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A Christmas Miracle

Once upon a time in an orphanage there lived two kind hearted

children named Clara and Tom. They were siblings; very loving siblings.
They had a pet cat named Lisa. Every year on Christmas, they would
exchange presents. Even Lisa used to get presents! Christmas was thus
the best and most exciting time of the year in their otherwise boring
life. Clara often used to dream that one year she would get something
special, something magical; though she knew it would never happen.
Soon it was another Christmas and it was present time! Tom opened his
present first, “Wow! It’s the shirt I always wanted! Thanks Clara”
exclaimed Tom. Then it was Clara’s turn. “Oh! What a pretty necklace! I
love it!” Clara hugged the necklace and as soon as she did so, a portal
opened right in front of them. Before anyone could say anything, the
portal pulled Clara inside. Tom tried to save her but he went inside too.
“Where are we?” asked Clara as she found herself inside a strange
place. But before Tom could answer, a strong tornado pushed them
towards another part of the place. Tom said, “That was odd!” Then out
of nowhere, a trail of light appeared and having no other option, they
followed the trail. As the trail ended, they found themselves standing in
front of a huge Christmas tree. They were both astonished. The tree
looked just like the magical tree they had once seen in a film. It was
already evening and since they had to stay somewhere until they could
get back home, without any second thoughts, they went under the tree
and got themselves comfy. Soon it got dark and it was bedtime. They
created a fireplace to keep themselves warm. They had a very nice
sleep, but Clara knew in her mind that something was going to happen,
not sure whether it would be good or bad.
The next morning, everything seemed to be normal. Even Clara started
to think that nothing would happen. It was just an ordinary day. But
suddenly the tree started to glow. It glowed for a long time until finally,
it stopped. “Wow! What was that?” asked Tom anxiously. But all he
could hear was Clara murmuring “I knew something would happen! I
knew something would happen!” Tom told her nothing would happen.
As he said that, a silvery voice said “Yeah you are right! Nothing bad will
happen!” They looked at it in amazement. It was a cute female elf! “Hi!
My name is Harmony. Who are you two and why are you here?” asked
Harmony. “Hi, I am Tom and this is my sister Clara. She just hugged her
Christmas present, the necklace, and a portal opened and we got pulled
inside” explained Tom. Harmony understood what had happened and
said, “Oh, it must be the magic necklace! Only the really good kids get
them and get an opportunity to visit Santa’s magical land. If you want,
you stay here with me for some time”, offered Harmony. The children
thought it would be nice to stay with a magical person and they agreed.
Their stay with her was joyful and exciting. She even showed her
around Santa’s workshop. The children found out that Harmony was a
candy maker elf and was one of the most important elf in the elf
workshop. Everyday they used to do wintery things like ice skating,
snow sliding, snowball fight and snowman making. Every night they
used to sit under that magical Christmas tree and drink hot chocolate.
Sometimes they told each other Christmas tales. Sometimes, Harmony
gave the children candies and gifts. They had lots of fun together.
After a few days of fun and frolic in this magical land, one day Tom
thought that the people back in their orphanage were worrying about
both of them. He asked Clara if she felt the same way. “It would be nice
to stay here for longer but, I suppose we should go” she replied. They
went to Harmony to say that it was time for them to go back to their
home. “Good morning children,” shouted Harmony as she saw Tom and
Clara coming. “Hi Harmony” Tom and Clara chorused sadly. “What is
the matter?” asked Harmony. “It’s just that we have to go, people at
our orphanage are waiting for us” explained Tom. “I will miss you but
before you go, take one ornament from the tree” replied Harmony. The
children took an ornament each. Clara chose a white and pink one and
Tom chose a blue one. Harmony then explained to them that if they rub
the ornaments, her face will show up and they can then talk to her.
“Take care of the magic ornaments and take care of yourselves” said
Harmony. They said their last goodbyes and Harmony muttered a spell
and they magically vanished.
The next morning when they woke up, they found themselves in their
own beds. They quickly got out of their beds and grabbed their
ornaments. They rubbed it as fast as they could and there on the
ornament was Harmony’s cute face. “Hi Harmony” they happily
screamed! “Hello children, how are you doing?” asked Harmony. “We
are fine, thank you. How are you?” the children asked. “I am fine too”
replied Harmony. They talked about how they had felt, what they were
now doing and what their future plans were. They used to talk almost
every day. They became really close friends. The elf continued to guide
them to choose the right path in life and they lived happily ever after.

By- Samanwaya Saha

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