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Price Fairness:

Price factor is a prime determinant to identify the consumer satisfaction and loyalty in telecommunication
service sector. Price or worth for money denotes the monetary benefits consumer acquires by subscribing a
mobile network. Price is a sum of money accused for product or service consumption (Kotler and Armstrong,
2010). Customer wellbeing has emerged due to the market liberalization and increased competition, since
customers get benefited from intense competition in terms of price fairness and service offerings (Corrocher
and Lasio, 2013). Most of the mobile operators enter the market segment targeting the low-cost price
strategies. Pricing is one of the leading factors affecting consumer satisfaction in every organization which
forms the competitive advantages (Chakraborty and Sengupta, 2014). Mobile operating services are unique
service and customers are willing to pay for this service only when they become satisfied. Therefore, they
would continue to stay with this existing operator, otherwise, in reverse.

Network quality is considered as the trigger to competitive advantages of telecommunication industry, as it
cares to attract and retain the customer. Researchers have identified the association between network service
quality and its consequences on customer satisfaction.

pointed that due to low quality of network, consumers become dissatisfied which lead them to switch other
network operators. Additionally, poor network superiority tends to lower customer satisfaction toward the
mobile service operator, thus it causes increased number of customer complaints

Indoor Connectivity:4G in India is currently growing at a rapid pace and we all

should thank Reliance Jio for that. Jio which started its operations just a
couple of years ago has already made its mark in the industry- both in terms
of tariff plans and 4G availability. But the 4G connectivity indoors has always
been an issue with all the telcos in India. Reliance Jio is looking to address this
issue as its partnership with Samsung will ensure that the South Korean
company will deploy indoor cells for improved 4G coverage indoors.
Network upgrades. The single most compelling thing you have to offer is network speed
and throughput; every customer is hungry for it. Investments in telecom network
improvements — fiber and 5G upgrades or other networking technologies — are critical to
preparing for more dynamic, competitive environments. Every successful telecom company
will be armed with a state-of-the-art infrastructure, sufficiently flexible to handle new and
profitable monetization opportunities.

Growth through technology:

eSIM technology refers to a mechanism wherein a SIM card which is directly embedded in
the phone’s architecture. These phone does not require a SIM slot of its own which isn’t the
case with other phones. The eSIM is built into the phone’s system itself, making it easier for
the user to use the phone, without the hassle of changing SIM cards.

Internet of Things:

In simple terms, the internet of things is the name that has been given to the entire spectrum
of devices which are connected to the internet, and/or to each other and can be switched on or
off. These devices include the obvious things, such as mobile phones, computers, wearable
fitness devices, smartwatches and tablets; but also, may include devices like lamps & light
fittings, washing machines, fridges, cars, door locks and even furniture, but to name a few. In
reality, these devices could be mostly anything you can think of.

The idea of IoT (Internet of Things) is to allow devices to connect, respond, adapt and
influence one an another, with the purpose of making our lives easier and more convenient

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