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06 Prioritizing & Οrganizing tests

Sample Tests - EU EPSO Tests Series

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team


ing questions in a competition, and the

EU / EPSO TESTS allocated time is 35 minutes.

2.Numerical Reasoning: In the form of

To assist you in preparing for the EPSO multiple-choice this test requires data
exams Training4EU Team provides you interpretation and mathematical calcula-
with a series of sample tests with exam- tions. Using information presented
ples of verbal, numerical, abstract, situa- through tables and graphs, you will be
tional judgment, accuracy & precision, required to draw conclusions and calcu-
and prioritizing & organizing questions. late changes within these data sets. Ba-
sic mathematical skills such as percent-
ages, arithmetic operations, and ratios
must be reviewed prior to taking the
1. Verbal Reasoning: Using a short para- test. There are 10 numerical reasoning
graph of text on virtually any topic, this questions in a competition, and the allo-
test requires to choose from 4 or 5 an- cated time is 20 minutes.
swer options the one that fully matches
the statements in the original text.
There is always only one correct an-
swer because other options may con- 3. Abstract Reasoning: Using a series
tain insufficient information or false of images, this test requires candidates
statements. There are 20 verbal reason- to identify which one should be next in
the row, based on an inherent logic be-

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team i

tween the presented images. There are 6. Accuracy and Precision Test: This
10 abstract reasoning questions in a test requires candidates to identify,
competition, and the allocated time is 10 based on a table and various icons, mis-
minutes. takes, errors, typos or other ‘inaccura-
cies’ in a control line under a heavy
time-pressure. There are 40 accuracy
and precision questions in a competi-
4. Situational Judgement Test: This test
tion, and the allocated time is 6 minutes
requires candidates to choose the most
(AST only).
favorable and least favorable course of
action in a given situation. Candidates
are expected to have a basic understand-
ing of corporate culture and code of con-
duct to successfully pass the test. There
are 20 situational judgement questions
in a competition, and the allocated time
is 30 minutes.

5. Organizing and Prioritizing Test: This

test requires candidates to check a table
with various information about sched-
ules, timetables, agendas, vehicle ca-
pacities and other practical information
and find the best solution to a practical
organisation or logistics problem. There
are organizing and prioritizing 20 ques-
tions in a competition, and the allocated
time is 24 minutes (AST level only).

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team ii

Sample Tests About Training4EU
Sample tests can give you an idea of the Training 4EU Team provides Coaching
type of questions and level of difficulty and Training Services on potential candi-
you will face during the competitions. dates who would like to become tomor-
row’s permanent EU Officials.
Time Limits: Contrary to the actual
EPSO tests where they have to be com- With a mix of theory, exercises, and
pleted within an allowed time, the pro- simulation tests we support you οn both
vided sample tests have no limit for an- stages of the EPSO exams, i.e. Pre-
swering the questions. The purpose is selection Tests and Assessment Centre.
to get yourself familiarized with EPSO
questions concept, and understand their Our Team consists of a group of profes-
reasoning within a stress-free pace. sionals with extensive experience on
EPSO Competitions that can prepare
you in an effective and timely profession-
ally manner.
Great features of these sample tests:

No internet connection is required

No expiration limit or date for the tests

No personal data is extracted

No account or registration needed

Yes, it helps you practice at your own

pace, with helpful hints and solution
tips. A great way to enhance your learn-

Training4EU Publications
Training4EU publications available for free downloading


© 2013 Training4EU Publication Team

Training4EU is independent from the European Union institutions.

The sample tests have been extracted from the EPSO official web site.

1 Success Tips -
Failure Mistakes
makes perfect

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team

Success Tips

1. Prepare well

2. Know the test format

3. Make use of a rough paper and a marker

4. Be focused

5. Read the statements carefully – Make sure you have clearly under-
stood what is wanted from the statement. Double check the tables
with the data from which you deduct the answer

6. Budget your time – Allow maximum one minutes per question

7. Avoid stupid mistakes – Make sure to avoid stupid mistakes that

could cost you precious points

8. Revise if time allows it

9. Practice, practice, practice. Practice makes perfect

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 7

Failure Mistakes

1. Not preparing for the format of the test

2. Advance fear of the test

3. Worrying about the past

4. Obsession with test score

5. Obsession with accuracy

6. Using poor question solving strategy

7. Not reading the entire statement

8. Marking the wrong answer

9. Insufficient preparation

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 8

2 Prioritizing & Organizing
makes perfect

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team

Q1 - You want to book a conference facility for 60 people. Which Hotel
will you rule out to book straightaway?

A. Aolos
B. Athene

C. Star

D. CityCentre
E. Travel Inn

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 10

Q1 - Five friends need to rent a car for an out of town trip that would
last for 10 hours. Which company will charge them the least?

A. Fast Rents
B. Best Rents

C. Premium Cars

D. City Rents
E. AirFast Rents

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 11

Q1 - Five friends need to rent a car with GPS for a 24h trip. Which com-
pany is the most expensive?

A. Fast Rents
B. Best Rents

C. Premium Cars

D. City Rents
E. AirFast Rents

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 12

Q1 - You are in charge of making sure that your store has enough sta-
tionery stock. The table above shows the current stock levels. Which
items will likely need to be ordered next week

A. Pads and Pens

B. Pencils and Pens

C. Pads and Pencils

D. Photocopy Paper
E. Pads and Post-its

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 13

Q1 - If you want to go to New York but you do now want to fly direct,
which flight should you take if you want the cheapest flight that takes
between 10-12 hours?

A. AL122
B. BO344

C. DA012

D. BA034
E. OA779

Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 14







Copyright © 2013 Training4EU Team 15

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