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American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB)

Faculty of Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering
Final Term Assignment (OBE)

Course Name: Telecommunications Engineering

Course Code: EEE 4209 Section: D
Dr. Mir Mohammad
Semester: Fall 2021-22 Faculty:
Nazmul Arefin

Final Term Assignment (OBE) [week 11-12]
Identify and analyze next generation IoT based telemedicine systems
Assessed CO3:
with extensive literature review
Assessed POI: P.b.4.C4

Student Name: Asfir Hossain Shanto 18-38629-2

Submission Date: 9/12/21 Due Date: 9/12/21

Marking Rubrics (to be filled by Instructor)

Proficient Good
Category Unacceptable [0-2] Secured Marks
[5-6] [4-3]
The abstract is generally
The abstract is well good but not well thought-
Abstract is not well written.
written out or few errors in
Major oversights in
and clearly outlines the formatting. Some
Literature review completeness are found in
article. The introduction components of the
and depth of the introduction. Review
is well organized. Review introduction are missing.
knowledge (P1) does not show a clear
properly explains the Review explains the theory
understanding of the stated
theory associated with the associated with the identified
identified topic. topic with a few missing
Analysis, and The analysis provides a The analysis provides a The analysis is unclear, not
conclusion thorough review of the satisfactory review of the supported, or conveys a
issue and is complete. issue and is partially personal tone, and is not
The subject is well complete. The subject is closely linked with the
summarized, and moderately well summarized, identified topic. The
recommendations lack and recommendations lack conclusion is poorly written
specificity. specificity. and does not offer any
significant recommendations.
Engineering Extrapolates ideas and Shows limited understanding Shows minimum
specialist content for use in of applications of specialized understanding of applications
knowledge (K4) different specialized engineering science to the of specialized engineering
engineering solutions real industry problem science to real industry
Range of conflicting Demonstrate a wide range Demonstrate a limited range Demonstrate minimum range
requirements (P2) of conflicting of conflicting requirements of conflicting requirements
requirements for the for the complex problem for the complex problem
complex problem
Extent of The report shows an The report shows some The report shows minimum
stakeholder extensive analysis of evidence regarding different evidence regarding different
involvement and different stakeholder stakeholder involvement stakeholder involvement
conflicting involvements with their with their mutual conflicting with their mutual conflicting
requirements (P6) mutual conflicting requirements. requirements.
Total Marks
(Out of 30):

Asfir Hossain Shanto

Department of EEE,
American International University-Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract Furthermore, it is well recognized that telemedicine existed

In the current new normal, telemedicine's importance and long before the Internet. For decades, telemedicine has been
promise as a suitable and efficient tool for addressing, available. Telemedicine has existed in various forms and
enhancing, and maintaining health becomes clear. The stages of maturity for nearly eight decades. Telemedicine is a
current new normal in healthcare will be a mixed approach term that literally means "healing from afar." Furthermore,
that includes both traditional and telemedicine procedures. As there are over 100 acceptable definitions and designations for
a result, the authors take a quick look at telemedicine and the the term telemedicine. Many countries have embraced new
roles of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial technology and legislation in order to maximize the use of
Intelligence in it. In addition, the chapter discusses success IoT in healthcare systems. As a result, modern healthcare
factors, possibilities, and constraints related to telemedicine research has become a more interesting topic to investigate.
installations. Theoretical and practical implications are also The goal of this study is to give a comprehensive assessment
presented in this setting. The chapter examines success of IoT-based healthcare systems' supporting technologies,
criteria and emphasizes the bright future that modern IoT and services, and applications, as well as to describe the progress
AI technologies provide. The previous 10 years have seen a of state-of-the-art studies in the field. The utilization of such
lot of research into healthcare services and their technology communication services in conjunction with quickly
advancements. To be more specific, the Internet of Things evolving technology (such as machine learning, big data
(IoT) has showed promise in connecting a variety of medical analysis, Internet of things (IoT), wireless sensing, mobile
devices, sensors, and healthcare specialists in order to provide computing, and cloud computing) has increased healthcare
high-quality medical treatment in a remote place. Patient facility accessibility. The Internet of Things has increased
safety has improved, healthcare expenses have decreased, human independence while also expanding their ability to
healthcare services have become more accessible, and the interact with the outside world. With the help of futuristic
healthcare industry's operational efficiency has increased. protocols and algorithms, the Internet of Things has become
a significant contributor to worldwide communication. It
Introduction connects a vast number of items to the Internet, including
We will have more convenient and superior healthcare as a wireless sensors, home appliances, and electrical devices.
result of important medical informatics deployments, Agriculture, automobiles, the home, and healthcare are all
opportunities provided by the Internet, and telemedicine examples of IoT applications. The Internet of Things is
practices. Furthermore, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial gaining popularity due to its advantages of improved
intelligence technologies are changing and will continue to accuracy, reduced cost, and the capacity to better forecast
change our current and future healthcare perspectives and future events. Furthermore, the quick IoT revolution has been
experiences. Medical informatics is defined as the use of aided by greater knowledge of software and apps, as well as
computers to share, retrieve, and use medical information. the advancement of mobile and computer technologies, the
Furthermore, telemedicine is described as the delivery of widespread availability of wireless technology, and the
health care services, clinical data, and even medical education growth of the digital economy.
over a long distance using telecommunication technologies.
Architecture of Healthcare IoT (HIoT)
past for an HIoT system. It is crucial to list out all associated
The IoT framework for healthcare applications assists in activities related to the desired health application while
integrating the benefits of IoT technology and cloud designing a new IoT-based healthcare system for real-time
computing into the field of medicine. It also specifies the patient monitoring. The success of the IoT system depends on
protocols for transmitting patient data from a variety of how it is satisfying the requirements of healthcare providers.
sensors and medical equipment to a particular healthcare Since each disease needs a complex procedure of healthcare
network. The arrangement of diverse components of an IoT activities, the topology must follow the medical rules and
healthcare system/network that are coherently integrated in a steps in the diagnosis procedure.
healthcare context is known as the topology of an HIoT.
Publisher, broker, and subscriber are the three essential
components of a simple HIoT system (Figure 1). The
publisher symbolizes a network of connected sensors and HIoT Technologies
other medical devices that may record the patient's vital
information individually or concurrently. Blood pressure, The technologies that are used to develop an HIoT system is
heart rate, temperature, oxygen saturation, ECG, EEG, EMG, crucial. This is because the use of specific technology can
and other parameters may be included. The publisher can enhance the ability of an IoT system. Hence, to integrate
deliver this data to a broker in a continuous stream through a different healthcare applications with an IoT system, various
network. The broker is in charge of processing and storing the state-of-the-art technologies have been adopted. These
data that has been collected in the cloud. Finally, the technologies can broadly be categorized into three groups,
subscriber participates in ongoing monitoring of the patient's namely, identification technology, communication
data, which can be accessed and viewed via a smartphone, technology, and location technology.
computer, tablet, or other device. After observing any
physiological anomaly or deterioration in the patient's health
status, the publisher can evaluate these data and provide *Identification Technology:
feedback. The HIoT combines separate components into a A practical consideration in designing an HIoT system is the
hybrid grid, with each component on the IoT network and accessibility of the patient’s data from the authorized node
cloud in the healthcare network serving a unique purpose. (sensor), which may be present at remote locations. This can
Since the topology for an HIoT depends on the healthcare be carried out with effective identification of the nodes and
demand and application, it is hard to suggest a universal sensors that are present in the healthcare network. the
structure for HIoT. Numerous structural changes have been application of IoT in healthcare demands new technologies
adopted in the that have the capability to locate things based on a global
identification number, safely manage the identity of the
components using different encryption and authentication
Publis techniques, and build a global directory search for efficient
discovery of IoT services under the UUID scheme.

Sens ble




Pharmace Insurance Hospital

utical Patient’s
Figure 1: Architecture of an HIoT framework technology
the application of IoT in healthcare demands new short-distance communication technologies such as RFID,
technologies that have the capability to locate things based on Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and so on can also be used to employ LPS.
a global identification number, safely manage the identity of Ultra-wideband (UWB) radio, on the other hand, is favoured
the components using different encryption and authentication because of its superior temporal resolution. This allows the
techniques, and build a global directory search for efficient receiver to calculate the arrival time with precision. Young
discovery of IoT services under the UUID scheme. and Zetik used a UWB-based localization technique for
tracking that relies on the time difference of arrival (TDOA).
Other measuring criteria, such as relative and differential
*Communication Technology: time of arrival, round trip time of flight, and so on, have been
Communication technologies ensure the connection among documented in the literature when constructing a UWB-based
different entities in an HIoT network. these technologies can localization system. GPS, as well as other high-bandwidth
be broadly divided into short-range and medium-range communication technologies, could be used to construct
communication technology. the short-range communication smart healthcare networks in the future.
technologies are the protocols that are used to establish a
connection among the objects within a limited range or a
body area network (BAN), whereas the medium-range
communication technologies usually support communication
for a large distance, e.g., communication between a base Mobile IoT
station and the central node of a BAN. +e distance of The Internet of Things (IoT) or m-IoT refers to the use of
communication may vary from a few centimeters to several mobile computers, sensors, communication technologies, and
meters in the case of short-range communication. In most of cloud computing to track patient health data and other
the HIoT applications, short-range communication physiological parameters. To put it another way, it acts as a
technology is preferred. Some of the most widely used communication link between personal area networks and
communication techniques include RFID, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, mobile networks (such as 4G and 5G) in order to deliver a
Bluetooth, etc. Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID). reliable Internet-based healthcare service. The use of mobile
RFID is used for short-range communication (10 cm–200 m). has made HIoT services more accessible to healthcare
It consists of a tag and a reader. The tag is developed using a practitioners, who can now access patient data, diagnose
microchip and antenna. It is used to uniquely identify an problems, and treat patients more quickly. A number of
object/device (healthcae equipment) in the IoT environment. studies on the use of mobile computing in healthcare have
The reader transmits or receives information from the object been published. Istepanian et al. created an m-IoT-based
by commuicating with a tag using radio waves. In the case of system that could monitor glucose levels in diabetic patients
IoT, the data used in the tag are in the form of an electronic and aid in the management of hypoglycemia. In another
product code (EPC). RFID enables healthcare providers to study, various sensors were used for fall detection and heart
quickly locate and track healthcare equipment. The main rate regulation in a mobile gateway-based HIoT system
advantage of RFID is that it does not need an external power dubbed "AMBRO." It could also use an embedded GPS
source. However, it is a highly insecure protocol and may module to find the patients. An IoT-based real-time
show compatibility issues while connecting with a monitoring system that detects aberrant heart activity and
smartphone. informs the patient when the heart rate exceeds 60–100 beats
per minute has been reported in. +e In an m-IoT system, the
*Location Technology: security and privacy of the user and their data is critical.
The real-time location system (RTLS) or location Physical and technical protections, network security, audit
technologies are used in the healthcare network to identify reports, and technical policies are only some of the
and track the whereabouts of an object. It also keeps track of approaches presented in to solve the aforementioned
the treatment process based on how available resources are challenges.
distributed. The Global Positioning System, also known as
GPS, is one of the most frequently utilized technologies.
Satellites are used for tracking purposes. As long as there is a
clear line of sight between the object and four separate
satellites, an object can be detected using GPS. It can be used
in HIoT to detect the location of an ambulance, a healthcare
professional, carers, patients, and so on. The use of GPS is,
however, limited to outdoor applications since nearby
facilities can interfere with communication between the
object and the satellite. A local positioning system (LPS)
network can be useful in these situations. LPS can track an
object by sensing the radio signal that is emitted from the Figure 3: A generalized m-IoT environment
traveling object to an array of predeployed receivers. Various
Applications Individuals who were born between 1977 and 1994 are
The HIoT services/concepts are used for the development of defined as Generation Y. Those are the first generation to
different IoT-based applications. Researchers working in the evaluate that technology is not a right, but a given. They
said fields have proposed different concepts to the service of habitually use technology and the Internet. Over 90% of these
mankind. In simple words, concepts are more developer- population groups are online. Generation Z people are
centric, whereas applications are user-centric. The rapid individuals who were born between 1995 and 2015. They use
development in the IoT-technology has led to the high-technology products and services and multiple
development of more affordable and userfriendly wearable technological tools to access information. Their technology
sensors, portable gadgets, and medical devices. These use and readiness are very high. Therefore, it can be predicted
systems can be used to collect patient’s information, diagnose that recent generations are willing to use telemedicine
diseases, monitor the health of the patients, and generate services to a greater extent. Their given readiness levels
alerts in case of a medical emergency (Figure 4). In the concerning tech-use will possibly promote telemedicine
following section, some of the most recent commercially implementations. As the responsible governments and
available devices have been discussed. Further, various relevant regulatory bodies make investments concerning both
HIoT-based applications have been addressed including both the present and future trends, they can confidently assume
single condition and multiple conditions. that Generation Y and Z will make use of their pertinent
investments regarding telemedicine practices. The given
characteristics of these generation are to rationalize such
• ECG monitoring investments. Besides, COVID-19 pandemic is a crucial
• BP monitoring opportunity to establish, improve, and disseminate
• Temperature monitoring telemedicine practices. It is necessary to address
• Glucose level monitoring telemedicine, assuming that it will be not a short-term but a
• Oxygen saturation monitoring permanent instance in the blended health care system for the
• Asthma monitoring current new normal concentrating on policy and regulation.
This will not only help us manage the effects of recent
• Mood monitoring
pandemic more easily but also construct a bright and robust
• Medication management
future for new generations. Telemedicine helps relevant
• Wheelchair management
stakeholders to manage the adverse effects of pandemic
• Rehabilitation scenarios. Moreover, a study proposed by identified that
• Other notable applications usage of telemedicine tools by primary care pediatricians
increased significantly throughout COVID-19 lockdown.
This must be treated as an opportunity to establish and
maintain an integrated medical approach. Several studies are
reporting the satisfaction with teleconsultations and cost-
effectiveness of remote care. Technological advances
developed during the COVID-19 pandemic to amplify the
current situation regarding remote care practices. These
opportunities must persuade and encourage all the relevant
stakeholders as these will notably increase the anticipated
benefits of telemedicine practices.

Several barriers concerning the implementation and
dissemination of telemedicine still exist. Nonetheless, these
obstructions ought to be evaluated as opportunities and
prospects for potential improvements. Telemedicine modifies
most healthcare practices from hospitals to homes and
technology devices, which makes legitimately continuous
monitoring possible. These facts allow identifying barriers to
manage health inequalities and transform the health care
needs and expectations of the current new normal.
Understanding and elimination of such barriers cannot be
ignored or postponed as this will bring about the wasting of
relevant time, money. The main barriers regarding
In addition to the advancements in IoT, AI, and other relevant
telemedicine are listed as price, infrastructure, and
technologies, there are supplementary opportunities for the
information requirements. Additionally, the leading obstacles
successful implementation and dissemination of
are deficiency of funding, shortage of infrastructure,
telemedicine. Telemedicine in the Current New Normal 33
contending health system urgencies, and nonexistence of
enough pertinent legislation or regulations. In low-income
regions, m-Health capabilities and practices are not at a base for future advancement and research focus in the
expected phases of progress. Reimbursement issues and upcoming years. Moreover, a comprehensive up-to-date
economics facts are relevant barriers regarding the knowledge on the HIoT devices has been provided for the
development and dissemination of telemedicine. A study readers who are not only willing to initiate their research but
proposed by states several barriers on the subject of also make advancements in the said field.
telemedicine as technically challenged staff, resistance to
change, cost, reimbursement, age of the patient, and level of
education of the patient, in order of the importance reported.
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