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1. Present simple:
‘be’ Other verbs
Positive + S + am/is/are + … S + Verb(s/es) + …
Negative S + am/is/are not + … S + do/does not + Verb inf + …

Question (Wh-) + Am/is/are (not) + S (Wh-) + Do/Does (not) + S + Verb
? + …? inf + …?

Signs: Adverbs of frequency (trạng từ chỉ tầần suầất)

Always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely,
hardly, never, generally, regularly
Every day, every week, every month, every year, …
Once a day, twice/ three times/ four times… a day/ week/ month/
- Regular habits or repeated actions
Thói quen hay hành động được lặp lại
- Facts or general truths
Sự thật hiển nhiên, định lý, khoa học
- Permanent situations: schedules, timetables, set by an
Tình hình mang tnh lầu dài: lịch trình, thời gian biểu được sắấp xêấp
- State verbs
Động từ chỉ trạng thái

 Emphatic present do/does (not) + verb simple:

Nhầấn mạnh hành động hoặc cảm xúc: I do not keep your pen.

2. Present continuous:

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Positive + S + am/is/are + V-ing
Negative - S + am/is/are not + V-ing
Question ? (Wh-) + am/is/are (not) + V-ing…?

Now, right now
At the moment, at the present
At + particular time (at 8p.m)

- Actions happening at the moment of speaking
Hành động xảy ra tại thời điểm nói
- Temporary actions: at the moment, currently, now, this
Hành động mang tnh tạm thời
- Changing and developing situations
Kêấ hoạch, dự định
- Annoying habits: always, constantly, continually, forever
Hành động xảy ra liên tiêấp (nhầấn mạnh sự khó chịu)

3. Present perfect simple:

Positive + S + have/ has + V3/-ed (the past
participle P2)
Negative - S + haven’t/ hasn’t + V3/-ed
Question ? (Wh-) + have/ has + S + V3/-ed…?

Recently, lately, just, only just
So far, until now, up to now
Ever (in questions), yet (in negatives and questions)
Since + a point of time (since Monday)
For + a period of time (for 2 days)


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- Actions completed recently (with just)

Hành động vừa xảy ra
- Actions started in the past and are still true
Hành động được bắất đầầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đêấn hiện tại và có
thể tiêấp tục trong tương lai
- Completed actions where the important thing is the present result
Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kêất quả ở hiện tại
(nhầấn mạnh kêất quả)
- A series of actions continuing up to now
Hành động xảy ra trong 1 khoảng thời gian vầẵn đang tiêấp diêẵn tại
thời điểm nói ví dụ như sáng nay…
- Completed actions at a time in the past which is not important or
Kinh nghiệm bản thần

4. Present perfect continuous:

Positive + S +have/has been + V-ing
Negative - S +have/has not been + V-ing
Question ? Have/has + S + been + V-ing?

Since + a point of time
For + a period of time
All + time ( all the morning)

Use: Actions continuing up to the present

Hành động được kéo dài liên tục tới hiện tại và có thể tiêấp tục đêấn
tương lai
(nhầấn mạnh sự kéo dài liên tục, ví dụ như sự chờ đợi)
Examples: + I have been working for 3 hours.
Đã làm việc được 3 tiêấng và vầẵn phải tiêấp tục làm.
+ Now I am very tired because I have been working
for 8 hours.
Đã làm xong và giờ mệt.

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5. State Verbs: use PRESENT SIMPLE

- Thoughts: agree, assume, believe, disagree, forget, hope, imagine,
know, regret, remember, suppose, think, understand
- Existence: be, exist
- Feelings: adore, despite, dislike, enjoy, feel, hate, like, love, mind,
need, prefer, satisfy, want
- Senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste (use can)
- Possession: have, own, belong to, consist of, include, involve
- Description: appear, contain, look, look like, mean, resemble,
seem, smell, sound, taste, weigh


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1. Past simple:
‘be’ Other verbs
Positive + S + was/ were + … S + V PI/-ed (the past)
Negative - S + wasn’t/ weren’t + … S + didn’t + V PI (infinitive)
Question ? (Wh-) + was/ were (not) + S + …? (Wh-) + did (not) + S + V PI…?

Last night, last week,…
Ago (2 days ago)

- Single past completed actions
Hành động đã xảy ra và kêất thúc trong quá khứ
- Past repeated actions
Thói quen trong quá khứ
- A series of actions in the order that they happened
Một chuỗẵi hành động xảy ra liên tiêấp trong quá khứ
- Permanent actions in the past which are no longer true (used to)
Hành động mang tnh lầu dài trong quá khứ, xảy ra đêấn 1 mỗấc thời
gian được nhắấc tới (có thể dùng used to)

2. Past continuous:
Positive + S + was/were + V-ing
Negative - S + was/were + not + V-ing
Question ? (Wh-) + was/were (not) + V-ing…?

At + time in the past (at 8p.m last night)
At this time + time in the past (at this time 2 weeks ago)
In + year, in the past


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- Actions in progress at (around) a particular moment in the past

Hành động xảy ra tại (hoặc trong một khoảng) thời điểm cụ thể
trong quá khứ (ví dụ lúc 9h sáng hỗm qua)
- Two actions or more in progress at the same time
Hai hay nhiêầu hành động xảy ra cùng lúc trong quá khứ
- Temporary actions in the past
Hành động mang tnh tạm thời trong quá khứ
Example: At the time, I was working for Zara in Hanoi.
Tại thời điểm đó làm cho zara nhưng sau đó nghỉ.
- Changing and developing situations
Kêấ hoạch, dự định trong quá khứ
- Annoying habits in the past
Hành động xảy ra liên tiêấp trong quá khứ (nhầấn mạnh sự khó chịu)

3. Past perfect simple:

Positive + S + had + V PII/-ed (past participle)
Negative - S + had not + V PII/-ed
Question ? (Wh-) + had + S + V PII/-ed…?

After, before
By the time (+past simple, past perfect)
By the end of

- Completed actions before a moment in the past
Hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ
- A series of actions continuing up to a moment in the past
Một chuỗẵi hành động xảy ra liên tiêấp tới 1 thời điểm trong quá
- Completed actions where the important thing is the result at a
moment in the past
Hành động đã xảy ra nhưng để lại kêất quả tại 1 thời điểm trong
quá khứ (nhầấn mạnh kêất quả)
example: I took a nap after I had finished my homework.

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4. Past perfect continuous:

Positive + S +had been + V-ing
Negative - S +had not been + V-ing
Question ? Had + S + been + V-ing?

Until then
By the time
Before, after
Prior to that time

- Actions continuing up to a moment in the past
Hành động xảy ra kéo dài liên tục đêấn một thời điểm trong quá
khứ (nhầấn mạnh sự kéo dài liên tục)

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1. Will
Positive + S + will + Verb inf
Negative - S + will not + Verb inf
Question ? Will (not) + S +Verb inf…?

- Predictions based on opinions and experiences
Dự đoán khỗng có cơ sở
- Future events or facts
Một sự việc seẵ xảy ra trong tương lai
- Decisions made at the moment of speaking
Quyêất định đưa ra ngay tại thời điểm nói
- Offers and suggestions
Lời đêầ nghị, lời mời
- Promises
Lời hứa
- Requests
Lời yêu cầầu

 0% no plan

2. Be going to
Positive + S + am/is/are + going to + Verb inf
Negative - S + am/is/are + not + going to + Verb inf
Question ? am/is/are (not) + S + going to + Verb inf…?

- Predictions based on present evidence
Dự đoán có cơ sở
- Intentions
Kêấ hoạch, dự định trong tương lai

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 70% intention

3. Be about to
Positive + S + am/is/are + about to + Verb inf
Negative - S + am/is/are + not + about to + Verb inf
Question ? am/is/are (not) + S + about to + Verb inf…?

- Likely to happen in the immediate future
Dường như xảy ra luỗn
Example: I’m about to go downstairs.
Chuẩn bị xuỗấng nhà luỗn.

 99,99% intention

4. Present

 Present simple:
S +Verb(s/es)
- Fixed future events (schedule or timetable)
Lịch cỗấ định (tổ chức)

 99,99% schedule

 Present continuous:
S + am/is/are + V-ing
- Arrangement
- Intention
Sự sắấp xêấp và dự định (cá nhần)

 90% plan

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5. Future

 Future continuous:
Positive + S + will be + V-ing
Negative - S + will not be + V-ing
Question ? Will (not) + S + be V-ing…?

At this time/ at this moment + time in the future
At + time in the future (at 8p.m)

- Actions in progress at a certain time in the future
Hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong tương lai
- Actions will happen in the future in the normal course of
Hành động seẵ xảy ra như một phầần trong kêấ hoạch
- Habits or repeated actions at a point in the future
Hành động seẵ diêẵn ra và kéo dài liên tục
(nhầấn mạnh sự kéo dài liên tục)

 Future perfect simple

Positive + S + will have + V PII/-ed (past participle)
Negative - S + will not have + V PII/-ed
Question ? Will (not) + S + have + V PII/-ed…?

By + time in the future
By the end of + time in the future
Before + time in the future


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- Completed actions before a certain time in the future

Hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm trong tương lai

 Future prefect continuous:

Positive + S + will have been + V-ing
Negative - S + will not have been + V-ing
Question ? will not + S + have been + V-ing..?

By then
By + time in the future
By the end of + time in the future

- Actions in progress up to a point in the future
Hành động diêẵn ra kéo dài liên tục đêấn một thời điểm trong
tương lai (nhầấn mạnh sự kéo dài liên tục)


1. The passive:

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Noun + be in the correct form + past participle (PII) + by/with + noun
Present simple am/is/are + PII (past participle)
Present continuous am/is/are + being + PII
Present perfect simple have/has + been + PII
Past simple was/were + PII
Past continuous was/were + being + PII
Past perfect simple had + been + PII
Will future will + be + PII
Be going to is/are + going to be + PII
Future perfect simple will + have been + PII
Modal modal + be + PII
Modal + perfect inf modal + have been + PII
Gerund -ing being + PII

Being made -> in progress
Being trained -> in training
Being displayed -> on display
Being considered -> under consideration
Being built -> under construction

2. The impersonal passive:

S + is/are + passive verb + to verb inf Passive verb: ask, estimate, consider,
Example: expect, mean, see, suppose
He is thought to be a great chef.
It is + passive verb + that + clause Passive verb: agree, announce, argue,
Example: decide, disclose, expect, hope,
It is thought that he is a great chef. predict, recognize, suggest


Have somebody do something -> have something done

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Get somebody to do something -> get something done

Make somebody do something -> somebody be made to do something
Help somebody do something -> somebody be helped to do something
Help somebody with doing something -> somebody be helped to do something
Need to do something -> need doing something
need to be done


1. Zero conditional

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If + present tense, … + present

Present tense + if + present tense

- General truth or facts and definitions
Một chần lý, sự thật hiển nhiên hoặc định nghĩa
If you heat water to 100C, it boils.

2. First conditional
If + present tense, … + will/ won’t (might/ could/ going to) + verb
will/ won’t (might/ could/ going to) + verb + if + present tense

- A probable future results
Có thể xảy ra trong tương lai
If you have a birthday party, you will receive loads of presents.
+ use might/ could/ may instead of will to suggest something is
less probable
If I invest it, I might lose it all.
+ use can to mean sometimes
If you travel at rush hour, the trains can be very crowded.
(sometimes happen)

3. Second conditional
If + past tense, would/ might/ could (not) + verb
would/ might/ could (not) + verb + if + past tense

- Hypothetical situations in the present or future
Giả định trong hiện tại và tương lai (khó có thể xảy ra)
If I invested my money, it would grow.
+ use was/were with I/he/she/it

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+ use was/ were + to V infinitive to refer to unlikely actions in the

If you were to spend a year to travelling, you would probably
need a lot of money than this.
- Advice
If I were you, I would think very carefully about my future.

4. Third conditional
If + past perfect, would (not) have + past participle
would (not) have + past participle + if + past perfect

- Hypothetical situations in the past
Giả định trong quá khứ (đã khỗng xảy ra)
If you had asked me, I would have done it.
+ use might or could instead of would to say that something was
less certain
If I had saved more money, I might have gone on that trip.

5. Mixed conditional
- The present result of a hypothetical past situation:
Đầầu 3 đuỗi 2: Hành động ngược lại quá khứ, kêất quả trái với hiện

If + past perfect, would (not) + verb infinitive

If I had listened to my parents, I wouldn’t be in so much

trouble now.

- The past result of a hypothetical present situation:

Đầầu 2 đuỗi 3: hành động ngược lại hiện tại, kêất quả trái quá khứ

If + past simple, would (not) + have + past participle

If I had a mobile, I would have called you last night.

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6. Inverted conditionals:

First conditional Should + S+ (not) + V inf, S + will + V inf

Có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai Should I have free time, I will play tennis.
Second conditional Were + S + (not) + O, S + would + V inf
Khỗng thể xảy ra ở hiện tại Example: Were I a bird, I would fly.
Third conditional Had + S + (not) + V PII, S + would have + V PII
Đã khỗng thể xảy ra trong quá khứ Example: had you trained harder, you would
have won a gold medal.
Mixed conditional Had + S + (not) + V PII, S + would + V inf
Example: had I studied harder for final test,
I wouldn’t be disappointed now.

7. Other words:

Unless Nêấu… khỗng She won’t go if you do not go

= if … not = she won’t go unless you go
In case + clause Phòng khi Bring an umbrella in case it rains.
In case of + noun Phòng khi In case of fire, leaving the building.
As/ So long as Miêẵn là, chỉ cầần We will camp outside as long as the
Chỉ loại 1 weather is good.
Provided/ providing that Miêẵn là, chỉ cầần We’ll buy anything provided that the
Chỉ loại 1 price is reasonable.
On condition (that) Với điêầu kiện là She will help you on condition that you
are kind to her
Suppose/ supposing Giả sử Suppose you won the lottery, what
Chỉ loại 2 & 3 would you do?
Otherwise Nêấu khỗng If he is not at home before 11p.m, he
will be locked out.
But for + noun Nêấu khỗng vì… He would have played but for a knee
Chỉ loại 2 & 3 injury.
Even if Cho dù, ngay cả Even if I become a billionaire, I will still
khi, thậm chí be working.

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Only if Chỉ khi She can play video games only if her
parents let her.
As if/ as though Như thể là She looked as if he had run 5km.
Chỉ loại 2 & 3
What if Nêấu như…? What if you told her my secrets?
If it wasn’t/ weren’t for + N Nêấu khỗng có… If I weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know
+ were it not for + N Chỉ loại 2 what to do.
Were it not for you, I wouldn’t know
what to do.
If it hadn’t been for + N Nêấu khỗng … If it hadn’t been for your help, I would
+ Had it not been for + N Chỉ loại 3 have been badly injured.
Had it not been for your help, I would
have been badly injured.
If … should… Nêấu có If you should run into John, tell him
phone me.
If … happen to … Nêấu có If you happen to pass a market, perhaps
you could get some eggs.
If … should happen to … Nêấu có If you should happen to finish early, give
me a ring.
If … was/were to … Nêấu mà If you were to move your chair a bit, we
Lường trước could all sit down.
tương lai
It’s high (about) time + S + Đáng nheẵ phải He is 25 years old now. It’s high time he
V PI (past) làm gì đó rỗầi found a job.
Quá trêẵ
It’s time + S + V PI (past) Đã đêấn lúc phải It’s time the children were in bed.
làm gì đó
Vầẵn trong tầầm
kiểm soát

1. Wishes about the future:

S + wish(es) + (that) S + would (not) + V inf

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If only

Example: I wish John wouldn’t busy tomorrow.

2. Wishes about the present:

S + wish(es) + (that) S + (not) + V PI (past)

If only

Example: I wish that I had a big house.

3. Wishes about the past:

S + wish(es) + (that) S + had (not) + V PII (past participle)

If only

Example: I wish I had studied harder at school.

4. Other structures with wish/if only:

Wish + to V Lịch sự hơn I wish to speak to Mr

>would like Khỗng dùng cho thì John, please.
tiêấp diêẵn
Wish + Noun Lời chúc, mong điêầu I wish you a lucky day.
tỗất đẹp
Wish/ If only + would Chỉ trích, ước mọi I wish they would offer
chuyện khác đi me a pay rise.
Wish/ If only + could Có khả nắng trong hiện I wish I could find a job
tại that pays well.
Wish/ If only + could have + V PIII Có khả nắng trong quá I wish I could have been
khứ there.


1. Although/ Though/ Even though


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Although/ Though/ Even though + S + V, S + V

S + V, although/ though/ even though + S + V

- Emphatic: even though > although > though
Nhầấn mạnh
- Informal: though> although > even though
Trang trọng

2. Despite/ in spite of

In spite of/ despite + V-ing , S + V

In spite of/ despite + the fact (that) + S + V, S + V
In spite of/ despite + Noun, S + V

3. However/ Nevertheless:
 However:
However + adj/adv + S + V
= No matter how + adj/adv + S + V

 Nevertheless: everywhere in sentence

- Informal: nevertheless > however

4. Would rather/ sooner

5. While/ whereas

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