Sentencecompletiontest 140526085236 Phpapp01

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Sentence Completion Test Method

Consists of words or phrases, usually

referred to as item stems, that people are asked
to complete a sentence.

How individuals go about this task tends to

reflect the kind of person they are.
Sentence Completion Test Method

Often provide indirect or direct clues to

their underlying attitudes, affects and concerns.

Self Report
Self Descriptions
Sentence Completion Test Method
Some Sentence Completion Test have been
constructed with standard sets of items for use in
general personality assessment/analysis clinical
application, attitude assessment, achhievement
motivation and measurement of other construct..
Moral Attitudes
Marital Satisfaction
Sentence Completion Test Method

Is used to:
Assess psychological characteristics
Construct formal measures of
intelligence By: Herman Ebbinghaus, 1987
Sentence Completion Test Method

Could contribute to assessing personality

characteristics as well as intellectual
functioning originated with some observations.
(Carl Jung, 1916)

“Say the first word that comes to your mind.”

Sentence Completion Test Method
Three types of Data:
Structural - consist of such objective response
characteristic,(e.g.: total time required to complete the te
Behavioral – manner in which people work
on the sentence completion(e.g.:
task,careful or careless)
Thematic – provides a rich array of clues to their
underlying feelings and attitudes and concern.
Sentence Completion Test Method

Can be phrased to evoke persons attitude

towards specific individual.
Example: Mother __________
Perspective on particular events and
circumstances in their lives.
Example: In school __________
Sack’s Sentence Completion Test

Is a 60-item test that asks respondents to

complete 60 questions with the first thing that
comes to mind across four areas: Family, Sex,
Interpersonal Relationship and Self-
Sack’s Sentence Completion Test
2 - SEVERELY DISTURBED. Appears to require
conflicts in this area.
1 - MIDLY DISTURBED. Has emotional conflict in
this area but appears able to handle them without
therapeutic aid.
0 - NO SIGNIFICANT disturbance rated in this area.
X - UNKNOWN, Insufficient evidence
Sack’s Sentence Completion Test
Attitude towards Own Ability (2, 7, 32 and
2 = feels completely incomplete and hopeless
1 = feels he has a specific ability but tends to
fear difficulty
0 = confident on his ability to overcome

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