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Portfolio of Fundamental English Writing

Submission 4

Name : Aulia Afwa

NIM : 230911020003

Class : A

Mon. Sept 25, 2023


I went to the faculty with my mother. After the first course, I went to the canteen with my
friends. We talked and laughed about random things. We're at canteen to pass the times until the
next courses. 1 hour later, when we want to leave, a senior that I have a crush on come to the
canteen with his friends. I noticed him first, so I told my friends to stay a little bit at the canteen.
We ordered 3 fried banana, and 2 coffee creamy latte. We stayed at canteen until 11 a.m.

I didn't have classes, except Pancasila. I hangout with my friends. We took pictures and
videos. We also talked about many things. Then I went home with my cousin around 5 p.m.

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 237-251

Story: Coriolanus isn't sure why the snakes are behaving like that, and he never told Lucy Gray
about Clemensia and the snakes. The song sounds old. She talks about someone heading for the
sweet old hereafter. Coriolanus tried to parse the meaning of the song as the snakes huddle
around Lucy Gray, and the other tributes climb to a safe height. The speaker in the song agrees to
follow someone to heaven when they've finished their business on earth. Lucy Gray finished,
then she hums, which soothes the snakes.

Lucy Gray and Coriolanus won the 10th Hunger Games. The auditorium erupts as everyone
cheers and celebrates for Coriolanus. Coriolanus allows himself several glasses of posca before
Satyria sends him to the biology lab. Coriolanus is ecstatic until he enters the lab to find not Dr.
Gaul, but the Dean. On a table is an Academy napkin, a handkerchief, and Coriolanus's mother's
compact. Coriolanus signed up to be a Peacekeeper.

My opinion:

They won the game don't not mean the Capitol's cruelty has stopped.


1. inscrutable (adj.): impossible to understand or interpet.

What was going on behind that inscrutable expression?

Collocation: Sophie looked blanky inscrutable

Word family: Adjective: inscrutable

2. unequivocally (adv.): in a way that leaves no doubt.

And entirely, unequivocally his.

Collocation: they unequivocally condemn any violence in the protest

Word family: Adverb: unequivocally

Tue. Sept 26, 2023


Oral English for Daily and Contextual Conversation as the first course, and the class were
held through zoom app. We discussed the previous assignments. Fundamental English Writing as
the second course, and we gathered in the 1st classroom. We checked our previous asssingments.

The courses was over, and I hangout with my friends until 4.49 p.m. I went home with my

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 253-265

Story: Coriolanus is in a stifling train car. It moves through District Nine. He recalls that the
Peacekeepers' recruiting officer seemed not to know who he was, and didn't make a fuss when he
asked to be assigned to District 12. Then he thinks through his meeting with the Dean. The Dean
accused him of stealing the napkin from the Academy. Tapping the compact, he called
Coriolanus's mother vapid and naive, and Lucy Gray the exact opposite. The Dean didn't believe
Coriolanus didn't know about the rat poison. He noted that the handkerchief had Crassus Snow's
initials embroidered on it. He told Coriolanus to join the Peacekeepers, and he desperately asked
why the Dean hates him when the Dean and his father were friends. Soberly, the Dean said that
he and Crassus were friends, but Crassus deserves to be dead, though he's alive in Coriolanus.

The next day, Coriolanus drills with the other recruits. That, and washing dishes, is all he
does for days, though he does think about Lucy Gray. When he gets his first day off, he plans to
go to town and ask about her. He has free time on Saturday night, so he goes to his bunk to read
a letter from Tigris. Tigris writes that rumors are flying about Coriolanus. The apartment is going
on the market and Pluribus will take Tigris and their grandmother in until they find a place. Their
grandmaother is also losing touch with reality. He feels terrible because his family is becoming
insignificant, and he'll never be president. In 20 years, he and his friends and family members
will be nothing. Coriolanus decides the only thing to do is die now, but Sejanus Plinth appears in
his doorway.

My opinion:

That's it. Even though you won the game, it doesn't mean that you immediately have power and
people begin to scares of you.


1. scabby (adj.): covered in scabs.

He rubbed his scabby cheek with the stiff, scratchy cuff of his new Peacekeeper shirt ....

Collocations: her fingers were scabby he thought that scabby person was cute

Word family: Adjective: scabby Adjective: scabby

2. gloat (v): contemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or
malignant pleasure.

Oh, how Livia Cardew would gloat.

Collocations: his enemies gloated over his death I would join her for a good gloat

Word family: Verb: gloated Verb: gloat

Wed. Sept 27, 2023

The first course had be held at the university's mosque. We discussed about how to make
the mosque prosperous. After that, I went back to the faculty alone. Oral English for Daily and
Contextual Conversation as the second course, and we didn't have class because it's our time to
do out assignments. Fundamental English Writing as the third course, and we gathered in the 1st
classroom. We discussed about our previous assignments.

The classes was over, bur I didn't go home straight away. I still hangout with my friends on
the second floors. We played cards, and we took a video of us doing tiktok trends.

I went home with my cousin. After that, I go to my aunt's house straight away from home.
We didn't recite the Qur'an instead we read history about Prophet Muhammad Saw. in Arabic. I
can't join to read the history because I still have menstruations. I told many things that had
happened in my university life, including a senior that I have a crush on.

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 266-275

Story: Coriolanus hugs Sejanus. Sejanus looks like he's lost weight, but he also looks much
happier. He explained that the Academy was going to expel him, but Strabo promised a gym in
exchange for Sejanus getting to graduate. Sejanus insisted that Coriolanus graduate too, and he
pulls out Coriolanus's diploma. Coriolanus can become an officer with the Diploma. The boys
discuss that Dean Highbottom's vendetta against Coriolanus is wearing on people, and Sejanus
reveals that most people pity Coriolanus and love that he fell in love with Lucy Gray. Sejanus
encourages him to see this as his life beginning, especially if Lucy Gray is around. He promises
to help Coriolanus finds Lucy Gray and insists that he's going to make the world better.

The Peacekeepers arrange themselves around the platform. Coriolanus watches people fill
the field, and all of them covered in coal soot. Then three vehicles drive up with Mayor Lipp and
his family, Commander Hoff and other officers, and finally guards and the prisoner. Coriolanus
watches out of the corner of his eye as Peacekeepers put the noose around Arlo's neck, read his
crimes, and a drumbeat starts, but a woman shrieks and Arlo says, "Run! Run, Lil! Run! Ru—!"
The trapdoor drops Arlo and he dies instantly. Arlo's last words repeat over and over.

My opinion:

Coriolanus survival life doesn't stop when he won the game. He must face the death again.


1. duffel (n): a coarse woolen cloth with a thick nap.

Sejanus set his duffel on the floor and dug out his box of personal items.

Collocation: a duffel hat they bought black duffel

Word family: Noun: duffel Noun: duffel

2. rickety (adj.): suffering from rickets.

... he dragged his chains up the rickety steps ....

Collocations: poverty was evident in rickety legs they went carefully up the rickety stairs

Word family: Adjective: rickety Adjective: rickety

Thu. Sept 28, 2023


Oral English for Daily and Contextual Conversation as the first course, and the class were
held via online. After that, I didn't have classes. We just do our assignments because ma'am are
have things to do.

I hangout with my friends until 4 p.m. We talked and laughed at many things. I went home
with my mother.

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 276-289

Story: He shivers as "Run! Run, Lil! Run! Ru—!” echoes around him. He realizes what's
speaking are jabberjays, like in Dr. Gaul's lab. The refrain changes and becomes musical as
Peacekeepers haul Lil away. A soldier in front of Coriolanus mutters Mockingjays, stinking
mutts. That making he recalls Lucy Gray saying the show's not over until the mockingjay sings
when in the Capitol's show. The show, he realizes, was the hanging and he hates the mockingjays.
He follows the Peacekeepers back to the truck. On the drive, the major explains that mockingjays
are offspring of jabberjays and mockingbirds. Coriolanus wonders if he could suggest shooting
mockingjays as part of target practice.

The show over. Coriolanus and his bunkmates only have a few coins, so he gives the girl
Ma's popcorn balls. He watches Maude Ivory run to Lucy Gray onstage and point to him. Lucy
Gray looks confused and then grins. She agrees to play one more song, the one she sang from the
zoo about a train and wanting to see her true love. As the song ends, he decides to kiss her as
soon as they get close. The Covey bow and Coriolanus moves toward Lucy Gray, but then, a
drunk young man and Mayfair, the mayor's daughter, push through the crowd. That's must be the
lover from Lucy Gray's songs.

My opinion:

I'm interest with those mockingjays that are offspring of jabberjays and mockingbirds.


1. snatch (n): an act of snatching or quickly seizing something.

This snatch of a story provided the closest explanation ....

Collocations: a quick snatch of breath the boy snatched a cookie from the plate

Word family: Noun: snatch Verb: snatched

2. stubs (n): the truncated remnant of a pencil, cigarette or similar-shaped object after use.

Collocations: the ashtray was full of stubs she stubbed her toe

Word family: Noun: stubs Verb: stubbed

Mon. Oct 02, 2023


Pancasila as the first course, and we gathered in the 7th classroom. The class starts early
because ma'am will go to the mourning. 3 groups make presentations. My second and third
courses won't have a class.

I didn't go home straight away. I used my free times to hangout with my friends. We talked
about many things. Then we had lunch at the canteen between the faculty of law and faculty of
humanities. Hours later, me and my friend decided to buy drinks, a fruit salad, and meatballs
further from our faculty. When we arrived at the faculty again, I saw a senior that I have a crush
on. He's with his friends in front of the 2nd classroom.

I want to put away my rubbish to the trashbin, when he passed in front of me with his
friends. It looks like they're going to their usual place.

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 290-306

Story: Maude Ivory puts herself between Lucy Gray and the man whom she called Billy Taupe.
She told him to get away and take his weasel girl with him. Barb Azure insists the band is fine
without him, but Billy Taupe still tries to convince Clerk Carmine to come with him. A
Peacekeeper puts a hand on Billy Taupe's arm, and Billy Taupe shoves him. The lights go out
and chaos erupts. A fist punches Coriolanus's jaw, and he flashes on Dr. Gaul saying that's
mankind in its natural state. Coriolanus heads out front where the Peacekeepers decide not to
respond to the brawl. Coriolanus finds it unsettling that the miners fought back.

Lucy Gray leads Coriolanus into the house which has a sleeping area in the loft, a
rudimentary kitchen, a TV, and only chairs and a table for furniture. Maude Ivory runs for Lucy
Gray as soon as they step in and says that he's making trouble again. Billy Taupe is in the front
of the yard with Sejanus. Coriolanus doesn't see a problem until Barb Azure says ominously that
Billy Taupe seems to be drawing directions. Coriolanus insists on going out with Lucy Gray.
After all, she belongs to him, and he wants Billy Taupe to see. Billy Taupe wipes away his
drawing as soon as Coriolanus walks up, but Coriolanus saw. It was a map of the base.

My opinion:

New people, and new problems. Wherever he's at, there's always a problem.


1. wispy (adj.): feathery.

Maude Ivory planted her wispy frame squarely in fornt of Lucy Gray.

Collocation: the sky was blue with a few wispy clouds

Word family: Adjective: wispy

2. discernible (adj.): perceptible.

... and then petered out for no discernible reason.

Collocation: the scandal had no discernible effect on their career

Word family: Adjective: discernible

Tue. Oct 03, 2023

Oral English for Daily and Contextual Conversation as the first course, and our class were held
from zoom. We discussed about our previous assignments. After that, I don't have any classes
because ma'am told us there's no formal meeting for todays's class, but we should continue doing
the practices.

I used my free times to go to the mall with my friends. We bought drinks, foods, a tissue box.
Then we were back to the faculty around 5.30 p.m. I went home with my parents.

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 307-321

Story: Sejanus jumps up guiltily, but he shakes Billy Taupe's hand. He leaves for the house. Lucy
Gray tells Billy Taupe to leave, but he implies that Lucy Gray is telling the Covey lies about how
and why he's with Mayfair to make herself look better. Coriolanus steps up and tells Billy Taupe
to leave, and finally, he does. Lucy Gray spits that Billy Taupe is a liar. She explains that she
sent Billy Taupe to Mayor Lipp's house to earn money giving Mayfair piano lessons, and not
long after, the mayor called her name in the reaping.

Coriolanus opens Sejanus's locker and digs through Sejanus's box of personal items. There
are some mementos, pills and morphling, and a class photo with Sejanus and Marcus in it. At the
bottom is Sejanus's framed diploma. He discovered thousands of dollars in cash hidden in the
back. What could Sejanus possibly do with this money? Information? Silence? Bribes?
Coriolanus quickly puts Sejanus's box back as the rest of his bunkmates return and dig into Ma's
treats. Sejanus agrees they'd be broke if Ma didn't keep sending sweets. Coriolanus knows he
can't trust Sejanus to tell the truth.

My opinion:

Who's can be trust? I said it's ourselves. This Billy Taupe is a bad person.


1. rogue (v): to cheat.

On the other hand, if Sejanus went rogue out here, there was no telling where it would end.

Collocations: you're a rogue the sowing has to be rogued to remove aberrant seedlings

Word family: Noun: rogue Verb: rogued

2. greasy (adj.): covered with or resembling an oily substance.

... the fried baloney came with applesauce and greasy chunks of potatoes ....

Collocations: she wiped her greasy fingers the greasy little girl from the newspaper

Word family: Adjective: greasy Adjective: greasy

Wed. Oct 04, 2023


Islam as the first course, and we gathered at the university's mosque. We read history of
Prophet Muhammad Saw. while waiting for ma'am to come with foods for us eat together.
Ma'am comes around 9 a.m with foods. We eat while ma'am told us about her upcoming events.
She gives us advices for our education life.

Oral English for Daily and Contextual Conversation as the second course, and we didn't
have class because it's our time to do our asssingments.

After that, I don't have class for the third course because ma'am told us to do the exercises
on Unit 3: Making Inferences of our reading textbook, and we'll be check tomorrow together.

I didn't go home straight away. I hangout with my friends until 4 p.m. A senior that I have a
crush on passed in front of me with his friend after they finished copying their assignments,
maybe, while I'm waiting my cousin.

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 322-336

Story: Sejanus asked Coriolanus about the officer test and insisted that Coriolanus deserves to
pass. He's so duplicitous. After dinner, Coriolanus has his first hour of guard duty at an air
hangar. The old Peacekeeper he's paired with goes to sleep, so Coriolanus has nothing to do but
think of Lucy Gray. He'd much rather be with her than on guard duty. It was really nice at the
Capitol where Coriolanus always knew where she was. Coriolanus spends the next few days
thinking of her.

It's time for the Covey to go on, so Coriolanus swallows his anger. He agrees to join the
Covey for a hike to the lake with Sejanus tomorrow and then follows Sejanus back to their
bunkmates. Coriolanus decides to get drunk since he can't see Lucy Gray after the show. He feels
happier and friendlier as the night wears on. At one point, Maude Ivory is onstage with Lucy
Gray and says they're going to sing Lucy Gray's namesake ballad which was written by some
man named Wordsworth. The song is about a little girl who lives on the mountain and dies after
she gets lost in the snow, and then becomes a ghost. Coriolanus hates ridiculous ghost stories and
thinks it's terrible. He turns to ask Sejanus about the song, but Sejanus is gone.

My opinion:

Sejanus behaviour is bothering me. He can be friendly, but sometimes he can be mysterious.


1. reeking (v): smell strongly and unpleasanty.

Would he be reeking when he saw Lucy Gray again?

Collocation: the yard reeked of wet straw and stale horse manure

Word family: Verb: reeked

2. foliage (n): plant leaves collectively.

Dr. Kay pointed up at a mockingjay in the foliage.

Collocation: healty green foliage

Word family: Noun: foliage

Thu. Oct 05, 2023


The first course didn't have class meeting because ma'am has other things to do. She told us
to exercises at home. I still at my house, and do my assignments. Then I created an account to
register for CPNS this year.

I went to the faculty with my mother at 9 a.m. I hangout with my friends while waiting for
our senior finishes his class. He finished his class, and comes to join us. My friend comforted my
two friends who were sad. I can only accompany them because I don't know how to comfort
someone. I'm suck at that. Several minutes passed, and I noticed a senior that I have a crush on
just arrived at the faculty.

My next course's class will be hold at 2nd classroom. I have lunch in the 2nd classroom. I
noticed that a senior that I have a crush on is in front of the 2nd classroom with his friends when
I want to have a look who's my friend's crush. Thankfully, he doesn't sit facing to the classroom.
I hangout with my other friend in front of the 1st classroom after having a lunch. We talked
about what happened yesterday. Fundamental English Writing as the second course, and we
gathered in the 2nd classroom. We checked our assignments together.

Me and my friends have a talk in front of the 1st classroom about someone that make us
worried. We decided to go to the unfinished hospital to look for him before the next class begin.
When we arrived, we didn't see him everywhere on the floors. Turns out, he has left to have
lunch before we come. Finally, we met with him at the park. We talked and give him advices,
then we make a encouraging video for our senior. We told him that he's not alone.

Grammar in Context as the third course, and it begins early from the schedule. Me and my
friends still on the way back to the faculty when my friend in the classroom told me that ma'am
already comes. Thankfully, we were allowed to attend the class. We discussed about tenses, and
checked our previous asssingments.

The classes was over. Me and my friend went to canteen to buy drinks. I go to the toilet
while waiting for our drinks. After that, I accompany my friend to take her book back that she
thought it has missing from our friend. We go back to the canteen when a senior that I have a
crush on comes from theater hall. I waited for my friend who went to the toilet.

We take our drinks and finished it at canteen. We went back to the main building. There are
still our friends who waited for the person who will take them home. We talked and laughed.

I went home with my mother early because I still have CPNS things to do at home.

Reading Log:

Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Author: Suzanne Collins

Pages: 337-351

Story: Coriolanus has no idea when Sejanus slipped off. Just then, though, Sejanus comes back
inside. He insisted that the liquor makes him have to pee. Coriolanus says nothing, but white
liquor doesn't make people pee like that. Sejanus is lying. The next morning, Sejanus is the only
one able to eat breakfast, more proof he didn't drink at all last night, but Coriolanus invites him
to the lake with the Covey anyway. On their walk to the Seam, Coriolanus wonders what Sejanus
is up to, and what Sejanus plans to do with that money.

Dr. Kay has enough birds to be happy. Coriolanus and Bug prepare the birds for their trip to
the Capitol. Coriolanus gets through the mockingjays and has just started on the jabberjays when
Sejanus leaps into the hangar with news that Ma sent another package of sweets. Then Sejanus's
mood shifts, and he says he needs to tell Coriolanus something Coriolanus won't approve of.
Instead of trying to stop Sejanus from talking, Coriolanus casually puts the cover on a jabberjay's
cage and presses the record button on a jabberjay remote.

My opinion:

Something happened with Sejanus. He's so suspicious. Coriolanus is co calm with Sejanus.


1. jug (n): a large container usually made of earthenware, metal or glass.

... a jug of water, a loaf of bread, and an old blanket.

Collocations: a jug of wine they jug him in jail

Word family: Noun: jug Verb: jug

2. rendition (n): a performance or interpretation, especially of a dramatic role or piece of music.

... quite respectfully to Lucy Gray's rendition ....

Collocation: a wonderful rendition of Nessun Dorma

Word family: Noun: rendition

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