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SCOPE OF THE STUDY/ SCOPE AND specific problems, and schematic diagram


➢ Presents the coverage or boundary of the
study in terms or the subject area being
FIRST PART includes the ff.
• the participants,
• place or locality, and
• time covered during the data gathering
• It may include:
• The population or sample
• The variable covered in the study • The Conceptual Definition is derived
• It may include: from dictionaries, books, online
• The expected output or product and references, and other studies; thus, the
• The extent of applicability of the results. source should be properly cited.
• Operational definition explains how a
SECOND PART is the Limitation term is specifically used in the study.
• Involves constraints beyond the • The spelling of these terms should
researcher’s control but can affect the conform to standard American English as
result. exemplified in the latest edition of
Heading: If the study has limitation, the heading Merriam-Webster’s Collegians Dictionary;
should be Scope and Limitation of the Study. If and the standard reference for APA
there is no limitations, the heading should be journals and books particularly Sec. 4.12,
Scope of the Study. APA, 2010
Heading: The heading of this section is Definition
of Terms, a second level heading typed
four spaces below the last line of the
significance of the study.
Text: Each term is presented as a third level
heading. Both conceptual and operational
definitions should be provided; the
operational definition should be set off as a
separate paragraph. The subcategories of
a term should be defined under the major
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY term; each subcategory is indented 0.5
1. This section presents a detailed exposition of inch from the major term.
the importance of the study the value of the
research problem regarding:
• advancing scientific knowledge or filling
gaps in existing knowledge,
• the alternative/s to solutions that have
failed and
• Some answers to beliefs, ideas, or
practices that do not seem to work
2. It also identifies the various sectors that will
benefits such as:
a) the management,
b) the workforce, CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY
c) the clients, ➢ This chapter deals with the methodology
d) suppliers, and employed in the study. It consist of four
e) the general public and subpart:
f) what they will benefits or gain from the 1. Research Design,
findings of the study. 2. Participants,
DEFINITION OF TERMS 3. Measures, and
➢ This section presents the key terms used 4. Procedures.
in the study with their conceptual 1. Research Design
definition followed by the operational • This subsection of Chapter 2 provides an
definition. explanation of the “plan to attempt to find
• Key terms are word or phrases that are answers to the research’s questions
usually mentioned in the title, general and and/or to test any hypotheses that were
• It identifies the research designs and the Description of the setting in which the data were
specific categories of research design used collected and the attitude of the participant
in the study, the purpose of such design, toward the study are also recommended, for
and a brief justification on the neutrality is important as the negative
appropriateness of the design for the attitude or over enthusiasm of the participants are
study. likely to affect the result of the study.
• Thus, this section presents the appropriate Inducement: Influences someone to do something
methods that the candidates employed to
2. Subject
obtain the results of the study.
Subsection Heading: Subject
• The candidates must also make a brief
second level heading
explanation why the said design was used.
typed flush left
• The source of the information regarding 4 space below the last line of
the design should be properly cited. the research design
• Research designs may be the quantitative, Text: The description of the subject follows two
qualitative, or mixed method. spaces below the heading
• Each design may be specifically
categorized (e.g. Comparative,
Correlational, Case Study, Exploratory,
Descriptive, Explanatory, Pre
Experimental, Experimental (Single-group
Design, Two-group Design, etc.), Ouasi-
Experimental, etc.
• The source of the information regarding
the design should be properly cited.
Heading: The heading of this section is Research
Design; it is a second level heading that is typed
four spaces below the last line of the introduction
to Chapter 2.
Text: The presentation and discussion regarding
the design are presented in one or more

2. Participant/Subject
This subsection briefly describes the:
• people who participated in the study, their
demographic characteristics including the
percentage by variables and categories,
• Location, setting during the data gathering
• Sample size and response rate,
• The sampling technique used in recruiting
the participants and other relevant
information such as agreements on
obtaining informed consent,
• Eligibility and exclusion criteria
• As well as reasons for failure to complete
the number of participants particularly in
experimental studies.
This section includes “ any personal
characteristics that pertain to your topic”, and
“any inducement to participate”.


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