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Future Ready

Future Ready Progress Update SKILLS


Name: Edwatd Canay Level: Int

On track Mastered
A. Language Skills:
1 Use target language in context √
2 Apply target language according to the situation √
3 G: Grammatical accuracy in writing √
4 G: Grammatical accuracy in speech √
5 R: Reading for gist √
6 R: Reading for detail √
7 W: Organization and structure of a written piece
8 W: Lexical range
9 W: Sentence structure, syntax
10 L: Follow a dialogue √
11 L: Listening comprehension √
12 S: Accurately communicate meaning √
13 S: Pronunciation: Appropriate and/or accurate sounds, stress, tone √
14 Presentation skills √
Speaking in front of a group (projection, confidence)
Audience engagement
Communication of ideas
B. Social Skills:
1 Teamwork √
2 Group interaction √
3 Resolving conflicts or difference of opinion √
4 Listens to and encourages peers √
5 Persuasion √
6 Takes a leading or supporting role as needed √

Notes Teacher:

Edward is a smart student who works well through most of the assigned tasks. However, he missed a lot of
session which result in insufficient data to generate a proper comment.

© English One AG, 2023

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