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Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610

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Impact of potato cultivation and cattle farming on physicochemical

parameters and enzymatic activities of Neotropical high Andean Páramo
ecosystem soils
Lizeth Manuela Avellaneda-Torres a,b,c,⁎, Tomás Enrique León Sicard d, Esperanza Torres Rojas b,e
Programa de Doctorado en Agroecología, Departamento de Desarrollo Rural, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D. C., Colombia
Colombian Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics of Extreme Environments (GEBIX), Bogotá D. C., Colombia
Programa de Ingeniería Ambiental, Grupo de Investigación TECNOAMBIENTAL, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Libre, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (IDEA), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Laboratorio de Agrobiotecnología, Departamento de Agronomía, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia


• Potato crop and livestock decreased β-

glucosidase, phosphodiesterase and
• Potato crop and livestock increased acid
phosphatase and protease on Páramo
• Drought increased organic carbon, cat-
ion exchange capacity and enzymatic
• Potato crop and livestock decreased car-
bon and cation exchange capaci\ty on
• Enzymatic activities indicated impacts
of potato crop and livestock on Páramo

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Andean Páramos are high mountain ecosystems whose soils are essential for the management of South
Received 19 September 2017 American water resources, but research on anthropic impacts to these soils is currently minimal and insufficient.
Received in revised form 12 February 2018 The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivation and livestock
Accepted 13 March 2018
on the physicochemical parameters and enzymatic activities that determine the soil quality of the Neotropical
Available online xxxx
high Andean Páramo ecosystem in the Nevados National Natural Park (Nevados NNP) in Colombia. It was
hypothesised that sites with potato crops and livestock farming would exhibit significant changes in soil physi-
Protected areas cochemical parameters and enzymatic activities compared with Páramo sites that have been conserved without
Páramo agriculture. Samples were collected from soils under potato cultivation, livestock and Páramo (subject to the low-
Land use impact est degree of human intervention possible), on three farms in the El Bosque District at three different altitudes
Soil enzymes (Buenos Aires, El Edén and La Secreta) during two seasons (dry and rainy). The results showed that none of
Soil quality indicators the physical parameters under study presented statistically significant differences due to the type of use (live-
stock, potato crop or Páramo), season of sampling (dry or rainy season) or altitude (different farms). The chemical
parameters that statistically significantly differed due to land use were organic carbon, cation exchange capacity,
calcium, potassium, and ammonium and those that showed statistically significant differences associated with
the sampling timing were organic carbon, nitrogen, cation exchange capacity, total carbon, C/N and nitrate.

⁎ Corresponding author at: Programa de Doctorado en Agroecología, Departamento de Desarrollo Rural, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D. C.,
E-mail address: (L.M. Avellaneda-Torres).
0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610 1601

Additionally, there were differences in organic carbon due to the altitude of the farms. With respect to enzymatic
activities, those of β-glucosidase, phosphodiesterase and urease significantly decreased in soils under potato cul-
tivation and livestock relative to those of Páramo, but those of acid phosphatase and protease increased signifi-
cantly under potato cropping and livestock. The activities of β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, alkaline
phosphatase, phosphodiesterase and protease were higher during the dry season than the rainy season, and
the activities of β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase and urease decreased statistically in the lower-altitude farm
(La Secreta). These decreases in enzymatic activities are attributable to changes in the organic carbon of the
soil. This study provides a novel insight on the relationships between land use and the physicochemical param-
eters and enzymatic activities of Páramo soils (which have been minimally studied to date) at different altitudes
and during different seasons. The results suggest that changes in agricultural practices should be implemented to
maintain the organic carbon of soil and, therefore, its enzymatic activities.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction linked to nutrient cycles, and they respond quickly to changes due to an-
thropogenic factors, such as the presence of xenobiotic substances
The Andean Páramos are unique Neotropical high mountain ecosys- (Gianfreda et al., 2005; Gianfreda and Rao, 2011). Hydrolases are partic-
tems that are essential for the management of South American water re- ularly important because they are closely linked to the carbon, nitrogen
sources as they perform fundamental ecological functions related to the and phosphorus nutrient cycles (Yuan et al., 2012).
collection, regulation and supply of water (de Groot et al., 2002; Otero Despite the importance of Páramo ecosystems, specifically those lo-
et al., 2011). The Páramos are mainly located in Colombia, Venezuela, cated within the Nevados NNP, research on the impacts of potato culti-
Ecuador and northern Peru, and they extend from the boundaries of vation and livestock on Páramo soils, especially on the enzymatic
the Andean Forest (3200 and 3500 m in altitude) to the limit of perma- activities, is currently minimal and insufficient, so the objective of this
nent snow (4500 and 5000 m in altitude) (Buytaert et al., 2007; study was to (1) evaluate if potato cultivation and livestock impact
Poulenard et al., 2001). the physicochemical parameters and enzymatic activities that deter-
The Nevados National Natural Park (Nevados NNP) is in the central mine the soil quality of the Neotropical high Andean Páramo ecosystem
high Andes Mountains and is one of the most important protected in the Nevados NNP in Colombia and (2) evaluate if these changes are
areas in Colombia, covering 58,300 ha. The most representative ecosys- affected by altitude and the sampling season. Additionally, the soils
tem is the Páramo, which covers nearly 38,600 ha (66.21% of the total were taxonomically characterised and used as reference tools for com-
area of the Nevados NNP) (PNNN, 2010). However, there is a strong parisons. It was hypothesised that the sites with potato cultivation
conflict over land use between the Nevados NNP and the resident and livestock rearing would exhibit significant changes in soil physico-
farmers, especially in the El Bosque District, where farmers engage in chemical parameters and enzymatic activities compared with Páramo
subsistence agriculture involving potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultiva- sites that have been conserved without agricultural activities.
tion and raising cattle, applying traditional, inherited farming practices
in combination with techniques from the Green Revolution. Therefore, 2. Materials and methods
the El Bosque District embodies the conflicts of interests between sub-
sistence agricultural practices and conservation goals in the Páramo 2.1. Description of the study site
that are particularly important because agricultural and livestock activ-
ity is prohibited inside the Nevados NNP. The present study was performed within the Nevados NNP in the El
A series of physical, chemical and biological indicator parameters are Bosque District, Risaralda Department, Colombia. Access to the El
used to assess soil health and quality. Physicochemical parameters can Bosque District is difficult because it is in the centre of the Nevados
indicate soil degradation and erosion (Xu et al., 2016; Yusong et al., NNP in the western range of the Andes mountains in the municipality
2017) and desertification (Li et al., 2018) as well as changes in soil of Pereira (Risaralda), approximately 300 km from Bogotá. Reaching
due to systems of use (Moghimian et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2016), the study area requires between five and seven hours on foot or by
land use and cover (Liu et al., n.d.; Moghimian et al., 2017), soil manage- mule from El Cedral (Risaralda), two hours from the city of Pereira, or
ment and climate changes (Bojko and Kabala, 2016). Additionally, they four to six hours, also on foot or by mule, by horse trails from the Potosí
can serve as indicators of soil reclamation (Xie et al., 2017) and changes site in the city of Villamaría, Caldas.
in ecosystem sustainability (Zhu et al., 2016). Similarly, enzymatic activ- The following agroecosystems were examined: Buenos Aires (04°44′
ities are involved in the transfer of energy, soil biochemical processes 58.3′′ N - 075°26′40.4′′ W; 3769 m a.s.l.), El Edén (04°44′32.3′′ N -
and environmental quality (Dick, 1994; Tabatabai, 1994) and are fre- 075°26′37.9′′ W; 3590 m a.s.l.) and La Secreta (04°44′08.5′′ N -
quently used as indicators of microbial activity (Garcia et al., 1993; 075°26′34.7′′ W; 3432 m a.s.l.) (Fig. 1-A and B). According to the gen-
Gispert et al., 2013; Salazar et al., 2011). At an ecosystem scale, soil en- eral study of soils from the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi
zymatic activity is a function of the microbial activity associated with (IGAC) (2004), the sampled agroecosystems are within two climatic
roots, and it regulates the humidity, temperature and quality of the sub- units. The Buenos Aires agroecosystem has a pluvial cold climate, is lo-
strate (nutrient availability) (Salazar et al., 2011; Tabatabai, 1994). cated near Otun Lake between 3600 and 4000 m a.s.l., and has daily av-
Therefore, enzymatic activities can be used as a parameter to describe erage temperatures of 6 to 9 °C and average annual precipitation
changes associated with alterations to soil use and cover associated between 2000 and 4000 mm. In this region, microclimates are created
with agricultural practices and to interpret the functions of soil within by intense circulation of local winds resulting from proximity to the
the ecosystem (Acosta-Martínez et al., 2007). Furthermore, enzymatic Santa Isabel volcano (IGAC, 2004). The El Edén and La Secreta
activities are considered important factors for edaphic fertility and sen- agroecosystems have a cold and humid climate, altitudes between
sitive indicators of agricultural, ecological and anthropogenic influences 3000 and 3600 m a.s.l., average daily temperatures between 9 and
on the soil (Marcinkeviciene et al., 2013; Svirskene, 2003), so they are 12 °C and average annual precipitation between 1000 and 2000 mm.
important for measuring the degree of soil degradation in agricultural In the study areas, potato fields and pastures (for cattle raising) have
and natural ecosystems (Gianfreda and Rao, 2011; Trasar-Cepeda been rotated in cycles with fields lying fallow biannually for N80 years.
et al., 2000; van Beelen and Doelman, 1997). Soil enzymes are tightly Potato farming is primarily performed manually without any
1602 L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610

Fig. 1. Geographic location of the study sites. A. Labels showing the study sites inside the Nevados NNP in Colombia, South America. B. The “Buenos Aires”, “El Edén” and “La Secreta” farms
in the village of “El Bosque”, Pereira Municipality, Risaralda, Colombia, with coordinates (Google Inc.) and altitudes in metres above sea level (m a.s.l.). C. Diagram of the experimental
design and soil sampling, including the taxonomic classification of the soils.

specialised machinery, but conventional agro-chemicals are applied in- and the taxonomic classification was performed to the subgroup level
cluding carbofuran, parathion, methamidophos, chlorpyrifos, profeno- using a soil taxonomy key (SSS, 2010).
fos, mancozen, propineb, mefenoxam, phenothrin and N:P:K
fertilisers. Grasses cultivated in the area include Dactylis glomerate 2.3. Experimental design and soil sampling
and ryegrass (Lolium sp. and Lachemilla sp.), and the adjacent con-
served areas (Páramo) are predominantly covered with Cortaderia To identify the effects of potato cultivation and livestock on the
selloana, Pernettya prostrata, Buddleia sp., Lupinus albus, Dendropanax physicochemical parameters and enzymatic activities of Páramo soil,
sp. and Chusquea sp. Below, we use Páramo to refer to the area with samples were collected from three agroecosystems at different eleva-
the least possible anthropic intervention. tions and evaluated simultaneously: Buenos Aires (3769 m a.s.l.), El
Edén (3590 m a.s.l.) and La Secreta (3432 m a.s.l.) of the village of El
2.2. Taxonomic characterisation of soil in the El Bosque District Bosque in the Nevados NNP, Colombia. The first 20 cm of the soils was
collected after removing the layer of plant material on the surface, and
Sampling was performed in Nevados NNP in the El Bosque District, in each agroecosystem (different altitudes), three types of land use
Colombia to identify the modal profile. Soils were evaluated from were simultaneously evaluated: Páramo (with the lowest degree of
three agroecosystems at different altitudes: Buenos Aires, El Edén and human intervention possible), potato cultivation and livestock. Within
La Secreta. In each agroecosystem, three soil samples were obtained each land use in each agroecosystem, three 10-m × 10-m windows or
with box corers that corresponded to soil under potato fields, cattle pas- observation quadrants were evaluated, and soil samples composed of
ture and conserved Páramo, and 2 × 2 × 1.2-m trenches were opened on 10 subsamples were collected along a zigzag transect in each. Sampling
each farm to identify the soil type according to IGAC soil guidelines was conducted in both the dry and rainy seasons. An experimental de-
(IGAC, 2007). In each trench, representative samples were collected sign was implemented that consisted of three factors, soil use, altitude
from each horizon and analysed based on IGAC (2007) lab protocols, and season, and each factor included a nested factor of the observation
L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610 1603

window or quadrant. Each combination of factors was evaluated at the multivariate analyses (MVA) were applied, including a principal com-
three different sites for a total of 54 samples: 3 land uses × 3 altitudes ponent analysis (PCA), using SPAD v.7 software.
× 2 seasons × 3 observation windows or quadrants; each sample was
analysed in three replicates (Fig. 1-C). The minimum distance between 3. Results and discussion
each land use type was 500 m, and the sampling plots were verified as
not continuous to avoid possible errors due to contamination of one 3.1. Taxonomic classification of soils
sample with another. Sampling was performed in the same way for
the different land uses, farms and seasons. The soils described for the Nevados NNP in the El Bosque District cor-
respond to screes at the bottom of the slope, where materials from ad-
2.4. Physicochemical parameters of the soil jacent steep slopes accumulated through the force of gravity. These
deposits lie on top of thick mantles of volcanic ashes. Old scree buried
The physicochemical parameters of the soil were determined ac- by pyroclastic materials can be observed in the study area.
cording to IGAC methods (2006) as follows: humidity according to the The soils belong to the order Andisol, with Typic Haplocryands found
gravimetric method; apparent density (D) according to the cylinder at the Buenos Aires farm and Thaptic Hapludands found at the La
method; structural stability according to Yoder's mechanical sieving Secreta and El Edén farms (Fig. 1-C). These soils have andic properties
method; texture according to the Bouyoucos method; pH in water ac- in 60% or more of their depths, so they have low D, high phosphate re-
cording to the potentiometric method with soil:water (w/v) ratio of tention and variable fertility (SSS, 2010). Their P fixation capacities are
1:1; percentage of organic carbon (OC) according to Walkley and Black's high because they are derived from volcanic ashes (Van Reeuwijk,
method; cation exchange capacity (CEC), calcium (Ca), magnesium 1989; Wada, 1980). The observed soils partially match the results of
(Mg), potassium (K) and sodium chloride (NaCl) through extraction the general soil study performed by the IGAC (2004) in which Typic
with 1 N ammonium (NH4) acetate; exchangeable acidity through ex- Haplocryands were found in areas with Lithic Cryandept soils, and
traction with 1 M potassium chloride (KCl); assimilable P by the Bray Thaptic Hapludand soils were found in areas with Fluventic
II method; total N (TN) with the micro-Kjeldahl method; N-NH4 and ni- Humitropept soils. These results are explained by the lower level of de-
trate (N-NO3) through extraction with 2 M KCl; and distillation with tail in the general IGAC (2004) soil study, whereas the present study
magnesium oxide (MgO) and Devarda's alloy. In addition, the total car- was performed at the farm level and shows greater detail.
bon content (TC), total hydrogen (TH) and TN contents were analysed The combination of a humid and cold climate causes a low rate of or-
with a LECO 1000 elemental analyser (Model CHN–1000, LECO Corp., ganic matter (OM) decomposition in these soils (Cleef, 1981; Hofstede,
St Joseph, MI) (IGAC, 2006). The TC, TH and TN contents were only de- 1995; Luteyn, 1992; Monasterio and Sarmiento, 1991), and stable com-
termined in the higher- and lower-altitude farm, that is, Buenos Aires pounds form with inorganic non-crystalline materials, which further
and La Secreta, respectively. slows degradation (Jaramillo and Daniel, 2002; Van Reeuwijk, 1989;
Wada, 1980). In addition, Andean Andisols have a high C content and
are vulnerable to erosion because of farming and deforestation (Henry
2.5. Soil enzymatic activity et al., 2013). The OC held in these soils is important because it mitigates
increases in atmospheric C associated with climate change (Henry et al.,
Urease activity (EC was determined using urea as a substrate 2013).
and based on the method described by (Alef and Nannipieri, 1995). Pro-
tease activity (EC was determined using casein as substrate 3.2. Soil physicochemical parameters
(Ladd and Butler, 1972). Acid and alkaline phosphatase activity (EC and, respectively) were determined using sodium p- None of the physical parameters under study showed statistically
nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate (Eivazi and Tabatabai, 1988; significant differences between land uses (potato, livestock or Páramo),
Tabatabai and Bremner, 1969). Phosphodiesterase activity (EC season or farm (altitude differences) (Table 1), indicating that the im-
was determined using sodium bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate as a sub- pact of potato and cattle farming within El Bosque has not been great
strate (Browman and Tabatabai, 1978). β-glucosidase activity (EC enough to significantly change these parameters. This result could be at- was determined using p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glycoside as a sub- tributed to the established resting periods between each potato-
strate (Eivazi and Tabatabai, 1988). Dehydrogenase activity (EC planting event (N7 years fallow) and the low-intensity cattle rearing, was determined using triphenyltetrazolium chloride as a sub- which is measured as livestock density ha−1 (0.24–0.36).
strate (Öhlinger, 1996). To determine the urease, protease and dehydro- The chemical parameters that differed statistically between the
genase activities (EC, 0.1 g of soil was collected, and 0.2 g was three land-use types were OC, CEC, Ca, K and NH4 (Tables 1 and 2).
collected to determine the acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, The properties with statistically significant seasonal differences were
phosphodiesterase and β-glucosidase activities. The quantities of the re- OC, N, and CEC, % C, C/N and NO3, with only OC differing among the
agents and substrates were modified according to the quantity of the three evaluated factors (land use, season and altitude). The remaining
soil used. Urease activity is expressed as μg N g−1 dw 2 h−1; protease ac- parameters (pH, P, Na, AI and Mg) did not significantly differ among
tivity is expressed as μg tyr g−1 dm 2 h−1; acid phosphatase, alkaline any of the evaluated factors.
phosphatase, phosphodiesterase and β-glucosidase activities are The behaviour of OC (easily oxidised OC) showed a trend of Páramo
expressed as μg pNP g−1 dw h−1; and dehydrogenase activity is N potato farms N cattle farms. The differences between Páramo and cat-
expressed as μg TPF g−1 dm 16 h−1. All the enzymatic activities were tle farming soils were statistically significant, but those between potato
determined in triplicate. and cattle farming were not. Otero et al. (2011) reported the same be-
haviour of OM in soils under potato cultivation and cattle farming in
2.6. Statistical analysis Páramo ecosystems. Similar results were found in Chingaza NNP and
Nevados NNP, where the TC was lower in the soil profiles of conserved
The assumptions of homogeneity of variance and normality were highland ecosystems than in non-conserved ecosystems.
analysed with a Bartlett and Shapiro-Wilk test. However, because the The decrease in easily oxidised OC in soils under potato and cattle
data did not satisfy the normality assumption, non-parametric farming in the present study might have been caused by the loss of na-
Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests were performed with a significance tive vegetation cover due to cattle farming relative to the Páramo, which
level of P ≤ 0.05 to assess any statistically significant differences. The exposed the soil to environmental factors such as water, air and solar ra-
above tests were performed with the free software R 2.10.0. Subsequent diation and likely increased erosion (Otero et al., 2011). The loss of soil
1604 L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610

Table 1
Mean physical and chemical properties for the evaluated factors (land use, season and farm) in Nevados NNP in the El Bosque District.

Factor Ɵg D WAD pH OC N P Ca K Mg Na AI CEC

% g cm−3 Mm % % cmol kg−1

Land use n = 54 Páramo 79.6a 0.7a 12.4a 5.3a 8.0a 0.65a 6.9 a 7.5a 0.5a 2.2a 0.1a 1.0a 44.3a
Crop 48.1 a 0.7a 11.6a 5.3a 6.3ab 0.52a 34.5a 4.1b 0.2b 0.8a 0.3a 1.1a 32.4b
Cattle farming 53.8 a 0.9a 12.0a 5.5a 6.0b 0.51a 21.3a 3.5b 0.4ab 0.9a 0.2a 0.6a 31.8b
Season n = 54 Rainy 62.4 a 0.7a 12.3a 5.3a 5.8a 0.52a 21.1a 4.9a 0.4a 1.3a 0.3a 1.0a 32.3a
Dry 58.6 a 0.8a 11.7a 5.4a 7.7b 0.60b 21.3a 5.1a 0.4a 1.2a 0.1a 0.8a 40.0b
FARM n = 54 Buenos Aires 59.8 a 0.8a 10.4a 5.2a 7.2a 0.52a 16.8a 4.5a 0.4 a 1.4a 0.1a 1.2a 36.7a
El Edén 59.6 a 0.7 a 12.8a 5.4a 7.4a 0.64a 26.2a 6.9b 0.4 a 1.5a 0.1a 0.9a 37.1a
La Secreta 62.7 a 0.8 a 12.7a 5.4a 5.7b 0.52a 20.9a 3.7a 0.4 a 1.0a 0.4a 0.7a 34.5a
Standard deviation 0.18 0.14 1.68 0.33 2.03 0.14 21.7 0.30 0.02 0.08 0.01 0.05 9.9

Ɵg, gravimetric moisture; D, apparent density; WAD, mean weighted diameter; OC, organic carbon; CEC, cation exchange capacity; and n, number of replicates.

OC has also been proposed to occur with reduced OM contributions, in- The increases in OC, TC, C/N and NO3 were significantly greater dur-
creased decomposition rates or reduced physical protection of C in soils, ing the dry season than the rainy season, which might have been due to
such as with destructive tillage processes (Henry et al., 2013; Post and certain environmental factors, such as the higher humidity, that in-
Kwon, 2000). Similarly, it has been noted that tillage decreases OM be- crease soil erosion and cause a subsequent loss of OC (Otero et al.,
cause of higher mineralisation of crop residues, alteration of soil aggre- 2011). The consistency of the results regarding the effects of potato
gates and increased aeration (Sainju et al., 2003). However, and cattle farming obtained with the Walkley-Black method and the
conservation tillage (reduced and no-tillage) increases the OC in the LECO analyser may indicate that weather conditions have a greater im-
topsoil layer (López-Bellido et al., 2010; Melero et al., 2011; Sainju pact on easily oxidised OM as well as complex and molecularly stable
et al., 2003; Six et al., 1998), improves aggregation and preserves soil re- compounds.
sources better than conventional tillage practices (Melero et al., 2011). A statistically significant decrease in OC was observed in the La
Changes in soil use have been reported to increase erosion through Secreta agroecosystem relative to the other ecosystems because of its
changes in vegetation cover and tillage, but the fate of C in eroded lower altitude, which might explain the increased average temperature
soils is still a debated subject. Soil erosion processes have been de- of this agroecosystem and OM degradation that are reflected in the soil
scribed as the partial redistribution of buried C by erosion and emission taxonomy (Cryand vs Udand). However, the OC values of the studied
into the atmosphere (Henry et al., 2013; Lal, 2004). soils were between 5.7 and 8.0%, so all the evaluated soils were classi-
Decreases in soil TC, TN and C/N (as determined with a LECO ele- fied as having high OC (ICA, 1992).
mental analyser) were caused by potato and cattle farming (Table 2), The CEC and NH4 were significantly lower in soils under potato and
but these differences were not statistically significant. Although potato cattle farming. The CEC significant increased during the dry season com-
and cattle farming remove vegetation cover, this does not affect the pared with the wet season, and this might have been associated with
above indicators. However, the OC determined by the Walkley-Black the previously discussed loss of OM generated by changes in the vegeta-
dry combustion method (easily oxidised C) expresses the total contents tion cover and subsequent exposure of the soil to environmental factors
of C, H and N, and performing a maximum of two potato harvests on the such as water, air and solar radiation. Moreover, the lower NH+ 4 content
same parcel with a subsequent resting period (with cattle farming) was in the soils of the La Secreta agroecosystem relative to Buenos Aires
shown to have contributed to the decreased impact of farming practices could be explained by the lower OM contents in the former. The CEC
over the most complex and molecularly stable C (humic substances). was between 31.8 and 44.3 cmol kg−1, which corresponds to the
The C/N ratio is an estimator of the availability of OM as a nutrient high-CEC category (Galiano, 1991; ICA, 1992) and is well-correlated
source for plants, which indicates favourable mineralisation processes, with the high OM contents and andic characteristic of the studied soils.
so a high C/N value indicates lower rates of mineralisation The Ca and K contents significantly decreased due to potato and cat-
(Avellaneda et al., 2005). Thus, it is evident that soils under Páramo ex- tle farming, and this might have been caused by the successive nutrient
hibit lower mineralisation (greater humification) than soils under po- extraction by the crops and simultaneous nutrient fixation caused by
tato and cattle farming, but these differences were not statistically the organic-mineral complexes of the andosols (Hofstede, 1995).
significant, which suggests that the described farming processes do The P content showed a trend of potato cultivation N cattle farming N
not significantly affect the mineralisation and humification of soil OM Páramo, which might indicate the use of N:P:K fertiliser, but these differ-
with high molecular complexity. ences were not statistically significant, indicating that these practices
were not intensive in the area. The P content did not change with vari-
ations in altitude or sampling time, and the values were within the 6.9
to 34.5 cmol kg−1 range, indicating a low-to-medium content (Hanke,
Table 2
1991; ICA, 1992) that is characteristic of andic soils, which are known
Mean chemical properties for the evaluated factors (land use, season and farm) in Nevados
NNP in the El Bosque District.
for high phosphate fixation.
The MVA of the physicochemical variables (Fig. 2) showed an accu-
Factors TC TH TN C/N NH4 NO3 mulated variance of 63% for the first two axes. In this analysis, differ-
% mg kg ences were observed in the behaviour of Páramo relative to potato
Land use n = 36 Páramo 9.4a 1.5a 0.5a 26.1a 36.7a 18.6a and cattle farming, which indicated land use-related differences in
Crop 7.7a 1.3a 0.4a 20.6a 15.1ab 17.7a physicochemical properties. According to the normalised eigenvector
Cattle farming 6.9a 1.3a 0.3a 20.0a 13.2b 15.6a 1, the most informative variables were Mg (−0.39), CEC (−0.37), OC
Season n = 36 Rainy 7.5a 1.2a 0.4a 23.3a 29.0a 22.1a
(−0.34), N (−0.34) and Ca (−0.34), and greater values were observed
Dry 8.7b 1.6b 0.4a 20.0b 14.3a 12.5b
Farm n = 36 Buenos Aires 9.0a 1.4a 0.4a 23.3a 28.6a 15.4a in Páramo soils relative to soils under potato and cattle farming. This re-
La Secreta 7.0a 1.4a 0.4a 20.0a 14.7b 19.2a sult is consistent with the greater conservation of OM, increased natural
Standard deviation 2.38 0.33 0.14 12.4 1.30 1.04 vegetation cover and lower disturbance in Páramo soils, all of which in-
TC, total carbon; TH, total hydrogen; TN, total nitrogen; and n, number of replicates. Differ- crease the stability of OM cycling and provide greater OC, CEC, N and
ent letters for each factor indicate statistically significant differences. gravimetric moisture content (Ɵg) compared to soils under potato
L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610 1605

Fig. 2. Principal component analysis of the physicochemical parameters of the studied soils from Nevados NNP in the El Bosque District. M, gravimetric moisture (Ɵg); D, bulk density;
WAD, mean weighted diameter; OC, organic carbon; and CEC, cation exchange capacity.

and cattle farming. The increased OM in soils may improve their physi- 3.3. Enzymatic activity
cal and chemical properties, such as humidity, TN, CEC and aggregate
stability (López-Piñeiro et al., 2013), but soils under potato crops had β-glucosidase, phosphodiesterase and urease activities significantly
higher P contents (eigenvector 1:0.20), indicating the effect of chemical decreased in soils under potato and cattle farming relative to the Páramo
fertilisation with P. Greater soil densities were observed with cattle soil, but acid phosphatase and protease activities significantly increased
farming (eigenvector 1:0.25), which might indicate compaction pro- (Table 3). Alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase activities did not
cesses caused by trampling. show statistically significant differences.
An analysis of the changes related to sampling season showed that The reduction in β-glucosidase activity associated with potato and
greater values of Mg, CEC, OC, N and Ca were observed during the dry cattle farming is relevant because this enzyme is involved in catalysing
season, which is consistent with the results of the univariate analysis, the hydrolysis and biodegradation of several glycosides in vegetable
where greater erosion and nutrient leaching were evident during the residues (Ajwa and Tabatabai, 1994; Bakshi and Varma, 2011;
rainy season. The PCA did not indicate a specific trend in physicochem- Martinez and Tabatabai, 1997), of which the final product is glucose,
ical parameters as a function of the altitude of the farms. an important source of energy for soil microorganisms (Bakshi and
The variables that highly correlated with each other were CEC and OC Varma, 2011; Esen, 1993). Therefore, a decrease in β-glucosidase activ-
(0.90), OC and N (0.86), Mg and Ca (0.86), Ɵg and Mg (0.85), CEC and N ity can indicate lower glucose liberation caused by the application of ag-
(0.83) and CEC and Mg (0.83). However, inversely proportional relation- rochemicals, which might inhibit microbial activity. Such conditions
ships were reported between OC and N and the P contents in soils, and restrict the degradation of cellulosic compounds that are part of the
these might have been caused by increases in the use of fertiliser with OM in the soil. In addition, lower enzymatic activity might be consid-
high P content and different levels of allophane, which reduces P avail- ered a slower process of C metabolism and indicate the rupture of glu-
ability through the increased formation of OM complexes that increase cose dimers and decreased OM in the potato and cattle fields relative
P fixation (Henry et al., 2013). Moreover, overturning soil with a plough to that of the Páramo. Such findings confirm reports that β-
dries out the soil surface and liberates many of the immobilised nutrients glucosidase enzyme activity is sensitive to soil management practices
in the edaphic environment (FEDEPAPA, MAVDT, CORPOBOYACÁ, and (V. Acosta-Martínez and Tabatabai, 2000; Bakshi and Varma, 2011; Li
HUMBOLDT, 2004) such as P, which might be encapsulated within the et al., 2018; Madejón et al., 2001; Moghimian et al., 2017; Xie et al.,
organic-mineral complex of allophane and OM. 2017).

Table 3
Mean enzymatic activity for the studied soils for the evaluated factors (land use, season and farm) in Nevados NNP in the El Bosque District.

Factors β-gluc Pac Palk Pd Ure Pro Deh

μg pNP g−1 ss h−1 μg N-NH+

4 g
ss 2 μg tyr g−1 ss 2 h−1 μg TPF g−1 ss 16 h−1

Land Use n = 54 Páramo 299.6a 752.4a 86.4a 18.0a 53.4a 732.2a 218.3a
Crop 220.4b 788.9ab 80.6a 12.4b 36.8a 886.8b 219.3a
Cattle farming 215.6b 851.5b 66.0a 12.9b 0.9b 866.2b 5.3a
Season n = 54 Rainy 234.2a 785.3a 74.3a 13.3a 34.0a 749.4a 337.2a
Dry 256.1a 805.2a 81.2a 15.5b 26.9a 904.2b 44.2a
Farm n = 54 Buenos Aires 248.4b 907.0a 70.5a 13.8a 43.5a 785.5a 2.3a
El Edén 302.3a 852.6a 84.4a 15.0a 39.8a 853.2a 147.8a
La Secreta 184.7c 626.2b 78.4a 14.3a 8.0b 841.6a 289.5a
Standard deviation 12.3 39.8 3.89 0.72 1.52 41.3 7.33

β-gluc, β-glucosidase; Pac, acid phosphatase; Palk, alkaline phosphatase; Pd, phosphodiesterase; Ure, urease; Pro, protease; Deh, dehydrogenase; and n, number of replicates. Different
letters for each factor indicate statistically significant differences.
1606 L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610

The significant decrease in phosphodiesterase activity associated the increase in microbial activity caused by fertilisation associated
with cattle farming and (non-significant) reduction in alkaline phos- with potato cultivation. However, protease activity exhibited an oppo-
phatase indicates that the alkaline conditions during potato and cattle site behaviour to that of urease. Similar results have been observed in
farming decrease the conversion processes of organic phosphodiesters bacterial morphotype consortiums, where the production of
and OM to their inorganic forms. The decreased availability of P in soil oligopeptides from proteins may have been greater than the hydrolysis
is caused by this enzyme because phosphatases are capable of catalysing of urea or urea-type substrates and the production of their reaction
the hydrolysis of esters and phosphoric acid anhydrides (Bakshi and products, CO2 and NH3 (Avellaneda-Torres et al., 2012).
Varma, 2011). Additionally, the decrease in the activities of phosphodi- Statistically significant differences related to land use, sampling time
esterase and alkaline phosphatase might be caused by the lower OM or farm altitude were not reported for dehydrogenase activity. The ac-
content in soils under potato and cattle farming as well as by the re- tivities of β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, phos-
duced microbial activity caused by the application of agrochemicals. phodiesterase and protease were greater in the dry season than in
Progressive declines in microbial activity have been reported with in- rainy season, which is consistent with the higher OC content reported
creased incubation periods for phosphatase activity in the presence of for the dry season. However, these differences were statistically signifi-
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban applied in potato cultivation). Similar responses cant only for phosphodiesterase and protease. In addition, β-
have been observed in the presence of methyl parathion, dichlorvos glucosidase, acid phosphatase and urease activities statistically signifi-
and methomyl (Gianfreda and Rao, 2011; Madhuri and Rangaswamy, cantly decreased on the La Secreta farm compared to the other two
2002; Rani et al., 2008). Decreases in alkaline phosphatase might indi- farms, a behaviour that is attributable to differences in OM (higher-alti-
cate less-efficient root-symbiotic colonisation processes because several tude farms showed greater OC content).
studies have shown that this enzyme is primarily produced in the roots The MVA of enzymatic activities showed an accumulated variance of
after mycorrhizae colonisation. Therefore, alkaline phosphatase has 54.2% for the first two axes and a variance of 71.8% for the first three
been proposed as an indicator of the efficiency of root-symbiotic coloni- axes. Therefore, graphic representations of axes 1 and 2 (Fig. 3-A) as
sation (Bakshi and Varma, 2011; Tisserant et al., 1993). All the above re- well as 1 and 3 (Fig. 3-B) were analysed, and differences were observed
sults confirm that phosphatases differ according to soil coverage and among the enzymatic behaviours in soil from the Páramo and potato
management practices (Bakshi and Varma, 2011; Li et al., 2018; and cattle fields. Fig. 3-A (axes 1 and 2) shows that phosphodiesterase
Moghimian et al., 2017; Ndakidemi, 2006; Wright and Reddy, 2001; and alkaline phosphatase activities were greater in the Páramo soil, a
Xie et al., 2017). trend that is confirmed in Fig. 3-B (axes 1 and 3). In addition, Fig. 3-A
The decrease in the activities of phosphodiesterase and alkaline and B show that the acid phosphatase and protease activities were
phosphatase is consistent with most of the studies in the literature. higher in soils under potato and cattle farming. This might indicate
However, an opposite behaviour was observed for acid phosphatase that the activities of several enzymes involved in the same geochemical
(increased in potato and cattle fields), which is inconsistent with previ- cycle are not necessarily synergistic but have an inverse relationship, as
ous reports suggesting that an increase in the P content of potato fields previously reported by Avellaneda-Torres et al. (2012). The contribu-
under rotation with cattle farming caused by the application of N:P:K tions of the variables to the variance according to the normalised eigen-
fertilisers elevates the P content in soil and inhibits phosphatase activity vector 1 were as follows: phosphodiesterase (0.33), β-glucosidase
(Das and Varma, 2011). In contrast, soil P deficiencies (in the Páramo (0.33), acid phosphatase (0.43), alkaline phosphatase (0.33), urea (−
soils, which do not receive extra P) did not cause an increase in the se- 0.01 eigenvector 1 and 0.60 eigenvector 2), protease (0.44) and dehy-
cretion of acid phosphatase by plant roots to improve the solubilisation drogenase (−0.52).
of fixed nutrients, as reported by (Das and Varma, 2011). Thus, it has An analysis of the changes associated with season in Fig. 3-A and B
been proposed that an increase in phosphatase enzymes by plant shows that acid and alkaline phosphatase, β-glucosidase, protease and
roots and microorganisms may be induced when P is limited. Conse- phosphodiesterase activities were increased during the dry season.
quently, an increase in acid phosphatase activity may reflect high de- This may have been caused by microbial activity being stimulated by
mand for this macronutrient (Salazar et al., 2011) and may result from the increase in OM. The activity of multiple enzymes is correlated with
potato and cattle farming through the increased microbial activity, the amount of OM because this parameter affects soil microbial mass
which promotes the growth of microorganisms under high nutrient and moisture. Additionally, positive correlations have been reported be-
availability. However, the behaviour of this enzyme in the studied con- tween OM and the activity of β-glucosidase, proteases and phospha-
ditions remains unclear. tases (Gispert et al., 2013), and seasonal changes in enzymatic
The degradation of soil phosphodiester compounds (phosphodies- activities have been observed, suggesting that fluctuations in enzymatic
terase) and organic P in alkaline conditions (alkaline phosphatase) activities occur as a function of seasonal changes and environmental
may be greater in OM that has suffered less disturbance (Páramo) and conditions, such as soil temperature and moisture content (Yuan et al.,
may be inhibited under potato and cattle farming because of the addi- 2012).
tion of pesticides. However, in the case of organic P degradation under A PCA of the main enzymatic activities did not indicate a specific
acidic conditions (acid phosphatase), which is more common in acidic trend related to altitude. In general, high correlations were reported be-
soils, the activity of this enzyme is prioritised to produce organic P, tween phosphodiesterase, alkaline phosphatase and β-glucosidase and
which is in high demand during potato and cattle farming. In this case, between protease and acid phosphatase.
fertiliser application might be used to promote microbial activity.
Urease activity showed a trend of Páramo N potato cultivation 3.4. Relationship between physicochemical parameters and enzymatic
N cattle farming, and significant differences were observed between cat- activity
tle farming and the other two land uses. This may have been caused by
the inhibition of microbes as result of agrochemical application during The MVA of enzymatic activity showed an accumulated variance of
potato cultivation in rotation with pastures. Soil enzymatic activities 50.3% for the first two axes and a variance of 62.1% for the first three,
have been reported to be inhibited by N fertilisation (Aon et al., 2001; so the graphic representations of axes 1 and 2 (Fig. 4-A) and 1 and 3
Karaca et al., 2011), and urease activities have been reported to decrease (Fig. 4-B) were analysed. The differences in the behaviour of physico-
due to high sensitivity to chlorpyrifos (Gianfreda and Rao, 2011). chemical variables and enzymatic activity among the Páramo and po-
The protease activity significantly increased in soils under potato tato and cattle field soils were analysed (Fig. 4-B), and the results
and cattle farming. This was a similar trend to that reported for acid confirmed the PCA results for the physicochemical parameters and en-
phosphatase activity and indicates that these agricultural practices pro- zymatic activities. A global analysis was performed according to the nor-
mote the degradation of protein residues, which is most likely due to malised eigenvector 1, and the most informative variables were as
L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610 1607

Fig. 3. Principal component analysis of the enzymatic activity in the studied soils from Nevados NNP in the El Bosque District. Glu, β-glucosidase; AcP, acid phosphatase; AlP, alkaline
phosphatase; Pd, phosphodiesterase; Ure, urease; Pro, protease; and Deh, dehydrogenase. A. Axes 1 and 2. B. Axes 1 and 3.

follows: Mg (0.36), CEC (0.34), Ca (0.32), TN (0.31), OC (0.30), phospho- (dehydrogenase, protease, β-glucosidase, and alkaline phosphatase)
diesterase (0.24) and β-glucosidase (0.21). These variables increased in (Melero et al., 2007).
the Páramo soils relative to those under potato and cattle farming, However, differences in the patterns of physicochemical parameters
which might be related to the loss of OM resulting from the loss of and enzymatic activities related to climatic conditions were also ob-
plant cover and cultural labour associated with the potato-pasture sys- served. (Nearing et al., 2005) reported changes in precipitation patterns
tem. Several studies have confirmed correlations between the activities and extreme climatic events over the last century in Colombia, and
of these enzymes and OC (Dick et al., 1988; Eivazi and Tabatabai, 1990; Otero et al. (2011) indicated that regional climatic change may have a
Frankenberger and Tabatabai, 1991; Santrucková et al., 2004) (Li et al., significant influence and cause an increase in the rate of soil erosion
2018; Moghimian et al., 2017; Xie et al., 2017). globally if conservation measures are not implemented to mitigate
When natural systems are converted to agricultural systems, the bi- damage caused by disturbances to the soil.
ological properties of the soil are modified, resulting in higher enzy- The greatest correlations between enzymatic activity and physico-
matic activities (β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, arylamidase, acid chemical parameters were between β-glucosidase and Ca (0.67), phos-
and alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase and arylsulfatase) in con- phodiesterase and Ca (0.56), phosphodiesterase and K (0.58) and
served areas compared to agricultural areas (Karaca et al., 2011). These phosphodiesterase and CEC (0.68), although the highest correlations
results are consistent with those of several studies that found a decrease have been proposed to be between OC and different enzymatic activities
in enzymatic activities in cultivated soils compared with non-cultivated (Bonanomi et al., 2011; Gispert et al., 2013; Yuan et al., 2012). Similar
or less-disturbed soils (Acosta-Martínez et al., 2008; Bonanomi et al., correlations were detected in the present study (0.50 on average).
2011; Gianfreda et al., 2005). Cultivation systems also differentially af-
fect the behaviour of soil enzymes, and dehydrogenase, acid and alka- 4. Conclusions
line phosphatase activities, microbial C biomass, and N levels have
been found to be lower under a monoculture system than an organic Five (CO, Ca, K, CEC and NH4) of the 16 chemical parameters
and a crop rotation system (Benintende et al., 2008; Gajda and analysed showed statistically significant differences related to potato
Martyniuk, 2005; Karaca et al., 2011). Moreover, it has been reported cultivation and cattle farming in the Páramo, and OC was the main indi-
that plots fertilised with compost showed increased enzymatic activity cator. Five (β-glucosidase, phosphodiesterase, urease, acid phosphatase
1608 L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610

Fig. 4. Principal component analysis of the enzymatic activity and physicochemical parameters of the studied soils from Nevados NNP in the El Bosque District. Glu, β-glucosidase; AcP, acid
phosphatase; AlP, alkaline phosphatase; Pd, phosphodiesterase; Ure, urease; Pro, protease; and Deh, dehydrogenase. M, gravimetric moisture (Ɵg); D, bulk density; WAD, mean weighted
diameter; OC, organic carbon; and CEC, cation exchange capacity. A. Axes 1 and 2. B. Axes 1 and 3.

and protease) of the seven enzymes studied showed statistically signif- improvements in soil physicochemical characteristics through the
icant differences due to potato cultivation and cattle ranching. Phospho- management of OM and edaphic biodiversity. To implement these rec-
diesterase, alkaline phosphatase and β-glucosidase activities decreased, ommendations, issues recognised in previous studies must be acknowl-
and protease and acid phosphatase activities increased. edged, such as developing community management plans through state
An analysis of physicochemical characteristics and enzymatic activi- funding, and agroecological research and agricultural models must be
ties with respect to season found statistically significant differences in 7 developed (Avellaneda-Torres et al., 2014).
(CO, N, CEC, TC, TH, C/N and NO3) of 19 physicochemical characteristics
and 2 (phosphodiesterase and protease) of 7 enzyme activities. In gen- Acknowledgements
eral, the highest OC content, CEC and enzymatic activity were detected
in the dry season. No unique trend related to the effect of altitude was This research was funded by Colciencias (Contract 246-2011) and
detected in the sampled farms. The evaluated physical parameters did developed under Contract No 15 of 2008 of the Ministerio de
not show statistically significant differences among the studied factors Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial (MAVDT), which
(land use, season and farm). allowed access to genetic resources. Research permits were granted
These results indicate the importance of participation among com- by Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques
munities, institutions and academia to implement processes that will Nacionales Naturales (UAESPNN; DTNO-N-20/2007). We would also
lead to changes in the agricultural practices of the El Bosque District like to thank the Colombian Center for the Genomics and Bioinfor-
and improve the physicochemical properties and stabilise the enzy- matics of Extreme Environments (GEBIX) and the National Univer-
matic processes of the soil. Thus, implementing ecological models asso- sity of Colombia for funding this research. Special thanks are
ciated with potato farming, agro-silvopastoral systems, no-tillage extended to the farmers from the El Bosque District, Rosita Mejía
systems, crop rotation, and ecological agriculture may lead to and Luz Andrea Gordillo.
L.M. Avellaneda-Torres et al. / Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 1600–1610 1609

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