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Briefly describe what is due diligence.

In what ways could a company demonstrate due diligence while relying on their incident investigation

How does due diligence impact the investigator, investigation program, and process?

What are ways companies you worked for have shown they practiced due diligence in the investigation
findings, demonstrated due diligence in the investigation process, or support for investigations?

Justin Service 09/19/2023

Due diligence in the context of incident investigation refers to the careful and thorough process of
gathering, analyzing, and documenting information related to an incident or accident.

Companies can demonstrate due diligence by ensuring that all incident investigations are well-
documented. This includes collecting witness statements, photographs, videos, and other relevant
evidence. Detailed records of the investigation process and findings should be maintained.

1. Comprehensive Documentation: Companies can demonstrate due diligence by ensuring that all
incident investigations are well-documented. This includes collecting witness statements,
photographs, videos, and any other relevant evidence. Detailed records of the investigation
process and findings should be maintained.

2. Timeliness: Timely initiation and completion of investigations are essential. Demonstrating a

commitment to promptly addressing incidents shows that the company takes safety seriously
and proactively prevents future occurrences.

3. Thorough Root Cause Analysis: Conducting a thorough root cause analysis (RCA) is critical to
due diligence. Companies should go beyond identifying immediate causes and delve into
underlying causes to address the fundamental issues that led to the incident.

4. Corrective Actions: Implementing practical corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) clearly
indicates due diligence. Companies should not only identify what went wrong but also develop
and execute plans to prevent similar incidents in the future.

5. Training and Education: Providing training and education to employees on incident reporting
and investigation procedures is a proactive way to demonstrate due diligence. This ensures that
all employees know their roles and responsibilities in the process.

Due diligence impacts the investigator, investigation program, and process in the following ways:
1. Investigator: Investigators must be adequately trained and competent to conduct thorough
investigations. Due diligence requires investigators to remain impartial, objective, and free from
conflicts of interest.

2. Investigation Program: Due diligence necessitates establishing a robust investigation program

that outlines procedures, responsibilities, and reporting mechanisms. It should also emphasize
continuous improvement to enhance the effectiveness of incident investigations.

3. Investigation Process: Due diligence enhances the investigation process by promoting

transparency, consistency, and accountability. It ensures that investigations are superficial
exercises and comprehensive efforts to identify and mitigate risks.

In my experience with various companies, I have observed several ways they practiced due diligence in
incident investigations:

1. Cross-Functional Teams: Some companies formed cross-functional investigation teams,

including safety experts, engineers, and frontline workers, to ensure a well-rounded perspective
during investigations.

2. Management Support: Companies prioritizing safety often have top-level management actively
involved in and supportive of the investigation process, ensuring that resources are allocated for

3. Continuous Improvement: Regular reviews of incident investigation processes and findings

were conducted to identify areas for improvement. This iterative approach ensured that the
company was continually learning from incidents.

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