Aug 2023 IAS1322 Information Systems Assignment 1 T3 CLO1 29 Aug - 28 Sep 2023 (4 Weeks)

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Lecturer name : Mdm.

Shireen Muhammad
(M) : 0-184-69-5811

Semester : 22234 Aug 2023

Course : IAS1322 Information Systems
Assessment : Assignment 1 T3 CLO1
Duration : 29 Aug – 28 Sep 2023 (4 weeks)

This is a group assignment of min 3 and max 4 members per group.

Answer all questions.

Question 1

Success or failure stories.

Find a case study of an enterprise systems implementation: ERP, CRM, SCM – Choose ONE
(1). From the context of the selected case study, cover the following areas:

a) Introduction
Enterprise name, core business and core business processes.
Systems name and implementation year.
(5 marks)
2 slides

b) State the two main issues/problems faced by the enterprise when justifying
adopting the systems.
Did the systems manage to solve the issues/problems as planned. Explain.
(8 marks)
2 slides

c) State the two main challenges faced by the enterprise when implementing the
Did the enterprise manage to overcome the challenges? Explain.
(8 marks)
2 slides

You are allowed to CHANGE the word implementing to deployment (Actual use
of the systems).

d) This question is for each team member to answer.

What is the main lesson learned from this case study?
What made you a good team member in this case study? Show your contributions.
(4 marks)
1 slide/team member

Implementation includes user notification, user training, installation of hardware, installation

of systems onto production computers, and integration of the systems into daily work processes.

What is a business process?

Presentation format
Duration : Min 3 minutes and max 6 minutes
Length : Min 3 slides and max 6 slides (Excluding individual team member’s slides).
Format : Written in MS PowerPoint, submission in PDF
Content : Include images/videos/demonstration wherever appropriate

Content 21
Individual presentation 4
Total marks earned 25
Total % counted 12.5

We hereby declare that all answers are entirely our own works, and we understand that there are
disciplinary penalties for cheating, plagiarism and inappropriate collusion.

If answers are just ‘copy-paste’, the earned marks will be less than 50% of the obtained marks. For
instance, if you obtain 20 marks, then you will only earn less than 10 marks.


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