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Exercise 10

9. My dearest Edith will be her natural and constant guardian when you return.
10. "If you get up," Scotty said, "I can give you something to eat."
11. When I meet with real poetry, I cannot rest till I have learned it by heart.
12. Signor Rivarez, you must take something before you go.
13. I dare not approach the subject of the moonstone again until time has done
something to quiet her.
14. If you want to speak to us, wait till my brother come.
15. If you finish, shall we set off for Hunterbury?
16. But perhaps we can continue this chat when my dear brother go.
Exercse 5
1. Has won; has said;hat-trick.
2. Also-ran; has tken; has not finished.
3. Has heard; has been; has traned.
4. No show; has bought; hasn’t come.
Exercise 7
My neighbour is called Jeanine. She comes from Belgium. She lived here since
1995 and she says she has been going back to visit her family in Belgium only
once. She has an accent that is the same as people who come from France, but I
never asked her if she is speaking French. She is really likes to go to the theatre
and she invited me to go with her one Saturday. In the short time I’ve known her,
we’ve become good friends.

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