset

registration that issued, covering only cologne). The declaration, dated October 24, 2006, and

signed under the penalty of perjury on behalf of Gabet, stated Gabet is using or is using through a

related company Sunset with cologne. The declaration was accompanied by a specimen of

packaging showing the use of Sunset on eau de toilette natural spray.

61. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration.

62. Cologne and eau de toilette are not the same goods.

63. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 45, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in 2006, counter-defendants used Sunset in commerce on or in

connection with cologne. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation

showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley used Sunset in 2006 with cologne. Counter-defendants have

not produced any financial records from 2006 showing sales of any products that use Sunset with

cologne. Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or

website records from 2006 showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that

use Sunset with cologne.

64. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’708 registration.

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False May 5, 2016 Actual-Use Declaration (’708 Registration)

65. On about May 5, 2016, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration. This submission included a declaration, dated May 5, 2016,

and signed under the penalty of perjury on behalf of Gabet, stating Sunset is in use in commerce

on or in connection with cologne. The declaration was accompanied by a specimen of packaging

showing the use of Sunset on eau de toilette natural spray.

66. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration. The specimen that accompanied the declaration does not corroborate

the declaration because it depicts the use of Sunset on packaging for eau de toilette natural spray,

which is not cologne.

67. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 42, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in 2016, counter-defendants used Sunset in commerce on or in

connection with cologne. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation

showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley used at any time in 2016 Sunset in commerce on or in

connection with cologne. Counter-defendants have not produced any financial records from 2016

showing sales of any products that used Sunset in commerce on or in connection with cologne.

Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or website

records from 2016 showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that used

Sunset in commerce on or in connection with cologne.

68. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’708 registration.


69. Gabet purports to own trademark registration 1,836,520 for the trademark Indian

Musk for the goods cologne, perfume, and body powder (’520 registration). The application that

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 34 of 47 PageID #: 1498

resulted in the ’520 registration has an August 4, 1993, filing date. The application has the serial

number 74420379 (’379 application). The ’520 registration issued on May 17, 1994.

70. Gabet submitted at least four false declarations to the USPTO related the ’379

application and the ’520 registration.

False June 7, 1993 Intent-to-Use Declaration

71. On about June 21, 1993, Gabet requested registration of Indian Musk and submitted

a statement of use. The request included a declaration, dated June 7, 1993, and signed under the

penalty of perjury, stating Gabet is using Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with

cologne, perfume, and body powder and that the mark was first used in November 1985.

72. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the full scope of this declaration. The specimen that accompanied the declaration

corroborates only part of the declaration because it depicts the use of Indian Musk on packaging

for only spray cologne.

73. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to issue the ’520

registration because the USPTO relied on the declaration to issue the registration.

False October 1, 1999 Actual-Use Declaration

74. On about October 22, 1999, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

incontestability. This submission included Gabet’s declaration, dated October 1, 1999 and signed

under the penalty of perjury, stating Gabet is using Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection

with cologne, perfume and body powder. The declaration also stated that Indian Musk, from

May 17, 1994 to October 1, 1999, has been in continuous use in commerce on or in connection

with cologne, perfume, and body powder. The declaration was accompanied by a specimen of

packaging showing the use of Indian Musk on cologne.

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 35 of 47 PageID #: 1499

75. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate that she used Indian Musk on at least body powder or perfume during this time period.

76. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 56, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in each year from 1994 to 1999, counter-defendants used Indian

Musk in commerce on or in connection with each of the following types of goods: cologne,

perfume, and body powder. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation

that show that in each year from 1994 to 1999 Gabet or Annie Oakley used Indian Musk with at

least perfume and body powder. Counter-defendants have not produced any financial records for

each year from 1994 to 1999 showing sales of any products that use Indian Musk in commerce on

or in connection with at least perfume and body powder. Counter-defendants have not produced

any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or website records for each year from 1994 to 1999

showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that use Indian Musk in

commerce on or in connection with at least perfume and body powder.

77. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination that the ’520

registration was incontestable because it relied on the declaration to provide the ’520 registration

with incontestable status.

False March 9, 2004 Actual-Use Declaration

78. On about March 9, 2004, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration. This submission included a declaration dated March 9,

2004, and signed under the penalty of perjury on behalf of Gabet, stating Gabet is using or is using

through a related company Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with cologne, perfume,

and body powder.

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 36 of 47 PageID #: 1500

79. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the declaration.

80. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 55, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that, in 2004, counter-defendants used Indian Musk in commerce on

or in connection with each of the following types of goods: cologne, perfume, and body powder.

Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation showing that Gabet or

Annie Oakley used at any time in 2004 Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with at least

cologne and body powder. Counter-defendants have not produced any financial records for 2004

showing sales of any products that use Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with at least

cologne and body powder. Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms,

advertisements, or website records for 2004 showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale

any products that use Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with at least cologne and body


81. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’520 registration.

False June 24, 2013 Actual-Use Declaration

82. On about June 24, 2013, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration. This submission included a declaration dated June 24, 2013,

and signed under the penalty of perjury on behalf of Gabet, stating Gabet is using or is using

through a related company Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with cologne, perfume,

and body powder. The declaration was accompanied by a specimen with Indian Musk eau de

toilette natural spray packaging.

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 37 of 47 PageID #: 1501

83. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no corroborating documents or

things. The specimen does not corroborate because it depicts the use of Indian Musk on packaging

for eau de toilette natural spray, which is not cologne or body powder.

84. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 54, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in 2013, counter-defendants used Indian Musk in commerce on

or in connection with each of the following types of goods: cologne, perfume, and body powder.

Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation showing that in 2013,

Gabet or Annie Oakley used Indian Musk on or in connection with at least cologne or body powder.

Counter-defendants have not produced any financial records for 2013 showing sales of any

products that use Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with at least cologne and body

powder. Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or

website records for 2013 showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that

use Indian Musk in commerce on or in connection with at least cologne and body powder.

85. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’520 registration.


86. Gabet purports to own trademark registration 1,792,108 for the trademark Morning

Dew for the goods perfumes, colognes, and fragrances for personal use (’108 registration). The

date of this registration is September 7, 1993.

87. Gabet did not apply for the ’108 registration from the USPTO. Instead, a different

company, S & J Perfume Company Ltd., applied for and obtained the registration. The registration

itself identifies S & J Perfume Company Ltd. as the registrant. Gabet contends that in 1995, this

company assigned her the registration, but plaintiffs have not produced a written assignment in

this ligation in response to Amazon’s discovery requests.

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88. Gabet submitted at least four false declarations related to the ’108 registration.

False January 24, 1999 Actual-Use Declaration

89. On about February 12, 1999, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

incontestability. This submission included Gabet’s declaration, dated January 24, 1999, and under

the penalty of perjury, stating Gabet is using Morning Dew in commerce on or in connection with

perfumes, colognes, and fragrances for personal use. The declaration also stated that Morning

Dew, from September 7, 1993 to January 24, 1999, has been in continuous use in commerce on or

in connection with perfumes, colognes, and fragrances for personal use. The declaration was

accompanied by two specimens of packaging, both showing the use of Morning Dew on spray


90. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the full scope of this declaration. The specimen that accompanied the declaration

corroborates only part of the declaration because it depicts the use of Morning Dew on packaging

for only spray cologne and does not show use with perfumes.

91. Gabet alleges her “years of training and certification in perfumery in Paris and

Milan from the industry’s most renowned perfume industry luminaries.” Gabet alleges she owns

and operates a significant perfume business.

92. Ms. Gabet knows that perfume and cologne are different goods.

93. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 60, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in each year from 1993 to January 1999, counter-defendants

used Morning Dew in commerce on or in connection with each of perfumes, colognes, and

fragrances for personal use. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation

that show that in each year from 1993 to January 1999 Gabet or Annie Oakley used Morning Dew

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 39 of 47 PageID #: 1503

in commerce on or in connection with at least perfumes. Counter-defendants have not produced

any financial records for each year from 1993 to January 1999 showing sales of any products that

use Morning Dew with at least perfumes. Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs,

order forms, advertisements, or website records for each year from 1993 to January 1999 showing

that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that use Morning Dew in commerce on

or in connection with at least perfumes.

94. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination that the ’108

registration was incontestable because it relied on the declaration to provide the ’108 registration

with incontestable status.

The False December 3, 2012 Actual-Use Declaration

95. On about December 3, 2012, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration. This submission included a declaration, dated December 3,

2012, and signed under the penalty of perjury on behalf of Gabet, stating Gabet is using or is using

through a related company Morning Dew in commerce on or in connection with perfumes,

colognes, and fragrances for personal use. The declaration was accompanied by a specimen of

packaging showing the use of Morning Dew on eau de toilette natural spray.

96. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the full scope of this declaration. The specimen that accompanied the declaration

corroborates only part of the declaration because it depicts the use of Morning Dew on packaging

for only eau de toilette natural spray and does not therefore show use in commerce on at least


97. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served Request for Production No. 58, which seeks

documents sufficient to show that in 2012, counter-defendants used Morning Dew in commerce

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 40 of 47 PageID #: 1504

on or in connection with each of the following types of goods: perfumes, colognes, and fragrances

for personal use. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation showing

that Gabet or Annie Oakley used at any time in 2012 Morning Dew with at least colognes. Counter-

defendants have not produced any financial records for 2012 showing sales of any products that

use Morning Dew in commerce on or in connection with at least colognes. Counter-defendants

have not produced any catalogs, order forms, advertisements, or website records for 2012 showing

that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale any products that use Morning Dew in commerce on

or in connection with at least colognes.

98. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’108 registration.

The False October 15, 2022 Actual-Use Declaration

99. On about October 15, 2022, Gabet submitted a combined declaration of use and

application for renewal of registration. This submission included a declaration, dated October 15,

2022, and signed under the penalty of perjury on behalf of Gabet, stating Gabet is using Morning

Dew in commerce on or in connection with perfumes, colognes, and fragrances for personal use.

The declaration was accompanied by a specimen of packaging showing the use of Morning Dew

on eau de toilette natural spray.

100. This declaration was knowingly false. Gabet has no documents or things that

corroborate the full scope of this declaration. The specimen that accompanied the declaration

corroborates only part of the declaration because it depicts the use of Morning Dew on packaging

for only eau de toilette natural spray, not colognes.

101. On May 26, 2023, Amazon served on Gabet Request for Production No. 57, which

seeks documents sufficient to show that in 2022, counter-defendants used Morning Dew in

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 41 of 47 PageID #: 1505

commerce on or in connection with each of the following types of goods: perfumes, colognes, and

fragrances for personal use. Counter-defendants have not produced any documents in this litigation

showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley used at any time in 2022 Morning Dew in commerce on or

in connection with at least colognes. Counter-defendants have not produced any financial records

for 2022 showing sales of any products that use Morning Dew in commerce on or in connection

with at least colognes. Counter-defendants have not produced any catalogs, order forms,

advertisements, or website records for 2022 showing that Gabet or Annie Oakley offered for sale

any products that use Morning Dew in commerce on or in connection with at least colognes.

102. This declaration was material to the USPTO’s determination to extend the term of

the ’108 registration.


(Cancellation of Registration No. 2,54,492 Under 15 U.S.C. § 1119)

103. Amazon hereby incorporates by reference the allegations in the proceeding

paragraphs 1–102 of its Counterclaims.

104. The USPTO issued the ’492 registration as a result of Gabet’s false representations,

made with knowledge of their falsity and which were material to the USPTO’s decision to issue

the trademark.

105. The USPTO accorded the ’492 registration incontestable status as a result of

Gabet’s false representations, which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were

material to the USPTO’s decision to issue the trademark.

106. The USPTO permitted Gabet to maintain the ’492 registration as a result of Gabet’s

false representations, which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were material to

the USPTO’s decision to issue the trademark.

107. The ’492 registration should be canceled under 15 U.S.C. § 1119.

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(Cancellation of Registration No. 2,024,708 Under 15 U.S.C. § 1119)

108. Amazon hereby incorporates by reference the allegations in the proceeding

paragraphs 1–107 of its Counterclaims.

109. The USPTO renewed the ’708 registration as a result of Gabet’s false

representations, which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were material to the

USPTO’s decision to issue the trademark.

110. The ’708 registration should be canceled under 15 U.S.C. § 1119.


(Cancellation of Registration No. 1,836,520 Under 15 U.S.C. § 1119)

111. Amazon hereby incorporates by reference the allegations in the proceeding

paragraphs 1–110 of its Counterclaims.

112. The USPTO issued the ’520 registration as a result of Gabet’s false representations,

which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were material to the USPTO’s decision

to issue the trademark.

113. The USPTO accorded the ’520 registration incontestable status as a result of

Gabet’s false representations, which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were

material to the USPTO’s decision to issue the trademark.

114. The USPTO renewed the ’520 registration as a result of Gabet’s false

representations, which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were material to the

USPTO’s decision to issue the trademark.

115. The ’520 registration should be canceled under 15 U.S.C. § 1119.

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(Cancellation of Registration No. 1,792,108 Under 15 U.S.C. § 1119)

116. Amazon hereby incorporates by reference the allegations in the proceeding

paragraphs 1–115 of its Counterclaims.

117. The USPTO accorded the ’108 registration incontestable status as a result of

Gabet’s false representations, which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were

material to the USPTO’s decision to issue the trademark.

118. The USPTO renewed the ’108 registration as a result of Gabet’s false

representations, which she made with knowledge of their falsity and which were material to the

USPTO’s decision to issue the trademark.

119. The ’108 registration should be canceled under 15 U.S.C. § 1119.


(Declaratory Judgment of No Infringement and No Counterfeiting of a Registered

Trademark Under 15 U.S.C. § 1114)

120. Amazon hereby incorporates by reference the allegations in the proceeding

paragraphs 1–119 of its Counterclaims.

121. An actual case and controversy now exists between Gabet and Amazon as to

whether Amazon is liable for infringement or counterfeiting the Sunset, Indian Musk, and Morning

Dew trademarks under 15 U.S.C. § 1114.

122. The products accused by Gabet do not infringe the Sunset, Indian Musk, and

Morning Dew trademarks within the meaning of 15 U.S.C. § 1114. They are unlikely to be

confused with any of Gabet’s (or Annie Oakley’s) products, as the channels of trade, consumers,

products, and the marks themselves are not sufficiently related. This is particularly the case given

the crowded field of marks for the relevant goods.

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123. The products accused by Gabet also are not counterfeits of Gabet’s (or Annie

Oakley’s) products using the Sunset, Indian Musk, and Morning Dew trademarks within the

meaning of 15 U.S.C. §§ 1114 and 1116. The trademarks of the accused products are not spurious

marks that are identical with, or substantially indistinguishable, from the registered trademarks.

124. Amazon is not directly liable for infringement or counterfeiting by products that it

does not itself sell. Amazon is not indirectly liable for sales by third parties because, for among

other reasons, it has not knowingly encouraged third parties to sell infringing or counterfeited

products, nor has it had reason to suspect wrongdoing and failed to investigate.

125. To resolve the legal and factual questions raised by Gabet and to afford relief from

the uncertainty which has since precipitated from Gabet’s § 1114 claims, Amazon is entitled to the

issuance of an order declaring that it has no liability for infringement or counterfeiting under 15

U.S.C. § 1114.


(Declaration of Judgment of No False Designation of Origin and Unfair Competition Under

15 U.S.C. § 1125(a))

126. Amazon hereby incorporates by reference the allegations in the proceeding

paragraphs 1–125 of its Counterclaims.

127. An actual case and controversy now exists between counter-defendants and

Amazon as to whether Amazon is liable false designation of origin and unfair competition as to

the Sunset, Indian Musk, and Morning Dew trademarks under 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a).

128. The products accused by counter-defendants do not result in a false designation of

origin and/or unfair competition within the meaning of 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) with respect to the

Sunset, Indian Musk, and Morning Dew trademarks. Consumers of the accused products are

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 45 of 47 PageID #: 1509

unlikely to ascribe them as products of counter-defendants’ because there is no likelihood of

confusion with counter-defendants’ Sunset, Indian Musk, and Morning Dew marks.

129. Amazon is not directly liable for false designation of origin and/or unfair

competition under 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) with respect to products that it does not itself sell. Amazon

is not indirectly liable for sales by third parties because, for among other reasons, it has not

knowingly encouraged third parties to sell infringing or counterfeited products, nor has it had

reason to suspect wrongdoing and failed to investigate.

130. To resolve the legal and factual questions raised by counter-defendants and to

afford relief from the uncertainty which has since precipitated from counter-defendants’ § 1125(a)

claims, Amazon is entitled to issuance of an order declaring that it has no liability for false

designation of origin and/or unfair competition under 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a).


(Declaration of Judgment of No Trademark Infringement Under Indiana Common Law)

131. Amazon hereby incorporates by reference the allegations in the proceeding

paragraphs 1–130 of its Counterclaims.

132. An actual case and controversy now exists between counter-defendants and

Amazon as to whether Amazon is liable for infringement as to the Sunset, Indian Musk, and

Morning Dew trademarks under Indiana common law.

133. The products accused by counter-defendants do not infringe the Sunset, Indian

Musk, and Morning Dew trademarks within the meaning of Indiana common law. They are

unlikely to be confused with any of counter-defendants’ products as the channels of trade,

consumers, products, and the marks themselves are not sufficiently related. This is particularly the

case given the crowded field of marks for the relevant goods.

Case 1:22-cv-02246-JPH-MKK Document 151 Filed 10/04/23 Page 46 of 47 PageID #: 1510

134. Amazon is not directly liable for infringement by products that it does not itself

sell. Amazon is not indirectly liable for sales by third parties because, for among other reasons, it

has not knowingly encouraged third parties to sell infringing or counterfeited products, nor has it

had reason to suspect wrongdoing and failed to investigate.

135. To resolve the legal and factual questions raised by counter-defendants and to

afford relief from the uncertainty which has since precipitated from counter-defendants’ common

law claims, Amazon is entitled to issuance of an order declaring that it has no liability for

trademark infringement under Indiana common law.


WHEREFORE, Amazon prays for the following relief:

A. A judgment dismissing plaintiffs’ Complaint in its entirety, with prejudice, and

finding that plaintiffs recover nothing thereon;

B. Canceling U.S. Trademark Reg. 2,547,492;

C. Canceling U.S. Trademark Reg. 2,024,708;

D. Canceling U.S. Trademark Reg. 1,836,520;

E. Canceling U.S. Trademark Reg. 1,792,108;

E. A judgment declaring that Amazon is not liable for infringing or counterfeiting the

asserted trademarks in any way;

F. A judgment that Amazon is not liable for engaging unfair competition or false

designation of origin or description;

G. A judgment awarding Amazon its costs (including expert fees), disbursements, and

reasonable attorneys’ fees in this action, together with interest, including prejudgment interest,

thereon; and

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F. Such further relief to Amazon as is just and proper.


In accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 38(b), Amazon hereby demands a jury trial on all issues

so triable.

October 4, 2023 Respectfully submitted,

s/ Klaus H. Hamm
Robert T. Cruzen (Admitted pro hac vice)
Klaus H. Hamm (Admitted pro hac vice )
Caroline L. Desmond (Admitted pro hac vice)
121 S.W. Salmon Street, Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97204
Telephone: (503) 595-5300
Fax: (503) 595-5301

Counsel for Defendant



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