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Directions:write true if the statement supports the principle of thesis statement; write false if
1. Thesis Statement is the first sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.
2. It makes a claim that other people may dispute, challenge, or oppose.
3. It is a question in response to the writing assignment
4. It is a road map for a paper; it tells the reader what the paper will focus on.
5. It is a simple statement of fact
6. The first thing you should do after receiving your writing prompt is write your thesis
7. A good thesis statement is a broad generalization about your topic.
8. "Blue printed" thesis statement is a statement that includes the main areas of support
in the order you will introduce them in your essay and thus acts as a blue print for the
9. The Yankee Doodle Restaurant is a great place to eat, because the staff is friendly,
the food is delicious, and the atmosphere is relaxing is an example of blue printed
thesis statement.
10. A thesis statement should reflect the main idea of an essay.

Directions: Read the following statements very carefully. Select only one more effective
thesis in the introductory paragraph of a short essay. Keep in mind that an effective thesis
statement should be sharply focused and specific, not just a general statement of fact. Write
the letter of your answer in your notebook.

1. A. The Hunger Games is a science fiction adventure film based on the novel
of the same name by Suzanne Collins.
B. The Hunger Games is a morality tale about the dangers of a political system
that is dominated by the wealthy.

2. A. There is no question that cell phones have changed our lives in a very big
B. While cell phones provide freedom and mobility, they can also become a leash,
compelling users to answer them anywhere and at any time.

3. A. Finding a job is never easy, but it can be especially hard when the
economy is still feeling the effects of a recession and employers are
reluctant to hire new workers.
B. College students looking for part-time work should begin their search by taking
advantage of job-finding resources on campus.

4. A. For the past three decades, coconut oil has been unjustly criticized as an
artery-clogging saturated fat.
B. Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat that is used in frying, baking, and
other types of cooking.

5. A. There have been over 200 movies about Count Dracula, most of them only very
loosely based on the novel published by Bram Stoker in 1897.
B. Despite its title, Bram Stoker's Dracula, a film directed by Francis Ford
Coppola, takes considerable liberties with Stoker's novel.

6. A. There are several steps that teachers can take to encourage academic integrity
and curtail cheating in their classes.
B. There is an epidemic of cheating in America's schools and colleges, and there
are no easy solutions to this problem.

7. A. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American physicist who directed the building of the
first atomic bombs during World War II, had technical, moral, and political reasons
for opposing the development of the hydrogen bomb.
B. J. Robert Oppenheimer often referred to as "the father of the atomic bomb," was
born in New York City in 1904.

8. A. The iPad has revolutionized the mobile-computing landscape and

created a huge profit stream for Apple.
B. The iPad, with its relatively large high-definition screen, has helped to
revitalize the comic book industry.

9. A. Like other addictive behaviors, Internet addiction may have serious

negative consequences, including academic failure, job loss, and a
breakdown in personal relationships.
B. Drug and alcohol addiction is a major problem in the world today, and many
people suffer from it.

10. A. When I was a child, I used to visit my grandmother in Moline every Sunday.
B. Every Sunday we visited my grandmother, who lived in a tiny house that was
undeniably haunted.

Directions. Identify whether or not the following statements support the principle of outlining.
In your notebook, write the letter of your answer.
1. Leo is writing a story about native birds in Virginia. Which fact for outlining idea doesn't
A. The amount of colors on the male Cardinal
B. Flamingos get their color from eating shrimp
C.How many species are there of the Blue Jay?

2. Which technique is used to outline a successful essay?

A. Writing down all possible essay topics
B. Finding quotes by unknown people to backup essay
C.Writing down the main idea and all paragraph topics

3. Tavis is writing an essay on the features of the ocean floor, which idea doesn't belong in
his essay?
A. The ocean floor is a very interesting part of Earth.
B. Volcanoes can spew hot lava everywhere. C.
There are many parts to the ocean floor.

4. Thesis statements should preview what each topic sentence is about.

A. True b. False

5. What is a hook?
A. opening sentence that captures the reader's attention
B. the last sentence of a paragraph C.
a tool used to catch a fish
D. a boring sentence

Directions: The column on the left contains a list of points that are not in any specific
order. Plug the unorganized points into the classic outline format on the right to achieve a
logical, organized structure. Write your answer in your notebook following the outline on the
right column.
Thesis: College provides an environment for intellectual, social, and physical growth.
Unorganized points Outline Structure
Open recreation center Dorm I.
contacts A.
Intramural program Campus 1.
sponsored events 2.
Intercollegiate sports programs Class 3.
contacts B.
Guest speakers Physical 1.
growth Informal social
structure Discussions 2.
Clubs in major field II.
Out-of-class A.
experiences 1.
Greek organizations 2.
Classroom experiences 3.
Social growth Intellectual B.
growth Formal social 1.

Directions: Study the outlines based on the passages and answer the questions that follow. Write
the letter of your choice in your notebook.

Read this passage and look at the outline:

The English Lab, housed in the Administration building, consists of two

adjoining rooms which contain 70 Macintosh computers and 2 laser printers. In
addition to a server which allows instructors to make assignments and materials
available over the Internet and to the local intranet, each computer in the lab contains
a word processor, a web browser, telnet and hundreds of commercial and teacher-
authored programs appropriate for students who are building their English skills.
There are also 3 video stations, and a terminal to the college VAX machine which is
used for record-keeping.

I. English Lab
A. Physical Plant
1. in Administration building
2. two adjoining rooms
B. Resources
1. computers
2. video station
2.In the above outline, which is the most important idea?
A. English Lab
B. Resources
C. Computers
D. Two adjoining rooms
E. Physical Plant
3.In the above outline, which is the more important idea?
A. Physical Plant
B. Resources
C. Physical Plant and Resources are equal adjoining rooms
D. Two adjoining rooms
E. computers
4.In the above outline...
A. you could substitute "in the Administration building" with "two
adjoining rooms"
B. you could flip "Resources" with "computers"
C. you could exchange "Physical Plant" with "English Lab"
D. and still not change the meaning of the outline.
E. you should be in the Administration building

Read this passage and look at the outline:

The Internet is an incalculable tool for research. It is a network of thousands of
computers across the world. Researchers, students, government agencies, schools,
businesses and individuals have left multi gigabytes of free information on these
computers, available to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. There are
thousands of "web sites", as they are called, with text, pictures, sounds, and movie
clips. You can see this material by simply sending out the appropriate Internet
address, and after a few moments, it appears on your screen. You can type in the
address directly, or you can automatically invoke an address by tapping on an icon or
an underlined "link" on the home page of a web site that you already have on your
screen. Often the information can be printed or downloaded (copied) directly to your
local computer and saved on your own diskette.

I. The Internet
A. What it is
B. Web Sites
1. How to see them
2. How to save the information

4. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?

A.Web Sites
B. What it is
C. How to see them
D. How to save information
E. The Internet
5. In the above outline, which is the more important idea?
A. How to see them
B. What it is
C. How to save the information
D. are all equal.
E. What shall I do

6. In the above outline, you could...

A. substitute "Web sites" for "The Internet"
B. substitute "How to see them" for "How to save the information"
C. substitute "What it is" for "How to see them"
D….and still not change the meaning of the outline.
E.all of the above

Look at this outline

I. Types of measurement
A. Volume
B. Length
II. Types of money
A. United States
B. Other Countries
7. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?
A. Types of money
B. Types of measurement
C. United States
D. "Types of money" and "Types of measurement" are equal
E. volume
8. In the above outline, which is the more important idea?
A. Other countries
B. Francs
C. Inches
D. they are all equal.
E. Miles
9. In the above outline, which item is in the wrong place?
A. Pesos
B. Yen
C. Types of measurement
D. Pints
E. Quarts
10. If you had to add the word "meters" to the outline, where would it go?
A. as number 4 under B - "Other Countries"
B. as number 4 under B - "Length"
C. as number 3 under A - "United States"
D. as C under II-"Types of Money"
D. as new section III.

Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage.

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper?

A. It is purely made of opinions.
B. It may include the main purpose of the event.
C. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events.
D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment.

2. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper?

A. lyric poem
B. movie review
C. survey report
D. anecdotal report

3. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment?

A. facts
B. opinions
C. reactions
D. traditions

4. Which of the following is not a form of reaction paper?

A. appeal
B. protest
C. reflection
D. report

5. Why should we cite specific sources?

A. It helps support claims.
B. It adds to the creativity.
C. It makes the paper longer.
D. It makes the paper interesting.

6. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflected
or contradicted by texts?
A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism

D. Reader-response7. Which critical approach focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce,

or challenge the effects of class, power relations, and social roles?
A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Reader-response

8. Which critical approach focuses on understanding texts by viewing texts in the

context of other texts?
A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Reader-response

9. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text?

A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Reader-response

10. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying
its underlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or
A. Formalism
B. Historicism
C. Media Criticism
D. Reader-response

Activity 1. Take a look at this picture. What can you say about it? In the box below,
write words you think describes the picture.

Photo Credit:


1. What are your bases of listing down those words?

2. Are your lists based on facts? How do you know?
3. Do you consider your lists as your opinions? Why?

Now that you have listed your opinions and gathered facts to support your
opinions, you can start presenting your ideas to convince others to agree with you.
How can you do this? Follow these steps:

1. Write your opinions in complete sentences.

2. Add the facts and your explanation to support your opinions.
3. Write your opinions and facts in an organized way by starting with your main
Arrange your facts according to degree of importance.
4. Summarize the ideas towards the end of what you are writing.
5. Review what you wrote to check if you did not miss anything.
Are you ready to start expressing your ideas in writing? Write in the given space

(Write your own title)
Introduction: ____________________________________

Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.
Take a look at this text. Is this a GOOD reaction paper?

My Reaction Paper
I am so disappointed at what the author said. He is very wrong about
what he said. I do not like what he wrote and I also hate all his articles. He has
been doing that almost often.

He is a very boastful writer. He only likes to talk about politics but he

does not know anything about it in reality. He simply copies and pastes
whatever he has read. He cannot even explain the ideas very well.

The essay is very long. I hate reading long essays. They make me very
sleepy. There are many unfamiliar words. I had to open a dictionary to find the
meaning. The sentences are also long. Why doesn’t he shorten it?

I do not recommend others to read his essay. They will surely fe

el the same way once they have read the essay

1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why?

2. What is a GOOD reaction paper?

Draw a smiling face ☺ if the statement is true and a sad

face, if the statement is false.
______ 1. A review or reaction paper involves higher order thinking skills.
______ 2. A reaction paper, review and critique generally used the same
organization of ideas.
______ 3. A review must always be organized using a structure.
______ 4. Feminist criticism relates to conflicts between ideas.
______ 5. Marxist criticism involves the analysis of the intrinsic features of a text.
______ 6. More than half of a review or critique should be devoted to the summary.
______ 7. The name of an author and title of the reviewed article are placed at the end
of a review or critique.
_____ 8. The reviewer’s overall impression of the material being reviewed should
be placed in the introduction.
______ 9. When writing a review, reaction paper, or critique, only one perspective
should be used.
______ 10. Writing a reaction paper, review or critique is exclusive for scholars.
Activity 3. Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.
Concerns In Philippines After Duterte Given Emergency Powers
To Fight COVID-19 Spread
March 24, 2020

In the Philippines, Congress granted President Rodrigo Duterte special

temporary powers on Tuesday to manage the COVID-19 crisis that continues to surge
in the country of 110 million people.
To date, there are 552 confirmed cases, and 35 deaths.
The measure granting Duterte the new powers was the first to be approved by
Philippine lawmakers using Zoom, the remote teleconferencing service, and puts the
country under a "state of national emergency."
However, Duterte failed to win approval to take over private companies and
utilities, authority he had sought.
The president has been locked in battle with private concessionaires who
supply water to Metro Manila, accusing them of over-charging and under-performing,
and repeatedly threatening to put water under government control.
Duterte's new powers extend to the narrower sectors of hospitals and public
transportation. He can direct private hospitals and medical facilities to house health
care workers and serve as quarantine centers, and take over public transport
operations to ferry front-line workers.
But even these measures have drawn criticism.
"No to emergency powers. The existing powers are already being abused,"
University of the Philippines law professor Jay Batongbacal said in a Facebook post,
the South China Morning Post reported.
Duterte has jailed critics, harassed journalists and waged a controversial drug
war, exposing him to charges of autocratic rule. Rights advocates fear the new powers
will make it dangerous for local governments to express dissent over how best to
combat the virus.
Fifty million Filipinos meanwhile remain under lockdown since Duterte
ordered half the population to stay home last week. The main island of Luzon is a web
of checkpoints to ensure people stay put. The new law also gives Duterte the authority
to reallocate items in the 2020 national budget for projects that would fight the spread
of COVID-19. Under a $5 billion emergency fund, some 18 million low-income
households would receive assistance.
The package also helps equip hospitals and bolster testing. Any accurate
measurement of the coronavirus in the Philippines has been severely constrained by a
chronic shortage of test kits. As of Tuesday, only 1,793 individuals have been tested
Last week, the Philippine Health Department said it has only 2,000 kits left.
The Chinese Embassy in Manila said it will donate 100,000 test kits. Singapore
contributed diagnostic kits on Tuesday that can perform 3,000 tests.
One bone of contention: who should be tested. Reports that VIPs — including
senators, other officials and their relatives — were tested ahead of ordinary citizens
have generated predictable scorn.
1. What is the purpose of the given text?
2. Who is the target reader?
3. Has the writer achieved his/her purpose? If yes, how?

Multiple Choice. Answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the best
1. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper?
A. It may include the main purpose of the event.
B. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events.
C. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment.
D. It purely expresses one’s opinions on certain issues and concerns.
2. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper?
A. news report
B. book review
C. incident report
D. romantic poem
3. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment?
A. facts
B. objectives
C. assessment
D. personal views
4. Which of the following is NOT a form of reaction paper?
A. appeal
B. protest
C. reflection
D. sports Report
5. Why should we cite specific source?
A. It makes the reaction paper reliable.
B. It makes the paper more substantial.
C. It is an additional creative part of the paper.
D. It can attract many readers to read your paper.
6. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflected
or contradicted by texts?
A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Reader-response
7. Which critical approach focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge the
effects of class, power relations, and social roles?
A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Reader-response31
8. Which critical approach focuses on understanding texts by viewing texts in the
context of other texts?
A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Reader-response
9. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text,
assuming meaning is created by a reader's or interpretive community's personal
interaction with a text?
A. Marxist
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Reader-response
10. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying
underlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or
A. Formalism
B. Historicism
C. Media Criticism
D. Reader-response
Multiple Choice. Choose only the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers in your activity notebook.

1. What academic writing that tells what the project is all about, the reasons of
conducting the project as well the process of carrying it out?
A. Research Paper C. Concept Paper
B. Critique Paper D. Position Paper
2. Another name of concept paper is
A. Summary of Document C. Review
B. Document D. Report
3. Why is a concept paper necessary?
A. It gives opportunity to fund sources. C. It explains the idea clearly.
B. It document the steps orderly. D. It brings societal change.
4. Which is NOT an important part of a concept paper for academic research?
A. Statement of the Problem C. Rationale
B. Timeliness D. Budget
5. What detail should you include in writing the project description part?
A. Review of Related Studies C. Expected Outcome
B. Proponent’s Agency D. Budget
6. This way of presenting the concept uses examples to develop the ideas in the
A. Explanation C. Explication
B. Clarification D. Definition
7. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence
A. To present the unique qualities of a term.
B. To recognize it from the other terms.
C. To be different in some terms.
D. To be specific in meaning.
8. A concept paper is purposely written in order to
A. Present a feasible project worth future funding.
B. Show ones skill in conceptualizing ideas.
C. Get possible source of income.
D. Communicate ones intention.
9. You are planning to conduct a study on the “Effectivity of Online Learning on
Physics Subject to Grade 12 students. You are tasked by your Research
teacher to present a concept paper on that topic. Which format are you going
to use?
A. Concept Paper for Academic Research C. Book Review format
B. Concept Paper for Project D. Thesis format
10. Synchronous learning is online or distance education that happens in real time,
whereas asynchronous learning occurs through online channels without real-
time interaction. This is an example of
A. Informal Definition C. Clarification
B. Formal Definition D. Explication

B. Write E if the statement shows an effective way of writing a concept paper;

and N if otherwise.

1. Rino fails to indicate the page number in his concept paper.

2. Andrew included a literature review for his term paper.
3. Geryl includes in the references all journals he used but excludes the books he
4. Maxine sticks to one format every time she submits concept paper to various
5. Dally uses different style and approach in presenting the ideas in a concept paper
which is fit to the context of discipline.
Activity 1 Fix Me!
Arrange the jumbled letters to form word. Use the synonym in parenthesis as
your guide in unlocking the word. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
1. TIONFIDENI ___________________ Hint: meaning
2. RIFITIONCLACA __________________ Hint: clearing
3. C A E X P L I T I O N __________________ Hint:
Get Me Right
Arrange the jumbled letters to form a meaningful word. These words represent
the disciplines in which concept papers are used. Write the word in your activity
1. A R I G C U L T R U E

2. S H E R F I Y

3. B U S N E S S I

4. N O I G I L E R
5. S C I T I L O P
Choose only the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your
1. What academic writing that tells what the project is all about, the reasons of
conducting the project as well the process of carrying it out?
A. Research Paper C. Concept Paper
B. Critique Paper D. Position Paper

2. Another name of concept paper is

A. Summary document C. Review
B. Document D. Report

3. Why is a concept paper necessary?

A. It gives opportunity for fund sources C. It explains ideas clearly.
B. It documents the steps clearly. D. It brings societal change.

4. Which is NOT an important part of a concept paper for academic research?

A. Statement of the Problem C. Rationale
B. Timeliness D. Budget

5. What detail should you include in writing the project description part?
A. Review of Related Studies C. Expected Outcome
B. Proponent’s agency D. Budget

6. This way of presenting the concept uses examples to develop the ideas in the
A. Explanation C. Clarification
B. Explication D. Definition

7. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence

A. To present the unique qualities of a term.
B. To recognize it from the other terms.
C. To be different in some terms.
D. To be specific in meaning.
8. Which of the following is a purpose of writing a concept paper?
A. To present a feasible project worth future funding
B. To show ones skill in conceptualizing ideas
C. To get possible source of income
D. To communicate ones intention

9. Which of the format should you use if you are planning to conduct a study on
the “Effectivity of Online Learning on Physics Subject to Grade 12 Students?”
A. Concept Paper for Academic Research C. Book Review format
B. Concept Paper for Project D. Thesis format

10. This type of definition makes use of a parenthetical explanation.

A. Informal definition C. Clarification
B. Formal definition D. Explication

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