Drytron FAQ - by Olivia

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What is Drytron's playstyle?

Drytron is a combo deck centered around Ritual Monsters, that is able to summon monsters
from the hand or GY by tributing Drytron monsters and Ritual Monsters and using their unique
mechanic of ritual summoning using light machine monsters attack values instead of levels like
normal ritual summoning requires. The archetype contains machine ritual Monsters that were
intended to be used by this engine, but performs at its best when combined with the "Herald"
and "Cyber Angel" archetypes. Your goal is to set up a "floodgate" and the best possible board
on turn 1 to prevent your opponent from clearing your board or creating their own board.

How difficult is Drytron to learn for a newcomer?

Drytron is a combo deck that relies on the player to understand each card interaction and what
to do with the current cards you have available to you. For people who are newer it will take
some time and practice to learn the different combo lines you can do and understanding all the
options you have with your current hand/GY and how you can best play around hand traps.

Is it worth investing in drytron?

Drytron in Master Duel is one of the strongest decks in the meta game, topping many events.
The deck requires some time to learn, and it takes time to understand how each card interacts
with each other. But the more time you invest into this deck, the more rewarded you will be.

What does a drytron deck look like?

Drytron decks run a very strict core of 25~30 in the main deck and 3~5 in the Extra Deck, while
everything else is up for personal preference.
Ultimateness Drytron
Drytron engine that focuses on summoning Herald of Ultimateness.

Core Main deck:

x3 Drytron Alpha Thuban; SR
x3 Drytron Zeta Aldhibah; R
x1 Drytron Gamma Eltanin; N
x1 Drytron Delta altais; N
x3 Drytron Nova; R
x1 Drytron Fafnir; R
x1 Meteonis Drytron; UR
x3 Cyber Emergency; SR
x3 Diviner of the Herald; UR
x3 Herald of Orange Light; R
x1 Herald of Ultimateness; UR
x2 Eva; SR
x1 Cyber Angel Benten; SR
x1 Cyber Angel Idaten; R
x3 Preparation of Rites; SR

Core Extra Deck:

x1 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir; UR
x1 Herald of the Arc Light; SR
x1 Linkuriboh; UR
x1 Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal; UR

Skeleton sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/622c2463641c9ba5669c99cd

Decklist sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/622bd5dba2f92aa3efad94c6
Herald variants of Drytron generally try to accumulate the highest amount of fairies in hand to
use as fuel for either Herald of Perfection, or Herald of Ultimateness. The version that doesn’t
run the Pre-preparation package has more slots to fill with names and generics because it
doesn’t rely as heavily on seeing one particular card.
PROS: The end board has a lower ceiling than Pre-Prep Herald but is still enough to win
through board breakers, more slots for names and generics, generally better at going second
due to less deckspace investment towards the turn 1 board, not running as many potentially
dead cards as other variants
CONS: Less lines due to the absence of Pre-Prep, worse into Maxx “C”, no real low investment
board to pass on
Perfection Pre-prep Drytron
Drytron engine that focuses on summoning Herald of Perfection.

Core Main deck:

x3 Drytron Alpha Thuban; SR
x3 Drytron Zeta Aldhibah; R
x1 Drytron Gamma Eltanin; N
x1 Drytron Delta altais; N
x2 Drytron Nova; R
x1 Drytron Fafnir; R
x1 Meteonis Drytron; UR
x3 Cyber Emergency; SR
x3 Diviner of the Herald; UR
x3 Herald of Orange Light; R
x1 Herald of Perfection; SR
x2 Eva; SR
x1 Cyber Angel Benten; SR
x1 Cyber Angel Idaten; R
x3 Pre-Preparation of Rites; SR
x1 Dawn of the Herald; R
x2 Preparation of Rites; SR

Core Extra Deck:

x1 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir; UR
x1 Herald of the Arc Light; SR
x1 Linkuriboh; UR
x1 Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal; UR

Skeleton Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/622c23d64389588b6a75e2d7

Decklist Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/62b93c79c347160d58276880

The Pre-Preparation variant uses Herald of Perfection alongside its ritual spell, Dawn of the
Herald, which aims to loop benten an additional time to increase the number of fairies in hand
and allow for an early establishment of combo insulation in the form of the herald itself.
PROS: the end board is virtually unbeatable, providing strong forms of interaction through board
breakers, better into Maxx “C” due to Pre-preparation of the Rites, access to more different
lines of play which also increases the resilience of your combos
CONS: fairy fodder for the herald is generally pretty costly, the deck is hard focused on going
first and the whole Herald package is suboptimal going second, you’re forced to run less names,
deck is extremely one-note and predictable, the deck is too reliant on opening Pre-prep which
leads to cutting names and non-engine cards which creates further problems for the deck.
DPE Scythe Lock
Drytron engine which focuses on extra deck locking your opponent.

Core Main deck:

x3 Drytron Alpha Thuban; SR
x3 Drytron Zeta Aldhibah; R
x1 Drytron Gamma Eltanin; N
x1 Drytron Delta altais; N
x2 Drytron Nova; R
x1 Drytron Fafnir; R
x1 Meteonis Drytron; UR
x3 Cyber Emergency; SR

x3 Diviner of the Herald; UR
x1 Herald of Orange Light; R
x1 Cyber Angel Benten; SR
x1 Cyber Angel Idaten; R
x1 Artifact Scythe; UR

x2 Destiny HERO - Plasma; UR
x2 Destiny Fusion; R

Extra Deck:
x1 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir; UR
x1 Herald of the Arc Light; SR
x1 Linkuriboh; UR
x1 Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal; UR
x1 Predaplant Verte Anaconda; UR
x1 Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer; UR
x1 Artifact Degda; SR

Skeleton Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/62ca9c91cdf9f94eb99f76e5

Decklist Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/62ca9da0be32a08852272bf4

This variant of Drytron aims to go for a DPE-Scythe setup to deny access to the opponent’s
Extra Deck, while setting up Baronne and Orange Light in hand as additional interruptions.
Additional cards to consider would be Artifact Lancea, as well as running a Pot of Prosperity.
PROS: Scythe resolving is lights out against any half-competent deck, the main deck is
extremely flexible and there’s a ton of options in deckbuilding
CONS: the deck naturally assumes that Scythe is going to resolve which leads to having
extremely weak boards with little to no insulation, it takes up a huge chunk of the extra deck
space and as the deck needs all 5 cards in the hand to be live at all time the DPE bricks can be
somewhat problematic, it doesn’t punish the opponent by having more monsters and playing
around Droplet better

Vanikey Drytron
Drytron engine which focuses on summoning vanity’s ruler and supporting it with magikey.
x3 Drytron Alpha Thuban; SR
x3 Drytron Zeta Aldhibah; R
x1 Drytron Gamma Eltanin; N
x1 Drytron Delta altais; N
x2 Drytron Nova; R
x1 Drytron Fafnir; R
x1 Meteonis Drytron; UR
x3 Cyber Emergency; SR

x1 Diviner of the Herald; UR
x1 Herald of Orange Light; R
x1 Cyber Angel Benten; SR
x1 Cyber Angel Idaten; R
x3 Preparation of Rites; SR
x1 Vanity’s Ruler; UR

x1 Magikey Mechmusket - Batosbuster; R
x1 Magikey Unlocking; N

Core Extra Deck:

x1 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir; UR
x1 Herald of the Arc Light; SR
x1 Linkuriboh; UR
x1 Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal; UR
X1 Herald of Mirage Light; R
Skeleton Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/62c9c4b92d4693e1f0f4a47a
Decklist Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/62c9c1379000182f37779a68
Vanikey is a Drytron variant focused on ending on Vanity’s ruler and protecting him using
Magikey Unlocking. The notable thing about this variant is how little outs there are to the setup,
and how high the ceiling can get with combos that end on Herald of the Mirage Lights, Drytron
Mu Beta Fafnir which is also a negate due to having Batosbuster on the field, and of course,
Vanity’s Ruler himself. The build is capable of producing strong boards even without having to
normal summon Vanity’s Ruler, and it’s currently the most popular variant of Drytron in the TCG.
Due to the nature of the deck having to find a way to get to both Vanity’s Ruler and Batosbuster,
Pot of Prosperity is non-negotiable in this variant.
PROS: The full Vanikey setup is almost unbeatable, Ruler helps combat the issue of Nibiru, the
ceiling is extremely high, doesn’t require multiple Benten triggers
CONS: Too prepared to go first, running effectively 3 exclusively go first bricks, the regular
Vanikey combo is quite inconsistent.

Megalith Drytron
Drytron engine which uses megaliths as an extra engine
x3 Drytron Alpha Thuban; SR
x3 Drytron Zeta Aldhibah; R
x1 Drytron Gamma Eltanin; N
x1 Drytron Delta altais; N
x2 Drytron Nova; R
x1 Drytron Fafnir; R
x1 Meteonis Drytron; UR
x3 Cyber Emergency; SR

x3 Diviner of the Herald; UR
x1 Herald of Orange Light; R
x1 Cyber Angel Benten; SR
x1 Cyber Angel Idaten; R
x2 Preparation of Rites; SR

x2 Megalith Phul; R
x1 Megalith Ophiel; R
x1 Megalith Bethor; R

Core Extra Deck:

x1 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir; UR
x1 Herald of the Arc Light; SR
x1 Linkuriboh; UR
x1 Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal; UR

Skeleton Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/626c3b7bbb0c2cbfffec18ca

Decklist Sample: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/6274ed75d843a97b7796021f

Quite possibly the most diverse Drytron variant, Megalith can be used as an engine in many
other Drytron variants as a way to loop Benten an additional time, produce a Scythe lock without
the usage of DPE, make Dweller and many other things. The engine is quite compact and
enables some really interesting plays for the deck, such as providing it with a level 4 body that
you can make Baronne with alongside Diviner of the Herald. The example list shown above is
as “vanilla” as a Megalith list can get, ending on Phul, Baronne, Apollousa and a Lancea in
PROS: Bethor being a massive blowout means the deck always beats control, Megaliths
generate advantage while the deck struggles with that due to Benten being limited, the deck
invalidates Veiler/Impermanence, the followup is better and the end board requires more Droplet
discards due to having a higher amount of monsters on board
CONS: Megaliths are bricky and opening them without access to Benten is actively bad, Nibiru
becomes more impactful, the deck has less room for going second slots and requires to go over
40 cards to keep consistency and run go second cards

The Branded engine

Branded makes a very good addition to Drytron decklists over the previously used Destiny Hero
engine as the impact of DPE has severely lessened and lost the ability to potentially draw two
off Celestial (while Drytron didn’t particularly care or need this, it makes the entire engine much
worse in comparison). Mirrorjade is an extremely strong boss monster that plays further into the
aspect of “OTK me now or lose immediately” that Drytron already holds. Branded fusion is
incredibly versatile in its uses, far more so than Fusion Destiny as it counts as a Drytron name
and requires only 1 Main Deck slot. That being said, you can run multiples of Branded Fusion
because while it isn’t a very good name, it’s a name regardless which makes a noticeable
difference in the math behind building your deck. Lubellion comes up over the second Albion in
extremely corner cases in which you need to assemble lethal off an extremely scuffed line or
can be used to access the Necroworld Banshee package in formats with siding.
Branded engine requirements:
x1-3 Branded Fusion; UR
x1-2 Albion the Branded Dragon; UR (1 if you’re running Lubellion)
x1 Lubellion the Searing Dragon UR (only if you’re running 1 Albion)
x1-3 Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon; UR
x1 Fallen of Albaz; SR

Decklist sample:

Non - Diviner Normal Summons

Except Diviner of the Herald, this Deck can utilize two other Normal Summons well. Before you
say anything, Aleister the Invoker isn’t one of them.

Vanity’s Ruler
Vanity’s Ruler has recently started getting traction due to how good the card is under the
Branded Fusion lock, unlike Diviner which often times requires Extra - Deck related setups to
achieve anything meaningful. It’s also prone to Handtraps, and it becomes the absolute biggest
chokepoint in a line involving Branded Fusion. Vanity’s Ruler on the other hand is an incredibly
impactful searchable Normal Summon which works well in tandem with the Branded Engine.
The end boards usually involving this card outside of Magikey builds don’t provide any sort of
protection for Ruler, embracing any blowout that might go their way, mostly because the
opponent needs to out both Ruler and Mirrorjade and also establish some sort of board
presence or get to interactions that can completely stop us from playing the game. The
Mirrorjade End Phase effect carries the NS Vanity’s strat in Branded. Vanity’s Ruler is also one
of the extremely Rare low-investment-high-impact plays we have access to as the presence of
the card requires your opponent to see the blowout immediately. Extremely recommended.

Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands

This one goes out to everyone that’s currently balling on a budget. Manju is the only cheap
Diviner alternative, and as such, it doesn’t replicate everything Diviner does but it opens up the
possibility of making Abyss Dweller outside of Megalith builds alongside Chaos Valkyria.
Recommended for starting out with the deck and swapping it out for Diviner once you obtain it.

Optional cards
Recommended Main Deck:
x1~3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring; UR
x1~3 Maxx “C”; UR
x1 Foolish Burial; UR
x1~3 Forbidden Droplet; UR
x1~3 Dark Ruler No More; UR
x1~3 Pot of prosperity; SR
x1~2 Called by the grave; UR
x1 Drytron Meteonis Draconids; UR
x1 Cyber Angel Natasha; N
x1 Artifact Lancea; SR

Recommended Extra Deck:

x1 Union Carrier; UR
x1 I:P Masquerena; UR
x1 Accesscode Talker; UR (choose between accesscode and borrelsword)
x1 Borrelsword Dragon; UR
x1 Knightmare Unicorn; UR
x1 Elder Entity N'tss; UR
x1 Constellar Ptolemy M7; UR
x1 Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder; UR (only play downerd and lyrilusc with zeus)
x1 Downerd Magician; SR
x1 Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale; SR
x1 Kikinagashi Fucho; R
Preference/Situational Main Deck:
x1~2 Nibiru, the Primal Being; UR
x1~2 Triple Tactics Talent; UR
x1 Gozen Match; SR (only play if you have Auroradon in ED)
x1 Vanity’s Emptiness; UR (only play if you have Auroradon in ED)
x1 Instant Fusion; UR (only play if you have Millennium-Eyes Restrict in the ED)
x1 Artifact Scythe; UR (only play if you have Baronne or DPE in ED)
x1 Vanity’s Ruler; UR
x1 Token Collector; SR
x1~2 Lava Golem; SR
x1 Dragon Buster Destruction Sword; UR (Only run with Union and Barricadeborg in ED)
x1 B-Buster Drake; SR (Only play if you have union in ED)
x1 Chaos Valkyria; SR

Preference/Situational Extra Deck:

x1 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World; UR
x1 Knightmare Phoenix; SR
x1 Knightmare Cerberus; SR
x1 Relinquished Anima; UR
x1 Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess; UR
x1 Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon; UR
x1 Black Rose Dragon; UR
x1 Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon; UR
x1 Barricadeborg Blocker; SR (only play with Auroradon)
x1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern; R (only play with Baronne)
x1 Baronne de Fleur; UR
x1 Millennium-Eyes Restrict; UR (only play with instant fusion)
x1 Herald of Mirage Light; R
x1 Tornado Dragon; UR (only play with megaliths)
X1 Abyss Dweller; UR (only play with megaliths)

1 or 2 Eva?
There are both pros and cons for running 1 Eva and 2 Orange Light instead of 2 Eva and 3
Orange Light. One of the major pros is that you have less chance of drawing them in the
opening hand, While drawing an Orange Light isn’t bad to stop counter hand traps, you really
would like to draw any of your combo pieces (Benten, Diviner, any Drytron name) instead,
another reason is that to stop any deck in the game you don’t need more than 2~3 negates at
the correct choking point, meaning as hilarious as 6~8 negate in hand can be, it can be
considered overkill. The major pro of 2 Eva is that whenever your Perfection/Ultimateness
gets dealt with (negated, tributed, destroyed) being able to draw 2 of your Orange Light goes
up in value significantly since it’s one of the only ways to disrupt your opponent’s turn by
negating and destroying their monster plays. Another reason is having 2 Eva means you can
just negate the opponent's whole hand without knowing how their deck functions, being the
main reason I recommend newcomers to play 2 Eva.

Which deck is better? Ultimateness, Perfection, Vanikey, Scythe or Megaliths?

All 3 decks are currently viable within the meta but they have a few distinct differences. The
difference between the cards is that Ultimateness stops special summons while the main
benefit of Perfection is easier access to good low investment setups, which means that it plays
better into hand traps such as Maxx “C”. The Perfection deck also has less space to run tech
cards than Ultimateness,They are both very powerful but in the end it comes down to personal
preference. Megaliths strength is to have a stronger endboard due to being able to go into stuff
like DPE/Baronne more easily and being able to recycle benten more times getting multiple
triggers of her, however while they increase the ceiling of the deck, they also lower the floor as
you run more “brick” ritual monsters instead of combo pieces. It’s a tradeoff you need to be
aware of, doesn’t mean the deck is weaker or stronger. Vanikey’s setup is practically almost
impossible to beat, however the combo is more fragile than other combos and is very hard to
play going second. Scythe’s main wincon is relying on your opponent’s deck to be unable to
play through and extra deck lock, if they can you are basically relying on 1 or 2 negates
because you practically finish on no endboard except Scythe.

I don't get what x card does?

- Alpha allows you to search any ritual monster you want from the deck.
- Zeta allows you to search for any ritual spell you want from the deck.
- Gamma allows you to SS summon any drytron name from the GY.
- Delta Lets you draw 1 card if you have a ritual spell or a ritual monster in hand.
- Cyber Emergency lets you add any drytron name you want to your hand.
- Drytron Nova lets you put a drytron name on the GY by linking it into Linkuriboh when
it hits the field, also lets us make some combo lines with Diviner into Baronne
- Drytron Fafnir draws you Drytron nova or Meteonis Drytron.
- Meteonis Drytron allows you to ritual summon a ritual monster from the grave or hand
by using any light machine monster on the hand or field as long as their attack is equal
or above the ritual monster’s attack, you can return it to the hand by reducing a Drytron
monster’s attack by 1k. The condition for this ritual spell is also fulfilled by Union
Carrier, letting you equip a card to himself to gain 2k attack for any ritual summon we
- Diviner allows you to send a monster from the extra deck to the graveyard and increase
her own level by the amount of the monster sent, letting us to extend our combos.
- Orange Light is a hand trap that negates and destroys as long as you have a fairy in
- Eva allows us to fuel our hand with fairies for Perfection/Ultimateness.
- Benten lets us search a fairy everytime we tribute her, she’s also a 6* so she lets us to
overlay into Beatrice.
- Idaten is your combo extender which lets you fetch a ritual spell from the deck/GY,
making it possible to loop summon her into XYZ and link plays.
- Natasha is our second boss monster, after ritual summoning her she can steal an
enemy monster by banishing Benten from the GY while resummoning herself.
This effect is NOT once per turn, and is only limited to Natasha being in the GY and
having Benten fuel for her. She can also heal you by half the attack points of a monster
you control, this is also NOT a hard once per turn.
- Dawn of the Herald lets you summon Perfection by using diviner after you use its
effect or benten from the hand or field,after that you can recycle benten to the hand by
banishing it from the GY.
- Draconids is your third boss monster, letting you just be a huge beat stick under skill
drain and OTK turn 2 into droplets vs some decks. Spell speed 2 quick effect send to GY
effect is also pretty strong on enemy turn.
- Lyrilusc lets us summon zeus with only 2 drytron cards on the field by direct attacking
during the battle phase and then overlaying into Downerd mage and overlaying that into
Zeus giving it 4 Materials total.
- Zeus is our board wipe extraordinaire and turn 2 champion, can make him have up to 6
materials for an insurance for the turn after if we cannot OTK yet need to clear the board.
- Apollousa is another option for us to go into as an endboard if we do not have enough
fuel for Perfection/Ultimateness.
- N’tss lets us destroy a card on the field when we send her with Diviner’s effect, while
also giving Diviner 6 stars so we can overlay her into beatrice.
- Mu Beta is an extender that allows you to use it’s own light machine XYZ materials as
Meteonis Drytron targets, Letting you ritual summon 2 times while also being a Foolish
Burial for any drytron name.
- Beatrice is your extender that lets you send ANY card from the deck to the GY twice.
- Linkuriboh is your way to get drytron name into the GY to use their effects, and also
having a good effect during damage calculations to reduce damage.
- I:P is your other disruption other than herald, letting you summon Unicorn to spin a card
or to summon Underworld Goddess tributing their monster, negating their entire board
and negating SS from the GY.
- Union Carrier Lets us put any light monster into the GY by attaching it to a monster we
tribute or a monster we are going to use as link material.
- Accesscode and Borrelsword are your big hitting finishers, Accesscode goes up to
5.3k attack (7.3k with Underworld Goddess but that’s rare) and removes a bunch of
cards from your opponent's field depending on your link material attributes while
Borrelsword is your giant beat stick that can mow through most units by boosting it’s
attack and lowering them while also being an OTK machine with its ability to attack
- Baronne is your anti disruption/generic omni negate you go into depending on your
hand. The main way to summon her is to have Diviner send Ancient Sacred Wyvern to
gy and Eva/Any Drytron or use megaliths with Opheil and Diviner as level 6. In drytron
decks she acts as your main deterrent from hand traps such as Droll & Lock Bird, D.D
crow, Nibiru and Ghost Belle since she can come online before letting any of those
In Perfection lists she can also be used to bring back Perfection from the GY in your
opponent’s standby phase, allowing you to use Perfection as another extension for
drytron tributes or to XYZ Summon Beatrice.
- Auroradon and Barricadeborg are used in the Gozen Match variant of drytron, Instead
of going into I:P, you have Beatrice send Gozen into the GY and link climb using
Barricadeborg into Auroradon to return it to hand. Auroradon is also another way you
can summon Baronne using Diviner as a level 6 tuner, 1 of his tokens and Eva/Any
Drytron. You have to remember you are locked from summoning any link monsters after
using Auroradon.
- M7 is your way to recycle cards like Benten and Idaten to extend your combos even
further when Beatrice isn’t needed, Also can use it to remove annoying cards from your
opponent's side of the field.
- DPE and Verte are your other endboard options instead of the normal endboard, you get
a recyclable ss2 destruction effect and a pot of greed effect when your hand is empty
with Celestial, you need to run 3 cards in the MD and 2 cards in the ED for this package
so it’s a trade off of consistency for power.
- Artifact Scythe is a card we don't often use in master duel because of it’s nature as a
BO1 format, however against decks that require their ED to make a board it is a very
powerful and game winning effect.
- Instant Fusion is used to bring out Millenium as another layer of protection from hand
traps as he can negate one of their effects.
- Phul is our megalith combo maker, we use him to recycle any ritual monster to the hand
while using him as material for XYZ summons, his SS2 effect to ritual summon any
megalith makes Bethor destroy 1~2 monsters during the enemy turn, which also makes
him another endboard threat.
- Ophiel is used to fetch any ritual monster and be used for synchro plays with Diviner for
- example with Baronne.
What are my basic combo options? (WIP)
These combos assume you have the necessary deck core for Ultimateness/Perfection and will
also use some optional recommended cards.
Here is Asty#3336’s channel where she uploaded some of the many lines:

Alpha + Zeta: (Ultimateness/Perfection, I:P, Beatrice, x2 Orange, x2 Diviner in

- Requires: I:P Masquerana
1) SS Alpha from hand by tributing Zeta from hand, Search Benten.
2) SS Zeta from GY by tributing Benten from hand, Add Meteonis to hand and activate
Benten effect to add Diviner to hand.
3) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Idaten to hand.
4) XYZ Summon Mu beta using Alpha and Zeta, Mu beta sends Gamma to GY.
5) Ritual Summon Benten with Meteonis from the GY Using Mu Beta material
6) SS Gamma from GY by tributing Benten from field, SS Mu Beta material used in step 5
(Alpha/Zeta) and activate Benten effect to add Ultimateness/Perfection to hand.
7) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Gamma on field and add it to your hand.
8) Ritual summon Idaten using Mu Beta Material that was NOT used in step 5, activate
Idaten effect and add meteonis from GY to hand.
9) XYZ Summon Beatrice Using Diviner and Idaten, Beatrice sends Eva to GY by
detaching Diviner, Activate Eva effect by banishing Diviner and Arc light, Add Diviner
and Orange to hand.
10) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection using Mu Beta.
11) Link summon I:P Using Gamma and Alpha/Zeta.
12) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.
Alpha + Zeta Perfection ONLY: (Perfection, I:P, Beatrice and x2 Orange, x2 Diviner
x1 Idaten in hand)
- Requires: I:P Masquerana
1) SS Alpha from hand by tributing Zeta from hand, Search Benten.
2) SS Zeta from GY by tributing Benten from hand, Add Meteonis to hand and activate
Benten effect to add Diviner to hand.
3) XYZ Summon Mu beta using Alpha and Zeta, Mu beta sends Gamma to GY.
4) Ritual Summon Benten with Meteonis from the GY Using Mu Beta material
5) SS Gamma from GY by tributing Benten on the field, SS Mu Beta material used in step
4(Alpha/Zeta) and activate Benten’s effect to add Perfection to hand.
6) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Gamma on field and add it to your hand.
7) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Idaten to hand.
8) Ritual summon Idaten from hand using Mu beta material not used in step 4 (Alpha/zeta)
and activate Idaten’s effect to bring back Meteonis to hand.
9) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Idaten, activate Beatrice and detach Idaten
to send Eva to GY. Activate Eva effect by banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and
Orange to hand.
10) Ritual Summon Idaten Using Mu Beta from GY and activate Idaten’s effect to bring
Dawn from the deck to hand.
11) Activate Dawn targeting Perfection in hand tributing Idaten in hand and summon
12) Activate Dawn as CHAIN LINK 1, targeting Idaten adding it to the hand then activate
Idaten as CHAIN LINK 2 boosting Perfection attack and defense.
13) Link Summon I:P using Gamma and left over Drytron.
14) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.

Alpha + Zeta + 1 fairy Anti Nibiru: (Ultimateness/Perfection, Beatrice, I:P and x2

Orange, x2 Diviner + fairy in hand)
- Requires: I:P Masquerana
1) SS Alpha from hand by tributing Zeta from hand, Search Benten.
2) SS Zeta from GY by tributing Benten from hand, Add Meteonis to hand and activate
Benten effect to add Diviner to hand.
3) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Ultimateness/Perfection to hand.
4) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Alpha and Zeta, Mu Beta sends Gamma to GY.
5) Ritual Summon Ultimateness/Perfection Using Mu Beta material (Alpha/zeta) and
Ritual Spell Meteonis.
6) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Mu Beta on field and add it to your hand.
7) Ritual Summon Benten using Mu Beta material (Alpha/zeta) and Ritual Spell Meteonis.
8) XYZ Summon Beatrice Using Diviner and Benten, Beatrice sends Eva to GY by
Detaching Diviner, Activate Eva effect by banishing Diviner and Arc light, Add Diviner
and Orange to hand.
9) SS Gamma from GY by tributing Mu Beta from Field, SS Alpha/Zeta.
10) Link summon I:P Using Alpha/Zeta and Gamma.
11) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.

Alpha + Gamma: (Ultimateness/Perfection, Beatrice, I:P and x2 Orange, x2 Diviner

in hand)
- Requires: I:P Masquerana
1) SS Alpha from hand by tributing Gamma from hand, Search Benten.
2) Link summon Linkuriboh using Alpha, SS Gamma from GY by tributing Benten from
hand using its effect and SS Alpha from GY, activate Benten effect to add Diviner to
3) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Ultimateness/Perfection to hand.
4) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Alpha and Gamma, Mu Beta sends Zeta to GY.
5) SS Zeta from GY by tributing Ultimateness/Perfection from hand, Add Meteonis to
6) Ritual Summon Benten with Meteonis from the GY using Mu Beta material
7) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Benten.
8) Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY by detaching Diviner, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Diviner and Arc Light, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.
9) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Zeta on the field and add it to your hand.
10) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection using Mu Beta Material that was NOT used in
step 5.
11) Link summon I:P using Zeta and Mu Beta.
12) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.

Alpha + Delta: (Ultimateness/Perfection, Beatrice, IP, Union and 2x Orange, 2x

Diviner in hand)
- Requires: I:P Masquerana and Union Carrier
1) SS Alpha from hand by tributing Delta from hand, Search Benten.
2) SS Delta from GY by tributing Benten from hand, activate Benten effect to add Diviner
to hand.
3) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Idaten to hand.
4) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Alpha and Delta, Mu Beta sends Zeta to GY.
5) SS Zeta from GY by tributing Idaten from hand, adding Meteonis to hand.
6) Ritual Summon Benten with Meteonis from the GY Using Mu Beta material
7) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Mu Beta on field and add it to your hand.
8) Ritual summon Idaten using Mu Beta Material that was NOT used in step 5, activate
Idaten effect and add meteonis from GY to hand.
9) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Idaten, activate Beatrice effect to detach
Idaten and send Gamma to GY.
10) SS Gamma from GY by tributing Benten on the field, SS Mu Beta material used in step
5 (Alpha/Delta) and activate Benten effect to add Ultimateness/Perfection to hand.
11) Link Summon Union using Gamma and Mu Beta material used in step 5 (Alpha/Delta),
activate Union and equip Eva to Zeta.
12) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection using Mu Beta Material that was NOT used in
step 5.
13) Link summon I:P using Zeta and Mu Beta, Activate Eva effect by banishing Diviner and
Arc light, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.
14) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.

Gamma + Zeta: (Ultimateness/Perfection, Beatrice,I:P +1 draw and 1x diviner x1

orange )
- Requires: 2 Mu Beta and I:P Masquerana
1) SS Gamma from hand by tributing Zeta, Activate Gamma and Summon Zeta from GY
2) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Gamma and Zeta, Mu Beta sends Alpha to GY.
3) SS Alpha from GY by tributing Mu Beta on the field, Search Benten.
4) SS Zeta from GY by tributing Benten from hand, Add Meteonis to hand and activate
Benten effect to add Diviner to hand.
5) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Ultimateness/Perfection to hand.
6) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Gamma and Zeta.
7) Ritual Summon Benten with Meteonis from the GY Using Mu Beta material
8) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Benten, activate Beatrice effect to detach
diviner and send Delta to GY.
9) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Mu Beta and add it to your hand.
10) SS Delta from GY by tributing Ultimateness/Perfection from hand, activate Delta effect
targeting Meteonis to draw 1 card.
11) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection using Mu Beta Material that was NOT used in
step 6.
12) Link summon I:P using Delta and Mu Beta, Activate Eva effect by banishing Diviner
and Arc light, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.
13) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.
Gamma + Delta: (Ultimateness/Perfection and x2 Orange, x2 Diviner in hand)
- Requires: Union Carrier
1) SS Gamma from hand by tributing Delta, Activate Gamma and Summon Delta from
2) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Gamma and Delta, Mu Beta sends Alpha to GY.
3) SS Alpha from GY by tributing Mu Beta on the field, Search Benten.
4) SS Delta from GY by tributing Benten from hand, activate Benten effect to add Diviner
to hand.
5) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Meteonis to hand.
6) Ritual summon Benten from GY using Alpha/Delta on the field.
7) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Benten, activate Beatrice effect to detach
diviner and send Ultimateness/Perfection to GY.
8) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting drytron you did NOT use in step 6 (Alpha/Delta)
and add it to your hand.
9) Link Summon Union using Beatrice and drytron you did NOT use in step 6
(Alpha/Delta), activate Union and equip Eva to itself.
10) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection from GY using Union, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Diviner and Arc light, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.

Alpha + Benten: (Ultimateness/Perfection, Beatrice, 1 draw and x1 Orange, x1

Diviner in hand)
1) SS Alpha from hand by tributing Benten from hand, activating Alpha effect search
Ultimateness and activate Benten effect searching Diviner.
2) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Meteonis to hand.
3) Ritual summon Benten from GY using Alpha on the field.
4) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Benten, activate Beatrice effect to detach
diviner and send Gamma to GY.
5) SS Gamma from GY by tributing Ultimateness from hand, SS Alpha.
6) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Alpha and add it to your hand.
7) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Gamma and Alpha, Mu Beta sends Delta to GY.
8) SS Delta from GY by tributing Mu Beta from field, activate Delta effect targeting
Meteonis to draw 1 card.
9) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection from hand using Delta, pass turn.
10) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Diviner and Arc Light, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.
Zeta + Diviner: (Ultimateness/Perfection, Beatrice, I:P and x1 Orange, x1 Diviner in
-Requires: I:P Masquerana
1) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Benten to hand.
2) SS Zeta from hand by tributing Benten from hand, Add Meteonis to hand and activate
Benten effect to add Idaten to hand.
3) Ritual summon Benten from GY using Zeta on the field.
4) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Benten, activate Beatrice effect to detach
diviner and send Gamma to GY.
5) SS Gamma from GY by tributing Idaten from hand and SS Zeta.
6) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Gamma and add it to your hand.
7) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Gamma and Zeta, Mu Beta sends Alpha to GY.
8) Ritual summon Idaten using Mu Beta Material (Gamma/Zeta) used in step 5, activate
Idaten effect and add meteonis from GY to hand.
9) SS Alpha by tributing Idaten on the field, add Ultimateness/Perfection to hand.
10) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection from hand using Mu Beta material you did
NOT use in step 8 (Gamma/zeta).
11) Link summon I:P using Alpha and Mu Beta.
12) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Eva and Benten, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.

Zeta + Benten: (Ultimateness/Perfection, Beatrice, 1 natasha/benten and x2

Orange, x2 Diviner in hand)
1) SS Zeta from hand by tributing Benten from hand, Add Meteonis to hand and activate
Benten effect to add Diviner to hand.
2) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Ultimateness to hand.
3) Ritual summon Benten from GY using Zeta on the field.
4) XYZ Summon Beatrice using Diviner and Benten, activate Beatrice effect to detach
diviner and send Gamma to GY.
5) SS Gamma from GY by tributing Ultimateness from hand, SS Zeta.
6) Activate Meteonis from GY targeting Gamma and add it to your hand. (this step is
crucial, targeting Zeta will result in never being able to open a single name again)
7) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Gamma and Zeta, Mu Beta sends Alpha/Delta to GY.
(the main difference between sending the two is that Alpha is a Guaranteed fairy in hand
while Delta is a random draw, but for this combo we’re going to use Alpha)
8) SS Alpha from GY by tributing Mu Beta on field, Search Natasha.
9) Ritual summon Ultimateness/Perfection from GY using Alpha, pass turn.
10) During Opp turn, Activate Beatrice effect to send Eva To GY, Activate Eva effect by
banishing Diviner and Arc Light, Add Diviner and Orange to hand.
-Requires: Natasha.
1) SS Alpha from hand by tributing Zeta from hand, Search Benten.
2) SS Zeta from GY by tributing Benten from hand, Add Meteonis to hand and activate
Benten effect to add Diviner to hand.
3) NS Diviner Sending Arc Light to GY, Arc Light add Natasha to hand.
4) XYZ Summon Mu Beta using Alpha and Zeta, Mu Beta sends Gamma to GY.
5) Ritual Summon Benten with Meteonis from the GY Using Mu Beta material
6) Summon Gamma from the GY by tributing Benten, summon the detached Mu Beta
7) Benten search Idaten (for additional Natasha takes), Eva (to discard off a knightmare
and provide insulation if needed).
Going the Idaten route lets you go for Beatrice lines that can provide you with
Draconids/Eva/Delta. It’s mostly a practice in trying to read your opponent and seeing what line
you have to commit yourself to. Thus writing down a set combo for going second wouldn’t do
the actual go second Drytron gameplay justice as it’s incredibly non-linear in its nature. Just
keep in mind that the deck has access to Draconids and Natasha in the engine itself, so take
advantage of that when going second.

xx “c”) : (Perfection and 3 negates in hand)

1) Activate Pre-Prep, search Dawn and Perfection to your hand.
2) Activate Dawn targeting Perfection in hand tributing Benten in hand and summon
3) Activate Benten as CHAIN LINK 1, searching Eva and adding it to hand then activate
Dawn as CHAIN LINK 2, targeting Benten adding it to the hand.
4) During opponent turn negate with Perfection discarding Benten, then Eva and activate
Eva effect by banishing Benten, Add Diviner.

I didn’t open any combo pieces, what should i do?

There are many hands that are not listed but can become many of the lines above. For example
every Cyber Emergency can add any drytron name to your hand, meaning if you open for
example Alpha + Cyber Emergency you can add Zeta to your hand and go from there.
Drytron Nova allows you to move any drytron name to the GY by SS onto the field and then
using it to link summon Linkuriboh, moving it to the GY and letting you combo from there.
Pot of Prosperity allows you to excavate the top 3 cards of your deck by dumping 3 cards from
the extra deck you will most likely not use giving you more chances at finding your starters.
What do I banish with Pot of Prosperity?
When blind going first i recommend you should banish 3 of Zeus package cards (Zeus,
Nightingale and Downerd) since it is very unlikely you will need them to clear the board,
Banishing 6 is risky because you do not know what deck you are facing.
When going second I recommend banishing 1 Arc Light or 1 Mubeta (Depending which one
you have 2 of) , I:P and 1 monster that you will not summon this turn ( ex. Union carrier if you’re
going into Zeus/Accesscode/Borrelsword),If they have nothing you will need Zeus to remove,
you can banish the zeus package. Only banish 6 cards if you feel confident in knowing which
cards you’d need.

What packs do i want to pull from?

For standard drytron core you would want to pull from “Celestial Dragon and Bear” (You
should craft 1 Drytron Alpha Thuban to unlock the pack) which contains 3 SR and 2 UR and
“Miraculous Advent” (you should craft 1 Pre-Preparation of Rites to unlock the pack)which
contains 2 SR and 4 UR (depending on which ritual monster you want to run), for the core it
might be better to craft the other URs and SRs because they are in the single digits in each
secret pack, of course if you wanna gamble your luck and gems go for it.

When should i use my hand traps vs Drytron?

Disclaimer: The goal of this section is to let you know how you COULD stop their combo,
This will NOT always stop it because they can sometimes play around your negates
depending on their hand.

The primary targets you should try to stop during their combo are Diviner getting level 6 by
sending Arc Light to the GY to be able to search and Zeta searching for the ritual spell to use.
Negating Mu Beta’s and Beatrice’s effect to send a card to the GY are also very high impact.
When looking to Nibiru you can’t be too greedy nor you can summon it too early, using it after
Mu Beta is online with Diviner/Benten is what I personally recommend.
If you’re going second and have a kaiju in hand you will want to hit Ultimateness/Perfection
before doing anything else with your cards, If you have Forbidden Droplet you would want to
negate Ultimateness/Perfection by sending a monster and then consider if you want to negate
I:P or Beatrice. You have to remember that they still have 1~2 Orange Light in hand with a
fairy which lets them negate and destroy a monster effect even if you stop
What do I do if I'm going second?
Your gameplan going second is to try to disrupt your opponent as much as possible during their
turn, then assess if you can OTK your opponent through their board. If you can't, then you will
want to try to control their board with your normal game plan of Ultimateness/Perfection and
Natasha or go into Zeus and remove all of their cards from the board while you do your best to
set up on main phase 2.

Will any card Drytron uses be banned/limited on the next banlist?

How long did it take you to write this?

What's the card next to ash in your list?


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