MC Assigment

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Name : Muhammad Aufa RM

NPM : 24071122149

Class : C

MC assignment

Arrival of guests :

Assalamualaikum and good night.

Before the event started, I invited the guests to sit down because the event was about to start.

Also make sure that all guests have registered at the registration desk.

You may find our staff ready to guide you to your seat.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Thank You.

Introduction :

All guests may have a seat

Salutation :


Greetings to,

Rector of Garut University,

Dr. H. Abdusy Syakur, M.eng

Regent of Garut Regency,

Dr. Rudy Gunawan, S.H., M.H.

Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Informatics,

Prof. Dr. Hj. Umm Salamah, M.S.

and thank you for the presence of our guests namely,

Deputy Chancellor of the University of Garut, Deputy Dean of FKominfo Uniga, Chair of the
Student Executive Board, Head of the Student Organization Unit of FKominfo Uniga

Assalamualaikum wbt and good evening to all ladies and gentlemen in the hall.

Welcome to the negotiation event about the importance of digital literacy in Garut district

In this captivating event, we will witness a collaboration between the faculties of communication
and information and the Garut district government.
Gratitude :

First of all, let's be grateful for the grace of Allah SWT. that has been given to us so that we can stay
healthy and be in seminars on drug prevention in the younger generation.

Congratulations and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad saw.

Recitation of du’a :
Before we continue, let's start with the reading of the prayer which will be led by Taufik Salman

Thank you to Taufik Salman for reading the prayer earlier.

Opening speech :
Without further ado, I welcome the Chancellor of Garut University, Dr. H. Abdusy Syakur, M.Eng to give
the opening and welcoming speech.

Thanks to Dr. H. Abdusy Syakur, M.Eng for his opening speech.

Next, I would like to welcome the Regent of Garut Regency, Dr. Rudy Gunawan, S.H., M.H. to give the
opening and welcoming speech.

Thanks to Dr. Rudy Gunawan, S.H., M.H. for his opening speech.

Speaker’s speech :

Next, I invited the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Informatics, Prof. Dr. Hj. Umm Salamah,
M.S. convey their insights.

Thanks to the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Informatics, Prof. Dr. Hj. Umm Salamah, M.S.
for his speeches and insights.

Signing Agreement Session :

Now, I welcome both Mr. Dr. H. Abdusy Syakur, M.Eng and Mr. Dr. Rudy Gunawan, S.H., M.H. followed
by signing the agreement.

The introduction can guide the representative.

Media partners can take positions to take photos.

Closure :

As the saying goes, “for every beginning, there is an end.

And now, the ceremony had ended.

Once again, thank you all for brightening up our event with your presence. We really appreciate it.

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to apologize if we made a mistake during the event.

I ended my duties as host for today's event together, wabillah hitaufik walhidayah. Wassalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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